16A THE CUERO RECORD Wednesday, February 11, 2015 DeWitt County The Classified Pages that serve all of DeWitt County. M ARKETPLACE In Cuero call (361) 275-3464 • In Yorktown call (361) 564-2242 ANNOUNCEMENTS Legals NOTICE TO PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST ESTATE OF ROSEMARY RYAN CARB O N A R A , DECEASED Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary were issued to RICHARD NEAL CARBONARA, JR. on the Estate of ROSEMARY RYAN CARBONARRA, Deceased, on January 5, 2015, in Cause No. 11,437 of the Probate Docket of DeWitt County, Texas, which is still pending, and that such person now holds such letters. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present the same within the time prescribed by law to DEWITT COUNTY has extended the bid opening date until February 18, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. DeWITT COUNTY will receive sealed bids for the project named RECONSTRUCTION OF CHEAPSIDE ROAD (CR 148) IN PRECINCT 1. Bids must be clearly marked with the project name and delivered to and be on file at the COUNTY AUDITOR’S OFFICE, AT 307 NORTH GONZALES STREET, CUERO, TEXAS 77954, on or before 2:00 p.m., CST, FEBRUARY 18, 2015. Bids will be publicly acknowledged and opened immediately following the deadline submission. All bids received after the specified time will be returned unopened. DeWITT COUNTY reserves the right to waive or reject any or all Bids or any and all irregularities in said bid(s) and to accept the bid considered most advantageous to the County. Interested bidders should contact DeWITT COUNTY AUDITOR’S OFFICE, for project Drawings and Specifications and Supplemental Information. such person. Such claims shall be addressed in care of RICHARD NEAL CARBONARA, JR. at the address of 4897 Thomaston River Road, Cuero, Texas 77954. RICHARD NEAL CARBONARA, JR., Independent Executor of Estate of ROSEMARY RYAN CARBONARA, Deceased Follow us on facebook Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICE THE CITY OF CUERO TEXAS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM The City of Cuero is giving notice of the City’s intent to submit a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program grant application for a Community Development Fund grant request of $275,000 for the installation of sewer system improvements on the west side of the City. The application is available for review at the City Hall, 212 E. Main during regular business hours. Lost & Found $200.00 reward- Lost small grey fluffy cat w/ crooked ear. Kids pet of 9yrs. Lost Halloween night on 4th St. Call 799-1335 or 277-2886 or 277-2682 ask for Sheila. REAL ESTATE Homes For Sale 305 River Ridge- Oak Haven Subdivision, 2/2 2nd level home with 1st level carport, 1.6 +/- acres, 4 RV sites with income potential $174,000. Homes For Rent COUNTRY HOME FOR RENT-Brick three bedroom, two bath home in Meyersville. 9950 US Hwy 183 South Cuero, Texas 77954 2588 sq. ft. including garage and porch.Central air and heat. 2010. Built in 1976 slab foundationNew Metal Roof 2012. New chain link fence, fireplace with brick surround. Available for rent March 2015 $1300 per month Call 361-275-4322 for application 3 BR/2BA, CA/CH. Nice neighborhood. Ref. required. Call 361-275-6334 Large 3/2 Country Style home, big porches. $1200 m o + d e p . 361-277-8989 or 361-277-3564 2/1 furnished. $650/mo $400/deposit. Call 277-1188. Very nice: Furnished 1Br cottage, utilities paid, $900/mo. 361-277-8989 or 361-649-9114. Commercial Prop For Rent Warehouse space for lease 1500 sq ft; $ 5 0 0 / m o . 