It Starts in the Heart Winter Conference La Conferencia de Invierno Jackson County Chapter of the Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children Condado de Jackson Asociación del Oregon para la Educación de los Niños in collaboration with Josephine County Chapter of Oregon AEYC , RCC’s Early Childhood & Elementary Education Department, SOU School of Education, and Southern Oregon Early Learning Services Friday, February 27, 2015 9:00—4:00 P.M. (Intensive sessions) 4:00-6:00 P.M. (Reception & Celebration open to all) at Inn at the Commons, 200 N. Riverside Ave., Medford SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015 Sábado, 28 de Febrero, 2015 8:00 A.M. — 3:00 P.M. at RCC/SOU Higher Education Center, 101 S. Bartlett, Medford Centro de la Educación Postsecundaria de RCC/SOU A la esquina de las Calle 8 y Bartlett Jackson County Chapter of the Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children Winter Conference La Conferencia de Invierno February 27-28, 2015 8:00 — 9:00 9:00 — 4:00 12:00 — 1:00 4:00 — 6:00 Friday, February 27—Inn at the Commons Registration and Refreshments Conference Sessions Lunch on your Own Reception and Celebration of Early Childhood Accomplishments College credit is available (for an additional fee of $55) through Southern Oregon University. Those wishing to receive credit must attend the entire Conference both Friday AND Saturday and follow up with a paper after the Conference. Be sure to register for both days on your Conference Registration form! CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE—Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo TRAUMA INFORMED CARE—Mandy Davis 9:00 am—4:00 pm 9:00 am—4:00 pm Whole Teachers = Whole Children: The gifts of difficult, challenging, out–of-control children Learn how your difficult children can help you grow as a person and as a professional. Learn a comprehensive process of building executive skills that help both adults and children move from reacting to responding to life events. ALL; Core Knowledge Category: UGB Discipline for the Most Difficult Children: Teaching Children to Care Children must be willing to learn how to behave, and to know the skills of how to interact successfully with others. Learn the skills needed to transform your aggressive and defiant children into cooperative members of your learning community. ALL; Core Knowledge Category: UGB Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo, Chapel Hill, NC, graduated from the University of Miami with a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Special Education and is a talented trainer who has worked extensively with special needs children. As a trainer, she assists teachers and administrators in deepening their understanding of Conscious Discipline and adapting it to their setting. As a coach, she guides teachers through a manageable, stepby-step process of internalizing the skills and powers of Conscious Discipline. As a parent of two young children, she can show you video of Conscious Discipline in action. Elizabeth is committed to finding ways to connect with all children, especially the most difficult. Free parking is available in the Inn First, Do No Harm: A Training in Trauma Informed Practice Learn about trauma informed care, the impact of trauma, and how trauma affects consumers’ access to services. Begin to identify how service systems, often unknowingly, retraumatize survivors of complex trauma. Learn the difference between trauma specific services and trauma informed care and skills to engage populations who have experienced trauma. Identify ways to modify programs and policies to be more trauma informed. Case studies will be used and skill development emphasized. ALL; Core Knowledge Category: FCS Mandy Davis, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is the Clinical Director for the Trauma Informed Care project and Co-Director for Trauma Informed Oregon at the Regional Research Institute at Portland State University’s School of Social Work. Ms. Davis specializes in providing training, consultation, and supervision to systems, organizations, and providers on topics related to implementing trauma informed care and trauma specific services. Ms. Davis has over 20 years of experience working with survivors of trauma of all ages. at the Commons parking lot. Lunch will be on your own—bring your lunch and network with other attendees or purchase lunch from the on-site restaurant—Larks—or from other nearby food vendors. You are invited to attend the Reception and Celebration from 4:00-6:00 pm at The Inn at the Commons, following our Friday sessions. All are invited—no charge! You are welcome to attend whether or not you are