Medical Abbreviations p 1 of 45 Abbreviation Translation 0.45% sodium chloride .45% NaCl 5-FU %DS 5-fluorouracil Percent Diameter Stenosis A&O A&W A/C A/G A>B AA A-a AAA AAL Ab ABBI ABC ABD ABG ABI ABMT ABP ABPI ABPM alert and oriented alive and well assist/control albumin globulin ration air conduction greater than bone conduction Alcoholics Anonymous OR African American OR amino acid OR anaplastic anemia alveolar to arterial gradient abdominal aortic aneurysm anterior axillary line antibody advanced breast biopsy instrument aneurysmal bone cyst abdomen arterial blood gas ankle to brachial index autologous bone marrow transplant androgen binding protein ankle brachial pressure index ambulatory blood pressure monitoring Abx ac AC ACA ACBE ACE ACEI ACH ACL ACLS ACOG ACS ACT ACTH AD Ad2F ADA ADCC antibiotics ante cibum (before meals) abdominal circumference OR adriamycin, cyclophosphamide anterior cerebral artery air contrast barium enema angiotensin-converting enzyme angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors acetyl choline anterior cruciate ligament advanced cardiac life support The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists American Cancer Society activated clotting time adrenocorticotrophic hormone alzheimer disease adenovirus 2 fiber protein Association antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity Modified from list on A updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 2 of 45 Abbreviation Translation attention deficit disorder ADD ADH ADHD ADI ADL ADME ADMET ADPKD ADR ADS ADT AE AED AES AF AFB AFC AFDC AFI AFM AFO AFP Ag AGA AGCUS AGR antidiuretic hormone attention deficit hyperactivity disorder acceptable daily intake activities of daily living absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease adverse drug reaction alternative delivery system androgen deprivation therapy adverse event automated external defibrillators adult emergency service fluid acid-fast bacillus 7-amino-4trifluoromethylcoumarin OR adult foster care aid to families with dependant children amniotic fluid index atomic force microscopy ankle-foot orthosis alpha fetoprotein antigen appropriate for gestational age atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance albumin/globulin ratio AH AHA AHC AHF AHG AI AICD AID AIDS AIH AIHA AIS AKA AL ALA auditory hallucination American Heart Association alternative health care antihemophilic factor antihemophilic globulin aortic insufficiency OR ambulatory index OR artificial insemination automated internal cardiac defibrillator artificial insemination by a donor acquired immune deficiency syndrome artificial insemination by husband autoimmune hemolytic anemia abbreviated injury scale above the knee amputation OR also known as left ear aminolevulinic acid Modified from list on A updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 3 of 45 Abbreviation Translation ALD ALF ALL ALOC ALP ALS ALT AMA AMC AMD AMI AMKL AML AMN AMP AMS ANA ANC ANCA ANCOVA ANDA ANF ANP ANS AOB AODM AOM AP APA APC APD APDRG APE APG APH API APOAI APOB APR APS APSGN alcoholic liver disease assisted living facility acute lymphoblastic leukemia alternate level of care alkaline phosphatase amyotrophic lateral sclerosis OR advanced life support alanine transaminase OR alanine aminotransferase (sgpt) g advanced maternal age arthrogryposis multiplex congenita age related macular degeneration acute myocardial infarction OR anterior myocardial infarction acute megakaryocytic leukemia acute myeloblastic leukemia OR acute myelocytic leukemia OR acute myeloid leukemia adrenomyeloneuropathy adenosine monophosphate OR ampicillin altered mental status anti-nuclear antibodies absolute neutrophil count antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody analysis of covariance abbreviated new drug approval atrial natriuretic factor atrial natriuretic peptide automatic nervous system alcohol on breath adult onset diabetes mellitus acute otitis media apical pulse OR anteroposterior OR angina pectoris OR acid phosphatase antiphospholipid antibody atrial premature contraction afferent pupillary defect all patient diagnosis related group acute pulmonary embolism ambulatory patient group antepartum haemorrhage active pharmaceutical ingredient Apolipoprotein A1 Apolipoprotein B abdominal perineal resection OR anterior posterior repair adenosine phosphosulfate acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis Modified from list on updated 12-4-08 A Medical Abbreviations p 4 of 45 Abbreviation Translation APTT APUD APV ARB ARC ARDS ARF Arg ARMS AROM ART AS ASA ASAD ASAP ASC ASCAD ASCUS ASD ASHD ASO ASP AST AT ATG AT-III ATLS ATN ATP