361-275-9698 Security Storage. Wednesday, February 11, 2015 DeWitt County The Classified Pages that serve all of DeWitt County. THE CUERO RECORD 17A MARKETPLACE In Cuero call (361) 275-3464 • In Yorktown call (361) 564-2242 Notice to Bidders DeWitt County will receive sealed bids for the purchase of a USED 4,000 GALLON WATER TRUCK for use in DeWitt County Precinct 1. Bids must be clearly marked “WATER TRUCK BID” and delivered to the County Auditor’s office, 307 N Gonzales, Cuero TX 77954, on or before 2:00 p.m. February 26, 2015. Bids will be publicly acknowledged and opened immediately following the deadline submission. The bids will be presented to the DeWitt County Commissioner’s Court at 9:00 a.m., Monday, March 9, 2015 and awarded at that time. All bids received after the specified time will be returned unopened. DeWitt County reserves the right to waive or reject any or all Bids or any and all irregularities in said bid(s) and to accept the bid considered most advantageous to the County. Specifications may be obtained from the DeWitt County website (www.co.dewitt.tx.us) or the County Auditor’s office House for sale! 1001 Huck St • Cuero Land For Sale 5.75 acres on Los Robles Rd. water well & septic. 24x29 building, 3 car ports, 10x12 work shop w/bath. Land partially cleared. $60,000 Y o r k t o w n . 361-529-6656 or 361-543-8295 Corner lot & fenced 3Bedroom - 2 Bath $179,000 Please call (361) 275-4230 for more information and to make appointment 10ac.-14ac. ranchette tracts 2 miles from HEB in Cuero TX. fronting fm 1447 F r o m $99,900-$149,900. Incredible views,beautiful oaks, deer, turkey. Awesome weekend getaway or Homesites. Contact J Golden Properties,Inc. John Golden cell: 361-550-4208. H o m e : 361-564-3853. Sarah Ureste cell: 361-243-2433. Office: 361-564-2702. [email protected] 8ac. ranchette within 15 miles of loop 463, paved, FM 237 frontage, Birds, Turkey, excellent getaway or home site $104,900 with water well & septic credit included call John G o l d e n 361-564-3853(home) 361-550-4208(cell), 361-564-2702(office) Land For Lease 157+ acres avail. for cattle, lease in Yorktown. Call 361-676-4357. Mobile Homes For Sale DIANA LUCAS • Owner/Broker 210-323-7992 • [email protected] NEW LISTING! 508 E. Live Oak - 2/1 fresh paint, new carpet, new plumbing & electrical, udated kitchen and bath! $97,500 487 US Hwy 77A- 2/1 updated brick home with detached guest house on 1.5 +/- acres. REDUCED $179,900 305 River Ridge- Oak Haven Subdivision. 2/2 2nd level home with 1st level carport. 1.6+/- acres. 4 RV sites w/ income potential. $194,500 REDUCED $174,000 5.3 acres Cottonwood Rd. - Oak Haven Subdivision $75,000 REDUCED $53,000 102 E. Reuss Blvd., Cuero • (361) 275-6915 www.txcountryrealty.com RANCHES NEW LISTING! 1066 Sapp Rd. - Beautiful country living. 8.67+/ac., lg. Oaks, 2 sm. tanks, 3/2 Palm Harbor home on slab, many amenities.CFP Tamm Rd. Yorktown-CONTRACT 21.05+/-ac. CFP 135+/- ac. Ranch- Nursery Dr. Unimproved w/beautiful Oaks, brush, slight roll. Great deer & dove hunting, cattle ranch. No minerals. $3,950/ac. 3022 Old Gonzales Rd. - 8.5+/-ac. Two houses side by side. Possible own & rent situation. 3/2 Jim Walter home and 2/1 older farmhouse. Well-kept homes and property. Must see! $350.00 PRICE REDUCTION $324,900. 