9 annual NEW LOCATION FOR 2015: th Caribbean 2015 PUNTA CANA 10 & 11 February 2015, Punta Cana The leading C-level event for the Caribbean telecoms wholesale community 2015 HIGHLIGHTS: LOOK WHO’S SPEAKING: Oleg Baccovich CEO CANAL + CARAIBES Bernadette Lewis Secretary General CARIBBEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS UNION Paul Scott President & COO COLUMBUS NETWORKS INC Andy Thorburn Group COO DIGICEL GROUP Antonio García Zaballos Lead Specialist Telecommunications INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Francisco Villacreses CMO TELCONET Platinum sponsor NEW interactive sessions featuring surveys, interviews, analyst insights and industry spotlights Connecting the Caribbean telecoms market with the international community Covering the latest on international connectivity, mobile markets, regulation, cable TV and data centre developments Over 10 hours of dedicated networking time with 220+ senior-level executives Endorsers: Caribbean Focus... GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Join us! Register today! @CapacityEvents #CapacityCaribbean Capacity Media 19 Dec Organised by: www.capacityconferences.com/Capacity-Caribbean [email protected] +44 (0) 20 7779 7227 SAVE $150 WITH THE EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT! BOOK BY 19 DECEMBER 2014 www.capacityconferences.com/Capacity-Caribbean 9 annual th What’s new for 2015? The Caribbean telecoms market is going through a transformative phase, spurring tremendous growth opportunities for the regional and international communities. Despite fierce competition, high mobile penetration and many telecoms markets being a duopoly, all eyes are on the Caribbean as the region’s promising telecoms market continues to evolve. Capacity Caribbean 2015 will once again deliver the latest trends and developments on new regulatory policies and fraud issues, data centre expansions and content developments, whilst also addressing needs such as financing fixed and wireless network infrastructure. 10+ hours of networking We are pleased to announce that the 2015 event will be moving to Punta Cana. Don’t miss the chance to network with a wealth of familiar and new faces, whilst enjoying two full days of hosted functions & enlightening conversations! Hosted receptions & functions What will you learn at Capacity Caribbean 2015? REGULATORY Get an update on the regional regulatory affairs OVERVIEW led by the CTU and the leading telecommunications authorities... FINANCING NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE Hear about the latest on LTE roll-out as well as subsea cable deployments and learn about various investment opportunities for the expansion of regional fixed and wireless connectivity... Stay up-to-date with the data centre DATA CENTRE developments and find out how data centres will DEVELOPMENT impact the region’s telecoms and ICT markets... SPOTLIGHT ON FRAUD Vibrant exhibition Personal meeting planner Learn about regional telecoms wholesale fraud issues and how to combat these... Understand the drivers behind the region’s cable, CABLE, CONTENT content & OTT growth and develop key & OTT MARKET relationships with these vertical markets... OVERVIEW To register visit: www.capacityconferences.com/Capacity-Caribbean Make invaluable contacts Caribbean 2015 TARGETED COUNTRIES Event statistics: 220+ Attendees 33% 57% Caribbean C-Level, President, VP 6% 14% 110+ Companies 70% Europe Other Attendee level at 3% Managers of attendees at DirectorLevel or above Capacity Caribbean 2014 26% Regions represented at 3% South America Capacity Caribbean 2014 58% Director/Senior Managers North America Who attended in 2014? •ALCATEL-LUCENT SUBMARINE NETWORKS •ALLIED FIBER •AMERICAN AXESS •AMERICAN COMMUNICATIONS •AMS-IX •ATLANTIC CROSSING •ATLANTIC TELE-NETWORK •BANKAI GROUP •BASIC SOLUTIONS •BICS AMERICAS •BINGHAM MCCUTCHEN •BLUE COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL •BT GLOBAL SERVICES •BTS •CABLE AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS •CABLE BAHAMAS •CANADA NODE INC. •CANAL + CARAÏBES •CARIBBEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS UNION •CISCO SYSTEMS •CKLN •CLARO •COLUMBUS NETWORKS •COMCAST •COMSOL •CORIANT •CSGI •CWC WHOLESALE SOLUTIONS •DATA HARDWARE DEPOT •DIGICEL •EASTWIND COMMUNICATIONS •EOM •EXPEREO •GLOBAL CARIBBEAN NETWORK • GLOBAL CONVERGENCE SOLUTIONS •GLOBENET •GUYACOM •GUYANA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY •IBASIS •ICONECTIV •IDENTIDAD TELECOM •IDT •IG NETWORKS - INTELIGLOBE •ILLUMINAT