10th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BILINGUALISM (ISB10), RUTGERS UNIVERSITY Preliminary program Wednesday 5/20 Presentation Schedule Time 1:001:15 1:153:15 Room 1 1:15 #140 Processing of CS sentences by bilingual children: online and offline measure 1:4 5 2:15 2:4 5 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 OPENING 1. Child Code-Switching 2. TS Usage based contact linguistics: the lexicon grammar continuum in code-switching and contact-induced change (#277) (Khakimov, Backus) 3. TS: Research in heritage Germanic grammars: empirical findings and theoretical challenges (#395) 4. TS: Sources of Transfer in Acquisition. of L3 Morphosyntax (#371) (Putnam, Salmons, Johannessen, Westergaard, Anderssen, Page, Schwarz, Joo, Hopp and Lohndal) (Iverson, Cabrelli-Amaro, Rothman, Alemán Bañón, Slabakova, García Mayo, Herschensohn, Goudenkauff, Sanz, Park, Lado) (Gross, Buac, López, Kaushanskaya) #202 The relationship between exposure to CS and language skills in bilingual children (Crespo, Gross, Buac, Kaushanskaya) #285 CS prepositional phrases: sentence repetition with typically developing and language impaired children (Soesman, Walters) #326 CS in Singaporean EnglishMandarin 5-6 year olds reveals grammatical interaction (Kang, Yow, Li, Lust) 3:153:30 3:305:00 3:30 BREAK 5. Aging and Bilingualism 6. Perceptions and Use of language English in FL Contexts and in the media #187 A bilingual advantage for young beginning EFL learners? #5 The creative, fluid and transgressive use of English in the linguistic landscape of Suzhou, China 7. TS Usage based contact linguistics: the lexicon grammar continuum in code-switching and contact-induced change (continued) (#277) (Khakimov, Backus) 8. Bilingual Reading #234 Modelling bilingual sentence reading (Stevenson, Saarloos, Wijers, de Bot) (Li) (Frank) 4 :00 4:30 #319 Bilingualism and aging: executive functions, language use, and management in normally aging speakers and speakers with dementia (de Bot, Lind, Ribu, Simonsen, Svendsen, Svennevig) #67 Aging and bilingual processing: age related differences in verbal and nonverbal cognitive performance between early and late bilinguals and monolinguals (Houtzager, Sprenger, Lowie, de Bot) 5:005:15 5:156:15 5:15 5:45 #28 The changing status/function of English in North Africa: the case of Algeria #350 Language control in bilingual reading: evidence from the maze reading task (Benrabah) #451 Multilingualism in the public sphere: Ideologies and practices (Wang) #424 Verbalizing as a tool to promote conceptual development in heritage learners (Claudio Scarvaglieri) (García, Pérez-Cortes) BREAK 9. The Bilingual Classroom 10. Language Policy and Vitality 11. Interpreting 12. Child Bilingual Narratives #254 Multilingual repertoires at school: patterns of language choice during group work #279 Language boundaries in America: Is the ‘monolingual status-quo’ changing? #386 The nature versus nature of simultaneous interpretation #124 Narrative abilities in preschoolers: a bilingual-monolingual comparison (Jordens) (Hoffman) (Babcock, Vallesi) #103 Performing ideologies: speaking tests as social practice. #375 The impact of outgroup learners and speakers on a language revival dynamic #374 Relationship between student interpreters’ working memory capacity and their use of consecutive interpreting strategies (Rydell) (Hifearnáin) (Li, Dong) (De Houwer, Bornstein, Putnick) #8 Experimental teacher training: form-focused instruction in a foreign language context (Sato, Frenzel) Thursday 5/21 Presentation Schedule 8:459:45 9:4510:00 10:0012:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 KEYNOTE BREAK Room 1 13. Individual Differences in SLA Room 2 14. L1 Attrition Room 3 15. Models of Bilingual Education Room 4 16. Bilingual Identity Room 5 17. Formal Approaches Room 6 18. Bilingual Phonology #300 Learning L2 syntax: the intersection of learning conditions and individual differences #373 Rethinking some