attending the Friday sessions Refreshments provided—cash bar Jackson County Chapter of the Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children Winter Conference La Conferencia de Invierno February 27-28, 2015 Saturday, February 28—RCC/SOU Higher Education Center PLEASE NOTE: NO KEYNOTE THIS YEAR! 8:00 — 9:30 8:30 — 11:30 Registration and Refreshments/Inscripción y Bocadillos Conscious Discipline Special Presentation with Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo (3 hours/Must be pre-registered) 9:30 — 11:30 Morning Workshops/ Sesiones de la mañana 11:30 — 1:00 Lunch on your own/ Almuerzo 1:00 — 3:00 Afternoon Workshops/ Sesiones de la tarde College credit is available (for an additional fee of $55) through Southern Oregon University. Those wishing to receive credit must attend the entire Conference both Friday AND Saturday and follow up with a paper after the Conference. Be sure to register for both days on your Conference Registration form! MORNING SESSIONS/SESIONES DE LA MAÑANA 9:30—11:30 11:30 -1:00 AFTERNOON SESSIONS/SESIONES DE LA TARDE 1:00—3:00 See Special Presentation info above Triangles! Squares! Patterns! Oh My! Peaceful Play for Toddlers & Preschoolers Peaceful Play for Primary Classrooms Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! Partners, Pathways, and Policies Creating an Inclusive Early Learning Program Meeting Families Where They Are Closing the Achievement Gap Bringing on the Wonder Exploring Diversity in the Clasroom The Gift of Labyrinths Noisy Nora, Big Al, and the Knufflebunny Honoring Your Families’ Cultures Cada niño es una artista Maestros Enteros=Niños Enteros MARK AND KEEP THIS SCHEDULE FOR REFERENCE WHEN YOU REGISTER Free parking is available in the Inn at the Commons parking lot on Friday and on the street and in the parking lots with no time limits on Saturday. Lunch is on your own—bring your lunch and network with other attendees or purchase lunch from the on -site Café. or from nearby restaurants. FOCUS CODES: INF = Infants/Edades 0 a 1 año PFS = Parent/Family Support/Suporte de los Padres TOD = Toddlers/Edades 1 a 3 años FCC = Family Child Care/Cuidado de los Niños en el Hogar 3—5 = Ages 3 to 5 years/Edades 3 a 5 años CBC = Center-Based Care/Cuidado de los Niños en Centro 5—8 = Ages 5 to 8 years/Edades 5 a 8 años SAC = School-Age Child Care/Cuidado Después de la Escuela ADM = Administration/Administración PRI = Primary Grades/Grados Primarias en la Escuela EMP = Staff Empowerment/Development/ Otorgamiento y Desarrollo de los Empleados CORE KNOWLEDGE CATEGORIES/ Categorías de Conocimiento Central: DIV = Diversity/Diversidad SN = Special Needs/Necesidades Especiales FCS = Families & Community Systems/Sistemas Familiares y Comunitarios HSN = Health, Safety, & Nutrition/Salud, Seguridad y Nutrición HGD = Human Growth & Development/Crecimiento y Desarrollo Humano LEC = Learning Environments & Curriculum /Ambientes de Aprendizaje y Plan de Estudios OA = Observation & Assessment/Observación y Evaluación PPLD = Personal, Professional, & Leadership Dev./Desarrollo Personal, Profesional y de Liderazgo PM = Program Management/Administración de Programas UGB = Understanding & Guiding Behavior/Entendimiento y Orientación de Conducta SATURDAY WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONS—Morning Sessions College credit is available (for an additional fee of $55) through Southern Oregon University. Those wishing to receive credit must attend Friday AND Saturday presentations and follow up with a paper after the Conference. Be sure to register for both days on your Conference Registration form! 8:30—11:30 A.M.—Special Presentation (note earlier start time/must be pre-registered) A. HEALING THE HURT BEHIND AGGRESSION ~ Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo, Loving Guidance Associate, North Carolina A “no-tolerance” policy does not eliminate bullying; it pushes it further into the underground culture of the school. In addition to prevention and policy, we need intervention for social-emotional learning. This session provides four essential brain-compatible skills needed to help bullies become full functioning members of a group. ALL; Core Knowledge Category: UGB Morning Sessions 9:30-11:30 B. PEACEFUL PLAY FOR TODDLERS AND PRESCHOOLERS ~ Cathleen Price, RCC Instructor and QRIS Specialist How can I add peaceful play to the lives of children? This interactive yoga workshop provides you with knowledge and tools to play with young children creatively and cooperatively, while strengthening your connection with them. Come to this workshop ready to move! TOD; 3-5, PFS; Core Knowledge: HSN—SET TWO PENDING C. TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK! ~Joseph