40+/-ac - Fordtran area. Some minerals. CFP 13.5+/- ac. - Nordheim area. CFP 39+/-ac. South of Goliad on HWY 183- Untouched pasture with nice trees. Road Frontage. $179,000. PRICE REDUCTION $165,000 CONTRACT 136 +/- ac. South River Rd. Guadalupe River Frontage, electricity to river, good all-weather road. Road easement. $5,950/ac. 367.1+/- ac. Bay City - Located on SH 60, about 7mi. from CONTRACT Matagorda & 13 mi. from Bay City. Great ranching property with LCRA canal and Big Boggy Creek frontage. CFP 1253.93+/- ac.- Matagorda Co. Ranching, commercial, or plant use. Road frontage, gas lines, electrical service, rail service, and access to the barge canal. Approx. 600 ac. in cultivation, remaining acreage used for ranching. CFP 80+/- ac. Ranch - Cabin, utilities, excellent deer hunting, no minerals, perfect getaway close to Cuero. CFP COMMERCIAL NEW LISTING! 5789 US Hwy 87N. - 37+/-ac. CFP NEW LISTING! INVESTORS! BUYERS! Prime Commercial Property! Potential for Industrial Park. 450+/- ac. w/approx. 3,000 ft. railroad frontage and 98+/- ac. Tracts. All or part. Access on FM 766, Old Gonzales Rd., and Hwy. 183/77A. CFP. US HWY 183 S- 5+/-ac and 25+/- ac tracts. CFP Great Investment Opportunity! 631 4th Street, Yorktown - heart of oil play. Duplex (4/2 on each side), presently leased w/ waitin glist. $249,900. Great Investmant Opportunity! 334-340-346 Simpson St. Yorktown - heart of oil play. Three duplex apartments, 3/1 and 2/1, all presently leased w/ waiting lists. $299,900. The Park at Pebble Ridge- 4 Lots - Beautiful, picture-perfect commercial property ready to sell. Hwy. 87 at the entrance of Pebble Ridge Subdivision. CFP. Great Commercial Location! 47+/- ac. Southeast corner of Hwy. 183N & Hwy 77A. Road frontage on 183 & 77A. CFP 39.792 ac. 9959 FM 237 - Located on the SW corner of the US 183S and FM 237 intersection. Approximately 10 miles South of Cuero on US 183S. Road frontage on US 183S and FM 237. 3phase electricity, no improvements, no minerals. CFP RESIDENTIAL NEW LISTING! 507 N. Gonzales - 2/1, Recently renovated. $125,000 NEW LISTING! 506 W. CONTRACT - 2 Story, 4BR/3BA. $250,000 2260 Hwy 72 W. - 6.8 +/-ac. Large 3 BR/ 3 BA, office, all electric, 2 AC units, landscaped w/ sprinkler system, in-ground pool, 30’X40’ barn, 600’ Guadalupe River frontage w/ river access. CFP 910 Indianola- Large 4/2.5 home on corner lot. LR, lg. den, forCONTRACT mal & informal dining, lg. laundry room, 2-car garage, hardwood and tile flooring. $264,000 PRICE REDUCTION $249,900 Ricky Gohmert - Broker Sue Sulsar- Associate Nan Hartman -Associate (361) 564-8250 (361) 564-8988 (361)676-2455 Texas Country Realty is a member of the Victoria Board of Realtors Cute 2 Bedroom Singlewide, Call for details, A-1 Homes Victoria, (361) 5 7 3 - 1 2 0 0 , a-1homesvictoria.co m RBI35822 Huge 4 Bedroom Doublewide, Come and see the Entertainment Room! A-1 Homes Victoria (361) 573-1200, a-1homesvictoria.co m RBI35822 Mother-In-Law Cottage, 1 Bedroom 1 Bath, Perfect little Getaway, A-1 Homes V i c t o r i a , A-1homesvictoria. com, 361-573-1200 RBI 35822 Used singlewide homes starting as low as 22,900 delivered. Fayette Country Homes 800-369-6888 RBI 32896 Fleetwood 2015 32 x 48 doublewide 3 or 4 bedroom 2 baths Mid $50’s, delivered, set-up, A/C. RBI 32896 Sundays 1-6 Fayette Country Homes 979-743-6192 We pay CASH for used homes. Fayette Country Homes 979-743-6192 RBI 32896 SERVICES Business Services Diebel’s Farm & Ranch welding service. Cattle pens, gate entrances, cattle guards & Structural tubing of all sizes. Call Clifford Diebel 277-8155 or 550-2491. ITEMS FOR SALE General Merchandise For Sale: 2 cemetery spaces. Very good location. $550 ea. or both $1000. 