2O15 AIAA Board of Directors Election Ballots Must Arrive at AIAA by 6 April 2O15 A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s Letter from 2015 Elections Committee Chair Dear AIAA Member: ates for your to present our 2015 candid ege vil pri at gre my is it e, AA. Critical Committe termine the direction of AI de On behalf of the Elections lp he ll wi on cti ele r’s yea and ation in this r President, Vice Presidents Ou ns. tio consideration. Your particip era op r ou of a are ip in almost every to fulfill these plans. I decisions await our leadersh sely with staff and members clo ng rki wo d an rd, wa for ts to the Institute way r elected leadership commi Directors are planning our ou ort eff d an e tim the for and grateful am continually impressed and the Foundation. e you to carefully g slate of candidates. We urg din an tst ou an d ble em ass ion for the future e has ect your values and your vis The Nominating Committe refl y sel clo st mo o wh se d select tho consider each candidate, an are anxious to serve. are highly qualified, and all s ate did can se the of All . of AIAA line via the AIAA member is urged to vote on ry eve d an lly, ica on ctr ele ion, all to vote ooth and efficient. In addit sm For 2015, we will continue be ll wi s ces pro ing vot to vote ps to ensure the candidates and a reminder the on website. We have taken ste on ati orm inf th wi nted Voter’s Guide ll receive one. members will receive a pri per ballot for any reason wi pa a st ue req o wh ose Th electronically. important factor our costs substantially (an es uc red it ce sin ble ssi po e staff and ing system if e from our customer servic on st ue Please use the electronic vot req n the t, llo ba r t if you need a pape ough the website, www. in today’s marketplace). Bu or be submitted online thr , AA AI at ive arr st mu ts All ballo you’ll receive it right away. e you to vote today! p.m. EDT, 6 April 2015. I urg :59 11 by , ote Dv BO rg/ a.o aia t to AIAA. and continued commitmen Thank you for your service Laura J. McGill ittee Chair, 2015 Elections Comm ice President–Elect, Finance Vice President, Standards/V 2 President-Elect (Associate Fellow) I intend to continue and build upon the progress made by Mike Griffin and Jim Albaugh in helping AIAA to evolve and adapt to ensure we remain relevant to aerospace professionals and students. In particular, I would like to focus on ensuring that top leadership of our members’ organizations see the value of AIAA and explicitly support and encourage their employees’ or students’ active participation in the vast array of activities that AIAA offers. By continuing to collaborate with the aerospace community and clearly communicating our value, we can continue to broaden our reach and elevate ourselves and the aerospace industry in general. Biography President of James G. Advisors, LLC. Prior to that, Vice President of Corporate Strategy and Development at GenCorp. Served as President of Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR) Inc., a division of Pratt & Whitney; President in 2006, and was responsible for the design, manufacturing and performance of power and propulsion systems. President and Chief Operating Officer of the start-up firm, Space Exploration Technologies, which was selected by NASA to demonstrate delivery and return of cargo to the International Space Station. Served as President and General Manager of the Sea Launch Company, an international partnership that launches commercial communications satellites; Under his leadership, Sea Launch became one of the premier heavy-lift launch services in the world, earning the company a reputation of reliability and affordability in a challenging international market. Strong background as an aerospace engineer with extensive experience in program management, design and engineering leadership: Beginning with the Boeing Delta and Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle programs in structural design, became lead of advanced studies in systems integration. Transitioned from Chief Engineer of Delta III to Chief Engineer of Sea Launch (1998). Before joining McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) (1980s), was a research fellow at NASA Lewis (now Glenn) Research Center. B.S. and M.S. in Engineering from the University of Akron. Master’s in Business Administration from the University of California at Los Angeles. A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s James (Jim) Maser AIAA Activities and Honors AIAA George M. Low Space Transportation Award (2000). Associate Fellow (2010). Chair of the AIAA Corporate Membership Committee and Co-Chair of the AIAA Aerospace Today and Tomorrow Event (2010–2012). Executive Chair of the 49th Joint Propulsion Conference (2013). Other Activities and Honors Named “One of 10 Who Made a Difference in Space” by SpaceNews (2011), Engineer’s Council’s Robert H. Goddard Space Propulsion Pioneer Award (2012). Served on the Space Foundation Board of Directors (2011– present); Member of the California State University Northridge College of Business Advisory Committee (2010–present). 3 A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s Vice President-Elect, Education K. Ravindra Richard Wlezien (Associate Fellow) (Fellow) AIAA has a long tradition of setting excellence in all aspects of education from K–12 outreach to highly specialized technical conferences. AIAA aerospace textbooks are becoming increasingly popular not only for their technical content but also for their affordability for students. Our primary task is to maintain and improve upon the services we provide to the community in an era of rapid progress in digital communication. Many professionals provide countless number of hours as authors, editors, reviewers, and organizers. We must continue to encourage, nurture, and recognize their services. I will continue to support and enhance professional development activities capitalizing on modern technological tools to make them more affordable and accessible. I will strive to increase student and professional membership, and extend the visibility of AIAA internationally. Biography Associate Dean at Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology at Saint Louis University since July 2012. Served as interim dean (July 2010–June 2012). Served as the department chair of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at Parks College (1996–2009), and as Associate Dean and Interim Chair (2009–2010). Ph.D., in Aerospace Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University, a Master of Engineering degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, and a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) from the National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, India. Diverse teaching experience includes a number of courses in aerospace and mechanical engineering stems. His research interests are in fluid dynamics, active control of structures, and engineering education. He is a registered professional engineer in New York State. AIAA Activities and Honors Associate Fellow. Member of the Academic Affairs Committee of AIAA. Organized many technical sessions related to aerospace education in AIAA conferences. Faculty advisor to student chapter of AIAA for many years. Other Activities and Honors Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and a member of American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE). Member of Indo US Collaboration for Engineering Education consortium (IUCEE). Published several technical papers in fluid dynamics, active control of structures, and engineering education. Served in various capacities in the Aerospace Division of ASEE and the Saint Louis section of ASME. Received the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) faculty of the year award (February 2011). The members of AIAA work in a field not bound by earthly limits. We fly into the clouds and to other worlds and beyond. Our chosen profession is exciting, and we must bring that perspective to the next generation. AIAA is unique in its ability to bring together researchers, technologists, and managers from industry, government, and academia to pursue a shared aerospace passion. I have had the unique opportunity to split my career between these three, and I intend to draw upon their collective