REGULAR MEETING OF THE FALL RIVER SCHOOL COMMITTEE Monday, February 9, 2015 6:30 PM Morton Middle School 1135 North Main Street Fall River, MA 02720 AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Salute to the Flag 3. Citizens Input 4. Sub-Committee Reports 5. Recognition Awards 6. Superintendent’s Report 7. Approval of Minutes 8. Committee of the Whole 9. Request for Executive Session M.G.L. c30A Section 21 (a) (2) and (3) To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for all litigation or grievances, as well as negotiations with custodians, paraprofessionals, clerical, FREA, FRAA, and non-union personnel, including Rene Kochman, Director of Operation and Director of Media for FRED TV; Joseph Correia, Director of Administrative Services; Scott Cabral, Network Technician; and Tom Coogan, Chief Operating Officer. 10. 11. New Business: Topics for discussion that could not reasonably be anticipated by the Chairman forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting Addendum Agenda: Regular Meeting of the Fall River School Committee – Monday, February 9, 2015 CITIZENS INPUT This agenda item allows time for public comment on topics related to the Agenda. The Committee would like the opportunity to hear the wishes and ideas of the public. Although this is not a time for discussion, the School Committee appreciates public input and may refer such comments to administration for appropriate follow-up. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS This agenda item provides opportunities for School Committee members to share information relative to their respective subcommittee work. Subcommittee reports connected with specific discussion items will be presented immediately prior to the discussion item, rather than this section. RECOGNITION AWARDS Recognition awards will be presented this evening to Ms. Brenda Racine, Doran Attendance Officer, Mr. Brian Raposo, Letourneau Principal, and Mr. David Assad, Letourneau Vice-Principal for their exemplary work with the creation of Walking School Buses. Facilities & Operations staff and Silvia School staff for their efforts with snow removal and clean-up. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT This agenda item will provide an opportunity for the Superintendent to share letters of recognition, commendation, or other good news regarding activities associated with Fall River Public Schools. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1/12/15 1/21/15 Evaluation Subcommittee Facilities and Operations Subcommittee TRAVEL REQUESTS Durfee High School Principal Marshall requests permission for travel: Destination Objective Class or Club Date Means of Transportation # of Participants # of Chaperones Cost per student Funding Source Roger Williams University Have students with disabilities experience a college setting in a safe learning environment Classes – Liaison Students Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Bus 15 2 $12 for lunch per student; $350 for bus Target Grant 2 Agenda: Regular Meeting of the Fall River School Committee – Monday, February 9, 2015 Durfee High School Principal Marshall requests permission for travel: Destination Date Naval Submarine Base, New London, CT Visit active duty US Navy nuclear submarine, New London Sub Museum, USS Nautilus and Fort Griswold Revolutionary War Battlefield. NJROTC/NNDCC Wednesday, February 25, 2015 (date change; this trip was approved in Means of Transportation # of Participants # of Chaperones Cost per student Funding Source Bus 50 3 $4.00 per student for lunch NJROTC/NNDCC transportation budget will pay for bus Objective Class or Club January for a February 10, 2015 travel date) Silvia School Principal Facchiano requests permission for travel: Destination Objective Class or Club Date Means of Transportation # of Participants # of Chaperones Cost per student Funding Source Washington, DC To reinforce the social studies curriculum; standards addressed 4.13 – Learning about major monuments & historical sites in D.C.; 5.16 – Explain the meaning of the key ideas and purpose of government; 5.23 – Describe the