enarchhnolo goVkaiologo VhnproVtonqe onkaiqeoVhn Logos ologoVoutoV logoVoutoV hnenarchpro Vtonqeonpant adiautouege netokaicwriV CHURCHES TOGETHER IN NORTHAMPTON uniting Churches of varied traditions, sharing information, action and prayer May 2015 Churches Together Northampton MODERATOR CONTENTS Adina Curtis [email protected] DEPUTY MODERATOR COMMENT FROM THE EDITOR 3 CHURCHES TOGETHER ENGLAND 4 Rev. Ted Hale [email protected] 01604 7625305 DENOMINATIONAL 5 CROSS/NON-DENOMINATIONAL 6 TREASURER INDIVIDUAL CHURCH EVENTS AND ORGANISATIONS 15 NATIONAL/LOCALGOVERNMENT AND VOLUNTARY SECTOR 21 TRAINING AND RESOURCES 22 FUNDING 23 JOBS AND VOLUNTEERING 24 Rev David McConkey [email protected] SECRETARY Mrs. Lesley Goulbourne [email protected] LOGOS EDITOR Joe Story [email protected] 01604 580478 CTN WEBSITE Hilary Tunbridge Website address: www.churches-togethernorthampton.org.uk LOGOS IS PRODUCED TEN TIMES A YEAR It is sent out by email free of charge or by post at current subscription charges. Last date for copy is the 16th of the month preceding month of publication and anything for inclusion should be sent to the editor by that date, i.e. the 16th May for the June edition. LOGOS is the primary means of communication for Churches together Northampton. Requests to pass on information by email to churches instead of via LOGOS will only be considered in exceptional and urgent circumstances. Items are included at the discretion of the editor based on policy agreed by Churches Together Northampton. COMMENT FROM THE EDITOR 3 Firstly, my apologies for the late arrival of Logos this month which is the result of a bout of ill health. Also there are a couple of items which are not included in this issue as I had insufficient time to edit them. God willing we will be back on line for the June issue. We would remind you that the one after that will cover both July and August, so if you have copy for that please ensure that it is with us by 16th June.. A month or so back I had the opportunity of speaking on BBC Radio Northampton following the Cyclone that devastated Vanuatu. Since then there has been the disastrous earthquake in Nepal. Many of us find ourselves stretched in our resources when responding to such things and it is particularly difficult to focus on the long term 'non emergency' needs. However one such need in Vanuatu which I would commend to you is the task of rebuilding the young peoples' Scripture Union Camp which serves the children and youth of the country. The staff and volunteers have begun the process of clearing the campsite ready for redevelopment and assessing what is needed for repairing the water damage to the bookshop, office and library. SU NSW have set up a SU Vanuatu Disaster Relief Fund and are coordinating the relief effort on behalf of SU Vanuatu. To give donations to this, via credit card, you can go direct to the SU NSW website www.sunsw.org.au/donate/vanuaturelief SU International are coordinating gifts by bank transfer and cheque. To give in this way please follow the following links for information: UK – GBP£ www.su-international.org/donate/united-kingdom (this will attract GiftAid) Many of you will know that one of my sons and his wife worked in Vanuatu for a number of years and through them we still have first hand contact with some of the Christian work there. 4 CHURCHES TOGETHER ENGLAND The Salvation Army's 'Amazing spiritual ride' re Fresh Expressions Andrew Vertigan shares his thoughts on the first year since The Salvation Army joined the Fresh Expressions partnership. In post for almost nine months as The Salvation Army Fresh Expressions Mission Enabler - and with the denomination as a partner of Fresh Expressions heading into its second year - I can honestly say it has been the most amazing spiritual ride. Little did I realise the challenge and blessing in seeking to communicate, convince and connect the United Kingdom Salvation Army with all that Fresh Expressions seeks to do. It has been both exhilarating and demanding. To be honest, I think the biggest personal blessing has been the joining together with kindred men and women from across different Christian traditions; all of whom share the same heart and passion to reach the unchurched with the good news of the gospel in culturally relevant ways. I've found it surprising to discover how much we have in common! Through it all there has been - and continues to be - a true sense of God's grace and unity of the Spirit. As a movement, The Salvation Army has sought to actively put things in place, not only to embrace Fresh Expressions but also to let it speak