)?1'fu|}t{'5 d'g-afr H'qfrff trn{4'rt 4fs'ffi ffi rr-tr6 fF-ftrb'[ q-ilJ M*adr, S-Y58, s€T Hfuu, aF-8, adas 8, or72- s2123sr E-mail: pedb-2007@yahoo'com F<-H. riul I fllffiw. r?;q oq fud.is oi nyo roael nqot F_rrr F_d6 wtrl E, lrrinffi f,r$, o6 zar.gou,r€ war- xga,t Be rasfr, zors s'* fu. a€"F?5 d.# ud fun': frifol?e eE rrr3 tz* r t e a?9 t fefezr.oftr'ri ra* $e {o-S midll #€r i fd s.tr *s' c'-&3E-6 fud ruco o r dEl fu- E1 iH hrj ffrH ug,1r + W'fsJ ir i ireo mJrft--d '1€ b{dfs-d +d i dHi-d rm ni} fu f, uia zrere flroi na. e1 }ise aed t $,rd*c H a Eiiq Fd nr-u f eln'Tr-, r h{3 aao's fufoflsqt,ctr f br-dil+ri lr"furi dT$oe us ffi fuJ ro fufEryoqtnl e] ts i FIrs dsry fdp''rrd€ l,lt? rr"'it gd 14.1ig.1111-s I ilgg 2017 ior) entry to llTs, llSERs, NlTs, other quality Govt. s'e1 fu'd€?86 dB'€rr$ *s'n Engineering and Madical Colleges oS 4al f;dnfle i ffi Dr3 iiJiiar 681 at* a'tt d r a'fut*ao r6co r_*o ffinJ4r-dH-H2z Lfi=*z e'felqao rt e1 {flFdfr i+r< hi-.in )r4nts vrrnr fr d d-€'fu dht fie1 t fd dd i#a ryOnq fujiry.#ni 5 ma.pel f|31 i.a h€ tr ?i )r1'ue1 r.vfr ryOFo {!E Fa- yar de uel wefr-ar f a,:t, l-i I zifr: izre&z Drs dfi{F-:T6 €riH *ha anfrnr r rdfea /"f{/"'Wq.}flc Brfu}f,.d E2z ( )dr€<111 r43 x'sg F_{6) gHHr q*' .' BHAI JAIrA FOUNDATION (B.J.F.) INVITES APPLICAT]ONS FROM BRILLIANT STUDENTS OF CLASS 10 IN PU|{JAB FOR TWO YEAR (CIASS 11 AND 12) FREE quAllrv EDUCATION !!! years (April 2015 to ti: invites applications for selection of 30 needy and brilliant students of class 10 for two March 2017) Free Education and Coaching for competitions leading to entry into llTs, llSERs, NlTs, lllTs, other B quality Government Engineering and Medical colleges. 30 students with familv income less than Rs.20,000/- per month will get School Education, Coaching and Board and Lodging free lor two years. In addition 30 students will be admitted on payment of concessional fee for coaching and board and lodging at expenses that are less than in comparable facilities This program is based on the 'Super 30' program of Patna with whom we have association for five years. sruDENTs wtrH B0% AND ABovE tN MATHEMATICS AND 75% AND ABovE lN Att suBJEcrs lN 9 oNLy ARE EtlGlELE To APPLY. frucratuw' LcrAss Students will be selected to this program through Tests and Interview keeping in view their merit and the family income. lf need arises parents of such students will also be interviewed. Priority will be given students belonging to Rural Areas and economically weaker sections There is some reservation for 5.C. category. Selected Students will be admitted to CBSE affiliated good schools of Chandigarh with 75-100% fee concession. Very competent teacher., known in Chandigarh for excellent results will prepare these students for llT JEE and Medical entrance tests through regular coaching in BJF premises. Secure and modern hostel facilities SEPARATELY for boys and girls are available in oui premises only. unique institution where students are mentored 24x7 by the supervisors and mentors even in their self study hours after the school and coaching classes. The whole environment here is conducive to studies and all rou nd growth of students. BJF is a Selected will save upto Rs.2lac per year in their school fees, tutions and living expenses when comp;red with normal expenses of coachin I in Chandigarh. DETAILS FOR SELECTION TEST Program Name: BJF Stars 2017 Registration for Selection Test: Open Itll 75/0312015 Test Date: 12/04/2OL5 (11..00 a.m. to 1.00 p m.) Registration Fee: No Registration Fee for Government School Students of Punjab Iest Centres: Chandigar h/Patiala/Faridkot/Hoshiarpur/Jalandhar (B!F cdn Add/concel/chonge the test center opted for by the student depending upon the number of students sppearing) Test will consist of obiective tvpe questions based on the class 9 and 10 Maths and Science svllabus of CBSE' Some questions can be on general awareness. For registration forms and sample questions, ple ase visit our website r/l//ly.