Principles of Liberty | 2015 Complete Report February 9, 2015 | 26 pages POL | Page 1 of 26 *Note: Senate Bills start on page 14 HB 15-1001 Early Childhood Educator Development Scholarships Oppose More tax money (don’t buy the “gifts, grants and donations canard - those of you who have been to POL training have seen how that works…) for the department of human services to fund the personal education of early childhood education professionals, enabling them to obtain a post-secondary credential in childhood education. Paying for someone else’s credentials is YOUR responsibility since it’s for the children? No, it’s not. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility HB 15-1002 Modifications To Economic Gardening Pilot Project Oppose In 2013, legislature established the economic gardening pilot project in the office of economic development. This bill extends and expands the program, increases fees, and requires additional appropriations from the general fund. This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility HB 15-1005 Veterans Free Admission State Parks Oppose 2015 is shaping up to be the year of the ingratiation of veterans. A number of bills singling out veterans for special treatment because of their service are coming over the desk this year. A veteran in one of our POL classes was pretty clear that his service was unconditional and that he chose to serve our country to fight for the principles it was founded on, which includes the equal application of the rule of law to everyone, not for special treatments. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Equal Protection of the Rule of Law HB 15-1007 Local Government Retail Marijuana Taxes Oppose Currently, any county or municipality that allows the sale of retail marijuana is authorized to levy the standard county or municipal sales tax on the sale of retail marijuana in addition to the state retail marijuana sales tax and the state retail marijuana excise tax. This bill would allow even more additional taxes to be targeted specifically at this industry. This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government HB 15-1009 Repeal Large Ammo Magazine Ban Support POL | Page 2 of 26 This bill would repeal recent legislation passed to limit magazine capacities for firearms. POL opposed that legislation when run, and supports this legislation to repeal. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Property Rights Limited Government HB 15-1014 Biennial Registration Seasonal Farm Motor Vehicles Support This bill sets a 24-month registration interval for seasonal farm motor vehicles. The owner pays the same taxes and fees per year as a person who registers a vehicle annually. A small break from regulation. We’ll take it. This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government HB 15-1018 Protecting Seniors From Elder Abuse Oppose This bill expands the list created in recent legislation (which POL opposed) to include more people who are required by law to report “abuse” or “exploitation” of people over 70. Now included are accountants, financial planners, insurance agents, postal workers, and bus drivers. Pretty soon we’ll ALL be breaking this law in some way unbeknownst to us. This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Limited Government Equal Protection of the Rule of Law HB 15-1019 Victims Of Human Trafficking And Prostitution Support This bill creates an affirmative defense to prostitution by a minor if the minor is a victim of human trafficking for the purpose of the offense. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Limited Government HB 15-1020 Funding For Full-day Kindergarten Oppose A cool $236,000,000 to fund more full-day kindergarten. We aren’t convinced that the fiscal note has even covered all of the additional consequences of such largesse with respect to breakfasts, lunches, additional services, etc. And this comes from the same legislator who opined this summer that you and your well-intentioned friends, family and neighbors require the benevolent guidance of the state because you’re just not capable of preparing kids for the rigors of kindergarten these days (bless your hearts). Cradle to grave. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility POL | Page 3 of 26 HB 15-1024 Increasing Number Of CO Preschool Program Students More cradle to grave, with this one reaching down to pre-school. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility Oppose HB 15-1027 In-state Tuition American Indian Tribes Ties to CO Oppose Let’s just quote ourselves from last year on this one, “This bill would allow Native American students who live outside of Colorado to pay in-state college tuition if they are members of an American Indian tribe that has historical ties to Colorado. Estimated cost to Colorado taxpayers is over $5 million per year. Why let a little thing like non-residence get in the way of in-state tuition?” This year, they’ve managed to whittle the fiscal note down to about $3,000,000, but the principles remain the same. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Fiscal Responsibility Equal Protection of the Rule of Law HB 15-1028 Repeal Merchant Licensing Support We will let you read the bill yourself… “In Colorado Revised Statutes, repeal article 51 of title 12.” Brevity is the soul of wit. This legislation supports the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government HB 15-1029 Health Care Delivery Via Telemedicine Statewide Oppose We think we understand the thought behind this bill, which would be to mitigate the cost of Colorado’s health exchange to citizens. But the bill mandates services and prices to the industry. This bill requires all health benefit plans in Colorado to provide beneficiaries with telemedicine options when telemedicine is considered an equal standard of care. Health insurance carriers must reimburse providers for telemedicine services on the same basis of in-person care for the diagnosis, treatment, or consultation of care. Payments from carriers must include reasonable compensation for the transmission cost of telemedicine care. More unintended consequences of government run health care system. This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government HB 15-1030 Employment Services For Veterans Pilot Program Oppose 2015 is shaping up to be the year of the ingratiation of veterans. A number of bills singling out veterans for special treatment because of their service are coming over the desk this year. A POL | Page 4 of 26 veteran in one of our POL classes was pretty clear that his service was unconditional and that he chose to serve our country to fight for the principles it was founded on, which includes the equal application of the rule of law to everyone, not for special treatments. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government Equal Protection of the Rule of Law HB 15-1031 Ban Use Sale Possession of Powdered Alcohol Oppose Here we go – powdered alcohol drinks should be banned because… it’s for the children. Banning new products/markets as soon as they are conceived, whether they are a good free market idea or not, because you can think of ways a product might be misused, is classic nanny state government regulation. This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government HB 15-1037 Religious Freedom Student Groups Higher Ed Support This bill prohibits a state institution of higher education from denying a religious student group a benefit that the institution provides to a nonreligious student group solely because the religious student group requires its leaders to adhere to the group's sincerely held religious beliefs or standards of conduct. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Free Market Limited Government Equal Protection of Rule of Law HB 15-1039 Prescription Give-back For Institutions Support Current law restricts the use of donated medications, medical supplies, and medical devices by a nonprofit entity to purposes related to aiding the victims of a disaster. The bill removes this restriction. In addition, the bill removes the requirement that a medication dispensed or donated must bear an expiration date that is 6 months later than the date the drug was donated, instead only requiring that the drug be unexpired. The bill also prohibits the resale of donated materials. This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government HB 15-1040 Modify HOA Management Licensing Requirements Support This bill reduces the licensing requirements put into place by law in 2013. Overall, the total number of CAMs that will be licensed is expected to decrease from 1,250 under current law to 125 under the bill. This legislation supports the principles of: POL | Page 5 of 26 Limited Government HB 15-1045 Veterans Entrance Fee State Parks Oppose (Ibid. from HB 15-1030) 2015 is shaping up to be the year of the ingratiation of veterans. A number of bills singling out veterans for special treatment because of their service are coming over the desk this year. A veteran in one of our POL classes was pretty clear that his service was unconditional and that he chose to serve our country to fight for the principles it was founded on, which includes the equal application of the rule of law to everyone, not for special treatments. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Equal Protection of the Rule of Law HB 15-1047 Internet Sweepstakes Cafes Simulated Gambling Oppose This is a renewed fight from last year. POL was somewhat torn last year, but after reflection, and after reading this bill, we think that this is just overkill by “law and order” types who push the fear that without government regulation and oversight, blood will run in the streets. Don’t buy it. This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Property Rights Free Markets Limited Government HB 15-1049 Deadly Force Against Intruders in Businesses Support POL has supported this legislation in the past and does again this year. Anyone watch the HBO Documentary on the massacre at the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi in 2013? Heard of Charlie Hebdo this week? You are your own first responder. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Property Rights HB 15-1050 Repeal Gun Transfer Background Check Rqmnt & Fee Support POL opposed that legislation when run, and supports this legislation to repeal. This would repeal a costly and ineffective infringement on individual liberty and property rights. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Property Rights Limited Government HB 15-1053 Ages at Which Children Must Attend School Support POL | Page 6 of 26 Here’s something new – instead of the push for ever expanding cradle-to-grave mandated supervision by the state, a bill that would reduce government compulsion and return some personal responsibility and choice back to parents and families. Novel. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Limited Government HB 15-1054 Off-Highway Vehicle Roadway Registration Oppose This bill allows a person may operate an off-highway vehicle (OHV) on a county road under certain conditions. A person must register the vehicle with the Department of Revenue (DOR) and obtain a certificate of title. Once registered with the DOR and having paid the associated license plate and title fees, as well as a new, one-time $10 Off-Highway Vehicle registration fee, the person may operate the vehicle on county roads as approved by the Board of County Commissioners. This bill also extends the requirement in current law that OHVs purchased through a dealer or auctioneer get a certificate of title, to include all OHVs, except those used for agriculture. The bill requires that all OHVs must have a title issued by the DOR by July 1, 2016. Counties already have the ability to deal with this issue, and creating FASTER-lite is not necessary. We spoke to some folks on the western slope who felt like this was too much. In addition, there is a large fiscal note from this expansion of government. This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Limited Government HB 15-1062 Increase Penalties For Animal Fighting Oppose This bill mandates new, much higher minimum penalties that match the current maximums. The new mandated minimum fine would be $1,000 for a first offense and $5,000 for a second offense. There have been a total of two convictions for the crime of animal fighting in the past 3 years, neither of which included a fine, which up to this point has been at the discretion of the court (you know, that body that oversees the proceedings of a case). This bill is a waste of taxpayer money, and to what end…? This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Limited Government HB 15-1066 Repeal Health Benefit Exchange Support This bill would repeal the Colorado health Care Exchange. Hey, we can dream, can’t we? This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility POL | Page 7 of 26 HB 15-1067 Continuing Professional Development Psychologists Oppose The bill requires licensed psychologists to complete at least 40 hours of continuing professional development and education during each two-year license renewal cycle in order to maintain their professional license. The State Board of Psychologist Examiners in the Department of Regulatory Agencies is required to adopt rules establishing the continuing professional development program and the bill specifies certain requirements that the program must meet. The state board is allowed to audit up to five percent of licensed psychologist during each renewal cycle to check compliance with the continuing professional development requirement. More state regulation. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government HB 15-1068 Motor Vehicle Impeding Traffic Oppose This bill would define a person to be, “… impeding traffic if at least 4 motor vehicles are following immediately behind and the person is traveling at least 5 miles per hour below the speed limit.” I suppose that local sheriffs and other law enforcement can’t make such an enormous decisions on their own, so the legislature must step in to pick these nits, er, write these laws? This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Limited Government HB 15-1072 Interactive Electronic Harassment Oppose This bill modifies this existing statute on harassment to include harassment that occurs through an interactive electronic medium. It also broadens the language to include both direct and indirect communications and language directed toward a person through the various communication methods in the statute. Some of the language in here is very broad and open to interpretation. More over-protection from every conceivable angle. This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Limited Government HB 15-1077 Modify Late Vehicle Registration Fee Support This bill essentially repeals the FASTER late fees, setting them back to where they were before. Now we’re back on the right track (pun intended). This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility HB 15-1078 Reporting Missing Youth In State's Legal Custody Support POL | Page 8 of 26 This bill requires missing youth within the legal custody of the state Department of Human Services or county department of human or social services be reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and to law enforcement immediately, but no later than 24 hours after the disappearance is identified. Goodness knows that that if YOU lose your kid, there’d be some ‘splaining to do – the government should be as responsible. This legislation supports the principles of: Personal (or Government, in this case) Responsibility HB 15-1079 Teen Pregnancy Dropout Prevention Program Funding Oppose This bill extends the repeal date of the Teen Pregnancy and Dropout Prevention program within the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) from September 1, 2016, to September 1, 2020. The bill also allows General Fund moneys to be appropriated in support of the program's costs. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility HB 15-1085 Publish County Fiscal Information On-line Support This bill would allow counties to print reports online instead in print. We see these sorts of bills every year, but a dying print media refuses to release their clutch on this cash cow. Let it go… let it go… This legislation supports the principles of: Free Markets Fiscal Responsibility HB 15-1086 CBI Produce Certificates For Gun Transferees Support This bill requires the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to provide certificates for persons transferring certain weapons when required by federal law. Under the bill, if a prospective transferee requests a certificate, the CBI must, within five days, produce the certificate or provide a written explanation for a denial. The CBI is not permitted to retain copies of issued certificates unless the model or serial number of the weapon is redacted from the certificate. If the CBI denies a certificate, the prospective transferee may seek judicial review of the denial in lieu of or subsequent to any second review by the director of the CBI. The bill also gives a method for someone who has been denied to challenge the denial, putting the burden of proof on the CBI. Any of you gun folks ever had your paperwork held up indefinitely on an NFA item for no apparent reason? This would help address one part of that situation. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Property Rights Free Markets Limited Government HB 15-1087 Alcohol And Substance Abuse Medical Detox Centers Oppose POL | Page 9 of 26 The bill creates the alcohol and substance abuse medical detox centers pilot program in the unit that administers behavioral health programs and services, including those related to mental health and substance abuse, within the department of human services. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility HB 15-1093 Exceptions Efficient Plumbing Fixture Requirements Support This bill repeals a 2014 prohibition on low-efficiency plumbing fixture as well as a reporting requirement for plumbing fixture manufacturers. The bill includes an exception to a current requirement that state agencies install water-efficient fixtures in new construction or renovation for instances when the installation of water-efficient plumbing devices are found to be detrimental to public health and safety. This legislation supports the principles of: Property Rights Free Markets Limited Government HB 15-1097 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Comm & Screening Oppose The bill extends the automatic repeal date for the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) commission until June 30, 2020. The FASD commission was originally created in the executive branch as a temporary commission. More government oversight. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility HB 15-1098 Red Light Camera Support This bill prohibits the use of an automated vehicle identification system, including photo radar and red light cameras, by state and local governments for the purposes of enforcing traffic laws or issuing citations for the violation of traffic laws. The bill also repeals the authorization that the Colorado Department of Public Safety use an automated vehicle identification system to detect speed violations in a highway maintenance, repair, or construction zone. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Limited Government HB 15-1100 Sales Tax Revenue To Older Coloradans Cash Fund Oppose More redistribution. How many special classes of people can you come up with that are pushed as “exceptions” in need of forced redistribution of our property by the state. If you can’t come up with 10 in 30 seconds, you’re not trying hard enough. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government POL | Page 10 of 26 Equal Protection of the Rule of Law HB 15-1104 Educator Expenses State Income Tax Deduction Here’s another one of those special classes now. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility Equal Protection of the Rule of Law Oppose HB 15-1108 Protections Collection And Release Student Data Support Under current law, school districts must obtain the written consent of parents before the school district can require participation in a survey, assessment, analysis, or evaluation intended to reveal information concerning the student or the student's parents' political affiliations, mental and psychological conditions, sexual behavior and attitudes, or other social or cultural information about the family. This bill further defines this provision by stating that at least 85 percent of the student's parents or guardians provide the written consent as well as codifying additional safeguards for data. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Limited Government HB 15-1111 Maternal Mortality Prevention Act Oppose The bill creates the Colorado maternal mortality review committee for the purpose of reviewing maternal mortality cases that occur in Colorado, identifying the causes of maternal mortality, and developing recommendations to prevent further maternal mortalities, including recommending legislation, etc. Also allows for more government access to medical records. More well-intentioned expansion of government. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility HB 15-1119 Local Government Fracking Ban Liable Royalties Support This bill provides for the compensation of a royalty owner when a local ordinance, resolution, or other policy prohibits the practice of hydraulic fracturing to recover oil and gas within a local government's jurisdiction. The local government is liable to the royalty owner for the value of royalties not received due to the prohibition. This legislation supports the principles of: Property Rights Free Markets Limited Government HB 15-1127 No Liability For Permitting Concealed Carry Support POL | Page 11 of 26 A bi-partisan bill that establishes immunity from certain civil actions for owners and operators of businesses open to the public who adopt a policy allowing persons to carry a concealed handgun on the premises. A claim of civil liability brought against such a business owner or operator is barred in any case where the policy of allowing concealed handguns is the alleged cause of damages. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility HB 15-1124 Rural School Districts Waiver Statute And Rules Support This bill permits a rural school district to request an automatic waiver from the same state statutes and State Board of Education (BOE) rules as are waived under current law for charter schools. Beginning with the 2015-2016 academic year, a rural school district may also request a state waiver from the requirement to administer the school readiness assessment to kindergarten students. This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government HB 15-1129 CO Disaster Prediction & Decision Support Systems Oppose This bill requires two divisions of the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to develop decisionsupport systems to predict certain disasters: 1) The Division of Fire Prevention and Control (DFPC) is required to contract for the development of the Colorado Wildland Fire Prediction and Decision Support System. The capabilities of this system must include prediction of wildland fire conditions and aviation weather hazards that affect the state aerial firefighting operations, and 2) The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) is required to contract for the development of the Colorado Flood Prediction and Decision Support System. This system must improve current flood prediction capabilities in the DHSEM. The DFPC and DHSEM must contract with a nonprofit or tax-exempt Colorado-based research organization with expertise in atmospheric science and certain related qualifications. Both contracts are exempt from the State Procurement Code and must be entered into by December 1, 2015. This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility HB 15-1132 Residential Energy Efficiency Tax Credit Oppose This bill creates an income tax credit for qualified improvements that increase the energy efficiency of residential property. The tax credit is based on the level of energy savings achieved. Because making your own rational economic decision without government meddling is SO selfish. This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility POL | Page 12 of 26 HB 15-1133 Continue Colorado pay Equity Commission Oppose Extending and authoring an increase in the Colorado pay equity commission, instead of letting it fade away on 7/1/15 like originally passed. This would extend the commission indefinitely. Continuing government intervention into the free markets, trumping sound economic policy with a social agenda. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government HB 15-1134 New Diesel Motor Vehicles Emissions Testing Support Under current law, heavy-duty diesel vehicles are exempt from emissions inspection and testing until their fourth model year. The bill extends the exemption to the sixth model year if the vehicle's gross weight is at least 26,000 pounds and the vehicle is a 2014 model year or newer. A reduction in regulation. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Limited Government HB 15-1137 Requests For Multiple Booking Photographs Support This bill allows a person requesting copies of one or more booking photographs to sign one required statement for all booking photographs requested for a period of up to one year. This will reduce some workload for everyone. This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government HB 15-1141 Hospital Provider Fee Patient Billing Statements Support A hospital provider fee was established under HB 09-1293, which authorized the Department of Health Care Policy to seek federal approval to collect a fee from hospitals and use this revenue to obtain federal matching funds for the state's Medicaid program. Under current law, a hospital is prohibited from including this information on its billing statements. This bill requires that a hospital include the amount of the hospital provider fee as a separate line item on its billing statement. Normally we don’t like requiring a company to do something, but this is government mandated fees, so we think we should be able to see their impacts on our bills. This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government (transparency) HB 15-1143 Tax Incentive For Home Health Care Oppose This bill creates a five-year income tax credit for a percentage of the costs incurred by a qualifying senior for durable medical equipment, telehealth equipment, home modifications, or home health care services in each income tax year, subject to a maximum amount, in order to assist the qualifying senior with seeking health care in his or her home. This legislation opposes the principles of: POL | Page 13 of 26 Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility HB 15-1144 Prohibit Plastic Microbeads Personal Care Products Oppose The bill prohibits the production, manufacture, or acceptance for sale of personal care products, including over-the-counter drugs, that contain synthetic plastic microbeads. The prohibition is through January 1, 2020. The penalty for each violation may be from $1,000 to $10,000. This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Property Rights Free Markets Limited Government HB 15-1154 No Credit Card Fee On Tax Portion Of Sale Oppose The bill prohibits the collection of an interchange fee, defined as a fee established by a payment card network for the purpose of compensating the issuer of a credit or debit card for its involvement in an electronic payment transaction, on the portion of the total price that represents taxes imposed by the state or a local government. Dictating what banks can/cannot charge. This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government HB 15-1207 Allow Driving With One Earphone Support Current law prohibits the use of earphones when driving. The bill exempts from the definition of "earphones" a headset that covers only one ear and that is used with a hand-held telephone. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Limited Government SB 15-008 Promote Water Conservation in Land Use Planning Oppose This bill is not just a suggestion that local governments (or “covered entities”) take yet to-bedeveloped training programs on water conservation “best practices” from the state, but it then extorts them by requiring the state to consider the covered entities’ participation in said training programs before awarding them any grants for their proposed water projects. This legislation opposes the principles of: Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility SB 15-009 Public Building Woody Biomass Energy Grant Program Oppose POL | Page 14 of 26 Spending a million dollars a year to awards grants to public entities for using “woody biomass” as a fuel source. This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility SB 15-011 Pilot Prog Spinal Cord Injury Alternative Medicine Oppose This bill would extend a pilot program that POL opposed before. In addition to mandating a minimum of 100 people to be admitted into the plan, you can see the transition from “gift, grants, or donations” to “appropriations”. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility SB 15-018 Repeal Late Vehicle Registration Fee Repeal. Late. Vehicle. Registration. Fee. (or TAX, if you will). This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government Support SB 15-019 Health Exchange Audit Support The bill allows the state auditor to conduct a performance audit of the Colorado health benefit exchange and submit a written report to the legislative audit committee with any findings and recommendations. This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility SB 15-020 Schools Responsible for Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Ed Oppose Massive new curriculum and reporting requirements for schools because, you know, public schools are just rocking it with their education of students (can you say college remediation rates?) and have such extra time in their day (I thought they were always testing, testing, testing and had no time for teaching…?) that they need to make this a part of the curriculum for students and add massive administrative requirements for teachers. Not. This is more proposed state mandates for school districts, when the state constitution specifically says that the school boards are to be in charge. This legislation opposes the principles of: Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility SB 15-021 Interstate Pest Control Compact Repeal Repealing an entire Article of Colorado Revised Statutes? Nice. Bi-partisan, too! This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government Support POL | Page 15 of 26 SB 15-023 Off-highway Vehicle State Highway Support Under current law, an off-highway vehicle may cross a roadway, street, or highway if it does so in accordance with the statutory guidelines established for snowmobile roadway crossings. This bill provides clarification by simply using the same snowmobile crossing guidelines for the offhighway vehicle statutes, and further clarifies that a driver may cross a state highway when in compliance with these guidelines. Why did the ATV cross the road? Because it was legal. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility SB 15-030 Prostitution Defense For Human Trafficking Victim Support This bill addresses culpability for the crime of prostitution when the person is a victim of human trafficking. Specifically, it creates an affirmative defense for state or municipal offenses committed on or after July 1, 2015, if the act was committed as a direct result of the person being a victim of human trafficking. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Limited Government SB 15-031 Reciprocity To Practice Occupation Or Profession Support Current law allows a military spouse to practice an occupation or profession during the person's first year of residence in Colorado if the person is authorized to practice in another state (and some other stipulations). This bill would expand this practice to all persons during their first year of residence in CO. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Want to encourage job creation in Colorado? Make it easier for business people to move here and set up shop. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Property Rights Free Markets Limited Government Equal Protection of the Rule of Law SB 15-032 Lift Restriction on Carrying of Firearms Support We have supported in the past, and will continue to do so. The second amendment should be sufficient. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Limited Government SB 15-034 Reduce Finance Charge Limit For Credit Cards Oppose This bill limits the finance charge allowed on a credit card issued by a Colorado lender to 12.5%. Price controls by the government because the Free Markets really can’t function without government interference, and you, dear consumer, are in dire need of government protection. POL | Page 16 of 26 This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Property Rights Free Markets Limited Government SB 15-040 County Auth To Levy Retail Marijuana Sales Tax Oppose Currently, any county or municipality that allows the sale of retail marijuana is authorized to levy the standard county or municipal sales tax on the sale of retail marijuana in addition to the state retail marijuana sales tax and the state retail marijuana excise tax. This bill would allow even more additional taxes to be targeted at this industry. This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government SB 15-041 Local Government Regulation Amateur Radio Antennas Support The federal communications commission (FCC) currently limits the authority of local governments to regulate amateur radio communications. Any local government regulation must be based on health, safety, or aesthetic considerations, must be crafted to reasonably accommodate amateur radio communications, and must represent the minimum practicable