February 19, 2015 Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners Vision Statement: Our vision for Gilchrist County in 2030 is rural communities working in harmony to provide opportunities for all its citizens through balanced growth and enhanced education, while preserving our proud heritage, natural resources and agriculture. Agenda Table of Contents February 19, 2015 Call to Order 4:00 p.m. Prayer/Flag Agenda Changes Consent Agenda ………………………………………………………………. Page 3 Public Participation Constitutional Officers County Administrator’s Report …………………………………………….. Page 9 Attorney’s Report …………………………………………………………….. Page 50 Clerk’s Report …………………………………………………………………. Page 58 Time Certain Schedule ………………………………………………………. Page 60 4:15 p.m. Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, President, Our Santa Fe River Request to have Commission adopt Resolution/Ordinance to prevent Fracking, in Gilchrist County 4:30 p.m. Laura Dedenbach, County Planner …………………………………………... Page 61 SUP 01-15: A request by Kevin Craven, Agent for Grace Ministry of Florida, Inc., Owner, for a Special Use Permit for a religious facility and group treatment center 4:45 p.m. Laura Dedenbach, County Planner …………………………………………... Page 77 SUP 02-15: A request by Jeremy Becker, Owner, for a Special Use Permit for an event facility 5:00 p.m. Laura Dedenbach, County Planner …………………………………………... Page 85 SUP 03-15: A request by Barney Faircloth, Agent for F&F Tree Farm, LLC, Owner, for an extension of an existing Special Use Permit 5:15 p.m. Laura Dedenbach, County Planner …………………………………………... Page 96 TUP 01-15: A request by Apple Indian Management and Promotions for a Temporary Use Permit for a special event 5:30 p.m. Laura Dedenbach, County Planner …………………………………………... Page 105 Workshop Item: A proposed amendment to the Land Development Code FYI (documents filed in Clerk’s Office)…………………………………………… Page 106 Commissioner Reports Old Business New Business Public Participation Adjourn Gilchrist County Consent Agenda February 19,2015 Anproval of Minutes Regular Meeting November 24,2014 SREC,Inc. Reimbursement for Owner-Occupied Rehab Eddie Grieves $13,313.60 Purchase and Closing Costs Douglas Brantley CRI, CPAs and Advisors Progress Billing on2014 Audit $26,891.00 .......... Mills Engineering Company Invoice #2013072, W/R SW l00th Street ... $10,000.00 .. S4,607.50 r&-' ++i 53': IY!dr Post Oftce Box 70 Live Oak, Florida 32064 &^ a' I *oil €t" R! { A I Suwannee River Economic Council, Inc. \: ADMTMSTRATTVE OFFICE - PHONE (316) 362-41t5 FAX (385) 3624078 E-Mail: [email protected] & C11-' '!.u0, GILCHRTST COT'NTY CEECK REQWST r@oBtrrDln{ TO: EROM: DllE: GILCEIUIST t ATlt PEIRSON, EXECT'TrVE DIREC'8CR l/'; FEBRIIAA,I rssrrE PI.EASE COITNTY A L2, cEEcK zOLs rN TEE A!,DrrNr OE 973,-!@- TO BE lqDE PTYTBI.E A.,I, EL 32064 TTOM TEE SEIP EOI'STTG TRI'ST ET'I[D. TEESE EOIIDS ARE TO BE SSED AS: AITACEED PIEIAfi IS IDIL WIO'@{IILTZON AATBONTZTTIC TEE EXPENDZTT'RE. TED CEECK 7Q: S'REC, I'iE . PO rcX 70 Lrw oAr<, FL 32064 t1/75 @ 072 EL23 :: iliar:ae ;epa rEir,en ! Sll;P a-ire.: !iie G:-: chri s E SHIP Ccn..rac: ar:e SREC SERVING aRADIORD - COI.Li|iBIA - OIXII . CILCIIRIST ' }l AiIILI()\ L,\FTYITT! l.f\\ - vaDtSO\ - PLT\Aw - st-* a$Fl r^\Lol t_\lorr " This institution is an equal opportuniry* provider and employer." li Suwannee River Economic Council, Inc. Post Afice Box 70 Live Oak, Florida i2064 ADMIMSTRATIVE OFFICE - PHONE (386) 3624115 FAX (386) 3624078 E-Mail: [email protected] GTLCI{RIST COTJNW STATE HOUSING INT,TIATTW PARTNERSHTP PROGRA*T CHE@C REQWST UBORA}IDI'M TO: GILCERIST COUNTY ESOM: IBTT DA!E: EEBRUERY rSSUE PI.EASE TO P}TABI.E PEAB.SOIT, E:EECUTTVE A I 2OL5 CEECK GTTEERIST EL 32693 TREI,:II2!T 2, Or*ecro* a/ CRO[4 IN TEE AIPUNT os L2il_897.00,To BE TTTI,E SERWCES IJIC., 302 N. l.DDl rEE SEIP EOUSTNG IrRUST FT'!ID. !,GDE STREET TEESE EOISDS ARE TO BE USED AS: PORCEA.SE ,oID CTOSTNG COSTS Eo,R NUGT.AS ERAIS:ETY ATTACEED TS WIIENTATION ATTnEORIZING TEE EXPENDTTTiRE. 7439 gt CR i07A EL 32693 TRENTON, tut/75 eEqE 076 EL23 c: SREC SN Einance DePartrnenl Client Fife Gi-lchrlst sHrP contract File SHIP BRADFORD - CTLI,i/EI^ " SERVING . DDOE. GII.C}IRIST. TL{MILION. T.AfAYETTE ' LEVY MADISON - PUTNAM ' SUWANNEE ' IAYL,oT ' L,MON This ihstitution is an equal opporlunity provider and employer' " i; -!---) CRli^r{d# CPAs and Advisors 4010 NW 25 Place PO Box 13494 Gainesville, FL 32604 (352) 372-6300 Federal lD 72-1396621 tur Gilchist County PO Box 37 112 S. Main Street Trenton, FL 32693-3249 lnvoice No Date Client No 912886 (include on check) 02./05/2015 90-00834.000 Professional services rendered as follows: Progress Billing on 2014 Audit. Cunent Amount O - 30 31- 60 6'l . 90 91 0.00 o.o0 ' 120 0.00 Due $ -10-000-00 120 Balance Over 0.00 We accept most maior credit cards Please complete the following information or contac{ our oflice to submit your paymenl over the phons. lnvoice oate: ozosnols lnvoic€ Number. 912886 Client Noi 9040834 TotalAmount Due: $ 10,000.00 Gilchrist County Name as it appears on c€rdi BilIng Address: Card # Payment Amount: Exp Dale: Secunly # Signature: Can, Riggs & lngram, LLC reseNes the right to assess finance charges on past due balances up to the maximum amount allowed under State law. FAx (152),1862498 Mills Phonc (352)4tG2E72 Co E-M8il' Mailing: P. O. Box 778 Physical: 604 East Hathaway Avenue Bronson, FL 32621 Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners POBox3T Trcnton, FL 32693 IN RE: WIDEN AND RESUR-FACE Sw t00TH ST FROM SW 70TH AVE TO CR-341 FINANCIAL PROTECT D# 43302E-I -58.0I BILLING PERIOD: ll0rl20l5 - lBlt20r5 Prcparation of Constrr.rction Plans for the widening and resurfacing of Glchrist County SW I Ooth Street fiom SW 70th Avenue, East to Gilchrist County Road c-347. 48.50 hours @ $95.00 per hour = Total s4,6o7.so 2/02/L5 Nane Date PROJECT SUtttlARY OF TII.IE AND CHARGES FOR Hours Fi Ie : PRTTP : BILLING P3ge R1 Notes NUIIBER: 20L3072.00 Gilchrist co corErtliden/Resurf s9{ 100th st-sll 70Eh to GcR 341 4.00 GCR Stl looth-Plans l/15;15 4.00 rcR SI{ 100th- Plans l/16/L5 f/19/15 2.OO GCR sll Looth-pLans L/27/15 5.OO GCR Sw looth-plans; R'W GCR Stl looth-cross sections; profj.le; R/w 7.t22/L5 8.00 7/26/15 4.0O GCR Sll looth-Plan profile 6.00 GCR SW looth-detairs 1/21 /15 GCR SH looth-Plans 7/28/15 6'00 {.50 GCR Sr 100th-st!iPing; SHPP l/29/15 5.00 GCR SH 1ooth-quantities Ll30lls CEARGES: {,607.50 HOURS: 48.50 RATE: 95.00 DESCRIPTToN: AC AC Ac AC AC AC ;c AC AC AC Report TOTA! AI.|OUNT DUE: 4.50?.50 4 Gilchrist County County Administrator Report Bobby Crosby February 19, 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Road Department a. Monthly Lime Rock Report b. Approval of final pay request for Coleman Construction for the CDBG project in the amount of $185,132.23. EMS a. Approval to purchase 3 new Stryker stretchers from Stryker. Will piggyback off the Seminole County Contract #1FB601038-10/LIS. This is a budgeted item. b. Approval of contract and permission to sign agreement with EMS Consultants for billing consulting and technical support of the EMS Consultants software products in the amount of $3,600.00. This is a budgeted item Emergency Management a. Emergency Management Funding presentation Community Development a. Approval of new dates for the Farm to Family event at Ely Ray’s. New dates being April 2, 3, & 4. Previously submitted as 13, 14, & 15. b. Approval to consider the application for tax exemption from Hotel Development Management Group for the Holiday Inn Express in Fanning Springs. Parks & Recreation a. Approval to award of the Hart & Otter Springs RFQ for dredging project to Florida Fill & Grading Solid Waste a. Approval to purchase 4 new trash recycle containers in the amount of $27,794.00 from Wastequip as a Sole Source due to shipping costs from other companies due to distance. This is a budgeted item. b. Bid results and approval to award bid to All Florida Enterprises, Inc. to install new chain-link fence & gates at a cost of $6,890.00. This is a budgeted item. Gilchrist County County Administrator Report Bobby Crosby February 19, 2015 Continued 7. Animal Control a. Monthly Report 8. Library a. Monthly Report 9. General Government a. Approval of contract between Gilchrist County and Kisinger Campo & Associates for design and engineering of Rock Bluff Bridge. b. Continued discussion of security at the Courthouse 10. Rodeo Arena a. Discussion of removal of pine trees on NE part of property 11. FYI a. DEO letter re: FY 14-15 QTI program refund claim/agreement #SB12-243 for Ice River Springs Marianna, LLC MONTHLY TOWNSEND PIT LIME ROCK REPORT January 2015 DISTRICT 1 DISTRICT 2 DISTRICT 3 DISTRICT 4 DISTRICT 5 19 6 3 4 MONTHLY TOTAL X TOTAL SHOP STOCK PILE SOLID WASTE - 47 _______________________________________ ROAD DEPT. SUPERVISOR 162 $10.00 1620.00 51 79 _____________________ DATE MONTHLY TOWNSEND PIT LIME ROCK REPORT DISTRICT 1 DISTRICT 2 DISTRICT 3 DISTRICT 4 DISTRICT 5 January 2015 Paid For 9 5 50 MONTHLY TOTAL X $10.00 SHOP STOCK PILE SOLID WASTE - 47 _______________________________________ ROAD DEPT. SUPERVISOR _____________________ DATE 式 ykeプ 「 Comprehensive Quotation Remtto: Sa:es Account Manager TODD TAYLOR todd laylorostryker∞ Ce‖ P O Box 93308 Chicago.lL 60673‐ 3308 m :407-4135058 ,│││││‐ ││‐ End user shipping Address Shipping Address l176681 l176681 GILCHRIST COUNTY EMS 204 E VVADE STREET GILCHRIST COUNTY EMS 204 E WADE STRE[T TRENTON,FL 32693 TRENTON.FL 32693 P080X37 Bi:‖ l176681 GILCHRIST COUNTY EMS 204 E WADE STREET P080X37 PO BOX 37 TRENTON.FL 32693 Re, Number Date PO Number MayE Hope 3985554 01′28′ 2015 QUOTE # Quantity Item Description 100 3 下 ︱ Customer Contact Line Power‐ ng Address PRO瀬 Part# I Unit PHce Reference Fie:d Extended Price 6506000000 310,679.84 S32,039.52 S12,67984 S38,03952 (S2,00000) ($6,00000) Quo{e Type Item Comments Options 3 Power PRO XT 6506000000 3 Dud Whee:L∝ k 6086602010 3 PR Cot Retaining Post 6085033000 3 Power pro Standard Components 6506026000 3 Sidera‖ 3 No Runner/HE 02 0054200994 3 Equipment Hook 6500147000 3 Non PowerLoad Compa‖ ble 6506029000 3 Trendelenburg 6085031000 3 Retractable Head S饉 ion 02 6085046000 3 Base storage Net 6500160000 3 P∝keted 8ack Rest Pouch 6500130000 3 Head End Storage Flat 6500128000 3 Eng‖ sh Manual 6506600000 3 120V AC SMRT Charging Kt 6500028000 3 」H∞ k 6092036018 3 G― 3 No Steer Lock Optlon 6506037000 3 3YR X― Frame Powertrain nty 7777881669 3 2 Yr Bumperto 8umperい たmllty 7777881670 3 00M SH:P(NOT Hl,AK PR,GM) 0054030000 3 3 SlagelV Pole PR Opuon 6500315000 3 G― 3 Customer Trad← 6506031000 Oplon 6506034000 Rated Mattress RATED RESTRAIN「 PACKAGE 6500002030 9999999910 :n Product Total Freioht Ps/er-PRO XT cots @ 24% discount $32,03952 $000 $000 丁ax Totalincl Tax&Freight T Signaiure: Title′ $32,039.52 Position: Oeal Consummation: This is a quote and not a @mmitment. This quote is subject to final credit, pricing, and documentation approval. Legal documentation musl be signed before your equipmenl can be delivered. Documentation will be provided upon completion of out review process and your sel*tion of a payment schedule. lo Recipient in @nnection with this quote, without Strykef s prior witten approval, except as may be requested by law or by lawful order of any appli€ble govemment agency. Terms: Net 30 Days. FOB origin. A copy of Slryker Medical's standard terms and conditions can be obtained by calling Stryker Medical's Customer Seruice at 1-8oGSTRYKER. will apply. Page 1 of 1 RFSOυRCF MANハ 6働ИfNT D〔 P74RIMfN丁 Pυ RCHAS′ NG74ND COⅣ TRACrS D′ yrS′ ON tl;\itW: (l ttl\ i ) Ir January 26,2015 RE: Stryker Seminole County Contract # !FB-601038-10/LJS Term Contract for Stryker Power Pro Ambulance Cots, Stair Pro Chairs, Service, Warranty and Retrofit Accessories This letter is in accordance to the referenced Agreement/Contract #lFB601038-10/LJS, acknowledging this contract is available for piggyback with other Florida counties, cities and other governmental entities. Please refer with your County Attorney on any differences and your local jurisdiction requirements. Sincerely, Z″ ′。身翅物″ Lisa J.Spillman,CPPB Procurement Analyst SerTlinole County Purchasing and Contracts CC: File 130! EAST SEC(DND STREET O SANFOR[)FL 327ア ◆ FAX(10ア )665‐ ア956 :ヽ 1468 ・ TEL[PH(DNE(■ 0ア )665‐ アl16 VVヽ ヽV SEヽ llNOL[COUNrrFL.GOWPURCHAS!NG INVOECE EM:S lnvoice Number: 9536 CONSULTANTS Technologt Seruice, Expntise !nvoice Date: Feb l,2015 Page: 1 PO Box707 1‐ 800¨342‐ 5460 West Point,GA 31833 Fax 706‐ 298o0231 wwwie msc:td.com B‖ lTo: Ship to: GILCHRIST CO.EMS 3250 NORttH US HWY 129 BELL,FL 32619 GILCHR:Stt CO EMS Gustomer lD 3250 NORTH US HWY 129 BELL,FL 32619 Custorner PO Payment Terms GILC‐ FL Sales Rep ID Net30 Days Shipping Method Due Date Ship Date 3/3/15 ltem .0000 SUP― BILL‐ M Quantity 1.0000 SUP‐ EPCR― H 2.0000 SUP‐ EPCR― R Description ANNUAL SUPPORtt MULTI USER B!LL ANNUAL SUPPOR丁 匡PCR HOST ANNUAL SUPPORtt EPCR REMOTE Subtota! Unit Prlce Amount 2,250.00 2,250.00 75000 75000 300.00 600.00 3,600.00 Sales Tax Total lnvoice Amount Chedく /CredI Memo No: 3,600.00 PaymenUCredit Applied TOTAL 3,600.00 PO Box 2584 EIMIS LaGrange,CA 30241 800‐ 342・ 5460 Tech Support l‐ 866・399‐ 4170 COド SULTANTS Tbchnologt Sutice, Erpwtise 706‐ 298Ⅲ 0231 Fax www.emsc!td.com Annual Support Agreement 2015 EMS Consultants agrees to provide (Name) in(Cly) (State) with telephone support for EMS Consultants software operation, billing consulting and technicat support of the EMS Consultants software products only. EMS Consultants also agrees to provide software updates needed to accommodate Medicare changes and correct glitches in the software, as well as provide enhancements and improvements to the software at such time as deemed necessary by EMS Consultants. Our support year begins iprif f and ends March 31 of each year. Support is billed on February 1 and due by April 1 each year for services that you have already received. Support, as described above, for the first year after installation of the EMS Consultants software is included in the purchase price. Support for the second year will be prorated based on the date of purchase to coincide with our support year. Each year's support fee will be billed at 15o/o of the current list price of each of the software products purchased. EMS Gonsultants charges for support in arrears, not in advance, therefore, this agreement binds the user for the upcoming support year (April 1,2015 March 31, 2016) as well as the support fees associated with the software products you currenly use. - Support does not include hardware, network configuration, or configuration of other software applications. There are some manufacturers with proprietary systems that allow very litfle configuration to the operating system, leaving the potential for soitware communication issues. Therefore, we recommend contacting our technical support team prior to upgrading your hardware or operating systems. This signed agreement must be signed and returned no later than April 1,2015 for you to continue to receive support. Both parties agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement for the support year beginning April 1,?015 and ending March 31,2016 and further understand that paymentforthis-time-frime iJoitieO in February 2016 and will be due by April 1, 2016. EMS Provider Signature Date EMS Provider Company Name Phone Number .だ犠話 ご観コ ィ Richard A.Tibbetts,EMT― R President/CEO EMS Consultants Februarv 1. 