The Judson faith community is an American Baptist congregation, liberal and ecumenical in perspective, welcoming into its fellowship persons of all abilities, differing religious and racial backgrounds and sexual orientations. 4101 Harriet Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55409-1442 612-822-0649 ▪ The First Sunday after the Epiphany: Baptism of Jesus January 11, 2015 ▪ 9:30 AM “In Dulci Jubilo” PRELUDE J.S. Bach Please use the prelude to center yourself for worship OPENING SENTENCES Genesis 1:1-5 Seneca Norvell THE WELCOME *CALL TO WORSHIP Sandi Knoche One: Since the dusk of creation, the voice of God.. Many: The voice of God is over the waters: One: God speaks love and the universe expands... Many: The voice of God is powerful; the voice of the God is full of majesty. One: God’s power is both tender and dangerous, like the path of a Mediterranean storm. Many: The voice of God breaks the cedars; breaks the cedars of Lebanon, makes Lebanon skip like a calf, and Sirion like a young wild ox. One: The voice of God flashes forth flames of fire, like wildfire... Many: The voice of God shakes the wilderness; shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. One: The voice of God is like a whirlwind... Many: The voice of God causes the oaks to whirl, and strips the forest bare; and in God’s temple all say, “Glory!” One: This power is made evident not in acts of destruction but in the acts of blessing. Many: May God give strength to God’s people! May God bless God’s people with peace! *OPENING HYMN insert “Sisters and Brothers with One Voice” Hyfrdol A CALL TO PRAYER Sandi Knoche We can easily forget that prayer is not our primary our work, but God’s grace, and that contemplation begins with a receptive stance, a readiness to receive a love always offered to us. What if you were to start your prayer by letting God love you? What if in the moment of silence you turned to God like a sunflower following the path of the sun, or as parched soil soaking up the rain? SILENCE “In the silence there is a presence.” Douglas Steere THANKSGIVING (unison) Sandi Knoche Continue to transform us into the beauty of Divine Sophia and make us resemble the one who is the Way, the Child of God. Amen ANTHEM “There Shall a Star from Jacob Come Forth-II” Men’s choir Felix Mendelssohn THE FIRST LESSON Exodus 7:1-7 page 53 red pew Bible, Old Testament HYMN Praise God, Praise God, All ye little children God is love, God is love. Sandi Knoche TIME WITH CHILDREN CHILDREN'S BLESSING: One: And now receive a blessing from the faith community who loves you. Many: God be with you. Children: And also with you. MORNING PRAYER CALL TO OFFERING “Down to the River to Pray” OFFERTORY arr. Sheldon Curry Old Hundredth *DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all grace flows forth! Praise Life, all creatures here on earth! Praise Light who guides us on our way! Praise Love who forms us day by day! PERSONAL REFLECTION Doug Weatherhead THE SECOND LESSON Mark 1:4-11 page 34 red pew Bible, New Testament Rev. Travis Norvell “Water is Thicker than Blood” text: “in those days…” (Mark 1:9) SERMON Rev. Travis Norvell CALL FOR RENEWAL One: As Jesus emerged from the waters of the River Jordan, embraced by a community, marked for a new way of being, so now we recall our own water experiences. Many: Refreshed by the flow of joy, hope and wonder, warmed by a community, wrapped in a call to be our best selves. One: We come together to share our experiences – ourselves, knowing that our hopes, joys, sorrows, and dreams flow together in this river which is our beloved community. RITUAL OF WATER Child care for all children age 0-3 is provided in the nursery during worship. Amplifiers for those who need hearing assistance are available from the ushers. BENEDICTION One: May we depart this sacred space, Many: hearts filled with anticipation of more new beginnings, with renewed hope for what we can be. One: We will go forth, but return to this community, Many: Where rivers of tears may be shed, where dry souls are watered, One: Where our joy springs, where our life cup overflows, Many: Where in the deep water of our spirits we find miracles. (Kayle Rice, Greg Ward) RITUAL OF WATER *HYMN insert “Sisters and Brothers with One Voice” Converse *All who are able may stand THIS WEEK AT JUDSON Today January 11 Monday January 12 Tuesday Wednesday January 13 January 14 Thursday Saturday January 15 January 17 Sunday January 18 8:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am Christian Meditation Room No 1 in Office area Baptism of Jesus Child care (infants-Grade 5) Birth—Age 3 Nursery Pre-K—Grade 5 Rainbow room 10:30 am Fellowship time Fellowship hall 11:00 am Adult Education Ann Judson room 9:00 am Cops and Clergy Ann Judson room 4:30 pm Finance committee Library 7:00 pm Council meeting Ann Judson room 12:00 pm Deadline for weekly bulletin