The Gatewey to the East Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counti & Kárpát Region Enterprieses Network Dear Visiters ! We fondly great You ! Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County can be rightly proud of deir homeland. Those who live here exactly know that the history gave us hard fate but this hardened us well. In this region we can achieve any result just with honest work and through the hardness of the everyday. Assosietid to these, hospitability and and staigh character dont make disappointed those who visit Szabolcs- Szatmár- Bereg Conty. This county, which has rich culture special geographical capability, is bordered by thre countries.It is devoted to its traditions, and save them as value but opened in front the developments. If You wish to get away from it alla nd to relax in peace and quiet, we recomend you visit the north-eastern corner of Hungary and adjoining Subcarpathia. We can promis you that you will find friendly people,enchanting scenery,delicious food and lot more here.Come andsee for yourself. We insist on our great people because many nationwide and world –famous poets, writers scientist has been given by thís region who established,as a value maker, the fame of our country and Hungary int he world. We are proud of our fruit culture: The gold of Szabolcs, the apple,the plum culture of Szatmár, the unique made jam and the world famous Palinka. Kelet Kapuja Ökológiai Termesztők Klasztere Gateway to the East Okological Production Cluster Contry: Hungary, County : Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Centrum : Nyíregyháza, President of Region : Seszták Oszkár Members: / Exhybition s of Nürnberg 2015, február 11-14. Biofach and Vivaness / Arnótfalvi Bence Danka Éva Barna Csipkés József dr. Faragó János Györgyné Kiss Katalin Kiss Ottó Kotesz Gyula Kruppa József dr. Mike Renáta Móricz József Palik László dr. Ratkos József dr. Smuck Tibor Tóthné Sik Ilona Végh József farmer „ „ „ plantprodiction spacialist , Magyarkanizsa Szbr. „ Honey maker, farmer farmer /mangaqlica pig, plants, fruits production, / geneticproduction, breeder , owner of Kruppa&Kruppa Famyli Ltd., Marketing manager ,Lajta Seed Ltd./ Bio Seeds plantproduction, / Farmer / Bio Gold Trasylvania Association, Ro./ animals and plant pr. Farmer / Bio Centrum Ltd., Zseliz, Szl. / beakerd fruits, different drinks sp. Farmer, researcher, president of cluster, Quercus Global Ltd. / alternativ pl. Teacher, kemical&biologist, /Julia Bio Miller of Paszto Ltd. / Quality controll enginier, Beaker of Ajka Ltd. Boss of Art Vital Bilding &Garden Palaning Egency of Nyíregyháza, Controll: Roszik Péter dr., director of Bio Controll Ltd., Budapest, Advisers: Prof. Dr. Pusztai Árpád researcher, soil analitical, agrotechnical specialist Prof. Dr. Bardócz Zsuzsanna , Food analitical specialist, breeder, genetical researcher, observation of GMO.,member of FAO. Adress: Tel.: +36 20 9 259-268, E-mail.: [email protected] Website : TERMELŐ Kotesz-Coop Kft. Kotesz-Coop Kft. Kotesz-Coop Kft. Ratkos József dr. Ratkos József dr. Smuck Tibor Kiss Ottó Arnotfalvi Bence Györgyné Kiss Katalin Kotesz-Coop Kft. Ratkos József dr. Éva-Danka Barna Natur alma Kft. Biocentrum, s.r.o. Faragó János Subotic 10 06 2014 TERMÉK vegyes zöldségféle alma zöldség gabonafélék vegyesgyümölcs lisztáru méz italok lekvárok füstölt hús árú alternatív kultúrák " " hidegenpréselt olaj alma borok,aszalványok füszernövények, teák TERMÉKKÖR zöldség gyümölcs füszerpaprika durumrozs alma durumrozs méz almalé szilvalekvár mangalica napraforgó tönkölybúza pohánka tök,szezám, len,kender,dió napraforgó gyümölcs italok,gyümölcs gyógyteák, CÍM 4483 Buj Petőfi u 85/1 4483 Buj Petőfi u 85/1 4483 Buj Petőfi u 85/1 4431 Nyíregyháza Berenátu 18 4431 Nyíregyháza Berenátu 18 3073 Tar.Táncsics M.u 47 4800 Vásárosnamény d.159 Nyíregyháza 4834 Tiszakerecseny Árpád 15 4483 4483 Buj, Buj, Petőfi u 85/1 4431 NyíregyházaBerenát18 " " 4400Nyíregyháza Kertváros 4375.Piricse, Rózsa Tanya SNP 57,937 01 Zeliezovce, 24207. Orom,Veliki put 212 EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] " " [email protected] TELEFON HONLAP " " 36703227853 BEJUTTATÁS auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto " " auto 36302781596 auto auto auto 36704201145 36704201145 36704201145 36209259268 36209259268 36703695134 36302998612 36704536842 36204733068 36704201145 36209259268 " " jozsef.csipké[email protected] Palik László dr. farmer, TANUSÍTVÁNYSZÁM 114330314 114330314 114330314 103162214 103162214 100498215 117188314 112261014 100423113 114330314 103162214 " " átállási átállási No. A06803 No. 87/05-14
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