strength. It is precisely our ability to share skills and focus that I will bring to the position of Vice President-Elect, Education. AIAA must expand the scope of our student activities to provide strong STEM education support, as well as integrate students from other disciplines. We will evangelize aerospace and attract an increasingly diverse group of students to our profession. The aerospace enrollment across our universities is growing, but we are falling short in attracting these students to AIAA. The biggest challenge facing AIAA today is capturing students as undergraduates and encouraging them to continue with AIAA throughout their aerospace careers. With the graying of our workforce, retention of talented students is increasingly critical. It will be my priority to focus AIAA educational activities on undergraduate retention and professional development. In doing so we must attract the next generation to AIAA, their future professional home. We must not waver on our commitment to quality education. It is critical that we continue to play a role in ABET accreditation and ensure that all the undergraduates across the aerospace programs meet the high standards that our profession demands. Biography B.S. (1974), M.S. (1976), and Ph.D. (1981), Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology. Professor and Vance and Arlene Coffman Endowed Department Chair of Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State University (2010–present). Over 40 years aerospace experience. Professor and Chair, Tufts University (2006–2010); Director, Fundamental Aeronautics, NASA Headquarters (2002–2006); Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office, DARPA TTO (1999–2002); NASA Langley Aerospace Technologist, Program Manager Aircraft Morphing, Head Measurement Science and Technology Branch (1992–1999); Associate Professor IIT (1990–1992); Senior Scientist, McDonnell Douglas Research Laboratories (1981–1990). AIAA Activities and Honors Fellow AIAA (2006); AIAA St. Louis Young Professional Award (1985); Associate Editor, AIAA Journal (1995–1998); Member ADCA, (2010– present); Member, Emerging Technologies Committee (2011–present); Member, Public Policy Committee (2008–2012); Member, Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee (1998–2000); Member, Aeroacoustics Technical Committee (1989–1992); Student Branch Advisor, Iowa State University (2014–present); Student Branch Advisor, Illinois Institute of Technology (1990–1992); Program Committee, Shear Flow Control Conference (1997, 1989), Aeroacoustics Conference (1992, 1989). Other Activities and Honors NASA Exceptional Service Medal (2006); IIT MMAE Alumni Recognition Award (2005); NASA Group Achievement Award (2005); NASA TGIR Award (2004); Aviation Week and Space Technology Laurel (2003); Popular Science Best of What’s New Award (2003, 2002); NASA Continual Improvement and Reinvention Award (1996); 2 NASA Group Achievement Awards (1995). 4 Vice President-Elect, Public Policy John Rose (Fellow) (Associate Fellow) National limitations on conference attendance by government employees persist and present a continuing threat to the Institute’s health. Continuous engagement at all levels is essential to expand national and state-level initiatives with policy and decision makers to further the understanding of the benefits of aerospace technologies and ensure essential resource allocations, grow innovative research and provide workforce stability. Now in my 40th year of active service to the Institute, I bring experience, knowledge and demonstrated successes from activities across all levels of the Institute from local section to the national level and have been an active and available mentor. I have chaired national conferences and fostered coordination on common interests across other professional societies including the Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS), SPIE, IEEE, and the Optical Society of America (OSA). I successfully championed formation of the Directed Energy Systems Program Committee. Extending its reach through the Institute’s public policy efforts in Congressional Visits Day and ongoing frequent engagement with representatives and their staffs led to the formation of the Caucus for Directed Energy in the U.S. House of Representatives — and is my model for continuous engagement with policymakers and staffs at the national and state level. Completing my second (and final) three-year term as Vice President of the Board of Directors of DEPS for Public Policy, I totally commit my attention, energy, experience, and resources to vigorous and full-time pursuit of those public policy issues most critical to the future of the Institute and pledge to deliver a focused, integrated public policy approach to provide the highest value and return to you the members. Biography Private consultant. Five decades of multidisciplinary engineering experience. B.S. (1969), M.S. (1972) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D. (1990) Air Force Institute of Technology. Retired USAF officer with duty as flight test officer, Assistant Professor of Aeronautical Engineering at the USAF Academy, Logistics Engineer (AFOTEC), and Program Manager for all SDI Space Based Laser Technology Programs (Air Force Weapons Laboratory). SETA to DoD and DARPA programs (1990–2004); Raytheon Engineering Fellow (2004–2014). AIAA Activities Elected AIAA Fellow (2012); Distinguished Lecturer (2014–2015); Sustained Service Award (2013); Chair, Directed Energy Systems Program Committee (2006–); Plasmadynamics & Lasers TC (1996–2010); Weapons Systems Effectiveness TC (2003–); National Chair, 2009 Biennial Forum on Weapon Systems Effectiveness; Emerging Technologies Committee (2005–); Technical Chair for Plasmadynamics & Lasers, 42nd ASM, (2004); Professional Member Education and Workforce Development Committee (2010–); New Initiatives Subcommittee (2006–); Public Policy Committee (2010–); author of 2011 AIAA public policy issue on acquisition reform; Arizona, NM, and Colorado delegations Congressional Visits Days Captain, orchestrating dozens of annual congressional visits (2006–2013); Tucson Section Regional Activities Coordinator (2011–2014), Public Policy Coordinator (2014–); Rocky Mountain Section Treasurer, Vice Chair, and Chair (1976–1979); Student Section Advisor, U.S. Air Force Academy (1976–1979); author and coordinator for MOU between AIAA and DEPS (2004). Other Activities and Honors Board of Directors, Directed Energy Professional Society (2009–2015); Defense and National Security Committee Chair, National Photonics Initiative (National Academy of Science/SPIE; 2013–present). Public policy plays a vital, but often overlooked, role in the health and future of our industry. Most people tend to associate the support of public policy with “lobbying.” But at AIAA, public policy is about advocacy. It is the responsibility of the Public Policy Committee (PPC) to be the voice for AIAA members when it comes to legislative and policy issues. Only by channeling the voices of its 35,000+ members can its message be heard. As Vice President-Elect, Public Policy, I intend to strengthen, and where necessary, evolve that message so that in challenging times like these, there is no ambiguity as to the important contribution that AIAA’s public policy activities have on our industry. I plan on achieving these goals by: • • • • • Increasing the participation of the PPC and its members in AIAA’s national forums as well as at the regional and local level through Public Policy focused tracts and sessions. Support and encourage member participation in public policy events such as Congressional Visits Day (CVD) and at the local level through AIAA involvement in state aerospace days and forums. Simplifying and strengthening AIAA’s public policy message by working with our members and committee’s to identify key, RELEVANT issues, then partnering with elected officials to address them. Making AIAA the “Go To” association for support to administration and congressional staff by providing legislation impact and expert testimony from across our highly skilled and experienced membership. Continue elevating the visibility of public policy within the Institute, regions, and sections by supporting the inclusion of public policy activities into the mainstream programs offered