The Dragon 11/02/2015 PH. (03) 51504800 (JUNIOR CAMPUS) (03) 51504802 (SENIOR CAMPUS) [email protected] PRINCIPAL'S REPORT Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of the College A warm welcome to our new students, parents and staff and welcome back to all other members of our school community. It is always a pleasure to get back to work after the break. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our new staff: Teaching Staff Karen Baker (Instrumental Music/Woodwind) Elliott Bauer (Maths) Kathryn Buckland (Physical Education/Health and Human Development) Chris Holmes (Technology) Mandy Holmes (Leading Teacher/Humanities) Palika Kalra (Maths/Science) Jessica Mitreski (Maths) Zoe Stokes (German) Laura Suckling (Maths) Trainees Alex Radford (Sport and Recreation) Jaclyn Rutherford (Library/Administration) Aide Caitlyn McNamara Deaf Role Model Tahlia Barry Welcome back to Kylie Greenaway (Humanities). Pictured (L-R) Caitlyn McNamara, Jaclyn Rutherford, Palika Kalra, Elliott Bauer, Laura Suckling, Mandy Holmes, Alex Radford, Jessica Mitreski, Chris Holmes and Kathryn Buckland. Staff and students have settled well into our re-established structures and buildings. It is pleasing to see students settling into their daily routines and actively working with staff. If any parents or families are having trouble with the requirements of the College, whether it be uniform, netbooks or the cost of accessing activities, please start the discussion with the Hub Leaders. - Years 10, 11 and 12 Jane West, David Ballantyne and Kay Buckland - Years 7, 8 and 9 Huw Porter, Debbie Blackley and Renae Betts We are currently negotiating with the East Gippsland Shire Council as to the safest place to drop off and pick up students. Student Parent Interviews – March 26 – 27 Student Parent Teacher interviews will be held at the end of Term 1 on Thursday March 26 2015 between 5.00pm and 8.00pm and Friday March 27 2014 between 9.00am – 12.00noon. Further information will be provided to students on how to book appointments with their teachers in the coming weeks. Kindest regards Ian Hall Pictured (L-R) Kylie Greenaway, Zoe Stokes, Karen Baker. ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’S REPORT SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTIONS We would like to give a warm welcome back to school for 2015 to all students, families and staff. We particularly welcome our new Year 7 students and families to the Bairnsdale Secondary College community and look forward to getting to know you. A special edition of The Dragon will be issued on Wednesday February 18 2015 relating to the upcoming School Council Elections. It has been an active start to 2015, having all students populating and engaging with the new buildings, retraining ourselves with the routine of the school year and dealing with the nuances that a new school year brings. Uniform I would like to congratulate students and families for the implementation of the uniform policy at the start of the year. On a whole, the students look great but we need to remind families on a couple of key points. Footwear: needs to be black, full leather upper, enclosed shoes. No colours. Baseball Caps: are not to be worn at any time, the school has a broad brimmed hat or beanie as choices of headwear. Pick up and drop off of students As you can appreciate, the safe movement of 1000 students within and around the College grounds is the highest priority for us. We are working closely with the Shire to provide a safe pick up and drop off area along McKean Street. This should occur shortly, however, we ask for your assistance in not picking up students in the BARC carpark, as this causes students to cross numerous roads, and walk between parked cars. Safe pick up points are along Victoria Street or along Wallace Street as in previous years. Sport The school swimming sports are coming up very soon, Tuesday February 17 2015. This is a compulsory school day, and is a great opportunity for students and staff to get to know each other in a non classroom environment. We encourage parents to visit the outdoor pool during the day to cheer on your son/daughter. The sports will start at approximately 10.00am after house assemblies in the morning and then walking down to the pool. Town students will be dismissed from the pool at approximately 2.30pm and bus travellers will walk back to school. Textbooks There are still a few students who are not bringing or have not purchased textbooks for classes. Can you please ensure that your son/daughter has the required textbooks and that they are bringing them to their classes. Netbooks Year 8-12 students are having their netbooks returned this week. Can you please ensure that students charge their netbook each night, and that it is brought to school in its protective cover. Year 7 students netbooks will be rolled out shortly, and we will be discussing this with students in the near future. Thank you Paul Martin and Peter Falla THE DRAGON Families who would like to receive The Dragon via email, could you please email the School on: [email protected] It is great opportunity to participate in your College’s future and this early warning will give you the opportunity to consider nominating or nominating other parents or DET Employees for your School Council. Nominations will be called from parents and DET employees. There are three (3) parent category vacancies and two (2) DET employee category vacancies. Nominations will close on Wednesday February 25 2015. Watch for next week’s