2015 WCOUA Umpire Clinic February 21, 2015 8:30am-2:00pm Tippecanoe Middle School 555 North Hyatt Street Tipp City, Ohio 45371 Cost: $40 Pre-Registration; $50 Day Of Clinc (includes $20 dues for WCOUA members) Highlights *Receive 1 Local Meeting Credit (BB AND SB) *Top Notch Instructors from OHSAA, NCAA, Pro Umpire School Grads *Observers on hand from CBC, OHC, SCAL, GWOC, and more! *Pick the sessions YOU want to attend! (list on back) *Lunch provided to participants *Please dress/arrive in base umpire uniform; bring plate gear. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (cut and detach here) REGISTRATION FORM (Pre-Registration Recommended) Name:_____________________________________________________ BB_____ SB_____ Both_____ Phone:___________________________________ Email:____________________________________________ (weather issues relayed through email) Years of Service (as of 2014 season): BB_____ SB_____ 2014 WCOUA Member? YES_____ NO_____ OHSAA Permit No: _________________ BB Class_____ SB Class _____ (put 4 if do not do a sport) By signing below, I hold harmless the West Central Ohio Umpires Association (WCOUA), Tipp City Exempted Village Schools (TCEVS), and any of their agents, for any injury, illness, or other liability which I may incurr from my attendance and particpation in this clinic. __________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________ Date Please print and mail registration form and payment (cash or check made out to West Central Ohio Umpires Association) to the Clinic Director: Chris Prokes 1351 Ronald Street Vandalia, Ohio 45377 (937) 570-1928 [email protected] ***Questions can also be directed to this contact information*** For WCOUA USE ONLY: Reg. Rec’d Date:_________ by: _________ Payment: Check/#:_________ CASH:_________ CLINIC SESSIONS *Get to pick FIVE to attend Softball Specific *Two-Man Softball Mechanics *Possible 3-Man Mechanics *Live Pitching *Plate Work/Mechanics *Rules/Plays that Trip you Up *Lineup cards, Flex, and DP *Softball Legal/Illegal Pitching General Sessions *Using Video to Improve Umpiring *Handling Situations Baseball Specific *Two-Man Baseball Mechanics *Possible 3-Man Mechanics *Live Pitching *Plate Work/Mechanics *Rules/Plays that Trip you Up *Effective Pre-Game *Dead ball/Delayed Dead Ball
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