pected to change but the adoption is exp rise of

but the adoption is exp
pected to change
dramatically with the rrise of this new,
lower-cost model.
So what are the benefits
fit to this solution?
There are many. For staarters, with route
optimization installed on a smartphone,
not only can you save 10
0 to 20 percent in
mileage, fuel, maintenan
nce and delivery
payroll (think two-three eextra deliveries per
driver per day), but you can now re-optimize
routes on-the-fl
fly, making unexpected deliveries profi
fitable rather thaan costly. Clerical
work gets eliminated, as alll end-of-day work
is electronically batch up
ploaded. An hour
per driver per day is saveed in routing and
dispatching time, freeingg dispatchers and
drivers/technicians to perrform more profi
fitable work. Dispatchers aalso have another
couple of hours freed u
up every day via
electronic dispatch, and they can improve
routing and forecasting, ffurther improving
customer delivery and serrvice effi
Most companies thaat implement the
multi-function field man
nagement system
available via new mobile ssmartphone/tablet
technology are able to imp
prove profi
fits by an
average of $20,000 to $40
0,000 per driver or
technician. Most of these ssavings come from
improved effi
ficiencies thaat help companies
reduce payroll and fleet ex
Best of all, with smaartphone apps for
point of sale invoicing, ro
oute optimization,
fleet tracking, inventory trracking and more,
you’re using a device that you can get virtually
ll ffor ffree!! M
Mostt companies that go this
route find that by re-subscribing for their
present field cell phone plans, their cell
phone carriers subsidize the costs associated with purchasing a new smartphone or
tablet. They are able to get the newest military spec, ruggedized smartphone or tablet
for next to nothing, and can do it again in
two years when their contract is up.
Imagine a fi
five-truck operation getting an
additional $150,000 in bottom line profits
via the new mobile technology that is available now. This is the new way businesses in
our industry are going to grow profits
fi and
fend off the ever-increasing costs of doing
business. Some companies that implement
smartphone apps are finding an opportunity
to invest more in sales, marketing, customer
service and growth, while others are taking
the profits
fi as a windfall.
This new software can be used on
smartphones and tablet computers, which
are readily available and relatively inex-
pensive, making upfront
equipment costs as little
as one tenth of what they
used to be. Employees only
need to learn one device
and software system, and
the company can upgrade
software quickly and easily.
Some of the solutions and
multiple applications
fits are as follows.
on a smartphone
• Route optimization
or tablet reduces
equipment costs.
software enables
companies to complete
Samsung Note 2
Intermec CN3
more deliveries and/or
Screen Size
service calls per day.
2,000-64,000 MB
128 MB
• Real-time wireless disSpeed
1600 MHz
183 grams
454 grams
patch software increases
$3,000 to $5,000
safety because drivers
Year of release
Can act as full time cell
No (typically drivers and techs
and techs automatically
carry a cell phone and plan)
get all new jobs directly
Signature capture
on the phone/tablet so
Turn-by-turn directions
Yes (included)
Yes (may require additional fees)
they don’t have to stop
Battery life
16 hours talk time
13 hours
work, drive to the side of
Barcode scanner
Yes (included)
Yes (may require additional fees)
the road, or play phone
tag with the dispatcher.
paring to replace the Note 2 with a faster
• A combination of electronic dispatch
and more powerful Note 3.
and instant route optimization can
Another important advantage is the
free up dispatchers to perform other
functions, because the time they spend ability to consolidate all the mobile software on one device, which can mean lower
routing is cut from hours to a few
expenses for hardware and training, comminutes.
pared to multiple-device solutions. There is
• Point-of-sale invoicing from a smartno downside to the lower equipment costs
phone or tablet means no more lost
associated with smartphone-based apps,
paperwork; reduced customer invoice
because the smartphone apps can support
issues; fewer invoice errors; and faster
customer payment. The system can con- features similar to those supported by costnect to a printer on the truck and record lier handheld devices.
all delivery/service information, prints
exact costs, discounts, taxes, additional
Another benefi
fit of using smartphones
fees, time, date, special messages, etc.
is that they are easy to protect with afterIt helps your drivers/techs work faster
market protective cover solutions that make
and makes their jobs easier.
the devices waterproof and shockproof.
• You can simplify your onboard
These are available online or from a local
technology and eliminate the need for
multiple systems like GPS fleet tracking store. Also, with the growing popularity of
smartphones, companies are finding their
equipment, single function point-ofemployees to be familiar and comfortable
sale computers, route optimization
using the devices.
solutions and inventory tracking
Additionally, insurance policies for
smartphones are inexpensive in comparison
to a few years ago. A company can purchase
Some wonder if the viewable screen on insurance on smartphones, tablets and
new smartphones is large enough. In fact, other mobile devices through a bank or
the newest smartphones have larger screens phone company for pennies every month.
Smartphones and tablets are helping
than the best handhelds being sold today.
Here is a quick comparison of the Samsung delivery and service companies connect
Note 2 and the leading handheld sold in our to their field employees and improve their
performance – and bottom line – like never
industry, the Intermec CN3, above right.
New smartphones actually provide an before. Don’t get left behind. Check out
upgrade from the best handhelds presently the new smartphone and tablet technoloused in the industry, and Samsung is pre- gies today.
July 2013 • 29