C&WM News General Meeting Wednesday March 4th 7 pm at GAZA Community Club 232 North East Rd Klemzig SSAA-CWM - ACTIVITY PROGRAM-2015 (DRAFT VERSION – 10/02/15) Please note: many dates and DEWNR activities are still unknown or subject to approval. DATE 08 /03/15 ACTIVITY Range Day at NESSCI COORDINATOR George S. 09 - 13/03/15 Witchelina (NFSA) Project – S/L & cull Kaz H 16 -20/03/15 Brookfield Ali W 17/03/15 CWM Council (meeting 7.00pm CWA) Council 27- 30/3/15 Hiltaba – Spotlighting & cull Rick F SSAA State Meeting 12noon at CWA Council 11/04/15 Range Day at Monarto – 10am – 3 pm Council 14/04/15 CWM Council (meeting 7.00pm CWA) Council 11 -15/05/15 Bimbowrie CR & Boolcoomatta - cull Phil J TBD /05/15 Onkaparinga River NP - cull Kaz H 12/05/15 CWM Council (meeting 7.00pm CWA) Council 15 -18/05/15 FFPP - S/L + BCR Bait & cull Kaz H 17 -22/05/15 Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges RNP - cull TBD /05/15 Brookfield Ali W 31/05/15 Range Day at NESSCI George S TBD /06/15 Dutchman Stern CP – cull Kaz -- /06/15 SSAA State Meeting 12noon at CWA --/03/15 Gil H Council 12 -15/06/15 Hiltaba – Spotlighting Rick F 13/06/15 Accreditation Course (theory) Gil H 15 -19/06/15 Brookfield Ali W 16/06/15 CWM Council (meeting 7.00pm CWA) Council 1 17/06/15 CWM General Meeting 7pm at Gaza Comm Club 22 -25/06/15 Flinders & V-G RNP – Wildlife Surveys 12/07/15 Range Day at Monarto – 10am – 3pm Council 21/07/15 CWM Council (meeting 7.00pm CWA) Council 01 -07/08/15 Gawler RNP – cull Rick F 09/08/15 Range Day at NESSCI George S 14 -17/08/15 FFPP - Spotlighting Kaz H 18/08/15 CWM Council (meeting 7.00pm CWA) 04 - 07/09/15 Hiltaba – Spotlighting & cull 07 -11/09/15 Witchelina (NFSA) Project – S/L & cull Council George S/ DEWNR Council Rick F Kaz H TBD /09/15 Onkaparinga River NP – cull Kaz H 15/09/15 CWM Council (meeting 7.00pm CWA) Council --/09/15 SSAA State Meeting 12noon at CWA Council 16/09/15 CWM AGM 7pm at Gaza Comm Club Council 04 - 09/10/15 Bimbowrie CR & Boolcoomatta – cull Phil J 11/10/15 Range Day at NESSCI George S 20/10/15 CWM Council (meeting 7.00pm CWA) Council 31/10/15 Accreditation Course (theory) Gil H 01 - 06/11/15 Vulkathunha-Gammon RNP – cull Gil H 07/11/15 Council Range Day at Monarto – 10am – 3pm 13 - 16/11/15 FFPP – S/L + BCR Bait & cull Kaz H TBD /11/15 Dutchman Stern CP – cull Kaz H 17/11/2015 CWM Council (meeting 7.00pm CWA) Council TBD /08/15 Brookfield Ali W 11 - 14 /12/15 Hiltaba – Spotlighting Rick F TBD /12/15 SSAA State AGM 12noon at CWA Council 15/12/15 CWM Council (meeting 7.00pm CWA) Council 16/12/15 CWM General Meeting 7pm at Gaza Comm Club Council NB: - All cull dates cover shooting from first sunrise to last sunset excepting FFPP and PESTCAM which are from first sunset to last sunrise. 2 OFF PROGRAM (IRREGULAR) ACTIVITIES – please check with Activity Coordinator for details before registering. Barossa/Hills – quick response/SA Water/Forestry SA Graham H 8337 5388 Fleurieu – Forestry SA Telowie/Burra/Redbanks Jim A 8390 1882 Shane F 8634 4362 Buckaringa (3/13, 5/13, 8/13, 11/13) / Yookamurra Mark P 8380 5336 Midweek Range (Monarto) Chris C 8374 2175 Gluepot, Pualco, Pandappa Phil J 0408431750 Lameroo District Evan R 8764 2169 Mt Brown CP Gum Creek Stn cat, fox, rabbit control Rob & Sue S 8636 2691 Dennis D 0409 098 68 Every effort will be made not to make changes, but PLEASE CHECK ACTIVITY PROGRAM FOR UPDATES ON WEBSITE (www.hunt-cons.asn.au ) and/or Activity Coordinator. President’s Report March 2015 The judgement of the case brought against our club by former member Mr J Ridgway has been brought down, and the reasons published. The full judgement of the Honourable Justice Nicholson is available at: (4) “...that the plaintiff is still a member of the association. (5) The plaintiff requested “An injunction restraining the defendant from taking further disciplinary action against the plaintiff in respect of events up to the commencement of these proceedings” http://www.courts.sa.gov.au/Judgments/ Lists/Judgments/Attachments/ 1792/2015%20SASC%207.pdf (6) Plaintiff asked for damages The claims being made were that Mr Ridgway had been unfairly removed from membership of SSAA H&C Branch. Justice Nicholson summarised his 57-page judgment thus: Mr Ridgway asked the Supreme Court to adjudicate that:(1) “... in and about the expulsion the association did not adopt the principles of natural justice. “ (2) “...that the purported expulsion of the plaintiff as a member of the defendant is null and void and of no effect. (3) “...that in breach of section 61 of the Associations Incorporations Act the defendant has engaged in conduct concerning the plaintiff that is oppressive or unreasonable” 3 (7) Plaintiff asked for costs Held: 1. The plaintiff was provided with proper notice of the defendant’s complaints against him together with sufficient time to prepare for and to address them at the 20 March 2013 meeting and to this extent was afforded natural justice. 