prophetically into the wider church movement. I guess to use the language employed by many involved in developing and encouraging fresh expressions of church, we have been discovering what the 'mixed economy' means in our setting. This has been so helpful in our understanding of how we create the right space, environment for that as well as provide the necessary components to identify, train and equip pioneer officers. Read the whole reflection on the Fresh Expressions website Made in God's Image A twenty-four hour conference of the Society for Ecumenical Studies Explorations in Christian Anthropology – How a common understanding of humanity can draw Christians and churches closer together This conference looks from a range of denominational perspectives 6 5 at key issues of ‘being human’ in order to engage from a different angle in a fruitful area of ecumenical discussion. To be held at The Queen’s Foundation, Birmingham, B15 2QH Speakers: Dr Susan Durber, Dr Samuel Kimbriel, Fr Christopher Knight 05-06 June 2015 (Lunchtime to Lunchtime) For further information, contact: Aleksandar Miljkovic, SfES Secretary Email:[email protected] DENOMINATIONAL AWESOME (www.awesome.org.uk) is an evangelical network aimed at encouraging and supporting young women to think through how God is calling them in ministry. Its name contains the vision of the network, ‘Anglican Women Evangelicals: Supporting our Ordained Ministry’. For every seven men aged under 30 beginning training for ordination, there are only two women. There are many and varied reasons for this. But the fact remains that the majority of under 30’s in training come from across the evangelical spectrum, and AWESOME aims to help young women think through the issue of women in leadership seriously and biblically. Obviously, it is in support of women’s ordination, but they do a good job of recognising the wider issues at play in the church and theology. Please can you consider if there are young women in your congregation for whom this might be both a helpful event and a helpful network? Besides the day event in November in Durham (see http://youtu.be/MvtoVolOltg), there is an annual conference in October, plus other articles and resources to look at on the website. BRISTOL BAPTIST COLLEGE PRESENTS: Glass Half Full: Glass Half Empty? Exploring Bi-Vocational Ministry. Tuesday July 14th – Wednesday July 15th 2015 Trinity College, Stoke Hill, Bristol, BS9 1JP. Cost: £75.00 residential; £45.00 non-residential. Book online at https://eventbrite.co.uk/ event/16232405562/ For further details, or a paper booking form, contact [email protected] phone 01179 469 209. Increasing numbers of people are involved concurrently in work related to ministry and work in a ‘secular’ field. For some this dual involvement is not through choice, but presents a practical way of sustaining church-based ministry. For others it offers a welcome opportunity to engage more creatively in mission. Through this event we aim to explore the key questions and challenges that patterns of bivocational ministry are presenting by drawing together people from a wide variety of interested groups: those involved in bi-vocational ministry and mission; regional ministers and leaders; representatives from colleges; theologians. The programme for the two days is designed as a structured conversation that will enable a thoughtful and rigorous exploration of the key issues. The intention is that this will be the beginning of an extended process of exploration and research that will shape and inform the work of the groups and organisations that you represent. Participants We invite you to come as a participant in the conversation to represent your own situation or organisation and to work with others to explore the issues. - Story tellers: we are looking for those who can share their experience of bivocational ministry in either a congregational or mission context - Listeners: we are looking for active listeners who can help us hear and understand the key issues that arising through the conversation - Representatives: we are looking for representatives of educational organisations and colleges, denominational leaders, practitioners in ministry and mission, theologians. Would you be able to convene a focus group or deliver a short presentation. CROSS/NON-DENOMINATIONAL KINGS PARK LEADERS’ LUNCH 8 MAY 2015 SPEAKER J.JOHN TH The lunches which have been held previously at Kings Park Conference Centre, Moulton Park, Northampton, for leaders of Churches and Christian Organisations in and around Northampton will be recommencing with a visit by J. John. The aim