February 15, 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Joan of Arc Church 32 Eagle Valley Road, Sloatsburg, New York 10974 Dedicated on May 30, 1924 Independent Parish, June 1966 Porte-Cochere (Portico) Dedicated on August 25, 2007 • Rectory Telephone (845) 753-5239 • Fax (845) 753-5341 Sunday Masses: Vigil Mass: Sat. 5:15PM Sun. 8:15AM and 11:15AM, Daily Masses: 9 AM each morning, in the Chapel Except Tuesday & Sunday Perpetual Novena In Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal every Monday after the 9:00 a.m. Mass in the Adoration Chapel First Friday Devotion: First Friday Sacrament of Anointing during the 9AM Mass Sacrament of Baptism Must be registered in the Parish. Call Rectory to meet with Father to schedule Baptism and the Instruction Class. Held on Saturday, at 11:30AM. Sacrament of The Anointing Of the Sick/Elderly If anyone is homebound or in the hospital, please call the rectory. If he/ she so wishes, Holy Communion can be brought weekly or monthly. Sacrament of Marriage Couples are required to contact the Rectory at least six months in advance of their wedding and meet with the priest. Participation at PreCana Conference is a prerequisite. At least one of the parties must be a registered parishioner. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday, 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. Also by appointment Holy Name Society; Second Sunday of the month, Before 11:15 AM Mass In the Church Hall Friends of St. Joan: Third Wednesday of the month 7:30 pm in the Rectory Rev. Joseph Emmanuel, Administrator Augustinian Recollect Friars - Weekend Assistants Mrs. Lisa Adams Part-time Coordinator of Rel. Ed. Rectory Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 10:00am – 3:00pm and by appointment • Religious Education Office (845) 753-5193 • www.stjoansparish.org • [email protected] • [email protected] Two Hundred Club: Last Thursday, at 2:00 PM In the Rectory Parish Groups: Scripture Sharing Group: Every Other Friday at 7:15PM In the Rel. Ed. Building Except June, July & August Parish Pastoral Council: Every First Monday at 7:30PM R.C.I.A. Mr. Ed Aviles, Coordinator Adult Faith Formation We cordially welcome every single family and adult to St. Joan of Arc. May God bless you and your family. Please fill in the form below and return it to the rectory or give it to one of the ushers. Thank you. God bless you. Catholics can always come home The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Adult Faith Formation are two programs available to all parishioners who wish to deepen their relationship with God, which is an on-going process, not just imparting of knowledge. Through these programs people achieve a fuller understanding of and commitment to the life of being a Christian and a follower of Christ. For information, call the Rectory. Welcome New Members to St. Joan of Arc Church This information will not be given out to anyone. Family Name:___________________________________ First Names: Head of Household: __________________________ Spouse:_________________________ Children (please include ages, grades and sacraments received): ________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________City: __________________________________________________ Zip:_________Phone:(Home)_________________________(Cell)_____________________________________________ 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 Requested By Sat Sts. Cyril and Methodius 02/14 5:15 PM Tom and Julie Bollatto The Bollatto Family Sun St. Claude de la Colombière 02/15 8:15 AM Gus Stritmater Pat and Ray Rioux 11:15 AM James Barrett Tom and Pat Barrett Mon St. Gilbert of Sempringham 02/16 9:00 AM Michael Kelly Jr. Clare and Jack Kelly Wed Blessed John of Fiesole 02/18 9:00 AM Stanley Ozga Tom and Ann Mc Carren NOON AVAILABLE 7:00 PM AVAILABLE ASH WEDNESDAY Thurs St. Conrad of Piacenza 02/19 9:00 AM AVAILABLE Fri Bl. Jacinta & Francisco Marto 02/20 9:00 AM AVAILABLE Sat St. Peter Damian 02/21 9:00 AM Giovanni and Maria Ruggiero Jenny and Moe Giusto 5:15 PM Edward Fox Frances Fox Sun Chair of Peter 02/22 8:15 AM AVAILABLE 11:15 AM Brian Halpin The Family Your Sacrificial Offering Altar Servers Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Lectors