to our members. A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s James A. Horkovich Biography Chief of Staff to the Vice President of Engineering for Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Over 17 years of engineering and management experience. B.S., M.S., Aerospace Engineering, Cal Poly Pomona. M.B.A., University of Southern California. Experience in defense, commercial, and space programs from both a production and development perspective. Member of Boeing’s Knowledge Management initiative team addressing critical skills issues. AIAA Activities and Honors AIAA Public Policy Committee (PPC) Deputy (2013–present), Chair—PPC National Security subcommittee (2006–present), Deputy Director—Public Policy Region 6 (2007–present), AIAA Key Issue author: Cybersecurity and UAV/UAS in NAS, AIAA Representative—California Assembly Select Committee on Aerospace (2013–present), selected AIAA Congressional Fellow (2009), AIAA Representative—California Aerospace Day Sacramento (2010–2014) Special Service Citation—Region 6 CVD. Session Chair—2011 Inside Aerospace Conference (cybersecurity tract). Congressional Visits Day captain. Public Policy Speaker—Regional Leadership Conference (2010– 2014). Space 2008 Tract Chair—Space Policy and Economics. Orange County Section Chair (2004–2005, 2007–2008), Vice-Chair Education (2001–2004). Other Activities and Honors President, Southern California Robotics League—supporting FIRST LEGO League in So Cal, Mentor and Tournament Coordinator—Southern California FIRST Lego League, Space Flight Awareness Award (STS-98 & 104); NASA Group Achievement Awards—Wing Leading Edge Impact Detection System & Wireless Data Acquisition System, Distinguished Engineering Service Award—Orange County Engineering Council (2013). 5 A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s Director – At-Large Brett Anderson Ben Marchionna (Associate Fellow) (Senior Member) Since 1963, AIAA has worked through its members to advance the state of aerospace science, engineering, technology, operations, and policy to benefit our global society. Our challenge is build on AIAA’s strengths with a focus on improving the value provided to our membership and industry. This means developing opportunities to increase public awareness of the contributions of the aerospace industry to our global economy. Working with the talented and motivated engineers and aerospace employees across the globe engaged in the Design, Build and Support of aerospace products has driven home the diversity and global impact of our chosen profession and its members. Those in our profession are motivated by the highest of callings. “To bring people together”; “To protect those who put their trust in us”; To push and strive against the boundaries of gravity and air, to build something better. Through my experiences as a part of the Technical, Membership, and Educational Committees, as well as working with much of the leadership in our organization, I’ve learned a great deal of what our members expect from AIAA. While I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to serve in these roles, it is more important that the experiences in those roles will allow me to be a more effective advocate for a broad constituency. As the global economy continues to change, our industry changes with it. The underlying goal needs to be service to our membership and value to our society. Working together we can ensure that AIAA maintains that focus. I look forward to serving our members. Biography Twenty-five-year leader within The Boeing Company with experience in development and production of commercial, defense, space, and R&D products. Joined Boeing in Seattle, WA, on the 747 and 767 programs, enjoying major development roles across the 737-Next Generation in Wichita, KS; X-37 and R&D efforts in southern California; Space Shuttle and International Space Station in Houston, TX; and F-15 program in St. Louis MO, as well as leading several Aging Aircraft R&D efforts with NASA, FAA, USAF, and Navy customers. Serving as a Senior Integrated Product Team manager for the F-15 program since 2011, responsible for all airframe, crew station, and crew systems products acquired from suppliers across 37 states and international suppliers in 5 countries. AIAA Honors and Activities As the only candidate that is currently a member of the YP community, I offer a new and unique perspective to the Board. And as your Director–atLarge, I will help advance the future of our Institute through focused and persistent student and YP outreach. My passion for people, aerospace, and professional development will serve both you and the Institute well in achieving my goals, outlined as follows: • • • To architect, implement, and lead a new AIAA campaign that recruits, engages, and retains student and YP members To initiate and champion mentorship and membership development programs that offer a clear path for technical engagement and leadership development within the Institute To spearhead the creation and delivery of extensive, innovative, and accessible professional development resources AIAA YPs are eager to become integrated into the AIAA fabric. I want to develop and foster the organizational content, products, and structure that will unlock that enthusiasm. I look forward to working with each of you as we collectively advance the future of AIAA. Biography MSE in Product Development Engineering, University of Southern California (2014). BSE in Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan (2011). Currently, Research Engineer at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in Palmdale, CA. Previous experience includes flight test engineering for F-35 program at Edwards AFB, aircraft design and aeronautical engineering for multiple advanced development programs at the Skunk Works, and systems engineering for F-35 program in Fort Worth, TX and C-5M program in Marietta, GA. Undergraduate Research Assistant for Autonomous Aerospace Systems Laboratory, University of Michigan. AIAA Activities and Honors Associate Fellow, Sustained Service Award (2004), ABET Councilor and Accreditation Team Lead (2006–2011), Engineering Accreditation Committee (2000–present), University Accreditation Evaluation Team (2001–present). National Professional Member Education Committee Chair (2004–2008), Emerging Technologies Standing Committee Deputy Chair (2004–2009), Structures Technical Committee (2001–2012), Member Education Activities Committee (2005–present), National Young Professionals Committee Chair (2000–2003), Institute Development Committee (2000–2003), Young Professional Committee (1998–2003), Wichita Section Chair (1998–1999). Senior Member (2008–present); AIAA Institute Development Committee (2014–present); AIAA Governance Working Group (2014–present); Section Chair, AIAA Antelope Valley (2013–present); YP Chair, AIAA Antelope Valley (2012); President, University of Michigan AIAA Student Branch (2008–2011); Member, Young Professionals Committee (2012– present); Associate Member, Intelligent Systems Technical Committee (2012–present); Keynote Industry Speaker, AIAA International Student Conference (2013); Outstanding Student of the Year (2011), State of Michigan AIAA Section. Other Activities and Honors Executive Vice President, Los Angeles County Air Show (2013–present); Member, Industry Advisory Board, University of Michigan Aerospace Engineering (2013–present); Engineering Leadership Development Program (2012–present), Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company; Distinguished Leadership Award (2011) and Mildred and Steele Bailey Prize for Leadership (2011), University of Michigan College of Engineering; Emerging Leader Award (2010), Epeians Engineering Leadership Honor Society; Active in local K–12 STEM programs; Science Olympiad judge. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Space Flight Awareness Award (2007). Society of Allied Weight Engineers: Fellow, International Conference Chair (2004), Professional Development Instructor (2003– 2004), Vice President Technical Director (2002–2003), Technical Session Chair (1996–2000), Vice President Wichita Chapter (1996–1998). Iowa State University – Mech. Engr. Advisory Council (MEAC): Member (2002– present). 