2015 Date Tbchwlogl, Seruice, E4tertise I1O. Box 2584, La (irangc. tiA 30241 1.800.142.5460 January 26th, 2015 lmportant lnformation Regarding Your Software Please Read Carefully To All EMS Consultants Software Clients: Enclosed you will find your Annual Support Agreement as well as an invoice for the past year's support for your EMS Consultants' Software products. Please remember, unlike all other software companies that bill in advance for support we bill in arrears. Support fees are due on March 1, 2015, and are past due after April 1, 2015, unless prior arrangements are made with us. lf you have not returned your support agreement and paid your support fees by April 1, 2015, we will not support you after April 1, 2015. Please remember these are fees for services you have received over the past year beginning April 1, 2014 through Mar€h 31, 2015, therefore, if no invoice is enclosed you are still in your warranty period and there is nothing due. Once we receive your check, along with your signed Support Agreement for next year you wlll have access to our technical support team via telephone and software updates through our client support web site. . PLEASE . PLEASE MAIL SIGNED AGREEMENTS MAlt ALL PAYMENTS TO: PO Box 707, West Point, GA 31833 TO: PO Box 2584, lacrange, GA 30241 SUPPORT FEES Annual support fees are based on 15% of the retail software price. The retail price for the Billing Software for single-user is S12,000.00 and multi-user is S15,000.00; therefore the annual support fee for single-user Billing is $1,800.00 and multi-user is 52,250.00. Annual support fees for other products are as follows: ART Host is $750.00, each ART Remote is 5300.00, Prestige ePCR Host is 5750.00, each Prestige ePCR Remote is S300.00, and Collection Software is S750.00. When you purchase your software from us, you receive the flrst year support and updates free. Therefore, if your initial software purchase was after April t,2Ot4, you are not receiving a bill. lf your software was purchased between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 201,4, you are receiving a prorated bill for the number of months after your first free year expired. This does not apply to additional ART or ePCR remotes purchased. Your support fees cover all software updates, improvements, all software technical support and toll-free for billing questions, operational questions, and all calls to us for Medicare issues. Unlike many of our competitors there are no hidden charges. We do not charge you thousands of dollars for new updates - your annual support fee covers it all. calls Page 1 of 3 Tech nologl, Scttice, Expert ise P() 30x2584,Ln(:ral,8ぐ (:A30241 1 8003425460 Your support fee does not include Oυ r tec力 "icions力 Oめ er sけ Wα ″ αnd cOrrυ ρts yOυ r dα lllstα ′ rs probた ms w′ 油 yOυ ′力αrdwα αving tο sυ ppο rt yο υ α "Or c力 "ges yO“ Or netwOtt O′ w力 en yο υra〃 tο ″ w力 er yOυ r 4″ ―力ουse gυ ″υ r systems serrngs7″ Or dο es ρ″0″ ct yOυ r it cο ver system/rOm a Vlrus Please call “ us before changing your cOmputers or replacing hardware to make sure you will be compatibie with our software and Medicare and Medicaid transmissions SOFTWARE UPDATES EMS Consultants ART′ B‖ ‖ng, and Co‖ ections software updates are provided to you on our website′ www emsckd com r you are using our Prestige ePCR software′ updates are provided and avallable on the Host web application This a‖ ows you to have the latest features and versions quickly Please check our website frequently and download the latest version as often as possible CONTACT:NFORMAT10N ■ CORPORATE,SALES,AND CONSULTINGl l‐ 口 TECHNICAL SUPPORT: (800)342‐ 5460 1‐ {866)3994170 TECHNiCAL SUppORT CALLS We would‖ ke to explain what happens when you ca‖ into our office with questions or software issues We use a tracking system to better serve you This a‖ ows us to track reoccurring problems and see patterns that help us prevent future issues lt also insures that our on― site training is covering commonly asked questions and user needs Our main goalis to get you to the proper level of support in a timely manner When you ca‖ us′ γou are asked questions about the reason for your ca‖ The date and time ofyourca‖ is recorded and a supportticket nunnberisissued We have 3 1evels of suppOrt Each ca‖ the correct level and prioritized by urgency is distributed to The highest level of priority are the customers that are completely inoperab!e(unable tO work at a‖ )AIl other ca‖ s are handled in the order and urgency that they are received This systenn helps us to handle the volume as we‖ as make better use of our programmers time please help us give the proper assistance by providing deta‖ s ofyour needs ADD:T:ONAL SERV:CES ・ B:LLING SERVICE‐ We offer out― source bi‖ ing services and are currently b‖ ‖ng thOusands of transports each month Due to the changing reirnbursement system many ambulance and EMS providers are now out‐ 50urCing their ambulance b‖ ling :fyou decide to out― source please a‖ ow usto show YOu what we offer′ before looking e:sewhere Page 2 of 3 Tbc h nohg1, S eruice, Expertis e I).(). lkrx 2584,La.(iranqc, (;A 3024,l 1.800.342.i460 r PRESTIGE EPCR DATA HOSTING SERVICES- ln 2011, we began transitioning ART software clients to the new Prestige ePCR system. The new Prestige ePCR software has tighter hardware system requirements than the ART system. To assist our clients, we now offer data hosting services for the Prestige ePCR system. lf you are on ART and looking to transition to Prestige ePCR, please contact our office to learn more about the new data hosting service. ' CONSULTING/LEGAL SERVICE- At EMS Consultants, we offer a wide array of EMS specific reimbursement consulting services, including; Overpayment Appeals/client representation, Prepayment reviews, Reimbursement Analysis, to name a few. ln addition to reimbursement service, we also specialize in 9-L-1 and medical facility contract negotiation, EMS patient care documentation training, mergers / acquisitions - due diligence, and Medicare Part A to Part B transition. ' IEGAL ADVANTAGE PROGRAM- The Legal Advantage Program at EMS Consultants provides program members the following list of benefits (among many others): Monthly legal updates federal reimbursement policies and procedures, lnstallation and implementation of a customized Medicare Compliance Program for members' ambulance service (based on the regarding the lnspector General's recommendations), Annual external audit of members' billing procedures (post-payment review), training material, free phone consultations with EMS Consultant's executive advisors, free contract reviews (for Medicare, Federal Regulation, Office of nursing homes, hospitals and HIPAA compliance). ' SECURE ETECTRONIC MEDIA STORAGE "SEMS"- We also offer our "SEMS" service to our clients to protect your data and meet all HIPAA security regulations at a very low cost to you. Call us to get more details on these services. Thank you for allowing us to continue serving you. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to call our team at any time. Sincerely, #**-l r/,r{*r,* Richard A. Tibbetts EMT-P PresidenUCEO EMS Consultants Page 3 of 3 emsclrd.com ・ tい GILCHRIST COUNttV SpECIAL EVENT PERMIT AppLiCAT10N Cilchrist tra:trtrlrrrrrrrrllrtlrrrrrtrrlrrtlrrrllr:rrrrrllrrrrrrlllrrrtllllllr dが As allowed in the Gilchrist County Land Development Code Section 7.21.03 Approval certain temporary uses by director: Commercisl circuses, carnivals & outdoor concerts in conjunction withfor-proJit organizations must be autltorized by tlte Counly Commission. ヽポ 塾くヽ、 ヽ理 ` こ ― of FEE:$50.00 1.Applicont'sNome: 2. Appticont's Moilins Address: ZbO3* 3.Ap倒 たonぜ S phone Numben 多 N W tS n StftE{ H*q+v*,tt- 3zt'tS Ot tC宮 -0ら ヽ十 ら 2-l■ %6 Ч 4. Property Owner's Nome (if different), TO mt ST UA CreOg 、2=´ θ 7´ 5. Porcel Number of Property: ムL390-t5多 lマ ー∂∂Oθ ´0002_― θοlθ 6. Building/Property to be used for the event: 7. Nome of rood from which property willgoin ヽベ occess: I \, *l^ 9て な τ 丁 8. Type of Euent to be held: Pleose chech: o o o A: Speciol 4 D: Other uses which qre similor to A ond wherethepelod」 euents operoted by B: Christmos tree soles lots nonprofif eleemosynory orgonizqtions. operoted by nonprofit, eleemosynqry orgqnizotions. C: The temporory sole of seosonol ogriculturol products qt o locotion owoy from where the product wos grown. ば T‖ バ 0 5{{u*: lirr4e Will Event be held indoors N aυ ‐ 多 仲 6` セ {tvrztf iS 1o. Time/s of the Euent: 駆ldTl′ 鰹 釦 一 ︺ 9. Dote/s of the Euent: B obove which ore of o temporory noture nttdl鷲 0● D4Y 。 Jり 0″ メ ン骨 Fvz-t ケ ` ″●″ルた 040A″ イ ′ う /° ノ 3'-.ralo*{ /-s //"doftwt *olJ"dgrn (Pleose chech) or outdoors / lf on outdoor event pleose ottoch q mop depicting the following: o.) lngress / egress b.) Porhing c.) Porto-o-potty focilities (if needed) One urinql for euery 2oo moles, one woter closet for every 75 femoles. 12. lf Event is to be held outdoorfFffBhfl?ilIUi1ltPslce ryr,gqae \orra w-{I"t3o*i;Ur. o 13. Numberof personsexpectedtoottendoverthecourseof theeuentp (ottendonce by more thqn 5oo persons is subject to Article 10 of generol Code of Ordinonces) И.Lemsto be Sdd or Sewた o Rendered色 、ゝtと EN… 、ゝ `_も oい ) ` こ鰈 亘 LV¨ tも 低 【ヽ Vぎ いOSヽ ら 5° │ぶ o"exphh whattype 3絶 (男 ;Teroges?r ye"pた ぃ、。 聰プ L 選kt型 薔疑R響 躍 t6. Willolcohol beprovidedorollowedottheeuent? N\c.\oL **;.\\ sor he*OrJ€-LdcSo\d, rf(,- e.\ e-uf il Coo r-Gn--tri.a*,U r'l .<*tAo^rE c.*t" f>t;pS U"ao el* o* <-h6 f<..: И〃勧 ″ J物 ● 漏 ““ 協 力 ″ね ●J7-5滝 eu鑢 "a″ “ 協 協 ∫ 物 勧 "“ ″rraa raJ77● レθ 豚 競 ″ ツ 権 勧 r■ a`た ‥ ヵ ル めた 勧 施 ッ 物 吻 摯 磁 ″ ●J7y or■ arめ 励 〃 ,… の 嶽 "″ 確 グカ ″ ι″ ″ ″ ガ a働″θ″ わ 訪 θ bσ′ar″ 力 ″adbaノ "ο “ θr■ aprapaFy`お 昴 θ″あ ο σ tter4a彙 ノヵ“ "“ “ nettip″ a″ r■ “ "rゎ ノa9嗜 ″レ 血 曇 a//1iJ9/araar27i9r7 ρに 館 ″ね σ 力 励 な Opr′ bα ″b″ ι ″ 励働″ α′ιttθ ο οψ a"ι ""ar″ pr.● ″ /〆 ο ″ “細ん ノ 雛写 協 “ ゎ ″ ゎ"r■a副 ″″″ μ胸虜 ∫ ″ “ И/V7筋 ∫И /V〃 乙〔 ガ0ん4r/a/vο F ttPERM■ ル牲ι RESULr/A/石 0屁尾7ZⅣ σ 痛 6げ OF 「 「 =旺OF iHEJqИ REViE″ 6F=疑 ∂鋼 OⅣ ″Mσ ИA/7F4/Z″ F FEMPORAρ /″箔 pERMlitt /V/v//v6 ∂に つ ρ aA/ズ ′ /断 PERMi「 И ル /5F/ppEAι ″ ″ i種 ra4/rvr7 6ο 〃ッ 卵θ N/F/Va “ qИ /V/V//VC DiREC“ ρ懇 へ乙乙″ 棚 ム ИppEA4″ ′猥ρttZフ "″ )[HEDttSヽ0ヽOF i旺ノ “ . STAFF uSE ONLV BELOW: The opplicont`herby E]AppROVED □ DENIED to conduct the temporory use identried herein du面 ng И/V/5υ B剛 /Vr/4ι Иοι4r/a/v″ 刀り6「 Jq5配 ル″r ttИ ttι οF月 日αワ贋 И/V/FUTURE[臨pORA″ /ι ″Fρ50レ ′ 7, the tirnes ond dotes specified in this opplicction. RESuL「 //VttO用月ワr/NC,鴨 涯:″ 「 CONDIT10NS: DATE: TIME: ADDIT10NAL REoU:REMENTS: Plonning Director, Gilchrist County Dote Bobby Crosby Gilchrist County Administrator 209 SE First Street Trenton, FL32693 352-463-3198 - Phone 352-463-34LL - Fax February 19,2015 Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners 210 S. Main Street Trenton, FL 32693 Re: Application for Tax Exemption from Hotel Development Management Group Dear Commissioners: On February 10, 2015 an application for tax exemption was received from Hotel Development Management Group. The application is for a new Holiday Inn Express to be built in Fanning Springs. I have reviewed the application and recommend the Board of County Commissioner consider the application. Bobby Crosby County Administrator DR・ 418 EC10NoM:C DEVELOPMENT AD‐ VALOn‐ EM‐ pROPERTV TAX EXEMPT10N Section 1 96.199巨 群脚 F‖ e 日,x/12 Rule 120こ 161002 自OFida Administra“ ve Code‐ 鈍 elぽ 2 =F161da Statutes I this iOrm Wil1110 Board of County COmmissloners,the governlng bOard ofthl municloa‖ tyl or both by March l. COMPttTID BV AppL:IANT ・ Lil繁 鵠 声 ふ 輝 `.F‖ 咆 中 嗅 Nor+h o{ t+u)5 │° , Bale you began, orwillbegin, business here Descdbe tangible personal pnope{ and date when property *as or *ill ue purrtraseo Class or ltem ° cOnditiOn:IGood:AVerage,o′ P00r Average value of inventory on hand: not listed above on form The exemメ bn` わra ttnewbuShess tt expan,bn Ofan exisling bulhess・ Trade bveS {check all ha ap口 yう を ,η pe OrnauF ofbuShess (AllaCh proofulet the facillッ meets thedennl10n in secttOn 196.012(11)0「 □ Reta‖ 図 Service Numb,「 ofiobSthatw‖ le created:萱 E Wholesale I Office I I 塾Q fu‖ .lme l二 __p:hitte For an ofice space owned and used by a business or organization newly domiciled in Florida: (16),F.Sl) Manufacturjng omer, specify: Average wagei S ttbモ hぜ崚 ハ l:挙 空 3・ Sales factorfortho T Date of incorporation in Florida facilis: 5.< *+{**L.rd =_Jら 棧lclh Contact your local government lor addilional requiremenls. I request lhe adoption of an ordinance granting exemption from ad valorem taxatiorr on the above property according to s. 1q$.,1995, F,S. I will provide any reasonable inlormation the board of county commissioners, the governing authority of the municipality or lhe lf prepared by appraiser may request. t certify the information and valuation above is lrue. olhpr than the taxpayer, this declaration ls based on all information the preparer knows. , taxpayer Print name 撃 為 elgl ,n,r Date Signalure, preparer Dat0 Cr Phone Florida Fill & Grading, Inc. After review of the original language used in the August 4, 2014 meeting, staff recognizes that the word “awarded” should be used. Request a motion awarding the RFQ for the Hart and Otter Springs Dredging project to Florida Fill & Grading, Inc. 2624 Mitte&Mi::Ln,江 akelattd=FL,33801 Wt'tr$rroutp PHONE1863‐ 665‐ 6507 FAX:863‐ 667‐ 0432 Qucte Numbett wYo0424斜 QUOTAT!ON Se::To: Ship To: G.unomerConlacf J.nrliof lfiglen Gilchrlet County 33f,:Y Billng Addrelss ﹃ ﹄ 醐 E朧 ‖ :Ⅲ Shh To Namo Commisisbnors Shldng P。 8ox 37 Trenton,FL 32603‐ 0037 ●5η 185 … Robmい p.mm Ceated Dane 0200015 ExpittOn Oate 02″ЮttxH5 me Ntmber W● 0042494 Robd Marti劇 Em6[ m“h翻 OWasteqttP,00m Phone 803・ 66“ 507 Droduct Desgip個。 n Deta:is Sp€cbl ROC - FL (See Ootaile tor product lrfrrmatbn) Options 0“ェ Oark creen SumoLi F"む れt(F.0.B) Tat dl 4 了 t i n ﹄ U ¨ ﹃ 駐 DrOduCt r6sg,,trrr/ 10th ST B€lt, FL 32619 recydoogi!Christl.疇 薇 鷹 嵐 激 7 Q&merSerytoConH a66ress customer」 ob Rereren3。 Price Qa ,re ff S27,02400 S2710124.00 3770.∞ 30.00 Spacial lnstructions and lnformafon Sp€cbl lnslnrlions Rhino Rrf&r roll d malahs as hn drawirg Page'l BID Results for Chain Link Fence – Materials and Labor Company All Florida Enterprises, Inc. Hercules Fence Company, Inc. Hill Top Fence BID Total $6,890.00 $6950.00 $7500.00 Intake Detail Report Print Date Thursday, February 12, 2015 Intake StartDate 1/1/2015 12:00 AM Intake EndDate 1/31/2015 11:59 PM Jurisdiction All Injury Cause All Intake Type All PreAltered All Intake SubType All Site Name All Species All Age Group All DOA All Animal Tag Type All Intake Status Completed Animal# Animal Name Species Breed Age Gender Color PreAltered IntakeDate Intake Type PetID ARN Tag type Size Location / Sublocation Altered Danger S/N By Subtype DOA Danger Reason Clinic Total Intakes: 4 Total Unique Animals: 4 Owner/Guardian Surrender Total Intakes: 27 Total Unique Animals: 26 Stray Total Intakes: 51 Total Unique Animals: 51 Transfer In Total Intakes: 2 Total Unique Animals: 2 Total Count: Page 1 of 1 84 Outcome Summary Report Print Date Thursday, February 12, 2015 Animal# Name Species ARN# Secondary Breed Outcome StartDate 1/1/2015 12:00 AM Outcome EndDate 1/31/2015 11:59 PM Outcome Type All Outcome SubType All Species All Jurisdiction All Age Group All TransferOut Reason All Site All Outcome Status Primary Breed Age Sex Danger Danger Reason Alter Outcome Type Outcome SubType Outcome By Jurisdiction TransferOut Reason Outcome Date/Time Completed Recorded By Adoption Total Outcomes: 8 Total Unique Animals: 8 Clinic Out Total Outcomes: 2 Total Unique Animals: 2 Died Total Outcomes: 1 Total Unique Animals: 1 Euthanasia Total Outcomes: 10 Total Unique Animals: 10 Return to Owner/Guardian Total Outcomes: 3 Total Unique Animals: 3 Transfer Out Total Outcomes: 78 Total Unique Animals: 77 Total Count: 102 Page 1 of 1 Case Detail Print Date Thursday, February 12, 2015 Case Category All Case Result All Include Activities False Case Type All Case Result By All Include Conditions False Case SubType All Case Memo Type All Include Memos False Case Status All Include Case Address False Include Violations False Case Officer All Include Animal Info False Based On Case Date/Time Officer Site All Include Person Info False Date From 1/1/2015 12:00 AM Case Jurisdiction All Include Animals False Date To City All Include Persons False Patrol Area All Case# Case Category Case Reference # Case Type Case Date/Time Case SubType Reported Date/Time Case Status Case Officer Case Jurisdiction Case Result Patrol Area Case Result By Cruelty / Neglect 2742491 Incident Cruelty / Neglect 1/9/2015 11:34 AM Open Ericka Husdon 2 Investigation Crulety/Negle 1/5/2015 11:10 AM ct Open Ericka Husdon City of Trenton 2751597 Investigation Crulety/Negle 1/18/2015 8:04 AM ct Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County Enforcement 5 Enforcement 1/2/2015 10:33 AM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County At Large 2739672 Incident Enforcement 1/7/2015 12:24 PM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County 2739684 Incident Enforcement 1/7/2015 12:29 PM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County At Large 2740827 Incident Case Review Date/Time Gilchrist County 2736655 Incident Case Result Date/Time 1 Crulety/Neglect 2734614 1/31/2015 11:59 PM Enforcement 1/8/2015 9:59 AM Page 1 of 3 Aggressive Dog 2742425 Incident Enforcement 1/9/2015 11:05 AM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County Aggressive Dog Stray 2734551 15 Incident Stray 1/2/2015 9:58 AM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County 1/7/2015 12:08 PM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County 1/7/2015 12:33 PM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County In Custody 2739640 Incident Stray Trap Placement / Retrieval 2739691 Incident Stray In Custody 2740742 Incident Stray 1/8/2015 9:31 AM Open Ericka Husdon City of Trenton 2742518 Incident Stray 1/9/2015 11:42 AM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County 1/12/2015 11:41 AM Open Ericka Husdon City of Trenton In Custody 2744780 Incident Stray Trap Placement / Retrieval 2746512 Incident Stray 1/13/2015 1:40 PM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County 2748726 Incident Stray 1/15/2015 9:54 AM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County 2751596 Incident Stray 1/18/2015 8:03 AM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County In Custody 2754223 Incident Stray 1/20/2015 11:12 PM Open Ericka Husdon City of Trenton 2754230 Incident Stray 1/20/2015 11:39 PM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County Page 2 of 3 2757533 Incident Stray 1/23/2015 1:02 PM Open Ericka Husdon City of Trenton 2763272 Incident Stray 1/29/2015 9:09 AM Open Ericka Husdon City of Bell 1/29/2015 9:11 AM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County 1/29/2015 9:12 AM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County Trap Placement / Retrieval 2763275 Incident Stray In Custody 2763278 Incident Stray Transport 2739657 2 Incident Transport 1/7/2015 12:18 PM Open Ericka Husdon Gilchrist County 1/23/2015 5:22 PM Open Ericka Husdon City of Trenton Animal 2758020 Incident Transport Total Count: 25 Page 3 of 3 GilchristCountyPublicLibrary ActivityReportforDecember/January Activity Adult Circulation Magazines Juvenile Circulation Audio Books Videos/DVD’s New Patrons Public Computer Use WiFi Log In # of Groups/Meeting Room Total Meeting Room Attendance # of Patron Visits # in Library Programs Average Patron per day December January 2893 2479 90 92 1881 1350 102 64 1279 1524 48 53 651 510 309 315 12 14 186 263 2652 3539 17 25 126 161 RFyrSED Page1 0f10 アθ 「03 aη′Feb“ ,2015 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN GTLCHRTST COUNTY, FLORTDA ANI) KISTNGER CAMPO & ASSOCTATES, FoR (INSERT PROJECT #* CORP. W eb €'%- # NAME/DESCRTPTION) &\ r',%* ffi%r ! ' tt THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of ,2015., by and fttweefr;fie GILCHRIST COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of pto.iauJf,.reinafter referred to as CL-IENT)ffiqra foSnlGEn CAMPO & ASSOCIATES, CORP., a Florida Corporation, 201 North Franklin Street, Suite 400, Tampa, Flori&4 