2. In reaching its decision to expel the plaintiff, the defendant did not act oppressively or unreasonably within s61 of the Associations Incorporation Act 1985. 3. The defendant failed to afford the plaintiff procedural fairness at the 20 March 2013 meeting and, as a consequence, the resolution expelling him from membership for the 2012/2013 year was invalid. 4. In the circumstances, the plaintiff’s membership expired as at 30 October 2013. 5. An order for reinstatement of membership is not appropriate, in all the circumstances. 6. The plaintiff is entitled to an award of damages in the amount of $500. (2015) SASC 7 Reasons for decision of The Honourable Justice Nicholson 28 January 2015 When looking at the result members should very much follow the judge’s remarks - that the outcome must be read in the context of his detailed judgement. Such reading will underscore how the judge viewed the enormous effort members of the Council, and Shane Fantinel as Member Protection Officer, put in to try and resolve this issue, and how he viewed Mr Ridgway’s continuous attacks on the club and the President George Sobolewski. On almost every issue, the judge held that the club had acted correctly, and that nothing the club could have done would have stopped Mr Ridgway from continuing his “written warfare” on the club. {page 43, para 160} However – while it was not part of the initial case brought by Mr Ridgway’s side – the judge found two technical flaws in the administration of the “Show Cause” meeting at which Mr Ridgway was expelled. The latter part of that meeting, after Mr Ridgway’s lawyer had left and the decision to expel was debated and voted on – was not recorded. Also, two members of Council had been involved in the initial issue should not have taken part in the discussion or vote. While it was accepted this would not have made any material difference to the outcome, nonetheless it was held that these 4 points amounted to a denial of natural justice and therefore the expulsion was invalid. He was awarded $500 damages for this, but was specifically denied reinstatement to the club. This should be viewed in the context that the Supreme Court is intended to deal with civil cases that exceed $100,000 in claims. Given that the former member is now gone and the club has largely been exonerated, the real issue is the question of costs. Our club has used its entire reserve of funds, built up over 21 years, to defend itself in this pointless and wasteful case. Mr Ridgway would have expended a great deal more. It is considered that there is a good case for recovery of much of that cost from Mr Ridgway, and our legal representatives have been instructed to pursue those costs in the hearing to take place shortly. I invite members to attend our next quarterly meeting at Gaza on Wed March 4th where, no doubt, this entire issue will be discussed in detail. On behalf of the Council, I thank the members for their support throughout this long and very oppressive saga. We trust it will soon be behind us and we can focus all our efforts on what we are here for – Conservation and Wildlife Management. Tony Judd President, SSAA (SA) – Conservation and Wildlife Management branch. CONTACT WITH MEMBERS Please be advised that the Branch cannot communicate with you if you have changed your Email or postal address, or any of your telephone numbers. So, please advise of any changes – many seem to have multiple Email addresses, which can be confusing if one becomes defunct. YFRWPA As I mentioned at the last General Meeting, this branch was very much instrumental in the establishment of the Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby Preservation Association, when some 90 members of H&C (now CWM) put in $1000 each to purchase land (with Commonwealth government assistance) and start the project. This was some thirteen years ago, and the project is going well, but many members are getting “long in the tooth” when on ground works are required. Old age does not equip us for heavy exercise or for maintaining high levels of enthusiasm – and some move on to other interests. Some memberships are becoming available and I would like to