The Agape Herald A Newsletter of Wahiawa United Methodist Church 1445 California Avenue Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786 Reverend Dr. David Choi February 2015 Greetings from the Precious Name of Jesus Our Savior Hallelujah, praise the name of Jesus! The first month of 2015 has already passed. It seemed that it was only yesterday when we began the first day of this year. I offer up thanksgiving, praise, and glory to God for allowing revival to happen and our Sunday worship services to be more abundant. The current average attendance of our Sunday worship service is 90-95 people. All thanks be to God for allowing all these things to happen. From January 10th to 11th, our church hosted a Winter Camp. Eighteen children participated in the event. Mrs. Maxine Wheeler and Rosie Dowson served this event as the teachers and many of our youth students assisted them with the program. The teachers didn't even have the time to sit down and instead enthusiastically carried on with the program with the children. Also, our women's group and the evangelism committee served to provide lunch and dinner for the program. I want to give all of you my sincere gratitude. On the 27th at 7 PM, our church attended the Charge Conference at the Trinity United Methodist Church. Aiea UMC, Aiea Korean UMC, Bethany Korean UMC, Trinity UMC, Olive, and we participated in the conference with the ministers and the lay members from the other churches. Our district superintendent DS. Dr. Tom Choi led the meeting, reviewed, and checked the report of each church. It was educational experience and a time of grace. I want to thank all the members who attended the event. I want to explain a little about our church's currently ongoing programs. Our youth and young adult group will have a 3-day camping trip in the summer. For this camping trip, we will invite a guest speaker from L.A, Pastor John Lee. You are welcome to join them, if you have the time to listen to the words of grace. The youth group will begin to meet for Bible Studies. As of now, there are 10 students in our youth group, and they have been attending every Sunday worship service. Starting from February, our faithful member Damein M. Wood, will lead the Bible studies with me and other various activities with the youth group. I want to give my deepest gratitude to him for serving to lead our youth group. Lastly, I want to ask for your financial support and prayer for our youth group. I pray that God's abundant grace and growth will be upon our church for the month of February. Also, I pray that God's blessings will always be in you homes, workplaces, and your children's lives. May you always be victorious in our Savior Jesus Christ. Rev. Dr. David Choi Evangelism Committee Report My Faith Journey We are all Evangelists, when we share our faith journey with others. The easiest people to share your story with are your immediate family and relatives, friends and fellow workers., other Christians. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit will guide you to certain people, too. Before public kindergartens, our mother sent three of her children to the Harris Memorial Kindergarten nearby. Mrs. Yasumori, the school principal, would pick us up in her car early in the morning. Religion was not taught there. However, we would say, “God is great, God is good; Thank you, God, for all this food.” We especially liked our snack, graham crackers and pineapple juice. The church also had a very active Methodist Youth Fellowship, which we called the “MYF” group. Many of us grew up in a Buddhist culture. However, we enjoyed being able to go to the MYF. This was a time when Sundays were “holy” and the stores were closed. No football or baseball games to attend. No soccer or basketball games to play. No TV sets but we had the radio. We were poor, but so was every other kid on the block. The MYF was the center of many fun and meaningful activities. There was even a young deaconess assigned to our church from the “home office”. Her name was “Jonesy”. Later, Elizabeth Ho took over and we were invited to Elizabeth’s wedding at the First