Jfr2,\authorized to conduct business in the State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to as CONSULTANT). WITNESSETH . ru J rHAr: fl'} 5 t# WHEREAS, the CLIENT, as required by Florida law, issued a Request for Qualific;$ons or Proposal for professional engineering and design consulting services (hereinafter referred to as SERVICES)*ftr the (Insert Project name and detailed descripion) (hereinafter referred to as the PROJECT); i and wHEREAS, the GLIENT has awarded such SERVICES to WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT has agreed to provide NOW, THEREFORE, the CLIENT and the follows: ■ coNSr&N rrf*qn*ff *e pRoJECT; for the PROJECT; CoNsul&1%*Jflsideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth agree as SERVICES AND PERFORMAN⊆ コニ│■・ ■■ ・ 1 A B. CLIENT does hereby retain CONSULTANT to mmish sERVICES as described in Attachment``A''一 潔lξ艦 潔:鷺 fl織:網轟 CONSULTANTshallpro宙 de prOfessional httd:響 here° f Scope of 『by肌 鶴ι 嵐 温讐 ,r繹黒賓胤 jttf麗露 ser宙 ces,as described in Attachnlent"A''一 Scopc ofScⅣ ices,attached radel響 C. In the pa倉 )rmance of professional services,CONSULTANT shaH use the degree of care and skin ordinarily exerci,sd b'Other Similar professionals in the fleld under similar cond■ ions CONSULTANT shalluse due regard fOr thё D. ,CCeptable standards ofpractice associated、 vith the perfol■nance ofits services undcr this Agreement. ‐ CONSULTANT shall perfom the SERVICES in accordance with the Schedule contained in Attachment A. ■[ぽⅢ↑ ‐ │■ ‐ Y焉 胤農 出辮∬l珊:黒よ 胤:器 驚:胤 1誂縄 t」 鵬盤Tttlil ど ofthe details thereof Coordination shall be maintained by CONSULTANT with representatives ofCLIENT,or of other agencies interested in the pr● ect on behalfof CLIENT. F. All services shall be performed by CONSULTANT to the reasonable satisfaction of CLIENT's Designated Representat市 e.Attustments to compensation and/or contracttime due to any mttor Change in the work that may become necessaッ or desirable as the work progresses shall be sutteCt tO mutual agreement ofthe parties and the applicable amendment or change order. hr 2 0fltl Datato be fumished by CLIENT to CONSULTANT at no costto CONSULTANT is contained in Attachment A. G. CONSULTANT may rely on this data unless the CLIENT afflrmat市 ely indicates otherwise to CONSULTANT when furnishing data. CLIENT shallrcspondto CONSULTANT's request for wTitten decisions or deterlllinations pertaining to tlle work, H. within flve(5)business days,so as not to delay the services to be perfolllled. :躙道 電 1焉ξttWL器:y為群器胤∬ 漂描」絆∫ 馴│ボツ ::モ l' CONSULTANT shal not be liable for use by CLIENT ofplans,documents,studies or other data for any purpose ・│ ‐ ■ ■‐ other than intended by the terlns ofthis Agreement. K All An』 phn%spedictton%map%comp■ ∝ibs anα К or 撃 po■ s pК ptted or oЫ Jned 脚 u,Ⅲ 凛1島 eeme.邦 舗 識 蝋 l捕 」 i罵苦 榊壌I蛾椰驚鷲穏[1噺 解揃欄 │ Suite 400,Tampa,Florida,33602. 2. TERⅣ l: A. Unless otherwise provided herein or by mutual agrgeflggQ provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect through completion of all SERVIdffireqUiSS of CONSULTANT. Subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, PROJECT SERVICES to CONSULTANT shall commence and be completed on the dates specified in the written Notici to\rocif<I from CLIENT, which shall then become part of this Agreement. Tie completion date may amendment or Time Extension. Time is of the essence with respect to the performance of SpR@CES rrydei this Agreement. MHffilbY bffie&Cy * &- B. 3. ,{ In the event there are unforeseepftfafu.ffi.e are any delays occasioned by circumstances beyond the control and without fault or negligen&&kffitWnfaNf, which delay the scheduled project completion date, at the request of CONSULTANIffiLENT rlay grant an extension of time equal or greater to the aforementioned project schedule delay by issuffie o@r affidment or Time Extension. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT: A. Rates: For the performance of SERVICES, CLIENT shall pay CONSULTANT in accordance with Attachment "B - Compgnsation Details and Schedule of Rates", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The Schedule of Rates for services based on a Limiting Amount method of compensation, shall be valid for a period of one-year fiom the execution date of this Agreement. If performance of the Limiting Amount services extends beyond this one-year period, the CONSULTANT may submit a request to CLIENT for an adjustment to these Rates on an annual basis. These escalated Rates shall be effective as ofthe date submitted unless a written notice from CLIENT is received stating the rates are not acceptable. No annual adjustment shall be greater than four percent (4o/o) ofthe previously accepted rate(s). 、r.ヾ AH hourly rates include subconsultant costs arc l CLIENT. B. direct labor,overhead,■ inge benents and pro■ t.Direct out― o'pocket expenses and any not included in the Schcdule of Ratcs. These costs shall be reilnbursed separately by Compensation: Forthe satisfactory perforlnance ofits SERVICES,the Total Compensation Amountis(INSERT COMPENSATION AMOUNT‐ WR1lTEN)(INSERT COMPENSATION AMOUNT‐ NUMERICALLY). CONSULTANT is not obHgated to perforln services orincurcosts which would exceedthese amounts and CLIENT is not obligated to reimburse CONSULTANT for costs which exceed these amounts unless an increase in compensation has been agreed to in writing. PROFESSIONA■ SERVICES ACREEMEN「 CII CHRIST CO岬 ,FLORIDA PagC1 0f10 Lump Sum Compensation: Basic Pttect SERVICES of((INSERT COMPENSATION AMOUNT‐ WRIWN)(INSERT COMPENSATION AMOUNT‐ NUMERICALLY)is payable on a Lump Sum Basis. Limiting Amount Compensation: Post Design SERVICES of(INSERT COMPENSAT10N AMOUNT‐ AMOUNT‐ NIMERICALLY)is WRIWED (INSERT COMPENSAT10N payable on a Limiting Amolmt basis. 1.Travele Subsistence and Related Costs:Unless other costs in connection with SERVICES for the PROJEC「 CLIENT in accordance with Section l12.061, Flori accordance wiJh CLIENT's policies regarding such rei 2. Printing and Reproduction Costs: Unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, CLIENT shall reimburse CONSTILTANT for reproduction and printing costs in connection with its SERVICES. Postage and Shipping Costs: Unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement CLIENT shall reimburse CONSULTANT for postage and shipping costs in connection with its SERVICES. 4. Subconsultant's Fees: Costs and expenses incurred in connection with services provided by subconsultant(s) under this Agreement are reimbursable by CLIENT at actual ee*t without mark-up by CONSULTANT. Provided however that CONSULTANT must apprise CLIENT in writing of said costs and expenses prior to CLIENT being responsible for same. 5. Other: Unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, other miscellaneous direct costs and expenses incurred by CONSULTANT in connection with performance of the SERVICES shall be reimbursed, as requested by CONSULTANT and approved by CLIENT. C Invoices for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be submitted to CLIENT on a monthly basis. CONSULTANT shall invoice for services rendered and expenses incurred, including any subconsultant billings. CLIENT shall render approval or disapproval of services within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of an invoice. Each invoice shall be accompanied by an applicable progress report. Basic Proiect SERVICES (Lumo Sum): shall be invoiced each month based on the percentage of SERVICES completed during the billing period. Post Desisn SERVICES (Liaitins Amount): shall be invoiced based on actual hours incurred during the billing period multiplied by the rates contained in Attachment B. Direct expenses and Subconsultant costs shall be invoiced each month based on the actual charges incurred during the billingperiod. D. Records of costs incurred under terms of this Agreement shall be maintained and made available upon request to CLIENT at all times during the period of this Agreement and thereafter in accordance with the Florida Public records Statutes after final payment for the work pursuant to this Agreement is made. Copies of these documents and records shall be furnished to the CLIENT at 209 South East First Street, Trenton, FL 32693. E The general cost principles and procedures for the negotiation and administration, and the determination or allowance of costs under this Agreement shall be as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations, Titles 23, 48,49, Rule Chapter l4-75, Florida Administrative Code, and other pertinent Federal and State Regulations, as applicable, with the understanding that there is no conflict between State regulations and Federal regulations in that the more restrictive of the applicable regulations will govern. 4. INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE: ' A. CONSULTANT shall indemniS,, defend, and hold harmless CLIENT and all of its elected officials, officers, agents and employees from any claim, loss, damage, cost, including reasonable defense costs, tax, assessment, charge or expense arising out of any act, error, omission or negligent act by CONSULTANT, its agents, employees, or subconsultants during the performance of the Agreement, except that neither CONSULTANT, its agents, employees nor any of its subconsultants will be liable under this paragraph for any claim, loss, damage, cost, charge or expense arising out of any sole act, error, omission or sole negligent act by CLIENT or any of its officers, agents or employees during the performance of the Agreement. CILCHRIST COUNrY,FLORIDA PagcJ oF⊇ CONSULTANT shan have and maintain duringthetem ofthis Agreement,a professional Hability insurance policy B. or policies with a company or companies authorized to do business in the State of Florida,reasonably acceptable to CLIENT affording professionalliability coveragc forthe professional serviccs to be rendered in accordance with this Agreementin the amount ofsl.000・ 0(Ю . Workers Compensation,General Liability and Automobile Liability insurance coverage with insurers reasonably C. acceptable to CLIENT shan be prOvided during the tellll : rs“ m"鵬 :D WOよ 2) 面∝ T」 壌 柵 Employer's program for employees and applicable state and $500,000 Each Accident; $500,000 Disease Liability: oDUυ ,Uυ u r0 3) 3)Commercial Commercial General General Liability: Liabni り Sl,000,0001 ∫i跳:跳 :1猛 :露 鳳 cq ttρ OQOぽ 漑 hAkg江 % Sl,000,0001 Sl,000,000 Products Completed 4) 4)Autonnobile Automobile Liability: 5) ProfeSSiOnal LiabiHty: Sl,000,000 Sl,000,000( Combined Single Li $1,000,0001 CLIENT shall be named as an Additional Insured with respect to Items C-3 (Commercial General 4(Automobile Liabilityp. 、 The certificate(s) of insurance shall provide thirty written notice fornon-payment. ′ く ′ ' (30)r&tsfyri; A \d'1 Liability) and C- notice prior to cancellation and ten (10) days immunity and/or the limits of CLIENT's Nothing herein is intended to be a waiver "haah,r{"vereign regardless of whether any such obligations are based in tort, Florida liability set forth in 9768.28 of the Statutes D. contract,statute,strict liabnity,and negligend鰊 0い t liablity or otherwise. COⅣ IPLIANCE WITH LAWS: 5。 All final plans, documents, r€ports, studies and other A. data prepared by CONSULTANT shall bear the professional's applicable Florida Statute that governs and Administrative Rules promulgated rccordance seal/signature, in accor, )partment (of Professional Regulation, and guidelines in effect at the time of execution of this by the Florida Department Agreement. In the event that changes in the Statute or Rules create a conflict with the requirements of the published guidelines, requirements of the Statute and/or Rules shall take precedence. :ments oftl B. CONSU work comply with all federal, state and local laws and ordinances applicable to the work or and shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin of work under this Agreement. C. a bona or person, other not employed or retained company CONSULTANT warrants warrants that itthat hasit not has employed or retained any any company or person,other thanthan a bona rldefide CONSULTANT enlployee、 vorking solely fbr CONSULTANT,to solicit or secure this Agreement,and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any person,company,corporatiOn,individual,or flrm any fee,commission,percentage,gitt or any other ofthis Agreement. It is understood and agreed mSiderttion,contingentup9n 9rr9s,1● from the award ormaking contingent upon orresulting , |onsideration, i lレ lglbmthe,ward Ormaking ofthis Agreement.Itis understood and agreed fee, however denoted. For the breach or violation of this Paragraph, also include brokerage that the term shall "fee" [ 'itL,.,,rr CLIENT shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without liability, and, at its discretion, to deduct from the contract price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, gift or consideration. ." l" .o " ,V j ,i" $ .-".," ' ni"**,,"-'-uu'r" Y:- *)' D. E. CONSULTANT shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisionsoadeorreceivedbyCoNSULTANTinconiunctionwiththis CONSULTANT agrees that it shall make no statements, press releases or publicity releases concerning this Agreement or its subject matter or otherwise disclose or permit to be disclosed any of the data or other information obtained or furnished in compliance with this Agreement, or any particulars thereof, during the period of the Agreement, without first notifuing CLIENT's Designated Representative and securing its consent in writing. '-"*"3J6iit+T3ii+f Hffi,s Pasel ofl! CONSULTANT also agrees that it shall not publish copyright or patent any of the data developed in compliance with this Agreement, it being understood that, under Paragraph 1.K., hereof, such data or information is the property of CLIENT. CONSULTANT may "furnish" data which was previously developed and/or published, copyrighted, etc. F. CONSULTANT covenants and agrees that it and its employees shall be bound by the standards of conduct provided in applicable Florida Statutes and applicable rules of the Authority of Business and Professional Regulation as they relate to work performed under this Agreement. ".,$ TERMINAT10N AND DEFAULT: `. A. This Agrcement may be terlllinatcd by eithcr patt hereto upon fourtccn(14)calendar days'writtcn Aoticё event of substantial fhilure by the other party to perlorm in accordance with the terlns Of thiゞ noね u■ ofme“ r面 nttngpany ThsAgreemelltmayattle“ millatedbyettherl薇 yお rゃ foulteen(14)calendar days'written nOtice tO the other pl in the Agreement through 響 Venた nCe aner B. 樵 響R織 蹄 le槻 占 呻 鵠 r∬ e器 ぼ 靴 l蝋 鷲 y冨 ご 鍵 潔 :罵 hf:婦X6品 7:::IP not lcss than sixty(60)calendar days Otherwise the Agreement will be tenninated atthe end ofsuch time or sixty (60)calendar days whichever is soOner. C. Ifthe Agreementis terminated beforc perforlnance is completed,CONSULTANT shallbe paid fOrthe SERVICES perforllled and costs incurred up to thc cffective date of thc tellllination reasonably acceptablc to CLIENT. Paymentis to be bascd On the percentage of SERVICES ttltiSfactOrily cOmpleted. D. 踊 誤 犠 淵 嶽 職 I辮朧 mmΨ 押藉 胤澪 「 T,WithOut penalty.Itis understood and agreed thatin the iI諄 綿:I[1:麗 I:鳳 織欄│∬ レ ]1:電 脳 ぽ 騰:■徴響憾 J乳譜盤 ser宙 ces rendered up to the dme Oftty Such terⅢ tЪ IЪ :Ⅷ呂五 ∬響駕 nadOn h accordance whh ParttraphS 6.A.through 6.C.hereol CLIENT reserves the righttO terlninat9 6r cancё i this Agreementin the event CONSULTANT shall be placed in either v01untaヮ or involuntaッ b五 Jcuptcy or an assignment is made for the beneflt of creditors CLIENT further rescrves the right to suspeno中 ,qmliflCajons Of CONSULTANT to do business with CLIENT upon any such conviction,dた sOlving ofcottOrat10n,Or 10SS ofbusiness license. 7. letion ofan subcOnsulted work.Unless approved by CLIENT, greementto any other subconsultant(s),exceptthOse specined ヽ ecment arc: A. LIST SUBCONSULTANTS&THEIR ADDRESSES 鷺i、 lapirolal,additiOnal subCOnSultantS inay be added,aS needed. 骰 8. 朝 A. ISCELLANEOUS: Reference herein to the Designated Representative,shall mean CLIENT's designated representative who shaH represent CLIENT h all communications,directions,and orders with cONSULTANT,and shall be authorized tO bind CLIENT. Pagc`oFL0 B. All words used herein in the singular follll shan extend to and include the plural.All words used in the plural fbrln shall extend to and include the singular.All words used in any gender shan extend to and include an genders. C. In the event that a court of validjurisdiction flnally determines that any pro宙 sion ofthis agrcement is illcgal or unenforceable,this Ageement sha‖ be construed as not containing such provision and aH other provisions which are othenvise lawful shau remain in■ 11l force and effect,and to this end the provisions of this A3reemcnt are declared to be severable. D. There are no understandings or agreements except as herein expressly stated. E. This Asreement shall be soverned by and construed in accordance with the li F. All actions arising out of this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the State Courts in and for the Eighth Judicial Circuit, Gilchrist County, Florida. of G. Chapter 2ffi.A87 ll壼 of the Florida Statutes are included in the Drug Free Work "hith iζ H ・ 五│1灘 おもfAtthё llttё llt,C■ ■ riscellan66is ∼ Place aё hed● ndlntadё andlC6ns1ltant ackn。 、 vledtc alld‐ la釘 │le to thOI ― S,│,│″ ‐ 1ヽ 早V91ケ Sy,1,ln to veri∼ lhe th■ tenn16fthё たOntl・ acti alld‐ ShJ1 0ゅ les,,lrequirlanyllbCOII1ltantllcrfOl・ llingl"Ork。 ,proviOIlg sl■ 11es‐ │liSuⅢ to llkewiSO uttli2e the U.S.つ Cpartment oF HOln1land slCuriけ 'sE=vcri∼ ヽ,Stenl iO Ⅲ。 