issues in L1 attrition: a case study of L1 Spanish in contact with Braz. Port. #356 A critical reading of Intercultural Bilingual Education: opening and closing ideological & implementation spaces for indigenous languages and identities in Peru #149 Language attitudes in unimodal bilingualism in the Australian Deaf community: contact between Australian Sign Language and Australian Irish Sign Language #439 Testing the Initial State: Full Transfer/Full Access, Organic Grammar and Modulated Structure Building #138 Production of English coda clusters by 3 yearold monolingual and Mandarin L2 learners of English: an acoustin analysis (Iverson) #200 First language attrition effects in the online revision of ungrammatica-lity: ERP evidence challenging the critical period view (Kvietok) #402 Becoming bilingual through immersion schooling: cognitive development and literacy acquisition of L2 learners in an immersion school environment (Adam) #188 A sense of belonging: the role of language in the negotiation and construction of identity in multilingual families. (Rogers) #512 Focus in the Hungarian of late and early Hungarian/English bilinguals (Kasparian, Vespignani, Steinhauer) #257 Language contact and language attrition: restructuring (Hansen, Macizo, Carreiras, Fuentes, Saldaña, Duñabeitia, Bajo) #229 A multilingual orientation to the languages curriculum: an (Ballweg) #47 Bilingualism and cultural ethos: a socio- (Hoot) #516 Integrated bilingual grammatical architecture: (Tagarelli, Ruiz, Rebuschat) #305 Translation ambiguity and individual differences in L2 vocabulary learning (Tuninetti, Tokowicz, Warren, Rivera Torres) #308 Internal and external variables in older adult SLA: (Rattanasone, Demuth) #126 Bilingual language dominance and prosodic focus marking in the K’ichee’ of Spanish K’ichee’ bilinguals (O’Baird #147 Early atypical development in bilingual speech: Room 7 19. TS Cultivating bilingual identities: language and literacy practices in formal and informal contexts (#243) (Fitts, McClure, García, Jo, Harman, Ahn, Bogue) Room 8 20. TS Contrasting perspectives and effects of language dominance in bilingual children (#66) (Schmeisser, spQuick, Lieven, Tomasello, Gaskin, Verhagen, Fremerij, Grassman, Kuntay) 11:30 12:001:15 1:152:15 2:153:45 2:15 2:45 bilingualism and explicit instruction processes in Barossa-German (South-Australia) implementation study linguistic analysis of the stories of elderly KoreanAmericans Syntactic development in Optimality Theory (Cox, Sanz) #24 Working memory in second language acquisition: effects of interlanguage dynamics and modality (Maria Riehl) #259 Differential object marking in Polish-German bilinguals: Searching for evidence of hierarchies in L1 attrition (Scarino) #230 Bilingual Education in Spain: a Fulbright Senior Scholar Research Project (Kim Yoon) #261 “They call us names, they call us Russians!”: nationality and conceptual nonequivalence. (Hsin, Legendre) #521 Convergence and divergence in the acquisition of ergativeabsolutive and nominativeaccusative cases by KaqchikelMaya children (Williams, Darcy) (Brehmer) (Isurin) (Heinze Balcazar) (Gelena, Ramírez) from phonetics to phonology (Lewis, Mayr, Sanders, Thomas) #148 The sociophonetics of sibilants in bilingual speakers (Spreafico) LUNCH POSTERS 21. L2 Processing 22. Null Objects 23. L3 Acquisition 24. Sign Languages 25. Bilingual Phonology #50 The effects of immersion on processing redundant morphological and lexical cues in the L1 and L2 #155 Crosslinguistic effects in bilingual acquisition of null objects in Brazilian and European Portuguese #75 The more, the better? The case of L3 learning by bilinguals and monolinguals. #113 Bilingualism in users of British Sign Language and English following stroke #491 Stability of the L1 perceptual system: the case of illusory vowels in Brazilian Portuguese (LaBrozzi) #183 Linking comprehension and production in bilinguals (Castro, Rothman, Westergaard) #189 