responsibilities of government 4th and 5th grade GATE Friday, May 29, 2015 – Monday, June 1, 2015 Bus (Travel through Conway Tours) 47 49 $600 Fundraising Superintendent Mayo-Brown requests permission for staff travel: Destination Objective Date Means of Transportation # of Participants Cost Funding Source Baltimore, MD To enhance and support college and career readiness opportunities to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. April 22-24, 2015 Air 1 $600 (hotel); Air, registration, and meals are included in membership in Urban Special Education Leadership Collaborative 240 IDEA Grant DONATIONS Superintendent Mayo-Brown requests acceptance of a check from MEDITECH in the amount of $15,000 as the company’s contribution for the year 2014. This donation is to be used at the for Greene Elementary School for the advancement of technology and technology instruction. 3 Agenda: Regular Meeting of the Fall River School Committee – Monday, February 9, 2015 On behalf of the Kuss Middle School PTA, Superintendent Mayo-Brown requests acceptance of a grant in the amount of $7,800 from BayCoast Bank to fund the 7th Grade Exchange City Project. Superintendent Mayo-Brown, on behalf of Silvia School Principal Facchiano, requests acceptance of a grant in the amount of $500 from Exxon Mobile Educational Alliance program to be used solely for science and/or math. Superintendent Mayo-Brown, on behalf of Kuss Middle School Principal Procaccini, requests acceptance of funding from for Mrs. Russo’s classroom project called “Ukuleles for 744 Urban Middle School Students!” The resources donated for this project total $599.96. Superintendent Mayo-Brown, on behalf of Durfee High School Principal Marshall, requests acceptance of funding from for Mr. Costa’s classroom project called “Teaching in a 21st Century Classroom”. The resources donated for this project total $417.55. Superintendent Mayo-Brown, on behalf of Durfee High School Principal Marshall, requests acceptance of funding from for Ms. Brister’s classroom project called “White Boards Needed! Please Help Us Modernize Our Classroom”. The resources donated for this project total $755.88. Superintendent Mayo-Brown, on behalf of Brian Mikolazyk, School Information Coordinator, requests acceptance of a donation from Comcast in the amount of $1,500 to help defray the cost of the teacher orientation meeting. CONTRACTS CONTRACTS FOR SCHOOL COMMITTEE APPROVAL, FEBRUARY 9, 2015 VENDOR FUNDING SOURCE & AMOUNT DESCRIPTION SPED CONTRACTS: Bi-County Collaborative Easter Seals Society Groden Center Pilgrim Area Collaborative Steven’s Home Tuition for Special Needs Students Occupational Therapy Services Tuition for Special Needs Students Tuition for Special Needs Students Tuition for Special Needs Students Operating Budget-SPED-$65,962.60 Operating Budget-SPED-$21,000.00 Operating Budget-SPED-$61,092.00 Operating Budget-SPED-$15,800.00 Operating Budget-SPED-$39,725.00 MISC CONTRACTS: School & Main Institute Design, plan and develop Parent Academy Operating Budget-Contracted Svcs-$40,000.00 GRANTS GRANTS FOR SCHOOL COMMITTEE APPROVAL, FEBRUARY 9, 2015 Grant Name Funding Occupational Education-Vocational Skills LEP Support ST SPED/21 Century-Enhanced Title I-School Support Financial Literacy Program TOTAL Federal Federal Federal Federal State Duration 01/12/15-08/31/15 12/12/14-08/31/15 01/07/15-06/30/15 12/26/14-08/31/15 01/21/15-06/30/15 $ $ $ $ $ $ Amount Grant Director 105,446.00 18,200.00 10,000.00 50,000.00 21,830.00 205,476.00 Robert Gadbois Kelly Cooney Siobhan Ryan Brian Raposo Michelle Sylvaria 4 Agenda: Regular Meeting of the Fall River School Committee – Monday, February 9, 2015 DISCUSSIONS 1. Vote to Approve: Election of Vice Chairperson of the Fall River School Committee as detailed in policy BDA to reflect city ordinance. 2. Vote to Approve: School and Main Institute proposal for FRPS Parent Academy Development, as recommended by Superintendent Mayo-Brown. 3. First Read: Policy revisions: (ADDA) Background Checks, (DJE) Bidding Requirements, (GCCD) Domestic Violence, (JH) Student Absences and Excuses, (JIC) Student Discipline, (JII) Student Complaints and Grievances, (JK) Student Conduct, as presented by Superintendent Mayo-Brown. 