Examinations Services Pearson Edexcel Examinations – May/June 2015 Series Information Sheet Dear Candidate, Pearson Edexcel Examinations – May/June 2015 Thank you for using the Online Registration System. Please download the “relevant subject /unit code document” and “easy step guide” using the link below, before you register for your exams. Online registration link: https://srilanka.exams.britishcouncil.org/ Before completing the online registration, YOU ARE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED TO READ THE TIMETABLE, relevant subject /unit code document. For further details and instructions on subject related matters please refer to the relevant specifications on Pearson Edexcel website www.edexcel.com. We will not be responsible for any errors made in your application due to your failing to follow the subject specific instructions and guidelines. Please also note that the late applications will not be accepted for International GCSE and GCE AS and A level Art & Design, International GCSE ICT, GCE AS/A level Applied ICT and International GCSE and GCE speaking components. All subjects with assessment of coursework option can be taken only by the school candidates. These subjects are not offered to private candidates. Subjects with coursework option: GCE AS/A level Art and Design, Drama and Theatre Studies, English Language, English Language and Literature, English Literature, History, Music and Applied ICT, Chemistry, Physics, Biology. INTERNATIONAL GCSE English Language A (option B) and English Literature option B. A. Submission of applications Online Registrations: During 11 February to 10 March 2015 Private candidates: Please note that you need to pay the relevant amount to the British Council on or before Tuesday 10 March 2015. School candidates: Please liaison with your school to find out the closing date approved by your school and makes the payment accordingly to your school. Colombo Office: Monday to Saturday, 8.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. and Sunday from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. for payments and until 6.30 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. respectively for enquires. Kandy Office: Tuesday to Saturday, 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. for payments and until 5.30 p.m. for enquiries. Jaffna Office: Wednesday to Sunday, 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. for payments and until 6.00 p.m. for enquires. NOTE: Any entry amendments done to the application after the closing date will be subject to late penalty. (Please refer to section D for details) Page 1 of 5 B. Fees: The fees for May/June 2015 examinations series are as follows: Edexcel International GCSE qualifications Fees in LKR International GCSE subject Fee International GCSE Science double awards International GCSE Subject Fee (French, German, Spanish) 14,000 LKR 25,700 LKR 21,900 LKR International GCSE practical fee (ICT, Art & Design) 3000 LKR International GCSE English as a Second Language Speaking Test (optional) 8000 LKR GCE A level and IAL qualifications Fees in LKR (Fee code A) - per unit (Fee code B) - per unit (Fee code C) - per unit (Fee code G) - per unit (Fee code H) - per unit (Fee code I) - per unit (Fee code J) - per unit (Fee code K) - per unit (Fee code L) - per unit (Fee code M) - per unit (Fee code N) - per unit GCE Art & Design Practical fee for unit 6FA02 or 6FA04 17,700 LKR 24,600 LKR 8,300 LKR 10,200 LKR 11,500 LKR 8,300 LKR 17,800 LKR 11,900 LKR 11,100 LKR 15,000 LKR 9,800 LKR 3000 LKR Advanced and Advanced Subsidiary : Applied ICT AS Modular AICT 3 units award registration fee AL Modular AICT 6 units award registration fee AL Modular AICT re-sit unit/additional unit fee GCE AICT practical fee for practical unit 6953 or 6957 (Fee code D) (Fee code E) (Fee code F) Fees in LKR 24,200 LKR 46,800 LKR 8,300 LKR 3000 LKR Edexcel GCE/IAL Fee Codes Subjects Accounting Law Mathematics Applied ICT 3 units awards registration fee Applied ICT 6 Units awards registration fee Applied ICT - entry to additional tested unit or to retake a tested unit Fee codes Fee code A Fee code B Fee code C Fee code D Fee code E Fee code F Business Studies, Economics, General Studies, Geography, Government & Politics, Psychology, French, German, Spanish, Italian Fee code G Religious Studies , Art & Design Biology, Chemistry, Physics Design and Technology (Food Technology) Fee code H Fee code I Fee code J Music English Language, English Literature, English Language & Literature, Drama & Theatre Studies , History Mathematics core units in IAL Global Development in GCE Fee code K Fee code L Page 2 of 5 Fee code M Fee code N NOTE: Candidates applying only for cash-in requests in June 2015 exam series. Cash-in applications made on or before entry deadline of 10 March 2015 Late cash-in applications made from 11 March to 21 April 2015 1000 LKR per candidate fee 1000 LKR 1500 LKR per cash-in plus C. Late Entry Fees/ amendment fees If you fail to submit your application before the deadlines set by the British Council you will be subjected to a Late Entry Fee. Official Late entry deadlines are: Qualification International GCSE, GCE AS & A level/ IAL - Stage 1 International GCSE, GCE AS & A level/ IAL - Stage 2 From To Late entry fees per paper 11 March 2015 7 April 2015 Double the subject/unit fee 8 April 2015 21 April 2015 Triple the subject/unit fee Late cash-in requests accompanied by your late entries will be charged a fee of 1500 LKR per cash-in. D. Method of Payment: All fees are payable in Sri Lankan Rupees. Fees may be paid in cash. You can also make a direct bank transfer to the following account (please submit the bank receipt at the time of registration) Bank name: HSBC Account name: British Council, Sri Lanka Account number: 001-002377-002 Message: (i) Edexcel – May/June 2015 (ii) Your full name Note: “The depositor should fill the exams candidate’s details under the “depositor details” in the slip [However the depositor can sign on behalf of the candidate on the slip]”. “The exam name/ session / date etc. to be written under the ‘Reference No’ [DFCC Vardana] or ‘Purpose of Deposit’ [HSBC] on the deposit slip as applicable. E. Credit/Debit cards are accepted (Amex / Visa / Master). Handing over of