Object omission in Cantonese-English Bilingual Children (Park) #144 How trilinguals control language (Woll) #170 Bimodal bilingual codeblending characteristics (Goodin-Mayeda, Cabrelli-Amaro) #40 Disentangling the effects of language contact and individual bilingualism: the case of monophthongs in Welsh and Welsh English 26.Representation of Space and Motion #31 Consequences of language on spatial representations among EnglishMandarin bilinguals (Toh, Suarez) #120 Convergence in motion encodings in French-English bilingual children 27. Attitudes About Foreign Language Learning #321 Research on Chinese student attitudes toward English learning in the primary school (Li) #476 Exploring language attitudes and ideologies in multilingual Spain: secondary students’ perspectives on minority languages 28. Processing Code-Switching #88 The impact of pre- and post-cuing in language switching on switching costs and global RTs (Asaid, Shamshoum, Prior) #94 Is codeswitching costly? Evidence from disfluencies and speech rate in spontaneous bilingual conversation 3:15 3:454:15 4:155:15 4:15 4 :45 (Van Assche, Duyck, Gollan) (Zhou, Mai, Yip) (Mosca, Festman, Clahsen) #525 Linguistic complexity and L1 transfer affect L2 processing of relative clauses #221 ‘Poner o Ponerla?’: modeling null direct objects in non-native Spanish #152 Third language vocabulary learning benefits from each of a bilingual’s languages (Marull, Sagarra, Bel) (Peace) (Bartolotti, Marian) (Lillo-Martin, Chen Pichler, Quadros) #460 Whadaya know?: effects of previous exposure to a Sign Language on learning another one. (Koulidobrova, Palmer) (Mayr, Jonathan, Mennen, Williams) #359 Effect of first language coda constraints on second language single-consonant suffix variation (Pulupa) (Furman, Miller, Nicoladis) (Duggan) #231 A constructional approach towards intransitive motion constructions in bilingual and monolingual speech #278 Effects of bilingualism on attitudes towards foreign language learning (Koch, Woerfel) (Serkan Yuksek) (Fricke, AradNeeman, Kroll, Dussias) #348 Self-paced reading of intrasentential codeswitches in Spanish-English bilinguals (Elinsky, Litcofsky, Bajo, Van Hell) BREAK 29. Constraints on Code-Switching 30. Immersion Education 31. TS Ethnography of language policy in Europe: understanding how different actors make their own language policy (#255) 32. TS Bilingualism and Creativity (#64) 33. TS Creating bilingual space: a cross-cultural study of reflections of pre-primary teachers on their flexible language practices (#65) 34. TS Does bilingualism impose desirable difficulties? (#179) 35. TS New directions in the study of bilingual lexical development: commitment vs. plasticity (#118) #363 From ‘classic’ codeswitching to ‘radical’ codemixing in Superdiversity #485 A comparative study of student participation in two bilingual education program models in the US (Hélot, Ebersold, Made, Chen, Leichsering, García) (Kharkhurin, Cushen, Jarosz, Mielicki, Wiley, Leikin, Woldo, Furst, Grin, Piccardo) (Palviainen, Schwartz, MardMiettenen, Puskás, Protassova) (Bjork, Bajo, Kroll, Morales, Kang, Healy, Gollan, Bogulski) (Malt, Pavlenko, Jarvis, Li, Zhu, Legault, Fang, Wang, Lan, Norrman, Bylund) (Bolonyai) #400 Ways to switch: exploring variation in functional patterns of code-switching among different types of bilingual speakers (Aguirre, Yturriago) #36 Mobilization of linguistic resources and science learning amoung young Latino children in a Spanish-English bilingual inquiry curriculum: the role of translanguaging practices 36. TS Characterizing maternal contributions to the language environment of emerging Spanish-English bilingual children (#135) (Friend, Hoff, Brockmeyer Cates, Deanda, Zesiger, PoulinDubois, Giguere, Weisleder, Berkule, Dreyer, Mendelsohn, Shiro) 5:15 5:45 (Stokovac) #462 Language switching constraints: more than syntax? Data from Media Lengua (Martínez-Roldan) #431 Metalinguistic abilities and executive function