"Freedom is never free." Weekly Announcements REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY & COMMUNION

Weekly Announcements
For the week of November 9, 2014
Quote of the Week:
"Freedom is never free."
-Author Unknown
This week at Tansley
Sunday November 9
10:00 a.m.
Tuesday November 11
7:00 p.m.
Worship/Remembrance Service/ Communion
Rev. Stephen Huntley
Board Meeting Guest Speaker: Rev. Ryk Brown
Wednesday November 12
7:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Men’s Breakfast at Cora’s
Burlinkton Community Dinner
Thurs. November 13
7:30 p.m.
Upcoming Services and Events
Sunday November 16
10:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
Tuesday November 18
7:30 p.m.
Youth Meeting
Rev. Stephen Huntley
UCW Meeting
Friday November 21
12:30 p.m.
Day Timer’s Meeting @ Williams Coffee Café
Sunday November 23
10:00 a.m.
Worship/ Reign of Christ Sunday
Monday November 24
7:30 p.m.
Tansley Reads
Sunday November 30
10:00 a.m.
Worship / First Sunday of Advent
Rev. Stephen Huntley
Rev. Stephen Huntley
Tansley Traditions
Many thanks to all who helped
make Tansley Traditions a
success again this year!
United Youth are on a ‘Road
Trip’. They’re coming to Tansley
on Sunday November 16th at 1
p.m.to join Tansley Youth for fun,
pizza, games and a photo hunt!
Property Meeting and Church Winterizing/Clean-up
There will be a Property Committee Meeting on Saturday November 8 at 10:00
a.m. It will be a short meeting followed by a period of winterizing and clean-up of the
Church property. I am hoping we can get as many Property Committee members and
other members of the Tansley congregation out to this meeting to help with the Church
winterizing. The list of items to winterize the Church is not long so the more help we get
the faster the work can be completed. So if you have the opportunity to help us out at
the Church for an hour or two on Saturday morning it would be appreciated. I will send
out an agenda for the meeting portion to all property members later this week. If
anyone has a Van or Truck that we could use to cart away to the dump some of the
garbage that has been collecting in the electrical room it would be appreciated.
Tansley Snow Clearing Volunteer Schedule for the 2014/15 Winter Season
Volunteer side walk snow clearing is a big financial help to the Church. By volunteering
to help with the snow clearing you help reduce the Church’s operating costs $2000.00 $3000.00 each year. The 2014/15 volunteer snow clearing schedule has been posted on
the red bulletin board at the back of the Church. There still are lots of two week slots
available and the Property Committee is looking for volunteers to help out with this
year’s sidewalk snow clearing. If you are able to help out please place your name on the
sign-up sheet and note any periods that you are not available and/or fill in one or two
spots where you would be able to help out. As an [email protected].
Decorating Tansley for
Advent is fast approaching and that
means decorating the sanctuary
to celebrate the season.
On Sunday November 23rd after the
worship service we will be doing
just that. We need help to do this,
especially bringing the boxes down
from the loft and people who are
comfortable on tall ladders.
And of course, lots of helpers to put up all the other decorations.
There will be food, cider and lots of fun.
Hope you can join us.
Sunday Coffee Time needs helpers!!!!
Tansley coffee time is a great way to reconnect with our Tansley
family before we head back out into the world. So, please
consider signing up to make the coffee for a Sunday this fall. It is
not hard to do and there are detailed instructions to follow. I
will be pleased to offer a "training session" if you would like. The
signup sheets are on the bulletin board as you enter the
Thank you,
Myrna-Gail McDonald
Tansley Reads
Tansley Reads will meet on Monday November 24, at
7:30 p.m.
Book of the Month
A House in the Sky is a 2013 memoir by Amanda Lindhout,
co-written with journalist Sara Corbett.
It recounts Lindhout's experience in southern Somalia as a
hostage of teenage militants from the Hizbul Islam
fundamentalist group. This spectacularly dramatic memoir is
about a woman whose curiosity about the world led her from
rural Canada to imperiled and dangerous countries on every
continent, and then into fifteen months of harrowing
captivity in Somalia--a story of courage, resilience, and extraordinary grace.
Tansley People Corner:
News about members of Tansley may be emailed or phoned to the church office.