encourage members to continue our involvement in this conservation project. Kaz Herbst Who’s who and what do they do for you As a result of elections held at our 2014 Annual General meeting, changes have occurred within the Council of the Branch. All correspondence should be directed to: Chris Carroll SSAA SA Conservation and Wildlife Management SA Inc P.O.Box 188 Kent Town SA 5071 Chris can be contacted on 0415890075 by mail or E-mail at [email protected] With passage of time, inflation, and cumulative interest, as well as quite a high demand for memberships, the current “good will”/transfer cost is up to $1800 per membership. S.S.A.A. S.A. Conservation & Wildlife Management (S.A.) Inc. Council 2014 / 2015 Although the goat numbers are low, there is plenty of scope for spotlighting, and there is a 300M “optical alignment” facility – great for teaching your friends, children and grandchildren. You can always do some maintenance, construction and planting, or just enjoy the spectacular surroundings. Tony Judd Feel free to talk to current members, and/or visit the websites: www.yellowfoot.org and www.caernarvontrack.com . SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS Firstly, I precede what I write, by saying that I am NOT an expert in iPhone matters as I don’t own one. But, I have recently come across a pamphlet about a “SatSleeve” gizmo which turns your iPhone into a satellite phone. The $15/month ”Thuraya SatSleeve Plan” offers satellite calls at 99c per minute – in an emergency, this may be cheap. All other data, Apps, SMS, …. functions apply. Again, rather than giving more non-expert advice, I would suggest you “google” or go to: www.thinkmobile.com.au/onenumber 5 President Vice President George Sobolewski Secretary Chris Carroll Treasurer Peter Rowe Council Members Gary Dunstan, Gil Hartwig, Kaz Herbst, Scott Jennings, Brad Prior, Alistair Wilkie C&WM Member .Protection.Officer is Shane Fantinel Gil Hartwig, Kym McKenney & Gary Dunstan, are nominated as club instructors Gil Hartwig, Kaz Herbst, Chris Green and Jim Ayliffe are nominated as authorised officers to witness firearms transfers. Gil Hartwig and Chris Carroll are nominated to issue club chits for firearms licence renewal. Caroona CP: 5-9/01/15 Activity Coordinator: Shane Fantinel Accredited firearms instructors. Members: 6 George Sobolewski Animals taken: 136 feral goats, 1 fox Paul Sobolewski Pandappa CP: 5-9/01/15 Tony Judd Activity Coordinator: Phil Johns Shane Fantinel Members: 3 Alistair Wilkie Animals taken: 17 feral goats, 2 foxes Raymond Burton Hiltaba: 18-20/01/15 Geoffrey Frost Activity Coordinator: Rick Fisher Chris Carroll Members: 2 Alistair Wilkie Animals taken: 49 feral goats, 1 fox Guest Speaker at March General Meeting Yankallia: 19/01/15 Brendan Atkinson, known to many for his firearms journalism will be guest speaker at Wednesday March 4th General Meeting and will address the topic of firearms care. Activity Coordinator: Kym McKenney C&WM Activity Report Summary Gluepot Reserve: 3-6/12/14 Activity Coordinator: Phil Johns Members: 5 Animals taken: 43 feral goats Mt Remarkable CP: 26-31/12/14 Activity Coordinator: Shane Fantinel Members: 2 Animals taken: 17 feral goats Telowie CP: 26-31/12/14 Activity Coordinator: Shane Fantinel Members: 4 Animals taken: 42 feral goats 6 Memebrs: 2 Animals taken: 5 Western grey kangaroos, 1 fox Flinders Feral Predator Program (FFPP) Flinders Ranges NP: 23-26/01/15 Activity Coordinator: Kaz Herbst Members: 2 Animals taken: 25 feral cats Mt Brown CP: 23-27/01/15 Activity Coordinator: Sue Scarman Members: 3 Animals taken: 53 feral goats, 1 fox Arkaba Station: 2-5/02/15 Activity Coordinator: Dennis Donavan Members: 4 Animals taken: 20 feral goats, 2 foxes, 75 rabbits CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS in his possession ammunition that exceeds the reasonable needs of that person for the immediately following 12 months. Reasonableness will depend upon circumstances and justifiable need of the person in possession of the ammunition. FORUM THURSDAY 23/10/14 Excerpts from notes made at a meeting between Supt Newitt, SAPOL Firearms Branch and shooting club representatives. The attached minutes provide answers to raised questions/discussion points through reference to the Act and Regulations – both of which can be found at www.legislation.sa.gov.au . Q1 (a) Can you provide clarification regarding the transporting of ammunition and rifles in vehicles, (b) clarification of storing ammunition and amounts, (c) criteria and training requirements for the issuance