ATR au AUC AUR AV AVB AVF AVG AVM AVN AVO2 AVR activated partial thromboplastin time amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation amprenavir angiotensin receptor blocker AIDS related complex adult respiratory distress syndrome acute renal failure OR acute rheumatic fever arginine alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma artificial rupture of membrane anti-retroviral therapy OR assisted reproductive technology aortic stenosis OR activity scale acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) arthroscopic subcromial decompresision as soon as possible ambulatory surgical center atherosclerotic coronary artery disease atypical squamous cells of unknown significance atrial septal defect OR antisocial personality disorde r atherosclerotic heart disease anti-streptolysin antisocial personality aspartate aminotransferase (sgot) atraumatic OR ataxia-telangiectasia antithymic globulin antithrombin III advanced trauma life support acute tubular necrosis adenosine triphosphate ataxia and telangiectasia mutated and Rad3 related both ears area under the concentration vs. time curve OR area under curve ambulatory utilization review atrioventricular OR arteriovenous OR aortic valve atrio-ventricular block arginine vasopressin ambulatory visit group arteriovenous malformation atrioventricular node arteriovenous oxygen aortic valve replacement Modified from list on A updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 5 of 45 Abbreviation Translation AVRT AXR AZT AZT atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia abdominal x-ray zidovudine azidothymidine b.i.d. twice daily B1 B2 BA Ba BAC BAD BAL B-ALL BB BBB BBS BBT BC BCC BCG BCx BE BFI BFP BFUe Billroth 1 gastroduodenostomy Billroth 2 gastrojejunostomy birth asphyxia barium bacterial artificial chromosome OR blood alcohol content bipolar affective disorder british anti-lewisite OR bronchoalveolar lavage OR blood alcohol level b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia bundle branch blood brain barrier OR bundle branch barrier bilateral breath sounds basal body temperature blood culture OR birth control basal cell carcinoma Bacille Calmette-Gurein (tuberculosis vaccine) blood culture base excess OR barium enema OR bacterial endocarditis brief fatigue inventory biological false positive erythroid burst-forming unit BG B-HCG BIB BIBA bid BKA BLS BM blood glucose beta human chorionic gonadotropin brought in by brought in by ambulance bis in dies (twice a day) below the knee amputation basic life support bowl movement OR black male OR bone marrow Modified from list on A B updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 6 of 45 Abbreviation Translation BMC BMD BMI BMR BMS BMT BNP bone mass content bone mineral density OR bone mass density body mass index basal metabolic rate bare mental stent bone marrow transplant brain natriuretic peptide BoNT BP BPAD BPD BPH BPM BPP BPPV BPV BQL BRB BRBPR BRM BS BSA BSE BSI BSO BSP BTL BUFA BUN BV BVAD BW Bx BZD botulinum neurotoxin base pair OR blood pressure bipolar affective disorder biparietal diameter OR bronchopulmonary dysplasia benign prostatic hypertrophy beats per minute biophysical profile benign paroxysmal positional vertigo bovine papilloma virus below quantifiable levels bright red blood bright red blood per rectum biological response modifiers bowl sounds OR breath sounds body surface area OR bovine serum albumin blood self examination OR bovine spongiform encephalopathy OR breast self examination brief symptom inventory bilateral salpingo-oophrectomy bromsulphthalein bilateral tubal ligation baby up for adoption blood urea nitrogen bacterial vaginosis biventricular assist device black woman OR birth weight biopsy benzodiazepine Modified from list on updated 12-4-08 B Medical Abbreviations p 7 of 45 Abbreviation Translation c C ALL C&S C/C/C C/F c/o C/S c/w Ca CA CAB CABG CAD CAE CAGE CAH cAMP CAO CAP CAPD CAT CAV-9 CBC CBD CBE CBF CBF CBG CBI CC CCB CCF CCK CCN CCPD CCR CCS CCU CDC CDM cDNA cum (with) common acute lymphoblastic leukemia culture and sensitivity clubbing, cyanosis, edema chills, fever complains of cesarean section consistent with calcium carcinoma OR cancer carotid artery bruit coronary artery bypass graft coronary artery disease OR chest, abdomen, pelvis childhood absence epilepsy OR carotid endartectomy cut down, annoyed, guilty, eye-opener chronic active hepatitis OR congenital adrenal hyperplasia OR command auditory hallucination cyclic adenosine monophosphate chronic airway obstruction community acquired pneumonia continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis computerized tomography OR