Across the Jan/Feb 2015 PARISH Kingsthorpe C of E Team Ministry 50p (where sold) 2 KINGSTHORPE C of E TEAM MINISTRY Team Office: 01604 720781 e-mail: [email protected] Team Rector Canon Jane Butler [email protected] 01604 717133 PCC Secretary Dorothy Brooke [email protected] 01604 845585 Treasurer Peter Borley-Cox 01604 843279 [email protected] ST. DAVID’S CHURCH Eastern Avenue South, NN2 7QB The Reverend Eric Rew [email protected] 01604 843465 Churchwardens Becky Adnit [email protected] 01604 820722 June Ward [email protected] 01604 710162 Luncheon Club Maureen Robinson 01604 722060 Hall Bookings Team Office 01604 720781 THE CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST The Green, NN2 6QD Canon Jane Butler [email protected] 01604 717133 Assistant Priest The Reverend Rachel Hetherington [email protected] 01604 717005 Churchwardens Andrea Brame [email protected] 01604 844027 Jenny Edwards [email protected] 01604 711781 Treasurer Peter Borley-Cox 01604 843279 [email protected] Director of Music Andrew Moodie [email protected] 01604 780507 Rainbows, Brownies & Guides: Louise Brooks email: [email protected] 01604 947558 Mothers’ Union Ruth Gould 01604 846508 Mums & Tots Paddy Coles 01604 843141 3 About us The Kingsthorpe C of E Team Ministry consists of three Anglican churches ministering to the people of Kingsthorpe, Northampton. Our churches are dedicated to St John the Baptist, St David and St Mark. St Mark’s Deaf Church also makes its home in the Team. We offer a variety of opportunities to worship and pray together and we provide many other activities for the community too. Our vision is to grow together in faith and share God’s love More information about the services, activities and events at our churches can be found in the pages of this magazine. ST. MARK’S CHURCH St. Mark’s Crescent, NN2 8EG The Reverend Eric Rew [email protected] 01604 843465 Churchwardens Claire Loake [email protected] 07854 816145 Adrian Evans [email protected] 01604 947489 Margaret Gorringe 01604 821960 Chris Woodley [email protected] 01604 843267 Treasurer Sue Evans [email protected] 01604 947489 Flower Rota Liz May 01604 844565 Hall Bookings Team Office 01604 720781 Prayer Groups Margaret Folwell 01604 844241 Parent & Toddler Group Sue Evans [email protected] 01604 947489 Worship Group Jo Carrick [email protected] 01604 843083 Lay Pastoral Ministers ST. MARK’S DEAF CHURCH Chaplain The Reverend Andrew Taylor-Cook 01604 843215 [email protected] Churchwarden Vacant 4 Letter from Rev. Jane Hi, I hope that you all had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year! Christmas as always has been both a happy and busy time for the churches of our parish. As we start this new year of 2015 much will continue to happen in all the churches. So it is therefore a time of continuation of sharing the Good News of Christ and also a new beginning in the sense of a new year, with new people coming to be part of the team. We are looking forward to getting to know more of our communities and for them to become part of our worshiping communities, and because of that each church will look at ways of inviting people into the churches and making them more accessible to all. At St Mark’s inJanuary and February there are two new services starting - the first is a pram service starting once a month on the same day as midweek break. In January this is on the 21st at 2pm and will last about 30mins. All mums and babies are welcome. Then on the second Sunday of the month at St Mark’s we are starting a cafe church which is for all who are new to faith or wanting to have a more informal style of worship. Again all are welcome. As in previous years there will be a Valentines service for those who want to celebrate their marriage or love. Or even a special anniversary! this is on 15th February at 4pm . On Shove Tuesday 17th February Faith and Fun are having a pancake party at St Mark’s 6-7.30pm all are welcome. We then start Lent - with Ash Wednesday with a service at St John the Baptist on 18th February at 7.30pm. This is a time for us to prepare for Easter. We will be running a Lent course for us to learn more from the scriptures, all are welcome. Watch this space for when the course starts. It is also the time of year when we can give things up or take more on in he name of God - what are you going to be doing for those 40 days and 40 nights? Lastly we have Katrina coming to join us in June at Petertide, as she prepares to leave college she is both very busy and excited. Please remember her and the parish in your prayers as we wait for her to come and join us. Best wishes Canon Jane Butler Team Rector 5 Letter from Rev. Eric Jesus said, “The truth shall set you free”. (John chapter 8 verse 32) There are times when having freedom of choice is just what you want. So, thank you to the person who gave us a chocolate selection that included caramels and pralines and not just chocolate creams. More seriously, when we go on a long journey it is helpful that we often have the choice of using the bus or train or