6 The future sustainability of AIAA is critically dependent on an active and engaged young professional (YP) base. AIAA has passionately advocated the need for more YP outreach, but membership among many local sections is on a downward trend and we have not yet seen a YP member nominated and elected to the Board. The astounding success and legacy that our most experienced colleagues have achieved will not be continued without an influx of emerging scientists and leaders to carry on their work. Other Activities and Honors Director – At-Large (continued) Karl Rein-Weston (Associate Fellow) (Associate Fellow) Leveraging AIAA capabilities to accelerate progress in achieving a sustainable spacefaring civilization and developing the vast resources of space. The AIAA assets include a diverse and talented membership base, strong visionary leadership, world-class publications, conferences, and symposia. Developing the resources of space affords unparalleled opportunities for dramatic increase in the size of our industry beyond anything experienced to date. Biography M.Sc., Systems Engineering, The City University, London, UK; B.Sc., Physics, Imperial College, University of London, London, UK. 30+ years in aerospace systems engineering (1977–1996 full time). Since 1996 has been Senior Software Quality engineer in Oregon and part-time space systems architect and business development adviser. Specialized in system safety, software QA and range safety of spacecraft, including commercial, planetary, and lunar missions since 1981. Developed proposals for lunar space missions for the 1990 Space Exploration Initiative. I was a member of the subcontractor teams for the Galileo and Magellan space probes, the Space Station Freedom (SSF), experiments for Spacelab-MSL-1 and several communications satellite projects (e.g., Intelsat-6, Olympus, HS-601, HS-376, Inmarsat-2, Marecs). Safety Engineer for the NASA SSF Mobile Transporter, and later the power system for NASA SFF, which became ISS. One year on console at the ESOC in Germany, as Systems Engineer for two Inmarsat geostationary communications satellites, Marecs-A and Marecs-B2. Recognized expert in the NASA Payload Safety and the USAF Range Safety processes, having achieved NASA/DOD approvals for multiple spacecraft. Participated in an inter-agency committee to develop federal software safety standards, principal author of NASA-GB-1740.13-96 NASA Guidebook for Safety Critical Software, referenced widely by other U.S. government agencies. Worked space projects in all phases, from conception, marketing, development, build-up, integration, test, through LEOP and in flight operations. AIAA Activities and Honors Joined AIAA (1990). Assistant Secretary to the Ventura-Pacific Section (1991–1992). Board member of Northern Ohio Section (1993–1995). Elected Associate Fellow (1992). Attended AIAA Congressional Visits Day in Washington, DC, for Pacific Northwest Section (2012). Fostered collaboration between Pacific Northwest Section and Oregon chapter of the National Space Society, including a joint lecture series. Assisting planning another lectures series jointly with U.S. Park Service Pearson Airfield Museum and Pacific NW Section. Other Activities and Honors Engineer in Training, California (1991). Regional director of the National Space Society (NSS) (1994–1995) and operated an NSS computer bulletin board on fidonet (1990–1992). Active in the following NSS Chapters: Ventura County (CA), Cuyahoga Valley Space Society (OH), Oregon-L5; as well as active in the California Space Development Council and Midwest Space Development Corporation. 2-year term as a director of the Moon Society, and later a 2-year term as its Vice President. Became Vice President of Leeward Space Foundation, for PR and Programs (2010). Docent Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum. Runs NASA Group on Linkedin with over 15,000 participants. AIAA has given me a privileged opportunity to serve as chair of the Pacific Northwest Section, Region VI, and to fulfill many officer positions on the council. My continued participation to make the Pacific Northwest Section an efficient operation has resulted in yearly increases in both membership and reserve funds. My AIAA membership has proven to be a valuable asset not only in realizing personal growth, but also in understanding where AIAA strengths lie. I want to expand my involvement with AIAA by helping the Board of Directors strengthen links between technical activities conducted within regions and international conferences in which AIAA plays a significant role. One such conference is the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS). It offers valuable global networking to students, educators, engineers, retirees, scientists and technical professionals. I would like our diverse and dynamic membership to become more aware of global opportunities available to them through avenues like ICAS and to participate in activities that lead to international exposure. If elected, I will serve as a proactive member of the Board of Directors and will work to advance the goals set forth in the AIAA Strategic Plans. I will engage with regional leadership to develop ideas that will strengthen the value AIAA brings its members. Biography Holds three patents, is a Boeing Associate Technical Fellow, a Licensed Professional Aerospace Engineer and a retired helicopter pilot. Has MIT Sloan Executive Certificates in Management, Leadership, Strategy and Innovation. Holds a Master of Science in aerospace (University of Washington, Seattle) and a Bachelor of Science in aeronautics (Loughborough University of Technology, UK). Boeing responsibilities have included Project Manager Airspace and Operational Efficiency; Boeing representative on the SESAR Industrial Support team in Europe under EADS; Program Manager for Boeing 787 structural windows development; Program Manager for Boeing 737 and 757 avionics; Manager for Commercial Airplane standards; Consulting engineer for flight controls of the Boeing V22 Osprey and for simulation testing at NASA Ames; Design engineer for Boeing 747 autoflight control systems; Test engineer for flight testing and simulator testing of control systems. A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s Charles Radley AIAA Activities and Honors Gives AIAA-sponsored career presentations to students at high schools, community colleges and colleges within the four states covered by the AIAA Pacific Northwest Section, Region VI; honored by Pacific Northwest Section with a special citation for leadership in spearheading this effort and for representing AIAA on the Pathfinder Selection Committee in Seattle (committee annually selects recipients of prestigious awards that honor pioneering achievements in flying, engineering, education, operations, manufacturing, and in an at-large category). AIAA Judge at Washington State Science and Engineering Fair. Other Activities and Honors Gives technical presentations at symposia and workshops globally; often a session chair at many of these events. Keynote speaker for the first International Symposium on Aerospace Innovation hosted by the University of Tokyo. 