computed axial tomography coxsackievirus A9 complete blood count common bile duct clinical breast examination conventional beamforming cerebral blood flow capillary blood glucose continuous bladder irrigation chief complaint OR cubic centimeter calcium channel blocker congestive cardiac failure cholecystokinin chronic care network continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis continuous compete remission Canadian Cardiovascular Society cardiac care unit OR coronary care unit Center for Disease Control and Prevention clinical data management complementary deoxyribonucleic acid Modified from list on updated 12-4-08 C Medical Abbreviations p 8 of 45 Abbreviation Translation CDR CDS CEA CEC CEDS CF CFR CFT CFTR CFU CFU-E CFU-G/M CGD CGH CGL cGMP CHD ChE CHF CI CIB CID CIfA CIN CIRS CIS CJD CK CK-MB CL CLD CLL cm CM Cmax complementarity determining region clincial data specialist cultured epithelial autograft OR carcinoembryonic antigen Clinical Events Committee clinically effective dose and schedule complement factor OR caucasian female OR cystic fibrosis OR citrovorum factor (leucovorin) Code of Federal Regulations complement fixation testing cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator colony-forming units colony-forming units - erythroid colony-forming units - granulocyte/macrophage chronic granulomatous disease comparative genomic hybridization chronic granulocytic leukemia cyclic guanosine monophosphate coronary heart disease OR congenital heart disease cholinesterase congestive heart failure cardiac index OR confidence interval OR clinically indicated clinical investigator's brochure cervical immobilization device clumping factor A cervical intraepthelial neoplasia centralized interactive randomization system carcinoma in situ Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease creatine kinase creatine kinase myocardial-band isoenzyme cleft lip Chronic lung disease chronic lymphocytic leukemia centimeter case manager maximum plasma concentration CME CMF CMH CML CMO CMP continuing medical education cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel y g y leukemia cardiomyopathy competitive medical plan y Modified from list on y updated 12-4-08 C Medical Abbreviations p 9 of 45 Abbreviation Translation CMPs CMT CMV CN CNP CNS CO CO2 COAD COLD COMT ConMed CoNS COPC COPD COX CP CPAP CPC CPCR CPD CPI CPK CPP CPR CPT CRA CRC CREST CRF care management protocols cervical motion tenderness cytomegalovirus cranial nerve certified nurse practioner central nervous system carbon monoxide OR cardiac output carbon dioxide chronic obstructive airway disease chronic pulmonary lung disease OR chronic obstructive lung disease catechol-O- methyltransferase concomitant medication coagulase-negative staphylococci community oriented primary care chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cyclooxygenase chest pain OR cerebral palsy continuous positive airway pressure clinicopathologic conference cardiopulmonary-cerebral resuscitation cephalopelvic disproportion chronic uteralplacental insufficiency creatine phosphokinase cerebral perfusion pressure computerized patient record OR certificate of public review OR cardiopulmonary resuscitation current procedural technology clinical research associate clincal resarch coordinator OR colo rectal carcinoma calcinosis raynaud esophagus sclerosis teleangiectasiae chronic renal failure OR case report form CRH CRI CRL CRNA CRO CRP CRRT CRS CRT CRTT CS corticotropin releasing hormone chronic renal insufficiency crown rump length certified registered nurse anesthetist contract research organization c-reactive protein continuous renal replacement therapy corticotropin releasing hormone capillary refill time certified respiratory therapy technician culture and sensitivity OR caesarean section Modified from list on updated 12-4-08 C Medical Abbreviations p 10 of 45 Abbreviation Translation CSA CS&E CSF CSPG CST CSW Ct CT CTA CTBI CTC CTCL CTEV CTL CTO CTX CTZ CUL4A CUPS CV CVA CVB3 CVC CVD CVL CVOD CVP CVS CW CXR CYA CYE CYP chondroitin sulfate A clinical safety and epidemiology cerebrospinal fluid OR colony stimulating factor chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans contraction stress test case social worker concentration at the end of the dosing interval at steady state computed tomography OR choloera toxin OR corticosterone OR chest tube clear to auscultation chronic TB infection common toxicity criteria cutaneous t-cell lymphoma congenital talipes equinovarus cytolytic T-cells chronic total occlusion ceftriaxone chemoreceptor trigger zone cullin 4A cancer of unknown primary site cardiovascular