TANSLEY PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Council: Mrs S A Leighton, 33 Church Lane, South Wingfield, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 7NJ 01773 833823 07889 413 547 Email [email protected] www.tansleyparish.com 12 February 2015 To All Councillors; You are summoned to the Parish Council Meeting to be held on Tuesday 17 February 2015 in the Community Hall Church Street Tansley at 7.30pm Sally Leighton Clerk to the Council AGENDA 1. Apologies Members are requested to submit their apologies direct to the clerk 2. Variation of Order of Business 3. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interest they may have in any item of the evening’s business, and to explain the nature of that interest. Where a member indicates that they have a prejudicial interest, but wish to make representation regarding the item before leaving the meeting, they must do so under item 4c of Public Participation. Members are reminded to declare their interests however tenuous this might be particularly in relation to planning applications. 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A) Public Speaking – 15 minutes in total At the start of the meeting a period is available for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments. This is limited to 3 minutes per person, at the discretion of the Chair. B) Police Matters An Officer in attendance may offer information or respond to questions on Police Matters. C) Representations or Evidence from Members Declaring a Prejudicial Interest Members indicating that they have a prejudicial interest in an agenda item but wish to make a representation before leaving the meeting shall do so at this stage. 5. Minutes of Full Council To receive the Minutes of the Meeting held 20 January 2015. 6. To determine which of the following items, if any, should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public, it will be necessary in the following terms:‘That pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the Public and the Press leave the meeting during consideration of Agenda Item No ( ). 7. 7.1 The Community Hall Update 8. 8.1 Planning Matters: Applications for Consideration: 15/00022/FUL Erection of dwelling at Land Adjacent to Ivy House Nottingham Road Tansley 14/00890/OUT Erection of four houses (outline) Land Off Oak Tree Gardens Tansley 8.2 Decision Notices: 14/00765/OUT Residential development of six dwellings (outline) at Land Off Thatchers Lane Tansley – REFUSED t/14/00105/TPO Works to trees subject to Tree Preservation Order TPO59 at Tansley House Residential Home Church Street Tansley – PERMITTED WITH CONDITIONS February Agenda 1 14/00871/VCOND Retention of dwelling without compliance with Condition 3 of Planning Permission WED/777/414 (Occupancy Clause) at Knabb Hall Bungalow Knabhall Lane Tansley – REFUSED The Gate Inn – planning conditions update 8.3 West Yard/Thatchers Croft – update 8.4 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT - APPEAL Y BAR LIMITED, Residential development (outline) Land at Tansley House Gardens Tansley – update 8.5 Thatchers Croft – garden shed 9. Vacancy for Councillor – co option 10. Fete Field – report back on committee meeting 11. Defibrillator – donation from Gate Pub 12. Burial Ground – tidy up of grave spaces 13. 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Environmental Issues Whitelea Lane – surface of road near to Home Farm Whitelea Lane – new access Mowing of Fete Field Heathy Lea – use of facility Mowing of Heathy Lea Hanging Baskets (how many?, stress testing?donations/sponsorship) 14. Circulars & Correspondence Letters & emails from: Brownies Tansley Tots Friends of Tansley School Jo Wood re;Oak Tree Gardens DALC 1/2015 Index 2/2015 General 3/2015 General 4/2015 General 4/2015 Audit Checklist 5/2015 DALC Subscription 15. Finance 15.1 Accounts Paid Date Cheque Particular 20.1.2015 001230 HM Revenue & Customs (Qtr 3 Tax & NI) 20.1.2015 20.1.2015 20.1.2015 20.1.2015 20.1.2015 001231 001232 001233 001234 001235 C Knightley (reimburse web hosting dec to mar) W Smart Construction (supply and install oak tree) S A Leighton (sal 262.48, post 7.44, ink 15.00) B Pearson (bus shelter cleaning oct,nov, dec, jan) Iansprint (copying) 15.2 Income received: 15.3 Bank Reconciliation Amount 155.00 10.80 297.00 284.92 54.00 17.40 16. CONFIDENTIAL SESSION Items to be taken in exclusion of Public/Press-‘That pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and the press leave the meeting. February Agenda 2 February Agenda 3
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