2015 MSA Rilda Mossop Innovation Study Award Fellowship An ISS Institute Fellowship Manufacturing Skills Australia (MSA) and International Specialised Skills Institute Inc (ISS Institute) are offering one Rilda Mossop Innovation Study Award Fellowship for the amount of $12,500 www.mskills.org.au MSA is the national body responsible for ensuring that manufacturing enterprises have the workforce skills they need to be globally competitive now and into the future. www.issinstitute.org.au The International Specialised Skills Institute Inc is an independent national organisation that for over two decades has worked with Australian governments, industry and education institutions to enable individuals to gain enhanced skills and experience in traditional trades, professions and leading-edge technologies. The successful applicant will receive $12,500 towards his/her fellowship costs. The successful applicant will travel overseas and bring new knowledge, skills and technologies back to Australia, providing benefits to our country, their industry and also furthering their own professional development. ATING CCELEELBEBRRATING YEYAEARRSS PASSIONATE PEOPLE. GREAT IDEAS. A BETTER SKILLED AUSTRALIA. Applications are now open for the 2015 MSA Rilda Mossop Innovation Study Award Fellowship Program. The purpose of the MSA Rilda Mossop Innovation Study Award Fellowship Program is to extend the capability and performance of Australian manufacturing through education and training with resulting workforce development. Applications are invited from vocational education and training (VET) teachers, trainers and assessors, enterprise owners and employees. There are no limitations on age or background. The Fellowship award will provide an opportunity to gather international intelligence on skills and technologies not available in Australia - ones that will benefit the Australian manufacturing industry and support workforce skills improvement and development. The successful applicant will spend three to four weeks involved in a study program and/or visits to industry and/or educational training institutions outside of Australia. The recipient of the Fellowship must complete his/her travel by December 2015. The 2015 MSA Rilda Mossop Innovation Study Award Fellowship Program is open to people involved in any sector covered by MSA, including: • Competitive Systems and Practices • Aerospace • Chemicals, Hydrocarbons Refining • Furnishing • Laboratory Operations • Manufactured Mineral Products • Metal, Engineering and Boating • Plastics, Rubber and Cablemaking • Recreational Vehicles • Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Applications close at 4:00pm on Monday, April 20, 2015 We are here to help Whether you have had previous experience in preparing submissions, require more information, or have never applied for any grant or Fellowship before, we are here to assist you in the preparation of your application and welcome your enquiry by phone or email to (03) 9347 4583 or [email protected] Application Form Page 1 Employer Endorsement To be signed by CEO, Director or Senior Manager. If you are self–employed please leave this section blank. Please note employer endorsement is not mandatory. I endorse (name of applicant) __________________________________ __________________________________ to participate in the MSA International Innovation Fellowship, recognise, and support his /her meeting the obligations of the Program including: • Undertaking the overseas program within 12 months of being awarded. • Submitting a detailed report on findings within three months of returning from the overseas program. • Sharing and outlining their study analysis at, at least one MSA event. MSA Rilda Mossop Innovation Study Award Fellowship Application Coversheet How did you hear about this Fellowship? (E.g. through MSA website, Skills Update, LinkedIn, ISS Institute website, ISS Institute ‘Update’, Twitter, Facebook, colleague) ______________________________________________________________ Checklist My application includes: □ Applicants details □ Itinerary □ Employer endorsement □ Resume/qualifications □ Summary of proposed study □ Letters of support □ Details of study program Applicant Details Name of Endorser __________________ Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, other)__________________________________________ Position____________________________ Last Name_____________________________________________________ Phone_____________________________ Given Names___________________________________________________ Email______________________________ Signature__________________________ Date of Birth ___________________ Gender (Optional) □Male □ Female Occupation_____________________________________________________ Business Name_________________________________________________ Date______________________________ Business Address_______________________________________________ Note: Your application should demonstrate how you meet the selection criteria. In addition to filling in the coversheet, please provide details of your proposal. Refer to the Application Details below for guidance. ______________________________________________________________ Email__________________________________________________________ Phone_________________________________________________________ Home Address__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Signature____________________________________ Date______________ Image: Stoddart Manufacturing Application Form Page 2 Summary of proposed study Information about you • Qualifications Provide a brief and clear summary of half a page of your proposed study program • Attach your resume and list any courses/qualifications. • What is the focus of your proposal and why is it important? • Include relevant membership of professional organisations. • List in brief point form the specific technology and/or skills that will be the focus of the proposed program. Be specific. Avoid generalities such as ‘research:-, study:-, examine:-, explore:understand’. Attach Letters of Support • Utilise specifics such as how to;- to learn efficient ways to;- to identify ways to;- to identify materials used to’. Letters of Support can be sourced from the following: Details of study program (These are not personal references.) • The peak industry body/bodies appropriate to your field of study. • Firms, government agencies and/or professional associations. • Your employer If you need assistance please call our office and we will happily put you in touch with the relevant organisations. CHECKLIST I have read the Applicant Guidelines. I have included four copies (in hard copy format) of: Application Form Aims Skills Deficiencies Benefits Letters of Support Provide details of up to four pages