Document 76153

“The Childhood Cancer Association
provides ongoing and practical hands
on support for children living with
cancer, and their families.”
The Childhood Cancer Association (CCA) is proud to say that we have been providing ‘hands on help’
to children living with cancer and their families for 31 years.
CCA’s unique approach of offering ongoing and tailored support for the entire family has helped
more 114 families in 2013.
CCA Team
We are very lucky at the Childhood Cancer Association to have a dedicated group of supporters who
help us raise the profile of our Association, and increase awareness around childhood cancer.
CCA Patrons
I would like to thank His Excellency Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce AC CSC RANR, Governor of South
Australia and Mrs Liz Scarce. As Patrons of the Association, the Governor and Mrs Scarce are
extremely supportive of what we do and are of great assistance in raising our profile.
CCA Ambassadors
I would like to thank our Ambassadors for their great work. Many of them are involved in raising
awareness of childhood cancer or they are very actively involved in supporting the children we care
for and attending the Association’s key events.
Dr Michael Rice - AM, Paediatric Oncologist Women’s & Children’s Hospital
Travis Boak - Port Power Captain - Port Adelaide Football Club
Kate Collins - Reporter & Presenter Nine News
Kane Richardson – West End Redbacks & Adelaide Strikers cricketer
Michelle Den Dekker – Specialist Coach, Diamonds Netball Team
Eugene Galekovic - Captain, Adelaide United FC
Nigel Boogaard – Vice-Captain, Adelaide United FC
Sam Power – Racing Driver
In 2013 there were a number of changes to the Board. Samantha Scott, David Murada and John
Keeves retired, and Symoane Mercurio was appointed in June. Both Samantha and David were long
term members of the Board serving 6 and 7 years respectively. John Keeves served as a Board
member for 2 years.
I would like to thank all of those Board members for generously donating their time, for their
commitment, and their many contributions to the Childhood Cancer Association.
The current membership of the Board is as follows:
Mr Chris Hartley
Mr Vaughn Eaton
Vice President
Ms Leanne Thomas
Dr Andrew Dunbar
Mr Anthony Pope
Board Member
Mr Phil Rutter
Board Member
Mr Kent Davis
Board Member
Ms Cath O’Loughlin
Board Member
Ms Symoane Mecurio
Board Member
There has been a significant amount of change within the CCA team over the last 12 months, and I
am pleased to say this has all been positive.
In February 2013 we welcomed Kerry Johnson to the Family Service team and, shortly afterwards in
March, Kerry was joined by our new counsellors Chris Coelle and Jennifer Kemp.
Sadly, we said good bye to Denise Ellis who left in March 2013 to pursue professional development
opportunities overseas. Denise, along with Anna Boynton, was instrumental in developing the
current model of highly professional services we provide for children with cancer and their families.
As a result, Anna Boynton took over the role as Manager, Family Services and is continuing to
maintain and improve the outstanding level of services we provide
The current CCA team is as follows:
Chief Executive Officer
Cath O’Loughlin
Family Service
Anna Boynton – Manager – Family Service
Chris Coelle – Senior Counsellor (Clinical Psychologist) – Family Service
Jennifer Kemp - Counsellor (Psychologist) - Family Service
Kerry Johnson – Administration & Accommodation Coordinator – Family Service
Marketing & Fundraising
Kylie Vaughton – Marketing and Communications Manager
Anais Medwell Events and Community Engagement Manager
Lisa Maguire – Receptionist
Avril West – Administrator
Services and Support to families
In 2013, we continued to focus on improving and providing a greater amount of support to children
with cancer and their families from South Australia, Northern Territory and bordering towns of New
South Wales and Victoria. There were 53 children diagnosed with cancer and subsequently referred
to the Childhood Cancer Association for support. Unfortunately, there were also 6 children who
relapsed and 8 who lost their battle with cancer.
Many more families accessed support from CCA, and there was a significant increase in the use of
therapeutic support services, in particular the counselling services offered by our highly skilled
counsellors in the Family Service Team.
As part of our commitment to deliver the highest standard of services, CCA finalised our “Child Safe
Environments” policy in accordance with the Children’s Protection Act 1993. The Act requires all
organisations providing health, education, welfare, sporting or recreational, religious or spiritual,
child care, or residential services wholly or partly for children to develop policies and procedures to
create and maintain a safe environment for children and young people. CACET Global continued to
provide outstanding support providing Families SA approved Mandatory Notification Training to new
staff members.
