The Judson faith community is an American Baptist congregation, liberal and ecumenical in perspective, welcoming into its fellowship persons of all abilities, differing religious, racial backgrounds and sexual orientations. The Reconciliation Statue in Richmond, VA 4101 Harriet Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55409-1442 612-822-0649 ▪ The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany Jazz Sunday February 15, 2015 ▪ 9:30 AM Jazz Central Youth All Stars PRELUDE OPENING SENTENCES Psalm 104 Eileen McLaughlin THE WELCOME *CALL TO WORSHIP Eileen McLaughlin One: We gather to worship God, the Giver of Life Many: God, give us the waters of new life One: In the deserts of our lives, in the wilderness within, Many: God, give us the waters of new life One: To give us hope when our lives run dry, to give us strength when our world seems barren Many: God, give us the waters of new life One: To let peace flow like a river and love spring forth like a fountain, Many: God, give us the waters of new life One: To make justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a living stream, Many: God, give us the waters of new life One: To give us - and our world - a second chance and a new beginning, Many: God, give us the waters of new life One: Come, people of God, let us together open our lives to receive God’s new life. Many: Together let us open our hearts to sing God’s praise. *OPENING HYMN insert “Creator, We Thank You for All You Have Made” FIRST LESSON 2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2 page 181 red pew Bible, New Testament St. Denio Eileen McLaughlin CALL TO PRAYER Eileen McLaughlin We should highly rejoice that God dwells in our soul, and still more highly should we rejoice that our soul dwells in God. Our soul is made to be God’s dwelling place, and the dwelling place of our soul is God who was never made. SILENCE “In the silence there is a presence.” Douglas Steere THANKSGIVING (unison) Eileen McLaughlin You, O God, are our mother, brother. In your Spirit is marvelous and plenteous grace. You are our clothing; for in love you wrap us and embrace us. You are our maker, our lover, our keeper. Teach us to believe that by your grace all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well. Amen Praise God, Praise God, All ye little children God is love, God is love. HYMN Rev. Travis Norvell TIME WITH CHILDREN CHILDREN'S BLESSING: One: And now receive a blessing from the faith community who loves you. Many: God be with you. Children: And also with you. Jazz Central Youth All Stars ANTHEM Rev. Travis Norvell MORNING PRAYER Claire Curran PERSONAL REFLECTION CALL TO OFFERING Jazz Central Youth All Stars OFFERTORY Old Hundredth *DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all grace flows forth! Praise Life, all creatures here on earth! Praise Light who guides us on our way! Praise Love who forms us day by day! SECOND LESSON MEDITATION *HYMN #28 “Trees Need Not Walk the Earth” by David Rosenthal “All Things Bright and Beautiful: The Core of Our Christianity” Rev. Travis Norvell Rev. Travis Norvell “For the Beauty of the Earth” Dix BLESSING Jazz Central Youth All Stars POSTLUDE *All who are able may stand We thank the Jazz Central Youth All Stars for their gift of music today. Josh Johnson – saxophones, Jake Baldwin – trumpet, Javier Santiago – piano, Levi Schwartzberg - vibes Charlie Lincoln – bass, Benjamin Beyenne - drums and cymbals Child care for all children age 0-3 is provided in the nursery during worship. Amplifiers for those who need hearing assistance are available from the ushers. THIS WEEK AT JUDSON Today Tuesday Wednesday February 15 8:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 11:00 am February 17 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Thursday Friday 9:30 am 12:00 pm 12:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm February 19 7:00 pm February 20 1:00 pm Saturday February 21 February 18 9:00 am 10:00 am 3:00 pm Christian Meditation Room No 1 in Office area Worship Child care (infants-Grade 5) Birth—Age 3 Nursery Pre-K—Grade 5 Rainbow room Fellowship time Ann Judson room Adult Education Ann Judson room Pancake Brinner Fellowship hall Spiritual Voyageurs Library Staff meeting Library Deadline for weekly bulletin submissions Deadline for weekly email submissions Ash Wednesday service Sanctuary Choir Sanctuary Pastoral Relations Committee Library Facilitators meeting Volunteer office MESSENGER DEADLINE Soup Group Fellowship hall kitchen Art Group