FBI Monitored and Critiqued African

Judge Harriet Murphy
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Vol. 42
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February 13, 2015
FBI Monitored and Critiqued
African-American Writers for Decades
by Alison Flood
Courtesy of
Tommy Wyatt
It’s Black
Registry Time!
It is hard to believe that we
meet people every day who
have never heard about the
Black Registry of Austin
Businesses. But that is the
current situation.
The Black Registry is a
classified directory of African
American Owned businesses, Churches, and
Community organizations. The
first edition was published in
1971 and has been updated
every year since then. The
current directory is now being
The purpose of the Black
Registry is to have a
comprehensive listing of the
different areas of the
community, placing special
emphasis on the Black
business community. Initially it
was compiled to give people
outside of the community
information on the businesses
and other community
organizations that play a major
role in the Black community.
Today, the Black Registry
is needed more than ever,
because African Americans
have dispersed all over the
area, it is more difficult for us
to communicate with each
other. We now have to do
research to find many of the
African American businesses. We still want to do
businesses with these
companies. But, we first have
to know who and where they
The Black Registry is
needed more than ever as we
continue to disperse into the
community. As many
researchers have discovered, money spent in the
AfricanAmerican community
turns over just one time, while
other communities can see the
money turning three or more
times. That turnover is what
creates jobs in the community.
We all know that most of the
jobs produced in this country
are created by small
I am embarrassed to say
that I need help in locating
many of the new businesses in
the community. We are asked
for referrals almost daily and
we refer them to the Black
Registry. However, we realize
that there are may that we do
not know. We would
appreciate your help in locating
Newly declassified
documents from the FBI
reveal how the US federal
agency under J Edgar
Hoover monitored the activities of dozens of prominent African American
writers for decades, devoting thousands of pages
to detailing their activities
and critiquing their work.
Academic William
Maxwell first stumbled
upon the extent of the surveillance when he submitted a freedom of information request for the FBI file
of Claude McKay. The Jamaican-born writer was a
key figure in the Harlem
Renaissance, author of
the sonnet If We Must Die,
supposedly recited by
W inston Churchill, and
Maxwell was preparing an
edition of his complete
Legislatives honored
by statewide child
welfare system.
Page 2
Area leaders address
increased need
for health care.
Page 6
FBI - Lorraine Hansberry’s play A Raisin in the Sun was
one of the many works the FBI reviewed before publication.
poems. When the file
came through from the
FBI, it stretched to 193
pages and, said Maxwell,
revealed “that the bureau
had closely read and aggressively chased McKay”
– describing him as a “notorious negro revolutionary” – “all across the Atlantic world, and into Moscow”.
Maxwell, associate
professor of English and
African American studies
at Washington University
in St Louis, decided to investigate further, knowing
that other scholars had already found files on wellSee FB EYES, page 2
An energy a platform DRUMMING A global
movement a catalyst a worldwide decision to,
end violence against women a demand for
justice DANCING a paradigm shift an invitation
a gathering of the ready housed everywhere
housed in our hearts RISING you us
Avid art supporters
enhance Austin’s
Page 7
Join the Revolution
February 14, 2015
City Hall
11:00am –1:00pm
Facebook - OBR Austin
International Visitor comes to Austin
Entrepreneurs of the Round Table - (L to R) Namier Majette, Annie M.
Hudspeth, T. L. Wyatt, Chef Jocelyn Leffall, Claudia Conner, Yong Zhang,
and Charles Hopkins, Jr, Photo by Gary Cheng.
(Austin, TX - February
6, 2015) - Mr. Yong Zhang,
East China News Center
Director, of the People’s
Republic of China Visited
Austin last week at the invitation of the government. This visitor was invited to the U.S under the
auspices of the Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership
Program. He was accompanied by Gary Cheng, U.
S. Department of State Interpreter.
The Austin host was
Claudia Conner, U. S. Small
Business Administration
Women’s Business Center
Director at BIG Austin.
Among the purposes of his
visit included Exploring the
role of public-private partnerships in encouraging
entrepreneurship; Focus
on the importance of the
media and education in
business and economic
development; and Examine current issues in USChina economic relations.
Several area businesses were invited to
meet with Mr. Zhang.
Annie M. Hudspeth, U. S.
Small Business Administration, San Antonio District International Trade
Officer, Women Business
Center Representative,
Lender Relations Specialist and Brand Manager,
gave an overview from the
government’s perspective.
The local businesses
attending were Chef
Jocelyn Leffall (SugaPlumb
Pastries), Namier Majette
(EIX Systems, LLC), Charles
Hopkins, Jr. CPA (CJ Tax
Guy), and T. L. Wyatt (Publisher, The Villager). The
group spent about two
hours sharing information
with the guest. Mr. Zhang
will visit several U. S. cities, including Washington,
D. C.
Introducing the
4th Annual KAZI
88.7 FM Benefit
Golf Tournament
April 21, 2015 at Riverside
Golf Course in Austin, TX.
Shotgun Start at 8:30am!
Four Person Scramble Format.
Tournament is open to all who
wish to participate.
For more information contact:
DJ Flexx at 512-552-5434 or
[email protected]
Page 2 ~ February 13, 2015/THE VILLAGER
Maxwell authored FB Eyes: How J Edgar Hoover’s
Ghostreaders Framed African American Literature
continued from page 1
known black writers
such as Langston Hughes
and James Baldwin. He
made 106 freedom of information requests about
what he describes as
“noteworthy Afro-modernists” to the FBI; 51 of those
writers had files, ranging
from three to 1,884 pages
“I suspected there
would be more than a few,”
said Maxwell. “I knew
Hoover was especially impressed and worried by
the busy crossroads of
black protest, leftwing
politics, and literary potential. But I was surprised to
learn that the FBI had read,
monitored, and ‘filed’
nearly half of the nationally prominent African
American authors working
from 1919 (Hoover’s first
year at the Bureau, and
the first year of the Harlem
Renaissance) to 1972 (the
year of Hoover’s death
and the peak of the nationalist Black Arts movement). In this, I realised,
the FBI had outdone most
every other major institution of US literary study,
only fitfully concerned with
black writing.”
about his discovery, FB
Eyes: How J Edgar
on the
of Giants
Hoover ’s Ghostreaders
Framed African American
Literature, is out on 18 February from Princeton University Press. It argues
that the FBI’s attention
was fuelled by Hoover’s
“personal fascination with
black culture”, that “the
FBI is perhaps the most
dedicated and influential
forgotten critic of African
American literature”, and
that “African American literature is characterised by
a deep awareness of FBI
Princeton said that
while it is well known that
Hoover was hostile to Martin Luther King and the civil
Maxwell’s forthcoming
book is the first exposé of
“the extent to which the
FBI monitored and influenced African American
writing” between 1919
and 1972.
Taking its title from
Richard Wright’s 1949
poem The FB Eye Blues, in
which the Native Son novelist writes that “every
place I look, Lord / I find
FB eyes / I’m getting sick
and tired of gover’ment
spies”, the work also posits that for some authors,
suspicion of the surveillance prompted creative
Digital copies of 49 of
need to not just excel but
to be an advocate for the
rights of all.
I was reminded recently of their struggles
and triumphs in watching
the movie Selma. The film
has sparked very personal
memories about what my
parents, siblings and I encountered when I was a
child in Pensacola, Florida,
and I believe it has also
opened the eyes of others.