Family Services’ (FS) Support Programs
The highlights for the year included:
Hospital Visitation Program
Family Service Counsellors attended 783 hospital visits in 2013.
These visits enable Counsellors to identify the needs of families
and implement early intervention strategies in consultation
with the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH) staff. This
may include direct support from our FS Counsellors or a
referral on to another medical or allied health professional or
service provider.
We have also been fortunate to have Travis Boak, Port Power Captain, undertaking regular hospital
visits to the Michael Rice Centre for Haematology and Oncology throughout the football season.
CCA’s support of the Michael Rice Centre for Haematology and Oncology at the Women’s and
Children’s Hospital continued in 2013. Our supply of snack boxes, tea, coffee and newspapers is
welcomed and well used by parents.
Super Important Brothers & Sisters (SIBS)
The Family Services team continued to make further developments and improvements to the SIBS
program, a psychosocial support group for children aged 5-12 years who have a brother/sister with
The attendance rate remained similar to that in 2012, providing support to 29 children. We continue
to receive a positive response from families whose child/ren attends the group including the
“…they really enjoyed it and I think got a huge amount out of meeting other kids in the same boat.”
We were very fortunate to receive the support of the Grange Surf Life Saving Club for the last SIBS
program of the year. The Surf Life Saving Club were very generously able to arrange approximately
18 volunteers to run a water safety and water play program for the children, donate the hire of their
facilities and equipment and also cater for the day, at a discounted rate.
Bereaved Grandparents Group
The program is designed for grandparents who have experienced the death of a grandchild from
cancer. The grandparents meet together bi-monthly with other grandparents who share the grief of
losing their own grandchild through cancer and to explore feelings around their loss.
In 2013, several new grandparents joined this well attended group. The Bereaved Grandparents
Group remains very relevant for those grandparents who lose a grandchild from cancer as they quite
often have little access to other support systems.
Bradley’s Place, Victor Harbor
In 2013, the occupancy remained stable, with 42 families having the opportunity to stay in our
respite accommodation. Many families state that Bradley’s Place provides them with a peaceful
place away from some of the stresses and demands that come with a childhood cancer diagnosis.
We continue to receive the very generous support from the following
volunteers and donors from the Victor Harbor community:
 Andy & Cheryl Keane from Urimbirra Wildlife Experience
 Megs Whibley from Greenhills Adventure Park
 Neil Hosking from Victorfish
 Victor Harbor Farmers Market
 Hotel Crown
 Marg Dent and the Zonta Club of Fleurieu
Peninsula Inc.
 Michael Koch
Michael Rice Units, Prospect
In 2013, there was approximately a 37% increase in occupancy at the Michael Rice Units, with the
units being occupied for much of the year.
“ …….we have appreciated the amazing little Michael Rice Unit so much. Knowing we didn’t have the
extra stress of needing to find accommodation was such a blessing. It has been our home for several
months and having everything there has been wonderful.”
Home Tutor Scheme
In 2013, the Home Tutor Scheme assisted 22 children to maintain their education throughout their
treatment. One example was assisting an adolescent maintain their schooling to ensure that they
were able to successfully complete their Year 12 studies.
Garrick Scholarship Fund
Established in 2001, this program provides financial assistance to support young people, aged under
25 years, who have previously been diagnosed with cancer in their child or adolescent years. The
scholarship hopes to assist young people to further develop their life knowledge, skills, attitudes and
options for the future after completing their high school studies.
In 2013, we received the highest number of applications for the Scholarship and we were able to
successfully support 8 young people to enable them to access personal or professional development
The volunteer team in Family Services continued to expand, receiving applications from highly skilled
professionals within the community and University students.
This enabled CCA to provide an increased amount of support
to families, including child minding services, and provide
more individualised support for the children attending the
Super Important Brothers and Sisters Program.
We were also very fortunate to receive the assistance from a
Masters Psychology (Clinical) student for several months to
support us with the development of counselling resources,
materials and helping Elliot respond to the many letters he received throughout the year.