Ann Judson room Mpls Trombone Choir rehearsal Sanctuary Starfish Info-January 2015 Requesters helped 7 - Monthly budget exhausted: January 9 Total aid: $2,007.39 (Rent & Utilities: $1,707.39 / Food, gas, bus: $300) JUDSON’S TREE OF LIFE CELEBRATIONS 2/15--Jackie Thureson 2/17--Neil Gustafson 2/18--Jane Ann Nelson HEALTH CONCERNS Bev (Friend of Barbara York) Randy Bjork (Cousin of Margaret Mason) Tom Brady (Kate Brady’s brother) Dorothy Cottone IN OUR HEARTS Joel Hoefle, Trish Magal and daughters Nika, Cela & Katiana Hrang Hlei, with A Cer, Jessica & Luke Randy & Sarah Baker Larry & Jane Jacobson Robbie Lehman HOMEBOUND Doris Appelquist Lola Boddy - Walker Pat Cafarelli - Northridge Helen Chapman John Francis Lou Gonzalez - Veteran’s Home Verna Hesse - Walker Iris Howe - Sholom Home Pat Houge - Maplewood (Ron Cottone’s mother) Deb Donley Jerry Dye Helen Engen (Char Engen-Mangskau's mother) John Giering (Father of Jane Giering De Haan) Dan Haeg (Friend of Doug Weatherhead and Van Johnson) Original Artwork by Doris Stewart $10 Starfish $300 Thailand-Akoo $160 Youth Grief Services $13 Youth Coffee sales Total this fiscal year $29,377 Food donated through December totals 519 IN GRIEF The family of Bob Blackmur on his death on January 14, 2015 Tai Hartley LIFE TRANSITIONS (Paul Mendez's niece) Kevin Brady The Granger family Lynne Hesse Grace Jones Britta Hirsch Dick Gregory Ruth Inhoff Bob Jayne (Friend of Barbara York) Laurie Knutson Oliver Kruger (Shirley Doyle’s mother) Diana Larsen Ardelle Lewis (Mother of Monica Lewis) Colleen McCann HEALTH CONCERNS (CONT.) Susan Tasa Mac Tripeny Joan Weatherhead MISSION GIVING THIS WEEK (Friend of Gentry Holloway and Martha Whiteaker) Robert McLaughlin (Uncle of Eileen McLaughlin) Sydney Rice Rob Rodgers Paul Sivigny (Brother of Sue McLaughlin) Gracie Jones is at Presbyterian Homes which is located at: 9889 Penn Ave S, Pathfinder room 212, Bloomington, MN 55431 The phone number for the main desk is 952-9483000. She would love to see and or hear from friends. If you have an individual you wish to add to the “Tree of Life” or have a specific prayer request, please contact Jane Ann Nelson at 612-721-4465 or [email protected] JUDSON CHURCH VISION STATEMENT We are a spiritually grounded community united in providing sanctuary for all who enter. We seek to open ourselves to the healing and transforming power of God’s love as we seek to follow the life of Jesus: honoring our deepest differences, seeking justice and mercy, discovering and implementing our gifts, and nurturing our children. JUDSON CHURCH STAFF Pastor C & Y Coordinator Director of Music Organist Church Coordinator Childcare Staff Members Custodian Rev. G. Travis Norvell (ext. 16) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] John De Haan (ext. 10) Jim Wentink Eileen McLaughlin (ext. 10) Shefali Vyas Maren Aalgaard Juanita Vargas Cortes ADJUNCT MINISTRIES Judson Preschool TRUST Meals on Wheels TRUST, Inc. Kristie Roedl, Director Betsy Peregoy, Director Nancy Biele, Executive Director Pat McLaughlin, Parish Nurse 612.822.0915 612.822.6040 612.827.6159 612.822.2394 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS & GENERAL INFORMATION Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm Telephone: 612.822.0649 Email: [email protected] Website: WI-FI password: JustVisiting Contribution Income (includes: Pledges, Givers of Record and Loose Offering) as of 2/8/15 Actual amount $ 126,626.69 Budgeted Amount $ 133,554.50 Difference $ (6,927.81) Attendance 2/8/15: 80 Capital Campaign Update Pledges as of 2/8/15: 64 Amount pledged: $130,705 Amount collected as of 2/8/15 $95,112 TODAY’S FELLOWSHIP TIME: after worship in the Ann Judson room, will be hosted by Leslie Rapp and Carley Watts Thank You! USHERS: Joel Frederickson, Hendrix Johnson, Bob and Mary Nelson. PASTORAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Cindy Clague, Barbara Engen-Mangskau, Joel Frederickson, Greg Lehman, Karla McGray, Dave Zumeta. Feel free to speak with any of the these people to share ideas, concerns or thanks. ANNOUNCEMENTS CLAIRE CURRAN - PERSONAL REFLECTION We welcome Claire Curran, the Campaign Coordinator at MN Interfaith Power and Light. Claire has a strong background in organizing, having coordinated the Lutheran Advocacy MN’s Clean Energy Campaign and directing Environment California’s campaign office in Los Angeles. She brings a significant understanding of faith traditions and a sincere belief in the power of faith communities to create positive social