My parents, who held positions in the NAACP, were
among the trailblazers in
integration of
By Charlene Hunter James the
Pensacola Catholic High
I’ve been fortunate to School, and they worked
have witnessed black his- tirelessly with other comtory in the making, as my munity leaders in integratmother and father were ing eating establishments
very active in the civil and public transportation.
It seems like converrights’ movement. My parsations
about “the
ents instilled in me the
the FBI files have been made
available to the public
online. “The collected files
of the entire set of authors
comprise 13,892 pages, or
the rough equivalent of 46
300-page PhD theses,”
Maxwell writes in the book.
“FBI ghostreaders genuinely rivalled the productivity of their academic counterparts.”
The academic told the
Guardian that he believes
the FBI monitoring stems
from the fact that “from the
beginning of his tenure at
the FBI ... Hoover was exercised by what he saw as an
emerging alliance between
black literacy and black radicalism”.
“ Then there’s the
fact that many later African American writers were
allied, at one time or another, with socialist and
communist politics in the
US,” he added, with
Wright and WEB Du Bois
both becoming Communist
Party members, Hughes a
sympathiser”, and McKay
“toasted by Trotsky and
published in Russian as a
significant Marxist theorist”.
The files show how the
travel arrangements of
black writers were closely
scrutinised by the FBI, with
the passport records of a
long list of authors “combed
for scraps of criminal
behaviour and ‘derogatory
information’”, writes Maxwell. Some writers were
threatened by “‘stops’, instructions to advise and
defer to the Bureau if a suspect tried to pass through a
designated point of entry”
to the US.
When McKay went to
the Soviet Union, a “stop
notice” instructed that the
poet should be held for
“appropriate attention” if
he attempted to re-enter
the US. In Baltimore,
writes Maxwell, FBI
agents “paraded their seriousness in a bulletin sent
straight to Hoover, boasting of a clued-in ‘Local
Police Department’ on the
‘lookout’ for one ‘Claude
McKay (colored)’ (23 Mar.
They also reveal how,
struggle” are occurring
everywhere — in homes,
restaurants, movie theaters, and, coffee shops. I
sorely hope that these
conversations will continue. The younger generation needs to know that
they are standing on the
shoulders of giants. Today, black Americans can
vote, get a college education, be captains of industry, and many of their
dreams realized. But it’s
important to not forget
that these opportunities
did not come overnight
and did not come without
the struggle of those who
came before us.
In 1921, Texan Bessie
Coleman became the
world’s first African American pilot. It was a huge
accomplishment considering Coleman, born and
raised in tiny towns in
Northwest Texas, grew up
picking cotton. She didn’t
let her past hold her back.
Instead, Coleman attended aviation school in
France, and in 1921, obtained her pilot’s license.
Bessie” because she liked
to perform daredevil
stunts, Coleman paved the
way for other people of
color to become pilots.
Ms. Coleman’s accomplishments helped
many people of color discover that they could
reach new heights. Among
them is Ralph Bunche. In
1950, Mr. Bunche, in his
40s, became the first African-American and person
of color in the world to win
the Nobel Peace Prize. He
earned the award for his
successful peace-keeping
and mediation efforts in
the Arab-Israeli conflict
which ended in 1949.
Paving the way for
thousands to be educated
was Herman Sweatt who is
considered primarily responsible for the establishment of Texas State
University for Negroes
(later renamed Texas
Southern University), a college for blacks that included a law school.
We were inspired by
Hattie Mae White, a
teacher who became a
president of the PTA, and
later, a member of the
Houston School Board,
which made her the first
black elected to public office in Texas since Reconstruction. White fought for
desegregation and held
public office for almost 10
years before returning to
teaching. She was 70
when she retired.
Also changing the
landscape of history and
politics was Barbara Jordan.
This educator-turned-politician from Houston’s Fifth
Ward, a predominantly African American community,
with the help of informers,
the agency reviewed
works such as Lorraine
Hansberry’s A Raisin in the
Sun and Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man before publication.
“What did the FBI
learn from these dossiers?
Several things,” said Maxwell. “Where African American writers were travelling,
especially during their expatriate adventures in Europe,
Africa, and Latin America.
What they were publishing,
even while it was still in
press.” In the 1950s, he
said, the FBI aspired to “a
foreknowledge of American
publishing so deep that literary threats to the FBI’s
reputation could be seen
before their public appearance”.
The bureau also considered “whether certain
African Americans should
be allowed government
jobs and White House visits, in the cases of the
most fortunate”, and
“what the leading minds
of black America were
thinking, and would be
But, he added, “the
files also show that some
FBI spy-critics couldn’t
help from learning that
they liked reading the
stuff, for simple aesthetic
attended Texas Southern
University in Houston and
Boston University School of
Law. Jordan became the
first African American
elected to the Texas Senate
since 1883. In 1973, she
became the first African
American woman from a
Southern state to serve in
The notable accomplishments of all these individuals would not have
been realized without their
belief that it is possible to
change the course of their
lives and course of history,
and a reason we at AARP
are proud to join in the
celebration of Black History Month.
Ms. Hunter James is
a member of the AARP
Texas all-volunteer Executive Council. Photos of Ms.
Hunter James are available upon request at
[email protected] or 832325-2236.
AUSTIN, TX - Texas CASA honored four legislators at its annual Texas Children • Texas
Champions Luncheon on Wednesday, Feb. 4 at
the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol. The
highlight of the event was a panel discussion of
current issues facing the child welfare system as
well as policy priorities for the 84th Legislative
Session. Texas Supreme Court Justice Eva
Guzman facilitated the conversation with Sens.
Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa (D-McAllen), Lois
Kolkhorst (R-Brenham) Charles Schwertner (RGeorgetown), and Rep. Dawnna Dukes (D-Austin). Texas CASA is the statewide organization
that provides funding, training and technical assistance to the staff, board and volunteers of the
Champion Heart: (L-R)Texas CASA CEO Vicki
71 local programs that serve abused and ne- Spriggs recognizes Rep. Dawnna Dukes as one of Texas
glected children in the foster care system.
CASA’s legislative champions.
Rehoboth Baptist
Church Celebrates
“A Century of
Black Life, History
and Culture” 100
years of Black
You are cordially invited to Celebrate 100
years of History and Culture at Rehoboth Baptist
Church Black History
Month Program on Sunday,
February 15, 2015 at 3
p.m. The program will
consist of Heritage Singing, Poems, Praise Dancing, Speeches, Excerpts,
Reminiscing, Comedy Moment, and Austin’s young
actor performer from
Movie White Water. All are
invited, African attire is
encouraged. Rehoboth
Baptist Church is located
at 5303 Samuel Huston
Ave., the Pastor of a Decade at Rehoboth is, Reverend R. A. Hendricks.
Wesley Church
The 2015
Donald E.
Event will be held at
the Colovista Golf Course
on Saturday, February 28,
2015, with a Noon Shotgun start time. Cash Putting contest at 11:30. Format will be a 4 Person Select Shot. Register with
Leonard Woods by phone
at 236-2276, fax at 6914424, or E-mail at
[email protected]. Lunch,
Refreshments and Snacks
provided at course. 2
Mulligans per player included in the price. Individual players are welcome. The tournament is
proudly sponsored by the
Wesley United Methodist
Sylvester E. Chase, Pastor.