special edition of The Dragon for further information. WARGOMERRIN CAMPUS - YEAR 7 HUB A warm welcome to all the Year 7 students and their families. We look forward working with you in the Wargomerrin Hub. Term one is set to be an exciting term for the Year 7 cohort. The swimming carnival is the first major event on the year’s calendar. This is a great opportunity for students to show off their house sprit and get involved in a great College event. Students are encouraged to wear their house colours with pride and get involved in and out of the pool. The Year 7 camp with be held during week 7 of term one, Tuesday March 10 to Friday March 13 March at Connawarra Farm Resort. The camp is an important step in ensuring that all student’s transition to secondary college smoothly. One of the major aims of the camp is to build positive respectful relationships with their peers and college staff. With the variety of fun activities the camp is set to be an exciting and valuable experience for all Year 7 students. Further information including a packing list has been sent home. If you require further information please contact the Hub. To assist the Hub in keeping accurate attendance data could all student absences either be phoned into the College or a note sent in with the student upon their return to school and handed into the Year 7 Hub. WURRIN CAMPUS - YEAR 8/9 HUB Welcome back to the new year! It's very exciting to see that everyone has settled into the new classrooms and is enjoying the beautiful buildings and grounds that we are so lucky to have. There has been a lot of change for the start of this year and we recognize that everyone has something new and challenging to learn. It's a great experience for all of us. Some changes include the staff that students will be interacting with and we'd like to take this opportunity to introduce the Wurrin Hub. Huw Porter and Debbie Blackley are the leading staff in charge of the Wurrin Hub, with Janine Rooks (Year 8 Coordinator), Prue Bon (Year 9 Coordinator) and Tracey Rendell (Education Support) supporting them. We will be your first contact for queries or questions, reporting of absences, support with uniforms and equipment or general concerns. We would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the uniform expectations at Bairnsdale Secondary College. We have introduced the compulsory wearing of black leather upper school shoes for all students. This is a health and safety requirement so it's important that everyone is following those guidelines. We encourage you to contact us if you have any concerns about this. Attendance can sometimes be an issue as the year progresses and students need to remember that notes for absences, signed by parents/guardians must be brought to the Senior Learning Hub when they return to school. If you miss a SAC (Year 12 VCE) then a medical certificate should be provided. If this is an issue we urge you to contact the Senior Learning Hub to discuss this as soon as possible. Another change for this year is the introduction of the parent portal on Compass. All parents have access to this online portal, which will allow you to check the attendance and reports of your child. You will also soon be able to pay for things like excursions through this portal and we look forward to sharing the capabilities of this system with you. ACCESS TO YOUR CHILD’S PROGRESS REPORTS We look forward to a great term with lots of sporting events and extra-curricular activities for students to participate in. We encourage you to remind students of these opportunities and also to remember that being organized and having all necessary equipment will help students to be the best they can be. MALGOBILA CAMPUS – YEAR 10/11/12 HUB Welcome to the beginning of a new and exciting year in the Senior Learning Hub. We have many changes including our fantastic new buildings and facilities. Our Year 11 and 12 students have been joined in the new senior building, Malgobila, by the Year 10s which makes for a lively and vibrant environment. There have been a few changes with staffing in the Senior Learning Hub with Kay Buckland joining Jane West and David Ballantyne and Learning Hub Leaders, Lorena Hayward (Year 12 Coordinator) and Igor Malejew (Year 11 Coordinator). Chris Taylor continues as the VCAL Coordinator and we also welcome Clay Hunter (Year 10 Coordinator). Our Education Support staff Stacey Murphy, Deb Barned and Jude Downie continue and are joined by Trevor Buck, Jeff Simmonds, Vicky Halford and Rita Dunn who we welcome and will be working as aides in our senior classes. Lorry Kemp and Jacqueline Rutherford also join us in the senior Learning Resource Centre (LRC). This year, Advisory for Year 11s will be held on a Thursday morning and Year 12 Advisory will be on Tuesday mornings, both at 8.40am. Students need to be seated in the LRC by about 8.35am. We ask that students not in the appropriate year level for advisory remain outside until advisory has finished. As you may be aware teachers at Bairnsdale Secondary College will be preparing progress reports for students every three to four weeks. The aim of progress reports is to keep parents, coordinators, key teachers and students up to date with student progress and provide up to date information that can be used to support the education of each of our students. The reports may be viewed online from home on the school system called Compass. If you do not have internet access at home you will be able to pick up a copy of your child’s progress