of these lunches is to offer an opportunity for inspiration and networking. Invitations with full details will be sent out shortly. If you think that you may not be on the mailing list for these and would like to be included, register your interest by emailing [email protected] To book your place call 01604 499699 Price £8 includes lunch Also Cinnamon Network will be holding a seminar at the upcoming King's Park Leaders Lunch on 8th May 2015. It's an opportunity to prepare for the presentation of the Northamptonshire Audit result. Come and learn how you can make the most of this great opportunity. (This will be in preparation for a signing of the Northants Faith Covenant with the Council and Faith Leaders on 17th June) For further details email [email protected] There is a further lunch being planned with Gavin Calver who has recently been appointed to the position of mission at the Evangelical Alliance. 7 8 Unlocking Mark An Overview of Mark’s Gospel This year’s Lectionary Gospel for June – November (exc. August) What is Mark’s message? What are his main themes? How does Mark arrange his material? What are some of the connections and contrasts? The aim is to be of special help to all who teach the Bible, preachers, Home and Young People’s Group Leaders – but all are most welcome. Speaker: The Rev Robert Bashford Same programme on both occasions: Two main presentations, with a simple exercise and opportunity for questions Tues 5 May 10 for 10.30am St Peter’s Church, Oundle 12 noon Buffet Lunch for those free to stay Mon 11 May 7.30 for 8pm Moulton Church Centre Coffee, etc, to start with, finish at 9.30pm Arranged by Peterborough Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship – Open to All 10 9 Nene Valley Christian Family Refuge - Our vision Recovery, restoration and freedom for women and children surviving domestic abuse Nene Valley Christian Family Refuge has historically received funding from a variety of sources that support our work with victims of domestic abuse, including children. Individual donors and local churches have always been generous with their financial and other gifts of clothing, bedding, household items etc. and the County Council has bought our services for women and children. However, the Government strategy to bring Britain out of recession has resulted in huge cuts to services for vulnerable people. This has meant that our funding from local government sources has decreased drastically – and the knock on effect has been to increase the demands on grant making trusts, which in turn has reduced the amount that we receive. This has led us to reflect on where our funding comes from and how funding can affect the services we deliver and in turn this has helped us to make the decision that we need to become self-financing so that we are independent and our services are sustainable. And so we are launching our Friends of NVCFR Association. The main objectives of the Friends Association are to: Raise funds through regular donations, charitable events and activities Raise awareness of domestic abuse, its effects in our communities and the work of NVCFR. ·increase community engagement with NVCFR, where it is safe to do so. 1. Participate - in transforming critical issues for the future 2. Work - with women to address the real issues in their lives. Help us to build resilience, empowering women as key change makers 3. Strategy - God has given us a vision and a mission, a plan and a purpose. He says we are powerfully positioned to activate what must be done to end domestic abuse in the lives of women and children 4. Invest - in people, putting you in direct partnership with the most experienced and committed leaders for the end of domestic abuse in your community 5. Change communities - Becoming more aware of the effects of domestic violence and abuse helps to understand more about the big issues such as homelessness, mental illness, poverty and how these affect future generations NVCFR depends on the money of individual investors like you If you would like to become a Friend of NVCFR, please make a regular donation at www.goldengiving.com/wall/nvcfr or telephone 01604 230588 and ask for a standing order form. Nene Valley Christian Family Refuge Invites all supporters and friends to an evening of Thanksgiving 7.30pm, Friday 15th May 2015 Abington Avenue United Reformed Church NN1 4QA 11 12 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF YOUTH CLUBS The next Arise Northampton is coming up soon. 20th June from 6:30pm to 9:45pm. Salem Northampton Church 28-34 Wellington Street Northampton NN1 3AS Please tell your