cerebral vascular accident OR costovertebral angle coxsackievirus B3 central venous catheter cardiovascular disease central venous line corporal veno-occlusive dysfunction central venous pressure chorionic villus sampling caucasian woman chest x-ray cover your ass charcoal yeast extract cytochrome P450 Modified from list on C updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 11 of 45 Abbreviation Translation Modified from list on updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 12 of 45 Abbreviation Translation D D&C D&E D/C D50W D5W D5WNS DA DAG DAP DAT DAW DBP DC DCIS DCM DD DDAVP DDB1 DDBJ DDC DDD DDI Ddx DEB DES DEXA DFS DH DHEA DHEAS DHHS DHT DI DIC DICC DIP DIT DJD DKA dL study day dilation and curettage dilation and evacuation discontinue 50% dextrose in water 5% dextrose in water 5% dextrose in normal saline developmental age OR dopamine diacyl glycerol Draw-a-Person Test OR diaminopimelic acid diet as tolerated OR dementia of the Alzheimer type dispense as written diastolic blood pressure dendritic cell OR discontinue or discharge OR discharge ductal carcinoma in situ dilated cardiomyopathy differential diagnosis diamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin damaged dna binding protein 1 dna data bank of japan dideoxycytidine degenerative disc disease deoxyadenosine differential diagnosis diepoxybutane drug eluting stent OR diethlystilbestrol dual energy x-ray absorptiometry OR dual emission x-ray absorption disease free survival dermatitis herpetiformis dehydroepiandrosterone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate department of health and human services dihydrotestosterone diabetes inspidus disseminated intravascular coagulation dynamic infusion cavernosometry and cavernosography distal interphalangeal joint diiodotyrosine degenerative joint disease diabetic ketoacidosis deciliter Modified from list on D updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 13 of 45 Abbreviation Translation DLBCL DLCL DLT DM DMB DMC DMD DMEM DMPA DMSA DNA DNI DNKA DNR DO DOA DOB DOE DOL DOSS DOT DP DPI DPL DPP-IV DPT DS DSA DSD DSM DSMB DST DT DTaP DTP DTR DUB DUR DV DVT Dx diffuse large B cell lymphoma diffuse large C lymphoma dose limiting toxicity diabetes mellitus data monitoring board Data Monitoring Committee Duchenne's muscular dystrophy dulbecco's modified eagle's meduim depo-provera dimercaptosuccinic acid deoxyribonucleic acid do not intubate did not keep appointment do not resuscitate disorder dead on arrival OR date of admission date of birth dyspnea on exertion day of life (day of life 1=day of birth) docusate sodium (dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate) directly observed therapy dorsalis pedalis dry powder inhaler diagnostic peritoneal lavage dipeptidyl peptidase IV diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus diameter stenosis digital subtraction angiography detrusor-extrnal sphincter dyssynergia Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders data safety monitoring board dexamethasone suppression test diphtheria, tetanus OR delirium tremens diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (vaccine) deep tendon reflex dysfunction uterine bleeding drug utilization review domestic violence deep venous thrombosis diagnosis Modified from list on D updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 14 of 45 Abbreviation Translation E1 E2 E3 EAA EACA EAE EBI EBL EBM EBV EC ECASA ECC ECF ECG ECMO ECOG ECR eCRF ECT estrone estradiol estriol essential amino acid epsilon-aminocaproic acid experimental allergic encaphalomyelitis exercise induced bronchospasm estimated blood loss evidence-based medicine OR expressed breast milk Epstein-Barr virus eye contact OR epidermal cell OR endothelial cell OR enterically coated enteric coated acetylsalicylic acid emergency cardiac care OR endocervical curettage extended care facility OR extracellular fluid electrocardiogram extracorporeal membrane oxygenation Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group endocavitary radiation electronic case report form electroconvulsive therapy ECV ED ED50 EDC EDD EDP EDRF EDSS EDTA EEG EF EFAD EFM EFW EGA EGC EGD EGF external cephalic version emergency department OR erectile dysfunction effective dose in 50% population electronic data capture OR estimated date of confinement estimated delivery date emotional disturbed person endothelium-derived relaxing factor expanded disability status scale ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid electroencephalogram ejection fraction essential fatty acid deficiency electronic fetal monitoring estimated fetal weight estimated gestation age early