entry form and identification: Please submit your application form with the following items: 5 self addressed envelopes (9”x 4”) provided by the British Council for posting your entry form, results sheet and etc. Please write your name and address clearly in block capitals on the right hand side of the envelope as shown in the diagram. Stamps are not required Name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 copy of a valid proof of identity International GCSEs - Postal ID, NIC or Passport Advanced Levels - NIC and Passport only N.B: original to be produced at the time of registrations (private candidates only) Page 3 of 5 F. Statement of entry and timetables: The statement of entry for International GCSE, GCE AS & A level and IAL should reach you by 10 April 2015. If they do not reach you by this date please email us at [email protected] or contact our Colombo office on (011) 4521521, Kandy office on (081)2222410 If there is an error in your name or date of birth on the statement of entry, please inform us as soon as you receive your statement of entry. Otherwise, a fee of LKR 10,200/- will be payable for any amendment requested on the certificate. G. Pearson Edexcel withdrawal periods: Please note applications are considered for refunding: Stage 1 Refunds will be given less an admin fee of LKR 2,000/- per subject for International GCSEs, per unit for GCEs and per unit of IAL. Processing period: Please note it will take approximately three months from the local closing date to process the refunds. International GCSE, GCE AS & AL and IAL Deadline 7 April 2015 Stage 2 This service is available only during the exam period. Refunds will be given on medical grounds when applied with supporting evidence (eg, doctor’s note). Please note that all medical refunds should be approved by Edexcel International. Upon the approval British Council will be issuing the refund, less an administrative fee of LKR 2,500/- per subject for International GCSEs, per unit for GCEs and per unit of IAL Processing period: Please note it will take approximately four months from the local closing date to process approved refunds. From 06 May to 3 July 2015 (Deadline 3 July 2015) H. Submission of Course Work Deadline for submission of Course Work for 6EN02, 6EN04, 6EL02, 6EL04, 6ET02, 6ET04, 6HI04, 6MU01, 6MU02, 6MU04, 6MU05, 6DR01, 6DR03 24 April 2015 Deadline for submission of Coursework’s for GCE Applied ICT 24 April 2015 Please submit two sets of CDs for each unit (6951, 6952, 6958, 6960, 6961 & 6962) Please note that you need to include CAS form and e-record sheet in each unit. I. Pre-release materials on the website www.edexcel.com Material for candidates to study in preparation for certain tests and assessments will be posted on the website www.edexcel.com on following dates. International GCSE Preparatory Material: 4FA0/01 Fine Art Question papers and Instructions for the Superintendent: 01 February 2014. The date of the 10 hour test can be at any time after the six week preparatory period. British Council will inform the test dates. GCE AS/AL Preparatory Material: Music Technology unit 6MT01, 6MT03 stimulus material and Music 6MU02 Composition Briefs should have been released to candidates in September 2014. Page 4 of 5 Music 6MU05 section A- the composition Briefs will be published on the Edexcel website in September 2014.Section B – the Technical Studies will published only in hard copy format. This document will be released on 1 April 2015. This document will contain the Technical Studies and the Composition Briefs. Biology 6BI05- the pre-release scientific article will be available on the Edexcel website (www.edexcel.com) on Monday 16 March 2015. This should be given to candidates a minimum one month before the examination date of Wednesday 17 June 2015. Geography 6GE03 synoptic resources & 6GE04 Research focus material for each option will be prereleased as advance information a minimum of four working weeks before the examination via the Edexcel website (www.edexcel.com). Art & Design 6AD02 & 6AD04 released on the website in February 2015. J. International GCSE and GCE speaking tests Speaking test dates for 4ES0/03 English as a Second Language and Modern Foreign Languages i.e. 4FR0/03 French, 4GN0/03 German will be informed by the British Council in April 2015. Speaking test for unit 1 and 3 for GCE French, German will take place during Saturday 4 April and Friday 15 May 2015. K. International GCSE ICT 4IT0/02 ICT practical examinations window is from Monday 11 May to Friday 15 May 2015. L. GCE AS/A level – Drama and Theatre Studies GCE Drama and Theatre Studies practical examination for Unit 2 will be taken in the period 1 February 2015 to 30 May 2015 M. GCE Applied ICT Important: This subject is available ONLY for school candidates. Please note that Applied GCE ICT is not available to private candidates due to compulsory coursework. AS Level 6951, 6952, 6958, 6960, 6961, 6962 Coursework Submission 24 April 2015: Deadline for receipt at the British Council of project work. Please submit two sets of CDs for each unit for the cohort. Please note that you need to include CAS form and e-record sheet in each unit. 17 April 2015: Applied GCE ICT 6953 practice data files and 6953, 6957, 6959 Pre-release scenario available on website. AS Level Applied ICT 6953 Computer-based Exam The designated five day window for GCE Applied ICT Unit 6953, The Knowledge Worker, is Monday 18 May 2015 to Friday 22 May 2015. This examination is 2 hours 30 minutes in duration and must be taken in one sitting during the designated five day window. A2 Level Applied GCE 6957& 6959 Computer-based Exam GCE Applied ICT unit 6957, Using Database Software, and GCE Applied ICT Unit 6959, Communications and Networks, are 10 hours in duration, with the candidates performing specific tasks. The designated window for these units is between Monday 4 May 2015 and Friday 22 May 2015. N. Results and Certificates Official Results released date for; International GCSE GCE AS/A Level IAL Thursday 20 August 2015 Thursday 13 August 2015 Thursday 13 August 2015 Certificates will be couriered to your residence using the address details in your application by late October 2015. END Page 5 of 5
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