THE VILLAGER/February 13, 2015 ~ Page 3
Country Boyz Fixin’s
USPS to Dedicate Black
Heritage Stamp Honoring
Robert Robinson Taylor
Coincides with
Smithsonian African
American History
Exhibit Opening
the design and construction of the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama while also
overseeing the school’s
programs in industrial education and the building
trades. The dedication ceremony coincides with the
Smithsonian National
Postal Museum’s new exhibit — Freedom Just
Around the Corner: Black
America from Civil War to
Civil Rights. This also will
be Megan Brennan’s first
stamp dedication ceremony in her role as Postmaster General.
Believed to have
been both the first AfricanAmerican graduate of the
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) and the
country’s first academically trained black architect, Robert Robinson Taylor (1868–1942) becomes
the 38th inductee into the
Postal Service’sBlack Heritage stamp series.
For more than three
decades Taylor supervised
Austin organization
receives $660,000 to
provide care for
young children
U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services Administration for
Children and Families
(ACF) has announced the
award of an Early Head
Partnership grant to Child,
Inc. This grant capitalizes
on existing child care capacity and infrastructure to
improve access to high
quality early learning opportunities for infants and
toddlers in low income
families. ACF developed
the grants to encourage
collaboration between
new or existing Early Head
Start grantees and child
care providers.
“As the mother of
young children, early
learning is a big part of my
personal life,” said HHS
Secretary Sylvia M.
Burwell. “We’re awarding
$660,000 annually to Child
to help ensure more chilCORRECTION...
During the week of
January 30 th, The Villager
ran a Black History profile on
Department’s recently promoted Sergeant B. Makeba
Lewis. Lewis was the
department’s first African
American officer. In the article he was listed as a native of Dallas, and his daughter was mentioned. Lewis is
a native of Houston and also
has a 24 year old son named
Xavier who is in college
studying kinesiology.
Villager Youth Brigade will be taking sponsorships
starting summer of 2015.Your support has been
much appreciated over the years. Please continue
to invest in Austin’s youth. We look forward to
another successful year with some promising
students. FMI Call 512-476-0082
dren will benefit from
high-quality early childhood efforts. As a result,
we expect that 56 additional children a year will
be able to access Early
Head Start. That’s a lot of
young lives changed, and
a lot of impact delivered.”
“Research shows the
first three years are critical for brain development,
and Early Head Start provides high-quality early
learning opportunities for
our most vulnerable young
children,” said ACF Acting
Assistant Secretary Mark
Greenberg. “These grants
will help support working
families by providing a fullday, full-year program for
young children.”
Infants and toddlers
in the new program will
receive developmentally
enriching caregiving, promoting their physical, cognitive, social and emotional development, and
preparing them for future
growth. In addition, this
program will offer support
to parents in their roles as
primary caregivers and
teachers, helping them
move toward self-sufficiency.
The Early Head Start
program requires significant support from the
community, including
matching funds, much of
which is delivered in kind.
These programs work
most effectively when local businesses and community organizations work
together to support these
*We cash ALL Tax Refund*Checks *Check Out
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With The
Bus Ministry
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Sunday Services
Worship Service
Sunday School
Discipleship Training
Worship Service
most vulnerable children.
Public and private entities
throughout the community
are invited to embrace this
new program and be part
of the solution for early
childhood care and education.
“We are pleased to
partner with communities
from all over the country
to expand high quality
early learning opportunities for children who need
it most. By providing the
fundamental services
young children need, we
will improve their chances
to reach their full potential,” said ACF Deputy Assistant Secretary for Early
Childhood Development
Linda Smith.
President Obama
first proposed the Early
Head Start-Child Care
Partnership program in his
2013 State of the Union
address, when he put forward a comprehensive
plan to support high-quality early education for all
children from birth through
school age.
Visit the ACF website to
learn more about Early Childhood Development, Office of
Head Start and Office of Child
8:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M.
Midweek Prayer Service
7:00 P.M.
Child Development Center
Ages 0-5 years
(Daily) 512-478-6709
Dr. Ricky Freeman,
Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church
5900 Cameron Road
Austin, Texas 78723-1843
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Web Site - www.themount.net
Sunday Worship - 7:45 a.m. & 11 a.m.
Church School - 9:45 a.m.
Bible Studies - Mon, 6:30 p.m. & Wed., 12 noon
Wednesday Night Worship - 7 p.m .
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In “The Centre” Bldg. F-15 7801 N. Lamar Blvd. (SE Corner of N Lamar and 183)
AGAPE is a chuch for all people. “Where Jesus Christ is Magnified and the love He
exhibited is Exemplified.” Come, receive God’s unconditional lovefor you.
For there is no greater love!
Church Services
Sunday School
Sunday Worship
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
Mid-Week Service Thursday: Praise,
Prayer and Bible Study 7:00 PM
Call 454-1547 for Transporation
Website www.agapebcaustintx.com
Rev. H. Ed Calahan
A Ministry That Ministers
Globalizing the Gospel
Edward M. Fleming,
Sr. Pastor
Visit our website @ www.obcaus.org
1179 San Bernard Street,
Austin, TX 78702, 512-478-7023
Sunday Morning Bible Study, 9:00 A.M.
Sunday Morning Worship, 10:15 A.M.
Olive Branch Fellowship of Austin / All Faith Chapel
4110 Guadalupe St Bldg #639 Austin, TX 78751
This life, therefore, is not righteousSunday Morning
ness, but growth in righteousness; not health,
Worship @ 11: am
Send your information to [email protected]
or call 512-476-0082
Romans 5:1 Therefore,having been
justified by faith, we have peace
with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
Kenneth Hill, Pastor
St. Peter’s United Methodist Church
4509 Springdale Road Austin, Tx 78723
Office 512- 926-1686 Fax 512-929-7281
Christian Web Sitestpetersaustintx.ning.com
[email protected]
Experience Grace For Life
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(By Parmer Lane Baptist Church building, behind Wells Fargo)
Call: 682.472.9073 l Email: [email protected] l
Visit: www.gracewaycca.org
Ebenezer Baptist Church
Do you have church news? Would you like to
purchase a monthly ad for your church?
Inquire TODAY!
1010 East 10th Street 512-478-1875 Fax 512-478-1892
but healing; not being, but becoming; not rest,
but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be,
but we are growing toward it. The process is
not yet finished, but it is going on. This is not
the end, but it is the road. All does not yet
gleam in glory, but all is being purified.
--- Martin Luther
Felix Bamirin, Pastor
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Rev. Jack C. Gause
Sunday School
8:45 a.m.
Praise and Worship 10:15 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study 12:00 p.m.
and Praise /Bible Study 6:30 p.m.
(to include Children’s Choir Rehersaland
Bible Study with age appropiate Activities)
Imani Community Church
Davis Elementray Auditorium
5214 West Duval Road
Sunday School
Worship Service
•Power Hour Bible Life Group
9:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
6:00 P.M.
Imani Complex & Office,
11800 Mustang at Duval
Austin, Texas 78727
Rev. Dr. Jacquelyn Donald-Mims
Office: 512-343-9300
The Church of Pentecost
Leading People to Experience God’s Love, Know Jesus Christ & Grow in His Image
Worship: Sunday-10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Tuesday Bible Studies-7:30pm - 9:00 pm
Friday Prayers-7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
7801 N. Lamar Blvd,
Suite D 102,
Austin, Texas 78752
Tel: 512 302-1270
The Church of Pentecost, USA Inc,
Austin offers a wide variety of opportunities for children, youth, adults, and older
adults to be involved in worship, spiritual
growth, education, community outreach,
and making a tangible difference to those
in need in our community. You too, can
make a positive difference in our community through your prayers, your presence,
your gifts, your service, and your witness.