in young foreign language learners: preschoolers in FL immersion may benefit more strongly from repeated testing than monolinguals (Lipski) #509 On the theoretical and empirical bases of translanguaging (Oberhofer) #464 Variation in sentence repetition task performance: how do children in immersion education compare to other bilinguals? (Bhatt, Bolonyai) (Scheidnes) Friday 5/22 Presentation Schedule 8:459:45 9:4510:00 10:0012:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 KEYNOTE BREAK Room 1 37. The Role of Script and Orthography Room 2 38. L2 Processing Room 3 39. TS Neural correlates of bilingual language processing: using bilingualism to study brain plasticity (#296) Room 4 40. TS Codeswitching across the life-span: new data on speaking and listening (#216) Room 5 41. TS Early bilingual development and well-being: insights from a new subfield of research (#128) #84 Recognition memory for new characters and words by bilinguals with different writing systems #291 Omission vs Commission: an ERP study of subject-verb agreement violations in Mandarin L2learners of English (Abutalebi, Kroll, Bice, Rossi, Newman, Diaz, Dussias, Ting, van Hell, Valdes Kroff, ThompsonSchill, Trueswell) (Byers-Heinlein, Morin-Lessard, Lew-Williams, Brockmeyer Cates, Weisleder, Berkule, Dreyer, Vlahovicova, Catalán Molina, Mendelsohn, Pivneva, Titone, Fernald) (Aldoney, Cabrera, Collins, Curby, De Feyter, De Houwer, Kim, Malin, Ortega, Toppelberg, Winsler) (Suarez) #85 Pinyin interference effects during Mandarin word recognition (Ng, Suarez, Veera) #227 Orthographic influences on the skill differences in learning to read English and Chinese (Chin, O’Brien, Loong Poon) (Dube, Peter, Kung, Demuth) #492 Cognitive constraints can modulate transfer in beginners (Sagarra) #164 Referential choice in a second language: evidence from highly proficient learners of English (Contemo) Room 6 42. TS Unpacking bilingual executive control: speed of processing and language proficiency (#169) (Martin, Goral, Higby, Yoon, Obler, Campanelli) Room 7 43. TS ‘Bilingualism is a matter of degree’: a symposium in honor of Elizabeth Bates (#4 65) Room 8 44. TS Bilingualism and language contact scenarios in Latin America (#4 4 5) (Hernandez, Li, Vaid, MacWhinney, Zinszer) (Guijarro-Fuentes, Parafita Couto, Gathercole, González, Bruhn de Garavito, Ramirez, Mayer, Sánchez, Kohlberger, Muntendam) 11:30 #396 Extracting meaning from Chinese text: how learners of Chinese read characters (Yao) 12:001:15 1:152:15 2:153:15 3:153:45 3:45- 45. Language and 5:45 Immigration 3:45 4:15 #26 Linguistic and ideological transgression and new speakers of a minority language (Murchadha) #77 Russian-speakers in Estonia: constructing the identity of the ‘Other’ between West and Russia (Zabrodskaja) #222 When and why do they switch? Conversations between parents and children in Russian-German immigrant families in Germany (Ritter) LUNCH POSTERS KEYNOTE BREAK 46. TS Bilingualism and aging: neurocognitive and neurolinguistics perspectives (#136) (Abutalebi, Green, Bialystok, Kroll, Titone) 47. TS Poststructural approaches to bilingualism: Dynamic bilingualism, language ideologies, and translingual pedagogies (#249) (Mazak, Garcia, Seltzer, Flores) 48. TS Diagnosis and intervention in multilingual children in Germany (#274) 49. TS Heritage, community and native languages in the United States: examining the current status and identifying future possibilities (#290) (Sachse, Rinker, Budde-Spengler, Fritsche, Stoll, Borchers, Gagarina, Groth, Egert, Schuler) (Wiley, Christian, Rhodes, Moore, Liu, Malone, Peyton, Bhalla) 50. TS Uncovering multilingualism at school: empowering the disempowered through plurilingual practiced policies (#468) (Young, Mary, Pickel, Winstead) 51. TS Prosodic development of bilingual children (#368) 52. TS Early child bilingualism meets heritage languages: understanding the connection (#91) (Mok, Yip, Li, White, Chu) (Hulk, Aalberse, van