T&T •INTEGRA NETWORKS •INTELIGLOBE •INTERNET SOCIETY •LANCK TELECOM •LATIN AMERICAN NAUTILUS •LD TELECOM •LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS •LIME CARIBBEAN •LINKBERMUDA •LOGIC BERMUDA •LOGIC COMMUNICATIONS •MEDINA & RIZEK ABOGADOS •MIAMINODE •NATIONAL FIBER NETWORKS DE MEXICO •NEUTRONA NETWORKS •NEWCOM INTERNATIONAL •NOBEL •NTRC GRENADA •NTT COMMUNICATIONS •ONEMAX •ORANGE DOMINICANA •PCCW GLOBAL •PIONEER CONSULTING •PORTING ACCESS •PORTLAND PRIVATE EQUITY •PREPA NETWORKS •PROVIDENCE EQUITY •SCOTIABANK •SES •SMARTECH •SPRINT •SSCS •SUBSEA •TATA COMMUNICATIONS •TE SUBCOM •TELARIX •TELCONET •TELEBERMUDA INTERNATIONAL • TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO (TATT) •TELEFONICA GLOBAL SOLUTIONS •TELEGEOGRAPHY •TELEM GROUP •TELIASONERA INTERNATIONAL CARRIER •THREE SIXTY COMMUNICATIONS •TRILOGY DOMINICANA •TROPICAL TELECOM •UTS •VERIZON GLOBAL WHOLESALE •VIRTELA TECHNOLOGY SERVICES •VONAGE •WELES TELECOM •WELLSTEIN MORA RODRIGUEZ INTERNATIONAL •WOMBLE CARLYLE SANDRIDGE & RICE •XTERA COMMUNICATIONS Call: +44 (0) 207 779 7227 or email: [email protected] 9 annual th DAY ONE: Tuesday 10 February 2015 8:30am Registration and networking breakfast 9:25am KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Paul Scott President & COO COLUMBUS NETWORKS INC 9:40am POWER TO THE PEOPLE: CARIBBEAN TELECOMS LANDSCAPE SURVEY RESULTS Capacity Conferences is conducting an exclusive Caribbean telecoms survey, with results based on audience feedback. Our leading pan-regional operators will assess the telecoms landscape by disclosing the results from the exclusive Caribbean telecoms survey. Completed by key players in the Caribbean, the survey will look into the region’s confidence with the current regulatory, competitive and investment frameworks. Commentators: Paul Scott President & COO COLUMBUS NETWORKS INC 10:30am Andy Thorburn Group COO DIGICEL GROUP NEW FOR 2015! GET INVOLVED! For more information contact: [email protected] ANALYST INSIGHT: CARIBBEAN BANDWIDTH GROWTH AND PRICING DYNAMICS This presentation will provide an update on current pricing trends for international wholesale capacity and discuss factors which are influencing the price trajectory on Caribbean routes. The presentation will also provide an overview of international capacity and internet bandwidth growth, by looking into the relationships between local broadband, wireless markets and international bandwidth deployments. Michael Bisaha Research Analyst TELEGEOGRAPHY 10:50am Networking morning coffee break 11:50am PANEL DISCUSSION: SUBSEA CABLE DEVELOPMENTS AND INTERNATIONAL CONNECTIVITY OPPORTUNITIES ACROSS THE CARIBBEAN • Analysing existing and new cable developments and forecasting the - how have recent M&A activities shaped the wholesale market in impact on the Caribbean wholesale market - an update on GlobeNet, PCCS, AMX, ECFS and Seabrass • Connecting South America with North America through the Caribbean markets - fostering increased regional competition through competitive subsea cable capacity • Identifying international opportunities for investment and partnerships in the region - what are the key drivers for international stakeholders to enter the market? - encouraging and incentivising investments through government intervention • Outlining M&A and consolidation landscape in the region Antonio García Zaballos Lead Specialist Telecommunications INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK the region? - what opportunities are there for international partnerships? • A call for a new economic plan for Caribbean states to bridge the Digital Divide - what options are available for funding the necessary infrastructure? - build models: infrastructure sharing vs. consortiums vs. public vs. private? • Collaborating with multilaterals and IFIs to build new submarine cable systems connecting the Small Island Developing States in the Pacific - are Public-Private Partnerships the way forward? •L ooking ahead: what can we expect from the market in the next 5 years? - assessing the link between improved subsea connectivity and economic development Francisco Villacreses CMO TELCONET To register visit: www.capacityconferences.com/Capacity-Caribbean Gregory Swan CEO TELEBERMUDA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Caribbean 2015 12:50pm Networking lunch break 2:00pm REGULATORY HIGHLIGHTS: DRIVING THE FUTURE GROWTH OF THE CARIBBEAN TELECOMS INDUSTRY • Developing a harmonised regional regulatory framework: - overcoming barriers to reach market development - encouraging