Mr Tony Lauterio continues to provide wonderful support assisting with the maintenance of the
Michael Rice Units, helping with the facilitation of the Bereaved Grandparents Group, and other
special projects, including the development of an MRI model for the WCH following the successful
development of a radiotherapy model. The MRI model will be presented to the WCH in February
2014. We sincerely thank Tony for all his ongoing support and assistance.
CCA Christmas Fair
Once again the CCA annual Christmas Fair for families was a highlight of the year. The amazing
generosity displayed by the Edge Church made for a truly wonderful experience for approximately
400 children and parents. Families were able to enjoy car rides, laser skirmish, jumping castles,
petting zoo, cupcake decorating, cake pop making, arts and craft, face painting, henna tattoos,
meeting the many characters, special appearances from Spiderman climbing down the building, a
magical Disney show and of course wonderful food and entertainment. Families were overwhelmed
by the day!
“As always the event was wonderful and we felt privileged to be a part of it”
“It was absolutely incredible - yet again - every member of the family had a ball. A very special day.
Thank you.”
Special Events
We were also very fortunate through the generosity of our many supporters, to receive
complimentary tickets for families to attend events, concerts and sporting matches in Adelaide.
I would like to particularly thank the following businesses for providing welcome distractions to the
children and their families:
Port Adelaide Football Club – Port Power home games
Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation - Circus Quirkus
SGS Gearhart United - Clipsal 500 Corporate box and catering
Ladies of Variety – Aquatic Centre + Movie Tickets
Adelaide Entertainment Centre – the Wiggles and Andre Rieu concerts
Australian Ballet Company – Australian Ballet visit to CCA Office
The Rotary Club of Adelaide – Movie tickets + World Festival of Magic
Women’s and Children’s Hospital Foundation – Cavalia Tickets, Tall Ship visit
Gilbert Racing – Monster Truck Special Day
Rebel Legion – Star Wars Visit
Children with cancer and their siblings can write letters to Elliot either via mail, email or post them in
the letter boxes located at the Childhood Cancer Association office or in the play room of the
Michael Rice Centre for Haematology & Oncology at the Women's & Children's Hospital. Children
may draw a picture, share their concerns with Elliot, or ask questions, which they may not feel
comfortable asking anyone else. CCA’s trained Counsellors respond to each letter as ‘Elliot.’ This can
enable the Counsellors to further assist the children to develop new or alternative coping strategies.
In 2013, Elliot received 190 letters, a 46% increase over 2012. Elliot’s popularity has increased
amongst families and we continue to use him as a therapeutic tool for children with cancer and their
siblings. Additionally, his profile amongst families and the general public is growing as he features on
social media (Facebook & Twitter) and makes more public appearances. Elliot also sent 440 special
Elliot Birthday cards to the children we support.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the very generous support of the Amber
Reinders Childhood Cancer Trust. In 2013 we received a $20,000 grant from the Trust to support our
Elliot Program.
The Family Services team continue to work closely and collaboratively with many of the medical
teams at the WCH - Social Workers and other Allied Health Workers, Medical Consultants, Nurses
and Palliative Care - to ensure the best possible care is delivered to families, throughout their child’s
cancer treatment and beyond.
This model of collaboration is fundamental, as the cancer journey can continue for a number of
years, and it ensures families receive the highest degree of support available to them.
This year we were able to host a training day for our FS Counsellors, the WCH Palliative Care and
Youth Cancer Service Teams, one of the WCH Chaplains, a community Psychologist and a member of
another not for profit organisation. The topic for the day was grief and loss and was facilitated by
Mrs Dianne McKissock, a leader in the field and the co-founder of the Bereavement Care Centre and
the National Centre for Childhood Grief in New South Wales.
Marketing & Communications
Our ability to communicate effectively and broadly, to spread the word about the work we do and
the ongoing fundraising required, is crucial to our success.
This requires a team approach and I would like to particularly thank the following businesses for
their continued professional input and support
Brighter ( (ex BMD) for their continued support helping us to create
materials that enhance our corporate identity and ensure consistency and professionalism in
our communications.
Kubik Design ( for ensuring our website continues to remain
“fresh”, technically up to date and in line with our brand identity.
Visionation ( for again developing an impactful, story-telling DVD.
“Alex’s Story” highlights how the family is involved with the various stages of their sibling’s
illness and the difference CCA’s services make. It was produced to accompany our tax
appeal letter to encourage supporters to continue assisting CCA to provide support and
services to families.
Throughout the year, we keep our donors and corporate supporters up-to-date through the
following ways:
Regular updates on our website
Active presence on our Social Media profiles: Facebook & Twitter
Personalised thank you letters and certificates to acknowledge the work of our
generous supporters in the community.