hircd bヤ ttho sublonstlltant duFing thё lcontract The following attachments are hereby incolporatr as part hereof as though fully set forth herein: Attachment "A", Scope of Serv Attachment "B" Sё hedule ofRates When signed by both parties, tK:Jffinipft, including all attachments, exhibits and/or other provisions constitutes a final written expression d?tflWHiispf tne Agreement and is a complete and exclusive statement of those terms. Any and all prior repregfitaffus, |ffirises, warranties, or statements that differ in any way from the terms of this Agreement.h?11b:_#iy"&l fofr"or effect. The terms of this Agreement shall be modified only in writing, which lest K All notices, be in writi To KCA: lequests, consents, approvals and other communications, collectively termed "Notices", shall sent by registered or certified mail, or by special delivery service addressed to the parties, as To CLIENT: Gllch五 st Counサ Attcntion:Mr.Bobby Crosby,Jr.,Counサ Administrttor 209 South East First Strcct Trcnton,FL 32693 Tcle:(352)463-3198/Fax(352)463‐ 3411 E‐ mail:[email protected] With a coDV 10: (INSERT ADDIT10NAL INFO,IF NEEDED) Copies may be faxed and/or transmitted by electronic mail as a courtesy notice as required under this Agreement. only. Such delivery shall not constitute PROFESS10NAL SER■ ■CES ACREEMENT CILCHRIST COubrrY,FLORIDA FEBRUARY 3,201S Page2 0Fm EXECUT10N AUTHORITY This Agreementis a valid and authorized undertaking between CLIENT and CONSULTANT.The persons who have signed below have been duly authorized to enter into agreements on behalfoftheir respective organizations. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed, the day and year first above KISINGER CAMPO&ASSOCIATES,CORP. GILCHRIST COUNTY.FLORIDA 町 By: m a N Name: e ︲ t i T Title: e t a D Date: PROFESSIONAL SERVlCES AGREENENr C:LCHRIST COUヽ Y,FLORIDA 「 Pagcl oF型 ATTACHⅣ IENT“ A"‐ SCOPE OF SERVICES (INSERT SCOPE OF SERVICES HERE) Pagc2 oF型 ATTACHMENT“ B"‐ COMPENSATION DETAILS (lNSERT COMP DETAILS AND RATE SCHEDULES HERE) ● ヘ レ 一 プ ︹ ′ こ / ヽノ L ∠ ツ ハ PROFESS10NAL SERVICES AGREEMENT PagCtt Of型 ATTACHPIENT“ C"― ⅣIISCELLANEOUS FORMS (lNSERT COPIES OF THE DRUG FREE WORK PLACE&PUBLIC ACCESS FORMS HERE) た ︵ ヽ ︵ 戸 ヽ ︵ ′ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAT10N 375113061 PUBL:C RECORDS FORM PROCUREMENT OGC― 的 13 Contract No: Financial Project No(s): Project Description: Vendor/Consultant acknowledges and agrees to the following: The Vendor shall allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the Vendor in conjunction with this Agreement. Specifically, if the Vendor is acting on behalf of a public agency the Vendor shall: Keep and maintain pub c records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the Department in order to perform the services being performed by the Vendor. Provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the Department would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otheMise provided by law. Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exemptfrom public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law. Meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to the Department all public records in possession of the Vendor upon termination of the contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. AII records stored electronically must be provided to the Department in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the Department. (1) (2) (9) (4) Failure by the Vendor to grant such public access shall be grounds for immediate unilateral cancellation of this Agreement by the Department. The Vendor shall promptly provide the Department with a copy of any request to inspect or copy public records in possession of the Vendor and shall prompfly provide the Department a copy of the Vendor's response to each such request. Authorized Signature: Print: Company/Firm: Date: T忙 le: STATE OF FLORlDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAT10N DRUC‐ FREE WORKPLACE PROGRAM CERT:FiCAT10N 37麹 18 PROCUREMENT 0‐ 06′ 12 287.087 Preference to businesses with drug-free workplace programs. --Whenever two or more bids, proposals, or replies that are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the state or by any political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid, proposal, or reply received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. ln order to have a drugfree workplace program, a business shall: Publish a.statement notifying employees that the unlalvful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of.a.controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken ag-ainst employees for violations of such prohibition. -(1) . .(2) lnform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free.workplace,. any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and empioyee assistance projram6, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. (.3) Give ea_ch employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of . the statement specified in subsection (1). . (4).. ln the statement specifled in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services thgt are under bid, the employee wili abide by the terms of the stateme;t and will notify the employer of any convictior of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any viol,tion of Chapter 893 or of any controlled ' substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no iater than 5 days-after such conviction. (5) lmpose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabtlitation program if such is available in the employee's community by, any employee who i5 so convicted. (6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. Does thejndividual responding to this solicitation certify that their firm has implemented a drug-free workplace program in accordance with the provision of section 287.087, Florida statutes, as stated above? E YES nNo NAME OF BUSINESS: Rick Scott |esse Panuccio GOVERHOR EXECUITUE D|NECTOR 毅 Febnraty 6,2075 Sandy Gotr Execrrtive Vic+Ptesident Ice Rivet Spdngs lvlatianna, LLC ,100 SecondLine Shelbotne, Oni?'io, Cmad4lrNlss RE: FY 14-15 QualiEedTaryetlndustfJ,(afD ptogtamRefundCl"im/Agteemett#Bl2_24.3 DearlvG. Gotc The Division of stnategic Business Dwelopment (DSBD) is pleased to inforn you that the Gilchdst Countybased Ice Rivet spdngs L'frrianua, LLC state fiscal year 2ol+2075Qfi tax-rcfntrd ctaim has been appmved fot a pattial rcfund- DSBD based its deternination on yoru calendar yeat ?.oLl tax-rcfund claim application, and included an anahsis of the supportiag dosumentation you ptovided and on independcnt teseatch to confirn the number of ptoiect jobs, annual avemge rnrages pai4 aad eligible taxes paid. The company is cetiEed to receive a ta- rcfirnd in the amormt of $39,900.00, which represeots thc statc,s share of dre QTr awatd- Gilchdst County invoked its rural waiver in lieu of poviding cash local 6nancial suPPorL Please note: Ice River Sptings' check has becn rcquested ftom DEo,s Offic" of Finance aod Accounring, aad should be available for mailing within two weelcc. Let me also take this opponrnity to congtahrlate you for exceeding your conttachral commitment for aonual average w"8es paid' DSBD wishes Ice Rivet Spiop continued success with this business endeavor. Should you have guestions about this claim ot youf, agreemeng please do not hesitate to contactJoyce p.gh, DSBD's chief andyst fot compliance, at 850-717-sg?6 ot by emait at [email protected]. Sincetely, i{'rr4& ,-/ I&d Blischke Director, DEO Division of Stmtgic Business Darelopnent cc: Bobby Ctosby, Gilduist Couaty Administtator Heather Sguires, Ente?rise Florida, Inc. ■da Depa■ mmご E∞ no面 copl鉗 o百 866.F り :鷲 │::覆 獄州町 嶋:雅 l≪ `reetl LHahassea FL 32399 !www.twittencom′ FLDEOl www.faceboOk.cOmノ Fl.DEO County Attomey's Report David oDuke" M. larg,Jr. February 19, 2015 ORDINANCES None at this time. RESOLUTIONS l. Resolution 2015-08, Establishing Economic Development Tax Exemption Application Fee 2. Resolution 2015-09, Referring the application from Hotel Development and management Group to Gilchrist County EAC and the Gilchrist County Property Appraiser MISCELLAIIEOUS l. Satisfaction of Mortgage between Gilchrist County and Estelle Keene, deceased 2. Satisfaction of Mortgage between Gilchrist County and Cathryn Sue Hendricks 3. Notice of Withdrawal from Code Enforcement by the City of Trenton For Information Onlv I . 2. Report progress of negotiations by MasonBolves on sale of 2 escheated lots with Sabal Trails Deeds received and recorded regarding Hoffrnan *SHIP" Property RESOLU'r'rON NO. 2015-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE APPLICATION FEE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TAX EXEMPTION APPLICATIONS PURSUANT TO GILCHRIST COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 20I5-02. WHEREAS, on February 2, 2015 the Board of, County Commissioners of Gilchrist County. Florida enacted Ordinance Number 2015-02 providing for Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions; and WHEREAS, the above described ordinance provides at Section 9 thereof that there shall be a non-refundable application fee to be charged to the applicant, and that the amount of such fee shall be established from time to time by resolution of the Board; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the application fee should presently be waived: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: . Section I The Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners hereby waives the application fee required pursuant to Section 9 of Ordinance No. 2015-02 to file an application fbr an "Economic Development Ad Valorem tax Exemption. 2. Section The Board ofCounty Commissioners reserves the right to subsequently enact a resolution to impose an application fee to file an application for an Economic Del'elopment Ad Valorem Tax Exemption in the future. Section 3. This resolution shall become effective immediatell, upon adoption. DULY RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Cilchrist Florida this _ da1. of February County. 201 5. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GILCHRIST COUNTY. FI-ORIDA Todd Gray, Chair ATTEST: Todd Newton. Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO.2OT5-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GILCHR]ST COUNTY, FLORIDA, REFERRING THE APPLICATION RECEIVED FROM HOTEL DEVf,LOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT GROUP SEEKING AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AD VALOREM TAX EXEMPTION TO THE GILCHRIST COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (EAC), AND TO THE GILCHRIST COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER. WHEREAS, on February 2, 2015 the Board of County Commissioners of Gilchrist County, Florida enacted Ordinance No. 2015-02 providing for Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemptions; and WHEREAS, the above described ordinance provides at Section 7 thereof that if the Board determines that the applicant is eligible and has an interest in allowing the application to proceed, it shall pass a resolution referring the application to the Gilchdst County Economic Development Advisory Committee and to the Gilchrist County Property Appraiser for review and evaluation; and WHER-EAS, an application seeking an Economic Development Ad Valorem Tax Exemption was filed with the Board of County Commissioners though the Gilchrist County Administrator on or about February 10, 2015 by Mr. Azim Saju on behalf of Hotel Development and Management Group; NOW, THEREFOR-E, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GILCHRIST COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: . The application filed with the Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners by Azim Saju on behalf of Hotel Development and Management Group is Section I hereby referred to the Economic Development Advisory Committee and to the Gilchrist County Property Appraiser. Section 2. The Gilchrist County Economic Development Advisory Comminee shall review and provide a recommendation of denial or approval of the application specifying the recommended amount of the exemption and the length of the exemption. The report shall be submitted by the EAC to the County Administrator within 30 days from February 10,2015. 3. Section The Gilchrist County Property Appraiser shall evaluate the application and submit a report which shall include at least those matters required pursuant to Gilchrist County Ordinance No.20l5-02, Section 7 (c) (2). The evaluation and report shall be submitted by the property appraiser to the County Administrator within 30 days from February 10, 201 5. 4. Section The County Administrator shall provide the reports received from the EAC and the Property Appraiser, as well as, the Administrator's own recommendation on granting or denying the exemption and the amount and length of any such exemption, to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration by the Board at a public hearing to be held within 60 days from the submission date of the completed application, unless the hearing date is subsequently extended by the Board. Section 5. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. DULY RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Gilchrist Florida this _ County. day of February 2015. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GILCHRIST COIJNTY. FLORIDA Todd Gray, Chair ATTEST: Todd Newton. Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners 2 Pr€parcd by and retum !o: David M. Lang Jr. Oilchrisr County Attomey P.O. Box 5l Trerton, Florida 32693 Tax Parc€l No.: 02-l G I60296-000G0160. SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE GILCHRIST COLJNTY, FLORIDA, a political suMivision of the State of Floridq the owner and holder of a certain Deferred Payment Loan Agreement executed by Estelle Keene, bearing the date ofJanuary 9,2007, filed March 19,2007, and recorded as Instrument #2007001766 of the public records of Gilchrist County, Florida" to GILCHRIST COLJNTY, FLORIDA, hereby acknowledges tull satisfaction of said Defened Payment Loan Agreement, and the lien created thereby' relating to the following described real property in unincorporated Gilchrist County: "AS DESCRIBED IN SAID MORTGAGE.' 2015. Dated: GILCHRIST COL]NTY (SEAL) By: Todd GraY, Chair Board of CountY Commissioners STATE OF FLORIDA COI]NTY OF GILCHRIST day of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ,2015 by Todd Gray, as Chair ofthe Board ofCounty Commissioners, on behalf of said commission, Such person: - ( ( ( ) i i is personallY knovm to me. produced a turrent Florida Driver's license as identification' producea as identification' Notary Public, State of Florida Printed Name: Commission No.: My Commission ExPires: -SEAL- Preparcd by ard retum to: David M. t,n& Jr. Gilchrist County Aftomey P.O. Box 5l Trenton, Florida 32693 Tax Parc€l No.: t E-t G I5{2 t 7{OOO-0020. SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE GILCHRIST couNTy, FLORIDA, a politicar suMivision of the Florida, the owner and holder of a certain Loan executed by Cathryn Sue H 9,2005, filed February 11,2005, records of Cilchrist County, Florid4 to acknowledges full satisfaction of said Defe created thereby, relating to the following described rear property Gilchrist County: in state of unincorporated "AS DESCRIBED IN SAID MORTGAGE.' Dated: 2015. (sEAL) GILCHR]ST COLTNTY By: srATE oF FL.RIDA Todd Gray, Chair Board of co.nty commissioners COI.JNTY OF GILCHRIST _ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2015 by Todd Gray, as Chair of the Board of County Commissioners, on behalf of said commission, Such person: ( ( ( ) ) is personally known to me. produced a current Florida Driver's license as identification. produced as identification. Notary Public, State of Florida Printed Name: Commission No.: My Commission Expires: -SEAL- NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL FROM INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ON CODE ENFORCEMENT WHEREAS, the City of Trenton, City of Fanning Springs, and Town of Bell, Florida, (hereafter "Cities"), and Gilchrist County, Florid4 (hereafter "County"), entered into an Interlocal Agreement with subsequent amendment thereto, to provide for Code Enforcement services within both the "County" and the "Cities": and WHEREAS, the City of Trenton has advised the Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners that it intended to withdraw from said lnterlocal Agreement effective January I , 201 5 and provide for its own Code Enforcement within the Cityi and WHEREAS, the "County" has agreed to such withdrawal of the City ofTrenton from participation in said agreement with the Countyt and WHEREAS, the City of Trenton wishes to provide written notice to all of lhe other parties of its llithdrawal. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: l. Section All ofthe above recitals are hereby incorporated as if more full written below. Section 2. The Cityof Trenton, Florida has withdrawn and shall no longer participate orbe a part to the Interlocal Agreement concerning Code Enforcement between the parties referenced in the notice. Section 3. The effective date ofsuch withdrawal is January l, 201 5. Section 4. Except for the withdrawal ofthe City ofTrenton from said Interlocal Agreement, all other matters contained therein or as amended. shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be signed, and their seals to be hereunto affixed the day and year as set forth. DATED THIS DAY OF A.D. 20r 5. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GILCHRIST COUNTY. FLORIDA Todd Cray, Chairman ATTEST: TODD NEWTON. CLERK I of 2 DATED THIS A.D. 201 5. DAY OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF TRENTON. FLORIDA By: CITY OF TRENTON. FLORIDA Mayor-Commissioner Glen Thigpen ATTEST: Taylor Brown, City Manager/Clerk DATED THIS A.D. 2015. DAY OF THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THL, CITY OF FANNING SPRINGS, FLORIDA R-' Howell E. Lancaster, lll, Mayor ATTEST: Sheila Watson, City Clerk DATED THIS A.D. 20 t 5. DAY OF BELL TOWN COUNCIL Bv: Thomas Brou'n. Ma-'-or ATTEST: M ichelle Rose- Tos n Clerk 2 of2 Clerk's Report Gilchrist County Frorid. Q 1. Todd Newton February L9,2015 Discussion regarding replacement Courthouse (State Attorney's ljnit) 2. 