[ du!.la cal]] You can contact us through bifindiaCo)smail.corrl or Phone nos. 0172-5078997 , 5067367 Aspiring students /their parents are welcome to visit us on week days -1100 hrs to 1700 hrs. BHA| JAITA FOUNDATTON (B.J.F.) BIF I INVITES APPLICATIONS FROM BRILLIANT STUDENTS OF CLASS 10 IN PUNJAB FOR TWO YEAR (CLASS 11. AND 12) FREE QUALITY EDUCAT]ON !!! invites applications for selection of 30 needy and brilliant students of class 10 for two years (April Z0l-5 to March 2017) Free Education and Coaching for competitions leading to entry into llTs, llSERs, NlTs, lltTs, other quality Government Engineering and Medical Colleges. BJF 30 students with family income less than Rs. 20,000/- per month will get School Education, Coaching and Board and Lodging free for two years. In addition 30 students will be admitted on payment of concessional fee for coaching and board and lodging at expenses that are less than in comparable facilities. This prograin.is bised on the'Super 30'program of Patna with whom we have association for five ycit!. EIIGIBILITY: STUDENTS WITH 80% AND ABOVE IN MATHEMATICS AND 75% AND ABOVE IN ALL SUBJECTS IN CLASS 9 ONLY ARE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY, Students will be selected to this program through Tests and Interview keeping in view their merit and the family income. lf need arises parents of such students will also be interviewed. priority will be given students belonging to Rural Areas and economically weaker sections There is some reservation for S.C. category. selected students will be admitted to cBSE affiliated good schools of Chandigarh with 75-j.00% fee concession. very competent teachers known in Chandigarh for excellent results will prepare these students for llT JEE and Medical entrance tests through regular coaching in BJF premises. secure and modern hostel facilities SEPARATELY for boys and girls are available in our premises onlv. unique institution where students are mentored 24x7 by the supervisors and mentors even in their self study hours after the school and coaching classes. The whole environment here is conducive to studies and all round growth of stu dents. BJF is a Selected Il save upto Rs. 2 rac per year in their schoor fees, tutions and riving expenses when compared with normafexpenses of coachin g in Chandigarh DETAILS FOR SELECTION TEST Program BJF Stars 2017 Registration for Selection Test: Open till 15/03/2015 Registration Test Date: 1,2/O4/2OLS (11.00 a.m. to 1..00 p.m.) No Registration Fee for Government School Students of puniab Test Centres: Chand igarh/patiala/Fa ridkot/Hosh iarpu r/Ja land har (BJF con Add/concel/chdnge the test center opted for by the student depending upon the number of students appeqring) Some questions can be on general awareness. For registration forms and sample questions, please visit our website www.brfindia.com You can contact us through [email protected] or phone nos. 0 j.72_507g9 97 , 5067367 Aspiring students /their parents are welcome to visit us on week days -1100 hrs to uoo hrs. Sq al',? Paste your latest Bhai Jaita Foundation passport srze photograph here Plot # 1, Second Floor, Sector 28 -A, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh Phone: 0172-5078997, 5067367 e-mail: [email protected] Website :www.bjfindia.com Registration Form for Selection Test Name of Student: Category: Gen/ OBC/SC/ST Date of Birth: Mob. No. Permanent Address: Mother's Name Father's Name: Name and Address of School School Board: : Pb. School Ed. Board/C.B.S.E./1.C.5.E. Marks Obtained in class 9:- % {STUDENTS WITH 80% AND ABOVE ONTY ARE ETIGIBTE TO APPLY. I Marks in Mathematics in class 9: IN MATHEMATICS AND 75% AND ABOVE IN ALL _Yo SUBJECTS per month Family Income: Rs, Test Center(Select One): Chandigarh/Patiala/Faridkot/Hoshiarpur/Jalandhar (BlF cqn chonge the test center opted lor by the student depending upon the number of students oppedring) Bhai Jaita Foundation (To be filled in 8y B.l.F.) Roll No.: Center: Name of Student: Date of Birth: Father's Name: Permanent Address: Category: Gen/OBC/ SC/ST Space for Photograph IN CLASS 9
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