Page 4 ~ February 13, 2015/THE VILLAGER
Youth of Today
Fan Behavior
Wesley Dickerson
Cedar Ridge H. S.
Going to a sporting
event is a common pastime
in America; especially
among high school students
who love to go watch their
friends compete and represent their school, while
showing some school spirit
themselves. Being a fan in
the right environment is an
amazing experience especially for young people,
there are friends to be
made and cheers to be
shouted. Being a fan is
great, but there is also a correct way to carry oneself as
a fan in attendance at a
A major issue that occurs among fans at games is
that many people do not
pick up after themselves
when the event is finished.
Looking at the stands is an
awful site after a game
there is trash nearly everywhere and in most cases
from people who did not
clean up their trash from
the food they ate. This is a
pretty big issue in most
sports arenas around the
country and it hinders the
game watching experience
as well because trash
around the seating area
make the seats look unappealing.
The second major
problem is poor sportsmanship among fans in attendance of games, particularly
in very competitive games
or rivalry games. It is completely understandable
that fans will get excited
when good things happen
for their teams and also
when bad things happen for
the opposing team, its part
of almost every sport. Some
things are acceptable, for
example being loud while
a player from the opposing
team shoots a free throw is
perfectly fine, it happens
almost everywhere and its
not personal. Although certain things are not acceptable to do as a fan. Attempting to belittle players on
the opposite team is not
good fan behavior and it
happens way too often.
Fans should respect that the
athletes on the other team
that are just trying to do the
same thing as the other
In conclusion as a fan
people should conduct
themselves like the athletes do, respect your opponent and respect the game.
Group Effort
Genesis Stiggers
Elgin Middle School
My school has a period
every six weeks I like to call
the Major Period. I call it
that because almost every
class I go to has a major
grade project due the next
week. I am usually fine with
having projects but why do
all of them at the same
time. I like doing research
papers and power-points,
but is it really necessary to
throw it on us all at once?
Sometimes I wonder why
schools plan it like this. The
worst thing isn’t even the
planning, it’s the people.
In my social studies
class I have to work with
two other people. There is
one boy and one girl, guess
which one is hardest to
work with. The boy, which
shall not be named, wants
to talk more than he works,
I wouldn’t mind it but he
never does his work. The
guy who he talks to is always complaining about
how I’m always “on his
back” but what they don’t
realize is that what they do
depends on what my grade
is going to be. The girl, who
also shall not be named, is
much more controlled. She
sometimes needs me to
explain things to her but she
works hard. These people
are my group members and
I sometimes wish that I
could work by myself.
The Major Period is a
dangerous and frustrating
part of school. It can be the
best of times, and the worst
of times, but I do admit, I
love being the one with the
most group effort.
Hope of Tomorrow
Black Registry
Car Crashes
Etiquette Field Trip
Aubri Allen-Brent
Del Valle High School
According to the
Harvard center of risk analysis, every year 636,000 car
crashes are due to cellular
devices. What would you
do if one of them involved
you? Texting while driving
has become more common
in today’s society. We have
been bombarded by new
technologies such as
iPhones, tablets, and etc.
Texting and driving can lead
to death and accidents that
are unwarned. You should
now stop texting and driving because no one wants
Zachariah Washington
Cedars Academy
On February the 8th
grade class had a field trip
to test our etiquette skills.
Our superintendent Dr. Diaz
took us to Pappadeaux and
to go see Peter and the Star
Catcher at the Zachary Scott
When we went to
Alon Rodgers
Hendrickson H. S.
The Hawk Tennis Team
is gaining strength this year.
Ian Armstrong and Hannah
Browne got 2nd in mixed
doubles in the Georgetown
Freshman tournament;
Alex Theis and Jonathan
Andrande got 3rd in the
boys doubles in the
Georgetown Freshman
tournament; Cole Mechem
and Chris Rodriguez won
the consolation in the boys
doubles in the Georgetown
Freshman tournament;
Ariana Lyles got 3rd in girls
singles in the Georgetown
Freshman tournament;
Rodriguez and Mechem got
3rd in the boys doubles at
the Pflugerville JV tournament; Armstrong and
Browne won the consola-
tion in the mixed doubles
at the Pflugerville tournament.
Hendrickson hosted The
Ronald Reagan Great Communicator Greater Texas
Regional Debate Contest.
The series is designed to
develop proactive informed, educated, and conscientious citizens and leaders by creating and hosting
a national series of high
school debates. Senior Jordan Rojas was one of two
students who qualified to
attend the The Great Communicator National Championship which will be
hosted on-site at the Ronald
Reagan Presidential Library
in July.
Events this week include a Slang Bee 7 pm
Thursday in the Performing
Powerlifting Quad Meet at
Jarrell Thursday; Theatre 1
Showcase 7 pm Friday in the
PAC; Boys and Girls Basketball are at home Friday; Tennis is at Georgetown Tournament Friday; Softball
scrimmages at home 10 am
Saturday; The Prom Fashion
Show is 7 pm Feb. 19 in the
My Science Project
Erika Lipscomb
Manor Elementary
For the past two
weeks or so, we have been
working hard on Science
Projects. we have been
learning about the planets
in our Solar system. there
are nine planets including
Pluto. It was much to learn
about our solar system. It
was fun doing our
projects. Now I'm looking
forward to our Valentine
Pappadeaux I really loved l
it because it was fancy and
really decorative and nice.
The main part that I liked
Pappadeuax was the food
to me. It was delicious and I
personal don’t like Sea
Food but the experience to
pappadeaux will definitely
will interest me to try it
After the Pappadeaux
experience we went to the
Zach Theater to go see Peter and the Star Catcher. It
was an awesome show
about how Peter Pan became Peter Pan. My favorite character in the show
was Captain Hook because
he was hilarious and always
made me laugh throughout
the whole show.
African American Inventors
Debate Contest
On This Day In Black History...
Bernard Harris ~ becomes the first Black astronaut to take a
spacewalk, dedicating it
to the achievements of
all African Americans.
to die or lose their loved
ones because you can’t put
your phone down!
Now everywhere you
look people are on their
phones, Texting and driving
has become more common
in today’s society also. If
your texting while driving
you are 23.2 times more
likely to crash then just
reaching for your cellphone
in the car. That’s very scary
if you think about it because
you just texting your
friends “hey I’m on my way”
can be the last text message
you ever send.
On August 6, 2008
Janet age 48, lost control of
her car and crashed because
she was texting. She was
killed, Along with her 15
year old and 13 year old
daughter. Texting while
driving lead her to loose not
only her life but your kids
life also. Because of this we
can see that you should not
text and drive because of all
the bad possible things that
could happen to you and
your loved ones.
SaNaya White
Cedars Int’l Academy
If you woke up in the
morning to put your clothes
on and they were wrinkled
you can't iron them very
well because a women
named Sarah Boone invented the ironing board. If
you went to comb or brush
your hair you couldn't because Lydia O. Newman invented the brush and
Walter Sammons invented
the comb. Now you realize
that your house is filthy so
you sweep and then reach
for the dustpan but it's not
there because Lloyd P. Ray
invented it. So what do you
do? Then you want to mop
the floor but the mop isn't
there either. Thomas W.