young people and Church youth groups about it and encourage them to come along with you Tickets are only £3 each per person The evening will include the following Worship and Prayer Speaker Testimonies Games Photo Booth And More You will be able to buy tickets on door on the day or in advance through [email protected] For information visit http://arisenorthamptonuk.wix.com/home Church Youth Leaders a taster event on the 6th May from 6:30pm till 9:00pm at Kings Park Conference Centre. Come and join us for this! The entrance cost is only £2 per person contact Jon Ford Northampton South Youth Development Worker M: 07960855893 E: [email protected] W: http://www.nayc.org Engage 2015 is a cross denominational organisation helping UK churches demonstrate God’s love by serving the Rugby World Cup 2015, and their communities during the event. Acting as an umbrella for a partnership between denominations and a range of Christian agencies, Engage 2015 provides a menu of ideas that local churches can deliver as part of their ongoing outreach, together with access to the relevant resources. The focus is on five specific areas of ministry: Community festivals – around screening games as churches or linking with local rugby clubs Hospitality – showing hospitality to families of participants & supporters Guest events – rugby based Christian speakers, sports quizzes Children & Youth – a range of materials for schools, Holiday Clubs, Messy Church, & Youth Groups Tag & Touch Rugby – helping churches see the possibilities for outreach Engage 2015 is also seeking to serve RWC 2015 by offering chaplaincy services and the provision of an athletes’ family home stay programme. 13 Underlying all this activity Engage 2015 is developing an extensive prayer programme. The six week Rugby World Cup 2015 starts on September 18. It involves 20 national squads playing 48 games in 13 venues spread across England & Wales all on ITV, with half a million international visitors, and a global TV audience of 4 billion. For more information go to www.engage2015.co.uk or contact [email protected]. Also link in through Facebook (Engage 2015) & Twitter (@engage2015). I’m getting on my Bike to raise £5,000 towards our Step Up extension Sat 20th June Coventry to London 106 miles Will you help me? Stevo, our Step Up (drop in) supervisor and some friends are raising money to build an extension to our drop in at Northampton Jesus Centre. An extension will mean we can extend our successful Coaching Programme, improve our job searching facilities and be more able to engage with many more people, one to one. On May 9th, we'll be embarking on a 50mile training ride in preparation for our 100mile fundraiser ride on June 20th! On the day we'll be starting at Coventry Jesus Centre and riding to London Jesus Centre - 106miles! Donate here: localgiving.com/fundraising/stepup registered charity number 1091912 FB: Northampton Jesus Centre 1 Abington Sq NN1 4AE 14 Christians Against Poverty Christians Against Poverty is passionate about lifting people out of debt and poverty through its award winning debt help service and money management course, the CAP Money Course. There is already a CAP Debt Centre in Northampton which is managed by Jane Wake and provides a personal Debt Counselling Service. Jane visits clients in their own homes, then Head Office negotiates with creditors, produces a budget and together they provide support until the clients are debt free. If your church is interested in finding out more about how it can help then please contact Jane on 07796 636965 or [email protected] The CAP Money Course is the pro-active educational arm of the charity. It is a simple, yet highly effective, money management course that teaches people budgeting skills and a cash-based system that really works. It is suitable for everyone because by learning how to set a budget and stick to it, they can get more in control of their finances, so they can save, give and prevent debt. Mike Smither is the Local Co-ordinator for the churches in the Northampton area which are already delivering the CAP Money Course. If your church would like more information then please contact Mike on 07906 463599 or [email protected] The Debt Counselling Service and CAP Money Course are both free and available to all regardless of age, gender, faith or background. For more information about Christians Against Poverty please visit www.capuk.org “CAP are unsurpassed when it comes to the debt help they give people across the country” Martin Lewis, Money Saving Expert 15 16 INDIVIDUAL CHURCH EVENTS AND ORGANISATIONS Bishop Peter Doyle