Osch, Sleeman, Silva-Corvalán, Kupisch, Rothman, Miller) 4 :45 5:15 #82 Uncovering Montreal migrants’ language attitudes after the proposition of the Quebec Charter of Values (Kircher) #203 Multilingual repertoires and transnational spaces: language use and attitudes among immigrants in Venice (Wolny) Saturday 5/23 Presentation Schedule 8:459:45 9:4510:00 Time 10:0012:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 KEYNOTE BREAK Room 1 53. CodeSwitching in Different Language Pairs Room 2 54. Social Factors of Code-Switching Room 3 55. Input and Processing Room 4 56. Bilingual Proficiency Room 5 57. TS Empirical methods researching heritage grammars: challenges and rewards (#398) Room 6 58. TS Electrophysiological examination of individual differences in second language processing (#269) Room 7 59. TS Second language processing of pronouns: evidence from eye-tracking (#293) #325 A coreperipheral approach to the grammatical constraints of Chinese-Japanese code-switching #79 Explaining classroom codeswitching in multilingual science lessons #42 Input-related factors and crosslinguistic influence: comparing heritage and L2 speakers of European Portuguese #199 Understanding L2 proficiency by comparing comprehension and production performance (Putnam, Hopp, Salmons, Sewell, Johannessen, Larsson, Hjelde) (Morgan-Short, Tanner, FarettaStutenberg, Steinhauer, Nickels, Gabriele, Fiorentino, Alemán Bañón, Covey, Rossomondo) (Patterson, Felser, Cunnings, Fotiadou, Tsimpli, Schimke, Colonna, de la Fuente, Hemforth, Knospe, Drummer) (Low) (Rinke, Flores) #380 Meaningmaking in Maningrida: social factors in codechoice in a highly multilingual community #131 Can heritage language vocabulary size be predicted by language exposure measures? (Vaughan, Carew) #443 Sex stereotypes and observed use in Moroccan ArabicFrench codeswitching (La Morgia) #208 The processing of adjective agreement morphology in native, heritage, and L2 Arabic (Meng) #304 Codeswitching strategies in Guaraní-Spanish mixed words (Estigarrabia) #45 Language mixing inside the nominal phrase: a case study of American Norwegian (Bice, Kroll) #217 Cumulative exposure and grammatical proficiency (Hakansson) #486 Evaluating lexical breadth and depth as predictors of general L2 French proficiency Room 8 60. TS Sentence repetition tasks for bilinguals with German as the majority language: language assessment and linguistic investigation (#331) (Hamann, Lomako, Held, Lapenko, Lindner, Ibrahim, Lein, San, Chilla, Rothweiler, Marinis) 11:30 (Riksem, Grimstad, Lohndal, Afarli) #114 ‘Mae pobl monolingual yn majority:’ factors favouring the production of code-switching by Welsh-English bilingual speakers (Deuchar, Donnelly, Piercy) 12:001-15 1:152:15 2:152:45 2:15 (Foote, Saadah) (Steele) #361 Revisiting Arabic-English code-switching: evidence from the Levantine diaspora in Canada’s Capital Region #284 Heritage speakers and second language learners’ processing of nonadjacent nounadjective agreement #95 The influence of bilingualism and socioeconomic status (SES) on language proficiency and verbal working memory (Mayans-Ramón, Johns, de Prada Pérez, Kaan) (Meir, ArmonLotem) (Mourad, Levy) LUNCH POSTERS 61. Assessing Child Bilinguals 62.Bilingualism and Creative Expression #133 Narratives in the assessment of Polish-English bilingual children #184 Minority vs majority language: where is the difference? Evidence from bilingual NorwegianRussian children’s narratives. (OtwinowskaKasztelanic, Opacki, Mieszkowska, Bialecka-Pikul) 2:45 (Post) #294 Sentence repetition tasks in bilingual children: are they measures of language processing or working memory abilities? 63. L3 Acquisition: Sources of Transfer #514 What determines the source language in L3 acquisition? Evidence from Mandarinspeaking L3 Spanish learners? 