Please join us at Cora's, Appleby Line and
Dundas Street Wednesday November 12th, 7:30
There will be good conversation, fine food and
plenty of fellowship!
CASH! (A deposit box is available in the church lobby)
Tansley Cash Cards
Next Date to order
is: Sunday November
Thank you for supporting our Vista Card
We are asking for help to support Tansley’s Food Pantry
with luncheon items,
as too many children are going to school without
Items needed are: juice boxes, canned luncheon meat or
fish, granola bars, pudding cups and snacks.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Wonderful news!
The Outreach Committee partnered with Community Development Halton to apply for
a grant from the Mission and Ministry Investment Fund from Hamilton Conference to
start a single mom’s support group for North Burlington. We are happy to let you know
that Tansley was awarded a $10,000 grant to start the process under the name North
BurLINKton Empowered Women. This phase of the project focuses on laying the
Foundation which includes data collection and mapping to substantiate the specific
needs of north Burlington lone female led families/program. Central to the project will
be women leading the planning program to develop the program specifics. Once this
phase of the project is complete, we will be applying for the second part of the grant to
actual start up the group. If you are interested in getting involved or knowing more
about it, please speak with Janice Martin.
North BurLINKton Dinner Night Out
On Wednesday October 22nd we served a delicious dinner of Honey Orange Chicken,
roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes and a salad bar followed by dessert to over 160
people. The next dinner is this Wednesday November 12th. If you would like to
volunteer to help cook, serve or clean up with any of our dinners, please speak with
Sheila Young.
Upcoming Outreach Projects
An Update on Christmas Outreach
Tansley will sponsor a number of families (as we did last year) supplying them with
Christmas gifts and food for their Christmas dinner.
Gifts for families will primarily be either Walmart or Target gift cards. The benefits are:
 mothers can shop for their own children – empowerment
 children will receive what they need/want – right size, colour etc.
 makes their Christmas special and personal to them
We will have more information available shortly about this program and an opportunity
for you to sign up to sponsor a family or a child.
Just a note to the knitters in the congregation. If you would like to knit for the Wesley
Centre No Charge Christmas store, we will be collecting the items at the end of
November and taking them to Wesley Center around the first week of December.
North BurLINKton Community Group
The North BurLINKton Community Group has finished collecting surveys from the
community seeking insight from those who live, work and volunteer in the north
Burlington area on
All that is going well in north Burlington (QEW north to and including Alton
Village), and
Items that are priorities for change.
The results of the survey will be discussed at the November 22nd Community Planning
Day. Everyone is welcome to attend.
More information about the North BurLINKton Community group is available
at http://northburlinkton.cdhalton.ca/
Tansley plays a very active role in the North BurLINKton Community Group.
Backpack project
We received a note from Appleby United. Our final total of children served with
backpacks and school supplies is 685 for 2014 - the highest number ever. They have
asked Tansley to participate again next year. Appleby has not raised enough funds yet
to cover the cost of 685 backpacks and supplies. They are having a fundraising concert
called Circle of Harmony on Nov 22nd. Tickets are $15. Light refreshments will be
served after. More information is available on the bulletin board.
Tansley Outreach Committee: Janice Martin (chair), Janice Hatt, Marsha Ahrens, Sandra
Newcombe, Flo Martin, Ann Glover
Mats for Haiti
Tansley’s UCW is continuing to collect milk bags for “Mats for Haiti”. There is a tote in
the front lobby for collection of these milk bags.
Thank you for your support.
Name tags: How to get one, how to replace if lost or broken
If you’re new to Tansley, you’ve probably seen our name tags hanging on
“Tansley” lanyards that we wear during services. If you’ve decided Tansley is
your “home” and you’d like to get a name tag, contact the church office
(email, phone or leave a written request in Marsha Ahrens’ mail slot). Your
new name tag will be ready the following Sunday—you will find it in the
name tag filing cabinet just outside the church office. Should you lose your
name tag or if the badge holder breaks, no problem—contact the church
office for a replacement.
This email is sent for your information. Any time you wish to discontinue
receiving them just reply to the email with the word “unsubscribe” in the
title line.
Website www.tansleychurch.com
Tansley Church