Page 01 - Arab Times

City facelift on cards to boost tourism
Family court nod
Municipal Council gives go-ahead
KUWAIT CITY, Feb 13: The
Capital Governorate Municipal
Council committee has approved
a number of proposals which
were submitted by the council
members, reports Al-Jarida daily.
The committee recommended the need
to develop the historical Safat Square in
Kuwait City and make it an attractive area
for visitors and tourists from outside the
The head of the committee in a statement
after the committee meeting said the historical Safat Square contains restaurants, cafÈs,
and heritage shops in addition to green yards
which should be taken into account during
national holidays.
He said the committee is seeking cooperation of the executive branch at the Kuwait
Municipality and concerned state agencies
and public utilities to develop Kuwait City
and make it an attractive place for tourists
and visitors from inside and outside Kuwait.
He explained the director of the master
plan administration at the Municipality
Engineer Saad Muhailbi presented during
the meeting, a visual presentation about the
land and its uses within the city and traffic
congestion resulting from the high population density in the capital in addition to lifting vital infrastructure and services level.
He said that the Committee has also
approved the proposals to expand the exits to
Riyadh Street with the Third Ring Road.
Moreover, the committee also referred a
proposal submitted by Member Mishari AlMutawtah for a comprehensive traffic study
on Jahra to the administration while holding
Court Cases
Immoral activities under massage cover
Tanker driver caught selling 4,500 litres of diesel
KUWAIT CITY, Feb 13: Securitymen
patrolling the Rawdatain area have arrested an unidentified tanker driver for attempting to sell 4,500 liters of diesel, reports AlRai daily.
The daily added, the suspect was arrested when he entered a prohibited zone to
empty the cargo of diesel.
During interrogation he admitted to selling diesel to companies operating in the
The tanker contained 5,500 liters of
diesel and he admitted to selling 1,000
liters to companies working in the area and
the rest he said he was planning to sell on
the black market.
The driver is behind bars at the AlQashaniyah Police Station.
daily said all the four have been reported
absconding by their sponsor.
Immoral activities: The Vice-Squad men
Teen girl missing: A 70-year-old woman
have arrested four Asians for indulging in
immoral activities under the cover of massage, reports Al-Rai daily.
The daily added the suspects were
picked up from an apartment in Salmiya.
They have been handed over to the
Residence Affairs Department.
The arrest came after the security authorities came across an advertisement which
said the Asians were offering massage
service inside an apartment in Salmiya. The
has filed an absconding report on her 14year-old granddaughter with the Riqqa
Police Station, reports Al-Rai daily.
In her complaint the grandmother said
the teenager was visiting her and escaped
from the house through the back door last
She added, she then telephoned the
teenager’s mother to inform her about the
incident and the latter claimed not seeing her.
Police are looking for the granddaughter.
on to the proposal related to reorganizing the
parking lots parallel to Platinum Fitness
Institute in Keifan.
In an unrelated development, several enewspaper editors-in-chief and bloggers
emphasized that the Publications Bill to be
presented to the National Assembly for deliberation should include their prerogatives concerning free practice of their profession without hindrances, reports Al-Seyassah daily.
The editors and bloggers made this known
recently in a symposium on e-publishing at
the Kuwait Journalists Association headquarters. They called for amendment of the bill
especially the aspects relating to revocation of
licenses such that it will be impossible without judicial verdicts. They asked for replace-
ment of partial licenses for e-newspapers with
registration only and abolish the guarantee
which has become a burden on them. They do
not want government to enforce the idea of
having directors and engaging accounting
companies as conditions for their operation.
In his comment, Editor-in-Chief of Red
Line e-Newspaper Saud Al-Sabi’e said the
content of the proposed bill was yet to be
reviewed. He declared the bill stipulates that
publishers and columnists who are involved
in the publications should have joint legal
representatives in case of litigation. He
observed the publishers should not be held
responsible since it is clear the writer who
expressed personal opinion is known. He
argued doing this could make the site owners
register under bogus names to avoid legal
responsibilities. He warned this could complicate the problems to the extent of increasing number of libel suits.
Renowned journalist and blogger Dahim
Al-Qahtani asserted his experience with
government actions regarding journalism
and publishing is not palatable. He said the
government prepared the proposed universal
media which was not passed. He asserted the
e-media bill whose draft was published in
local dailies could be regarded as an open
license to trample upon rights and freedom
of citizens. He added the idea contradicts the
GAT Agreement which will be implemented
in 2016, indicating that Kuwait is a signatory to the agreement.
Trio absolved in
drug consuming
By Jaber Al-Hamoud
Al-Seyassah Staff and Agencies
KUWAIT CITY, Feb 13: The Court of Appeals presided
over by Judge Anwar Al-Enezi upheld the verdict issued
by the Court of First Instance which acquitted three
expatriate youths who were accused of consuming
The defense counsel Lawyer Adel Al-Yahya urged the
court to dismiss the charges against
his clients because the arrest-andsearch procedures were conducted
illegally and the arresting officer
did not follow them properly. He
added that the medical tests have
proven that two of the suspects did
not have traces of the drugs in their
The court granted acquittal
based on Article 44 of the penal
procedural law, which stipulates
that the arresting police needs to
seek permission from detective
officer in case of suspicion and need for searching and
arresting a suspect and the detective office will determine the matter and issue a written permission.