SATURDAY, February 21 5:15 PM Jason Grady, Sophia Ruscillo Joseph Randazzo Carole DePaul SUNDAY, February 22 8:15 AM Theresa Kosmidis Patrice Gesner Katie Napolitano 11:15 AM Megan Scanlon , Casey Kreider Roseann Ciampanelli Victoria Ciampanelli Page 1 - 466 Regular Collection: (2/8/15) Envelopes used: Regular Collection: (2/9/14) Peter’s Pence Collection: (2/8/15) Envelopes used: Mass Attendance (Inc. Students & Visitors) Mass Attendance (Students) $1,807.50 79 $2,313.50 $ 993.00 50 224 36 Your generosity and sacrificial giving are greatly appreciated. It is gratifying to see this level of support for our parish in these difficult economic times. God bless you. Fr. Emmanuel Tree of Life: There are Sixty-Six Leaves taken on the Tree. Thirty-Four Leaves are still open. There are Eleven Acorns and Twelve Stones taken around the Tree. Please help support the parish by honoring a deceased relative / commemorating an anniversary or other event / thanking the Lord for favors received. Order forms / payment option forms are available at the back of the Church. A leaf is $500, an acorn is $1,000 & a stone is $1,500. Payments may be made in installments. February 15, 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time From the Administrator: Thoughts for the Week of February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mark 1:40-45 Jesus confounded the Jewish leaders once again in today’s Gospel. The Jews were forbidden from touching anyone who had leprosy (see Leviticus 13:45-46, 49 and Numbers 5:2-3). Anybody touching a leper became unclean himself and had to undergo ritual cleansing. So you can imagine what the reaction was when “A leper came to Jesus and keeling down begged him and said, ‘If you wish, you can make me clean’ (v 40).” Mark earlier in Chapter One attests to the fact of Jesus’s well-known reputation as a healer: “So He went into their synagogues, preaching and driving out demons throughout the whole of Galilee (v 30),” so it was no surprise that this particular leper had no hesitation in asking Jesus for help. What separates this cure from the others is the simple statement of Mark: “Moved with pity, He stretched out His hand, and touched him (v 41).” Unthinkable! Although Mark does not pursue this, the Jewish leaders must have been beside themselves at this action. To them, Jesus was, Himself, unclean. That certainly didn’t phase Jesus. Forcefully he responded to the leper: “I will do it. Be made clean (v 41).” But as anti-establishment as Jesus’s action may have appeared to the Jewish leaders, He knew the law regarding ritual cleanliness and told the leper: “go, show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing what Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them (v 44).” The man could then be reinstated into the religious community. Of course what happened next should come as no surprise. Jesus told the man “tell no one anything (v 44),” but “The man went away and began to publicize the whole matter (v 45).” When Jesus does us a favor, when He helps us through difficulties and “tight spots,” do we keep the matter to ourselves or do we emulate the leper and “publicize the whole matter” our way of saying “Thank You, Jesus.” God bless you. Rev. Joseph A. Emmanuel Page 2 - 466 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 There are several masses available for the month of February and March. School Event Calendar 2/14 2/16 Adoration Chapel Memorial Lamps: is open for April and August 2015. Stations of the Cross will be on all Friday’s during Lent, at 6:30 PM starting February 20, 2015 in the Chapel. Please bring last year’s blessed Palms to Church before Ash Wednesday, February 18. MASSES on Ash Wednesday 9AM, 12Noon and 7PM Remember Friday Abstinence: from meat during Lent & extra sacrifice, mortification etc. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are both Fast and Abstinence. The St. Joan of Arc Holy Name Society wishes to thank all parishioners and non-parishioners who supported our association by attending and contributing to our breakfast this past Sunday. Everyone ate very well and we received many positive compliments regarding the breakfast. We would also like to thank other parishioners who assisted our members with the breakfast. 