Stewart invented the mop.
It's time to do some paper
work but every pencil you
have is broken and you can't
find your favorite pen.
Well you're out of luck
because guess who invented the pencil sharpener, John Love made the
pencil sharpener and a man
named William Purvis invented the fountain pen. It's
time to go to work and your
now running late, well your
running late even longer
now because there's a lot of
car wrecks on the rode. Why
you might ask? That's because Garrett A. Morgan invented the traffic light.
Once you give up on going
to work you're super hungry but there's nothing in
the refrigerator because
there is no refrigerator. A
man named John Standard
invented the fridge, so you
just eat the unrefrigerated
food. Well now you know
life would have been hard
without all these AfricanAmerican inventors!
It's Not You, It's Me
Jarian Galloway
Harmony Academy
At Harmony, there are
two theatre classes: one for
A day and one for B day. I happen to be in A day theatre
with freshmen, sophomores,
and even seniors. At the end
of the year both classes will
be putting on plays for the
entire school.
A day theatre is putting
on a play called "It's Not You,
It's Me". Each scene contains
a different couple breaking
up in a different way. Every
class, we practice our lines,
and take and give critique
over the acting portion. In this
play, you can expect a psychic, a diehard sportfan, and
a "Black Mounty".
B day theatre is putting
on a play called "So You Wanna
Be A Cheerleader?". Each scene
contains a different person trying out to be on the
cheerleading squad. Every
class, they practice and the directors conference with the
teacher to help the actors. In
this play, you can expect an
alien, a guy who prepares for
the zombie apocalypse, and
the grim reaper.
While most students are
introverts, their talent
onstage is amazing. We may
be charter school kids, but we
THE VILLAGER/February 13, 2015 ~ Page 5
Imani Demps
Del Valle High School
This week went well. I
took my ACT on Saturday
and this is my second time
taking it I kind of knew what
to expect so I was a little
prepared. I’m in such a
shock that I have 4 months
till I graduate, I really just
can’t take it in I have rushed
it so much and now it’s all
coming so fast. I’m not
ready I have so much to do
and I haven’t started doing
anything yet. I don’t think
I’m going to go to prom because I really just have so
much going on, I don’t think
I have time to go I’m not
sure then again I may go. But
at the moment my mind is
set on not going. Now that I
took my ACT and I feel that I
did better I can send these
scores to all the schools I
applied to.
More Tests Coming
De’Ja Hill
Lamar Middle School
Hello Readers,
This past week we
took the Middle of the
Year 2 (M.O.Y.), I we would
be taking the M.O.Y.2 test
all last week, however,
we only took the math and
reading portions. The
week of February 18 th we
will be taking the history
and science portion of the
M.O.Y.2 test. I think that
all the test should have
been given at the same
time so we could get it
over with, but it is okay.
February is Black History month, is my favorite
because it gives children a
chance to find out what
people went through and
how much they had to sacrifice, including their
lives, just so we are able
to go outside, walk to the
store, and catch the bus. I
hope that other children
feel the same way I do.
Muhammad Ali
Malakhi Washington
Cedars Int’l Academy
Cassius Marcellus Clay
Jr., was his name. He was
born January 17 1942.he is
considered one of the
greatest heavy weight in
boxing history! He began
training at twelve years old
and won the heavy weight
championship at the age of
twenty two. ALI joined the
nation of Islam and
changed his name to
very charismatic, he loves
the spotlight. He had a very
sharp tongue and was not
afraid to use it. He changed
the role and image of the
African American athlete in
United States because he
had pride for his race.
Ali had several nicknames. He was called “The
Greatest ”, the “people’s
champion”, and “the Louisville lip.”
He fought a total of
61 fights, 56 wins, 5 loses
and 37 K.O’s Muhammad
Ali had a total of 7 daughters and 2 sons. One of his
daughters, Lalia Ali followed I her father foot
steps and became a boxer
in 1999. Ali has a great
A Real Winter
Hannah Robertson
Connally High School
This year we can say
that Austin, Texas actually has
had a real winter. The various cold fronts and the
colder temperatures has
been somewhat consistent at
least at nights.
By now many can’ wait
for spring and the consistent
warm weather to come soon.
Because of the winter we
may actually be able to enjoy the heat this time. Although we did not get a blizzard like in New York and
other Eastern states. It was
even a surprise for New Yorkers and also the national
news to the rest of the world
the cold weather.
Although we did not
get snow or even freezing
rain, which would have given
us a day out of school, we did
have a real Texas winter. I for
one am ready for a Texas
Montrae Nelson
Riverplace Elementary
Hello everyone, this
past week we had a short
week at school because of
two teacher work days and
that was great! We learned
about lions. They are the fifth
largest animal on earth. Many
people call the lion the "king
of the jungle". Lions can live
up to ten to fourteen years
in the wild and more than
twenty years in captivity. In
the wild many male lions
don't live as long because
they are always fighting with
other male lions and die from
bad injuries. You can tell the
difference between the
male and females because
the males have a mane and
they are very competitive.
Lions live mostly in the
Savanna and grasslands. A
pride of lions which is like a
family, has related females
and their babies and not a lot
of adult males. They are very
good hunters and scavengers. The females hunt together for the pride. Lions
sleep during the day and
hunt at night.
There are people who
like to keep lions as pets and
raise them from babies but I
saw a documentary where
the lion would still attack
their owner. Lions are wild
animals and no matter how
nice you are to them and take
of care one, it can still still
turn against you because the
are wild! I really enjoyed
learning about lions because
they are so big and strong!
They don't hunt humans but
if you see one you don't want
to pet him!
Sweepstake Trophy
Jaylon Knighten
Del Valle High School
Last week was a pretty
easy week at Del Valle High
School nothing really happening instead the begin-
Trying to Stay on Top
Zyon Hill
Reagan High School
Hello Readers,
Reagan has started a
program called Jump Start.
This program is designed to
help student that have lost
a credit earn it back before
the end of the school year.
Students who are eligible
for this program have to
Sarah Robertson
Athlos Leadership Acad.
This past Friday at the
capital we had School choice
stay after school on Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday
from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
for six weeks. The children
are allowed to eat before
they attend their designated classes and they are
also given a ride home on
school buses if they qualify.
Unfortunately, I am one of
those students that are in
the program. I disagree
with the timeframe that
was given to us, however, it
is better than going to summer school.
The Reagan Raider varsity basketball team is still
leading district and their
way to being district
champs. The junior varsity
and freshman basketball
teams are also on their way
to victory as well.
School Choice Week
week. School choice week is
about how students and parents get to choose a school
that is good for you. At the
capital we heard speeches
from different cabinets from
all around Texas about how
school choice is great for kids
and parents.
For, me personally I really like School Choice Week.
Also, at the capital we dance
to a song named Rather be
by Clean bandit and with my
friends it was the best time
ever. Next, year I hope that I
can do this event again.
ning of Track season for athletics. The Del Valle Proud
Cardinal band had their
Winter Concert on Thursday
it went well, all the bands
did a fantastic job. We are
now practicing and getting
prepared for UIL competition. We are working hard
because we want to receive
the Sweepstake Trophy and
bring it home to represent
Del Valle High School.
This week Del Valle
will have early day on
Wednesday. Elementary
students get out at 12pm
and all Middle/High School
students get out at 1pm.
Aaron Williams
Kealing M.S.
One of the inspirations of my life is Nelson
Mandela. I chose Mr.