gastric cancer esophagogastroduodenoscopy epidermal growth factor Modified from list on E updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 15 of 45 Abbreviation Translation EGFR EHBA EHEC EIEC EKG ELISA EMAS EMC EMD EMF EMG EMR EMS ENA ENRG ENT EOL EOM EOMI EP EPA EPEC EPO EPP EPS epidermal growth factor receptor extrahepatic biliary atresia enterohemorrhagic e. coli enteroinvasive e. coli electrocardiogram enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay edinburgh modular arm system encephalomyocarditis electromechanical dissociation endomyocardial fibrosis electromyogram electronic medical record emergency medical services extractable nuclear antigen energy numeric rating guide ear nose throat end of life extra ocular muscles extraocular muscles intact ectopic pregnancy enivronemental protection agency enteropathogenic e. coli exclusive provider organization OR erythropoietin OR endogenous erythropoietin end plate potential substance EPSDT ER ERCP ERP ERT ERV ESL ESR ESRD ESS EST ESWL ESWT ET ETC ETEC early and periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment emergency room endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography effective refractory period estrogen replacement therapy expiratory reserve volume English as second language erythrocyte sedimentation rate end stage renal disease empty sella syndrome expressed sequence tag OR exercise stress test extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy extracorporeal shock wave therapy endotracheal tube electron transport chain enterotoxic e. coli Modified from list on E E updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 16 of 45 Abbreviation Translation EtOH ETT EUA EUS EVS EW ethanol (alcohol) endo tracheal tube examination under anesthesia endoscopic unltrasonography endovaginal sonography emergency ward F F/C F/U FA FACS FACT FACT-fatigue FAP FAS FB FBG FBS FCST FCST-S FD FDA FDP Fe FEF FEN FEV FF FFA FFP FGR FH father OR female fever, chills follow up fatty acid fluorescence-activated cell sorter functional assessment of cancer therapy functional assessment of cancer therapy - fatigue scale familial adenomatous polyposis OR fibroblast activation protein fetal alcohol syndrome foreign body fasting blood glucose fasting blood sugar functional capacity screening tool functional capacity screening tool - short form fatal dose OR focal distance Food and Drug Administration fibrinogen degradation products iron forced expiratory flow fluids, electrolytes, nutrition forced expiratory volume free fluid free fatty acid fresh frozen plasma fetal growth restriction family history OR fundal height FHR FHT FIGO FIO2 fetal heart rate foetal heart tones International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics fraction of inspired oxygen Modified from list on E F updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 17 of 45 Abbreviation Translation FIR FISH FL FM FMTC FNA FNAB FNAC FNF FNH FOB FOBT FPD FRC FRET FROM FS FSE FSH FSI FT FTA-ABS FTP FTT FU FUO FVC FVD FX finite impulse response fluoresence in situ hybridization femur length fetal movement familial medullary thyroid carcinoma fine needle aspiration fine needle aspiration biopsy fine needle aspiration cytology finger to nose follicular nodular hyperplasia father of baby OR fecal occult blood fecal occult blood testing feto-pelvic disproportion functional residual capacity fluoresccence resonance energy transfer free range of motion febrile seizures OR finger stick fetal scalp electrode follicle stimulating hormone fatigue symptom inventory full term fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption failure to progress failure to thrive flououracil fever of unknown origin forced vital capacity fluid volume deficit fracture g G G6PD GA GABA GAD grams gravida glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase general anesthesia OR gestation age gamma-amino butyric acid generalized anxiety disorder Modified from list on F G updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 18 of 45 Abbreviation Translation GAF GB GBM GBS GC GCA GCP GCS G-CSF GCSP GCT GDM global assessment of function gall bladder glioblastoma multiform Buillain-Barre syndrome gonococcal giant cell arteritis good clincal practice Glasgow Coma scale granulocyte colony-stimulating factor global clinical safety and pharmacovigilance glucose challenge test OR germ cell tumor gestation diabetes mellitus GEFS GERD GETA GFR GGT GH GHRF GHRH GI GIFT GIST GIT GLT gm GMC GM-CSF GMP GnRH GOS GOT GPT GRO GSW GTD GTN GTP GTT GU GUI generalised epilepsy with febrile seizure gastroesophageal reflux disease general endotracheal anesthesia