512-246-0399 Cuero Garage Sales Friday 8am-? at 111 Frederick Williams St. (Apt. 21). Inside if rain. Follow us on facebook 18A THE CUERO RECORD Wednesday, February 11, 2015 DeWitt County The Classified Pages that serve all of DeWitt County. MARKETPLACE In Cuero call (361) 275-3464 • In Yorktown call (361) 564-2242 EMPLOYMENT FREE Help Wanted Free 1/2 pit 1/2 lab puppies to good home. 2 males, 2 females. Please call 275-9926 Immediate Openings Cuero Home Health CBA/PHC has openings for attendants in Cuero, Westhoff and Nixon. Contact Erma @361-275-8650. Hardware sales assoc. wanted: Apply in person Wagner Hardware, 110 N. Esplanade, Cuero. Bail Bond Hotline of TX seeking a Bail Agent / Court Coordinator. Must pass Criminal background check. Long time Cuero resident a plus. Please send resume to info@freemeasap. com Independent Newspaper Contractors wanted in the Yorktown,Goliad & Yoakum area, to deliver the Victoria Advocate. Must have valid DL, proof of insurance, and dependable vehicle. Must be 18 yrs or older. 7 days a week, early morning hours. Please contact Mike at 361-580-6308. EQUIPMENT LIQUIDATION SALE!! H U N T I N G LEASE-Mature Responsible Hunter needs lease for 4-6 people. Willing to pay $500 referral fee. Contact Gary Johnson 979-549-3348 2x2.5=$52.0 ELING CORPORATION ELING CORPORATION 302 E. Broadway • 361-277-3424 • Cuero, TX 77954 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING! 763 Goehring Rd- THIS IS IT!! 5+/- park like acres with quaint cottage style home. Completely updated, well maintained, and move-in ready with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, office area, granite countertops, Cherry Wood cabinets, stainless appliances, fireplace, CA/H, detached garage, large deck w/sink, storage building, RV Hookup, fenced yard, Ag exemption in place with great stand of Coastal. Yorktown ISD. Definitely shows pride of ownership. Showing to pre-qualified buyers only. C.F.P. SOLD 3 bed 1 bath 950 sqft.. This charming home features three roomy bedrooms, an attractive bathroom and a bright open living space. There’s plenty of potential for the savvy investor or first home buyer. $92,000 609 E Heaton St. Cuero RESIDENTIAL ELING CORPORATION ELING CORPORATION COMMERCIAL 7816 Hwy 77A North- Great commercial location with major highway frontage, 16+/- acres, older 2BR/2BA home in need of TLC. Will consider subdividing in 2 tracts. $245,250 603/607 S. Esplanade, large corner property with great exposure SOLD 1201 E. Morgan- Spacious 3BR, 2.5 BA brick on corner lot, 2 living areas, 2 dining areas, huge bonus room, att carport, storage bldg, sprinkler system. Move-in ready, shows pride of ownership $239,000 MISSION VALLEY, Mission Oaks- 77 Stirrup, Spacious well maintained 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick on 1 acre lot, fireplace, office, lg covered patio, 2 car garage, additional 2 car detached garage & workshop, beautiful oaks $269,000 REDUCED $259,000 305 E. Sarah- Updated 2BR, 1 BA wood frame, CA/H, move -in ready SOLD 88,500 of Country Charm, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $250,000 4392 FM 237- Oodles SOLD website: www.elingcorp.com email: [email protected] Margaret A. Thomas~Broker, VAAR Elenor Lamb, Broker Associate, Member VAAR Shirley Nelson, Sales Associate, Member VAAR, Victoria MLS John A. Post, Sales Associate, Member VAAR, Victoria MLS Heidi Hervey, Broker Associate, Member VAAR, Victoria