15 February 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME In the first reading, we hear about the Mosaic Law concerning leprosy. This reading provides the background for our Gospel in which Jesus heals a leper who comes to him for help. Saint Paul exhorts us to be imitators of Christ, leading others to him by our actions. If you wish, you can make me clean, is what the leper told Jesus. Jesus did wish it, and he wishes the same for all of us. Our Parish Mission Statement We, the members of the Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption community, believe that we have been called through Baptism to live the Good News of Jesus Christ under the patronage of Mary, our Mother. We accomplish this by proclaiming the Word, celebrating the Sacraments, and reaching out to others. PASTOR Most Rev. Jean-Louis Plouffe, D.D. Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie RECTOR Msgr. Dave Tramontini ASSISTANT Rev. Rex Lumine IN RESIDENCE Msgr. Normand Clement Chaplain, Nipissing-Parry Sound District Schools Marriage: Please pick up a Marriage Information Booklet in the Church Vestibule to review prior to contacting the parish office. Anointing the Sick: Please call the parish office for information. Reconciliation: Every Saturday from 3:00 until 3:45 PM. Eucharist: Please see mass schedule published in this bulletin. Call the parish office to arrange for a Eucharistic Minister to visit the sick and shut-in who are unable to attend Mass. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: On the First Friday of each month from 10:00 AM until 12:00 noon. Baptism: Please pick up a Baptism Information Booklet in the Church Vestibule to review prior to contacting the parish office. Rev. A. Man-Son-Hing Pastor, St. Peter the Apostle & St. Elizabeth Temagami PERMANENT MINISTERS Deacons Diocesan Order of Women Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mr. Albert Falconi Mr. Donald Milligan Mr. Donald Shago Mr. Rick Hamelin Mr. Gary Westenenk Shirley Falconi Norma Milligan Ruth Godon Frances-Clare Fraboni READINGS FOR THE WEEK 16 ~ 22 February Monday Genesis 4. 1-15, 25; Mark 8. 11-13 Tuesday Genesis 6. 5-8; 7. 1-5, 10; Mark 8. 14-21 Wednesday Joel 2. 12-18; 2 Corinthians 5. 20—6.2; Matthew 6. 1-6, 16-18 Thursday Deuteronomy 30. 15-20; Luke 9. 22-25 Friday Isaiah 58. 1-9a; Mt. 9. 14-15 Saturday Isaiah 58. 9b-14; Luke 5. 27-32 Sunday Genesis 9. 8-15; 1 Peter 3. 18-22; CONTACT US TELEPHONE: (705) 472-3970 FACSIMILE: (705) 494-8222 EMAIL: [email protected] Our faith community dates back to 1886 when we were originally located on Main Street West and called St. Mary’s of the Lake and the cornerstone of the existing Cathedral was laid in 1904. The history of our parish is recorded in the memories of thousands of people who built our community. Mark 1. 12-15 Monday Tuesday-Friday OFFICE CLOSED - FAMILY DAY 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM ~ NEW DIOCESAN POLICY ~ Calling all Youth in Grade 7-8 & Older! MASS STIPENDS The youth of the parish are presenting the reenactment of the Passion on Good Friday, April 3 at the 10:30 AM service. If you are interested in helping with our presentation - give Georgie MacIntyre a call as soon as possible at 497-9044. We need you to help make this a beautiful and meaningful service. At this time we are looking for a commitment— once we hear from you we will plan rehearsals. Sunday Offering ~ 08 February Sunday Offering Building Fund $5,227.88 $602.00 Rite of Calling Candidate to Lenten Renewal The rite of calling Candidates to Lenten Renewal takes place at the 11:00 A.M. Mass, this weekend. This rite acknowledges the seriousness with which our candidate, who is preparing to complete her initiation, by the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist, begins the Lenten season. With the entire community of the faithful, she is invited to use this holy season in preparation for the renewal of her baptismal promises at Easter. “Father, Creator of the universe, You have made us in Your Image and Likeness, and have given us new birth in the waters of baptism. A recent directive has been received from the Diocesan Office indicating that Mass Stipends are increased to $15/Mass effective February 2, 2015. All masses after that date are increased from $10 to the new stipend of $15 per mass. Mass stipends will now receive a tax receipt. If you would like an income tax receipt for your mass stipends, please ensure that your name and address are written on your envelope requesting the mass. Monday, 16 February - Weekday in Ordinary Time COMMUNION SERVICE Tuesday, 17 February - Weekday in Ordinary Time Grace Boudreau - Sue and Aurel Boudreau and Family Dr. Andre Rivet - Bonnie Parslow Andrew Manary - Mary Lynn and Dale Hall