7 A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s Director – At-Large, International Juergen Drescher Christian Mari (Senior Member) (Fellow) As AIAA Director–At Large, International, I will support significant new approaches for promoting AIAA’s international outreach and cooperation activities to address several high priority challenges for achieving mutually beneficial and sustainable results with other aerospace societies worldwide in leading-edge basic and applied aeronautical research as well as space exploration. I will continue to solicit the help of the best and brightest minds in academia, aerospace industry, and government to drive innovation and enable solutions in important technology thrust areas by helping to set up the necessary political conditions and policy requirements. These efforts address high priority challenges for promoting AIAA’s leadership role in an international aerospace research framework combining modern aviation, space exploration, security, and transportation research concepts of the future, including commercial space. Biography Dr.med. Juergen Drescher has been Head of the Washington, DC Office for the German Aerospace Center (DLR) since 2004. He is an M.D., Ph.D. specialist in Medical Biophysics with specialization in Pathological Physiology. The DLR Washington Office is an MFGO and FFRDC established as an interface between NASA Headquarters and the NASA centers, NOAA, USGS, AFRL, DARPA, U.S. institutions and other federal agencies in the fields of aerospace, energy, transportation, and security research. As the Head of the Washington Office he reports to the Chairman of the DLR Executive Board and represents a total of 31 research institutes in the framework of DLR and the German Space Agency. Prior to this position Dr. J. Drescher worked extensively on research in Pathophysiology at the Medical School of the Humboldt University Berlin-Charite’ Hospital and in Aerospace Medicine at the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine at DLR HQ in Cologne. He was actively involved in joint studies with NASA, U.S. universities, the French space agency (CNES), the Russian Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP), and the Cosmonaut Training Center “Juri Gagarin,” as part of a program for international cooperation by DLR. Dr. Drescher was the Principal Investigator in biomedical experiments carried out on German and ESA long-term spaceflight missions including the NASA Space Shuttle and Russian MIR space station experiments. As a Co-Investigator in DLR’s Life Sciences research program he has been involved in cardiovascular research onboard MIR and the ISS. He is a member of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and Academician of the Tsiolkovsky Space Academy, Russia. Together with the U.S. Space Foundation he founded the U.S.-German Aerospace Roundtable (UGART) to foster the transatlantic bilateral scientific-industrial cooperation between aerospace partner institutions and industry. AIAA Activities and Honors Member of the AIAA International Activities Committee. Other Activities and Honors Full Member International Academy of Astronautics: Life Sciences & Space Policy; Academician of the ”Ziolkovsky” Space Academy, Russia; Member of the AIAA International Activities Committee; Lecturer for the National Defense University (NDU) – Industrial College; Lecturer at the Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS); Member of the Board of Directors of the American Astronautical Society (AAS). Founder of the U.S.-German Aerospace Roundtable UGART (Space Foundation / DLR). 8 I am running for this office because of my passion for aerospace, specifically for propulsion and energy technology. I want to make a difference in AIAA’s international positioning by helping AIAA become the worldwide brand for Aeronautics & Space. Having studied, taught, and worked in the field for over 30 years, I offer my knowledge in technology research and my worldwide connections to serve AIAA in the global aerospace community. My international connections can bring exciting new opportunities for combined meetings and technical exchange, working within and respecting the limitations imposed by U.S. export laws. I am enthusiastically committed to the challenge of further improving AIAA’s brand worldwide. My involvement with the French equivalent of AIAA (the 3AF) and the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences will help in this regard. Although AIAA is extremely well regarded worldwide, the aerospace community is now truly a global community. So we must attract even more people from abroad to become AIAA members and to also be active within the Institute. Toward this end, I will empower and coordinate all the creative and highly skilled forces in our TCs and PCs for achieving contributions by : • • • • • Sustaining a robust aerospace workforce and developing the next generation of professionals worldwide. Giving momentum to innovation and development of leading-edge technologies through more effective international exchanges. Expanding international involvement and cross fertilization Improving the quality and breadth of AIAA events to attract more people throughout the world and then increase efficiency of more profit-driven conferences. Encouraging the issuance of policy papers giving public and private authorities key drivers for defining R&T and supporting the creation of large-scale research initiatives. Biography Dipl. Engineer, Ecole Centrale de Lyon (1974); Ph.D., Numerical modeling of laminar, transitional and turbulent boundary layer, University of Lyon, Lyon, France (1977). Currently Chief Operating Officer of MessierBugatti, a SAFRAN Group Landing & Braking Systems Company and CEO of Martin Baker France, the well-known ejection seats company for military aircraft. Former Chairman and CEO of Teuchos, Engineering Services Company of Safran. Served as Senior Vice President, Research and Technology and Business Development Initiative, Snecma Group, Previously appointed as Turbine Design Manager, Quality Vice President, Human Resources Vice President, and R&T Programs Senior Vice President of Snecma. Teaching Activities: Fluid Mechanics at Lyon University, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers) in Paris for 15 years. AIAA Activities and Honors Fellow; Propulsion & Energy Forum, Executive Steering Committee (2013–present); Director – International (2003–2009); RSAC Technical Deputy Director, Region VII (2001–present); Member Corporate Member Committee; Member, International Activities Committee; Member, Technical Activities Committee. Other Activities and Honors Vice Chairman, 3AF (Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France); Member of the Board of Directors Program Committee Chairman ICAS (International Council of Aeronautical Sciences), Chairman of the Board, Ecole Centrale de Lyon; Chair at the Advanced Materials Institute, Evry University; Knight of the Legion of Honor (France State). Spoken languages: English, French, German, Russian. Director – Technical, Aerospace Design and Structures Group Achille Messac (Associate Fellow) (Fellow) As an active AIAA Technical Committee member and chair for over ten years, I understand the expectations of the Technical Activities Committee (TAC) and the role of the Aerospace Design and Structures Group (AD&SG) within TAC. In addition to always promoting AIAA’s vision to “be the shaping, dynamic force in the aerospace profession,” I will assure that the AD&SG is properly represented in all Board of Directors and TAC activities. My extensive experience in the development of aerospace structures and sub-systems, both in design and leadership roles, uniquely provides the knowledge necessary to promote the AD&SG and aerospace design activities in general. I will use this experience to recognize and act on those areas and ideas that are important to the AD&SG and the goals of its committees. I also recognize that I cannot be successful without the support and participation of the group’s leadership and membership, and I will encourage creative participation within and in support of the AD&SG. I also believe that we must continue to support engineering education and those related activities sponsored by AIAA. My experience on the Design, Build, Fly competition organizing committee has shown me what AIAA can do to successfully support education for the aerospace community, and I will assure that AIAA and TAC continue to support these activities as well as additional opportunities to promote student membership and participation. It has been a privilege to be active in technical committee and student activities within AIAA. I sincerely look forward to the opportunity to continue to serve AIAA by representing the Aerospace Design & Structures Group as a member of the Board of Directors. Biography B.S.M.E. (1983) Texas A & M University; M.S.M.E. (2000) National Technological University; Engineering Fellow, Raytheon Company with over 30 years experience in the development, qualification and production of weapon systems, with emphasis in airframes, structures and mechanical sub-systems. Currently serving as Chief Engineer over the development and production of multiple, international missile defense systems. Previous leadership and management assignments have included Miniature Air Launched Decoy (MALD®) Lead Engineer for International Development (2011–2013), Proprietary UAS Chief Engineer (2009–2011), Griffin™ Real Time Attack System Chief Engineer (2007–2009) and Joint Stand-Off