Methodist Church in town. That was when I first heard 1 Corinthians 13:1 to 13. It was the best description of Love that I have ever heard. WOW! I admired Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president. I felt that he should have been our first president. He was a man of God. His speech about a house divided against itself cannot stand, came right out of the Bible. Lastly, going to Camp Kailani, in Kailua (the Methodist Youth Camp), I made the decision to become a Christian. The verse that “saved” me was Genesis 1:1 to 31. God was able to ease me to my decision. I learned that my dad was a Christian but stopped going to church, for the sake of his family. My grandmother, a very devoted Buddhist, blessed me by saying she was glad I believed in something. Mrs. Buffins, the kindergarten Sunday School teacher, taught me the value of short, spontaneous prayer. Rev. David Harada, who became our District Superintendent, called me “little sister” and made me feel special. Rev. Butterworth, who can commune with God while walking to church, showed me the presence of God’s love. Rev. McCullagh and his wife, Jeannine, made Wesley Foundation in Manoa, a real family affair. Rev. Matsushita, Jason Ching, Rev. Robert Nakata, Rev. Wendell Coe, Rev. Robert Hoshibata, Rev. Sam Domingo, and many, many more people helped when I needed verification that I was heading in the right direction. I thank God for my husband, who is strong in his faith. Rev. Shijeo Tanabe and his wife, visited me in Oregon, when I was feeling homesick. So many people and places were instrumental in learning about the Holy Spirit and God’s mysterious ways to strengthen my faith. I’m still learning and as some say, “striving for perfection”. I hope others will give us a glimpse of their faith journey too. God bless, Doris Lee of the Evangelism Committee Wahiawa United Methodist Women Things are hopping in February, March, and April for the WUMW January was a month of many activities and the high light for the Wahiawa United Methodist Women was our Installation of Officers on January 25th during our Sunday Worship service. Our Officers are as follows: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! President………………………Sharuee Kurch Vice President………………...Atina Pascua Secretary……………………...Doris Lee Treasurer……………………...Hanne La Rue Nominations chair…………….Edna Pascua Reading Program chair……….Teli Isaacson Spiritual Growth chair………..Carolyn Steuer Social Action chair…………...Florence Maruyama Education chair……………….Benita George Membership chair…………….Ellen Wakabayashi Communications chair………..Dina Cornwall Please pray for our officers and give them your guidance and help. February, our regular meeting date is on Valentine’s Day at 10 am in Room 14. We are preparing for our Mid-Winter Event on February 21 at Susannah Wesley Community Center. Also, start thinking about our Rummage Sale on March 21th and who will be our “Quiet Disciple” for April’s Spiritual Retreat. Many things to think about and many people to roll up sleeves and work together. We are thinking of working with the homeless on an ongoing manner. Perhaps by getting inspiration from Rev. Loranza Andrade-Smith, who is living with the homeless. If the Lord whispers a thought in your ear, please share it with us! 2015 is living up to the promise of being another good year in our church! Like Rev. David Choi is always saying, “Thank you very much; we love living in Hawaii!” God bless. Make someone smile every day, especially yourself. * * * Workday Trustees Committee: Workday is on Feb.28 at the church and the parsonage from 8am to noon. Two men are needed with chain saws to trim pannax and Norfolk pine trees and to haul to the dump for the minister. Also, need a volunteer with a rotor tiller to till a section for Mary Choi’s vegetable and flower garden at the parsonage. Meanwhile, we need other workers to tear down the shade hut (green house) behind the sanctuary, to clean and patch the holes in the parking lot, to clean and paint the speed bumps with yellow paint, to pain the rails to the restrooms of building A, to weed the mauka side of building A