Rating Rationale Brickwork Ratings Up-grades the Rating of ‘BWR A-’ for the Long term Bank credit facilities and reaffirms the Rating of ‘BWR A2+’ for Short term credit facilities of Madurai Power Corporation Pvt. Ltd. (MPCPL). Brickwork Ratings (BWR) has Upgraded/reaffirms following Ratings1 for Bank Loan Facilities of Madurai Power Corporation Pvt. Ltd. (‘MPCPL’ or ‘the Company’). Facility Tenure Term Loan Amount Rated Previously ( ₹ Cr) Amount Rated Presently ( ₹ Cr) 46.22 31.44 Rating BWR A(BWR A Minus) Cash Credit (Fund Based)** Long Term (Outlook – Stable) 125.00 100.00 (Up-graded from BWR BBB+ (BWR Triple B Plus) Bank Guarantee/LC * (Non – Fund Based) BWR A2+ Short Term (BWR A Two 80.00 84.00 Plus) (reaffirmation of the Rating) Total 251.22 215.44 INR Two Hundred and Fifteen Crores and Forty Four Lacs only ** One way inter-changeability from FBWC to LC limit up to 50% of FBWC of SBI * 100% interchangeability between LC and BG The rating has, inter alia, factored MPCPL successfully operating 106 MW liquid fuel based power plant, long term fuel supply arrangements with IOCL & BPCL, long term PPA with TANGEDCO for the supply of entire power generated by the Company and steady revenues stream therefrom and Company’s moderate debt profile. The rating is however constrained by declining trend of PLF, high operating & maintenance cost of the plant, low operating and profitability margins, high level of receivables and contingent liabilities. The rating is sensitive to timely renewal of PPA by TANGEDCO which is expiring in September 2016, timely recovery of receivables from TANGEDCO and the Company not taking financial exposure to unrelated business activity. 1 Please refer to www.brickworkratings.com for definition of the Ratings www.brickworkratings.com 1 10 Feb 2015 BWR has essentially relied upon the audited financial results of MPCPL up to FY14, unaudited 6M FY15, projected financials and clarifications/information provided by the Company. Background Madurai Power Corporation Private Limited (MPCPL), incorporated in 1995, owns and operates a 106 MW liquid fuel based power plant, i.e. LSHS (Low Sulphur Heavy Stock) / LSFO (Low Sulphur Fuel Oil), commissioned in September 2001 at Samayanallur Village, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu and is engaged in the generation and sale of power to the Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (‘TANGEDCO’). It was initially promoted by Covanta Energy Corporation (CEC), USA, through its Mauritius based subsidiary that held 76.6% stake in the company, while the remaining 24.4% was held by the SPI Power Group through its Group Company, Samayanallur Power Investments Pvt. Ltd. Further in October 2011, CEC sold off its stake in MPCPL to SPI Power Pvt Ltd (SPPL). SPPL then merged with MPCPL, effective from 1st October 2011. The power plant was setup at a project cost of ₹ 429 Crs and the plant started commercial operations on 22nd September 2001. The power plant comprises seven diesel engines (15.14 MW x 7), seven generators (20 MVA each at 0.8 power factor), purification, storage and handling systems for LSHS/LSFO and lubricating oil, exhaust gas boilers for the production of steam for heating the liquid fuel along with associated auxiliary equipment. The plant was constructed by EPC contractor namely Wartsila, Finland. The plant is having residual life of ~20-25 years, as it had operated with a PLF of ~40% only. MPCPL supplies the entire power generated by it to TANGEDCO (previously TNEB) pursuant to a PPA signed in September 1997 for a term of 15 years from commercial date of operations, which is September 2001. MPCPL also entered into a 15 year FSA with IOCL for the sale and purchase of liquid fuel. The sale price of power to TANGEDCO, the sole customer of the Company, is determined as per the tariff structure provided for in the PPA. The Company is guaranteed of the payment of fixed costs at a “Plant Load Factor” (‘PLF’) availability level of 68.49%. The O&M contract was initially carried out by Covanta Madurai Operating Pvt Ltd (CMOPL), though MPCPL acquired CMOPL in October 2011 and the O&M activities are thus presently undertaken in-house. The PPA is expiring in FY16, however, the Company is confident about renewal of the PPA with TANGEDCO as it is one of the peak load plant in Tamil Nadu. During FY14 (12 Months), the plant generated 354.50 million units at an average Plant Load Factor (PLF) of 37% as compared to 366.28 million units in FY13 at a avg. PLF of 39% during the twelve months period ended March 31, 2013. As per PPA, all MPCPL variable cost is reimbursed by the sole consumer TANGEDCO fully, and there is no impact on MPCPL profitability by increase or decrease in PLF. As per PPA with TANGEDCO the availability of the www.brickworkratings.com 2 10 Feb 2015 plant is to be above 68.50% and generally it is around 95% as the PLF is purely based on the demand from TANGEDCO and the Company has no control over it. MPCPL has also floated a