Weapon (JSOW) lead engineer (multiple assignments, 1992–2007). AIAA Activities and Honors Associate Fellow; Design Engineering Technical Committee (2004– present, chair 2009–2011); co-editor for the 6th ed, AIAA Aerospace Design Engineers Guide (2012); member of the Design, Build, Fly student competition organizing committee (2006–present); Technical Chair, SciTech Forum (Design Engineering, 2010–present); contributing editor, Aerospace America Year in Review edition (multiple years) Other Activities and Honors Raytheon Engineering Honors recipient (2000); Team Member Recipient of the David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award (2005, 2008); Team Member Recipient of the William J. Perry Award (2009); Team Member Recipient of the Raytheon Missile Systems Excellence Award (2005); Raytheon Inventors and Authors Award (multiple patents); Raytheon Missile Systems Student Design Competition organizer; Texas Instruments Teaming for Excellence Award (1993); Texas Instruments President’s Award (1992); Registered Professional Engineer (Texas) AIAA is facing important challenges that include its finance, its membership decline and demographics, growing the initial success of the new conference model, and the shifting aerospace national and international landscape. These challenges call for tactical and strategic initiatives. I will work with the AIAA Board, the TCs and the AIAA members and draw on my decades of service to AIAA to help address these growing challenges. In my previous positions as Chair of the Aerospace Department Chairs Association (ADCA) and as Department Head, I have helped to significantly increase AIAA students’ membership. I have also worked with our members to chair successful conferences and productive TCs. I look forward to continued and growing successes with these and the other challenges mentioned above if elected. The highly publicized failures of the Virgin Galactic spacecraft and of the Antares rocket in October have put the space program at the forefront of national discourse. The current challenges are distinct from those we faced decades ago at the dawn of the aerospace era when the Cold War, the national fiscal landscape, and the preeminence of U.S. science and technology provided the framework to tackle grand challenges. This century calls for new paradigms, and I would be honored to be part of the developing solutions with you. Having already served as Deputy Director has positioned me to serve successfully if elected. A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s Russ Althof Biography B.S., M.S., Ph.D. from MIT in Aerospace Engineering (1981, 1982, 1986). Over three decades of experience in aerospace as student, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Dean, Department Head, faculty, faculty Senate President—at RPI, MIT, Syracuse University, Mississippi State, Northeastern University, and Draper Laboratory. Taught in many areas of aerospace and mechanical engineering. Led or participated in a broad set to programs that include: Space Based Radar deployment dynamics simulation; Control Structure Integrated Design; Structures and Dynamics of Neutral Particle Beam; wind farm design; High Speed Civil Transport optimal design; nondeterministic systems modeling and design; dynamics and control simulations development for Space Shuttle and Space Station. Institutional participants/sponsors included Hughes Aircraft, Lockheed, NASA Langley, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the National Science Foundation. AIAA Activities and Honors AIAA Deputy Director for Aerospace Design (2009–2014); AIAA Lifetime Fellow (2007); MDO Award recipient (2010); AIAA Sustained Service Award (2006); Chair of ADCA (2011–2013); Keynote Speaker MDO\ SDM (2011); MDO TC Chair (2000–2004); General Chair: AIAA MA&O (2004) and AIAA MDO Specialist (2005) Conferences; MDO TC Member (1995–2010); MDO Technical Chair: ASM (2000–2004) and ATIO (2002–2003) Conferences; Hubble Space Telescope Report Reviewer (NRC, 2004); Editorial Board Education Series (2003–2006); Aerospace America MDO articles (1996–1999); Associate Editor AIAA Journal (1999–2010); Structural Dynamics TC (1992–1995). Other Activities and Honors ASME Fellow (2003); 70 journal; 130 conference articles; 35 invited lectures; book entitled Optimization in Practice with Matlab by Cambridge Press (Feb. 2015); ASEE Member; AAAS Member; Editorial Board Member: SMO and OPTE Journals. 9 A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s Director – Technical, Aerospace Sciences Group Jim Keenan (Associate Fellow) AIAA has encountered a challenging time in its history. Investment in R&D has remained stagnant or declined while new large-scale engineering programs are not emerging to engage the workforce. To overcome some of these issues, the AIAA conference model was modified to increase the visibility of the aerospace profession and to provide opportunities for all of our members. The first cycle of the New Event Model was completed during 2014. My future goals are to strengthen AIAA and its technical and program committees by: • • • Improvement of our new conference structure. During the next 3 years, I will continue to monitor the health of our AIAA technical efforts and expand the Aerospace Sciences Group involvement in the new forum structure, including identifying dynamic keynote speakers and relevant panel sessions. The long-term goal is to increase interest in AIAA participation of members who have moved to new responsibilities in their aerospace career while maintaining our core strength of world-class and leading-edge technical presentations and papers. An increased and diverse group of conference attendees will aid all members in networking opportunities. Increasing our technical footprint to include emerging technologies and aerospace systems. This will allow expansion into future areas critical to aerospace technology, broaden our portfolio, and reduce the impact of a fluctuating economy. As Director, I intend to expand the scopes of conferences to include program and system sessions while insuring that our current technical core remains intact. Engaging new technologies to increase our young professional participation. I will lead the effort to examine social sites and electronic media to increase interaction of our members in nontraditional formats. Biography West Virginia University: BSAE (1988), MSAE (1991); North Carolina State University: Ph.D. (1994). Currently Aerospace Engineer for the U.S. Army Aviation & Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) Redstone Arsenal, AL (2003–present). Responsible for CFD development/usage and wind tunnel testing of U.S. Army missile systems. Previously, Senior Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque NM (2002–2003); Group Leader CFD-FASTRAN development, CFD Research Corporation, Huntsville, AL (1995–2002); Research Engineer, Micro Craft Technology/AEDC Operations, Arnold AFB (1994–1995). AIAA Activities and Honors Associate Fellow & Lifetime Member (1987–Present). Director Aerospace Sciences Group (2012–present), Deputy Director Aerospace Sciences Group (2008–2012), Chair of TAC’s New Initiatives Subcommittee (2010–2012). Member of Applied Aerodynamics TC (2003–2009), Chair (2006–2008), Publicity & Publications Subcommittee Chair (2005–2006). Member Thermophysics TC (1999–2002). AIAA Journal and Journal of Aircraft reviewer (2008–2012). Reviewed abstracts, chaired sessions, and presented papers at numerous national conferences. Other Activities and Honors Member of: Test Resource Management Center (TRMC) T&E/S&T High Speed Systems Test Working Group; TRMC Hypersonic Test Capability Focus Area; NASA Computational Aerothermal Working Group for Space Shuttle Return to Flight (2005); NATO Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) Applied Vehicle Technology 205 Working Group. SBIR/STTR reviewer for U.S. Army, AFOSR, USAF, and OSD. 10 Director – Region II Mark S. Whorton (Fellow) (Associate Fellow) AIAA and other engineering technical societies face serious challenges in remaining relevant in a rapidly evolving world. An important success metric has been, and always will be, membership vitality. In recent years the fraction of practicing engineers who are members of an engineering technical society has steadily decreased. The