of firearms licences? A1(a) Firearms regulations, specifically Regulation 21 (1) (d), Regulation 38 – Security of Firearms and Regulation 41- Security of Ammunition states that you must take all reasonable precautions to ensure your firearm and ammunition is not lost, stolen and does not come into possession of an unauthorised person. Ammunition storage must be separate from firearms. When you are transporting firearms and ammunition you must take all reasonable precautions to ensure against theft and loss. Practically this means that you should ensure that your firearms or ammunition in your locked vehicle are not visible. A common sense approach would be “what would you do when transporting any other valuable item in your vehicle?” A1 (b) 7 A1(c) The storage of ammunition - must be stored in a locked container separately form firearms – Regulation 4. Regulation 36 states that a person must not own or have Regulation 19 states the Registrar may require the applicant for a firearms licence, or dealers licence, or for the addition of classes of firearms, to undertake a course, written examination, or practical examination of the safe handling, carriage and use of firearms. Courses are produced by SA TAFE as the only Registrar approved training (security industry training must also be approved by the Registrar). Q4 (a) “Can you please tell me about the reloading/storage of powder etc under the main roof area of a house?” (b) “Can a club check member’s security of firearms instead of SAPOL (especially new members)” (c) “Can you store guns in caravan etc whilst holidaying and shooting with SA” and (d) “Would a handgun safe fitted in a caravan be considered to be a secure arrangement?” A4 (a) Safework SA regulates this area. SAPOL are able to police it based on their regulations. The following explain the circumstances around black powder for reloading purposes. i. If you hold explosives/reloading powder of a quantity no greater than 3 kilograms for personal use i.e., reloading of safety cartridges, then there are no issues and a permit/licence from Safework SA is not required (provided the explosives/reloading powder is classified as gunpowder/black powder). (Classification 1.1D) Up to 15 kilograms of gunpowder/ black powder may be kept/stored provided you have a permit/licence and meet storage criteria controlled by Safework SA. ii. Explosives, gunpowder/black powder/nitrocellulose/smokeless powders contained within safety cartridges (ammunition) needs to be taken into calculations relevant to the maximum amounts of explosives that may be kept/stored for personal use. iv. 8 Amounts of explosives above 15 kilograms but less than 30 or 60 kilograms (dependent upon category) may be kept but must only be done so with a Safework SA permit/licence and only within an explosives magazine that has been certified by Safework SA. A4 (b) Members checking the security of other gun club members is not supported. This is a policing function and one which sometimes requires some form of policing authority to be exercised. Police have an integral part to play in ensuring the security of firearms in the community. The Firearms Act and Regulations allow fit and proper persons to own firearms and SAPOL have a very important role to ensure that people are storing those firearms in an appropriate manner, that is why Police have certain authorities and responsibilities and that is best vested in Police when conducting audits. A4 (c) In relation to firearms storage in caravans - As stated earlier in Regulation 21 (1) (d) - A person must take all reasonable precautions to make the firearms secure that includes whilst they are not secured at the home address. If you hold explosives/reloading powder designated as nitrocellulose or smokeless powder (not gunpowder/black powder) then the allowable 3 kilograms is treated as a half weight. This allows a person to have and use up to 6 kilograms of nitrocellulose or smokeless powder. a. If a combination of explosives i.e., gunpowder/black powder and nitrocellulose/smokeless are kept together, then both types are grouped into the 1.1D classification for which the limit on storage without a Safework SA permit/licence is 3 Kilograms. iii. v. Amounts of explosives of up to 15 kilograms may be stored for personal use provided a permit/ licence has been obtained from Safework SA and all criteria and requirements for appropriate storage have been complied with. (This requires an audit and approval by Safework SA inspectors)
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