20LS 2016 Budget Discussion 3. Sale of County Owned Properties of A"/C System in c l o E ql I lu 4o e) ! (o co @ @ N c; o o N o) \o F. (r1 @ N o) E o - ao f\l 3 3 z E q) .! lE Or q) o -9 I E o E rl) N F. F\ o F. N N .! (o (o ci q) TJJ @ (o (o ao o F F ! -c E .i o q) o -g @ o (o 3 UJ E c g r\ () F. !c N lrJ @ @ F. o F. o o o o o o o o (o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o .L (o F\ -,t- (o (o @ Ol -l (o (o @ o o N N o o o o N o o o o o o o (o o N o o o o io (o o o o o trJ c E r\ a! @ o (o o o N o o lfl I N a o a o t0 o o o o o o o o o t o o (oF. d c\l N cl c, o oo @ o- J N ..i o iu .'? o t c a, ! E a o o o o o o o 6 o o F. o o o .9 @ qJ t! o J o) la t! o. (o (o N F. ct) o o o o o o o o @ ('y' ci,"n.,., Time Certain Schedule February 19,2015 s-Ns-I :' .--.7 - 4:15 p.m. Merrillee Malwitz-Jipson, President, Our Santa Fe River; Request to have Commission adopt Resolution/Ordinance to prevent Fracking, in Gilchrist County 4:30 p.m. Laura Dedenbach, County Planner; SLJP 01-15: A request by Kevin Craven, Agent for Grace Ministry of Florida, Inc., Owner, for a Special Use Permit for a religious facility and group treatment center 4:45 p.m. Laura Dedenbach, County Planner; SLJP O2'15: A request by Jeremy Becker, Owner, for a Special Use Permit for an event facility 5:00 p.m. Laura Dedenbach, County Planner; SLJP O3-15: A request by Barney Faircloth, Agent for F&F Tree Farm, LLC, Owner, for an extension of an existing Special Use Permit 5:15 p.m. Laura Dedenbach, County Planner;TLJP 01-15: A request by Apple Indian Management and Promotions for a Temporary Use Permit for a special event 5:30 p.m. Laura Dedenbach, County Planner; Workshop Item: A proposed amendment to the Land Development Code GILCHRIST COUNTY Division of Planning & Development From: Laura Dedenbach, AICP, County Planner Date: February 19,2015 Case Case Type: Number: Special Use Permit SUP 01'15 ApplicanUOwner: Kevin Craven/Grace Ministry of Florida, Inc. Property Address: ParcellDNumber: Parcel Size: 4129 NW l6th Trail, Bell 26-08-14-0000-0004-0010 15 acres FLUMDesignation: Agriculture-2(A-2) Requested Special Use: Religious Facilityi Group Treatment Center REQUEST SUMMARY: SUP 01-15, an application by Kevin Craven agent for Grace Ministry of Florida, Inc., owner, requesting a special use permit to allow a Religious Facility and a Group Treatment Center within an Agriculture-2 (A-2), as provided for in Section 2.06.02G) and Section 2.06.02(hh), LDC, to be located at 4129 NW 16th Trail, Bell, FL (Parcel ID 26-08-14-0000-0004-0010). Case No. SUP 01-15 February 19,2015 Maps: Aerial FLUM I5 ST .) Case No. SUP 01-15 February 19,2015 Subject Property Description: The subject property is an approximately l5-acre site located immediately west of Bell. There are currently two houses and two buildings originally constructed as agricultural buildings. Those buildings have been or are in the process of being converted into buildings to be used as part of the religious use and group treatment center. Surroundinq Land Uses Existine Land Use Asriculture (across NW 16th Tr.) Residential Agriculture Agriculture Future Land Use North East South West A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 Natural & Historic Resources There are no known historic resources located on the subject property. There are no known natural resources located on the subject property. Special Use Permit Analysis The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit for two purposes: a religious facility and a group treatment center. Section 2.06.02G), LDC, allows religious facilities by special use permit. Religious facilities are defrned by Section 2.01.05, LDC, as any use, structure, or group of uses and structures where the primary activity or impetus for he facility is the gathering of people for religious worship, instruction, and associated activities and typically included, but is not necessarily limited to: 1) a structure in which assembly for religious purposes takes placei 2) classrooms for religious instructioni 3) dining halUsocial hall; a) playground; and 5) a single residence for a religious leader or caretaker. Section 2.06.02GD, LDC, allows group treatment centers by special use permit. Group treatment centers are defrned by Section 2.01.05, LDC, as a residential or non'residential facility where the primary purpose of the facility is to provide treatment or other services to eight or more persons who reside in or use the facility due to drug use, past incarceration, mental illness, or the like. 3 Case No. SUP 01-15 February 19,2015 According to the applicant, the primary requested use of the property is for a group treatment center to help people in and around the community overcome drug and alcohol addictions. People would come to the site after completing any required medical rehabilitation. This is not intended to be a medical rehabilitation center. Residents of the program will perform physical work in a ranch./farm setting and receive religious and life'training instruction. As part of the religious mission of Grace Ministry, members of the community will occasionally be invited to religious studies and work sessions on the property. As part of a network of churches throughout the state, members of other churches come the site to perform mission work. However, the site will be a primarily private, non-public setting. The applicant submitted a conceptual plan. That plan shows the existing homes on the site as the Director's home and a staff house. The buildings shown as future kitchen and future dining are the existing agricultural buildings on the site. There is an area shown as a future pavilion. There are four campsites, which are RV hook-up sites for the church members performing mission work described above. These campsites are temporary uses only, and will not be part of the housing for the group treatment center. Finally, there is a future dormitory shown on the site where program residents would live. Recommendation The proposed use, as conditioned, is consistent with the Comprehensive PIan and Land Development Code. I recommend approval of the requested Special Use Permit subject to the following conditions: 1. The Special Use Permit is issued to Grace Ministry of Florida for a religious facility and group treatment center within an Agriculture'2 (A'2) land use district, as provided for in Section 2.06.02G) and Section 2.06.02GD, LDC, to be located at 4129 NW 16th Trail, BeIl, FL (Parcel ID 26-08-14-0000-0004-0010). 2. The number of residents in the group treatment property at one time shall be limited to 2. program on the 10. Approval of a site plan (or plans) for specific development shall be required before the construction of any new building or infrastructure is commenced. The four campsites shown on the conceptual plan are for use only with the religious facility. Use of the campsites shall be of a temporary 4 Case No. SUP 01-15 February 19,2015 nature only and for recreational vehicle (as defrned by Section 7.25.07, LDC) use only. Stays of longer than 14 days are prohibited. Use of the campsites or recreational vehicles as permanent residences is prohibited. Use ofthe campsites or recreational vehicles as residences for the group treatment center is prohibited. Campsites shall not be made available to the public. .1. 4. The applicant has 30 days from the approval of this special use permit to obtain building permits for the construction commenced on site, specifically the conversion of agricultural buildings into a dining hall and kitchen. Failure to obtain these bui-Iding permits shall cause the revocation of this SUP by the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners shall hold a public hearing on the proposed revocation with the notice of public hearing provided by certified mail to the property owner. Evidence of violation of the SUP may be presented by any person including a resident, the County Code Enforcement Officer, or other County offrcial. Once the SUP has been revoked pursuant to this provision, the owner shall be prohibited from re-applying for a SUP to allow a religious facility and group treatment center. Any violation of this SUP or conditions thereof, shall cause the revocation of this SUP by the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners shall hold a public hearing on the proposed revocation with the notice of public hearing provided by certified mail to the property owner. Evidence of violation of the SUP may be presented by any person including a resident, the County Code Enforcement Officer, or other County official. Once the SUP has been revoked pursuant to this provision, the owner shall be prohibited from re-applying for a SUP to allow a religious facility and group treatment center. 5. Approval of this SUP does not alleviate the applicant's obligation to obtain all other applicable state and federal permits. As conditioned the proposed use contained within this special use permit: 1. Is consistent with the Gilchrist County Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code, and other applicable regulations. 2. Is generally compatible and harmonious with the uses and structures on adjacent and nearby property. 3. Has the necessary public infrastructure available to the site and the 5 Case No. SUP 01-15 February 19,2015 concurrency management have been met. A concurrency reservation is not being given with this special use permit. requirements of Has screening and buffers of the dimension, type, and character to maintain the compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties. 6 :)6ttr\,1 ]t5".ItDt the following information os completely as possible in order to exPedite the processing of your application. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Application musl be submitled in person or by mail, along with the required application fees, to the Gilchrist County Building Department, 209 SE First Street, Trenron Florida, 32693. Please Jill out PERSONAL INFOR,MATION APPLICANT: Narne' l<c!,d C-lW6rJ Mailing Address: State: Fu City: Be4 Phone: 3{2- 260-1ozo Fax: STATUS: OWNER: /onn", Name: Zip: 326 t1 Agent for Owner ea?Aa-C tu\t N Contract Purchaser t Mailing Address: City: ge.JPhone: ?{L. State: ZG o' 7oz" FL Zip: 72-Ll? Fax: CONTRACT PURCHASER (if appliceble): y/r Name: Mailing Address: City: State: Phone: Fax: PROPERTY INFORLTATION l. Parcel Numbers (l tdigit numbers shown on property tax bill): zco etq -booooo4-oot o Zip: 2. Total acrcs (or 3. square feet) to be considered as part ofthis request: I C Property Addresses: 4. Cu SPEC U L EXC E PTI ON I N FORMATI ON l. This is a re4uesr fora Special Use 2. The property is currently zoned: Permitfora '6Rou.f rQ.e*rM6llf Gr*mc "| "ReLt6,o*! Pq4gor A-Z 3. The Comprehensive Plar Future Land Use designation is: ArTr^Jr.6. 4. Area of proposed building(s) (ifapplicable): 5. A previous special use permit portion of this property. was not made with respect to any HEARING INFOR.MATION This request will be placed on the next available agenda of the Gilchrist County Planning Commission. The applicant will be notified in writing ofrhe date, time, and place ofthis hearing. Review of tbe dccisioo of the Phnning Commi$ion on a Special Use Permit mey be rcqu€sted as provided in Section 12.12 ofthe Lend Dcvelopment Code. If no rtview is requested, the decision ofthe Planning Commission shall bc linrl. It is thc intent lhrt such review be a prcrequbite of certiorrri or other review by a circuit court. I (we) ceniry thar all of the above statements and statements contained in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true and correct to the of my (our) knowledge and belief. Signarure of Applicant: Signature of Applicant: 2 ef' Items to be Included with Special Use Apolication Form: w / B. 4' 7 c ,/ | -{z D. d/ u H. e., 1 copy ofthe most current recorded deed to the property as well as any pending contracts for sale ofthe property. pE depicting all structure locations, driveway accesses and parking ifapplicable and the distance ofthese structures to all property lines in accordance with requirements set forth in Section 12.02 of the Land Development Code. See anachment for Site Plan requirements. 7 copy of a g!!e 1 copy ofa brief *rinen or typed statement describing the proposed land use, and how it meets the criteria for approval ofa special use permit contained in Section 12.03.03 of the Land Development Regulations. needed, I copy of a written statement and/or any diagrams and maps describing the proposed storn water management (drainage) concept and a copy of an approved permit from the Suwannee River Water Management District. F.__fu G. copy ofthe completed application form lf f Application fee of $450.00, payable by cash or check to "Gilchrisr County " 1 If the property owner or contract purchaser is represented by an agent, /' a letter property purchaser ofauthorization from the owner or contract authorizing that agent to act on behalf of the property owner or contract purchaser must be provided. If the applicant is a conmct puchaser of the property, then a signed lener authorizing the applicant to act on behalf of the curcnt prop€rty owner must also be provided. NOTE: Special Use cases will not be scheduled for a public hearing betore the Planning Commksion until all required inlotmarion listed obove hos been submitted and is complete. Counry slalf A,ill make every effort to nolw you, ot lhe time you submit your applicalion, { any required information b mbsing or incomplete. 3 'i ,"az 4oJr,' This lnstrument prepared by: Karen Pankow LEVY AESTRACT & TITLE COAAPANY Post Offlce Box 148 Bronson, Florida 32621 Tax Parcel l.D. #: 26-0E-14-0000-0004-0010 t,s2ot 22 r@5 Ib.:4/ t 9/mt2 lb:afr ?rl tu9*oc-t)95.@ x,t* r. o.-,Gfr cdv b. t ot, // File #: T-25399 WARRANTY DEED TH|S WARRANW DEED, made I this 156 day of June, A. D. 2012, by ARK A. GLUCKMAN and [tlLLlE D. GLUCKMAN, husband and whose maillng address is 1 I 530 NW 17th Pl, Gainesville, wife FL 32506, hereinafter called the grantor, to GRACE NISTRY OF FLORIDA, lNC., a Florlda non proflt corporation which has a principal maillng.ddr6s of Post Office 8ox 164, Bell, FL J26't9, herelnafter called the grante€: (Whrreyer u3.d herein th. terms 'f.ntod and 'gr.nter- hclude lll thc partle6 to thl! lnttrument and the hclrr, lcBll repr6€ntativer and assling of lndlylduati, .nd the slcccasors and asslgns of corporltlonr.) WITNESSETH: That the grantor, for and in consideratlon ofthe sum of 5lO.O0 and other valuable conslderation, recelpt whereof ls h€reby acknowhqed, hereby grants, bargains, sells, allens, remises, releases, conyeys and conffrms unto the grantee, all that certain land sltuate in Gilchrist County, Florlda, to-wlt: "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND IIADE A PART HEREOF SEE D(HIB]T SUBJECT TO condltlons, restrictions, rBervaflons, limitaflons and if any, and zoning and other governmental easements of re<ord, regulations. SUBJECT TO that certain 1st l ortgage given by the Granto6 herein to CAP]TAL CtTy BANK, dared07tzu2009, fited 07130/2009, and recorded as lnstrument Number 2009fi)3653, public Records of Gllchrist County, Florida, which morB.ge shall continue to b€ the obllgation of the Gr.ntors. The Grantors covenant and warrant unto the Grante€s that they shall make all payments and comply rvlth all of the terms of sald mortgage and shall not cause lt at any time to become ln default. Grantors further covenant and warrant unto the Grantees that the outstanding balance of said l.t ,rlort3age shall never exceed S175,000.00, nor shall it eyei be greater than the outstandiry prlncipal balance of the Purchase r{oney Wraparound 2d ilortgage from @ante6 to Grantors recorded slmultaneously herewlth. Grantors further covenant and warrant unto Grante6 that upon payment in full of the Purchase Lon€y Wraprround 2nd raortgage recordcd slmultaneously herewith, they witl cause the hereindescrlbed lst liortgage to be properly iatlsfied of record. Page 1 of 2 Rcirn ro: L.Yy Abrurt P.O. Bor &60. 