Intention of Lise Helie - Cecile Robert Andrew Burt - Jeff and Hillary Borden and Family Wednesday, 18 February - ASH WEDNESDAY ** NO Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Today 9:30 AM Ash Wednesday Celebration with our Parish Schools 12:05 PM Solemn Celebration for Ash Wednesday 5:00 PM Solemn Celebration for Ash Wednesday Thursday, 19 February - Weekday in Lent In Thanksgiving to the Blessed Virgin Mary - Lucille and Arthur Schiavo Barbara Peterson - Joe and Louise Defonzo Geraldine Coffey - Rose Moher Intention of the MacDonald Family - Pat MacIntyre and Family In Thanksgiving - Lorraine Guillemette Friday, 20 February - Weekday in Lent Jean Bogue - The Family Alexander-Murray Pace - Angela Pace Michel Larmand - Lise and Roger Hudebine Yvette Donig - Pauline Warter Dr. Andre Rivet - Brenda Lecours-Bowker 4:00 PM Saturday, 21 February - First Sunday of Lent Look with love on this candidate, Alexandra Smith and lead her with all your people to imitate Christ in His suffering and rejoice once again in His Resurrection. Edison “Ted” Green - The Bennison Family Sr. Mary Comerford (Sheehan) - Bonnie Parslow John Osburn - Pro-Cathedral Choir Members Vivian Rose Malouin - Gerald and Maria Ermel Rev. Mr. Jerry McIsaac - Helen and Family We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen” Sunday, 22 February - First Sunday of Lent 9:00 AM Pope Francis February 2015 Prayer Intention FOR PRISONERS That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. Michele Severino - Nicola and Michelina Candeloro & Family Kevin Eaton - Sharlene Waugh and Andre Dupuis Simon Boulanger - The Family Domenico Fruci - Tina Stuart Intentions of the Donors and those Remembered in the Pro-Cathedral Memorial Fund 11:00 AM Intention of the Parishioners - Msgr. Dave Tramontini USHERS NEEDED There are many important lay ministries in our Church, one being the Ministry of Ushering. It’s a wonderful way to give back. It’s social, rewarding and easy, both physically and mentally. Each Mass has a Group Leader responsible who is responsible for preparation before the Mass and it takes eight ushers to properly conduct the Mass. The following is what is expected of the ushers: Arrive at Mass 30 minutes early Smile and be welcoming Hand out hymn sheets Pick up hymn sheets from pews Run the elevator Take collection Usher during Communion Hand out Bulletins When we all work together, we are finished our duties about ten minutes after Mass ends. The 4:00 o’clock Mass needs your help. As life happens, ushers leave. They have to be replaced. We find ourselves at that point. If you think this is something you might enjoy doing but aren’t sure, we invite you to have a “trial” run with no obligation. Any help would be appreciated. Please consider joining us. All Ages Welcome! Call the parish office if you are interested. Blessed white candles are available ½ hour before and ½ hour after all masses on the weekend and weekdays. You may enter the Sacristy and ask our Sacristan for your vigil candle. It will be lit and at that time you may place your candle on the stand. An offering of $5 per candle is suggested to help defray costs. NEW PARISHIONERS Please complete a Parish Registration Form found in the pamphlet holder at the entrance to the Cathedral so we can get to know you better. Thank you! GOOD SHEPHERD CORNER One Flock, One Shepherd Little children live their relationship with God in a very different way than adults. They have a natural hunger and natural ability to enjoy their relationship with God. Children from 3 years to 6 years of age are especially sensitive to new experiences and learning about their world - it is a time of wonder for children and a time to nurture their spirituality! And Abstinence. We may give up meat or other desirable foods on Fridays during Lent, and especially on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, the day of Christ’s saving death on the cross. Our abstinence for Catholics 14 years and older (as long as there are no health issues) is another way of sharing in Christ’s work of saving the world. We may also substitute other good actions for abstinence. These could include special acts of charity (visiting the sick or aged, helping those in any need, contributing to a work of charity) or other acts of piety (taking part in a service of worship with others, praying with our family, spending some extra time in personal prayer, especially with the scriptures. IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Arise Together in Christ Season IV begins the week of February 15th and provides an opportunity for parishioners to participate in small faith-sharing communities. If you have not yet signed up and wish to be part of Season IV of ARISE—call the parish office