has recently been appointed Patron of this Association and is formally inaugurating the CGA in Northampton. Bishop Peter is keen to encourage all Faiths to be involved, not just Catholics. He feels that Grandparents, in the present economic climate, play an important part in their grandchildren's lives. Philip J Bricher Organ Recitals Kingsley Park Methodist Church, Northampton Sat 9th May 10:00-12:00 recitals with Spring Fair, with John F. Wilson (duo with piano) Moulton Parish Church Sat 16th May, 13:30-14:00 (village fair) 17 18 Mount Pleasant Baptist Church 10th May 2015 Evening Service led by the Mizoram Action Team Mission is valuable, important and worth giving time and effort to; You are invited to join us at Mount Pleasant on Sunday 10th May where you can hear how four young people used their gap year for God. Our evening service will be led by the BMS Mizoram Action Team. Please put this date in your diaries and join us as we share first hand in the stories that the Team experienced over the past six months. For more detail contact: [email protected] FOUR-PART HARMONY Listening to the singular voices, common tones and dissonance in the New Testament gospels. Ted Hale A (possibly) challenging commentary on the four New Testament Gospels. On sale at the Manna House Bookshop, Giles Street, Northampton at £10 World Worship Week 25-30 May 2015 -Run by All Nations College The World Worship Week is for those who want to go deeper in to the concepts and practicalities of studying global worship music. Through practical song workshop sessions, guided listening, video footage and musical ensembles, you will be exposed to a variety of world worship music styles to give you a foundational understanding of cross-cultural worship issues. The course aims to equip you with skills for analysing and surveying a church’s worship music practice; resources and tools which you can use in multicultural worship settings. For more information visit: http://www.allnations.ac.uk/index.php?pageid=172 All proceeds from sales go to the Nene Valley Christian Family Refuge 19 20 21 22 NATIONAL/LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND VOLUNTARY SECTOR TRAINING The Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI) invites you to explore its new website. Visitors can access information about the Office and learn how to partner and receive support to help make Northamptonshire the safest place in country. Please will you visit the website www.ofbci.com and do the following things 1) Become a member if you have not already done so to access free resources 2) Subscribe to receive regular updates from the OFBCI 3) Check out the website for upcoming events 4) Tweet and let others know the website is live Thank you for your kind support in helping the OFBCI spread its wings. Helen Marie Boardman Director of Faith-Based & Community Initiatives ( Telephone 101 or 03000 111 222 (if out of county) Ext 347434 - Mobile phone number - 07557775998 + Address West Wing, FHQ, Wootton Hall, Northampton, NN4 0JQ : E-mail [email protected] Business in the Community's Give & Gain Day is a celebration of employee volunteering. Local businesses will give their employees' time and skills for one day on 15th May 2015. Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire and Daventry Volunteer Centre will be getting involved as a go-to for businesses and voluntary and community organisations in Northamptonshire wanting to take part in Give & Gain Day. Want to get involved? Businesses: We can match you with a selection of local charities and community groups taking part in Give & Gain Day We will work with you to create a tailor -made experience for your employees Charities and community groups: We can support you to create a Give & Gain Day offer for businesses We will match your organisation with suitable businesses wanting to give something back to the community To register and interest email [email protected] AND RESOURCES CHRISTIAN RESOURCES EXHIBITION 10.00am until 5.00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and 10.00am until 4.30pm Friday.ExCel, London 19th - 22nd May 2015 The exhibition and programme will include: A unique exhibition of Christian resources with an anticipated 300+ exhibitors. • An extensive range of books, music and resources to buy. • The latest multimedia equipment & expert advice. • Over 100 practical and resourcing seminars. • The best in Christian theatre and music. - See more at: http://www.creonline.co.uk/visitors/cre-international-london2015/#sthash.1DINeEqT.dpuf • Developing dementia friendly churches Livability have drawn