change. Her underlying mission is to build authentic relationships with congregations and empower them to take meaningful action on climate change. SECOND HOUR EDUCATION: Jenny Simmonds will be presenting information about the Children and Youths, choice for Mission of the month. She will be talking about Youth Grief Services ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE ON WEDNESDAY An Ash Wednesday Service is planned for February 18 at 6:30 pm. BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: FEBRUARY 26TH & MARCH 5TH, 7:00-9:00 P.M. Lynne Hesse and Ken Rowe invite you to join us for a book discussion group. We plan to read Parker Palmer’s book, Let Your Life Speak. We’ll meet on two Thursday evenings in Lynne and Ken’s homes; February 26th and March 5th, 7:00 -9:00 p.m. We’re looking for about 10 people to join us and we will contact you regarding our home addresses and other relevant information. If you’d like to join us, please respond no later than Saturday, Feb 22nd. Please contact Lynne or Ken: Lynne Hesse - [email protected] or Lynne’s home phone: 612-8666105. Ken Rowe - [email protected] or Ken’s cell phone: 612-275-4247. SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE BRINNER Judson Children and Youth are sponsoring our second annual Pancake Brinner (breakfast for dinner) on Shrove Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 6pm. Come join us in Judson’s Fellowship Hall, eat pancakes served by energetic Judson young people and you will accomplish some of the following: 1. Financially support Judson's Children and Youth activities, missions, and mission trips. 2. Get out of preparing, eating and cleaning up after dinner at home. Share instead, a meal and fellowship with other hungry Judsonites, neighbors, families and friends. 3. Achieve a comfort-food induced state of outward lethargy which might enhance the intense inner work of self-reflection required to begin the Lenten season. ANNOUNCEMENTS FEBRUARY MISSION OF THE MONTH IS JUDSON'S CHILDREN & YOUTH CHOICE– YOUTH GRIEF SERVICES Youth Grief Services is a community service of Fairview which provides a safe and nurturing place where families can turn for help after a loved one dies. Youth Grief Services assists in the healing process by offering a network of services that supports, educates and connects grieving families, all free of charge. The program offers a range of support and education services for grieving children and for the adults who care for them. Participation in this program helps create a sense of belonging and normalcy for grieving children, teens and parents. Please make your check out to Judson church and put Youth Grief Ministry in the memo line or mark Youth Grief Ministry on the envelope in the pew rack. TAIZÉ SERVICE Again this year we will gather for candle-light Taizé style worship services, from 6:30-6:55 p.m., beginning February 22 through March 25. A light bread and cheese meal will be provided immediately following the service. For those who attended last year, these services were an opportunity for quiet and calming reflection and centering at the end of sometimes hectic days. ANNUAL MEETING DATE CHANGE: This year's annual congregation business meeting will be on Sunday, May 3, 2015. Please mark your calendars. REMINDER: SERMONS AND PERSONAL REFLECTIONS VIDEOS AVAILABLE Most Sundays, the sermon and personal reflection are video taped. These videos are posted on the Vimeo video sharing site at If you have any questions or comments, please contact Jackie Thureson. COMFORT FOOD What might taste better in mid-winter than comfort food? Consider donating to Joyce Food Shelf whatever foods comfort you. How about Mac and Cheese, Instant Mashed Potatoes, jarred Spaghetti Sauce and Pasta, boxed Stuffing or a Pizza Kit and throw in an occasional canned ham or tuna as well. Money is also helpful to fill in with needed items that we don’t think to donate. Thanks again for helping those that are in need this winter. SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: A SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL BUSINESS MEETING will be held on Sunday, March 15, at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the Capital Campaign Project. GRACIE JONES IS AT PRESBYTERIAN HOMES She is located at: 9889 Penn Ave S, Pathfinder room 212, Bloomington, MN 55431 The phone number for the main desk is 952-948-3000. She would love to see and or hear from friends.
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