MLS 361.275.4857 361.648.7155 361.275.4887 361.212.1126 Victoria Area Association of Realtors, Victoria Multiple Listing Service , Rockport Mmultiple Listing Service & Loop Net. CHARGE IT!!!! Subscriptions--Advertisements ELING CORPORATION 2 bed 2 bath 1,604 sqft. This stylish residence is nestled among mature pecan trees on a large corner block in the tranquil Fairview addition; only steps away from The Cuero Golf Course. Complete with two enormous living rooms, a welcoming kitchen and dining area, two bathrooms, two bedrooms, a study or third bedroom and a two car garage. $217,600 702 N Indianola St. Cuero SOLD 5 bed 3 bath 5,436 sqft. Step into the past, this is your unique opportunity to purchase a historic Texas treasure, built in 1851 originally from Indianola,Tx. $385,000 409 E Morgan Ave. Cuero 4 bed 2 bath 1604 sqft.. Renovated contemporary residence nestled on three huge lots near The Ballpark and The Cuero Golf Course, plenty of storage and so much more. 1016 E Church St. Cuero ELING CORPORATION Cuero Office 361-277-3424 Rockport Office 361-275-4118 3x11=$171.601008 E Morgan Ave. Cuero 3 bed 2 bath 1,729 sqft. Encompassing three spacious bedrooms with plenty of room for study, sleep and storage, two spacious bathrooms, and a well-equipped custom built kitchen that flows through to the dining room and private rear patio. The master bedroom, complete with walk-in closet, ensures a private space. $205,000 SMALL ACREAGE & LOTS Yorktown- residential lot at 130 Colonial $18,000 Hochheim Area- 1.29+/-acre with Rustic 1 BR cabin on stilts located in Rivercrest Subdivision, access to Guadalupe River with boat ramp. Great get-a-way! $52,500 CUERO-12+/- acres in city limits, access from Terrell & Dunn St, beautiful oaks, great home site, currently zoned residential, possibility of commercial, city sewer & electric, city water nearby. CFP SERENITY ESTATES- Nursery area offering 3+ acre lots in restricted subdivion, Nursery & Cuero School Districts. C.F.P. 915 Moss Lane- CONTRACTOR’S DREAM, 3 nice hill-top residential lots offering .654 +/- acres, utilities in place, $52,500 REDUCED 36,500 1 RV Space on ranch outside Yoakum- covered parking, $400.00 per month with paid utilities. Kathleen Coker (361) 275-4766 Linda K. Duderstadt (361) 277-9357 Keith Krueger (361) 799-9292 1103 Huck St. Cuero RANCHES www.ronbrown.com www.coldwellbanker.com Members of the Victoria Area Association of Realtors and MLS 3 bed 1 bath 1,336 sqft.. A stylishly contemporary residence for the modern pleasure-seeker. Cool, calm and sophisticated with a youthful edge, this functional home is enveloped in light and comfort. Crisp kaki walls, timber floors and high ceilings create a style that is timeless. $160,000 2380 Friar Rd - 21+/- acres offering privacy with 3BR/1BA wood frame house, covered with beautiful oaks, small pond, out bldgs, close to town, and abundant native wildlife. CFP. Ezzell Area- Lavaca County- 42+/- acres with cabin, 2 ponds, storage building & carport, CFP 8874 US HWY 183N- 37+/acres, 3BR/2BA $415,000 SOLD FM 237 - 63.25+/- acres,SOLD 1 mile W of HWY 183S, $4,700 per acre. 210 N. Esplanade Cuero, TX 77954 (361) 277-8183 RENTALS ELING CORPORATION Realtor Corporation Randy Smith, Realtor Smith Ranch Investments 361-277-9332 New Listing! 123 Boulder Ridge Dr.- Georgeous home built in 2014. Upgrades Galore! Too many amenities to mention- Call for appt. $335,000. New Listing! 309 Clarence St. - Investors! Well kept 3/2 man home, completely refurbished 2+ years ago, $59,000. New Listing! 