regulation to accomplish a legitimate purpose of the local government. The bill specifies that no local government shall enact or enforce an ordinance or resolution regulating amateur radio antennas that fails to comply with the restrictions contained in the PRB-1. This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government Property Rights SB 15-042 Mandatory Reports Of Animal Abuse Oppose The bill requires any person, including specified professionals and public officials, who witnesses or has knowledge of the abandonment, mistreatment, or neglect (abuse) of an animal to report the abuse to the animal's owner or law enforcement within 48 hours. This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Limited Government SB 15-044 Reduction in Colorado’s Renewable Energy Standard Support POL decried the massive intervention into the energy markets in the War on Rural Colorado. This bill would at least knock those onerous mandated renewable energy regulations down a notch. This legislation supports the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government SB 15-045 Tax Credits For Nonpublic Education Support POL | Page 17 of 26 Advancing choice in education is the only viable solution for the monolith of failure particularly in the poorest districts. Extorting parents by holding their children hostage in failing schools and demanding more money is a failed strategy. Let’s give people choice in how/where to educate their children. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Free Markets SB 15-047 Voluntary Opt-out Of Rules Notices To Legislators Oppose Under current law, the Office of Legislative Legal Services (OLLS) provides written notice to legislators when administrative rules adopted by state agencies are the result of legislation for which the member was a prime sponsor or cosponsor. This bill would allow for legislators to voluntarily opt out of this rules notice procedure. HEY - YOU LEGISLATED IT, YOU TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government SB 15-048 Require Youth Sports Org’s to Require Background Checks Oppose Just about every sports organization already does this because of liability and the fact that the free markets demand it. Must we have more government regulation from the nanny state because we can’t think for ourselves or take the personal responsibility of knowing who we hand our kids off to? This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government SB 15-050 Scholarships to Award Colorado’s Excellent Scholars Oppose The top 3 GPA recipients from every high school graduating class (only public schools, of course) get to go to a Colorado college on our dime, because they deserve for us to fund their education. Not. Why are some people so insistent on inventing new ways to spend our money? Is this the role of the state government? No. This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility SB 15-054 Free Or Reduced-cost Lunch Five Days All Schools Oppose Box lunches for students to take home for lunch at home the next day. Seriously. Michelle would be so proud. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility POL | Page 18 of 26 Fiscal Responsibility SB 15-059 Use Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Oppose This bill establishes a framework for regulating the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (commonly referred to as drones) within Colorado. The bill also clarifies that the private use of drones must comply with FAA regulations. Not a terrible idea to try to deal with this new issue, but this bill will need some work. This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Property Rights Limited Government SB 15-061 Disclosure Requirement Small Issue Committees Support Currently, the Fair Campaign Practices Act in the Colorado state constitution imposes a $200 threshold for issue committees; however, recent court rulings have found that this limit violates an issue committee's freedom of speech and association. This bill specifies that campaign finance disclosure and reporting requirements do not apply to issue committees until an issue committee has raised or spent in excess of $5,000. What’s the ‘right’ answer? Depends on who you talk to. But this bill could provide a lively discussion on that topic. While this bill is not necessarily a constitutionally sound approach to the issue, it could provide some movement in the right direction toward free speech. This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Limited Government SB 15-063 Alternative Energy For Schools Grant Program Oppose The bill takes the existing wind for schools grant program enacted in 2007 and broadens the program to include other types of electricity generated from eligible energy resources. The 2007 program allowed for grants not to exceed $5,000 to be provided to public schools and community colleges for wind generation projects. This expanded program allows for grants not to exceed $15,000 and continues to be overseen by the Colorado energy office. If the alternative energy is cheaper, then it would stand on its own merits. This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility SB 15-064 Application Of State Water Law To Federal Agencies Support This bill prohibits the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) from placing conditions on special use permits, or for rights-of-way on federal land, that demand that the owner of a water right or conditional water right give up any of his rights. Further, the bill prohibits the State Engineer and division engineers in the Department of Natural Resources from cooperating with the USFS or the BLM in administering POL | Page 19 of 26 or enforcing the conditions identified above on special use permits, or for rights-of-way on federal land. This legislation supports the principles of: Property Rights Free Markets Limited Government State vs. Federal Powers SB 15-066 Noncitizen Resident Identification Documents Oppose This bill would expand the types of documents that may be accepted by the Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR) from individuals not lawfully present in Colorado when the individual is applying to receive a driver's license, instruction permit, or identification card. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Equal Protection of the Rule of Law SB 15-068 Higher Ed Lower Debt Act Oppose This bill caps the annual interest rate that a private or nongovernmental lender may charge for a student loan at two percentage points higher than the rate charged by the federal government for an unsubsidized loan made for the same purpose. It also creates a state income tax deduction for repayment of student loans, beginning in tax year 2016. More price controls and tax incentives that will continue to inflate the student loan bubble. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility SB 15-069 Repeal Job Protection Civil Rights Enforcement Act Support The bill reverses certain changes to state employment law enacted by HB 13-1136, which took effect January 1, 2015. Specifically, the bill repeals and reenacts provisions of state statute related to remedies for employment discrimination. POL opposed HB13-1136, and supports this rollback of some of those provisions. This legislation supports the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government Equal Protection of Rule of Law SB 15-070 Child Care Regulation Ten Or More Children Only Support Current law limits state licensing, registration, and other regulation requirements to only those childcare facilities that care for 5 or more children. The bill increases that limit to 10 or more children. Reducing regulation – we like it. This legislation supports the principles of: Free Markets POL | Page 20 of 26 Limited Government SB 15-071 Pharm Substitute Interchangeable Biological Support This bill would allow pharmacists to substitute generic biological products in a similar manner to how they do with chemical drugs. Seems reasonable. This legislation supports the principles of: Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government SB 15-078 Business Fiscal Impacts Leg Measure & Exec Rules Support This bill requires that Legislative Council Staff receive outside comments and prepare a notice of reported business fiscal impact for each bill or concurrent resolution introduced by the General Assembly, and each proposed rule-making by a department within the executive branch. An important step in pushing back on government over-reach is to quantify its impact and give voice to those impacted. This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government SB 15-082 County Workforce Development Prop Tax Incentives Oppose The bill authorizes a county to establish a workforce development program to provide financial assistance to high school graduates in the county who pursue post-secondary education or training from an accredited institution of higher education or certified training program. The county can also establish a fund to accept contributions and offer a county property tax credit or rebate to a residential or commercial property owner in the county who contributes to the county workforce development fund. So the county would solicit donations, give away aide to students for post-secondary education, and give away tax credits (but only to property owners) to donors. Because there aren’t any private groups who can do this as 501c(3) organizations…? For all taxpayers, not just property owners? This is not the role of government. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility SB 15-083 Certain Private Org Subject To CORA Requirements Support The bill modifies the definition of "public records" under the "Colorado Open Records Act" to include all writings made, maintained, or kept by a private organization that receives moneys collected by the state or a political subdivision of the state at the request of a public employee or taxpayer and that involve the receipt or expenditure of money by a private organization. A similar bill was killed last year. We’ll see how it fares this year. This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government (transparency) SB 15-085 Small Business Cottage Foods Support POL | Page 21 of 26 This bill would expand the “Colorado Cottage Foods Act” to allow more producers freedom to operate without government regulation and interference. Bigger bake sales for everyone! This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Property Rights Free Markets Limited Government SB 15-093 Compensate Owners Min Interests Extraction Regs Support Whenever a local government adopts or implements an ordinance, resolution, rule, regulation, or other form of official policy concerning mineral extraction operations that has the effect of reducing the fair market value of the owner's mineral interest by at least 60%, the bill specifies that the owner's interest is deemed to have been taken for a public use. This legislation supports the principles of: Property Rights Limited Government SB 15-094 Employment Of Community College Faculty Oppose This bill requires that the state community college system classify all employees with teaching responsibilities as faculty. Once reclassified, all faculty employees must be treated the same, commensurate with the employee's education and experience, with respect to compensation, benefits, job security, due process, and teaching and non-teaching responsibilities. What could possibly go wrong there? The estimated cost to the state is only $97,100,000 to the state in fiscal year 2016-2017. This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility SB 15-095 Manufactured Home Communities Oppose The bill renames the "Mobile Home Park Act" to the "Manufactured Home Community Act" and adds various functions to the Division of Housing within the Department of Local Affairs, including the requirements that the DOH 1) collect economic and demographic data on manufactured home communities, including rent and vacancy rates, and information on disputes, 2) create and administer a dispute resolution program for landlords and homeowners to resolve MHCA disputes, 3) maintain on its website a list of community-based, nonprofit agencies who mediate disputes, and 4) administer the newly created Manufactured Home Community Fund for the purposes of assisting community owners and homeowners under the MHCA. This bill advances an “affordable housing policy” and other policies, which are to be “liberally construed to accomplish the legislative intent…” This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Property Rights Free Markets POL | Page 22 of 26 Limited Government SB 15-099 Eliminate Duties For Probation Officers Support This bill eliminates the following functions of probation officers: performing supplemental evaluations concerning disputed issues in cases involving the allocation of parental responsibilities; exercising continuing supervision over a case to ensure the terms relating to the allocation of parental responsibilities or parenting time are completed; making a social study and written report in all children's cases under the Colorado Children's Code; and serving as attendance officer of a school district. Probation officers do not currently perform these activities, so the bill codifies current practice. This legislation supports the principles of: Limited Government SB 15-105 Sunset Review Respiratory Therapy Practice Act Oppose This bill implements the recommendations contained in the department of regulatory agencies' sunset review and massively expands the "Respiratory Therapy Practice Act". This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government SB 15-106 Sunset Barber & Cosmetologist Act & Committee Oppose The bill continues the "Barber and Cosmetologist Act" and the cosmetology advisory committee until 2026. Prior to 2005, the department of regulatory agencies (DORA) required a place of business that employed barbers, cosmetologists, hairstylists, estheticians, or nail technicians to register with the division of professions and occupations within DORA. The bill reinstates this requirement. Continuing regulation, because if the state doesn’t, who knows what kind of haircut you’ll get. This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Property Rights Free Markets Limited Government SB 15-109 Mandatory Abuse Report For Adult With A Disability Oppose Under current law, certain persons are required to report to a law enforcement agency if the person observes or has reason to believe that a person 70 years of age or older has been abused or exploited. POL opposed that bill. This bill expands this requirement to also cover a person with a disability who is 18 years of age or older. This legislation opposes the principles of: Individual Liberty Limited Government Equal Protection of Rule of Law POL | Page 23 of 26 SB 15-114 No County Eminent Domain Open Space Support The bill prohibits a county government from using eminent domain (condemnation) for the acquisition of property for parks, recreation, open space, conservation, or for similar purposes. Counties are also prohibited from providing funding to any public or private party for the acquisition by condemnation of similar properties. Some pushback on eminent domain. This legislation supports the principles of: Property Rights Limited Government SB 15-118 Mod Qualified State Tuition Program Tax Deductions Oppose This bill would modify tax-deductibility for 529 Plans, making the tax structure HIGHLY progressive. The bill modifies these state income tax deductions as follows: 200% of the amounts of contributions or distributions for a taxpayer whose federal adjusted gross income is $75,000 or less; 150% of the amounts of contributions or distributions for a taxpayer whose federal adjusted gross income is more than $75,000 but not more than $200,000; 100% of the amounts of contributions or distributions for a taxpayer whose federal adjusted gross income is more than $200,000 but not more than $250,000; and eliminate deductions for a taxpayer whose federal adjusted gross income is more than $250,000. Nothing like penalizing some who have taken on the personal responsibility to save, and redistributing to others. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government Equal Protection of Rule of Law SB 15-120 Electric Grid Modernization Plans Oppose The bill requires all providers of retail electric service in Colorado, including municipal utilities and cooperative electric associations, to develop a grid modernization plan outlining how the provider, over a 10-year period, proposes to make measurable progress toward multiple objectives. Because companies cannot keep up their own infrastructure without the applied force of government. This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government SB 15-122 Sunset Massage Parlor Regulation Support What’s this – a bill that repeals the ability of government to regulate something? Why yes, in this case, massage parlors. One small step for liberty… This legislation supports the principles of: Individual Liberty Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government SB 15-125 Statewide Registry For Advance Directives Oppose POL | Page 24 of 26 This bill requires the Department of Public Health and Environment to maintain a statewide registry of advance directives. The bill defines advance directives as: a declaration as to medical treatment; a medical durable power of attorney; a directive relating to cardiopulmonary resuscitation; medical orders for scope of treatment form; a designated beneficiary agreement; or any legal form of these types. The bill requires the DPHE to maintain a website registry that is available to the public, keep the data safe, and require county clerks and recorders to enter recorded designated beneficiary agreements into the statewide registry created by the DPHE within 14 days of recording the document. What could go wrong? This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Limited Government SB 15-127 Tax Incentives For Agritourism-related Activities Oppose This bill creates the following two tax incentives related to agritourism: 1) an income tax credit of up to $500 to offset the cost of purchasing agritourism equipment, 2) a private advertising or marketing agency to deduct 50 percent of advertising services donated to governments with a population of less than 120,000 in tax years 2016 through 2020. More corporate welfare, but since it’s aimed at rural communities, that makes it ok, right? This legislation opposes the principles of: Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility Equal Protection of Rule of Law SB 15-132 Empowering Students In Higher Education Funding Oppose This bill specifies that the state academic standards for public schools relating to financial literacy must include knowledge and skills relating to financing higher education or other career-related postsecondary education including the evaluation of student loan programs, understanding loan repayment and the consequences of defaulting on student loans, and the requirement to pay student loan debt even if the student does not complete the educational program. The bill also appropriates general fund moneys to the department of higher education for distribution by the Colorado commission on higher education. Because paying for your own kid to go to college is not enough, you must also pay for others as well. This legislation opposes the principles of: Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government Fiscal Responsibility Equal Protection of Rule of Law SB 15-140 Regulation Of Home Inspectors Oppose This bill creates the "Home Inspector Licensure Act", which requires home inspectors to obtain a license to perform home inspections in Colorado, and regulates them, because you NEED government to dictate everything in the market and protect you from everything. This legislation opposes the principles of: POL | Page 25 of 26 Personal Responsibility Free Markets Limited Government SB 15-141 Income Tax Credit For Prop Taxes Paid Eligibility Support There is an income tax credit to reimburse a qualifying taxpayer for certain personal property taxes paid in Colorado. The bill increases the property cap for 2015 from $15,000 to $25,000, and the property cap for the next 4 income tax years will grow by inflation from this amount. This legislation supports the principles of: Property Rights Free Markets Limited Government POL | Page 26 of 26
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