148 FL 32621 352-at62l l5 TOGETHER WTIH atl the tenements, hereditaments and aPPurtenanc6 belonging or ln thereto anywie appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. AND the grantor hereby coyenants wlth :.ld gantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of sald land tn fee simple; that the grantor has god rlght and law{ul authority to sell and convey said tand; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the tltle to said land and will d€fend the s.me against the tawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that sald land ls free of all encumbrances, excePt tax6 accruing subequent to December 31, 20i1. lN W|TNESS WHEREOF, the said grantors have hereunto s€t s€ats the day and year first above written. thelr hands and Signed, s€aled and delivered 1ST WITNESS PRINTED NAAAE (1.S.) ziD WTTNESS PRI$TED NAME STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEVY A. D, The foregolng instrument was acknowledged b€fore me this I 5u day of June, )D12, by ttlARK A. GLUCK AN and lrtlLLlE D. GLUCKII N, who (CHECK ONE): t-/ are personally known to me OR have as identification. (Type of ldentification) (Affix Notary Stamp/Seal) NOTARY PRINTED NANE Commission Erpiratlon Date: PaEe 2 ol 2, produced EXHIBIT "A" Parcel 2: Commen€e at the Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE I /4 of NE 1/4) of Sectlon 26, TownshlP E South, Range l4 East for a point of reference. Then€e run along the East llne thereof, N 00'00'21'E, 624.63 fe€t to the South rlght of way llne of NW 16th Trall, a 36.00 foot right of way; thence run along said right of way line, N 89'34'55" W, 592.67 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence departlng from s.id rlght of way llne, run S 00'00'3E" E,621.76 feet to the South line of sald SE 114 ot NE 1l1i thence run along the South line thereof, N E9'35'42'w, 166.03 feet; thence run S 00'00'25'W, 330,32 feet to the South tin€ of the North Quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter (N 1/.1 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4) of satd Section 26; thence run along the South line thereof, N 89'35'34" w, 567,55 feet to the SW corner of sald N l/4 of NE 1/4 of SE I /4; thence run along the \ry6t line thereof, N 00'05'15' E, 294.29 feet to the South right of way line of Nw 16th Trail, a 36.00 foot right of way; thence run along the Southerly and Easterly right of way llne of NW 16th Trail the following courses; 5 E9'35'42' E, 36.00 fe€t; N 00'05'15" E, 660.91 feet; S E9'34'55'E, 696.05 feet to the Point of Beginnlng, all lying and being in Gllchrlst County, Florida. otr@ a ,LLtq Specid Use Perrnit Application Grace MinistrT of Florida, lnc. D - Description of Proposed Land Use We are seekint this Special Use Permit so that we may use rhe properry to help people in and around rhis communiry overcome rheir drug and alcohol addictions. Those that are accepted into tle program will perform physical work in a ranch/ and they will panicipate in group study sessions. hrm setting On some occasions we invite the communiry to ioin wirh us in religious srudies and on work days, but for the most parr rhis is a non-public privare senint. Special Use Permit Application Grace l{inistry of Florida, lnc. F- Storm Water & SRWMD Permit We are not aware of a requirement for a storm water permit Special Use Permit Application Grace l.linistry of Florida, lnc. H - Contract Purchaser The owner of this property is not represented by a Contract Purchaser. !e) o o oo EBfi a;2 ;{ m! co JO @* b6^ @o^@ & ffi GILCHRIST COUNTY Division of Planning & Development From: Laura Dedenbach, AICP, County Planner Date: February 19,2015 Case Case Type: Number: Special Use Permit SUP 02-15 ApplicanUowner: Jeremy Becker PropertyAddress: Parcel ID Number: Parcel Size: 3290 SE CR 337, Trenton 23-09-16'0000'0004'0000 52.4 actes FLUMDesignation: Agriculture-2(A-2) Requested Special Use: Event Facility BEQUEST SUMMABY: SUP 02-15, request by Jeremy Becker, owner, for a special use permit for an event facility in an Agriculture-2 land use category on 52.4 acres located at 3290 SE CR 337, Trenton, FL. (Tax Parcel #23-09-16-00000004-0000). Case No. SUP 01-15 February 19, 2015 Maps: Aerial I L 1\ !g FLUM -)c -, l r- \F. .\0 s I ..lSF_ .,:-: F I -t: I,L ,, i j_! . Subject Property Description: The subject property is an approximately 52.4-acre site located on the east side of the County. There is currently a house, carport, and two barns on the Case No. SUP 01-15 February 19,2015 property. One of the barns (with renovation) is proposed for use as the event center. Surroundinq Land Uses North East South West Existing Land Use Acriculture Residential Aqriculture/Residential Residential Future Land Use A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 Natural & Historic Resources There are no known historic resources located on the subject property. There are no known natura-l resources located on the subject property. Special Use Permit Analvsis The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit for an event facility. There is no specific category for an event facility in the A-2 land use category. However, pursuant to Section 2.06.03(b), I have determined that the proposed use is so similar to other listed special use permits in the A-2 land use category that the proposed event facility is within the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Some of those special use permits include rural conference centers, bed and breakfast inns, and private clubs or lodges. According to the applicant, the barn will be used as an event facility (e.g, birthdays, weddings) for events with less than 300 invitees per event. No new structures will be built. The existing barn will be renovated to include a concrete slab, bathrooms, warming kitchen, and adequate lighting, cooling, and ventilation. The submitted site plan shows the location of the barn and a parking area for 100 cars. The parking area will be left grassed. Recommendation The proposed use, as conditioned, is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. I recommend approval of the requested Special Use Permit subject to the following conditions: 1. The Special Use Permit is issued to Jeremy Becker for an event facility to be located at 3290 SE CR 337, Trenton, FL (Parcel ID 23-09-160000-0004-0000). o Case No. SUP 01-15 February 19, 2015 2. The number of attendees per event shall be limited to 300 persons. Approval of a site plan (or plans) for specifrc development shall be required before the construction of any new building or infrastructure not shown on the conceptual plan is commenced. 4. Hours of operation for the event facility shall be limited to 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. No outdoor music or live bands are permitted. If portable lighting is used on the site for the parking area or grounds, then it must be placed in such a manner that does not shine into surrounding properties. Lighting shall be turned off at 11:00 p.m., or the end ofthe event, which ever occurs frrst. 5. Events shall be limited to private events where admittance is not available to members of the general public (e.g., concerts that are publically advertised and tickets are avai-lable to members of the general public). 6. Any violation of this SUP or conditions thereof, shall cause the revocation of this SUP by the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners shall hold a public hearing on the proposed revocation with the notice of public hearing provided by certified mail to the property owner. Evidence of violation of the SUP may be presented by any person including a resident, the County Code Enforcement Offrcer, or other County offrcial. Once the SUP has been revoked pursuant to this provision, the owner shall be prohibited from re'applying for a SUP to allow an event facility. 7. Approval of this SUP does not alleviate the applicant's obligation to obtain all other applicable County, state, and federal permits. As conditioned the proposed use contained within this special use permit: 1. Is consistent with the Gilchrist County Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code, and other applicable regulations. 2. Is generally compatible and harmonious with the uses and structures on adjacent and nearby property. Has the necessary public infrastructure available to the site and the requirements of concurrency management have been met. A concurrency reservation is not being given with this special use permit. 4 Case No. SUP 01-15 February 19,2015 4. Has screening and buffers of the dimension, type, and character to maintain the compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties. 5 ',f, * [{ .' .-----\- GILCHRIST COUNTY APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT Please lill out rhe fitllowing infonnotion os completely as pssible in order to expedite the processing of your application. Anach additional sheets as necessary. Application musl. be submitted in Wrson or by moil, along with the required application fees. to the Gilchrist County Planning Department, 209 SE Firsr Street, Trenton Florida, 32693. PERSONAL INFORMATION APPLICA){T: \ame: dtan* Mailing Address: City: ?etfra* 3)t, 'Ttrrriro^- o sr crL ?32 sr"t , €/ Zip: l.>L?3 Fax: STATUS: { OWNER,: Name: Ouner Agent for Or.rner _ Contract Purchaser f,aurrr Qctk-.- Mailing Address: Csarr) Ciry: State: Phone: Fax: Zip: CO:\TRACT PURCHASER (if epplhrbh): \ame; Mailing Address: Cit-v: State: Phonc: Fax: PROPERTY INFORMATION I . Parcel Numbcrs (I 8-digit numbers shown on propcrty tax bill): 27-04 . llp, oooo - ooo.l .Oqo Zip: 2. Total acres (or square feel) to be consider€d as part ofthis 3. Propeny Addresses: f).1 +cltlS 5)1O Se LfL El7 'Trt*tt^. ?l 4. Current request, ?*t" Use of Property. including numben and types ofstructures: fin-xt S PECIA L EXC E PTI ON I N FORTIATION l. This is a requesr for a Special u"se Permit for 2. The property is cunently zoned: €wr *rrir.z J. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Usc designation is: 4. Area of proposed building(s) (ifapplicable): 5. A prcvious special tse permit ponion of this propert) . y' *as not made r,rirh respect to an1' HEARING INFORMATION This request u ill be placed on the next available agenda of the Gilchrist Counry- Board of Count) Commissioners. The applicant r,r'ill be notified in writing of the date, time. and place of this hearing. I (\'!e) cenii that all of the above stalements and statemenE connined in an1 papen or plans submitted herewith are true and correct to thc best ofmy (our) knowledge and bclief Signarure of Applicant: ,,r,, t/t {/tr Signature of Applicant: Date: 2 €nn' thits {f-r €*i*i., €.rru,tcm- (qrr^t ) ,- *wwvr f+u 6lr€r\7< Br ue6! te (g,;t-\ ?^# ,% ) h- vor-J-J ]o a"cqn -r L.- 1?@ r-vtu t*' b;l* ' t ?on- oel . l)o p*t l.l^'A'tu' 'rlt palr'J'- tut''J<''Lb' p,Ja,,**' bt'n' l"b 4,i'Lf.,... 9ra, r.r'iU Datmf, A)ot* / a.LqbL /,#t / f-t', /rr-t*t"J* . GILCHRIST COUNTY Division of Planning & Development From: Laura Dedenbach, AICP, County Planner Date: Case Type: Case Number: February 19,2015 ApplicanUowner: Barney Faircloth/F&F Tree Farm, LLC PropertyAddress: ParcellDNumber: 6019 SE SR 26 10'10-16-0000-0007-0000 320 acres Parcel Size: Special Use Permit SUP 03-15 FLUMDesigrration: Agriculture-2(A'2) Requested Special Use: Extension of SP05-01: Excavation and mining BEQUEST SUMMABY: SUP 03-15, a request by Barney Faircloth, agent for F&F Tree Farm, LLC, owner, for an extension of an existing special use permit (05-01) for excavation and mining in an Agriculture-2 land use category on 320 acres. (Tax Parcel# 10- 10' 16'0000'0007-0000) Case No. SUP 03-15 February 19,2015 Maps: Aerial FLUM o6 sLTl PL Subject Property Description: The subject property is an approximately 320-acre site located on the southeast side ofthe County. The site is currently used for excavation and mining. .) Case No. SUP 03-15 February 19,2Ol5 Surroundins Land Uses Future Land Use North East South West A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 Existins Land Use Agriculture Residential Residential Asriculture Natural & Historic Resources There are no known historic resources located on the subject property. There are no known natural resources located on the subject property. Special Use Permit Analvsis The applicant is requesting a l0-year extension of an existing special use permit for excavation and mining. No other conditions are requested for revision. The proposed revision will not expand the type or location of operations, just the timeframe. SP05-01 was approved on February 27,2005. The special use permit would expire on March 3, 2015. Recommendation The proposed use, as conditioned, is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. I recommend approval of the requested Special Use Permit subject to the following conditions (the original conditions are repeated herei new language is shown as underlined text, deleted text is shown as stricken-through): The Application for a Special Use Permit by F&F Tree Farm, LLC, for an excavation/mining operation in an A-2 ze*irtg land use district is granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The excavation activities authorized by this Special Use Permit are limited to leveling and contouring of the property. There shall be no excavation of sand or other material below the lowest upland grade within the mining area. The leveling and contouring of hills shall conform to the lowest upland grade within the mining area and thus no reclamation shall be required. 2. This Special Use Permit shall be valid for a period of 10 additional vears. beeinnins in 2015, after which further excavation activities shall require a new application for, and renewal of, the Special Use Case No. SUP 03-15 February 19,2015 Permit. Excavation activities shall be limited to the following hours: Standard Time: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday Daylight Savings Time: 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday Year round: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Saturdays There shall be no on-site storage of petroleum. 5. Setbacks for excavation activities shall be 200 feet from the property lines as measured from the boundary lines of the property owned by the applicant, not to include leased or an other property not in the name of the applicant. 6. If required, a valid permit from the 7. Access to the property by County, State, and Federal inspectors shall be allowed at all times. 8. Any violation of this SUP or conditions thereof. shall cause the revocation of this SUP bv the Board of Countv Commissioners. The Board of Countv Commissioners shall hold a public hearins on the Suwannee River Water Management District for the operation must shall be obtained and include all acreage involved. certified mail to the property owner. Evidence of violation of the SUP mav be presented bv any person including a resident. the Countv Code Enforcement Offrcer. or other County official. Once the SUP has been re-applyins for a SUP to allow excavation and minins. As conditioned the proposed use contained within this specia-l use permit: 1. Is consistent with the Gilchrist County Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Code, and other applicable regulations. 2. Is generally compatible and harmonious with the uses and structures on adjacent and nearby property. 3. Has the necessary public infrastructure available to the site and the requirements of concurrency management have been met. A concurrency reservation is not being given with this special use permit. 4 Case No. SUP 03-15 February 19,2015 4. Has screening and buffers of the dimension, type, and character to maintain the compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties. 5 j.:fl lr{ .------\-, ' :!' i{ GILCHRIST COUNTY APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL o USE PERMTT following information as completely as possible in order to expedite the processing of your applicolion. Attach a.lditional sheets as necessary. Application musl be submitled in person or by moil, along with lhe required application.[ees, to the Gilchrist County Pleose Jill rhe Planning Department, 209 SE First Street, Trenton, Florida, 32693. PERSONAL INFORMATION APPLICANT: Name: Mailing Address: cioillsfcf\ errone, / STATUS: tlL^A- so,"' Jl-,t(a o*n", LL. zip, 3JLQ3 Far: Agent for Owner Contract Purchaser OWNER: Mailing Address: ciry'QJ.Audefcld4 state: Phone: Fa.:i: a( zip: CONTRACT PURCHASER (if eppliceble): Name: Mailing Address: Ciq': State: Phone: Fax: Zip: PROPERTY INFORMATION I . Parcel Numbers ( I 8-digit numbers shown on property tax bill): + i0-to-l/--/t-C-f UOO X. 0 -t o t o -amn - Dt't aJ - har 0 oq 4o-/L M -0oo/- coOO t6-to Jb -M)-bo/91)@ oQ-p-tb -Fu)ooaal@aa 2. Total acres (or 3. S PEC IA J J.C Use of Property, including numbers and types of structures: L EXC E PTION IN FO RMATION iPc5cl This is a request for a Special Use Pennit for 2. The propen;- is currently zoned: 3. The Comprehensive 4. n u"r,, PropertyAddresses: l)C 0dC(f05S 4. Current l. square feet) to be considered as part of this Plan Future Land Use designation Area of proposed building(s) (if applicable): 5. Apreviousspecialusepermn portion of this properq. \/ ** ti O' A- , \Ci Cto €p c5-ct r,vas not made with rcspect to any HEARING INFORMATION This request will be placed on the next available agenda of the Gilchrist County Board of County Commissioners. The applicant will be notified in writing ofthe date, time, and place ofthis hearing. I (we) certif, that all of the above statements and statements contained in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true and correct to the best ofmy (our) knowledge and belief. Signature of Applicant: D"t''W Signature of Applicant: 2 BEFORE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF GILCHRIST COIJNTY' FLORIDA Tff'. BOARII Application for Special Permit for Mining/Excavation IN RE: F PETTTIONNO: & F Tree Farm, Special P€rmit LLC CENflIIED, TRUE 05{l F'INAL ORDER COPY ,OSEPtl Yl. Gll'llAt'|, CLERK ftnr1\ (.-:* of County Applicant dnd Property owner F & F Tree Farru LLC' c€mc bcforc the Board Commissiouem for Gilchrist County, Florida, o for mining/excavation in an A-2 zoning di Gilchrist Comty, Florids. After rcquircd noti of County Commissioners conducted a quasi-j t*timony and evideace proffered by all parties. County commissioners made tbc following findi"gs and conclusions' FINDINGS end CONCLUSIONS l. Section 14.7 of the Gilchrist cormty t and Devdop.ent Regulations empowcrs the Board of County Commissioners to aPprovg apprcve with conditions, or deny special permis for land and water filts, dr€dgin& excavation, and mining usc' 2. Per submitt€d allow an Section " ex ryPlicmt ,t" "" 2' These docrmrents are attached he,reto as Exhibit A atrd iacorporated herein by reference. 3. 