of your proposed study program • Describe the background to your quest and why you think it is important. • Describe the skills to be developed in detail – expand on your summary points. • State where the education/training/learning can be acquired. • Identify the benefits to Australian manufacturing. • List the benefits to your professional and personal development. Proposed itinerary and budget • Provide details of your proposed itinerary based on your initial research. Include number of days, locations, names of organisations, etc. • Provide a draft budget showing estimated costs for airfares, accommodation, meals, etc. These estimated costs should be realistic and based on current rates. Curriculum Vitae. * Please note that it is not necessary to hold a formal qualification in your chosen field of application. Your CV is used to ascertain your level of experience and interest in the field of application. Applicant Guidelines Who can Apply? MSA Rilda Mossop Innovation Study Award Fellowship is open to: • Vocational education and training (VET) students • VET teachers and trainers, assessors • Applications must be high quality, demonstrating clear communication and reporting skills. • Applications must show how the proposed study will benefit the Australian manufacturing industry. • Enterprise employees and owners • Applications must show how the outcomes of the proposed study will benefit the applicant in progressing his/her further studies and innovation. Unless stated otherwise on the cover page of this document, the following people may apply: • The application must include a proposed itinerary showing details of venues/institutions to be visited. –A ll Australian residents 18 years and older. – Employees from either the private or public sectors or applicants who may be self-employed. •Those with a willingness to learn and share skills with others. •Those with clear written and oral communication skills. •Please see ‘Conditions of Entry’ below for more information. How to Apply •Check that your chosen field of application is included in one of the industries listed on the cover page of this document. •Fill in page 1 of the application form and attach it as the front cover of your application material. •Provide all additional requested information. Selection Process •Each submission will be evaluated by senior ISS Institute team members. •Short-listed applicants are then interviewed by a selection panel, including the Fellowship sponsor, industry representatives, and members of ISS Institute’s team. •Interviews may be conducted in person or by teleconference. •The selection panel’s decision is final and binding, and given the number of applications we receive we are unable to provide feedback on individual applications. •Each applicant will be advised of the outcome of their application. Fellowship recipients are awarded their Fellowship at a formal presentation held each year. • Complete the checklist. Selection criteria The following selection criteria will be used to evaluate applications: • The applicant must provide a clear focus for the study and demonstrate a commitment to innovative solutions, learning and sharing their skills with others. • Applications should provide clear evidence of skills and knowledge, workplace practice and employer support. ISS Institute Level 1, 189 Faraday St Carlton 3053 Victoria Australia P +61 3 9347 4583 [email protected] Wwww.issinstitute.org.au Applicant Guidelines Funding for 2015 MSA Rilda Mossop Innovation Study Award Fellowship Manufacturing Skills Australia and ISS Institute will contribute a nominal value of $12,500 towards the costs of overseas study, for an estimated three to four weeks duration, for the successful applicant. The funds are to cover such expenses as airfares, living and meal allowances, accommodation and materials for the study. Should costs exceed $12,500 then the recipient must provide the additional funds. Conditions of Entry 1. The applicant must be an Australian Citizen and be at least 18 years of age. 2. The applicant must be a vocational education and training (VET) student, or a VET teacher/trainer/ lecturer, or a workplace assessor, or an enterprise employee (at any level) or enterprise owner. 3. There are no geographic restrictions for applicants. 4. Completed applications must be submitted to ISS Institute by the due date 20 April, 2015 and signed by the applicant’s senior manager where indicated on the application form where applicable. 5. Letters/statements of support should accompany the application form. (Note: these letters are not personal recommendations and will be verified by ISS Institute before any Study Award is granted) 6. The Study Award funding cannot be used for study topics / areas that are already covered by a national or state accredited vocational qualification or university course in Australia. 7. The duration of the overseas component of the study program will be approximately three to four weeks and must be taken by December 2015. 8. The overseas component of the study program must be approved by ISS Institute and cannot be altered without the prior consent of ISS Institute. 9. The successful applicant will be required to enter into an agreement with ISS Institute (The Agreement) to fulfil the program’s requirements. 10.The successful applicant will be required to submit a final detailed written analysis / report on their study tour, based on their original winning submission. 11.The final report is to be in writing and submitted to ISS Institute within three months of returning from the overseas program. 12.The final report must be based on the stated research objectives, findings, experiences, and outline how these can benefit the Australian manufacturing industry. 13.The successful applicant of the MSA Rilda Mossop Innovation Study Award Fellowship agrees that their final report will be published by MSA and ISS Institute, and be presented at least one or more MSA events. 14.The decision of the selection panel will be final and no further correspondence will be entered into. Documented evaluation of applications will not be provided. However ISS Institute may provide verbal feedback to any unsuccessful applicants. Note: Applicants may be experts in their field but need not necessarily hold formal qualifications. Applicants may have existing qualifications, but have moved into other occupations. Qualifications are not part of the key selection criteria. Enquiries If you have any questions please contact us on the phone number or email below and/or read the FAQs on our website. ISS Institute Level 1, 189 Faraday St Carlton 3053 Victoria Australia P +61 3 9347 4583 [email protected] Wwww.issinstitute.org.au
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