Not to family court: The National Assembly, at its
follow-up session on Wednesday, approved a bill stipulating establishment of the family court, referring it to
the Government.
A clarification memorandum, included in the legislative committee report, indicated at necessity of establishing the family court as a separate judicial entity, saying in part that personal status’ affairs are incompatible
with criminal and civil cases; that they should not be
judged at a single chamber, also noting “sensitive
nature” of some issues concerning parents and children.
The approved bill essentially calls for establishing a
separate headquarters housing the family court, out of
keenness on keeping youngsters separate from adults,
involved in criminal issues, as well as for sake of shortening proceedings’ duration.
Personal status circuits at the court are to be presided
by a single judge. A circuit of appeal should group three
Moreover, it stipulates establishing a center for settling family disputes, where judicial personnel will have
direct contact with the parties of the dispute without
attorneys’ middle role. Furtheremore, a prosecution
authority could be established, to be specialized in family affairs.
The bill third provision says the tribunal jurisdictions
cover both Kuwaitis and non-Kuwaitis, regardless of
religious or sectarian affiliations. (KUNA)
Ahmadi Municipality is working on removing the dust that accumulated throughout the country following the recent sandstorm, reports Al-Seyassah daily. Several teams from the municipality have launched an intensive clean-up operation in the chalets area and highways until
Al-Nuwaiseeb border checkpoint in order to prevent traffic accidents.
GCC youth found dead
‘Woman died of natural causes’
KUWAIT CITY, Feb 13: Police investigations
into the death of an unidentified woman from a
GCC state show there is no foul play in the
death which occurred in Farwaniya, reports AlAnba daily.
According to a report received by the
Farwaniya Public Prosecutor, the woman died
of natural causes inside her home.
Meanwhile, the Hawally Prosecutor has
referred the remains of a 28-year-old GCC
youth to Forensic to identify the cause of death,
reports Al-Anba daily.
The death was reported to the police by the
brother — in-law of the victim. The victim
reportedly died inside his apartment in Jabriya.
In another development, an
unidentified Egyptian
has filed a complaint with the
police accusing
a Palestinian of
swindling him,
In his complaint
the man said the
Palestinian promised to get a work
permit for his rela-
tive if he was ready to spend KD 1,000. The
suspect also made the Egyptian believe that he
owns a company and can get a contract visa for
the relative and took KD 380 advance.
However, after he was paid the part payment, the man disappeared and refused to
answer his call.
And, a Kuwaiti has filed a complaint with the
Sulaibikhat Police Station accusing an Iranian
contractor of breach of trust, reports Al-Anba
In his complaint the Kuwaiti said he agreed
with the man to do some renovation work in his
house and gave him KD 270 in advance and the
man escaped with the money.
Meanwhile, an unidentified person working
at the Kuwait International Airport has filed
a complaint with police station accusing a Kuwaiti of insulting him,
reports Al-Anba daily.
The daily did not give
more details except for
saying the incident
happened when
arrived at the
airport from
Stolen items unloaded from half-lorry
Cable thief nabbed
By Munaif Nayef
Al-Seyassah Staff
A Bangladeshi expatriate was arrested in possession of
stolen cables and iron rods in Jahra area.
According to security sources, Jahra securitymen were
patrolling the area when they noticed the suspect driving a
half-lorry loaded with iron rods. After stopping and questioning him, they discovered that he had stolen the cables
and iron rods and was planning to sell them at the scrapyard.
He was referred with the confiscated items to the concerned authorities for necessary legal action against him.
News in Brief
Indian held with liquor: Police have arrested an Indian
possessing locally-manufactured alcohol, says Al-Seyassah.
The Indian was reportedly picked up on suspicion from
Mangaf while walking along a street.
In other news, police have arrested an Iranian for possessing 55 narcotic pills. He was picked up from Abu Halifa. He
has been handed over to the General Department Drugs
Cross-dressers caught: Police have arrested two
Kuwaiti cross-dressers in Salwa and referred them to the
authorities, says Al-Seyassah.
A security source said a police patrol on duty in the area
saw one of the suspects attempting to tint the glass of the
When police approached they found the suspects in female
garments wearing full makeup.
They have been handed over to the concerned authorities.
During interrogation they said they were planning to go for a
‘fun’ party.
Bird hits KAC plane: A Kuwait Airways flight from
Cairo to Kuwait returned to Cairo International Airport 30
minutes after takeoff because the glass of the cockpit had
cracked when a large bird, which looked like an eagle, hit the
glass, reports Al-Shahed daily quoting an informed source.
He explained that the captain of the Kuwait Airways Fight
542 with 232 passengers onboard had requested for emergency landing after a large bird crashed into the glass of the
cockpit and broke it. After the plane landed, the glass was
changed and the flight was resumed after three hours with
226 passengers. Six passengers had refused to take the flight
as they were traumatized by the incident.