Appointmentof ConcurrentAuditors Applicationsare invited from the reputedfirms of CharteredAccountantsregistered/ empanelledwith C.A.G. of India having atleastten years experiencefrom the date of its in the field of concu:rentaudit of Governmentagenciesof the State/Central establishment, etc.on the following termsandconditions Corporation/Banks GovernmentDepartments/Boards/ asunder:l. The firm should have atleastthree members(out of which 2 should be F.C.A.) of qualified personsin the firm and also having minimum turnover of Rs.40.00lacs,per annumin lastthreeyearsfor conductingthe concurrentaudit. 2. The audit is to be conductedin 57 offices of HUDA including Division Offices,Estate Offrcesand Land AcquisitionOfficeslocatedat differentplacesin HaryanaStatefalling underthe jurisdiction of AdministratorsHUDA, Panchkula,Hisar, Gurgaon,Faridabad andRohtak. The firms may submittheir applicationsfor conductingof locationswhich are in radius 3. of 50 KMs from their office. 4. A consolidated fee of Rs.50001-per month +servicetax (as per rules) for the offices locatedat Faridabad,GurgaonandPanchkulaand Rs.4000/-per month (asper rules)for the offices located at other cities of Haryanawill be paid. No TA/DA will be paid separately. 5. The audit will be conductedon quarterlybasis and concurrentaudit report of every quartershall be submittedwithin 15 days duly discussedand signedby the Head of Office concernedwith one copy to Administrator concemedand one copy to the C.A.HUDAPanchkula. 6. The compliancereportof the previousquarteris to be submittedwith the audit reportof the next quarter.The compliancereport of the last quarterof the financial year is to be submittedupto 30thApril of the next financialyear. 7 The scopeof work/checklist accordingto which the audit is to be conductedwill be suppliedto the selectedfirm of CharteredAccountants.However,detailedaudithasto be conductedin respectof all the activitiescarriedout by the office. 8. The inegularities,which havea vigilant angleand which are of the seriousnature,must be reportedimmediatelyby way of "Flash Report" to the Chief Administrator,HUDA, Panchkula. 9. The audit fee will be paid afterreceiptof quarterlyaudit reportalongwithcomplianceof the audit observationof previousquarterfrom the firm and subsequentlyits approval from the C.A. HUDA Panchkula. 10. The assignmentincludesaudit of the transactionsof sub-officesalso,if any attachedto the officesallottedto the firm. 11. Thefirm hasto keepup the time schedulefor conductingthe auditandalsosubmissionof the auditreport.The auditparty consistingof 2 auditorsheadedby seniorpartnermustbe deputedto conductthe audit. The time scheduleshouldbe intimatedto the concerned office aswell asto the CA, HUDA, Panchkula. 12. Quality of work shouldbe providedby the firm, so that purposeof audit may not be defeated. No paymentwill be releasedfor auditreportfoundunsatisfactory. at 1 3 . Interestedfirms may applyto C.A HUDA, C-3, Sector-6,Panchkulaupto10-03-2015 5.00PM positively, on the prescribed proforma/ application form which may be downloadedfrom HUDA web t4. Any fu:fher informationrequiredcanbe obtainedfrom AccountsOfficer (Audit) HUDA, HeadOffice,Sector-6,Panchkula. Chief Administrator HUDA Panchkula CAs Applicationform - 1- ApplicationForm l- Nameof the Firm 2. Complete addressof Head Office of the firm. 3. Complete correspondenceaddress of the firm with pin code number 4. OfficeTelephoneNumbers& FaxNumbers 5. Statusof Firm 6 Yearof Establishment of Firm 7. Name,qualifications,membershipnumber,yearandstatusof InchargeandPartners:Name of partner Educational Oualifications Membership Number Date/Year Statusin the firm lt 111 1V RegistrationNumberof the firm with datewith Institute of Chartered Accountants of India(ICAI) CAG Empanelment Number&Date 8. 9. 1 0 . ServiceTax Resistration Number ll PermanentAccount Number (PAN) t2. Bank Account statementof the firm 1 3 . Annual turnover (Not below Rs.40.00lacs) (attachproof) 1 4 . Name & addressof Bank 1 5 . BankAccountNumber 1 6 . IFSCcodeof the BankBranch 1 7 . Detail of experienceof ten years in the field of concurrentaudit. 1 8 . Name of Department/Companies CAs Applicationform Year - 2 - Period List of HUDA officesfor concurrentaudit Sr. No. I ) 3 4 f, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 l4 15 t6 t7 18 t9 20 21 22 z) 24 25 26 27 28 29 Name of the office Ilead Office, HUDA, Panchkula Estate Office, Panchkula Land Acquisition Office. Panchkula Horticulture Divn" Panchkula Estate Office. Ambala Division. Ambala Estate Office. Jaeadhri Estate Office. Karnal Division.Karnal Estate Office. Kaithal EstateOffice. Kurukshetra EstateOffice. Hissar EstateOffice. Bhiwanr EstateOffice. Jind HISAR ZONE EstateOffice,Sirsa. Land Acquisition Office, Hissar DivisionNo.I. Hissar DivisionNo.II. Hissar HorticultureDivision. Hissar Elect.Division.Hisar Estate Office. Rohtak Land Acquisition Office. Rohtak Division-I.Rohtak Division-Il. Rohtak ElectricalDivision.Rohtak florticulture. Division. Rohtak Estate Office, Panipat 32 Division.Paninat EstateOffice.Bahadursarh 36 37 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Jf, 56 57 CAs Applicationform PA}ICHKULA ZONE DivisionNo.I. Panchkula Panchkula DivisionNo.III. Panchkula ElectricalDivision.Panchkula 30 31 33 34 35 Zone ROIITAK ZONE Division. Bahadursarh Estate Office. Sonipat Division, Sonipat RGEC,Sonipat EstateOffice. Faridabad Land Acquisition Office, Faridabad Division No.I, Faridabad Division No.II, Faridabad FARIDABAD ZONE DivisionNo.III. Faridabad Hort.Division,Faridabad Division.Palwal Estate Office-I, Gurgaon Estate Office-Il, Gurqaon Land Acquisition Office. Gursaon Division No.I. Gurgaon Division No.Il, Gurqaon Division No.III, Gurgaon DivisionNo.IV. Gursaon DivisionNo.V. Gurgaon Division No.VI. Gurgaon Ilorticulture Division,Gurqaon Elect.Division.Gursaon Estate Office. Rewari Division. Rewari - 3 - GURGAON ZONE
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