Mandela as a role model
because of how hard he
fought to bring civil rights to
Mandela was a black man
who fought for black people
to have equal rights in Af-
rica. Mr. Mandela was eventually put in jail and stayed
there for decades. Once
Mr. Mandela was released
from prison he became
President of Africa, where
he continued to make
Kealing Hornets basketball team played one
of the best games of the
year against Garcia Middle
school’s basketball team.
Kealing nor Garcia was trying to lose the game, each
time one team scored the
other team answered with
points as well. Garcia
went home with the loss
from our ‘A’ team then our
‘B’ team.
At this moment
Kealing Middle school’s
basketball teams are the
best and I hope they can
keep it that way.
Page 6 ~ February 13, 2015/THE VILLAGER
by Tsoke
(Chuch) Adjavon
Despite the fact that
the retired Austin Police
Department (APD) Officer
Kleinert was indicted by a
local Travis County Grand
Jury, his lawyers and counsels are seeking to go to a
Federal Court rather than
the Travis County Court.
According to the indicted
and retired Officer
Kleinert’s lawyers and
counsel, “He was working
as an agent of the Federal
Government when he shot
Larry Eugene Jackson." In
other words, they believe
that it is up to the Federal
Government to pursue
Kleinert, rather than the
local Travis County.
However, Lakita (the
sister of Larry Eugene
Jackson) believes that this
Lakita, the sister of
Larry Eugune Jackson.
Photo by
Tsoke (Chuch) Adjavon
move by the Kleinert camp
was done in order, not to
face a jury of his peers.
Therefore, Lakita and
some of Austin's activists
and community leaders are
seeking to place pressure
so, that the Judge doesn't
change the venue from a
local Travis County Court
to a Federal Court. Therefore on March 3, United
States District Court there
will be protest to prevent
Officer Kleinert from having his trial in the Federal
On May 13, 2014
former Officer Kleinert
was indicted for the execution of Larry Eugene
Jackson Jr, an innocent
unarmed African American
man. Larry Eugene Jackson Jr. crossed paths with
Officer Kleinert after trying to enter into the
Benchmark Bank while the
officer was investigating a
robbery that had already
Despite the fact that,
Larry was not involved in
the robbery, the tellers at
Benchmark bank profiled
Larry by calling him suspicious. As a result, Officer
Kleinert approached Larry
to question him. According
to Officer Kleinert, Larry
ran and he pursued him.
Instead of calling for back
up, Officer Kleinert decided to drop his previous
investigation in order to
pursue Larry even though
he never committed a
crime. After stopping a civilian who drove him under the Shoal Creek Bridge,
he caught up with Larry
and that is where he fatally shot Larry in the back
of the neck.
Area Leaders Join People’s
Community Clinic for Roundtable
Discussion on Improving
Austin-Area Health Care
People’s Community Clinic seeks to address the growing need for health
care for the uninsured and underserved population in and around Austin
with its new facility and expanded services
(Left - Right) Commissioner Ron Davis, PCC Director of Development and Communications Joy
Authur, Councilmember Greg Casar, PCC CEO Regina Rogoff, J.D. Photo by Bravarro
(Austin, TX – February 4, 2015)
People’s Community Clinic (PCC) hosted leaders from the Northeast Austin
area on Friday, January 30, at the Asian American Resource Center for an informal discussion on the health care needs of Austin and surrounding areas. To
meet the growing demand for the clinic’s services, PCC recently announced plans
to expand to a new Northeast Austin location with the help of a historic $10
million grant from the St. David’s Foundation.
“To help prepare for our expansion, we want to start a dialogue with health
care stakeholders and Austin-area leadership,” said Regina Rogoff, CEO of
People’s Community Clinic. “We were excited to see so many diverse and respected parties come together to focus on how PCC can best meet the needs of
those who live around what will be our new home later this year.”
Topics of conversation included the pressing need to expand communitybased health services, barriers to accessing health care and wellness services,
specific health care needs of Austin’s diverse uninsured and underserved population including those of refugees and an aging population in North Austin, expansion of PCC’s existing programs and services, and enhancing the clinic’s
patient-centered care.
Event attendees included County Judge Sarah Eckhardt, Commissioner Ron
Davis, Councilmember Greg Casar and individuals representing Mayor Steve
Adler, Rep. Dawnna Dukes, Austin ISD, Manor ISD, the Latino HealthCare Forum,
the Alliance for African-American Health in Central Texas, the Austin/Travis
County Health and Human Services Department, the Travis County Health &
Human Services Department, Children’s Optimal Health, and more.
For information about the People’s Community Clinic, visit https://
New Superintendent of the
Austin Independent School District
fill the permanent position
as superintendent of AISD.
Once Dr. Meria Therefore, the AISD Board
Castarphen resigned as received numerous "outthe Superintendent of the side candidates." Then
Austin Independent School the board narrowed it
District, the Board had to down to 2 final candisearch for a replacement. dates. After narrowing the
Then Dr. Paul Cruz was cho- field, AISD board had a
sen to lead the interim in change of heart and menwhich the Board stated tioned that they would
he’d not be considered to consider Dr. Paul Cruz as a
When Dr. Paul Cruz
was placed among the
pool of potential candidates, the other two candidates withdrew their
names which then made
him the only candidate for
the job of holding the position as the permanent
Superintendent. Now, as
the new superintendent,
Dr. Paul Cruz faces new issues such as a decreasing
school enrollment and
also increasing their employee salaries.
Over the past years,
AISD has been losing student enrollment to other
school districts such as
Round Rock, Pflugerville,
Leander, Kyle, Buda and
Cedar Park. Political experts
believe that moreover, the
decrease in school
district’s enrollment is
causing AISD to send more
money back to the State of
Texas. In addition, the employee of AISD have been
asking for higher pay increase due to affordable
issues. So AISD board and
new superintended will
have to find various pay
solution so that they can
employee can work and
live in Austin.
held every two years in
which different countries
host the game. During this
competition, 16 different
African countries try to
win the title of "Champion
of Africa". In addition, winning the championship
means that the nation
would receive an automatic "slot" into the soccer World-Cup. As a result,
the nation of Cote d’Ivoire
will have an automatic
slot to compete in the
World Cup Tournament.
by Tsoke
The 16 nations that
(Chuch) Adjavon
are competing are placed
On Sunday, February in four various groups. The
8, 2015 the nation of Ivory 16 African nations that
Coast won the African Cup qualified for this tournaof Nations. Moreover, the ment were South Africa,
(CAF) championship game Congo, Algeria, Mali,
is the most prestigious Gabon, Burkina Faso,
soccer tournament on the Cameroon, Ivory Coast,
African continent. The CAF Ghana, Guinea, Capechampionship games are Verde, Zambia, Tunisia,
Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo and the
host nation of Guinea
Equatorial. Moreover,
these 16 teams sought to
claim one of Africa's most
coveted crowns of champion.
Each nation has the
desire to win yet, each has
something to prove. Cote
d’Ivoire tried to prove that
their team is not just about
"hype" but can finally win
a title. Now, Cote d’Ivoire
has finally lived up to its
"hype" and has finally won
after 23 years. Here in Central Texas, the IvorianAmerican Diaspora community is ecstatic that their
home country has won the
tournament. According to
Jean-Claude, winning the
championship after 23
years has given him joy
and happiness.