driving a car. Of course, there are many other sorts of choices we like or need to make. We like the freedom to choose – some of us remember when there were only three TV channels and they did not broadcast throughout the night. These days, not only are there more channels but with things like iPlayer we can decide when to watch our favourite programmes as well. We also like the freedom to say what we think, to express an idea and to try to persuade others of our point of view. With a General Election coming up we will find people from various parties (and none) trying to get us to cast our vote in favour of their party and to support their ideas of what is best for the country. Recently, there has been some controversy about “freedom of expression”. Some would argue that any and every opinion should be allowed to express itself; others would say that there are limits if, for example, someone is trying to incite violence or is encouraging others to commit a crime. On some occasions it is better to keep quiet. The hard part is saying who is to decide what you can and cannot say or when you can say it. If we nominate some public authority to tell us, we stand in danger of censorship that only permits a narrow range of opinion to be expressed. The result could be that some views are suppressed and we miss out on the unusual but useful idea. If we have no limits, then we lay the ground for unnecessary offence for some and hurt for others. Christians prize the freedom to be able to present the gospel to the world. They cherish the freedom to express an alternative to the “rat race”; as well as offering alternatives to the violence we see in the world and to apparently limitless consumption. They want the opportunity to be able to point to Jesus: as our example to follow, as well as being our friend and saviour. Christians are in favour of freedom. I would say that that freedom of expression includes the freedom to speak out and the freedom to hold one’s tongue; freedom to poke fun at the pompous, freedom to respect those with whom we disagree. You may have the right to print rubbish but you are not compelled to do so, and we do not have to read it either. How should Christians decide what to say, print, or broadcast? I would suggest two simple principles based on these questions: is it true? That does not exclude jokes or fiction but does challenge us to be honest about our intentions. Secondly, is it in keeping with the two greatest commandments to love God wholeheartedly and to love our neighbours as ourselves? We may not get it right all the time but the freedom we are encouraged to seek is not the freedom to tell lies, it is the freedom to speak and live the truth about God. God bless, 6 Eric Rew Reverend Rachel writes….. Dear friends, Happy New Year to you all! The New Year celebrations can sometimes bring mixed emotions for us. There is the sense of looking back and looking forward sometimes with sadness and regret, sometimes with gratitude and hope. However we feel, there is of course the opportunity to begin again, or start something new when a new year comes around. This year I am looking forward with excitement at a number of new mission initiatives that the Kingsthorpe Parish is about to embark on. These initiatives need your support and your prayers as they take shape and hopefully blossom with God’s blessing. A new monthly ‘Pram Service’ for the under-fives and their parents starts at St Mark’s Church on the third Wednesday of the month. The first meeting is on 21st January at 2pm. This will be a short service of songs, Bible stories and activities. All are welcome. On Sunday 8th February at 10am St Mark’s Church will be hosting its first Café style morning service. These services will be held monthly on the second Sunday and will include music, Bible stories, prayers, DVD’s and discussion topics alongside coffee and food! There will be a family friendly atmosphere with activities for children and no previous experience of church is needed. The St David’s Community Café will also open its doors for the first time in 2015. As yet we do not have an opening date because we are currently seeking to employ a person to manage the café on two or three mornings a week. If you or a relative is interested in apply for this position, please contact me for a full job description. This is an exciting project between the church and the community association and is receiving good local funding and support. The café will also require a ‘bank’ of volunteers who can offer two or more hours a week, please let me know if you can offer some free time? With best wishes and prayers Rachel Hetherington 7 Best wishes for the New Year from the Mothers Union. By the time you read this we should (weather permitting) have had our first afternoon meeting of the year which is for the collection of subscriptions and partaking of tea and cake. This will be our only meeting in January. The first meeting in February is on Tuesday 3rd and is our branch AGM commencing at 2pm. We are delighted to