and the sand box in the preschool yard, and to repair the tile floors in Building A. Lunch will be pot lunch from noon to 1 pm. and members if you can, please donate some dishes to share in fellowship. Thank you, Aloha Bob Lee. RUMMAGE SALE TIME! It is official. Our “Big Event” is coming. Mark your calendars for March 21, Saturday, from 8 am to 12 noon. We had our Administrative Council meeting and all agreed to it. I know our church members and friends are waiting to bring their gently used things to the social hall for this day. It is our church’s fund raiser. Many of us, including myself, have treasures that are no longer being used and need to find a new home. We help the community by “recycling” our things, as well as clean the clutter in our homes. I confess, I am a “Hoarder”. Being married to another “Hoarder” makes for a very bad situation. The Lord is telling me to get these things to the rummage sale. In 25 years, the good Lord willing, my home will be clutter-free…ha, ha, ha! I might be with the Lord by then. If you can’t wait till the beginning of March to get your things to the church, you can take them to room 17, which still has room for some things. Call the office at 622-4361, so that David can open the door and give you a helping hand. Hopefully, we can start storing them in the social hall in March to prepare for our event. We will have sign-up sheets for people to say where they want to work. Look at the moving bulletin board at church. If you want to be on the ground floor and help with the planning, let Doris or Bob Lee know. We will put more information in the Sunday Bulletins too. I know our congregation is making jams and jelly for the County Store. The Outreach Committee, with the cooking talent of Naia Sua, will be making beef stew plate lunches for $10 each. We will start our “Spring Cleaning” and go through our closets for clothes, books, luggage, handbags, shoes, clothes, toys, games, cooking appliances, kitchen utensils, garden tools, clothes, household items, small furniture, camping equipment, nik-naks, linens, clothes, towels, bedding, jewelry, paintings, etc. As you can see, we always have lots of clothes to sell. The children’s clothes are our best sellers. Thank you, Rosie, for announcing the Rummage Sale at our New Year’s Luncheon! I call it the “Big Event” because of the three areas we cover…Plate Lunches, Country Store, and Rummage. We will be getting “lunch” tickets to sell, ethnic foods and goodies to buy, lots of “new clothes” to wear, and fun, fun, fun getting to help each other. As always, pray for a sunny day and God’s great help. ! God bless, Bob and Doris Lee! NOT ALL WHO WANDER ARE LOST !"#$%&'()*+&,-'".,*/0,(+/'",%"&1'"2,*3'0%'44"! WHAT: 2015 BRITT LECTURES WITH REV. LORENZA ANDRADE-SMITH WHEN: FEBRUARY 13 TO 16, 2015 WHERE: First United Methodist Church 1020 S. Beretania St., free parking off of Victoria St. " 5678"9:56;<!"!;=5!=6>?@ABC",4"+%"$03+,%'3"'*3'0"$D"&1'"E%,&'3"@'&1$3,4&"#1F0G1"H1$" 1+4" &+I'%" +" -$H" $D" )$-'0&J" +%3" 4)'%&" &1'" )+4&" K" J'+04" *,-,%/" H,&1" &1'" )$$0" +%3" (+0/,%+*,L'38"?1'"*,-'3"D$0"&10''"J'+04",%"&1'"E?"MF%3'0"&1'"4&+04N"+%3"D$0"&1'")+4&"J'+0"1+4" O''%"$%"+"/*$O+*"G$%&'()*+&,-'"P$F0%'J8"" ! WWW.HAWAIIDISTRICTUMC.ORG FRIDAY, FEB 13 @ 7 P.M. “You’ll Never Be Ready: Just Go!” SATURDAY, FEB 14 @ 7 P.M. “In the Midst of Holy Chaos: Rejoicing and Giving Thanks” SUNDAY, FEB 15 @ 7 P.M. “R&R: Recognizing Renewal” MONDAY, FEB 16 @ 9 TO 12 PM “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!