Dr. Paul Cruz
by Tsoke
(Chuch) Adjavon
Wins the
Cup of
New Mueller Parks to Feature
Community Garden, Orchard
John Gaines Park Named After Austin’s First African-American Police Officer
AUSTIN, Texas – Catellus Development Corp., the master developer of Mueller, has
broken ground on Mueller’s newest community parks. One of the parks is named after
Austin’s first African-American police officer and will allow more than 130 gardeners to
grow their favorite fruits, vegetables and herbs in their own community plot, while the
other will offer an orchard of fruit and nut trees for the public to enjoy.
The 3.6-acre John Gaines Park, bordered by Sorin, Moreno, Vaughan and Tilley
streets, will feature community garden plots, a pool with changing facilities, a unique
playscape and a large open sports field.
The registration process for the community garden plots will be determined at a
later date and will be open to both Mueller residents and neighbors.
The pool area will feature a large pool with lap lanes and a separate children’s
wading pool. The men’s and women’s changing areas have been designed with special
architectural features, including open-air courtyards, built-in rain water cisterns,
xeriscaped green roofs designed by the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center and a
shade trellis covered with solar panels. Catellus is pursuing a four-star rating from Austin
Energy’s acclaimed Green Building program for these facilities.
John Gaines Park is currently under construction and is scheduled to be completed
by late summer 2015, weather permitting.
Like most of Mueller’s streets and its first two neighborhood parks, Ella Wooten
Park and Paggi Square, this new park is named after a historic Austin figure, John Gaines,
the first African-American police officer on the force. Gaines, originally from Big Spring,
Texas was killed in the line of duty in 1913.
Upon completion, 140 of Mueller’s 700 acres — approximately one fifth of the
entire community — will be preserved for parks and open space. Currently, 75 acres of
parks, including the Southwest and Northwest Greenways, Lake Park, Ella Wooten Park
and Paggi Square, are available for public use and enjoyment.
THE VILLAGER/February 13, 2015 ~ Page 7
The People’s Gallery 2015 Opening Reception and Annual Exhibit
was quoted as stating,
“Cities that are more fun
to live, work and play in,
are going to do better economically.” She wanted to
celebrate the new City
Hall, so she took over the
exhibition idea of what
was called “The Peoples’
Gallery” inside that eclectic four story angled buildby Shirley A. Hammond
ing that faces Town Lake.
The first People’s Gallery
exhibition took place and
From 2003-2009, was such a success on
Austin had avid art sup- many levels that the deciporters at the city’s helm. sion was made to continue
The two-term mayor and it. The 2015 People’s Galpatron of the arts Will lery exhibit will include in
Wynn and wife Anne Eliza- excess of 100 pieces of art.
beth Wynn had, amongst Many of the artists are rethings, an appreciation for gional. Some works come
the arts and for creative from other galleries and
cities. A Beaumont native, art organizations. The free,
he held a degree in Envi- yearly exhibition will be
ronmental Design (Texas launched on February 27 in
A&M). On his website, he an opening reception from
6:00pm-9:00pm at City
Hall. Whole Foods Market
will have a food trailer
making food available for
purchase. Music will be
played in the Atrium.
All of the artworks
will be displayed for a
year, and people can vote
for The People’s Choice by
casting a ballot before the
year is over, but after viewing the exhibits. Ballots
are available on the 2 nd
floor and the artwork will
be on the first through
third floors. The winning
piece of artwork will be
purchased from the creator and become a permanent part of the City Hall
New artists, established artists who move
into the city, and returning
artists who habitually participate in The People’s
by Arlene L. Youngblood
local artists and professional performers. Each
act will reflect a collaborative collage of talent
with a unique presentation
of Black History featuring
the contributions of lesser
known heroes.
For information about
tickets for the event,
please go to https://
(type in Black History Roll
Call in the search window)
and by going to http://
ncnwaustin.org/ or from
an NCNW member.
For more information:
2015 Black
History Roll
Call Program
Hosted by
Council of
The National Council
of Negro Women –Austin
Section will host the Black
History Roll Call Program
on Friday, February 20,
2015 at 6:45 p.m. at
Carver Museum and Cultural Center – Boyd Vance
Theatre, 1165 Angelina
Street. The sole producer
for this event is Raw Entertainment Films.
There will be performances of oratory, dance,
song, and instrumental
intergenerational group of
Bid Package:
Visa Global IT Center
1st Floor Café
Thursday, February 26, 2015,
2:00PM (CST)
Matthew Lockwood,
Preconstruction Manager
[email protected]
Gallery, are featured. A lot
of artists say they feel
validated when they can
point people to examples
of their work featured in
the City Hall. As detailed
on the website, the gallery
takes full advantage of the
traffic that flows into City
Hall. City workers, pedestrians who walk into the
building and a whole host
of others enjoy the visual
displays inside. The location is near the city’s warehouse district, many offices, residences and
other points of interest.
A video on the city
website provides the
gallery’s stated mission as
follows:”To showcase our
fabulous visual arts community in Austin and to
encourage public dialogue, understanding and
appreciation of the visual
contact President Shirley
Sprinkles or Sheri Marshall
(Eventbrite Coordinator) at
[email protected].
You may also go to http://
www.ncnwaustin.org/ and
event/rollcall/ .
Happy Black
History Month
INVITATION TO BID/PROPOSE: DPR Construction is requesting bids/proposals for
certain work components related to the interior finish of a new 17,000 SF Café and Fitness area
for the Visa Global IT Center project located at Research Park Plaza III, in Austin, Texas.
A Pre-Bid/Proposal Meeting will be held on February 17, 2015, 11:00 AM (CST) and
February 19, 2015 11:00AM (CST) at 12301 Research Blvd. (2nd Floor of Building 4), Austin, TX
Bids/Proposals are due on or before Thursday February 26, 2015 2:00pm (CST). Bid/proposals may be submitted via e-mail to DPR Preconstruction Manager Matthew Lockwood at
[email protected]; via fax at 512-684-0069; or via hand-delivered envelope to DPR’s Austin
Office, located at 9606 Mopac Expressway, Suite 300. Bids/proposals will be opened by the
Owner’s representative at DPR’s offices on bid day, and results will be made public after bid
award. Please direct all questions about the bids/proposals and project scope to DPR Construction, Matthew Lockwood.
Project Description: Scope includes tenant improvements for 17,000 SF of space, which
includes mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, fire alarm, telephone and data cabling,
casework, ceramic tile, audio visual, appliances, carpet and paint
·Doors, Frames &
·Ceramic Tile
·Fire Protection
·Audio Visual
·Wall Covering
·Fire Alarm
Plan Availability: Plans will be available at DPR’s Austin office, 9606 MoPac Expressway N.,
Suite 300 Austin, TX 78759. DPR also has file sharing site for contractors interested in electronic
documents. Please contact DPR Construction for additional information, 512-345-7699 or contact
Matthew Lockwood directly at [email protected].
DPR Construction is an EEO Employer and all subcontractors and vendors, including Minority and Woman Owned Business Enterprise Subcontractors and Suppliers, are strongly encouraged to submit bids/proposals for this project. Certification must be in place with the City of
Austin prior to submission of bid/proposal. Subcontractors (not equipment vendors) are also
strongly encouraged to complete DPR’s qualification process prior to the submission of a bid/
proposal. Qualification is a condition of contract award.
We appreciate your bid and would like to hear from you!