64. Perceptions and Use of English in FL Contexts #69 How anglicisms are perceived in French classes within a francophone minority setting in Canada (Patience) #56 A quantitative comparison of transfer in multilingual learners: written vs oral production (Vernet) #90 Monolingual Korean teachers’ perception of a bilingual English education policy: a conversation analytic study (Rodina) #320 Concurrent processing of linguistic and musical syntax: comparing bilingual and monolingual musicians and non-musicians 65.Bilingualism in the Workplace 66. Assessing Child Bilinguals 67. Language and immigration 68. Language use and ideology #165 Portuguese as a soft skill in a New Jersey-based cleaning company #194 Narrative ability in bilingual and monolingual children with and without Specific Language Impairment #418 Russian elements as a part of the linguistic hybridity of the original language variety of Voga Germans in Argentina #401 Language use and ideology in Ozelonacaxtla, Puebla, Mexico (Schluyter, Goncalves) #447 Language ideologies in professional communication (Blom, Boerma, Timmermeister) #181 Quasiuniversal or language-specific? The nonword repetition task as a diagnostic tool for sequential bilingual children. (Ladilova) #33 Latinos in New York vs. Barcelona: How different local constructions of race and different immigrant responses to dialectal variation (McGraw) #397 Language provision and uptake: the dominance of Hindi in Singapore (Tsimpli, Papadopoulou, Dosi, Andreou) 3:153:45 3:455:45 3:45 4:15 4 :45 (Ting, McQueen, van Hell) (Neuser) (Kalliokoski) (Jung) (Boerma, Timmermeister Blom) (Newman) (Jain) 74. TS Journeys of Identity: exploring the position of language via an artistic lens (#143) (Tannenbaum, Kellman, Kager, Wanner, Lvovich) 75. TS The role of L1 in L2 processing morpho-syntax (#198) 76. TS Methodological considerations for the study of intrasentential codeswitching (#377) (Parafita Couto, Wyngaerd, BadiolaMaguregui, Goldrick, Bischoff, González-Vilbazo, van Hell, Koostra, Litcofsky, Ting, Deuchar, Dussias, Valdés Kroff, Guzzardo Tamargo, Putnam, Gullberg, Indefrey, Munarriz) BREAK 69. The Role of the Input 70. Bilingual Literacy 71. Bilingualism and Minority L Languages 72 Advantages of Bilingualism. 73. Crosslinguistic influence #192 Lexical stress production and the role of the home language in Welsh monolinguals and Welsh-English bilinguals #27 The contribution of Spanish vocabulary knowledge to the English reading comprehnsion skills of Latino adolescent students in the US #210 Family language planning among second generation Turkish-Dutch parents in the Netherlands #112 Language switch training increases proactive control in bilinguals #60 Directionality of the crosslinguistic influence: referring choices of bilingual Ukrainian-English children (Arteagoitia) #49 Language and literacy behaviors of ELL’s from low SES: language disorder or lack of language proficiency (Goktolga) #471 Constructing a Language Pipeline and Promoting Bilingualism in Wales (Zhang, Kang, Guo) #134 Bilinguals show fewer agerelated changes than monolinguals in lexical competition resolution (Blumenfeld, Schroeder, Bobb, Reeman, Marian) (Mykhaylyk, Ytterstad) #87 Is susceptibility to cross-language interference domain-specific? (Mennen, Mayr, Morris) #282 Exploring the relationship between preschool children’s language exposure and use at home and their bilingual language abilities (López, Ramírez) #438 The role of input quantity and input quality on multilingual children’s receptive and productive vocabulary development (Zaretsky) #245 Multiliteracy: impacts of cognitive and extra-linguistic factors (Joyce Milambiling) #299 Language use, choice and acculturation orientations among Dutch and Turkish immigrants in Germany #158 How do different aspects of bilingualism impact executive functions? (Buac, Gangopadhyay, Gross, Haebig, Davidson, (Prior, Tamar, Awawdy, Yassin) #481 Fishing for peaches: a behavioural investigation of cross-language lexico-semantic ambiguity (Katsika, Allen, Hopp, Rankin, Tsimpli, Kaltsa, Marinis, Stavrou, Trenkic, Austin, Pongpairoj) 