Youth KOSTA Toronto 2015 5576 Yonge Street, P.O. Box 10039 North York ON M2N 5S2 416 275 4382 / [email protected] / / 2015 YOUTH KOSTA 등록안내 ▶ 등록비: 1 차 $160 / 2 차 $180 / 당일등록 $200 ▶ 등록마감: 1 차 마감 2 월 28 일 / 2 차 마감 3 월 15 일 ▶ 참석하시는 교역자, 교사, 또는 인솔자는 등록금 $160 입니다. ▶ e 메일등록 ([email protected]) 가능. (참석인원과 등록인원이 변동이 없을 시 마감전) ▶ 교통이 필요하실 경우 등록 신청서에 표기 하시고 교통비 $30 을 더 하여 접수 하셔야 합니다. (예약 관계로 교통편 예약은 3 월 9 일까지 부탁 드립니다.) ▶ 등록 문의: 행정팀장 정주현 간사 416-887-5787 / [email protected] YOUTH KOSTA 등록비 지불방법 ▶ 본 등록 신청서와 참가비용을 수표나 우편환으로 아래의 주소로 보내주시기 바랍니다. 수표 수취인: KOSTA CANADA 우편주소: KOSTA Canada 5576 Yonge Street, P.O. Box 10039 North York ON M2N 5S0 ▶ 3 월 15 일 이후 등록 취소 시, 참가비용은 반환되지 않습니다. ▶ 등록비에 대한 영수증은 행정팀이 등록하신 교역자에게 이메일로 보내드리도록 하겠습니다 ▶ Register Mail 은 보내지 말아 주세요 Ex) Cheque 수표 수취인 등록학생이름 , 교회이름 Youth KOSTA (KOrean STudents All nations) Toronto is a Christian conference for teenagers in Toronto. Youth KOSTA Toronto 2015 5576 Yonge Street, P.O. Box 10039 North York ON M2N 5S2 416 275 4382 / [email protected] / / 2015 Youth KOSTA Toronto 인솔자 (교역자, 교사, 인솔) 등록양식(#1) * 인솔자께서는 Waiver form 을 작성해 주시길 부탁드립니다 교회 이름 교회 인원합계 교회전화 인솔자 명 남학생 명 여학생 명 스쿨버스이용 명 명 인솔자이름 직분 전화번호 Email 인솔자이름 직분 전화번호 Email 인솔자이름 직분 전화번호 Email 인솔자이름 직분 전화번호 Email 이름(Name) 서명(Signature) *교역자 또는 인솔자 대표, 참가교회에 교역자 또는 인솔자가 없을 경우 학생대표 Check List *등록서류는 다음과 같은 순서로 정리해주세요 인솔자 등록양식 참석인원리스트 남,여 리스트 개인 등록양식 Individual Guest Waiver Form Youth KOSTA (KOrean STudents All nations) Toronto is a Christian conference for teenagers in Toronto. Youth KOSTA Toronto 2015 5576 Yonge Street, P.O. Box 10039 North York ON M2N 5S2 416 275 4382 / [email protected] / / 2015 Youth KOSTA Toronto 참가자 리스트 양식 (#2) No. 교회 남학생 리스트 MALE 번호 학생이름 학년 KM / EM 조장추천(G11,12) . * Officer *숙소 *비고 Youth KOSTA (KOrean STudents All nations) Toronto is a Christian conference for teenagers in Toronto. Youth KOSTA Toronto 2015 5576 Yonge Street, P.O. Box 10039 North York ON M2N 5S2 416 275 4382 / [email protected] / / 2015 Youth KOSTA Toronto 참가자 리스트 양식 (#2) No. 교회 여학생 리스트 FEMALE 번호 학생이름 학년 KM / EM 조장추천(G11,12) . * Officer *숙소 *비고 Youth KOSTA (KOrean STudents All nations) Toronto is a Christian conference for teenagers in Toronto. Youth KOSTA Toronto 2015 5576 Yonge Street, P.O. Box 10039 North York ON M2N 5S2 416 275 4382 / [email protected] / / 2015 Youth KOSTA Toronto 개인 등록 신청서 (#3) *Language preference KM / EM 성별/Gender Male / Female 한글: 이름 / Name English: 주소 / Address E-mail 전화 / Phone 출석교회/Church 담당목회자, 선생님 Youth Pastor 학년 / Grade 참석경험 Youth KOSTA Yes / No Food Allergies OHIP Number *강사님과 상담을 하고싶습니다 Counseling request Yes / No 교통편이 필요합니다. Ride request Yes / No Special Comment * requested by the student Indemnity form I/We the parent(s) or guardian(s) of giving my/our permission for the Youth to travel to and reside at Youth KOSTA 2015 (hosted by KOSTA CANADA) premises. I/We hereby give permission for the Youth to participate in any lawful activity associated with the Youth KOSTA where in so ever that activity may occur. I/We hereby agree to indemnify and to keep indemnified KOSTA CANADA and any member thereof and any other person who is lawfully assisting with the camp, its objectives and activities, from all suits, actions, proceedings and legal liability whatsoever arising from any act or omission howsoever arising which results in personal injury or illness of or to the Youth or causes damage to or loss of any property of Youth or any expanses or costs arising there from. Date: _______ (day)/ _______ (month) / 2015 Signature: _________________________________________ Printed:__________________________________________________ Signed by the parent or guardian Youth KOSTA (KOrean STudents All nations) Toronto is a Christian conference for teenagers in Toronto. Youth KOSTA Toronto 2015 5576 Yonge Street, P.O. Box 10039 North York ON M2N 5S2 416 275 4382 / [email protected] / / INDIVIDUAL GUEST WAIVER FORM The guest group will be responsible to satisfy itself that the participants of any activities have the requisite skill, provided any necessary supervision by responsible persons and see that all individual safety requirements are observed by participants, and Muskoka Woods shall have no responsibility for accident or injury. Without assuming any liability, and in the interests of safety, in the case of any use of any of these special facilities, Muskoka Woods reserves the right, through any of its responsible employees, to insist upon all appropriate safety rules and procedures being observed and upon any degree of supervision it considers advisable being provided by the guest group, and to limit or terminate the use of any such special facilities as it may consider advisable. In the event that a guest requires medication, X-ray, or treatment beyond that which is possible at Muskoka Woods, the guest group will be charged with the additional expense of transportation and special care. It is the responsibility of the guest group to notify the affected guest’s family. I/We authorize the administration of any first aid treatment necessary at Muskoka Woods, and in the case of medical emergency, give permission to the Physician selected by the guest group staff or sponsors to hospitalize and secure proper treatment for my child as named above. Every effort will be made to contact parents or guardians before such action. For valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned hereby releases and forever discharges Muskoka Woods, Muskoka Woods Youth Camp Inc., Gwitmoc Foundation (formerly John Albert Boddy Youth Camp Foundation) and Lawrason Bay Foundation (formerly Marie Boddy Foundation) and their respective members, agents, volunteers, employees, officers and directors (the "Releasees") from any and all actions, causes of action, claims and demands resulting from any loss, injury or damage to person or property which has arisen or may arise from any and all use of the Muskoka Woods including any programs or otherwise, unless any such loss, injury or damage may have arisen by reason of the negligence of the Releasees. The undersigned agrees that any and all actions arising out of this agreement or the use of the Muskoka Woods will be governed by the laws of Ontario, Canada and consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Ontario, Canada in any and all such actions. **Group members under 18 years of age require the signature of a Parent or Guardian** ** DO NOT remove bottom portion of waiver** Name of School or Group: Youth KOSTA Toronto / Dates of Trip: March 17-19 2015 __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ NAME OF PARTICIPANT DATE SIGNED __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PARTICIPANT SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN (IF NECESSARY) Youth KOSTA (KOrean STudents All nations) Toronto is a Christian conference for teenagers in Toronto.
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