CEIV Pharma Workshop

CEIV Pharma Workshop
Monday – 9 March 2015
Workshop Description
The global pharmaceutical logistics market, valued at $64 billion in 2013, is the most regulated, expensive
and fragile cargo business in the world today. The new IATA’s Center of Excellence for Independent
Validators (CEIV) on Pharmaceutical Handling will help airlines, handlers and forwarders to be compliant
with international regulations and to get a share of this fast-growing and lucrative market.
Track Agenda
09:00 – 09:10
Welcome and introduction
Pharmaceutical business - A growing segment?
Frederic Leger, Director Airport, Passenger, Cargo & Security Products,
Ronald Schaefer, Project Lead, CEIV Pharma, IATA
09:10 – 09:30
Cargo Airline’s Voice
What are the cargo airlines’ expectations?
What is critical for the cargo airlines?
How to improve competencies, compliance and visibility?
Rami Marom, VP Ground Operations and COO; C.A.L. Cargo Airlines
09:30 – 9:50
Logistics Service Provider
What are their expectations?
What is critical for the shippers?
How to improve competencies, compliance and visibility?
Robert Kleppers, Senior Sales Executive Air Cargo, Jan De Rijk
Logistics Service Provider
9:50 – 10:10
Freight Forwarder’s voice
What are the Freight Forwarder’s expectations?
What is critical for Freight Forwarder?
How to improve competencies, compliance and visibility?
Brice Belling, SDV (to be confirmed)
Transportation and Handling voice
What is critical for transportation and handling?
Leandro Moreira, Brinks Life Sciences
10:30 – 11:00
Networking Break
11:00 – 11:20
IATA a standard setting organization
Who is IATA and why IATA is involved in the pharmaceutical
How can IATA assist on the pharmaceutical side?
IATA Temperature Control Regulation (TCR)
What is the link with other International Standards and local
Andrea Gruber, Senior Manager, Live Animal and Perishable Regulations,
11:20 – 12:00
Center of Excellence for Independent Validators (CEIV) in
Pharmaceutical Handling
What is the CEIV and CEIV Pharma? What are the objectives of the
project? How does it differ from existing GDP certification?
What are the steps to be certified as CEIV Pharma
What are the different approaches to join the CEIV Pharma program?
What is the status of the CEIV Program? What is the contribution of
Regulators and Shippers to “CEIV Pharma”? What are the benefits for the
industry, the Regulators and the entities certified?
What are the communication channels around “CEIV Pharma”?
Ronald Schaefer, Project Lead, CEIV Pharma, IATA
GDP vs. CEIV Pharma
What are the benefits of each program?
What are the differences?
What are the steps to be certified as CEIV Pharma
Franck Toussaint, Biolog Europe (to be confirmed)
Nicolas Cogneau, Biolog Europe (to be confirmed)
SATS Pilot Project
Why this certification is important
Scope of the CEIV Pharmaceutical project at SATS Coolport in SIN
Planning of the program
Benefits for SATS
Winnie Pang, Head, SATS Coolport
BRU Airport CEIV Community Approach
Why this certification is important
How does it fit with the BRU Pharmaceutical Project?
Why a community approach?
Scope of the CEIV Pharmaceutical project in BRU
Planning of the program
Benefits for entities involved, BRU airport and Belgium
Nathan De Valck, Cargo Account Manager, Brussels Airport Company
13:00 – 14:00
Networking Lunch
14:00 – 14:20
BCube CEIV Individual Company Approach
Why this certification is important
How does it fit with the BCube overall Pharmaceutical Project?
Scope of the CEIV Pharmaceutical project in FCO, MXP and LIN
Planning of the program
Benefits for stations involved, FCO, MX and LIN airport and Italy
Mauro Grisafi, CEO, Malpensa Logistics Europe spa (Bcube Group)
14:20 – 14:40
Panel discussion
14:40 – 15:00
Questions and Answers
Provide clarifications on points raised during the session
Discuss the open points not addressed during the day
Moderator: Ronald Schaefer, Project Lead, CEIV Pharma
Closing Remarks
Importance of such project for Shippers, Freight Forwarders, Ground
Handlers, Airports and Airlines
Ronald Schaefer, Project Lead, CEIV Pharma