welcome Mike Leonard to our evening meeting on the 12th February commencing at 7.30pm. Mike’s talk is entitled from ‘Sweetness Came Forth Strength’. This will be an open meeting and you are cordially invited to attend. If you have not heard Mike speak do please come along as he is beginning to reduce his speaking engagements with a view to retiring. Our first meeting in March on Tuesday 3rd at 2pm will be The Stations of the Cross at St John The Baptist and we are hoping to welcome Barbara Haynes the Peterborough Diocesan Mothers Union President to present a Long Service certificate to one of our members. All the meetings are held in the Chapter House at St John the Baptist unless specifically stated differently. Holy Communion is held on the first Thursday of the month at St John the Baptist at 9.30am and is for everyone . For more information re Mothers Union please do speak to a Mothers Union member. Ruth Gould Branch leader. KINGSTHORPE TEAM MINISTRY SURGERY For all enquiries for weddings and baptisms at St John the Baptist’s, St David’s and St Mark’s Churches the Surgery is held St David’s Church, Eastern Avenue South on Wednesdays from 6.30pm to 7.45pm Please contact the Team Office for more information Tel: 01604 720781 e-mail: [email protected] 8 Kingsthorpe Churches Together Happy New Year to everyone. Although we are well in to the New Year now a quick mention about the shopper’s service at the Methodist Church on the 12th of December. This was well attended and we were delighted to be able to welcome the Northampton Male Voice Choir again to sing with us and for us. The service was followed by mince pies and a hot drink. Thanks to the ladies who made and served the drinks and to those who provided the mince pies. The next joint service is on the 18th of January at 4pm to be held in the Baptist Church in the High Street and is a service to mark the start of the week of prayer for Christian Unity. The theme is ‘The Well is Deep’. The next meeting of the KCT representatives is on the 24th February 7.30pm in the meeting room at St Aidan’s Roman Catholic Church. This will be the AGM followed by an ordinary meeting. Please look in the news letter for the dates time and place of the Ecumenical lunch time prayer meetings. All are welcome you just need to bring your lunch and a drink will be provided. For anyone who is an able to get up in time the monthly prayer breakfast continues at the Baptist Church rooms (entrance via Waitrose car park) commencing at 8am on the first Tuesday of the month for half an hour. A small donation to cover the cost of the food is requested. During Lent this will happen every Tuesday. For more information please speak to KCT representative. Ruth Gould St Marks 9 KINGSTHORPE VILLAGE GREEN The Kingsthorpe Conservation Area Committee is progressing an application for the Kingsthorpe Village Green to be registered as a “Village Green”. In order to achieve this we need to prove that the green has been freely used for sports, pastimes and leisure activities over a long period of time. So if you can recall using the green before the mid 1990’s for these activities, please contact Richard Askew, 13 Green End on 717121 or e-mail [email protected] or Alan Haynes, 44 Vicarage Lane, 946924 or [email protected] KINGSTHORPE VILLAGE GREEN 1830 10 Lent Course 2015 Tuesday 24 Feb at St David's; 3 March at St Marks; 10 March at St John's;17 March at St David's; 24 March at St Marks. All at 7.30pm AROUND THE DIOCESE January/February Events Fri 23 Inspire, Young Leaders Training Weekend. A weekend of active learning for young leaders or potential leaders; a chance to meet others, discover more about your own gifts, learn new skills and develop your ability as a leader. Pete White 01604 887048. Wed 28 Peterborough Theological Society, Revd Rosalind Lane (Chaplain, Cambridge and Peterborough Foundation Trust, NHS). ”Imprisoned grief; navigating a theological, spiritual and practical response”. 7.30. The Friends’ Meeting House, 21 Thorpe Road, Peterborough PE3 6AB. Fri 30 The Big Sleepout. In aid of the Hope Centre Northampton. Last year 98 ‘sleepers’ raised £30,000. Christ Church, Northampton. Contact [email protected] Sat 31 Winter Glory, is a day long conference designed for women to meet together to worship, pray and hear God’s word. The conference’s guest speaker is Jennifer Rees-Larcombe. Kettring Conference Centre. Tickets Mon 2 Prayer and Praise for Northampton. Come and pray together with Christians from different churches for the needs of the town. 7.30pm All Nations Church, Kettering Road NN1 4AH. Thurs 19 Domestic Abuse Workshop. Presented by Louise Drage and Garry Johnson, the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser. Louise, who worships in the diocese is a BACP accredited counsellor. To book a place contact [email protected]. 9.30am-3.30pm Bouverie Court. Wed 25 Peterborough Theological Society. The Revd David Thompson, Emeritus Professor of Modern Church History, “The Evangelisation of the Fens; a reflection on the 1851 Census”. 