CHURCH OF ST. ANNE P.O. Box 99, 441 Hazel Ave East, Kimball, MN 55353 E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: 398-2211 WEBSITE: PASTOR: Rev. Thomas Olson – 398-2229 FAX: 398-3860 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Betty Nystrom – 398-2211 February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mission Statement: We, the people of St. Anne’s Parish, together with the Diocese of St. Cloud and the Roman Catholic Church, are called to know, love and serve God through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Our mission is to educate ourselves and our children and to carry on Christ’s ministry in our daily life as His members. Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:30pm. Weddings: Engaged couples should see the pastor at least 6 months before the planned wedding date. Anointing of the Sick: Call the parish office for homebound/hospitalized. Secretary’s Hours: Lana Vossen - Mon., Thurs. 8:30-12:00 & Wed, 8:30-4:00 (Bulletin materials must be in by Thurs.AM) Diocesan Web Site: MASS INTENTIONS February 16 Monday February 17 Tuesday February 18 Wednesday February 19 Thursday February 20 February 21 February 22 Friday Saturday Sunday [SA] [SN] [SA] [SA] [SN] [SN] [SN] [SA] [SA] [SA] 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. after Mass No Mass 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. Weekday +Adeline & Alphonse Kuechle Weekday Ash Wednesday +Frank & Christina Vossen Ash Wednesday +Dorothy Adolph Ash Wednesday Thursday after Ash Wednesday Stations of the Cross Friday after Ash Wednesday First Sunday of Lent +Jim & Theresa Zahler First Sunday of Lent +Carol Fuchs Weekend Masses at St. Nicholas are Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 10:00 a.m. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Feb. 21, Kay Cronin, Lois Jensen 5:00 p.m. Mary Spaulding Feb. 22, 8:00 a.m. Chad Provo, Ann Provo Tracy Theis LECTOR Sue Maus Mariella Arnold Dunkin Westrich James Mancini STEWARD OF TREASURE Adult xxx 56 Envelopes of 277 Youth xxx 3 Envelopes of 112 Loose xxx Total xxx Funeral fund St. Cloud Visitor Parking Lot xxx xxx xxx STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT: Thank you for the bountiful blessings you shower on us each day. Today, I will follow your example of generosity as I return this portion to you. I trust that you will always give me exactly what I need to sustain me. PRAY FOR THESE PEOPLE of the parish and community who have asked for our prayers: Fr. Jerry Nordick, Kevin Dockendorf, Joyce Olson, Carrie Lyrek, Dana VonWahlde, Cheryl Gibeau, Amy Baker and Linda Ritchie. Also pray for the women and men serving in the armed forces. Your contact persons are 236-7947, 398-7525 (also the prayer line) or the parish office 3982211. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FATHER TOM ON FEBRUARY 22ND SERVERS Abbey Schiefelbein Bailee Schiefelbein USHERS Pat Brandt Dan Konz SACRISTAN Cindy Stelten Bill Spies Bev Spies Irene Maske KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BREAKFAST: Sunday, February 22nd – St. Anne’s Church, Serving from 8:00 – 12:00. Menu includes: Eggs, Sausage, Pancakes and Hash Browns. Proceeds Benefit St. Anne’s Religious Education Program and the Kimball Food Shelf. Help us to Help Others as we Serve God. ASH WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 18TH begins the Season of Lent. Masses will be 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. at St. Anne’s and 7:30 p.m. at St. Nicholas. Ash Wednesday is a day of fast (only one full meal for adults between the ages of 18 and 60) and abstinence (abstaining from all meat) for all persons 14 years and older. CRS RICE BOWL: Our parish will be participating in CRS Rice Bowl, Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten program as a way to encounter Jesus through others, especially through the most vulnerable in our world. Rice Bowls will be available on the table in the gathering area. Please be sure to take home a Rice Bowl and use this fun and easy resource to deepen your family’s Lenten experience and make a difference in the lives of the poor. STATIONS OF THE CROSS will be prayed on Wednesdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass through the Lenten Season, except on Ash Wednesday. It is a wonderful opportunity to turn 30 minutes into a fulfilling Lenten practice. THE ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL is a call to look beyond ourselves and support the greater Catholic community of the Diocese of Saint Cloud. Trust in God, who’s generosity abounds, and in Jesus Christ, who dwells within you. Thank you for giving to the Appeal! ALL FRIDAYS DURING LENT are days of abstinence (abstaining from meat for all persons age 14 years and older.) GOSPEL