‘CLEVER FINGERS’ AND DEVELOPING FINE MOTOR SKILLS Tuesday 3rd March 2015 09:30-12:30 Ifield Smile, Cedar Avenue, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 5JT Aim: To develop a greater understanding of fine motor skill development and competency and To raise awareness of the ‘Clever Fingers’ strategy and how to implement this fine motor skills resource in your school. Workshop content This training will introduce you to the building blocks of fine motor skill development, as well as, ‘Clever Fingers’ and how it all works. Do you work with pupils that have:Poor Handwriting, Poor Scissor Skills, Poor Motor Co-ordination, Dyspraxia, DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder), Poor Fine Motor Skills, Poor Independence Skills? Then Clever Fingers is for you! Clever Fingers is a ‘Best Practice’ strategy for AEN pupils. As a Resource Pack it comprises of an Interactive Web-based Application (Web App) with an accompanying book. This training will provide you with practical hands-on opportunities to try out the Resource Pack and create your own ideas for a Clever Fingers Box and activities. For further information about Clever Fingers visit www.cleverfingers.co.uk Target Audience This workshop is suitable for SENCOs, Teachers, TAs, support/advisory services and parents Presented by: Karen Al Khina Paediatric Occupational Therapist £70.00 per delegate Refreshments are provided If you would like more information or to make a booking please contact us by: Email: [email protected] Telephone 01474 536924 / Fax 01474 329189 Ifield Smile, Cedar Avenue, Gravesend, Kent DA12 5JT
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