reason is obvious. Most engineers today do not consider the value of membership to be worth the cost of dues. Those of us who have been very active in AIAA would disagree, but we are the exceptions. A steadily increasing majority of practicing engineers consider technical societies to be irrelevant to their career. I have been very active in AIAA at the local, regional, and institute level for 37 years, and I can avow that AIAA membership has had profound positive benefits. But we are in a different environment now than we were in 1978, and new graduates today have different needs. AIAA must continually adapt and evolve to meet these needs. My goal as Region II Director is to actively drive AIAA membership revitalization at the grassroots level by identifying linkages between the needs of both new and seasoned aerospace engineers and the programs and products of AIAA. Progress toward this goal will require effective communication with grassroots aerospace engineers (both AIAA members and nonmembers), and translating the inputs into AIAA actions at the Institute level to enhance member value. Biography B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Tech; 35-yr engineering career with the General Electric Company; currently at GE Power & Water in Greenville, SC (7 yrs), formerly at GE Aviation in Cincinnati, OH (21 yrs), and GE Research and GE Gas Turbine Division in Schenectady, NY (7 yrs). Positions held: Chief Consulting Engineer (3 yrs), Consulting Engineer (9 yrs), Principal Engineer (2 yrs), Engineering Manager (7 yrs). Expertise: gas turbine heat transfer and secondary air systems, gas turbine design, engineering education; 12 years adjunct faculty at Union College and at the University of Cincinnati AIAA Activities and Honors Member since 1978, Fellow (2014), Associate Fellow (1993); Board of Directors - Region III Director (2003–2008); Chair Associate Fellow Grade Committee (2010–2013); Vice-Chair Ethics Committee (2013–2015); Chair Dayton-Cincinnati Section (1992–1993); Chair Northeast New York Section (1982–1987); General Chair Joint Propulsion Conference (2007); Distinguished Service Award (2008); Sustained Service Award (2003); Special Service Citations (1997, 2008, 2008); History TC (2004–present); Emerging Technologies Committee (2004–present); Evolution of Flight Committee (1998–2003); Deputy Director Region III (1995–2003). Other Activities and Honors ASME: member since 1973, Fellow (2002); Chair Cincinnati Section (2007–2008); Chair Greenville Section (2010–2012); District F Operating Board (2009–2014); IGTI Education Committee (1980–present, Chair 1990–1992); IGTI Heat Transfer Committee (1997–present); IGTI Aircraft Engine Committee (2005–present); Dedicated Service Award (2012); Other: Engineers and Scientists of Cincinnati (ESC) Herman Schneider Distinguished Engineer Award (2007); Tau Beta Pi Lifetime member. Active involvement in AIAA has been at the core of my professional development and has enriched my career in many ways. As Director, Region II, I will build on the experience gained through leadership at the Student Chapter, Regional, Technical Committee/Conference, and Technical Activities Committee levels to more broadly serve the society and work to ensure that the society continues to achieve the AIAA mission of serving the aerospace workforce and advancing the state of the aerospace disciplines. As Director, Region II, one of my primary goals will be to increase participation in technical activities and AIAA programs to ensure growth and vitality of the workforce and sustained health of the society. Foundational to AIAA’s vision of shaping the aerospace profession is the excellence of the society’s technical activities. I will work to ensure that Region II constituents benefit from the value of society membership and promote increased participation in the society at the local, regional and national level. Region II members have a tremendous wealth of experience to share with the students in the regional schools and universities and I will work to build upon and enhance the excellent STEM activities underway in the region. Biography Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, The Georgia Institute of Technology; B.S. with Honors (1987) and M.S. (1989), Aerospace Engineering, The University of Alabama; 25+ years technical leadership and management at the NASA Marshall Space Flight System and Teledyne Brown Engineering in the areas of dynamics and control of flexible space structures and GN&C for spacecraft and the launch vehicles; Principal Investigator of an ISS earth instrument pointing facility, NASA’s first solar sail propulsion flight experiment called NanoSail-D; and an ISS microgravity vibration isolation system. Currently the Chief Technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering in Huntsville, AL. A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s John Blanton AIAA Activities and Honors AIAA TAC Strategic Technologies Committee Deputy Chair and Member, AIAA New Initiatives Subcommittee (May 2011–present); Chairman of the AIAA GN&C Technical Committee (May 2008–April 2010); Chairman of the AIAA GN&C TC Advisory Committee (April 2010–present); General Chair, AIAA GN&C Conference (Aug. 2005); Deputy Director, Region II – Young Members (May 1989–May 1991); Chairman, University of Alabama AIAA Student Chapter (Aug. 1986–Aug. 1987); General Chair, AIAA Region II Student Conference (1987); Session/Area/Program Chair and Student Paper Competition judge for multiple AIAA conferences. Other Activities and Honors Authored or co-authored 8 refereed journal articles, 50+ conference papers, multiple NASA technical papers and 2 books; NASA Administrator’s Fellow (2001); Distinguished Fellow of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, The University of Alabama (2003); University of Alabama Capstone Engineering Society Board of Directors; University of Alabama Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Industrial Advisory Board; Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges (1987); multiple NASA achievement awards; and 1 patent. 11 A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s Director – Region III Daniel T. Jensen (Associate Fellow) As an AIAA member since 1987 while in college, I have come to know that the strength of AIAA is in its members. In my AIAA career, I have observed the Institute at various levels: student branch, state section and nationally. If elected to Director – Region III, I would be committed to working to strengthen the Sections in Region III by collaboration, improving the sharing of best practice and representing their interests within AIAA. When serving as Indiana Section Chair and thereby involved in Region III activities, I quickly became aware of the diversity of the sections in Region III, the different strengths and challenges of each, and multiple examples of best practice. As Director – Region III, I would be proud to lead the Region into the future. Specifically, I would visit each section regularly, working to understand the challenges they face, serving as liaison to the national institute, and initiating collaboration with other sections in the region and sharing of best practice throughout AIAA. I would be honored to serve as Director – Region III, and continue to give back to the institute that has been a key part of my professional life since 1987. Biography Currently the Head of Engineering for Services at Rolls-Royce Corporation in Indianapolis. B.S. in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1988, an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame in 1990 and a Masters in Project Management from Penn State in 2008. Held positions in aircraft performance (Swissair); aircraft aerodynamics, stability and control, and propulsion installation (Boeing); and aircraft engine controls, mechanical design, Product Lifecycle Management and engineering management (Rolls-Royce). AIAA Activities and Honors AIAA member since 1987, former Indiana Section Chair, Lifetime Associate Fellow, AIAA Special Service Citation, current Emerging Technologies Committee Chair, member of Gas Turbine Engines Technical Committee and Public Policy Committee. Other Activities and Honors First American to be named Technical Assistant to the Director Engineering and Technology for Rolls-Royce plc (1999). Serves as the Secretary of the Allison Branch of the Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust. Two patents; authored and co-authored a number of technical papers. Received a Distinguished Alumnus award from the University Of Illinois Department Of Aerospace Engineering (2013). 