7.30pm Friends Meeting House, Thorpe Rd, Peterborough. 11 What happens at the Church of St John the Baptist? Mums and Tots Not just for Mums! All pre-school children and whoever looks after them on Thursday afternoon are welcome. Thursday, 2.15pm during term time in the Chapter House. Paddy Coles: 813141. Mothers’ Union Meetings at 2.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month, 7.30pm on the second Thursday and communion at 9.30am on the first Thursday. Branch Leader – Ruth Gould 01604 846508 Choir The choir sing at the main Sunday Eucharist, occasional Evensongs and most weddings. Choir Practice is on Friday at 6.45pm and training for junior choristers on Tuesday at 4.45pm. Director of Music – Andrew Moodie: 780507. Saturday Club Crafts for 4-7 year olds - 10.30am-12pm every 2nd Saturday of the month. Tel: Jenny 07949 620166. Happy Feet for ages 7-10 (meet at the Chapter House once a month after choir practice on Tuesday (you don't have to be part of choir - all are welcome) 5.45-6.45pm. For more information contact Judy on 07753 175147 Guides Meet in Kingsthorpe Village Primary School on Tuesday from 7.15-9pm. Louise Brooks: 01604 947558 Kingsthorpe Scout Group meets in Kingsthorpe Community Centre Beavers Tuesday 6.30-7.30pm Cubs Thursday 6.30-8pm Scouts Monday 7.30-9.30pm Contact Ben Ousley: [email protected] Tel: 07967 314316 Brownies Meet in Kingsthorpe Village Primary School on Mondays, 6-7.15pm. Louise Brooks: 01604 947558 Patchwork Group Alternate Wednesdays 2.00pm What happens at St Mark’s Church? Sunday School – meets most Sundays during term time apart from the third Sunday in the month when an all age worship service is held. Other exceptions are when there is a joint service at one of the other churches, or a special festival is celebrated. 12 Pram Service - for the under-fives and their parents on the third Wednesday of the month at 2pm. Café style morning service - 10am on the second Sunday of the month. Pray and Play – every third Wednesday 3.30pm in the church hall during term time. Jane Rew: 01604 843465 Parent and Toddlers (for parents, carers and children) meets in the church hall on a Monday morning from 10-11.30am during term time. Sue Evans: 01604 947489 Mid Week Break – every third Wednesday (not August or December) in the church hall. A place to meet with friends and chat over a pot of tea and a slice of homemade cake or two. 2.30-4.15pm Liz May: 01604 844565 66th Northampton Brownies – meet in the church hall on Monday evenings 6-7.30pm during term time. Sue Hall: 01604 645633 Tai Chi – 10 week sessions during term time on Wednesday mornings 11am-12 noon. Contact Northants County Council Adult Learning for further information. Weightwatchers – every Wednesday 6.30-8.00pm in the church hall. Co-op Thursday Club – 2nd and 4th Thursdays 7.30-9.30pm in the church hall. East Hunsbury Bridge Club – every third Thursday 12-3.30pm Rainbows – meet in the church hall on Friday evenings 6-7pm. Louise Brooks: 01604 947558 What happens at St David’s Church? Luncheon Club every 2nd Tuesday 12-2pm. Maureen Robinson Tel: 722060 Community Stay and Play Wednesday’s 9-11am Community Information Cafe 1st Wednesday of every month 12-1.30pm Carlsberg Pipe Band Monday evenings Tae Kwondo Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Shayne Major Tel: 760800 Time for Tots - Tots group meeting Thursdays 2-3pm 13 A Sat-Nav Candlemas In February, around the world churches are celebrating Candlemas. So what’s that all about? An event is described in Luke’s Gospel when Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the temple forty days after his birth. They were going there as part of the rituals associated with childbirth. Once in the temple, Joseph and Mary meet an old man named Simeon, who takes Jesus in his arms and says: “Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace … My own eyes have seen your salvation … a Light to reveal you to the nations …” Candlemas celebrates the day that Jesus is proclaimed as being the light for the whole world. Ever been lost in the dark? Recently I drove from Peterborough to Daventry with one headlight not working … in the dark and the fog. Not ideal! In my defence, I was unaware the headlight wasn’t working until I started. What made the journey easier? An Irish-accented Sat-Nav warning me of every twist and turn in the road. She’s become a very good friend over the years! She got me safely to Daventry and then to Halfords the following day to buy a new bulb! What a great invention – someone to go with you on your journey, offering directions (yet never forcing you to follow), never giving up on you – and helping you through on even the foggiest and darkest night. Jesus got there before SatNav: a light in the darkness for the whole world. Whatever darkness surrounds you today – he is your light. Richard Ormston Bowled over with success at twinning the loos Four toilets in our diocesan centre at Bouverie Court have been twinned with loos in Bangladesh, India, Zambia and Burundi, after a campaign which raised