**: Sacred Travels” " 9'G&F0'4" +0'" D0''" +%3" $)'%" &$" &1'" )FO*,G8" #1,*3G+0'" +%3" 4,/%" *+%/F+/'" ,%&'0)0'&+&,$%" +0'" +-+,*+O*'"F)$%"0'QF'4&8"R$0"($0'",%D$0(+&,$%S"G+**"TUU>VTTT8"! February 2015 1 John 13:34-35 2 Romans 5:1-5 3 Matthew 5:13-16 4 Mark 9:14-29 5 Psalm 19:1-6 6 Luke 1:30-37 7 Psalm 18:1-6 8 1 Samuel 3:1-10 9 1 John 4:7-12 10 1 Corinthians 15:35-45 11 Romans 8:18-28 12 John 8:1-11 13 Matthew 22:34-40 14 James 5:13-18 15 Colossians 3:12-17 16 Isaiah 9:1-7 17 Ephesians 3:13-21 18 Isaiah 58:1-12 19 2 Corinthians 4:15-18 20 Luke 24:13-35 21 Isaiah 43:18-19 22 Exodus 3:1-14 23 Genesis 33:1-4 24 Matthew 26:36-46 25 Mark 2:23 – 3:6 26 Jeremiah 1:1-10 27 Philippians 2:12-18 28 Isaiah 43:1-7 Christian symbol Scroll A scroll may symbolize the writings of Scripture, particularly the Old Testament. In Luke 4, Jesus reads from the scroll of Isaiah in his home synagogue at Nazareth. A scroll may also symbolize the Day of Judgment, with the names of the elect, or saved, written on it. In Revelation 5, the creatures and elders around God’s throne sing to Christ the Lamb: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation” (v. 9, NIV). CALLING ALL SOS The Survivors Of Spouses Ohana will resume meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in Pastor’s Study. Come and join the Ohana to plan for our visit to the Doris Duke estate and to prepare for a workshop on conducting visitations to the sick at the hospital and at home. Please bring your coffee mug for light refreshments. Contact Chuck at 623-2437 or [email protected] if you have any questions or comments. Sweethearts Dinner Plan on bringing your sweetheart to our annual get-together at Ruby Tuesday, Mililani on Sunday, February 8 at 6pm. This wonderful time of fellowship promises an evening of games, laughter, and yummy food (Dutch treat, of course). Sign-up clipboard is in the narthex. Discount gift cards are available at Sam’s Club. Get 2 $25 Gift Cards for $38.48. Laws or love? Businessman John Barrier, unrecognizable in jeans and a T-shirt, cashed a check at his longtime bank. But the teller refused to validate his parking ticket, saying Barrier hadn’t made an official transaction. A manager agreed, saying rules were rules. Barrier then performed a major transaction, withdrawing $1 million and taking it elsewhere. He got his parking ticket validated after all. What a great illustration of the perils of legalism, when man-made laws become more important than people. Jesus repeatedly healed and “worked” on the Sabbath, much to the dismay of religious leaders. He was concerned about people’s hearts, not their appearance. What matters more to you: laws or love? appearance or substance? A heart examination may be in order! February 2015 February Feb. 18 - Service at 7pm Sunday 1 8 Monday 2 9 Tuesday 3 10 6pm Sweethearts Dinner at Ruby Tuesday Mililani 15 16 7pm Britt Lectures President’s Day 22 23 17 9am to noon 7pm Britt Lectures 24 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 5 6 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 9am GriefShare 9:30am Royal Haw’n Band 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 11 12 13 14 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 9am GriefShare 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 7pm Trustees’ Mtg 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 5:30pm Book Group 7pm Britt Lectures 10am UMW Meeting 18 19 20 21 3:30pm Music Lessons 7pm Ash Wednesday Service 9am GriefShare 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons HI Dist. UMW Mid-Winter Event at SWCC 25 26 27 28 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 9am GriefShare 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 8am to noon Church Workday Britt Lectures February 13 to 16 at First UMC See flyer for more information 7 7pm Britt Lectures All Events & Times Are Subject To Change Birthdays for February Birthdays 1 Edna Pascua 2 Jeannie Wheeler 3 Masina Kauha 5 Tony Kaneshiro 6 Nicole Nonies 7 Paul Misaka 8 Janis Loventhal 9 Wayne Yanamura 11 Lesia Pedro, Clarence Yagi 12 Nathan Lee 13 Helen Yanamura 16 Kathi Yanamura, Tino Bagasol, Honcho Hernandez 18 Shirley Ibarra 20 Michael Kurch 21 Ed Harada 25 Ruth Salausa 26 Janet Rivera Anniversaries 7 Teli and Keith Isaacson 21 Kim and Piula Alailima Wahiawa United Methodist Church 1445 California Avenue Wahiawa, HI 96786 1 8 June and Jim Higa 15 UMMen 22 Church Office Phone: (808) 622-4361 E-mail Address [email protected] Web Page Food Bank Sunday February 1, 2015 1 Doris and Bob Lee – in honor of all grandparents 8 15 Doris and Bob Lee – for son Nathan and granddaughter Sarah’s birthdays 22 March Agape Deadline February 25, 2015
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