4. There are no specific criteria for approval ofthe spccial permit rcquestcd herein' The Gilchrist county PlsnninS and Zoning Board reviewcd this application Et a duly noticed public mccting and recommcaded that the ap,plication be granted as set forth in the Board's report attached h6€to as Exhibit B. 5. The proposed use me€*s ooncurrEncy rEquir€ments as set forth in the Concurrtncy Assessment attached herao as Exhibit C. 6- Ttre proposed usc, as conditioned, is consisteat rwith thc prowisions of thc Gilchrisr County Comprehensive Plan. 7. Thc proposcd use, as conditionc4 promotG the public heattll safety, and general welfare of Gilc,hrist County. rT IS TITERETORE ORDERED AND N)JT'DGED TEAT: The Apptcation for a special Permit by F & F Tree Farm, LLC for an excavatiodmining conditions: oper,ation ln an e-Z zonini aisfict is hereby GRANTED subject to ftc following I . The excavation activities authorizrd by this special Permit are limited to leveling aod contouriog of the prop€rty. There shall bc oo cxcavation of sand or other materials below the lowest upland tria" *iit i" the mining rea The lweling and contorring of hills shall conform io the iowest upland grade within the mining uea and ftus no reclamation shall be requircd. 2. This sp€cial p€fiut shall bc valid for a pcnod of l0 yearE afrer which firrther excavation activities shall require a new application for, and rcoewal of, the special permir 3. Excavation activities shall be limited to the following hours: Standard Time: 8:00 a-m- to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday Day'ight Savings Timc: 8:00 am. to 7:00 p.m', Monday throug! Friday Year round: 8:00 a m. to 3:00 p.m., Saturdays. 4. There shall be no on-site storage ofpetrolerrn. 5. Setbacks for excavation activities shall b€ 200 fea fiom the property lincs as mcasured ft'om the bormdary lincs of thc propcrty owned by the Petitioner, not to include leased or any other property non in the name of the Petitioner. 6. If required, a valid permit from the Suwannee River Water Managemeat Distsict for the operation must bc obtained and include all acreage involved. ?. Acc€ss to the property by County, State and Foderal inspcaors shall be allowed at all times. Dated this 3 day of March , 2005. Board of County Commissioncrs, B@SIIBt,llora wlrxEttxx r l colrElrtEn(r{ ,.oY o- v ,3 Frtr1188FAITAILC t4 5el /o Tot//i'jiP tt /o F&FTtlE!AIT4II.c F&tEraF nr(u.c t a $ i I I I MAXIYELLFOONINC q b ta oeqnd fioo lb Ed iGrla rrdDl. d drLolblin Cody Dr rb OiLLita Coi y ffqrty l#i..t't 6r rrqr c oiir Ofioo rcrldltt l,l0TB: trrb TE I inc'h eqmls lrlld5 feet C.ryhEAa#.(E Tra bFhlt,-ffi rCLia-li.srlr* cqar rl-HJ(HOBc- # ml-h^bLqH Dbh2-HE thtir-HDDbbl-Iqlr.H IEts'-IdI- ARBARA ]\IERRITT IiOTICE OF AD YA|-ORE\I TAXES AIID !!OII.^I) VALOR.EM ASSESS}IENTS LCT{RIST COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR. AC('OUNINUrfltLR REALESTATE2014 I:S('RO\\,( l) ,\SSl \4lll.\(ilr(()l)l 3531.0000 & }.TREE FARM LLC fl0 wooDstDE ].\X\lll.l'\':\Lt I: !\[\ll'llo\s \\l I)\'Al tl- 320.fl) Acrcs st2 50t482 7U6t6 l4lt500 l4lt 65 182J503 2t9t632 2003t2t94 DR )RT LAUDERDALE FL ]'3I2-47I9 2005t2973 UTIL EASEMENT 2007/ I AUTHoRITY MTLLAGE R]{TE EXEMPTION AMOTJ}{ I. TAXABLEVALUE TI\\ES LE\.IED t3. l7 12,t3E B8 72,l]E '12,t3E I 72,t3E 72,t38 29.t7 r.0996 12.138 72.t3E 79.32 CHOOL.DISC CHOOL.DLC RWMD 0..t l{ 6 '12,13E '72,t38 72, r.5000 M-MEDICAL VAL(IF] 72, r 3E E.5000 5.05E0 0.7480 OUNTY CHOOL.LRE ASSESSED t48 364. E7 53.96 '12,138 r0t.2 I l, m z !-r rl ba.o ur>! ml-rr Ea], a-a Eo9 LrC= .!rarr! TOTAL MILLACE AD VALOREM TAXES t't .3 t91 1.249 40 -=< f,tra f,.d b Yt\(i :\t ()RII\ 80.00 80.90 RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE RESIDENTIAL RES swt 9dH !1, {m '' o o f, o 9) NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS S€c reverse slde OMBINED TIXES AND ASSESSMENTS Dec I I 2014 NoY 30 2014 Paid Bv I I 2015 Jan ARBARAMERRITT REAI- ESTATE NUMBER 201.1 ESCRO\I CD ASSESSED EXEITIPTIONS IAXABLE VALUI: MILLr\CE lll st2 5u4&272t6li6 l4l/5@ 14l/ 65 tEASots 2t91672 2003DE94 2005t2973 UTIL E.{SEMENT 2(n7/ l2-it719 I PAY l:t U.S, FUNDS TO BAnBART IIERruTT lcasc Pdy VALUE 320.00 Acres CRT LAUDERDALE ljL 'Paid Bv Mar3l20lJ 3531 0000 & F TREE FARM I-l.C O WOODSIDE DR 2t 2015 :IOTICf, OF AD VALORf,M TA)tf,S A:ID I|O:I.AD VALOR.EM ASSf,SS}IENTS ILCHRIST COTJNTY TAX COLLECTOR ACCOUNT Feb for importrnt lnfonnrdon Nov 30 2014 r.353.E9 In4n0t4 Dl lln4120 { RcDI Rcpr ' TAX COLLECTOR Dcc ll 2014 t,367 .99 q t00ll6l.000l r P.O. t4t aot l9ll ' J8n r TR.E:\TON. FL 3l 2015 ,3t2.09 By Paid By' S1.353.E9 .3 F& 326,l ' PH. Feb 2t 2015 t,196.20 M8r 3 I 2015 |,4 t 0.30 < IF PAIT BY GILCHRIST COUNTY Division of Planning & Development From: Date: Case Type: Case Number: Laura Dedenbach, AICP, County Planner ApplicanUOwner: ApplelndianManagementandProperties/Gilchrist February 19,2015 Temporary Use Permit TUP 0-15 - Special Event CountY PropertyAddress: Parcel ID Parcel 4050 S US Highway 129 30-09-15-0000-0006-0010 9.0 acres FLUMDesignation: Agriculture-2(A-2) Number: Size: Requested Special Use: Special Event - professional wrestling REQUEST SUMMARY: TUP 01-15: A request by Apple Indian Management and Promotions for a temporary use permit for a special event (professional wrestling) at the Gilchrist County Agricultural Complex. Case No. TUP01-15 February 19,2015 Maps: Aerial FLUM Subject Property Description: The subject property is an approximately 9-acre site and the current location of the Gilchrist County Agricultural Complex. Case No. TUPO1-15 February 19, 20f5 Surrounding Land Uses North East South West Existing Land Use Acriculture Agriculture Asriculture Asriculture Future Land Use A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 Natural & Historic Resources There are no known historic resources located on the subject property. There are no known natural resources located on the subject property. Special Use Permit Analvsis The applicant is requesting a special event permit (temporary use permit) for a professional wresting event. The event is expected to draw 3,000 persons to the site. The date of the event is April 25,2075. Set up for the event will begin at 7:00 a.m. and conclude at 5:00 p.m. The event will be from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Clean'up will be from g:00 p.m. to midnight. There will be food and retail sales accompanying the event. No alcohol will be served at the event. The applicant has met with County staff, inclufing the Sheri-ffs offrce and emergency management. The applicant will continue to coordinate with the County and will provide security, frre, and EMS protections as recommended by the County. While the applicant has included several future dates temporary use permit is for the April 2015 event only. for events, this Recommendation The proposed use, as conditioned, is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. The requested Special Use Permit may be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The Temporary Use Permit - Special Event is issued to Apple Indian Management and Promotions for a professional wrestling event on April 25, 2015 located at the Gilchrist County Agricultural Complex. 3 Case No. TUP01-15 February 19, 2015 , 11. The applicant shall be required to meet the County's requirements and recommendations for the provision of public safety, public seating, public restrooms, parking, traffrc flow, noise, and lighting. If required by the County, the applicant shall obtain performance or liability insurance. The applicant shall provide the County with proof that all equipment imported to the site, such as adfitional stands, meet all safety inspections and certifications. Hours of operation for the event shall be as follows: set-up: Event: Event Event clean-uP: 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 P.m. 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 9:00 P.m. - midnight 4. The applicant shall meet all relevant requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act for the venue desigrr. 5. Any violation of this TUP or conditions thereof, shall cause the revocation of this TUP by the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners shall hold a public hearing on the proposed revocation with the notice of public hearing provided by certified mail to the property owner. Evidence of violation of the TUP may be presented by any person including a resident, the County Code Enforcement Offrcer, or other County offrcial. Once the TUP has been revoked pursuant to this provision, the owner shall be prohibited from re-applying for a TUP to allow special events. 4 GILCHRIST COUNTV SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION As rovol o! rolit ('?ov sPeR FEE: $so.oo l. Applicont! Nome Applicont'r Moiling Addresr: Applicont! Phone Number: lobto st&3.11 f,fitft2d E ) fzr\E 32/-fJ l*r7 -V7d"L{-4 4. Property Owne/s Nome (if different): v-ootD 5. Porcel Number of Property o. Building/Property to be ured for the euent: 7. Nome of rood from which property will goin ^ t. occess: 55:l/].,u.AL 8. Type of Event to be held: Pleose chech fi;rzELY a,tHotE Cd4P/6 Lts, ildf t21 Spccisl .u€Mrynonproft, eleemorynory orgonizotionr' n n. arrri o .. The tem-oroyoh of eo sst gr€un, ttrml-procfuEEEEl-aMm whoro thc prcCe€t a Dr Othcr urcr which crc rim th- pcded ef ure @ ,,uhc'e 9. Doteh of the Event lo. 11. 00r Timeh of the EuenL Will Event be held indoon ,A or outdoon X (Pbore chech) lf on outdoor event pl€ore ottqch o mop deplctlng the follouring: o.) lngres / egres b.) Porhing c) Porto-o-potty focilitier (if needeO One urinol for femoles. er,rery 2oo mol6, one woter clo*t for euery 75 12 tf Event ir to be held outdoon sfter du# hou will lighting be provided? rPof c I rl-fu oaq4 lt l3.Numberofper'on'expectedtoqttendoverthecourseofthe6'enr% (ottendonce by more thon 5OO peRon, it tubject to Article tO of generol Code of Ordinonces) 14. ltemr to ue Sold or Services Rendered: 15. Will lrou rell or prepore ony fiood or beveroger? lf '?'U6<LhiLa 16. Wlll olcohol be pro;ided or ollowed qt th " Fr, pleose e{ctoin whot tfrneJ@-- *"rn Nt6 All troth or debris occumulatlon rsuftlng from the applicontl activfties must be collectd ard trosh contolnen on-site ond rcmwed ftum the tite in o tlmely monnen &paibd in prmit opplicotion dos not supende ony ded restrlctionS cwenonts or any nelghborttood by lows, rutes or regulations. Before contlnuing with thls or ony other development it responilbility to obtoin thb lnformotion. ThR occetrcry use t? laur thot all information pte*nted in thlt opplicotiot is tnn ond cottqt to tlp bqt of my hnowldge. I fudlpr cenily that I' the ouner or occuponl hwe the lq@l rigli to ue the prcpeily Mbd oboue ond upon dematd I con show proof of outnenhip or permissiafl to ute the sid prcpaiy for the tquesd t ceftily puwa VIOLATDN OF THE PERMIT WLL RE'ULT IN FORFEITING THE PIOHT OF RECEIVINC ANY FUTURE TEMPOMPY U'E PERMIT'. REVIEW OF THE DECI'ION OF |HE PIANNINO 'UB'TANTIAL TEMPORARY U'E PENMIT I,AY BE APPEALED TO THE COUNIV COMMI''ION. IF NO DIPECTOR BE FINAL THE DECI'ION OF THE PIANNINC DIRECTOR 'HALL ANY ko Dote STAFF USE ONLV BELOW: n ! OerutgO to conduct the temporory urc identifted herein during The opplicont B herbv APPROVED the timer ond doter:pecified in this opplicotion. ANV SUBSTANTIAL UIOIAflON OF lHlS PERMIT WLL PE'ULT IN FORFEITINO THE PIOHT OF RECEIWNA ANY FUruRE TEMPORAPY USE PEPMIT' CONDITION5: DATE: TIME: ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS, Plonning Director, Gilchrirt County Dote =lu,Jr,r,rq f,fert 7-5 14tt Z1 I*r-, .2o d0JL5 J'<LY 76 ?pi5 20rc 70l9 /.0i5 &na ZZ Zol, STP t1 ., c?15 oaT L4 No,l 1_t 0i4 dtt' ffi li-'i6 .zp6 Lp(6 Zo (r0 iG 'Lo rrla tq Lsib tb Zotb 2.15/ floa -r'r-At ao" ') l.:* --l ' I --' L 'H <\]1 UI ---- C'nr t-..) '..?i'r t': - '. c"r ..,1 aoo P- :-. -' - " , !.-t.47' i." t:i-. \ t I I : o G ,i ,'\' ,,,.I --ii..'..\. -'i -' .! , 1 (a1l:' -l.l ,.--:.il;:1:'. D, -'' \ ' '! i.' '-"- ,' .r"-:.- ;-..,'.G Draft LDR Text amendment: Section 7.21.01(d) The following temporary uses may take place only if authorized by a Temporary Use Permit issued by the County Administrator: [10) Special events open to members ofthe public, regardless ofsize, being held at public or private event facilities. Public or private event facilities include, but are not limited to, any county-owned facility or property, overnight recreational parks, and any event facility approved by the Board of County Commissioners. F"Y.I. (f)ocuments file<l in the Clerk's Office) February 19,2015 1. The Florida Quilt Trail 2. Suwannee River Water Management District . Monthly Hydrological Conditions Report THE FLORIDA QUITT TRAIL The story of Barn Quilt Blocks and the American euilt Trail movement is the story of one of the fastest growing grassroots public arts movements in the united States and Canada. A barn quilt is a replica of a quilt or quilt square, painted on plywood or directly on the structure. The blocks are usually eight-by-eight feet, and placed on a building for passersby to see. Most of these colorful patterns or quilt squares are mounted on barns, so they are often called barn quilts. However, due to their increasing popularity and tourism draw, many cities have begun applying these colorful patterns to their historic buildings and have experienced increased tourism of 20,000 to 3o,ooo visitors a year. There are thousands of these squares all over the country, currently in more than forty states and Canada. The City of Trenton is the epicenter of the Florida euilt Trail, the first block being Trenton's Compass Rose, placed on the Suwannee Valley euilt Shoppe. Since then quilt blocks have been added to the 409 Building, the crystal lce House, the Railroad Depot, Best Drugs and Trenton Floral & Gifts. euilt blocks are being planned for Trenton city Hall, the city park, and the Gilchrist county Journal. The Florida Quilt Trail is quickly spreading. The cities of Live Oak, Branford, White springs and Madison have begun putting quilt blocks on their historic buildings, and many other towns and cities are in the process of doing the same. With Florida's sunny weather, and Gilchrist County's natural beauty, a cross country quilt trail is a year-round vehicle to bring tourists to our area, tourists that support our local businesses, while adding historic beauty and charm to the area. The courthouse steps (see attached diagrams) is a quilt block that is perfect for the Gilchrist county courthouse. The cost of materials to produce and install said quilt block is between 5400 and 5500, with no charge for the labor to paint and install the quilt block. we respectfully request that the Gilchrist county Board of county commissioners approve the expenditure of no more than S5OO to produce and install the Courthouse Steps Quilt Square on the Gilchrist County Courthouse. I- l i I FI JI I t_ It' ' l:-l -r iit r--l 1 ii '.. '"EiI ffi . cB. a. t oE N nG) I o \CJ E A o) t-il 6 '7 :'r,,.t + . a,; I t.: ; 'it I \ i I \ I \ \ I I t \ I t I tt I I l tl I I, rl I I Jt I i fr. in Etil I I nr t, I 1 _ r_.t .i _ gfl i I I t#Tffi# T SUWANNEE RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT February 11,2015 OON OUINCEY JR. Chaiman Chiefleri, Florda ALPHONAS ALEXANOER Vice Chaiman Mad6on, Floida Gilchrist County Board of Commissioners P. O. Box 37 Trenton, FL 32693 RE: Suwannee River Water Management District Monthly Hydrological Conditions Report Dear County Commissioners: RAY CURTIS Secrelary / Tr€asurer Perry, Florida KEVIN BROWN Enclosed you will find a copy of the District's monthly report on the area's hydrological conditions. We believe this report will be of interest to you as it contains important information regarding the conditions that the area is currently experiencing. Alaciua, Fbnda GEOBGE COLE Montic€llo, Flodda Please feel free to make additional copies to distribute as needed, or let us know and we will be glad to provide you with exlra copies. lf you have any questions regarding this report, please contact me at 386.362.1001. VIRGINIA H. JOHNS Alachua, Fbdda Sincerely, GARY E JONES Old Town, Florila VIRGINIASANCHEZ Old Town, Fbnda GUY N, WILLIAMS taks Cily, Flonda Tom Mirti, Hydrologic Data Services /dd enclosure ANN B, SHORTELLE, Ph D. Ereartvo Direclor Gainesville, Floride Water for Nalure, Water for People BEoYCLED 6 PAPEB 922s CR 49 . LIVE OAK. FLORIDA 32000 ' TELEPHONE 386662'tm1 mysuwanneerlver com . 