VonDoloski, Executive Director, Logos Charter School High performing workplaces and classrooms share these five irrefutable characteristics. Improving, building, and refining them make your sphere of influence more positive and bring about dynamic change. ADM, EMP, PFS; Core Knowledge Category: PPLD D. CREATING AN INCLUSIVE EARLY LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ~Gary Glasenapp and Candi Scott, Teaching Research Institute, Western Oregon University This session focuses on taking the necessary steps to create an inclusive early learning and development program (ELDP). Participants examine how inclusive practices benefit all children, select steps toward an inclusive ELDP, and select strategies to implement inclusive practices in their ELDPs. 3-5, FCC, CBC; Core Knowledge Category: SN—SET TWO E. CLOSING THE ACHIEVEMENT GAP AND SLOWING SUMMER SLIDE: STRATEGIES FOR PARENTS AND TEACHERS TO HELP ALL CHILDREN SUCCEED ~ Felicity Elworthy, Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Manager; Southern Oregon Head Start Participants examine the data of the achievement gap and “summer slide” and their implications for children’s school readiness. Through multimedia instruction and small group interactive activities, participants develop strategies for engaging parents and communities in efforts to close the gap and halt the slide. 3-5, 5-8, PFS; Core Knowledge Category: FCS—SET TWO PENDING F. EXPLORING DIVERSITY IN THE CLASSROOM ~ Erin Wilder, Associate Professor, SOU School of Education Participants have the opportunity to reflect on their own cultures while looking at the cultures of students and families in the region; all in an effort to become more culturally responsive educators. Consider your own cultural beliefs and find ways of integrating them into a classroom where a diverse student population is welcome and every culture is valued. We explore how to integrate children’s literature into the classroom as one way of creating an inclusive classroom community. 3-5, 5-8, FCC, CBC, PRI; Core Knowledge Category: DIV G. NOISY NORA, BIG AL, AND THE KNUFFLEBUNNY: USING CHILDREN’S LITERATURE TO SUPPORT SOCIALEMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT ~ Pam Thompson Arbogast, Coordinator, SOESD Early Childhood Services; RCC Instructor This activity focused session provides ideas for using children’s literature in classrooms as well as individually to support the development of relationships, self-regulation and problem-solving skills, and to assist children coping with situational challenges such as separation from a parent. 3-5, 5-8, PFS. FCC, CBC, PRI; Core Knowledge Category: UGB H. CADA NIÑO ES UN ARTISTA ~ Jill Ramirez and Lorena Juarez, especialistas de programas, The Job Council’s Child Care Resource Network; Maribel Muñoz, Southern Oregon Head Start; Maria Margarita Velázquez, niñera profesional Diviértanse has un desastre mientras descubres tu creatividad. TOD, 3-5, 5-8, PFC, FCC, CBC, SAC Grupo de Conocimiento: LEC SATURDAY WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONS—Afternoon Sessions 1:00-3:00 I. TRIANGLES! SQUARES! PATTERNS! OH MY! MATH FOR THE FEARFUL ~ Deborah Murphy, ECEE Instructor, Rogue Community College Using Pattern Blocks, tangrams, and other materials, this hands-on workshop explores shapes, geometry, and math thinking skills from toddlers to teens and all in between. INF, TOD, 3-5, 5-8; Core Knowledge Category: LEC—SET TWO J. PEACEFUL PLAY FOR PRIMARY CLASSROOMS ~ Cathleen Price, RCC Instructor and QRIS Specialist How can I add peaceful play to the lives of children? This interactive yoga workshop provides you with knowledge and tools to play with children creatively and cooperatively, while strengthening your connection with them. Come to this workshop ready to move! 5-8, PRI, PFS; Core Knowledge: HSN—SET TWO PENDING K. PARTNERS, PATHWAYS, AND POLICIES THAT STRENGTHEN PROGRAM AND FAMILY CONNECTIONS ~ Rebecca Tree, Director/Founder Roots & Wings Community Preschool and Paula Lynam, Developmental and Education Specialist, Secret Garden Part One examines program culture and strategies that build effective Missions, Values, and Vision Statements that guide our work. Part Two examines effective ways to nurture families and increase parent participation. Participants apply knowledge of the ‘what’, ‘why’, and ‘how’ to build strong programs that include and nurture families. ADM, PFS, CBC; Core Knowledge Category: PM——SET TWO PENDING L. MEETING FAMILIES WHERE THEY ARE: STRATEGIES FOR ENGAGING FAMILIES ~ Sue Hamilton, Education Consultant and Talley Dunn, Education Manager, Southern Oregon Early Head Start This session explores strategies for building strong