on MONDAY! We have groups meeting on ….. Monday Morning and Evening Tuesday Afternoon and Evening Wednesday Morning, Afternoon and Evening (With one of the Wednesday Afternoon groups in Corbeil) Thursday Afternoon and Evening Sunday Afternoon THE CALLING: Something as simple as each child being called into the Atrium by name brings much joy and excitement to the children. It is really quite wonderful to watch the children sitting, waiting with anticipation, to hear their name softly called for them to come forward. It is hard to believe that being called by their own name means so much, yet somehow it lets them know - They are important! They are included! They are wanted! God calls them by name. God chooses them! It is a relationship that warms their heart. Peaceful and serene – God’s face is not the face of a judge but that of the Good Shepherd! Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is open to all North Bay parishioners aged 3 – 6 (Level 1) The atrium is located in the Lower Sacristy at The Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption. Saturday mornings 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. For more information call: Erin Tayler 476-8509 or www.procathedral.diocessessm All weekdays in Lent are days of special Don’t miss out on our wonderful, delicious, Pancake Supper on the Eve of Ash Wednesday! Come out for sausages, pancakes, coffee, tea and juice. Bring the whole family! penance. From 5:00 to 7:00 pm (General Seating) $6.00 Adults $4.00 Children Under 12 We are obliged to join the Church around the world in fast and abstinence on Ash $20.00 Family Wednesday and on Good Friday. NO ADVANCE TICKET SALES ~ TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR On Good Friday and Holy Saturday we keep the solemn Paschal fast. STATIONS OF THE CROSS ATTENTION PARISHIONERS You must display a disability permit in your vehicle window to park in the accessible parking areas. ALSO, please do not park in any area marked “NO PARKING” - you will be ticketed by the City Parking Authority. Fridays During Lent Will be held at 5:00 PM Good Friday ~ April 3 Stations of the Cross Will be held at 7:00 PM On Ash Wednesday, Development and Peace will launch its annual Share Lent Campaign with the theme “Sow much love … to give.” What can you do this year to support Share Lent and its mission to help our poorest brothers and sisters? Join us after Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 27 at our Hunger Meal as a sign of solidarity and partnership. MARCH 27: Stations at 5:00 PM, followed by the Hunger Meal at 5:30 PM. K N I G H T S O F C O L U M B U S N O R T H B AY C O U N C I L ONE CHANCE TO WIN $1,000 EVERY WEEK FOR A FULL YEAR Beginning May 7, 2015 TICKETS AVAILABLE By Calling Treasurer, Mike Joly at 495-1792 Licence No. 7069 Lent 2015: Time is Running Out Rarely does a day go by without the media reporting on heinous acts or horrifying crimes, perpetrated at times even in the name of God, toward people for their faith, their ethnic group or simply for no reason. The violence we witness today is quite disturbing. Human instinct is to track down the culprits and to investigate their motives. Christ responded to violence in His Passion with forgiveness. His way of life was an ongoing reminder that God is Love. All too often we forget this. However, the tragedy of our time calls for a return to active faith. Lent is the favourable time to refocus our life on God and rediscover the courage of our convictions. “Keeping Lent” is to want to change . . . We are given forty days to work at making this change by acknowledging our spiritual malaise. We only need to be humble enough to scrutinize our relationship with God and with others, and evaluate our inner thoughts and feelings. Above all, our spiritual well being lies within the quality of our relationship with God. He must be the main reference for who we are and what we do. During this Lenten Season, God invites us to a personal encounter with Him in silent prayer or meditation inspired by His Word. More frequent participation in the Eucharist will also refresh our memory of what Christ has done for us and will provide us with nourishment to sustain us as we walk toward Him. If we dare to honestly evaluate our relationship with the Lord, our connection with Him will become more personal, our relationships with others will be transformed, the vulnerable will be able to count on our undivided attention and the destitute will benefit from our greater generosity. The light of the Risen One will allow us to acknowledge the most secretive thoughts held in our hearts, since it is from the heart that bad intentions ... and misconduct comes from (Matthew 15, 19). May we welcome Christ’s reconciling grace into