CONNECTION: Sixth Sunday of the Year Mom and Dad’s 50th For their 50th wedding anniversary, their children and grandchildren surprised them with a party at a local restaurant. The kids rented a beautiful function room, planned a terrific dinner, and invited family and friends. Just before dinner was served, Mom and Dad were escorted to their table. Then the grandkids went to work. The lights dimmed and on a large screen appeared their wedding picture from that unforgettable day fifty years ago. Then came picture after picture, memory after memory, of fifty years of joy, of struggle, of learning, of growth – the blessings and challenges that are the story of every marriage. With every picture, the voices of sons and daughters and grandchildren and friends shared touching memories and stories of what this couple meant to them. Some touching, some poignant, some funny – but all expressing heart-felt gratitude for the blessing this couple had on their lives. Even the restaurant staff – whom have heard it all before – stopped serving and listened and watched these images and stories of God making his love known in and through this marriage. Their generosity of spirit and greatness of heart make this couple’s golden wedding anniversary an occasion of gratitude and joy for all the people in their lives. In their love and care for each other, so many others realized the love of God in their own lives. We all possess within us that same kind of love that calls us beyond our own needs and wants, the kind of compassion that can transform the darkest situations by the light of hope. Such love is the very life and love of God that the disciples see in the transfigured Jesus in today’s Gospel. Christ calls us who would be his disciples to allow his love within us to “transfigure,” in our own lives, despair into hope, sadness into joy, anguish into healing, and estrangement into community. A MARDI GRAS PRAYER For the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday Mardi Gras (“Fat Tuesday”) and Carnival (“Farewell to Meat”) precede Ash Wednesday and Lent around the world, even where lent has ceased to have much religious meaning. It was natural to develop a festival, a “last fling,” before the prayerful fasting and abstinence of Lent. How can we give this day before Ash Wednesday some religious meaning for us? Blessed are you, Lord God of all Creation, for it is from your goodness that we have this day to celebrate on the threshold of the Season of Lent. Tomorrow we will fast and abstain from meat. Today we feast. We thank you for the abundance of gifts you shower upon us. We thank you especially for one another. As we give you thanks, we are mindful of those who have so much less than we do. As we share these wonderful gifts together, we commit ourselves to greater generosity toward those who need our support. Prepare us for tomorrow. Tasting the fullness of what we have today, let us experience some hunger tomorrow. May our fasting make us more alert and may it heighten our consciousness so that we might be ready to hear your Word and respond to your call. As our feasting fills us with gratitude so may our fasting and abstinence hollow out in us a place for deeper desires and an attentiveness to hear the cry of the poor. May our self-denial turn our hearts to you and give us a new freedom for generous service to others. We ask you these graces with our hearts full of delight and stirring with readiness for the journey ahead. We ask them with confidence in the name of Jesus the Lord. KOINONIA RETREAT: Are you thinking about doing something for yourself to enrich your faith journey this Lent? Koinonia is a community experience in Christian living designed especially for adults 20 and older. It is a Catholic Retreat program sponsored by the St. Cloud Diocese. The next retreat will be held on March 13-15, Fr. David Grundman and Fr. Jim Maderak will be the Spiritual Directors. We still have room for you. The weekend starts at 5:30 p.m. Friday and ends Sunday evening about 5:00 p.m. Application can be downloaded from the website: or by calling LeRoy and Mary Lou Raden at 320-2932080. AREA BENEFITS: St. Nicholas Church Breakfast on Sunday, February 15th from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Chili & Soup Cook Off at Holy Cross School on February 28 from 5-8pm at the school. Prizes for best chili, soup and best decorated booth. Euchre tournament and games. To enter or for more information contact 320398-7885 or [email protected]. KIMBALL LIONS FISH FRY is Friday, February 20th from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. All you can eat!! Held at the Kimball Legion Club on Hwy 15. All proceeds will go the KHS Band and Choir Trip.
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