50/50 Winner Kathleen Barry who won $222.00. Once again, thanks to all who made our breakfast a success. Souper Bowl of Caring – The Confirmation Class collected 150 food items and $623.00 was collected for the Sloatsburg Food Pantry. Thank you for your generosity! 2014 Tax Letters: are available in the rectory for anyone who received one for 2013. If you did not receive one for 2013 and would like one for 2014 please contact the rectory (845)753-5239. Goal $20,000.00 To date our parish has received $2,525.00 in pledges toward the 2015 Cardinal’s Annual Appeal, with $1,015.00 paid, from 5 families. Thank you for your generosity. God bless you all. Fr. Emmanuel. Summary to Date Pledge Paid Number of Gifts Average Gift $2,525.00 $1,015.00 5 $505.00 2/18 St. Valentine’s Day Winter Break begins No PRE Classes 2/16 - 2/22 Ash Wednesday News From Around US Announcement on Child Protection: Anyone who needs to report an alleged incident of sexual abuse of a minor by priest, deacon, religious, or lay person serving in the Archdiocese of New York is asked to contact Sister Eileen Clifford, O.P. at (212) 371-1000 ext. 2949 or Deacon George J. Coppola at (917) 861-1762. Both may also be reached via e-mail at [email protected]. Information can also be found on the Archdiocesan website, www.archny.org. In keeping with the Archdiocesan policy regarding sexual abuse of minors, this information is provided to ensure that our children remain safe and secure. Simple Ways to Pass a Moral Code on to Your Children at Home: How can parents pass down the wisdom we have received and now want to give to our own children? Sue DiSisto, Education for Parenting Program Coordinator of the Archdiocese of NY, will be the presenter. Supervised play for the children will be available. Please register at (646) 794-3191 by February 17th. Tell us your name, telephone number and the number of children who will accompany you. Wednesday, February 18th, in (Toner Hall) from 9:30-11:00 at St. Margaret of Antioch, 115 W. Central Ave., Pearl River, NY. [email protected] The Call to Mysticism in the Second Half of Life: An Afternoon of Prayer & Reflection. Lenten Retreat Sunday. Dominican Convent, February 22, 2015 from 1:30-4:30 pm. Free will offering. Followed by Solemn Evening Prayer at 4:45 pm. Facilitated by Sr. Ann Marie Rimmer, OP. Register by February 16: [email protected] or(845) 359-4068. The Rachel Ministry: Free and Confidential: On Monday, February 16, 2015 at 7 pm at the Marian Shrine located at 174 Filors Lane, Stony Point, New York there will be free and confidential help to those who have lost a baby at birth or prior to birth. The help takes place in Lomagno Hall which is adjacent to the Shrine Church. For more information: call 845-492-6709 or e-mail [email protected] Please take 1 hr. a week for 6 weeks during Lent. The hours are from 9 am - 6 pm on public property (Perlman Drive, Spring Valley) and from 6 pm - 9 am at the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel at St. Gregory Barbarigo Church in Garnerville, NY 10923. We begin Ash Wednesday, Feb.18, 2015 (Wed) at 3 pm and end Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 3 pm (845) 492-6709 [email protected] REMEMBER OUR TROOPS “In God We Trust ”“ God Bless Our Troops” Page 3 - 466 February 15, 2015 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cont’d) Tyler Biggs, Rose Rioux, Dawn Mennillo, John Larry DeBinski III, Paula Wagner, Cheryl Kahles, Mary Stritmater, Pauline Moynahan, Loretta Sweikert, Joan Lavery, Tammie, Mary Buckley, John Dolan, John Marshall, Gertrude Maiano, Lorraine Miele, Patricia Cimiluca, Ronnie Olivier, Dorine Marton, Dorothy Tuzzolino, Nicholas Robert Miele, Charles Sharkey, Sean Connell, Elisa Burdzy, Richard Cook, Renae Croteau, Patrick Rice, Steve Bloyd, Anthony John De Francisco, Anthony DeSantis, Rita Kiefer, Sylvia Manez, Denise Florio, Catharine Czal and Joanne and Mike Harris. We pray for all these people at Mass even though their names aren’t announced. Please notify of changes to this list. First Friday Mass and Anointing of the Sick: Will be at St. Joan of Arc on the First Friday of every month in the Chapel during the 9AM Mass. Host and Wine donations: Host and Wine for February 