attention to the Singing for the Brain Movement What is Singing for the Brain? Singing for the Brain is a service provided by Alzheimer's Society which uses singing to bring people together in a friendly and stimulating social environment. Singing is not only an enjoyable activity, it can also provide a way for people with dementia, along with their carers, to express themselves and socialise with others in a fun and supportive group. Hidden in the fun are activities which build on the well-known preserved memory for song and music in the brain. Even when many memories are hard to retrieve, music is especially easy to recall. Singing for the Brain was recently featured in a BBC Radio 4 documentary looking into the emotional significance of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus For more details visit: http:// alzheimers.org.uk/site/scripts/documents Also there is an interesting (tearful) video at https://www.facebook.com/video.php? v=10152617748023717 23 THE BIG LUNCH JOBS AND VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES When: Sunday 7 June Where: On a street near you! Cost: Free to register + whatever you want to spend The Big Lunch, an Eden Project initiative, is calling on communities to take part in the UK's annual get-together for neighbours by hosting their own Big Lunch events on Sunday 7 June - although you are free to host one at any time. Three types of Big Lunch pack are available free; full, lite and download. The full pack contains invites, posters, activity and recipe cards, stickers, seeds and lots of useful planning information; the download pack has posters, invites, an activity sheet and leaflet ready to edit, save and print at home, and the lite pack is designed for those who have held lunches before. For more information visit; http://www.thebiglunch.com/? dm_i=3MG,3AY1A,22OZRC,BTO4D,1 Ecotricity is a green energy supplier with a difference. As an independently owned, not for dividend company with no shareholders to keep happy, they are free to dedicate their money to changing the way energy is made. Over the last six years, Ecotricity have invested more per customer per year in building new sources of renewable energy than all other UK suppliers put together. Ecotricity promise to match the standard regional price of the ‘Big Six’, and British Gas for their standard regional gas including their dual fuel discount. For more information visit: http://www.ecotricity.co.uk FUNDING The Laing Family Trusts support a wide range of charities engaged in promoting the Christian faith and values and in the relief of poverty both in the UK and overseas. Each of the four trusts have their own areas of interest so potential applicants are advised to approach the most appropriate trust for them. For more information visit ithttp://www.laingfamilytrusts.org.uk/about.html? dm_i=3MG,3AY1A,22OZRC,BTO4K,1 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. John 15:16a Vol_nteers what’s missing? U For the Holiday activity camps NAYC Kings Park Benham & Tennis centre http://www.acuk.net/kings-park-tennis-centre th th Date: 26 – 29 May 2015 A great opportunity for Emerging leaders aged 16+ Kings Park Activities camp for young people age 8 – 14yrs old. Be part of the team, support the coaches in a variety of different activities including: Archery, Basketball, Football, Badminton, Volleyball, Tennis, Arts & Craft, Food tech, Dance, Drama, Fashion Design, Dodge ball, Athletics, Parachute games, Multi skills, Quick Cricket, Tag Rugby, DJ/Song Writing Workshops, Roller skating, Climbing, Orienteering.. etc You will also have your hours accredited, receive full training, DBS checks available, skills identified, to add to your CV. Plus receive an achievement certificate, and have access to further NAYC opportunities. You will receive travel expense and lunch is provided If you are a young person interested in this opportunity, plus have any skills and talents to share, please contact me; Zoë Robinson E:[email protected] 01604 499699 it would be great to have you part of the team. Youth leaders are welcome, to share your talents, skills or come and be part of the team. LOGOS adverts are accepted at the discretion of the editor based on guidelines consistent with the ethos of CTN. Advertisers are not checked by LOGOS and it is the responsibility of the purchaser to satisfy themselves that the products/services offered are genuine Advertise here from£3-50 per issue For details contact [email protected] LOGOS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISMENTS
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