211 W. French- 2 Story, 4/2 on beautifully landscaped corner lot, hardwood and tile flooring, newer stainless appliances, granite tile counter tops and much more.A must see by appt. only $192,000. 59.38+/- acres on FM 682- off Hwy 77 at Fordtran. Hunting and Contract recreational $5,600. an acre Pending 317 N Riedel St Yorktown - 4/3 Built in the early 1900’s situated on approx. .713 of an acre, unique property inside & out. A must see! $251,500. Commercial Property- at the corner of S. Gonzales & Hamilton Street 1.3 +/- acre, fenced yard, concrete pad base w/ small office bldg & lean-to. $75,000. 561 John Wayne Trail in Mission Valley- Huge 4/3, 2 dining & 2 Contract living on shaded 1.19 +/- acres.Pending $209,500.Reduced $169,500. 709 E. Newman- Spacious inside & out, 3/2 frame home on corner lot. $85,000. 1.24 +/- Acres on The Guadalupe River - water well, septic, & electricity. $113,750. Reduced $94,900. 1105 E. Broadway- Possible site for multi-family plan 2.5 +/acres between Parkside Clinic and the golf course, Shown by appt. only $784,500. Visit us online www.DeWitt county today.com ELING CORPORATION NEW! 15 Acres Thomaston/Rainbow Rd. Spacious 4BR/2BA manufactured home, LR, den, spacious kitchen, large covered porch, loaded w/ Oaks etc. Scenic dry creek bottom, lots of game. $264,500 152 acres NW Cuero in Gonzales countyCustom 3 or 4 bedroom stone home. Pool, patio, covered porches, oaks, brush SOLD improved pastures. 9 miles north of US HWY 87. $1,035,000. 250 Acres Goliad/Refugio- Combo cattle/ hunting ranch with live oaks, scattered brush. WellSOLD water and fenced. $3975/acre. 1/8 minerals. Rockport 36 acres to 106 acres. Just minutes from bayfront. 36 acres loaded with liveoaks. Private. Just the spot for weekend get away or permanent home sight. $475,000. Joining 70 acres has 2 modest homes, 3 wells, and good building sites for $13,195 per acre. 98-198 Acres Atascosa County- Creek, brush, trees, water meter, 2 tanks. $2895/acre. North Texas River Ranch- 17,000 Acres between Abiliene & Wichita Falls-Will Divide. 588 Acres Goliad County- West of Weesatch. Great combo cattle/SOLD hunting/ fishing ranch, lake, several water wells, 2 modest homes, no minerals. Lantz Tire Service is now hiring full time positions. Available for tire technicians and sale positions. We are looking for reliable, hard working, enthusiastic individuals. Experience not necessary but is a plus. Must have a valid driver’s license. Apply in person at 220 N. Esplanade, Cuero. Wanted Carpenters, Furniture factories, Oil Field….This is for you! You might find just what you are looking for. Warehouse clearance liquidating woodworking equipment! We have compressors, Air Dyers, Table Saws, furniture hardware, 45-ft freight trailers with clear titles in hand. Must sell ASAP….have to clear out warehouse by Feb 9, 2015. All offers will be considered. Accepts Cash, CC, check with current photo ID. Warehouse located in Cuero. Contact Stephanie at: (361) 459-2009 or Travis at: (830) 203-2667. Cuero Country Club is looking for Waitstaff and line cook Experienced waitstaff needed 11am- 3pm. Experienced line cook needed 9am-2pm/4:30pmclose. Apply in person only. no phone calls. Ask for Bill SOLD 3 beds 1 bath 1,120 sqft. Embrace the spirit of Yorktown in this original home occupying a peaceful street position. Featuring three bedrooms, an oversized bathroom and a bright open living space. Plenty of potential for the savvy investor