and creating the right conditions for Foreign Direct Investments • How can interregional cooperation be improved? - regulatory strategies to drive cross-Island subsea connectivity • What appropriate regulative measures can be applied to multiplay services? - is there a need for regulatory frameworks around common networks offering multiple services? • Addressing anti-competitive behavior in the market - evaluating recent mergers and joint alliances within the telecoms market and the impact these have on the local competitive environment Bernadette Lewis Secretary General CARIBBEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS UNION • Highlighting regulatory involvement in national broadband and connectivity projects - where are the real challenges and opportunities? • How can the regulator strengthen the sector further in a postliberalisation age? - establishing the right regulatory policies to foster a heathier competitive landscape • Developing a regulatory roadmap: A five year forecast - optimising the current regulatory framework to align with technology advancements and consumer demands Spencer Thomas Chairman NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATORY COMMISSION OF GRENADA Chris Seecheran CEO TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY OF TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 3:00pm Afternoon coffee break and networking opportunity 4:00pm PANEL DISCUSSION: MOBILE MOBILE MOBILE: IMPROVING BROADBAND PENETRATION AND MONETISING INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE CARIBBEAN - ANALYSING THE INCREASED DEMAND FOR CONTENT, MOBILE APPLICATIONS AND WHOLESALE SERVICES •A dding value to capacity: generating new revenue streams and creating products to access different verticals - VoIP, mobile applications, mobile money, VoLTE, ethernet and retail services - to what extent can carriers differentiate to compete across the Caribbean? •D riving market demand through offering additional services •A pplication service development and its impact on broadband requirements Filip Van Den Bossche CEO GUYACOM - analysing current broadband penetration rates in key markets - evolving broadband networks to reflect increasing demand: challenges and opportunities • Mapping LTE deployments in the region: making the full transition to 4G networks • How can content players develop their business in the Caribbean? - overcoming challenges of access, availability, quality and pricing • What are the implications of service development on the Caribbean telecom industry? Gabriel Holgado SVP, Wholesale Services LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS Danilo Ginebra VP, Marketing ORANGE DOMINICANA 4:50pm PRESENTATION: ADDRESSING FRAUD ISSUES AND EVALUATING FRAUD PREVENTATION MEASURES IN THE CARIBBEAN Telecoms wholesale fraud is increasingly becoming a key concern for many leading telecoms stakeholders across the globe, as companies are reporting huge losses due to fraud. The Caribbean markets are no exception to this as wholesale fraud is increasingly becoming predominant within this jurisdiction. This presentation aims to challenge and evaluate the impact fraud has onlocal businesses in the region and offer solutions to combat it. Elliot Sachar President BLUE COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL 5:10pm Drinks reception Sponsored by: Call: +44 (0) 207 779 7227 or email: [email protected] 9 annual th DAY TWO: Wednesday 11 February 2015 9:00am Networking breakfast 10:00am KEYNOTE INTERVIEW: HIGHLIGHTING THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN THE CARIBBEAN CONTENT MARKET This interview will provide an overview of the content market in the region, map out who the key players are, identify the new entrants and evaluate how content delivery can become more competitive by assessing strategic and technological viewpoints. Where does the major growth come from, how is content localised and what opportunities are there for international entrants? David Berrios Senior Director, Business Development, Latin America NTT COMMUNICATIONS Oleg Baccovich CEO CANAL + CARAIBES 10:40am Networking morning coffee break 11:40am CABLE SPOTLIGHT: OVERVIEW OF THE CARIBBEAN CABLE TV MARKET Dave van Dyke Head of Sales CABLE BAHAMAS 12:00pm PANEL DISCUSSION: MAPPING OUT DATA CENTRE AND CLOUD DEVELOPMENT IN THE CARIBBEAN TELECOMS MARKETS The data centre sector across the Latam, Central American and Caribbean markets has experienced exceptional growth rates in 2014, driven by cloud applications. Increasingly