4. Update: Massachusetts School Building Authority application, as presented by Mr. Tom Coogan, Chief Operating Officer. 5. Vote to Approve: E-rate projects, as referred by the Finance Subcommittee and presented by Mr. Tom Coogan, Chief Operating Officer. 6. Vote to Approve: Three high priority capital projects pending a funding source, as referred by the Finance Subcommittee and presented by Mr. Tom Coogan, Chief Operating Officer and Mr. Michael Saunders, Chief Financial Officer. 7. Discussion: Healthcare and Net School Spending update, as referred by the Finance Subcommittee and presented by Mr. Michael Saunders, Chief Financial Officer. 8. Vote to Approve: Superintendent’s goals, as presented by Superintendent Mayo-Brown. 9. Vote to Accept: Accelerated Improvement Plan quarterly report, as presented Superintendent Mayo-Brown. 10. Vote to Accept: One-year follow-up studies, as presented by Acting Principal Dr. Michelle Sylvaria, and Principal Jessica Vinacco. 11. Vote to Approve: Additional coaching staff for BMC Durfee High School: assistant baseball coach and assistant softball coach for a total of 2 additional coaching stipends. 12. Report: Progress of the Committee addressing its goals, as presented by Mr. Gabriel Andrade, Evaluation/AIP Subcommittee Chair. 13. Vote to Approve: January’s monthly expense report, as presented by Mr. Michael Saunders, Chief Financial Officer. 14. Vote to Approve: The second quarter budget transfers, as presented by Mr. Michael Saunders, Chief Financial Officer. 15. Vote to Approve: The second quarter revolving fund, as presented by Mr. Michael Saunders, Chief Financial Officer. 5 Agenda: Regular Meeting of the Fall River School Committee – Monday, February 9, 2015 FOR YOUR INFORMATION RETIREMENTS: Name Position Effective Mr. Steven Abdow Mr. Paul Coogan Ms. Madeline Davin Mr. Edward Davis Mr. Robert Dunse Ms. Cheryl Feeney Science Teacher, Durfee High School Vice Principal Durfee High School Paraprofessional, Silvia Elementary School Technology Education Teacher, Kuss Middle School Technology Education Teacher, Durfee High School Elementary Teacher, Spencer Borden Elementary School 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 6/30/15 7/27/15 6/30/15 Ms. Denise Gagne Ms. Cynthia Grammer Mr. Michael Kelly Ms. Karen LaFrance Biology Teacher, Durfee High School Director of Fine Arts, Fall River Public Schools Physical Education Teacher, Fonseca Elementary School Paraprofessional, Doran Elementary School Ms. Athanasia Lenaghan Paraprofessional, Watson Elementary School 6/30/15 6/30/15 7/9/15 6/30/15 2/28/15 *new date RESIGNATIONS: Name Position Effective Mr. Andrew Almeida Ms. Barbara Desai Ms. Helia Ferreira Ms. Sarah LeBreque Ms. Shelly Seabrook Paraprofessional, Spencer Borden Elementary School English Teacher, Kuss Middle School 1:1 Paraprofessional, Spencer Borden Elementary School Part-Time Nutrition Worker, Nutrition Department School Adjustment Counselor, Resiliency Preparatory School 1/9/15 1/30/15 1/5/15 12/1/14 1/9/15 Ms. Katelyn Sleep Paraprofessional, Henry Lord Community School 1/16/15 APPOINTMENTS: Name/Address Position Effective Salary/Certifications Ms. Linda M. Bak 600 Cole Farm Road Warwick, RI 02889 ELA Interventionist, Watson Elementary School 12/3/14 – 6/30/15 $55.86 per hour Master’s Degree, Step 11 License: Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities (PreK-8) Ms. Wendy A. Bellavance 131 Diman Street Fall River, MA 02721 Mr. Christopher Blanchette 10 Quaker Avenue Tiverton, RI 02878 Ms. Victoria Boie 35 Oxford Street Fall River, MA 02721 Ms. Meaghan P. Cadorette 35 Bodwell Street Somerset, MA 02726 Ms. Katherine L. Carroll 2 West Prospect Street Greenville, RI 02828 Classroom Paraprofessional, Silvia Elementary School Interim Appt. 1/5/15 $12.51 per hour Associate’s Degree, Step 1 8 Grade Social Studies Teacher, Morton Middle School 1/5/15 $45,561 Bachelor’s Degree +15, Step 4 License: History (5-8) Classroom Paraprofessional, Greene Elementary School 