12 Director – Region VI (Associate Fellow) As Region VI Director I will work to provide a strong value proposition for all AIAA members: Professional, Student, and Educator Associates. Section vitality is crucial to creating value, as I learned from serving in section and institute volunteer leadership positions. Sections can be strengthened by linking Institute leadership with section leadership and involving technical committee members with section members. If re-elected as Region VI Director, I’ll continue to encourage sections to actively develop programs that meet the needs and interests of each section’s unique membership demographics. Based on nearly 25 years of experience as the president of a small aerospace company, I will increase the emphasis on business networking, entrepreneurship, and small business synergy, starting at the section level. I will advocate for educational activities, from K-12 STEM Outreach through the university level. I will help Young Professionals realize the value of AIAA – through design competitions and technical events, as well as through leadership and management opportunities. I believe that AIAA is an important part of the aerospace industry and that the aerospace industry is an important part of country. It is imperative that the section experience be meaningful, so that individuals realize the value proposition of AIAA membership and continue their relationship with the Institute over the long term. Biography B.S. Applied Mathematics, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo; MBA, Operations Research, Pepperdine University. Author of Computer Systems Chapter in Space Mission Engineering (replacement for SMAD), Author/Co-Author of over 20 technical papers on plug-and-play applied to Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C). Currently: President, HRP Systems: technical/ program management, new business development, fiscal accountability. Past employment: Northrop Aircraft Division, Microcosm, and TRW. Worked on aircraft, spacecraft, missile programs: F-20, F-16, F-15, F-23, X-47, prototype unmanned vehicles; TAOS 0, MISTI, UoSAT-12, DS-1, TACSat-2/TACSat-3, PnPSat-AFRL, MSV; MMIII, Peacekeeper, Scorpius/ Falcon launch vehicles, all with an emphasis on avionics, flight software, ACS, GN&C, and simulation. Other activities: Board of Directors for Federation Head Start, Junior Achievement, comedy improvisation, scuba diving, skiing. A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s L. Jane Hansen AIAA Involvement Institute: Board of Directors (2012–2015) as Region VI Director; Chair, STEM K-12 Outreach Committee/Active Member for over 10 years – Participated in Education Alley (2011 chair), Passport to the Future Teacher Workshops, Chair/Liaison Conrad Foundation Spirit of Innovation, Conceived and initiated the Engineers as Educators Workshops; Active Member of SAC for 10 years – Chair: Student Branch Chartering Subcommittee 7 years, Co-Chair: AIAA International Student Paper Conference 2010/2011/2012/2013; RLC Organizing Committee/speaker 6 years, liaison to RSAC and TAC for STEM K-12 and SAC. Los Angeles Section: Section Chair, Education officer, STEM K-12 Outreach officer, Advisory Board. Sacramento Section: Advisory Board, Educational officer. Region VI: Deputy Director: STEM K-12 Outreach/Education/Technical; Facilitated Region VI Student Paper Conference (2002–2010). Associate Fellow (2007), two Special Service Citations, 25-year membership recognition. 13 A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s Summary of Goals President-Elect James (Jim) Maser I intend to continue and build upon the progress made by Mike Griffin and Jim Albaugh in helping AIAA to evolve and adapt to ensure we remain relevant to aerospace professionals and students. Vice President-Elect, Education K. Ravindra Building on AIAA’s strengths, I will strive to grow and nurture educational outreach across the spectrum of constituencies from K–12 through working professionals. Richard Wlezien Support AIAA, attract diverse students to careers in aeronautics and astronautics, and prepare them for professional life through AIAA membership. Vice President-Elect, Public Policy James A. Horkovich Vigorous pursuit of AIAA’s initiatives at the national, state and local level to overcome policy barriers hindering technological advancement. John Rose Increase the impact and awareness of Public Policy, as well as member participation, within AIAA and throughout the profession. Director – At-Large Brett Anderson Refocus AIAA’s service efforts to ensure balance in how we serve both our members and our society as members of the premier aerospace society. Ben Marchionna To advance the future of AIAA through focused and persistent efforts in student and young professional recruitment, engagement, and retention. Charles Radley Leveraging AIAA capabilities to accelerate progress in achieving a sustainable spacefaring civilization and developing the vast resources of space. Karl Rein-Weston We must continue to build AIAA’s strengths in aerospace science, engineering, technology, operations, and policy to benefit our global society. Director – At-Large, International Juergen Drescher Strengthen AIAA’s international recognition and participation and stimulate thoughts on key issues facing the aerospace community from next-generation aerospace professionals. Christian Mari My goal is to expand international alliances to make a difference in AIAA’s international brand through interaction with the 3AF, ICAS, European, and other nations’ institutes 14 Director – Technical, Aerospace Design and Structures Group Russ Althof Promote and advance the AIAA vision within the aerospace structures design community and assure education activities support these goals. Achille Messac Help address key challenges: finance, membership decline/ demographics, maintain and promote initial success of new conference model, and shifting aerospace landscape. Director – Technical, Aerospace Sciences Group Jim Keenan Continue to aid our technical members exchange leading-edge research while expanding AIAA’s footprint to include emerging technologies and aerospace systems. Director – Region II John Blanton Drive AIAA membership revitalization by supporting Section leaders in both utilizing existing Institute programs and setting priorities for new initiatives. Mark S. Whorton My goal is to promote the technical excellence and community of aerospace professionals through effective regional activities and STEM engagement. Director – Region III Daniel T. Jensen Strengthen the Sections in Region III through collaboration, improving the sharing of best practice and representing their interests within AIAA. Director – Region VI L. Jane Hansen Increase member value by strengthening sections; connect the Institute, TAC, and RSAC with sections and members; engage and excite students. To Vote Online: 1.Visit www.aiaa.org/MyAIAA (if you are not already logged in to “MyAIAA” you must do so at this point). 2.Navigate to the bottom of the page to “Nominations & Voting,” then “Board of Directors.” Select “BOD Voting.” 3.When the next screen confirms your eligibility to vote, select “Continue” to continue the voting process. 4.Make your selections. When your ballot is correct, click “Cast Final Ballot” to finalize your vote. Vote by 6 April 2015. To Vote Using a Paper Ballot: 1.Request a paper ballot from Customer Service (see below). 2.Return your paper ballot to AIAA, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 20191 by 6 April 2015. Questions? Contact AIAA Customer Service at 703.264.7500, 800.639.2422 (toll-free, U.S. only), or [email protected]. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500 Reston, VA 20191 www.aiaa.org A IA A B o a rd of D i re c tor s 2 0 1 5 E l e c t i on s All Votes Must Be Received by 6 April 2015! VOTE TODAY! 15 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500 Reston, VA 20191- 4344 www.aiaa.org
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