5:15 (Maas, Unsworth, de Bree, Verhagen) #455 The influence of amount of input in bilingual acquisition of plural markings in Fering, a dialect of North Frisian (Hendricks) (Woerfel, Riehl) #86 Bilinguals’ expository text reading: benefits from knowing connectives and slow reading (Weille, Schoonen, Kuiken) (Yagmur, Kroon, HendriksHermans) #414 Turkish at school in Berlin: a closer look at prevailing discourses (Erduyan) Kaushanskaya, Weismer) (Burkholder, Sabourin) #381 Are there executive function advantages for bilingual children? #506 Cross-linguistic ambiguity of quantified expressions in mathematics word problems (Decat, Serratrice, Berends) (Pearson, Roeper) Sunday 5/24 Presentation Schedule 9:3010:30 10:3011:00 11:0012:30 11:00 KEYNOTE BREAK Room 1 77. Bilingualism and Media #416 Language, heteroglossia and production of multilocality in Zambian online news websites Room 2 78.Child L2 Acquisition #343 Bilingualism and the acquisition of idiomatic English of ESOL students (Kazanas, Altarriba, MannSaumier) (Banda) 11:30 12:00 #422 Deciphering Indian multilinguality through Hindi film songs (Chandna, Mishra) #101 The effect of anonymity and audience on language choice and ethnic identity of Chinese Indonesians online (Birnie-Smith) Room 3 79.Languages processing #71 Word type effects and language dominance in the switch cost paradigm (Wong) #378 The contribution of language-specific characteristics to Spanish-English bilingual preschoolers’ comprehension of subject-verb agreement (Barriere, Kresh, Fay, Lanham, Polanco, Rauber, Robertson, Legendre, Nazzi) #297 English L2 lexical acquisition by children prior to instruction (Van Herreweghe) #336 Conceptualization in Pakistani bilinguals: a cognitive approach (Hurbik) #235 Does immersion environment modulate inhibitory control in bilingual speech planning? (Moriyaso, Hoshino, Kroll) Room 4 80.L3 Phonetics and Phonology #46 Crosslinguistic interaction in trilingual phonological development: the role of input in the acquisition of the voicing contrast (Montanari, Mayr) #479 Phonological transfer in Turkish heritage speakers acquiring English as an L3 (Lloyd-Smith, Gyllstad, Kupisch) #357 Production of “new” and “similar” French vowels by female Mandarin speaking learners in Canada (Li) Room 5 81. L2 Acquisition #316 Chinese advanced learners’ pragmatic development: a case study of the University of Sydney (Tong) #39 Metalinguistic reflection in written and spoken production in foreign language acquisition by unbalanced bilinguals: a usage-based approach Room 6 82.Multilingual Literacy #145 The importance of home language for academic achievement of language minority children (Reljic, Ferring, Martin) #76 The role of weekly mother tongue instruction for the biliteracy development of Somali-Swedish speaking children in the early school years (Ganuza, Hedman) (Lechner) #405 ‘Baby is cry in she his mum arms’: the acquisition of the English gender feature in foreign language classroom settings (Imaz Agirre, García Mayo) #372 The role of sociolinguistic factors in multilingual literacy achievement among adolescent immigrant students (Haim) Room 7 83. Cognates #117 Influences of morphological affixation on cognate processing in Serbian and English Room 8 84 . L2 Acquisition #167 Telicity and the developmental sequence of the English present perfect by L1 Spanish speakers (Radanovic, Milin, Feldman) (Teran, Charkova, Lakshmanan) #413 Cognate effects in visual and auditory lexical decision in child and adult bilinguals: do phonological cues constrain lexical activation to one language? #185 Exploring ‘ultimate attainment’in Welsh-English bilinguals (Adams, Abdollahi, Feldman, Li, van Hell) #502 Bilingual cognate processing in Turkish and Dutch: the effect of stress position (Muntendam, van Rijswijk, Dijkstra) (Binks, Thomas) #406 U-shapes in German SLA: a quasi-longitudinal corpus study (Shadrova)
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