partnerships with families. It includes the role of diversity in understanding families, tools for effective communication, dealing with misunderstandings and resolving differences that may occur with families. PFS, INF, TOD, FCC, CBC, SAC,PRI; Core Knowledge Category: FCS—SET TWO PENDING M. BRINGING ON THE WONDER: SCIENCE AND YOUNG CHILDREN ~Susan Faller-Mitchell, SOU School of Education Instructor Children are naturally curious. We, as teachers, can encourage our students to ask questions and explore, and there is a whole world of science to put before them. Come learn about creating a managed space in which students will learn to inquire and experiment to answer their own questions. Bring the world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) into your classroom! 5-8, PRI; Core Knowledge Category: LEC N. THE GIFTS OF LABYRINTHS ~Michelle Gallas, Director, Imagine That… Creative Children’s Center; RCC Instructor We explore the many uses of labyrinths, their ancient history, and their relevance in our modern society. Bring labyrinths into your classroom curriculum to enrich student learning in all domains: Art, Poetry, Literacy, Mathematics, Science, and Social-Emotional learning. 3-5, 5-8, FCC, CBC, PRI; Core Knowledge Category: LEC O. HONORING YOUR FAMILIES’ CULTURES ~Candi Scott and Gary Glasenapp , Teaching Research Institute, Western Oregon University This session focuses on developing a culturally responsive early learning and development program (ELDP). Participants examine why it’s important to provide a culturally responsive ELDP, explore how to be linguistically responsive to their families, and explore and select strategies to reflect and support children’s cultures and home languages. 3-5, FCC, CBC; Core Knowledge Category: DIV——SET TWO TRAINING P. MAESTROS ENTEROS= NIÑOS ENTEROS: Los regalos de niños difíciles, desafiantes, y fuera de control ~ Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo, Asociada de Guía Amorosa, Disciplina Consciente Aprende como sus niños desafiantes pueden ayudarle a crecer como una persona y como un profesional. Aprende sobre el proceso comprensivo de cómo crear habilidades directivas que a lo largo ayudarán tanto a los adultos y a los niños a moverse de reaccionar a responder a eventos de la vida. INF, TOD, 3-5, FCC, CBC; Grupo de Conocimiento: UGB QUESTIONS? ¿PREGUNTAS? If you have any questions about the Conference, please call Lorena Juarez at (541) 842-2610(W) or email [email protected]. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta referente a la conferencia, por favor llame a Lorena Juarez al (541) 842-2610 o correo electrónico [email protected] SESSIONS IN SPANISH/TALLERES EN ESPAÑOL Saturday workshop sessions will be available in Spanish. For information or questions in Spanish, call Lorena Juarez at 541 -842-2610. Para registrarse o para más información en español o preguntas, por favor llame a Lorena Juarez al (541) 842-2610 o correo electrónico [email protected] CONFERENCE SCHOLARSHIPS/BECAS DE LA CONFERENCIA The Oregon Statewide Scholarship Program of the Oregon Center for Career Development in Childhood Care & Education (OCCD) has scholarships available for child care providers and those working with children in early childhood settings. Go to and click on Community Based Training Scholarship Program or call toll free (877) 725-8535. Locally, you can contact Lorena at the Child Care Resource Network at (541) 842-2610 or email her at [email protected]. The scholarship will cover the pre-registration member rate ($20.00). You will be responsible for paying any balance, if applicable. You should submit your scholarship application to OCCD no later than February 6. SCHOLARSHIPS ARE LIMITED, so apply early! You will be notified if you are too late and need to make other arrangements. El programa de becas del Centro para Desarrollo Profesional en Cuidado y Educación Infantil de Oregón (OCCD) tiene becas de $20 disponibles para las proveedoras del cuidado de niños de familia y el personal registrados de los centros certificados o exentos del cuidado de niños. Vaya a (Apoyo de Becas para Capacitación Basada en la Comunidad) o llame gratis (877) 7258535 para más información. Localmente, usted puede comunicarse con Lorena de Child Care Resource Network (Job Council) por teléfono al (541) 842-2610 o correo electrónico [email protected]. Las solicitudes se deben presentar a OCCD lo pronto posible, no más tarde del 6 de Febrero de 2015. LUNCH/COMIDA Lunch will be on your own. Bring your Brown Bag lunch and take time to network with friends old and new. You can also purchase your lunch from a variety of local restaurants. There is an on-site coffee bar in the