8OOi22&1066 (FL) . FAX 386/362-1056 MEMORANDUM TO: Governing Board FROM: Tom Mirti, Bureau Chief, Hydrologic Data Services THRU: Ann B. Shortelle, Ph.D., Executive Director Erich Marzolf, Ph.D., Division Director, Water Resources DATE: February 9, 2015 RE: January 2015 Hydrologic Conditions Report for the District RAINFALL o o . . District-wide rainfall in January, was 4.02", slightly above the long-lerm January average based on records beginning in 1932. Four frontal weather systems passed through the District during the month, but a late month syslem again provided most of the monthly rainamount(Tablel,Figurel). The late month storm dropped up to five inches of rain in western Madison and smaller portions of Jefferson and Taylor counties (Figure 2). The Aucilla, Withlacoochee and Alapaha basins in Florida received rainf all amounts up to Wice the January normal, while below average totals fell generally along a path from Dixie County northeast to Baker County. The Wthlacoochee and Alapaha watersheds in Georgia also saw above average rainfall totals, but not as high as previous months (Figure 3). The highest gaged monthly total (6.77') was recorded at the Cabbage Grove rainfall gage in westem Taylor County, and the highest daily total (4.74") was also measured at Cabbage Grove. The lowest gaged monthly total was 2.63" at Ocean pond in Baker County. The lotal rainfall average across the District for the 12-month period end ing January 31 was 60.3', about 10 percent higher lhan the long-term average of 54.6". Twelve-month rainfall departures continued to improve in the Aucilla River basin while other District basins maintained a surplus. Eastern Bradford County and coastal Dixie County display the biggest annual rainfall deficits, with some areas about 10 percent below average over lhe past year (Figure 4). Average District rainfall for the 3 months ending January 3l was about 1.25" above the long{erm average of 9.1" (Figure 5). SURFACEWATER . Rivers: River levels began the month at several stations around the District at relatively high levels and held relatively sleady thereafter during the month. Several gaging stations were at or near minor flood levels for the entire month, including the Santa Fe River at Three Rivers Estates, Aucilla River at Lamont, and the Suwannee River near Vvilcox. The Suwannee River basin i n Georgia again receiv ed much greater than nor mal rains and all gaging stations remained above the 75th percentile the entire month. Downstream stations in Florida generally started the month above the 90ri percentile and ended it remaining relatively high above the 75th percent ile as well. The lower Santa Fe River reached the No Wake elevation of 17 feet on January 2N,later receded, and again rose above 17 feet on January 27th - The Aucilla River at Lamonl hovered just below flood stage for.the entire month, and the Econfina River reached very high levels after the January 23d event that fell heavily within its upper basin, but othei coistal basin rivers remained typical of the season. Flow statistics for a number of rivers are presented graphically in Figure 6, and conditions relative to hisloric conditions in Figure 7. . . Lakes: Monitored lake levels across the District rose by the end of the month, with the exception of Alligator Lake in Lake City. Sneads Smokehouse Lake showed the highest increase, about 8 inches to 80.7 feet, from the beginning of the month. Figure I shows levels relative to the long-term average, minimum, and maximum levels for a number of monitored lakes. Springs: Eighteen springs or spring groups were measured by the USGS, District staff, and District contractors in January . Flows generally remained stable with most above their long-lerm median. Flow records for several major springs are shown in Figure g. GROUNDWATER Levels in upper Floridan monitor wells on average ended the month at the 80h percentile, an increase of 11 percentile points from the end of December. This level is the highest January Floridan aquifer level since 2005. Overall, 80 percent of Floridan aquifer wells showed an increase in water level during the month, with a few declines generally occuning along the Middle Suwannee River corridor and in Gilchrist and Alachua counties (Figure 10). Only two of 94 wells were below their respective median levels, while 74 percent remained above the 75s percentile, considered high. No w ells in the District were below the 25u percentile. Statistics for a representative sample of wells are shown in Figure 1 1, and statistics for a number of regional long-term wells are shown in Figwe 12 along with a description of aquifer characteristics. HYDROLOGICAUMETEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION . o . The Palmer Drought Severity lndex (PDSI), a climatological tool produced by the National Climatic Data Center, evaluates the severity and frequency of abnormally dry or wet weather using precipitation, temperature, and soil moisture data. The PDSI values for the week ending January 31 indicated continued near-normal conditions in north Florida and unusually moist conditions in south Georgia. The National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center (CPC) projected a higher potential above-average precipitation for the remainder of February, but reduced the three-month outlook for the southeastem United S tates to reflect normal rainfall potential thereafter. The El Nif,o watch issued by the CPC in January remains in effect. Their February 2 report restated the 5060% chance that El Nino conditions would be develop during late winter and last into spring. The model consensus is for a weak event if El Nifio fully emerges. According to the National Weather Service, El Niio effects, including enhanced precipitation and severe weather in the southeast, are strongest in the fall, winter, and spring. The U.S. Drought Monitor report of February 3 showed normal conditions across the District and in the contributing draina ge areas of southeast Georgia. CONSERVATION Waler conservation is necessary to sustain healthy flows in springs and rivers. All users are urged to eliminate unnecessary uses. Landscape inigation is limited to once per week during Eastern Standard Time (between November2,2014 and March8,2015) based on awater conservation rule that applies to residential I andsceping, public or com mercial recreation areas, and public and commercial businesses that aren't reg ulated by a District-issued permit. More information about the SRWMD's year-round lawn and landscape inigation m easures is available at www.mvsuwanneeriver.com. This ENd is crmpiled in @mplian@ wtth Chapler 40921 211, Florida Adminidative Cde, ustng rainb (radar&dved estimate), groundwalet (105 wells), suta@water (35 gations), and general intormation sudl as alrought indt@s and brecasls Data ate ptovsonal and are uNated as rcvised dala be@me available Oala arc avd able al WD)6!yg4@lg!.@or by ,leqtesl. Table 1: Estimated Rainfall Totals (inches) January 2015 3.45 2.99 3.34 2.93 3.12 3.00 4.40 5.90 County Alachua Baker Bradford Columbia Dixie Gilchrist Hamilton Jefferson Lafayette Levy Madison Suwannee Taylor Union January Average 3.39 3.48 2.90 3.43 3.54 4.58 4.31 4.35 4.09 3.99 3.93 4.20 4.10 4.00 3.5i 4.15 6.38 3.80 4.71 3.O2 Month % of Normal 102o/o 86% 11SYo 85o/o 88o/o 66% 102o/o 1360/o 87% 104o/o 1620/o 90% 115% 760/o January 2015 Average: January Average (1 932-201 3): Historical 1 2-month Average (1 932-201 3): Past 12-Month Total: 12-Month Rainfall Surplus: Figure 'l: Last 12 Months 57.67 57.59 50.93 61.79 57.53 61.52 62.85 60.48 64.45 60.10 59.50 64.28 62.66 57.E2 Annual 70 of Normal 113o/o 1't5% 100Yo 120o/o 97%o 107% 120o/o 100% 114o/o 101o/o 1060/o 121% 105o/o 107% 4.02 3.66 54.63 60.30 5.67 Comparison of Diskict Monthly Rainfall o .^ Elz l=-^ -t! tu E '88 d Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec r Past '13 Monlhs Average . Jan Maximum -Miri,,,l Figure 2: January 2015 Rainfall Estimate Less than 3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 More than 7 Figure 3: January 2015 Percent of Normal Rainfall R.lnldl 25 -fi -) I E s0 - 100 10O, 15O 150 - 200 E SRIJIrO Boundary 2f,o-2fi 8€sin Boudary Figure 4: 12-Month Rainfall Surplus/Deficit by River Basin Through January 31,2015 hchct t2.ilonth +15 to +20 E cl = Surplus (+) o, Dofldt l-) By B6ln +10 to +15 JEr-15 +5 to +10 Auclla 0to+5 Cossu 0to-5 I t S€nb Fe .5 to .10 Suwannee \iGccasqs.sa Figure 5: a 0 b+3 0 to -3 -'14 +3.8 €.8 +5.4 +9.3 +6.8 3{onth grrdu8 (.) or O.flclt (.) By Ba6ln Auclla Coasld ,9 E De 3-Month Rainfall Surplus/Deficit by River Basin Through January 31 ,2015 +9 to +12 +6 to +9 +3 to +6 +6.1 +6.7 +3.0 +7.5 +5,9 S6nb Fe Slwanne€ lrJaccasassa Jan-15 D€c -14 +6.1 +1.4 4.7 +'t.8 4.1 +4.4 q.7 -1.6 {.0 -1.1 Figure 6: Daily River Flow Statistics o 75-1m 'c E -75 February 1, 2014 through January 31, 2015 ; --) Pasl 12 Months Flow 10- 2s 0-10 S[Mannee River at Fargo, Ga o z o (-) IJJ o Feb Mar Apr Ma, Jun Jul Aug Sep @ Nov Dec Ja F€b Feb ME Ap. M6, .r, Jd tug Sq ocl t{o, Or Jar F€b F.D Feb lts .lt Feb tUJ (L F UJ IU tL o co f O o )= tL d 1! F.b r Ap. ay Jlrr Jd A.E S€p @ ttov Dec J'l t F6b Mt AF llay Jn J(l A,g S€p Od tlov O€c Jan F.b F€b Mr Ap. Lay J- A€ S€p ocl No O€. Ja AF ltlEy J@ .M tuS Sep o.l Nov O.c J- F€b Figure 6, February 1 cont: , 2014 Daily River Flow Statistics r,75-1m through January 31,2015 z 25-7s E m-2s + Past 12 Months Flow 0-10 Santa Fe River near Fort \r/hite near 47 Bndge o z o r@ c) IU o tr uJ F (L F€b I'lE lp. ir8y Jun J'/ Aug Sq Od Nov O€c Jall F€b F.b u6r AF Mry Jr .Ii At{ S+ od tlov O.c Jar F6b 1om uJ UJ TL ,q) o dl 110 o O 1 = J lJ- tUJ t 01 Feb Ut Fd lld Ap. X.y Jn "hl A,{ S.p oEl Nov f. Jan F.b Fsb M, Ap. ll.y J(n Jd ArB S.p cEt liL{ O.. J-r F6b aF llay J(, J, Jan F.o F.b llr F€D &! S+ @ l5v fc Ap. rl., .ln Jl At{ 54 Od ibv Oc Ja is an area of relatively steep topographical change that runs across north Florida. The geology above fie Scarp consists of sandy soils over thick layers of moslly impermeable sediments such as clay. Streams are welldeveloped with dendritic (treelike) drainage paftems. Bec€us€ of the impermeable sedimenb, rainfall is colleded in ever{owing surface streams as the land elevation tslls. Below the Scarp, sandy soils overlay porous limestone. These areas are intemally drained, meaning rainfall runs directly into he ground or into sinkholes instead of forming 4kpa streams. ln these areas, rainfall directly recharges the aquifer, which in turn discharges into rivers via springs and The Cody Scarp (or Escarpment) river bed seepage. The Scarp is important to the area's hydrology because it demarcates areas where streamflow-' is dependent alrnost entirely on recent rainhll and areas i[i:110 where streamflow is heavily influenced groundwater. Liftle River Ochlocknee/ Thomasville Upper S,Na,rnae Withlacoochee/ auitman Alapaha/ I Faryo o Pinefta StMa Macclenny Ellaville o Econfina Fenholloway Figure 7: Streamflow Conditions Steinhatchee January 2015 The Suwannee River basin encompasses 9973 square miles, 59% of which lies in Georgia. Gage records in the Suwannee basin go back as far as 1906 in the case of White Springs. oo rllrln Graham Roct Bluff Many gages have continuous records back to the 1920's. This figure compares streamflow on the first and last day of the month with past flows on the same dates. Jan Jan 31 1 Much Below Normal (<1oth Perceniile) -5--. Belo , Normal (10 - 2s) G U[T?,) Basin Boundary D Above Normal (75 - 90) a -?fJ}.n Percentle) cody scarp Aucilla River Basin Coastal Rivers Basin Waccasassa River Basin ) Suwannee River Basin These gages are @erated by the USGS and tunded by a number ot privale and public entilies, hduding the SRV,iIt D. SJRWMD, FOEP, Nesde Wabrs North Amerl5, Pad(aging Corporation of AnErica, and the Georgia Oepaftnent of Alatural Resources, Envtonmental Prctecion Divisbn (EPD) Figure 8: January 2015 Lake Levels Sn adr. Slrol.hdr. SRWMD lakes react differendy to dimatic changes depending on their location in the landscape. Some lakes, in partiollar ones in the eastem part ot the Distict, are embedded in a achcrry Lrtt Ocaah AlOEioa 'andrrr lrL surficial or intermediate aquibr over relatively impermeable clay deposits. These lakes rise and hll accoding lo local rainhll and surface runoff They retain water during severe droughts since .Psd L'k!' .Pahathe lrl Buiar a samFon aaHampton Gov.ho, ! rb". a"...g.i I s',o',.r,"..,." Hlll fntJ) 1*r... ^""- t"' ro most losses o@rr from evaporation. Olher lakes, sucfi as Govemor Hill and Waters Lake, have porous or 'leaky' bottoms that interact with the Floridan aquibr. These lakes depend on groundwater levels to stay hbh. lf aquifer levels are low, these lakes go dry even if rainfall is normal. L, The District monitors 14 lakes with much of the data provided by go back to the 1970s, although the Sampson Lake record starts in 1957. volunteer observers. Most records 1 r o) o) o 0) o o ,9, J- Sanh Fe Lake Lake Allho Sampson Lake Lake Crosby Hampton Lake Lake Butler = -9 0) (Il o 0) o -o o) C) II Palestine Cherry Lake Lake Alligator Lake Sneads Smokehouse Figure 9: Monthly Springilow Measurements The SRWMD monitots wotq quolity ot 38 springs. Flow is usuolly meosured ot the tifie of the sofipling. The sqihgs below were meosured in lonudry 2015 by SRWMD stdJl or by the USGS with the lost meosurenent morked in rcd- Flow is given in MGD (million gollons per ddy-a fiillion gollons would fill o hotbo leld obout 3' deep). With the exception of the lchetu*nee River ond the Alopoho Rise, sptings in the SRWMD were rneosured inlrequently prior to the ldte 19!n's. Spings with long rccords wete rdrcly meosured mote thon once per decode. s ing's flow can be gBaty afrected by he level of the ivet it runs inb. Rising ivet hwts can act li*€ a dan and Cow qting fuw causitg what is known as a bacl<watq efrec|. A dver @n fod a spdng cgtphtely, knowl cglloquially as a "brcwnout'. ll the iver teveF arc hi?h enough, water can ow bac* inb AD spitv wnl and thus inb he aquifer, .€,sulling in a negative flow Ete. PE,fz,usE of 0E inEadbn belween a sping and its A iw 7m Rivea ngar Wacissa 600 500 ilql 3@ zfi 't(D 'r969 1979 1999 1994 2009 2014 O a G o .O rf. .! It) aa a- c o tE o o! t914 € =i Fanning Springs oTluwanneq o Hii rr a a tr a a a c', q a a a rl a . a .E o- a! U) I a a a {o -r1E21 193rl 1S€4 21fi4 , Sprlngs on Suwanrioe Riv f a a a a a a .a a a a a a - J 1921 1929 2014 JEFFERSO HAMILTON 0 SUWANNEE \ 4 t LAFAYETTE <> 8", Figure 10: January 2015 Upper Floridan Aquifer Conditions Statistics fo. wells compared lo historical records beginning no eadier than 1976 .1 t M bndl wd,s @utbsy d SJFII/MD aN USGS High (Greater than 75th Percentile) Normal (25th to 75th Percentile) Low I (1oth to 25th Percentile) Extremely Low (Less than 1oth Percentile) lncrease/decrease in level since last month lncrease/decrease since last month less than one percenl of historic range lnset: December 2014 Groundwater Levels District Boundary Figure 11 : * Monthly Groundwater Level Statistics Levels February 1 , 2014 hrough January Period of Record Eleginning 1978 31 , 2015 t :dkon Coudy I0t0719001 nee, GrBenvllle -+ tt aximum 1978-2014 '--..-----." --) Average Sinc€ 1978 -> Minimum 1978-2014 -' Past 12 Months Suw.nn.. County S02t35OOl Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Ocl Nov Dec o o TL H.mtlion Counv t{fi o, 6t nae, c', Jan 1/122007 J.3pei 70 o o z 65 60 o o 55 (U c .9 50 (5 o zl5 uJ o) =of 10 c(5 35 p -9 u- L.f.y6de County near 5061 llryo 1l/r0ol o o- l Feb Mar Apr l\,lay Jun Jul Aug Sep Oci Nov Dec Jan Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oc1 Nov Dec Taylor County S05070100'l Jan Figure 11, cont.: Groundwater Level Statistics * Levels February 1, 2014 hrough January 31, 2015 Penbd of Record Beginning 1978 Maximum 1978-2014 "'-..,-,,,/ --> Average {<+ Union Counv 5051933001 near lrke Buuer Since '1978 -+ Minimum 1978-2014 --} past 12 Months Alachua County 5081703001 at High Springs 62 59 56 53 50 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Ocl Nov DAc Jin o) q) tL o Gihh,Et County S09lm?0ol N near o, o o z rl) o -o o Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul A[tg Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Bradford County 5072132001 T.lnton near Grahem 76 71 66 61 E .9 56 (E -9 uJ o) =fq E (g E -9 TL 51 $ 41 36 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Od Nov Dec Dlxie County Jan Sl0l2lolxll Lavy County S131736001 at Cro33 Ctty near Brcnton o CL CL l Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Ocl Nov Oec Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Ocl Nov Dec Jan Jan t7 Figure 12a: Regional Long Term Upper Floridan Monitor \Ablls (January 2015) The Floriian aquiEr system underltss Flode and pads orAbb6ma, G€orgb, and Souh CrolnE Iis orE oltie most pro<lJdive Auirers in theworts_ ln th6 SRWM lld $ndlndhg arEasrt isUt6 Fimery source ofinigation and domeslic drinting water, asw6l as lh6 source ofsprings hat srslain .iver ltow during drorgnts il R€ciarge lo lto Aoden oc(:llE nalralt a6 raintal flterE belEah the root zom or Cants upl6nds, wollande and sollra lakes and rivors. The Eci.g€ rdt6 depglds on he sdls fid (bgrE6 o, conftemenl ol the underlyhg geology- UncDnfned r6as tr€qrenty collsist ot porous Balds and rmorct that poflrtt high r€dr arge fom r.hbll and surlacar der. RectErga lo cDnfin€d dBes b rosrricbd b, n€arly imp€flnoable depcits, suct as day, hat bclnd t|6 top of tn6 aqdbr Sem-co.rfined areas ,e boun6d 5l ole top Dy Uinn€r or b.edrcd imFrmeabl€ daporits, Vlbter lev€ls in th6 Flo.iian dange in response to clinElic condtions and pumpiiE A numb€r ot agencbs in.ddtion to lhe SRWMD monitor water le\/els ln the Floridan. Ofhundeds ol monita wdls -ross Floride end Gedgia only a f6r har6 cdllir|lious rgcords $at pr€&te tl€ 1980's. Tho wells oo tib m? ad a saledion in figurB I 2b are he wells in end ner ho SR\ tID wlth lhe long€61conliruous recoftb r,.o.ndtNdda w etu.Jc,m11,o4.Mt .'id ntor,!,qc de * b. F8d4 4/r trb t' Ftoti{ d k ptt dcat.. ..,)'..1s-Fyod.s.fl.53. Occul€nce of Confined and Unconfioed Condltions in the Upper Floridan Aquifer Confined; Upper confining unit is generally greater than '100 feet thick and unbreached. Recharge is low Semi-confined: Upper confining unit is generally less than 100 feet tlick. breached, or both. Recharge is moderate. Unconfined: Upper confining unit is absent or very thin. Recfiarge is hlgh. lnset: Extent of Floridan Aquifer Percentile of Most Recent Water Level Relative to Entire Record High (Greabr than 7sth Percentile) Normal (25th to 75th Percentile) Low ('loth to 25th Percentile) Extrernely Lcir (Less than 10th Percentile) NotAvailable SRWIVIO Boundary Figure 12b: Regional Long Term Upper Floridan Levels January 20 15 78 Pol,cher Well Suv'EnrEe County 74 1$'t 70 a srna!.non oo 62 58 54 50 $ 42 Taylor and Sandersoo We s coulaq d SJRWMD 6o USGS TaylorWell Baker County Ror (t) -62 9oo 56 54 c52 fr50 i+a Eao Pqa 52 50 48 46 44 bor'$o bro \brn"gboo bo.'$ubrobrrbrnbc.%bvy%tZtZtZ"Z boobt borto+t%otoroto+ c, &64 )62 70 60 58 56 54 52 50 66 USGS Raiford Well Bradford County 68 1959 64 62 60 58 4A $ 56 44 42 40 54 38 1963 58 o -e lt USGS Sanderson Well Baker CoJnly 62 60 9. ,a 956 8sr (! €42 840 ! 64 52 '% b*'5" b% br.'"4'U'V bS t% t%'% 50 bq"'%, bu"'or, brn'"g bno bg ""r%%Z
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