Please indicate your interest in bidding by faxing this form back to DPR at 512-684-0069
YES, will bid
NO, will not bid
Project:: Visa Global IT Center – 1st Floor Café Kitchen and Fitness
Contact Person:
Phone No.
MBE/WBE Certified  No  Yes
If yes, Vendor ID Code:
New Jobs for the
Week of 02/08/2015
Manager, Compensation
Highland Business Center
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Job# 1502004
Manager, Benefits
Highland Business Center
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Job# 1502003
Assistant, Senior Library
South Austin Campus
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday,
& Friday 7:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.;
Tuesday 12:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Job# 1501032
Coordinator, Workforce
Continuing Education
Highland Business Center
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Job# 1412027
Accountant, Grant
Service Center
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Job# 1502007
Faculty, Accounting
Riverside Campus
Hours as assigned: Must maintain
an established schedule. May
include some evenings and
Salary is assigned according to the
Full-Time Faculty Salary Scale
Job# 1502011
Specialist, Records
Service Center
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Job# 1502008
Apply at HR
Middle Fiskville Rd.
6th Floor, Austin, TX 78752
Job Line (512 223-5621
arts in general.”
Painting, photography and sculpture are included in the exhibition.
Artworks can be outside
amongst the landscaping,
in what is called the Public Plaza; or indoors playing against a window; on
a brick wall or on the floor.
Some will be 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional.
According to the exhibition guidelines, the pieces
were selected based upon
the quality or merit of the
work, its reflection of cultural diversity, the local or
national reputation of the
artist and the ownership by
a museum or arts institution
in Austin as a part of its permanent collection.
After the opening reception, the artwork will be
available for viewing during City Hall hours, 7:45am7:00pm. The building is located at 301 West 2 nd
Austin Travis County Integral
Care is currently soliciting
proposals through a Request for
Proposals (RFP) process for
Janitorial Services. RFPs may be
mailed or sent electronically, by
contacting Brody Ballard at
brody.ballard @ atcic.org or (512)
440-4022 beginning January 30,
2015. The deadline to submit a
proposal under the RFP is 4 p.m.
on February 23, 2015. Historically
Underutilized Businesses, including
Minority-Owned Businesses and
Women-Owned Businesses, are
encouraged to apply.
We want
With The
City of Austin Featured Job
The City of Austin is currently seeking qualified
applicants for the following positions:
• Regional Branch Operations Manager
• Administrative Assistant - Library
Circulation Clerk
• MuniProg, Service/Maint-Public Event
Worker - 20 Part-Time Temporary
• Neighborhood Liaison
• Accountant Associate
• Dispatcher Technician- Temporary
• Public Health Program Specialist II
• Drainage Ops & Maint III
• Engineer A
• Administrative Specialist
Please visit the City of Austin employment
website at www.austincityjobs.org to view
requirements and apply for these and other job
opportunities. We encourage you to check the
employment website
often as new job opportunities
are posted daily.
If you have any questions or need assistance,
please call 512-974-3210 or email us at
[email protected].
The City of Austin is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
City of Austin
Purchasing Office
The City of Austin Purchasing Office invites
you to view current bid solicitations at https://
w w w. c i . a u s t i n . t x . u s / f i n a n c e o n l i n e /
Vendors are encouraged to register on-line in the
City’s Vendor Self Service System. Once your
company is registered, you will receive notifications about new bid opportunities. For additional information regarding current bid opportunities or Vendor Registration, please call the Purchasing Office at 512-974-2500.
For information on the City of Austin’s Minority Owned and Women-Owned Procurement
Program and the certification process, please
contact the Small & Minority Business Resources
Department at 512-974-7600 or visit their website
at http://www.austintexas.gov/smbr.
Page 8 ~ February 13, 2015/THE VILLAGER
Waters Expresses “Outrage” at HSBC Swiss Bank Violations
The Spectrum of
Black Theatre
Reading Series
The Colored
Museum by
George C. Wolfe
February 15, 2015
@ Boyd Vance Theatre
(The George Washington
Carver Museum and
Cultural Center),
1165 Angelina Street,
Austin, Texas 78702
3:00 p.m.
Free Admission to public
The Spectrum of Black Theatre Series offers a unique opportunity for the Austin community to see the readings of plays
by African American playwrights, which have had an impact on
the theatre world.
Climb aboard for a madcap and stinging journey through
11 hilarious looks at African-American culture — from the depths
of the Celebrity Slaveship to the spinning heights of Harlem. Redefining what it means to be black in contemporary America
FMI Visit www.spectrumatx.com or
contact [email protected]
4th Annual Valentine’s Day Ball
Sponsored by KNDS
Subsidiary of Lyons, Jr. Lodge #290 (PHA)
Place: Millennium Youth
Entertainment Center
1156 Hargrave Street, Austin, TX 78702
Time: 9:00 pm until 1:00 am
Date: Saturday, February 14th, 2015
BYOB (no ice chest or coolers allowed)
Food will be offered via MYEC
Tickets: $15.00 per person
Semi-formal: Red & White
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In response to recent revelations that HSBC, the second largest commercial bank
in the world, committed numerous violations of U.S. and
international tax and finance laws, Congresswoman
Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Financial Services Committee, expressed her concern at the
continued lack of accountability for the individuals associated with providing financial services for some of
the world’s worst criminals and tax evaders.
Waters, a fierce advocate for Wall Street accountability during and after the financial crisis, released the
following statement:
“The recent revelations about HSBC’s efforts to
shield individuals from the laws of the U.S. and other
nations are just the latest in a long list of troubling
misdeeds by the bank. The documents released confirm that the scope of the bank’s dealings with dubious
figures, including known tax evaders, arms dealers and
corrupt officials, exceeds even the shocking admission
by HSBC that it actively turned off anti-money laundering controls to accommodate terrorist financing and
Mexican drug cartels.
Banks that actively help clients evade taxes, break
American law, or provide services to those connected
with illegal activity should be punished accordingly.
While HSBC has paid billions in fines to the United States
and other nations, it outrages me that not a single individual has been prosecuted or held accountable.”
Last October, following reports of money laundering violations by HSBC, Waters introduced the “Holding Individuals Accountable and Deterring Money Laundering Act” proposed legislation that would bolster the
government’s ability to prosecute and hold accountable
The Black
Summit of
Texas For Our
March 23 at
the Texas State
Attorney Allan Parker of the
Justice Foundation in San
Antonio and the Reverend
Kyev Tatum with the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference in Fort Worth,
Texas will convene BEST, the
Black Education Summit of
Texas, at the State Capitol
on March 23rd.
Education leaders
will come together to discuss and develop the BEST
Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA)
individuals who violate the Bank Secrecy Act. Currently,
the Bank Secrecy Act requires government agencies to
seek out and prevent money laundering schemes in the
financial system. Additionally, one of the more significant provisions in the proposed bill makes bank executives personally liable for wrongdoing and empowers
regulators to remove or permanently ban bankers who
violate the law from the financial services industry.
comprehensive coherent
Cradle-to-College-to-Career-to-Calling strategies
for Black children to succeed in Texas, especially
for our young Black males
who show no record of
academic success, are illprepared for live after
high school, which means
they can not read on grade
level and 83% are being
place out of class for some
behavioral infraction.
Texas needs MORE educational funded options for
Black children, especially
for our young Black males
who are trapped in unsafe,
low performing, failing
public schools.
We must take back responsibility of Rearing Our
Own To Succeed in Texas. If
we don’t, who will?
Register at: http://