In October 2013, we organised a “Thank You” event for all our volunteers and supporters. The
cocktail-style function, held downstairs in our office building, was to acknowledge the invaluable
contribution made by each of our volunteers and supporters throughout the year. It was also an
opportunity to introduce Michelle Den Dekker as our newest Ambassador and hear her personal
story and son’s journey through cancer.
The evening was well attended and provided a good networking opportunity for our supporters. The
enjoyable night was capped off with a chocolate fondue……………fruit never tasted so delicious!
The Childhood Cancer Association has an extensive calendar of events which allow us to raise much
needed funds, engage with our community, and raise awareness of childhood cancer.
I would like to thank all our corporate partners and the community groups whose generosity has
helped us raise vital funds so that we can continue to provide support to children and families in
Fundraising in 2013 continued to be very challenging. However, thanks to our generous partners and
the ongoing efforts of staff and volunteers, CCA raised $436,111 through community fundraising and
special events.
Some of the highlights of 2013 were:
City to Bay
In 2013, 546 people participated in this annual fun run with many being keen members of Team
City-Bay is one of the key events in CCA’s calendar and, at the end of their run, participants were
treated to a VIP experience with a massage and gourmet breakfast. In total $26,300 was raised on
the day.
Adelaide Stair Climb
Over the past 4 years, the Childhood Cancer Association has been very
fortunate to be the only nominated charity in this annual event.
Participants are invited to “Step Up for Childhood Cancer” and climb the
600 stairs of Adelaide’s tallest building. Unfortunately, this year Westpac
withdrew their Naming Rights’ sponsorship and, as a result, the event was
called the “Adelaide Stair Climb”.
To make up for the financial loss due to the Westpac sponsorship cancellation, we developed the
“Everest Challenge” to increase participation and fundraising, and generate more interest in the
Each of the armed forces was invited - Air Force, Navy and Army, as well as Ambos, Police and Firies,
to compete against each other in teams of 11 and take on the Everest Challenge. This involved each
of the 10 team members climbing all the stairs of Westpac House twice, which, in total, is the
equivalent of climbing Mount Everest!
The Everest challenge was held in the morning with the armed forces competing against each other
first and then a second challenge with ambos vs police vs firies. The SA Fire Service (Firies) team was
the winner of the inaugural “Everest Challenge”.
Overall, there were 551 participants and $34,290 was raised.
OnkaStompa Compa
In 2013 our great supporter, Mark Mills, again arranged and managed the OnkaStompa Compa - an
annual Fishing Competition down in Perry's Bend on the Onkaparinga River. It was the 9th Compa
organised by Mark and, thanks to the generosity of everyone involved, $10,000 was raised on the
day! A big thank you again to Mark for his ongoing support.
Sweethearts Anonymous
Over the last 10 years, a dedicated group of long
term supporters, Sweethearts Anonymous, raised
funds and has enabled the Association to be well on
its way to purchasing a house boat as
respite/holiday accommodation for children
diagnosed with cancer, and their families. The
Dreamboat is available for hire and anyone who
rents it will be supporting the Childhood Cancer
Association. The hire fees will assist in raising the remaining funds required to cover all costs,
including maintenance. This was greatly advanced through the $15,000 raised by Sweethearts
Anonymous in 2013 for CCA.
Tax Appeal
The 2013 Tax Appeal was very successful and our campaign was significantly aided by the “Alex’s
Story” DVD. The tax appeal letter contained a link to the CCA website which enabled all supporters
to view “Alex’s Story” and hear first-hand how the CCA services and support make a such difference
to families.
We reached over 9,000 people in the community and, thanks to their generosity, we were able to
raise $62,122.
This was an outstanding result that made a great contribution to the funding of our family support
services. I am very proud that our tax appeal allowed us to truly make a difference in the lives of
children living with cancer and their families.
Edge Church International
The Edge Church’s significant and extremely generous contribution to CCA was sustained in 2013
through the conducting of a gala event – “ Childhood Cancer Association Ball” – on April 13th.
Whilst over 300 guests were treated to fine dining, world renowned musician, James Morrison,
entertained them at the Edge Church’s Reynella Campus. Andrew Dunbar, and his wife, Catherine
Yandel, kindly represented CCA on the night.
With a great sense of occasion, the amount of funds raised began at $30,000 and was displayed on
large screens. With a request for one more set from James Morrison, all attendees were asked to
“dig deep” and the amount shown gradually ticked over until a final figure of $60,000 appeared! This
amazing sum was subsequently presented to Cath O ’Loughlin, CEO of CCA.