our hearts, and share that grace with others. Let us not hesitate to make this Lent 2015 a turning point in our lives. Let us begin now! Time is running out says the Apostle Paul. When we are young, time seems to last forever. As we grow older, time flies and we never seem to have enough of it. The countdown is on! The days are the passing of a shadow, says the Book of Wisdom. We are only passers-by, our eyes set on another life, Eternity. As we begin Lent, let us remember that time is running out. Let us take advantage of these forty days of prayer, fasting and penance to rediscover the simplicity of the heart of a child and the seasoned courage of an adult to deepen our faith. Let us open our hearts to joy, to our interior life, to God and to others. Happy Lenten Season 2015! Fraternally yours in Christ † Jean-Louis Plouffe Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie February 11, 2015 Bishop’s Office Going into or Have a Sick Family Member in Hospital? Did you know that you can attend mass at the Hospital during your stay? Mass is celebrated every Wednesday at 3:00 PM by a parish priest at the North Bay General Spiritual Centre (West Wing). And ... Eucharist is distributed Wednesday, Friday and Sunday by Ministers of Holy Communion. Just let pastoral care know your family member would like to be added to the list for visitation. Regional News is Posted in the Church Display Case Our next Food Bank Sunday Collection will be held next weekend. Please be generous in helping with our collection of non-perishable food items for our neighbours in need! Suggestions: pasta, rice, cereal, juice, instant milk, sugar, peanut butter, jam, crackers, tea, coffee, items for school lunches and canned: vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, sauces, soups, pastas/noodles, and stews. North Bay Roman Catholic Charities, is supported only through the generosity of donations and volunteer workers. Clients from the entire North Bay region are served. Birthright – a free confidential service has been operating in North Bay since 1977 as an alternative service to abortion. At this time we need help to house and board these mothers through some months of their pregnancy at no cost to them. The government now only helps finance from the 7th month on when they are placed in maternity homes (which are all out of town). Many abortions are performed because this housing service Is not available. Can you help? For information please call Birthright at 474-2999 and leave your name and telephone number. Please pray that hearts will be opened to this loving service. REGIONAL NEWS “Breaking News" Fr. Jesus Alberto Franco will be visiting our diocese on behalf of a Development & Peace partner in Columbia in early March. Watch the bulletin for further information in the weeks ahead." World Day of Prayer hosted this year by Emmanuel United Church, 395 Lakeshore Drive. Friday, March 6 at 2:00 PM. Worship service has been written by the women of the Bahamas – each person attending receives a booklet to follow the service. Refreshments and time for fellowship follows service. Everyone Welcome! Knights of Columbus Council 12106 Soup and Sandwich Card Party Holy Name Parish Hall, February 23 $6.00 per person. Lunch at 12:00 noon with cards to follow until 4:00 PM. Door prizes - Card players, bring your own cards and try to make up tables of four. For ticket information or reserving a table contact Don Brown at 472-6429. Lunch at noon $6.00 The Promises of Fatima: Come pray the Rosary with a group of dedicated people who form a Fr. Gobbi Cenacle honouring our Blessed Virgin Mary. Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM at St. Peter’s Parish followed by Mass. North Bay Regional Eucharistic Adoration: Holy Name Church, Mon-Wed-Fri (Noon – 6 PM), Tuesday (Noon - 9 PM), Thursday (Noon - 5 PM). Come and visit Jesus in this Sacrament of love. To make a commitment call Lena Butler, 497-3434 Marriage Preparation Program Weekends: 2015 March 6-7, May 1-2, October 23-24. Couples should register early by calling 472-5821. Series limited to 18 couples – register early! Material cost $40/couple payable at time of registration. Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help every Wednesday at 11:55 AM at Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption prior to the 12:05 PM mass. Open Adoration: St. Alphonsus in Callander every Friday 8:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. First Friday 8:30 AM to 8:30 AM (24Hrs). St. Joseph’s Motherhouse first Sunday of the month from 3:30-4:30 PM in Holy Family Chapel and Pro-Cathedral First Friday 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Lenten Mission/Retreat: St. Joseph’s Church, Powassan, will host a Lenten Mission from Saturday, March 7 to Wednesday, March 11. Retreat master is Father Emmanuel Okpataku, from the order of the Sons of Mary Mother of Mercy and Pastor of St. John the Evangelist in Kirkfield, Ontario. Mission theme is “The Missionary Mandate of Christ in the Light of the New Evangelization”. Everyone is welcome. Freewill offerings to cover the cost of the retreat will be taken. For retreat mass schedule and details - please see flyer in church or call Laurie 705-724-2118. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd National Level 1 Course – Part A: A formation experience for adults to work with 3-6 year old children. Monday July 13 to Saturday, July 18 at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Kanata, Ontario. Call Dale at 613225-0988 or email [email protected] for more information. THE EDGE Youth Group for Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8's 6:450-8:30 pm on Monday evenings in the downstairs hall of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Powassan. Explore issues of our faith through live music, drama, small group discussions, guest speakers, games, scripture, crafts etc. Double bonus: snacks and prizes! No need to pre-register. Call Pauline at 724-5964 or Jeannine at 724-3424 for information. Let us know if you need transportation Springtime of the Spirit Regional Prayer Group at Holy Name of Jesus Parish Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Recitation of the rosary, praise and worship, meditative prayer, sharing and fellowship. CLAY- (Catholic Live Attitude Yes!) A Youth Program for JK to Grade 5, Thursday evenings 6:30-8:00pm at St. Gregory’s School Gym, back entrance. Come out and join us for games, crafts and faith teachings in a fun filled and positive environment. For more information please contact Laurie Dobbs at 705-724-1277 or Jessica Sheppard at [email protected]. Villa Loyola Retreat Centre presents Lenten Taizé Retreat “Lent Moving To Easter” focusing on prayer services using short and simple sung refrains such is "Jesus Remember Me". The refrains are very easy to learn and through repetition they become prayerful and mantra like. The services are punctuated with readings and silence. There will be a few brief inputs on the theme of Lent moving to Easter as well as optional sharing groups. No musical training is required. Friday March 13 (7pm) to Sunday March 14 (1pm) with Director Fr. Erik Oland, S.J. Cost: $220.00 live-in/$140.00 commute. Register by calling 705-5223502 ext, 0 Monday to Friday or by email at [email protected] Knights of Columbus Meetings Fr. Michael Cundari Council, 12030 at Holy Name Church: General Meeting fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM Contact: Joe Sinicrope at 497-0604 Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus Council 12106 now meet second Tuesday of each month with regular and executive meetings held the same day at the Canadian Forces Base Church (Queen of Peace). Contact: Don Brown 472-6429 Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus Council 12106 collect pop cans for charity work in North Bay. Please drop off you cans at Holy Name Church beside the Garage. Knights of Columbus Council #1007 General Meeting first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at St. Peter’s Church in the Church Hall, rosary at 6:30 PM. Refreshments served. Executive Meeting last Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at St. Peter’s Church in the Church Hall. New or transferring members can contact Mike Maunsell at 491-0006 or [email protected] St. Joseph’s Motherhouse 2015 Programming Lenten Retreat Day Saturday, February 21 from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM with facilitator, Sr. Pat Carter, csj. Suggested offering $30, includes lunch. Spring Renewal – a number of mini workshops to rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit. March 1 from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Offering: $75 includes lunch and dinner. Register by February 15. Taize Prayer third Thursday from January to June in the Holy Family Chapel from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. Song, scripture, and silence to mediate and pray for openness to God’s presence in our lives. Contemplative Afternoon of Art Prayer third Sunday of months January to April in the McColgan Room from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. All art supplies provided. An opportunity to silently engage in a simple art experience while growing in deeper contemplation. Offering $25. Facilitators. Sister Sharon Miller and Team. For more information or to register for any programs, call Sister O’Connor at 474-3800, ext. 213 or email [email protected]
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