2015 in memory of Paul Gesner Requested Patrice Gesner for $20.00. Scripter Reading: The next session will be on Fri- day, February 20th at 7:15 PM in the religious education building adjacent to the St Joan's rectory. These are not bible classes and our focus is on the spiritual understanding of the scriptures and the cordial sharing of the word of God. Generally, we meet every other week. Please call Mike Spina at 845-753-5291 for further info. News From Around US FOR OUR PARISHONERS & THEIR FAMILIES & FRIENDS: Adoration Chapel Memorial Lamps The two candles on either side of the Tabernacle in the Adoration Chapel will be kept burning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from Sunday, February 1 through Saturday, February 28 for Clare Kelly requested by The Kelly Family. Food for the poor which we need at this time: Tomato paste & sauce, rice, pancake mix, pancake syrup, macaroni & cheese, peanut butter, jelly, tuna fish, dry beans, Velveeta cheese, canned fruit, healthy cereal, sugar (small), ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, coffee, tea, lemonade mix, juice box or bottles, Ensure, Carnation instant breakfast, sugar-free items, personal items: deodorant, soap, shampoo, razors, diapers, shaving cream. The Sloatsburg Food Pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month between 2PM-6PM. Thomas Buckley 845-753-2680. Please No Outdated Food. Please consider having your gas and electric delivered by Hudson Energy and help the parish at the same time. There are brochures and sign-up forms at the exits of the church. Please call for information at (845) 228-3401or www.justenergy.com/sjoa Catholic Widow and Widowers Club of Rockland County: On Sunday, February 22nd, at 6:30 s PM at St. Augustine Church, 140 Maple Ave., New City, NY 10956 (downstairs). The meeting is being held on the third Sunday of each month (except this month). New members / Guests are welcome. (Weather Permitting). Dessert and coffee will be served. For information call Dotty at (845) 623-1739. United Hospice 6th Annual Walk to Remember: On Sunday, April 19, 2015 at Rockland Lake State Park, Congers, NY. Register Today, hospiceofrockland.org/uhrwalk or (845) 634-4974. Church Organist and Keyboardist to play all required Masses, special services including Easter and Christmas, weddings and funerals. Regular includes one Mass on Saturday and three Masses on Sunday. Also, must be able to accompany the choir on Sundays and work collaboratively with the music director and pastor. Knowledge of the Catholic Liturgy preferred as well as familiarity with standard traditional hymns and contemporary Catholic music. Responsibility for preparing youth choir for one Family Mass per Month. Contact: Fr. Robert DeJulio, Pastor Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pelham Manor [email protected] January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 200 Club News The 200 Club half-year Membership is $26 per half year (January – June). $52.00 for the entire year (January December). Checks are payable to St. Joan of Arc. Send to rectory or place in the box at the back of Church. Please Consider joining us. Thank you. Name: Address: Telephone: Page 4 - 466 SERVING YOUR FAMILY AS WE WOULD SERVE OUR OWN Wanamaker & Carlough FUNERAL HOME Continuing to Serve Your Family in Sloatsburg and Tuxedo Over 75 Years of Experience in Traditional Catholic Funerals Traditional Funerals - Cremation - Pre-Arranged Funerals - Monument Services 177 Route 59, Suffern, NY (845) 753-2557 www.wanamakercarlough.com 120 Rt. 17, Sloatsburg www.davissport.com 845-753-2198 FULL SERVICE DOG GROOMING Doggie Daycare • Indoor/Outdoor Play Area TER WIN IALS C E P S Aluminum Boats, V-Hull Flat Bottom & Canoes Rifles • Shotguns • Handguns • Black Powder Guns & 10% OFF Daycare Mondays 7am-3pm Equipment • Large Selection of Archery Equipment NO TAX Wednesdays- We Pay It For You! Sportswear • Boots • Fresh & Salt Water Fishing Tackle 19 Contractors Rd., Tuxedo, NY 845.351.BARK (2275) Hunting & Fishing Licenses • Safes, Large & Small Live Bait • Estates/Collections Bought tuxedobarkclub.com Action Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Thomas P. 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