Blacks Harbour Wesleyan Church - Reconfiguration of Grade 6 to

Blacks Harbour Wesleyan Church
676 Main Street
Blacks Harbour, N.B., Canada
E5H 1C1
Rev. Nelson Koonce– Pastor
Phone: 506-456-2144
email: [email protected]
February 11, 2015
To whom it may concern,
We The Blacks Harbour Church are not in favor of the reconfiguration of moving sixth grade students to
Fundy High School. We feel it is not in the best interest of the students to place them in a High School
environment. We have a wonderful program at Blacks Harbour and feel our funds should be used to
enhance our schools that already have sixth grade. We as a Church are strongly against and are not in
favor of the reconfiguration.
Rev. Nelson ( Pastor- Chair of the Board)