over £275. Flushed with success, the team at Bouverie now have framed photos and the 14 exact GPS locations of their paired privies, thanks to the charity, After seeing posters at the New Wine Festival, the Diocesan Director of Mission Miles Baker, asked the staff to consider twinning the Bouverie Court toilets. “Two and a half billion people don’t have somewhere safe, clean and hygienic to go to the loo. That’s more than a third of the people on the planet,” says Miles. “For just £60, the charity help those in poverty in the developing world to have access to a proper latrine, clean water and the information they need to be healthy. The work they do with communities also enables women to have a say in household decisions, often for the first time.” Through a combination of money-raising and the sale of jam, the team were able to sponsor four new latrines. “We hope this will be a springboard to encourage other churches to consider twinning their loos,” says Miles. New Historic Churches Support Officer Ben Smith has been appointed as Historic Churches Support Officer for the diocese. Based at Bouverie Court, Ben is working closely with the Diocesan Mission Team and the Diocesan Advisory Committee, to support PCCs in their care for the historic church buildings which grace our diocese. The post, which is full time for three years, is jointly funded by English Heritage and the diocese. One of Ben’s first priorities is to encourage and support, with practical advice, those churches which have been identified as being at risk on the recently published “Heritage at Risk” Register. Coming from working with the East Midlands office of English Heritage in Northampton, Ben is already familiar with the challenges facing many of our historic churches and has experience of funding issues. Ben can be contacted on [email protected] or on 01604 887046. 15 OLD CLOCK RESTORATION Old clock movements, cases and dials skillfully repaired and restored. Over 30 years of experience with all types of clocks. Collection and delivery can be arranged if needed. Grandfather clocks are a speciality. Old timepieces also bought and sold. Phone ClockWork on 01604 781735 or 07833 368016 Mr Ben Tomlin Stephenson Flooring Specialist Established 1973 Supply and fitting Carpets and Vinyls NO JOB TOO SMALL Free estimates Contact Geoff 396 Welford Road, Kingsthorpe Telephone: 01604 846311 16 17 SERBYN & SON ROOFING 35 years of experience at your service • SLATING AND TILING • GUTTERING • ROOF SUPPORTS • CHIMNEY REPOINTING • LEAD FLASHING ALL WORK GUARANTEED Domestic/Trade Enquiries welcome FREE ESTIMATES 53 Vicarage Lane, Kingsthorpe NORTHAMPTON 01604 718991 RICHARD REYNOLDS Quality Painting & Decorating 01604 844605 Mobile: 07952 232297 Tel: 18 Ofsted Registered Childminder with vacancies Obelisk Rise, Kingsthorpe • BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies Degree • Paediatric First Aid Certificate • British Sign Language Level 1 • Full time, part time and school holiday places available For more information please contact: [email protected] 01604 821271 or 07728352793 Pa nt Pots Paul Hickerson • Internal & External Painting & Decorating • Plastering • General Property & Garden Maintenance • Free Estimates upon request Tel: 01604 455061 Mobile: 07944 583893 8 Ringwood Close, Kingsthorpe, Northampton NN2 8QG 19 20 Your Canine Care Covered Dog Walking Dog Sitting Fully Insured Regular or individual sessions at very competitive prices. Hourly, daily and weekly prices 21 Editorial information Thank you to all our contributors and advertisers. If you would like to submit an article or an advertisement for inclusion in a future issue, please contact the editors: Please recycl e this magazine by passing it on to a friend , colleague or neighbour! Sarah-Jane Major at St David’s 01604 760800, [email protected] Sara Blenkharn at St John the Baptist’s 01604 820380 [email protected] Closing date for the next issue: Sunday, February 22nd. Would you like to help produce our magazine? If you have a few hours to spare … … would you like to join the editorial team? If you have an hour to spare … … would you like to write an article for the next issue? … could you help us to keep in touch with community groups meeting in your area so that we can include their news too? If you can spare a few minutes … … could you help us to distribute the magazine to our subscribers, to your local school, GP surgery or community venue? If you would like to get involved, contact the editors. The opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or the Kingsthorpe Team. Organisations, events, products and services advertised or mentioned in ‘Across the Parish’ are not necessarily endorsed by the editors or the Kingsthorpe Team. All material is copyright of the authors and Kingsthorpe Team and should not be reproduced without first obtaining permission from the editors. 22 You are welcome to join us at a service at 7.30pm on Friday, 6 March 2015 at St Aidans, Manor Road 23
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