glomerular filtration rate gamma-glutamyl transferase growth hormone growth hormone releasing factor growth hormone releasing hormone gastrointestinal gamete intrafallopian transfer OR gastrointestinal gastrointestinal stromal tumor gastro intestinal tract glucose loading test gram generalized medical condition granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor good manufacturing practice gonadotropin releasing hormone Glasgow outcome score glutamic oxalic transaminase glutamic pyruvic transaminase growth-related oncogene gun shot wound gestational trophoblastic disease glyceryl trinitrate guanosine triphosphate OR ganosine triphosphate glucose tolerance test genitourinary graphical usre interface Modified from list on G G updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 19 of 45 Abbreviation Translation GVHD GXT GZDV graft versus host disease graded exercise tolerance glucopyranuronosylthymidine HA HAART HAV Hb HBA HbA1c headache OR hyaluronic acid OR hemaglutinin OR hemolytic anemia highly active antiretroviral therapy hepatitis A virus hemoglobin hepatitis b surface antigen hemoglobin A1c HBMEC HBO HbSAg HBV HC HCBS human brain microvacular endothelial cell health benefits organization hepatits B surface antigen hepatitis B virus head circumference home and community based services HCC hCG HCl HCL HCM HCMV HCO3 hCS Hct HCTZ HCV HD HDL HDPP HDV HEENT HELLP HEPA HES HEV HF HFOV HgA1c hepato cellular carcinoma human chorionic gonadotropin hydrochloride hairy cell leukemia hypertrophic cardiomyopathy human cytomegalovirus bicarbonate human chorionic somatomammootropin hematocrit hydrochlorothiazide hepatitis C virus hodgkins disease OR hemodialysis high density lipoprotein high density porous polyethylene hepatitis D virus head, eyes, ears, nose, throat hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets high efficiency particulate air hydroxyethyl starch hepatitis E virus heart failure high-frequency oscillatory ventilation hemoglobin A1c / glycosylated hemoglobin Modified from list on H updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 20 of 45 Abbreviation Translation Hgb HGP HIAA HIB HIDA HIE HIV HIV-1 HJR HKS HLA HL-A HMD hMG HMO HNP HNPCC HOCM HP hemoglobin human genome project 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid hemophilus infuenzae type B hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy human immunodeficiency virus human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 hepato jugular reflex heel knee skin human leukocyte antigen OR histocompatibility locus antigen human leukocytic associate antigens hyaline membrane disease human menopausal gonadotropin health maintenance organization human neutrophil peptide hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy hospital police HPA HPAI HPC HPI HPL HPV HR HRCT HRQOL HRT HS hsCRP HSG HSPG HSR HSV HTH HTLV HTN hTNF-alpha HUS HVA hypothalamic suppression test highly pathogenic avian influenza hematopoietic progenitor cell history of present illness human placental lactogen human papilloma virus heart rate high resolution computed tomography health related quality of life hormone replacement therapy at bedtime (hora somni) OR hippocampal sclerosis high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein hysterosalpingogram heparan sulfate proteoglycans Hypersensitivity reaction herpes simplex virus helix-turn-helix human T-cell leukemia virus hypertension human tumor necrosis factor alpha hemolytic uremic syndrome homovanillic acid Modified from list on H updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 21 of 45 Abbreviation Translation HX history I&D I&O i.d i.s.q I-131 IA incision and drainage input and output intradermal in status quo Radioactive iodine intraarterial IABP IADL IBD IBS IBW IC IC50 ICA ICCE ICCU ICD ICD-9 ICF ICH ICM ICP ICS ICSI ICU ID IDA IDC IDDM IDL IDM IDS IEC IFN IFU intra-aortic balloon pump instrumental activities of daily living inflammatory bowel disease irritable bowel syndrome ideal body weight inspiratory capacity OR immunocompromised OR intracardiac 50% inhibitory concentration internal carotid artery intracapsular cataract extraction intensive coronary care unit implantable cardioverter-defibrillator International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision informed consent form OR intermediate care facility international committee on harmonization OR intracerebral hemorrhage intensive case manager intracranial pressure intercostal space intracytoplasmic sperm ejection intensive care unit infectious diseases OR identification iron deficiency anemia idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy insulin