we are experiencing carriers moving into the data centre space, whilst the data centres are moving into the telco space. This panel will merge the leading stakeholders from the data centre community, as they come together with leading carriers to discuss the latest trends, technologies and outline future partnership opportunities • What market forces and global demand are accelerating the need for higher-end server space in the region? • Evaluating issues and challenges associated with energy consumption • How to ensure the development of an energy efficient business • The emergence of cloud applications and the impact on the data centre business in the region • How are data centres preparing for the cloud? - assessing the strategy and architecture of the future data centre • What role will carriers have in the future of the cloud? John Slaytor EVP, Sales FUJITSU CARIBBEAN AND CENTRAL AMERICA • Private, public, enterprise: where is the real investment in cloud going today and how will this develop in the future? • What are the cloud computing security risks? -how are the data centres proactively minimising physical and network security risks? • The future role of telco’s in ICT markets - how will the convergence of telecoms and IT impact the communications industry? Shernon Osepa Regional Affairs for LATAM & The Caribbean Bureau INTERNET SOCIETY Dwane Young Division VP, Strategic Solutions VERIZON GLOBAL WHOLESALE 1:00pm Networking lunch 2:00pm End of Capacity Caribbean 2015 Introducing the new meeting planner, exclusive to Capacity attendees! MeetMe allows you to: • Search the delegate list and contact attendees • View in-depth delegate profiles • Share brochures and marketing materials • Arrange meetings with individual or multiple delegates •P lan your full event schedule including the conference agenda To register visit www.capacityconferences.com/Capacity-Caribbean 9 annual th Caribbean 2015 Secure your place at the most established wholesale event for the Caribbean telecoms industry Why not bring your team? The more you buy the more you save… 1 Pass 2 Passes Full Price 4 passes 5 passes Before 19 December (1 or 2 passes) 3 Passes Before 19 December $1,149 $2,298 $1,349 $2,698 $3,200 $3,750 (save $200) (save $400) (save $1,349) ($800 per pass) ($750 per pass) (3 for 2) ONE FREE PASS BEST VALUE PASS FEATURES: Full two day conference pass Invitation to the day one drinks reception Invitation to all networking functions Conference materials Lunch and refreshments Access to MeetMe 3 easy ways to register: www.capacityconferences.com/ Capacity-Caribbean BRAND NEW LOCATION! Venue information: The Westin Puntacana Resort & Club Playa Blanca at Puntacana Resort & Club Punta Cana, T: +1 809 959 2262 La Altagracia, W: www.westinpuntacana.com Dominican Republic Capacity Media have negotiated a discounted rate for a limited block of rooms at the Westin Puntacana Resort & Club for the event. To book accommodation please contact the hotel directly and state that you will be attending Capacity Caribbean 2015. Endorsers: +44 (0) 20 7779 7227 [email protected] About Capacity Conferences Capacity Conferences holds a series of events around the globe, connecting regional carrier communities. Focussed on the business of wholesale telecommunications, these unique events provide extensive networking opportunities, enabling you to meet the decision-makers from local, regional and international carriers and service providers. High quality, extensively researched programmes ensure that you have access to compelling content that will benefit your business. With a reputation for excellence, Capacity Conferences provide the optimum forum for you to make new business connections and identify new business growth opportunities. Lead media partner: Published monthly with over 4,000 subscribers in 127 countries worldwide, Capacity magazine reports on the critical business issues that wholesale carriers face in this rapidly changing telecoms market. Through Capacity magazine and its portfolio of business briefings, yearbook, carrier directories and the online news source, Capacity is the essential source of business intelligence for the global carrier industry. For more information please contact: Gareth Morris, Head of Advertising Sales, Capacity magazine at [email protected] Media partners: Caribbean Focus... GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE news research events www.capacityconferences.com/Capacity-Caribbean
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