1/20/15 $12.51 per hour 78 Credits, Step 1 Art Teacher, Doran Community School 1/5/15 th English Teacher, Durfee High School 90 day appt. 1/17/15 $38,813 Bachelor’s Degree, Step 1 License: Visual Art (PreK-8) $38,813 Bachelor’s Degree, Step 1 License: English (8-12) 6 Agenda: Regular Meeting of the Fall River School Committee – Monday, February 9, 2015 Ms. Susan Cavaco 240 Horizon Way Fall River, MA 02720 Ms. Mandy S. Connors 91 Monarch Street Fall River, MA 02723 Mr. Alfred Contildes III 886 Black Plain Road North Smithfield, RI 02896 Ms. Lucia F. Costa 188 Welcome Street Fall River, MA 02721 Mr. Robert E. Deschenes III 371 Madison Street Fall River, MA 02720 Ms. Hannah Eccles 3100 Elm Street Dighton, MA 02715 Ms. Ashley J. Franco 202 Pinehurst Avenue Swansea, MA 02777 Mr. Dale Frost 51 Broad Street Fall River, MA 02724 Ms. Adrienne Gerstenecker 202 Main Street Lakeville, MA 02347 Ms. Kylie A. Goettlich 952 Stonegate Landing North Dighton, MA 02764 Ms. Kelly A. Juanego 252 Stevens Street Fall River, MA 02721 Mr. Jason A. Kadlec 39 Quarry Street Fall River, MA 02723 Ms. Gloriyancer Maldonado 51 Johnson Street Fall River, MA 02723 Mr. Joshua Medeiros 192 Walker Street Swansea, MA 02777 Ms. Melissa M. Pereira 386 Montaup Street Fall River, MA 02724 Ms. Allison F. Semple 269 Elsbree Street Fall River, MA 02720 Ms. Thomanda Shaffer Special Education 1:1 Paraprofessional, Silvia Elementary School Special Education (Self Contained Classroom) Paraprofessional, Spencer Borden Elementary School Science Teacher, Durfee High School 1/12/15 $13.64 ParaPro Certified, Step 6 1/20/15 $12.51 per hour Bachelor’s Degree, Step 1 1/20/15 $38,813 Bachelor’s Degree, Step 1 License: Document Needed 90 day appt. Lunch Monitor, Henry Lord Community School 12/8/14 Social Studies, Durfee High School 1/26/15 Physical Education, Doran Community School 2/2/15 $8.25 per hour $38,813 Bachelor’s Degree, Step 1 License: History (8-12) $64,171 Master’s Degree +30, Step 10 License: Physical Education (PreK-8) 7 Grade English Teacher, Morton Middle School 1/5/15 $38,813 Bachelor’s Degree, Step 1 License: English (5-8) Junior Part-Time Custodian, FRPS 1/6/15 $10.00 per hour Grade 1 Teacher, Doran Community School 1/12/15 $40,994 Master’s Degree, Step 1 License: Early Childhood: Teachers of Students With and Without Disabilities (PreK-2) Classroom Paraprofessional, Silvia Elementary School 1/5/15 $12.51 per hour Bachelor’s Degree, Step 1 Special Education (Self Contained Classroom) Paraprofessional 2/2/15 $12.51 Associate’s Degree, Step 1 Junior Part-Time Custodian, FRPS 1/20/15 $10.00 per hour School Office Paraprofessional, Henry Lord Community School 1/6/15 $12.51 per hour 122 Credits, Step 1 Special Education (Autism High Functioning) Teacher, Silvia Elementary School 12/29/14 $39,363 Bachelor’s Degree + 15, Step 1 License: Moderate Disabilities (PreK-8) Data Specialist, FRPS 1/19/15 $43,000 ESL Inclusion Teacher, Fonseca Elementary School 1/26/15 th Social Studies Teacher, Resiliency 90 day appt. 2/9/15 $38,813 Bachelor’s Degree, Step 1 License: Document Needed $38,813 7 Agenda: Regular Meeting of the Fall River School Committee – Monday, February 9, 2015 251B Upper County Road Dennisport, MA 02639 Mr. Robert N. Thibault 398 America Street Fall River, MA 02721 Mr. Daneyel Thy 306 South Main Street Attleboro, MA 02703 Ms. Jennifer Wasicsko 111 Arnold Street Lincoln, RI 02865 Middle School English Teacher, Stone Therapeutic Day Middle School 1/5/15 Special Education Math Teacher, Durfee High School 1/26/15 Special Education Teacher in a Self-Contained Classroom, Viveiros Elementary School 1/12/15 Bachelor’s Degree, Step 1 License: History (5-8) $55,133 Master’s Degree +15, Step 7 License: English (5-8) $40,994 Master’s Degree, Step 1 License: Moderate Disabilities (5-12) $40,994 Master’s Degree, Step 1 License: Severe Disabilities (ALL) DEATH NOTICES: Name Position(s) Held Mr. Alfred Arnaldo Mr. Edward P. Niewola Custodian, FRPS Custodian, FRPs Date of Death 1/18/15 1/21/15 ADA Coordinator: Gary P. Howayeck, Esq.- 508.324.2650 8
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