The Australian Leisure and Hospitality group (ALH)
In 2013, CCA was again extremely fortunate to be nominated as the Australian
Leisure and Hospitality (ALH) charity partner for the year. Thanks to their
outstanding support, more than 30 hotels across South Australia participated in
fundraising activities and raised $146,000 to help children living with cancer. Our
ALH partners exceeded their target by 46%!
Kiwanis International
The Kiwanis Club of SA, 6 clubs in total, very kindly raised $10,000 in 2013 and enabled
CCA to purchase 10 wheelchairs, plus 6 pairs of leg extensions, and a portable ramp.
These will be available for loan by CCA families whenever the need arises.
Many thanks to all CCA’s supportive partners
In 2013 we received $8,000 from the Australian Executors Trustee Discretionary Charitable Trust.
This is the 5th consecutive year we have received a grant from AET. Their support for the Childhood
Cancer Association has now reached $58,000. Their ongoing support is very much appreciated.
Financial Overview
Operating result
In financial terms, 2013 was a very rewarding year for the Association.
After a significant loss in 2012 the team worked extremely hard and the end result was a surplus of
$ 29,129.
Income generated in 2013 was $1,050,186. This compared with $780, 621 for 2012.
The main factors driving the increase in income in 2013 were:
The Association was fortunate to receive a bequest late in 2013 from the late Anne Tothill for
$ 53,127.84. On behalf of all our members I would like to acknowledge this very generous donation
and pass on our condolences to Anne’s family.
Our sale of lottery tickets significantly improved resulting in a 20 % increase on 2012.
Our partnerships with ALH and Edge Church International has a very significant impact on our
financial results . Through their combined efforts they raised an outstanding 15% of our total income
in 2013.
The Patient Assistant Travel Scheme (PATS) is a State Government subsidy for families that have to
travel more than 100 kilometres and stay in the city to access hospitals.
This figure is dependent on the number of children that are diagnosed that live more than 100
kilometres from Adelaide. In 2013 this figure increased significantly by 85%.
Following the significant loss in 2012, the Board focussed on reducing our costs as part of our overall
strategy to turn around the finances of the Association. This involved:
Family Services
In 2013 the number of counsellors was reduced from 3 to 2 .Every effort was made throughout the
year to ensure this reduction in resources did not negatively impact on families.
Further cost savings will be implemented in 2014 . CCA will no longer part-fund the Play Therapist at
the WCH, and the CCA Study and Research grant will be deferred for another year. In addition CCA
will reduce it administration costs by one part-time administration position.
Fundraising Expenses
Fundraising expenses did increase in comparison with 2012.However, it is important to note that the
reason for the increase was the inclusion of the expenses associated with the operation of the
Administration Expenses
Administration expenses were also reduced in comparison with 2012 by 10%.
Governance Information
Bank: Westpac
ABN: 49 917 925 266
Auditors: Grant Thornton
Membership: Fundraising Institute of Australia
Insurance Broker: Australian Insurance Brokers
Where the money comes from
General Donations
CCA does not receive any government funding and therefore receives funds from various other
sources. This includes donations or bequests from individuals and grants from corporate bodies and
Funds are also raised from community fundraising and special events. Other income includes
properties, merchandise, membership, and interests.
Where the money goes
Family Services
Fundraising Expenses
General & Management
Family Services expenditures represent the cost involved with providing the services to children
and families we support.
Fundraising expenditures represent the costs involved with raising funds and promoting the
General and Management include costs related to governance finance and administration.
Looking Ahead
Although we made a modest surplus this year, in 2014 the focus will continue to be on developing a
sustainable model for fundraising for the Association.
We will be looking to improve our fundraising efforts by increasing the support we receive from
grant makers, and from working with our existing partners and developing new partnerships.
Every effort will continue to be made to reduce our costs and maximise the dollars available to
support children with cancer and their families.
Thank You
Our volunteers all have one purpose: to make a difference to the lives of children living with cancer,
and their families.
CCA is very fortunate to receive the support of a strong
team of volunteers assisting us with great enthusiasm.
Whether at events to collect donations, at the hospital to
provide child-minding or in the office to help with admin
support, they are always there with a great smile and a big
I would like to thank our volunteers for their time and
We couldn’t do what we do, without their immense
Finally, I would like to sincerely thank CCA staff and Board. I greatly value their passion, enthusiasm
and professionalism.