subsidiary, viz. SPI Infra Pvt Ltd, wherein it owns 76% equity stake and the remaining 24% is held by the industrial consumer; the subsidiary has purchased windmill assets of about 9 MW with a long-term PPA signed with the industrial consumer. During FY14, Its investments increased to ₹ 112.23 Crs, mainly due to ₹ 59 Crs in SPI Aero Ventures Inc. USA for the purpose of acquisition of Global Engine Maintenance LLC, USA, engage in MRO (maintenance, repair, Overhaul) of Aircraft Engines. The Company informs that they have gone into this activity as it expects to generate additional revenue and as the requirement of technical capabilities and expertise are very similar to maintenance of its power plants. Rating Sensitivities During FY14, the Company was having Contingent liabilities of ₹ 222.14 Crs. Of which ₹ 104.22 Crs of Corporate Guarantees were provided to SPI Cinema and Krishanveni, towards non-core business activities. These are promoter group Companies. During the year the contingent liabilities towards the non-core activities have been reduced to about ₹ 30 Crs and are expected to be fully redeemed by June15. Other Guarantees are towards related business activities of the Company. The Rating would be sensitive to any liabilities taken by the Company in any unrelated activity. Financial Performance During FY14 (12M), the Company’s operating revenue has witnessed a fall of ~3% to ₹ 463.81 Crs in FY14 from ₹ 478.60 Crs in FY13. EBIDTA decreased by ~16% to ₹ 59.89 Crs in FY14 from ₹ 71.64 Crs in FY13. However, during the same period PAT increased to ₹ 25.92 Crs in FY14 from ₹ 19.72 Crs in FY13, mainly due to low interest cost and the higher other income. While Long term borrowings have decreased to ₹ 20.97 Crs in FY14 from ₹ 42.20 Crs in FY13, Short term borrowings have also decreased to ₹ 64.17 Crs in FY14 from ₹ 77.84 Crs in FY13. Also, MPCPL is having ~₹ 84 Crs of non-fund based facilities towards fuel supply requirements. Operating margins slightly decreased to 12.91% in FY14 as compared to 14.97% in FY13. However, Net profit margin improved to 5.59% up from 4.12% in FY13. Tangible Net-worth stood at ₹ 234.90 Crs as of FY14. In FY14, Cash and Cash Equivalents include ₹ 115 Crs of FDs, for the purpose of guarantees provided to fund the working capital requirements of SPI Power, SPI Cinemas P Ltd, Krishnaveni Film Exhibitors and MAG Engines Systems P Ltd. During H1 FY14 (6M), Operating revenues stood at ₹ 208.90 Crs with profit after tax at ₹ 16.22 Crs with cash accruals of ₹ 21.64 Crs. Long term borrowings stood at ₹ 31.53 Crs with Cash and Cash Equivalents at ₹ 64.56 Crs. www.brickworkratings.com 3 10 Feb 2015 Rating Outlook MPCPL has an established track record of more than a decade of operation of 106 MW liquid fuel based power plant. It has a long term FSA with IOCL towards fuel supplies and the current long term PPA with TANGEDCO will expire in September 2016. The Company expects that TANGEDCO will renew the PPA keeping in view certain technical aspects helpful to the latter. However, while the Company is assured of a minimum return under the PPA, it is also obliged to supply entire power produced to TANGEDCO and thus its revenue is totally dependent on TANGEDCO. On the other hand, it is also essential for the Company to get the PPA renewed as sale of power to any other third party would be difficult as it produces high cost power. During the period under review, the Company’s liquidity has improved as receivables from TANGEDCO are being recovered faster though the margins continue to be low and restricted. The Company’s operations during the next twelve months are expected to be stable. The key rating sensitivities are the Company’s ability to improve operational efficiency and price realization, timely recovery of receivables from TANGEDCO, renewal of PPA by TANGEDCO, and the Company not taking any financial exposure outside its prime activity of power business. Analyst Contact Relationship Contact [email protected] [email protected] Phone Media Contact 1-860-425-2742 [email protected] Disclaimer: Brickwork Ratings (BWR) has assigned the rating based on the information obtained from the issuer and other reliable sources, which are deemed to be accurate. BWR has taken considerable steps to avoid any data distortion; however, it does not examine the precision or completeness of the information obtained. And hence, the information in this report is presented “as is” without any express or implied warranty of any kind. BWR does not make any representation in respect to the truth or accuracy of any such information. The rating assigned by BWR should be treated as an opinion rather than a recommendation to buy, sell or hold the rated instrument and BWR shall not be liable for any losses incurred by users from any use of this report or its contents. BWR has the right to change, suspend or withdraw the ratings at any time for any reasons. www.brickworkratings.com 4 10 Feb 2015
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