submissions 12:00 pm Deadline for weekly email submissions 7:00 pm Choir Sanctuary 9:00 am JPS Event Providence room 10:00 am Art Group Ann Judson room 3:00 pm Mpls Trombone Choir rehearsal Sanctuary 9:30 am Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday Starfish Info-December 2014 Requesters helped 14 Total aid: $3,075 (Rent & Utilities: $2,525 / Food, gas, bus: $550) Monthly budget exhausted: December 15 JUDSON’S TREE OF LIFE Please remember to hold those whose names are listed below in your thoughts and prayers during the upcoming week and beyond. CELEBRATIONS 1/12--Scott Johnson 1/12--Jim Newton 1/12--Jody Everson 1/13--Samantha Hanson 1/13--Phyllis Seichrist 1/14--George Nolen 1/15--Pat Doyle 1/16--Anders Frederickson 1/16--Dee Lakosky 1/16--Diana Larsen HEALTH CONCERNS Bev (Friend of Barbara York) Randy Bjork (Cousin of Margaret Mason) Tom Brady (Kate Brady’s brothers) Dorothy Cottone (Ron’s mother) Deb Donley Jerry Dye Helen Engen MISSION GIVING THIS WEEK $85 Starfish $25 Food Shelf Total this fiscal year $27,964 Food donated so far totals 363 (Char Engen's mother) IN CELEBRATION Eileen McLaughlin and (Father of Jane Giering De Haan) family on the birth of Marlee Dan Haeg Duchene (grand niece) on (Friend of Doug Weatherhead Tuesday, January 6, 2015. and Van Johnson) Tai Hartley John Giering HOMEBOUND Doris Appelquist Lola Boddy - Walker Pat Cafarelli - Northridge Helen Chapman John Francis Lou Gonzalez - Veterans Home Verna Hesse - Walker Iris Howe - Sholom Home Pat Houge - Maplewood (Paul Mendez's niece) Barb Hesse (Jane & Larry Jacobson's sister-in-law) Britta Hirsch Dick Gregory Ruth Inhoff Bob Jayne LIFE TRANSITIONS (Friend of Barbara York) Kevin Brady The Granger family Elsa & Kurt Jacobson Don Johnston Health Concerns (cont.) Paul Sivigny (Friend of Doug Weatherhead) Laurie Knutson Diana Larsen Ardelle Lewis IN OUR HEARTS Joel Hoefle, Trish Magal and daughters Nika, Cela & Katiana Hrang Hlei, with A Cer, Jessica & Luke Randy & Sarah Baker Larry & Jane Jacobson (Cousin of Eileen McLaughlin) If you have an individual you wish to add to the “Tree of Life” or have a specific prayer request, please contact Jane Ann Nelson at 612-721-4465 or [email protected] Sydney Rice Rob Rodgers Original Artwork by Doris Stewart (Mother of Monica Lewis) (Brother of Sue McLaughlin) Colleen McCann Susan Tasa Chip ten Bensel Joan Weatherhead (Friend of Gentry Holloway and Martha Whiteaker) Sharon McLaughlin JUDSON CHURCH VISION STATEMENT We are a spiritually grounded community united in providing sanctuary for all who enter. We seek to open ourselves to the healing and transforming power of God’s love as we seek to follow the life of Jesus: honoring our deepest differences, seeking justice and mercy, discovering and implementing our gifts, and nurturing our children. JUDSON CHURCH STAFF Pastor C & Y Coordinator Director of Music Organist Church Coordinator Childcare Staff Members Custodian Rev. G. Travis Norvell (ext. 16) John De Haan (ext. 10) Jim Wentink Eileen McLaughlin (ext. 10) Shefali Vyas Maren Aalgaard Juanita Vargas Cortes [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ADJUNCT MINISTRIES Judson Preschool TRUST Meals on Wheels TRUST, Inc. Kristie Roedl, Director Betsy Peregoy, Director Nancy Biele, Executive Director Pat McLaughlin, Parish Nurse 612.822.0915 612.822.6040 612.827.6159 612.822.2394 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS & GENERAL INFORMATION Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm Telephone: 612.822.0649 Email: [email protected] Website: Contribution Income (includes: Pledges, Givers of Record and Loose Offering) as of 1/4/15 Actual amount $ 114,511.09 Budgeted Amount $ 115,912.00 Difference $ (1,400.91) Attendance 1/4/15: 77 Capital Campaign Update Pledges as of 1/4/15: 64 Amount pledged: $130,705 Amount collected as of 1-4-15 $108,653.50 TODAY’S FELLOWSHIP TIME: after worship in the Ann Judson room, will be hosted by Déadra Moore & Sandi Knoche. Thank You! USHERS: Joel Frederickson, Hendrix Johnson, Dave & Jenny Buck PASTORAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Cindy Clague, Barbara Engen-Mangskau, Joel Frederickson, Greg Lehman, Karla McGray, Dave Zumeta. Feel free to speak with any of the these people to share ideas, concerns or thanks. ANNOUNCEMENTS SECOND HOUR EDUCATION: Nature as Oracle: Sigurd Olsen's Never Ending Search For Spirituality In the Wilderness. Sigurd Olsen went far beyond nature's beauty in order to seek it's meaning for the human spirit and, there in, lies his greatness. Chuck Dayton, retired lawyer and environmental advocate will share his photography of wild places while sharing Sigurd Olsen's own words to describe his own awakening and developing spirituality. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR., HOLIDAY BREAKFAST Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfast will be Jan. 19, 2015 7:00 am at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Travis has reserved a table for the Judson community at this event. There are 3 spots left. If you would like to attend tickets are $30, please alert the office, and make your payment to the church office. If you a college student and would like to attend, the pastor will cover your ticket. Vernon Jordan will be the keynote speaker. WHAT TASTES BEST ON A COLD JANUARY DAY? Shall we fill the Joyce Food Shelf Basket this month with soup and crackers? There are so many wonderful, hearty soups in the markets and they are so easy for a family to heat up for a nourishing, quick, hot lunch or supper. Soup is rather inexpensive, so try to think THREE cans of soup while shopping and let’s fill the basket to overflowing. Of course any other food donation is OK too. Thanks for helping to feed those with ‘food insecurity’. REMINDER: COUNCIL MEETING THIS TUESDAY There will be a council meeting this Tuesday (1-13-15) at 7:00 pm in the Ann Judson room. "THE GATHERING" NEEDS VOLUNTEERS! Volunteers are needed at Bethlehem Church on the first through fourth Thursdays of each month. The next volunteer training is Monday, January 12th. Please call Betsy Hoffman, Assistant Coordinator, at 651-414-5291, for more information (time and directions, etc.). Also, please talk to any of the Judson volunteers for more information about "The Gathering" at Bethlehem. They are: Barb Balcom, George Burbie, Don Maronde, Margaret Mason, Jane Ann Nelson, Kathy Urbaniak, and Wayne Urbaniak. MLK SERVICE BY THE TRUST YOUTH THE TRUST YOUTH will be at 5pm on Sunday, January 18th at Living Spirit UMC at 4501 Bloomington Ave So. It will feature music [the Metropolitan Male Chorus of Minnesota], speakers and TRUST Youth. A soup and sandwich supper will follow the service. There will be a Free will offering. Youth are invited to participate as musicians, readers or ushers. Please let Clay ([email protected]) know if you'd like to take part. Afterward, youth participants will go and get dinner at Curran's courtesy of TRUST! All are invited to this memorable and meaningful service. Please plan to attend. ANNOUNCEMENTS January MISSION OF THE MONTH– Starfish Ministries The Mission of the Month for January will again be Starfish Ministries. The outpouring of generosity of the congregation in December for the gift cards was wonderful and much appreciated. Those gifts will provide greatly needed supports for months to come for our neighbors in need. However, the need for cash assistance for rent, utilities, diapers, etc. continues to be great, especially in the winter months. Here are a few facts regarding the Starfish Ministry. Did you know: ♦Since its inception in 2011, Starfish has served 205 individuals or families. ♦Approximately 20% of those have been served more than once as their life situations represent their chronic poverty/need. Starfish limits assistance to one time per year per requester. ♦Monthly budget amounts distributed by the volunteers range from $1,800 to $3,000, depending on funds available. A minimum amount is kept in the account from month to month, practicing the belief that the money is donated to help those in the community and should be used for that purpose and on a timely basis. ♦The monthly budget is exhausted between the 3rd and the 12th of the month. Usually, funds are exhausted by the 5th or 6th day on the month. ♦All money donated to Starfish goes to people in need. There are no administrative or personnel costs. As we begin the New Year with hope and optimism, please prayerfully consider donating your time and money to those in our local community who could benefit from the sharing of our financial, physical and emotional resources. Upcoming Events at Judson Church January 18 January 25 Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday. We seek to renew our commitment to building the Beloved Community and to bringing down the three evils of society: militarism, racism, and economic exploitation. Second Hour Education - An Invitation to Sample a “Graceful Journey” Experience—[Sponsored by Congregational Care] - With the aging of the baby boomer generation Americans are facing an unprecedented demographic shift. And although most people want to avoid thinking, talking, and making decisions about the end of life, the consequences of not having the discussion can be stressful for families, congregants, and pastors as well. THE TRUST YOUTH MLK SERVICE will be at 5pm on Sunday, January 18th at Living Spirit UMC at 4501 Bloomington Ave So. It will feature music [the Metropolitan Male Chorus of Minnesota], speakers and TRUST Youth. A soup and sandwich supper will follow the service. There will be a Free will offering. Jane Ulring will give the sermon today. Second Hour will be - This is your life Fran Nelson.
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