building, Café Bel Mondo, which also has a wide variety of beverages and food available. Traiga su almuerzo para pasar tiempo con amigos conocidos y nuevos. También puede comprar un lonche en el Café del Mondo localizado en el edificio de la conferencia o en los restaurantes que hay en el área. RESOURCES/RECURSOS NAEYC books and materials will be available for purchase. Resource materials from Turn the Page Press, the Oregon Center for Career Development in Childhood Care and Education, the Job Council’s Child Care Resource Network, Rogue Community College, Southern Oregon University, and other community agencies will be on display. Habrá exhibición de los libros y materiales de NAEYC disponibles para comprar. Los materiales del Centro para Desarrollo Profesional en Cuidado y Educación Infantil de Oregón (OCCD), Child Care Resource Network, Rogue Community College, Southern Oregón University y otras agencias comunitarias. JOIN NAEYC OAEYC—the Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children—is YOUR statewide early childhood education professional association and NAEYC affiliate with local chapters in Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, and other nearby counties. As a member you will support our state and local efforts on behalf of young children and families and professionals in the ECE field. Other benefits include both local and state AEYC newsletters as well as a subscription to NAEYC’s Young Children and/or Teaching Young Children and discounts on Saturday Morning Workshops, national, state, and local conferences, as well as on NAEYC publications. To join, simply visit the NAEYC website at Those joining prior to February 6 will receive the member discount for this conference. Current membership will be verified when your membership is processed. JC 2015 Jackson County Chapter of Oregon AEYC Winter Conference Medford, Oregon Inn at the Commons 200N. Riverside Ave. Friday sessions and Reception Higher Education Center (HEC) Saturday sessions Traveling I-5 from north to south: 1. Take Medford Exit 30, Crater Lake Highway. 2. At light turn right on Crater Lake Highway. 3. Turn left on Court Street. 4. Turn left on Central. 5. Turn left on 6th Street to Riverside to the Inn at the Commons (Friday). 6. Turn left on East Eighth or Ninth to South Bartlett to the HEC (Saturday). Traveling I-5 from south to north: 1. Take Medford Exit 27 for Medford. 2. Turn Left to head toward downtown. 3. At the second light, turn right onto Riverside (Hwy 99) to continue toward downtown. 4. Inn at the Commons is on your right, located between 6th and 4th streets (Friday). 5. The HEC is on your left, located at the corners of East Ninth and Eighth streets and South Bartlett and Riverside (Saturday). Conferencia de Invierno - 28 de Febrero, 2015 en el Centro de Educación Postsecundaria (HEC) de RCC/SOU, Medford 8:00 — 9:30 Inscripción y Bocadillos SESIÓN DE LA MAÑANA EN ESPAÑOL 9:30-11:30 Cada niño es un artista Jill Ramirez y Lorena Juárez 11:30 -1:00 SESIÓN DE LA TARDE EN ESPAÑOL 1:00-3:00 Maestros Enteros=Niños Enteros Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo Traiga su almuerzo o podrá comprarlo en el café de SOU o en un restaurante cerca del campus. Instrucciones de como llegar siguiendo el I-5 Del norte: Tome la salida 30. Dar la vuelta a la derecha en Crater Lake Hwy. Dar la vuelta a la izquierda en Hwy. 99 S./Court St. Court St. cambia a Central Ave. Continué hasta la calle 8 Edificio de HEC está a la izquierda. Del sur: Tome la salida 27 Dar la vuelta a la izquierda en Barnett Rd. Continué hasta Riverside Ave. Dar la vuelta a la derecha en Riverside Ave. Continué hasta la calle 9. Dar la vuelta a la izquierda y el edificio de HEC está a la derecha. Se puede estacionar en la calle o en los lotes numerados en el plano que les permiten estacionar los sábados. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Condado de Jackson Asociación de Oregón para la Educación de los Niños CONFERENCIA DE INVIERNO — 28 DE FEBRERO DEL 2015 FORMA DE REGISTRACIÓN (para solamente todas las sesiones en español) Nombre __________________________________________ Teléfono __________________ Dirección __________________________________ Email ___________________________ Ciudad __________________________________ Estado___________ CP _______________ El ultimo día para registrarse es el 13 de Febrero en: Oregón AEYC P.O. Box 1455 Tualatin, OR 97062 El precio de la Conferencia es $35.00, o $20.00 si usted es un miembro de NAEYC. Por favor escriba su cheque a nombre de OAEYC. Si usted desea registrarse pagando con dinero en efectivo puede ir a la oficina de CCRN (35 S. Bartlett Street) en Medford o si va a pagar con cheque puede enviarlo