or first home buyer. $115,000 119 W Third St. Yorktown 2 bed 1 bath 1,162 sqft. An oldie but a goodie captures the morning sun situated in a peaceful neighborhood, simple and functional, an investor’s dream acquisition. $91,000 702 N Terrell St. Cuero 3x10.5=$163.80 per week DeWitt County The Classified Pages that serve all of DeWitt County. Wednesday, February 11, 2015 THE CUERO RECORD 19A MARKETPLACE In Cuero call (361) 275-3464 • In Yorktown call (361) 564-2242 Nurses Needed Urgently RN $35- $38 per hr. LVN $25-$28 per hr. CNA $12.50-$13.50 per hr. Now Hiring! Sundance Flowback & Well Testing A growing oil & gas company has immediate openings for experienced flowback operators that live within a 75 mile radius of Cuero. $420 a day $300 a day $150 a day Make your own schedule and get PAID DAILY. Many hospitals and nursing homes available. Call TLC STAFFING (361-578-8588) [email protected] (361) 884-8755 Please send resumes to: CHECK OUT OUR BENEFITS is a small, friendly, family oriented facility, In a country setting, located in Cuero, Texas that is accepting applications for the following positions: NE W GERS MANA - AD O N, R N Fu l l T i m e CN A ( $ 15 0 0 h i r i n g B o n u s) - LVN, P R N - AC TIV ITIY DIR EC TO R PARKSIDE CLINIC MA/CNA: FT BOHMAN CLINIC RECEPTIONIST: FT ICU/PACU/DS Become part of a winning team and enjoy Multiple benefits such as Medical and Dental Insurance, vacation/sick leave & vacation/PTO is offered for full time positions. Please Call (361)275-3421 EOE RN: FT CITY OF CUERO CASE MANAGEMENT RN: FT EMS BASIC: PRN INTERMEDIATE: PRN PARAMEDIC: PRN LAB MT/MLT: PRN Park Laborer The Park Laborer is responsible for satisfactory performance of light to heavy manual laboring tasks in a wide variety of construction and grounds maintenance work. Application deadline: Open Until Filled City of Cuero offers competitive compensation and benefits. Additional information, job requirements and applications are available at City Hall and/or www.cityofcuero.com Please send an application to Human Resources, City of Cuero, P.O. Box 660, Cuero, Texas 77954, or fax to 361-275-6265. Applications must be submitted to City of Cuero at the address or fax number listed above by the deadline in order to be considered. Equal Opportunity Employer. 361-275-6114 (103) REGISTRATION CLERK: FT 7A-7P HOUSEKEEPING HOUSEKEEPER: PRN DIETARY COOK: FT COMPLETE LISTING AND APPLICATIONS ON WEBSITE PH: (361) 275-0522; Fax: (361) 275-5829 [email protected] Website: www.cuerohospital.org EOE Deadline for Classified Advertising is MONDAYS at 10:00 a.m. E-Mail Classifieds to [email protected] J o i n o u r 5 - S t a r Te a m ! ★★★★★ E-Mail Classifieds to [email protected] Is seeking: • Full Time Medication Aide (Evening Shift) ($500 sign on bonus) • Full Time CNA ($500 sign on bonus) • Full Time LVN ($1000 sign on bonus) *New Salary Scale* • Dietary Aides • Cook • Housekeeping Staff Interested in becoming a certified nurse aide.... Call us about our nurse aide training classes!! Testing Fees Paid!!! Classes Start February 15, 2016! Ask about our excellent benefit packages, including: safety insurance, double paid holidays, education benefits, & bonus! Apply in person at: 1310 E. Broadway, Cuero, Texas Cuero Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in its hiring, employment or admissions process & policies. 275-9165 Visit Us On The Web: Web www.cuerorecord.com • www.yorktownnews-view.com
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