report at school. In the next few weeks parents/guardians will receive their own log-in details for the Compass Parent Portal as well as the necessary instructions for viewing progress reports. We will be sending SMS messages after each round of progress reports is completed so that you can always be up to date. We encourage you to use Compass to access your child’s progress reports as well as their attendance, and to routinely discuss this information at home. MUSIC CENTRE On behalf of all Music Centre staff we would like to welcome all new families into the instrumental music program at Bairnsdale Secondary College. Fifty five new students have enrolled in learning a musical instrument this year. Music staff have already met some of the enthusiastic students who all gained excellent results in an aptitude test. A separate Music Centre newsletter will be mailed out shortly to all families in the program. In the meantime, if any parent/guardian has any queries please contact Gerry Ciavarella on 5150 4843 or mobile 0409 142 240. STUDENT ACCIDENT/MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS If a student is ill or injured, our first point of contact is the student’s parent/guardian so that they can seek what medical attention they feel is appropriate. If you feel that your child might qualify for special provision for VCE or VCAL due to: Illness, any factors relating to personal environment, an impairment or disability including learning disabilities, or any other serious cause, please contact the Senior Learning Hub for more information. In an emergency situation the College may call an ambulance or for any necessary medical attention on behalf of the student’s parents/guardian. Tutoring for Maths and English will continue after school on Thursdays in the Malgobila building, LRC until 5.00pm and will also be available for English in the Malgobila building, SRC on Tuesdays. We urge all students to avail themselves of these services offered by our teachers. If a student is injured at school or during a school organised activity, then parents/guardians are responsible for the cost of medical treatment including transport costs (i.e. ambulance). Parents/guardians are reminded that DEECD does not provide personal accident insurance for students. Reasonably low cost accident insurance policies are available from commercial insurers and/or ambulance cover is available from Ambulance Victoria. COMMUNITY NOTICES BAIRNSDALE NETBALL ASSOCIATION Netball Team Registrations: Season 1 2015 We are now accepting team registrations for our first season. Registrations are due on or before Thursday February12 2015. On Thursday February12 we will be at the WORLD Building in Wallace Street Bairnsdale between 4.00pm and 6.00pm accepting registrations or alternatively by email prior to this date. Grades: 11 Years and Under, 13 Years and Under, 15 Years and Under and Senior Sections. Registration Forms are available by emailing Jodie at [email protected] or alternatively picking one up at Inland Surf (Karls) or Sportsco Bairnsdale. If there are any individual players looking for a game just email us and we will place your name on a list, in case any teams are looking for players. GIPPSLAND POWER Gippsland Power will be holding Under 11 and 13 Fitness and Skill acquisition days at the Gippsland Power Centre Of Excellence, Morwell Football Ground, Travers Street, Morwell. Under 11 Monday March 30 2015 and Under 13 Tuesday March 31 2015 (Numbers will be capped). Time: 10.00am to 3.00pm Cost: $100-00 For further registrations details please go to the Gippsland Power website BAIRNSDALE AND DISTRICT AMATEUR BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED Telephone: 5153 1638 Email: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 487 Bairnsdale 3875 ABN: 93 904 339 456 To all Juniors, The summer season resumes on Tuesday February 10 2015 for all current players, there will be two registration nights held for new players/teams being Tuesday February 3 and Friday February 6 2015 between 5.00pm and 7.00pm at the basketball courts at the BARC (indoor swimming pool). For new players/teams you will be required to pay the affiliation fee of $50.00 per player and all players will be required to pay $5.00 door entry each week. More information for the next season which begins in April 2015 will be handed out in March 2015. For any further information please contact Bec on 0403 838 781 FEBRUARY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 9 10 12 Clontarf Directors Meeting Dubbo to 14th 13 14 15 16 17 BSC Sports 11 Senior Cricket Clontarf Bronze Medallion Requalification Bancoora 18 19 BSC Swimming Sports Back Up Day 20 Clontarf Cup Warrnambool to 22nd 21 Clontarf Football 22 25 26 Interschool Orbost 27 28 23 Leadership Program Follow Up to 27th Swimming 24 Swimming MARCH MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 2 3 4 Interschool Swimming Back Up Orbost 6 7 8 9 LABOUR DAY 10 Year 7 Transition Camp to 13th 11 5 Legal Studies Year 10/11 - Sale Court TBA Holocaust Museum Tear 11 Gippsland Snr Cricket 12 Gippsland Swimming 13 14 15 16 Out Door Ed Alpine National Park Hike to 20th 17 7/8/9/10 Cricket Lucknow Clontarf “Be The Hero” Program Paul Zappa 24 18 19 Year 7 and Immunisations 20 Year 9 Out Door Ed Fishing 21 22 27 Student Free Day Paret Teacher Student Interviews Last Day Term 1 28 29 23 25 Clontarf PD Broome to 29th - 10 26 Tennis/Volleyball 7-12 5.00pm Parent Teacher Student Interviews
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