por correo a Oregón AEYC. Habrá becas de $20.00 (antes del 1 de Febrero) disponibles de la Programa Estatal de Becas de Oregón si lo necesita. El pago no es reembolsable, pero si se puede transferir a otra persona. Jackson County Chapter of the Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children WINTER CONFERENCE—FEBRUARY 27-28, 2015 REGISTRATION FORM (page 1 of 2) NAME ______________________________ PHONE ___________ EMAIL ________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP__________________________________ PROGRAM ___________________________________________________________________________ HOW TO REGISTER: Pre-registration is strongly advised. On-site registration will be on a space-available basis only ($15.00 extra). Complete a registration form (both pages!) for each person. If additional registration forms are needed, you can copy this registration form and submit one for each person. You may mail or fax this registration form. Registration questions? Call toll-free 800-452-3610. Registrations postmarked or faxed after February 13, 2015 will be treated as on-site registration. Conference fees are non-refundable, but are transferable to another person prior to the conference or on-site. FRIDAY Intensive Tracks: $20.00 NAEYC Member NAEYC ID#_________ $________ $35.00 Non-Member $________ $20.00 Students & Seniors $________ SATURDAY Conference: $20.00 NAEYC Member NAEYC ID#_________ $35.00 Non-Member $20.00 Students & Seniors (60+) Plus $15.00 On-Site registration (after Feb. 13) Total Paid $________ $________ $________ $________ $_______ Registration Questions? Call OAEYC toll-free at 800-452-3610 Other Conference Questions? Call Lorena Juarez: (541) 842-2610 Or email: [email protected] ¿Preguntas? Llame a Lorena Juárez: (541) 842-2610 Those interested in college credit will need to attend both Friday AND Saturday sessions. An additional $55 for college credit will be collected at the Friday session from those wanting to receive college credit. Payment Options (check one): Include a check/money order payable to: Oregon AEYC. (Must be postmarked by 2/13/15) Mail to: Oregon AEYC, P.O. Box 1455, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Purchase Order Agency _______________________________________ P.O. # _________________ OCCD Scholarship—$20 per day (Send copy of your eligibility letter and any balance owed) CREDIT/DEBIT CARD __Visa __MasterCard __Discover (email listed above will be used for credit card receipt) Credit card # ______________________________ Expiration date _____________ Cardholder’s Name __________________________ Cardholder’s Signature ___________________________ For payment other than check, you may fax your registration form with payment info to 503-496-0520. REGISTRATION FORM CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... REGISTRATION FORM (CONTINUED—page 2 of 2) NAME: __________________________________ _____ I will be attending Friday sessions only _____ I will be attending Friday Reception and Celebration (no charge!) _____ I will be attending Saturday sessions only _____ I will be attending both Friday and Saturday sessions MARK YOUR SESSION SELECTIONS BELOW FRIDAY INTENSIVE SESSION—9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM (CHOOSE ONE) CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE TRAUMA INFORMED CARE SATURDAY MORNING SESSION 9:30—11:30 SATURDAY AFTERNOON SESSION 1:00—3:00 MARK YOUR 1st, 2nd, & 3rd CHOICE MARK YOUR 1st, 2nd, & 3rd CHOICE A. HEALING THE HURT BEHIND AGGRESSION 8:30-11:30 Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo I. TRIANGLES! SQUARES! PATTERNS! OH MY!! Deborah Murphy NOTE EARLIER STARTING TIME LIMITED SPACE—REGISTER EARLY! B. PEACEFUL PLAY FOR TODDLERS AND PRESCHOOLERS Cathleen Price J. PEACEFUL PLAY FOR PRIMARY CLASSROOMS Cathleen Price C. TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK! Joseph VonDoloski K. PARTNERS, PATHWAYS, AND POLICIES THAT STRENGTHEN PROGRAM & FAMILY CONNECTIONS Rebecca Tree & Paula Lynam D. CREATING AN INCLUSIVE EARLY LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Gary Glasenapp & Candi Scott L. MEETING FAMILIES WHERE THEY ARE Sue Hamilton & Talley Dunn E. CLOSING THE ACHIEVEMENT GAP AND SLOWING SUMMER SLIDE Felicity Elworthy M. BRINGING ON THE WONDER Susan Faller-Mitchell F. EXPLORING DIVERSITY N. THE GIFT OF LABYRINTHS Erin Wilder Michelle Gallas G. NOISY NORA, BIG AL, AND THE KNUFFLEBUNNY Pam Thompson Arbogast O. HONORING YOUR FAMILIES’ CULTURES Candi Scott & Gary Glasenapp H. CADA NIÑO ES UN ARTISTA Jill Ramirez y Lorena Juarez P. MAESTROS ENTEROS=NIÑOS ENTEROS Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo
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