dependent diabetes mellitus intermediate density lipoprotein insertional-duplication mutagensis integrated delivery system Independent Ethics Committee interferon instructions for use Modified from list on I updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 22 of 45 Abbreviation Translation Immunoglobulin Ig IgG Immunoglobulin G IGF IGIV IGRT IGT IHD IHR IHSS IIP IKK IL IM IMA IME IMR IMRT IMV IND INF INH INO INR INSS IOC IOL ION IOP IOR IP IPAP IPD IPF IPO IPPB IPPV IPV IQ IRB IRBBB IRBC insulin-like growth factor intravenous immunoglobulin G image guided radiotherapy impaired glucose tolerance ischemic heart disease international health regulations idiopathic hypertrophic subacute stenosis OR integrated healthcare system implantable insulin pump IkB kinase interleukin intramuscular internal mammary artery OR inferior mesenteric artery independent medical evaluation infant mortality rate intensity modulated radiotherapy inferior mesenteric vein OR intermittent mandatory ventilation Investigational new drug application infinity OR interferon isoniazid internuclear opthalmoplegia international normalized ratio OR international normalization ratio international neuroblastoma staging system intraoperative cholangiogram intraocular lens ischemic optic neuropathy intraocular pressure ideas of reference inpatient OR intraperitoneal OR intellectual property OR interphalangeal join inspiratory positive airway pressure intermittent peritoneal dialysis idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis individual practice organization intermittent positive pressure breathing intermittent ppositive pressure ventilation inactivated polio vaccine intelligence quotient institutional review board incomplete right bundle branch block infected red blood cell Modified from list on I updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 23 of 45 Abbreviation Translation IRDM IRV ISA ISS IT ITP ITT ITU IU IUCD IUD IUFD IUGR IUI IUP IUPC IUS IV IVC IVCD IVD IVDSA IVDU IVF IVF-ET IVH IVIG IVP IVRS IVU IVUS insulin resistant diabetes mellitus inspiratory reserve volume intrinsic sympathomimetic activity insulin sliding scale OR injury severity score intrathecal idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura OR immune thrombocytopenic purpura intent-to-treat intensive treatment unit international units OR intrauterine intrauterine contraceptive device intrauterine device OR intrauterine death intrauterine fetal death intrauterine growth retardation intrauterine insemination intrauterine pregnancy intrauterine pressure catheter intrauterine system intravenous inferior vena cava OR intravenous cholangiogram intraventricular conduction delay invitro diagnostic intravenous digital subtraction angiography intravenous drug use intravenous fluids OR in vitro fertilization in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer intraventricular hemorrhage intravenous immunoglobulin intravenous pyelogram OR intravenous push interactive voice response system intravenous urogram intravascular ultrasound JCV JGA JODM JNC JC virus juxtaglomerular apparatus juvenile onset diabetes mellitus Joint National Committee Modified from list on I J updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 24 of 45 Abbreviation Translation JP JRA JVD Jackson-Pratt (tube) juvenile rheumatoid arthritis jugular venous distension K Kcal kg KI KPS KS KUB KVO potassium kilocalorie kilgoram potassium iodide Karnofsky performance status Kaposi sarcoma kidney, ureter, bladder (x-ray) keep vein open L L/S LA LAAM LAD LAE LAFB LAHB LAP leukocytes lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio left atrium OR local anesthesia OR left auricle L-a-acetylmethadol y p p y g y OR left axis deviation left atrial enlargement left anterior fascicular block left anterior hemiblock leukocyte alkaline phosphatase OR left atrial pressure LAR LBBB LBP LBW LC LCH LCIS LCME LCP LCSW LCX LD50 LDH low anterior resection left bundle branch block lower back pain low birth weight Langerhans cell langerhans cell histiocytosis lobular carcinoma in situ Liaison Committee on Medical Education licensed clinical psychologist licensed clinical social worker left circumflex coronary artery lethal dose in 50% population lactate dehydrogenase K y Modified from list on y y L updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 25 of 45 Abbreviation Translation LDL L-DOPA LDR LE LE LEEP LES LEV LFD LFT LGA LGV LH LIH LIS LLL LLOD LLQ LLQ LMA LMP LN LOA LOC LOF LOP LOS LOT LP LPFB LPHB LPL LPS LR LRTI LS/MS/MS LSB LSD LSO LSW LTAC low density lipoprotein L-dihydroxyphenylalanine labor and delivery room lower extremity leukocyte esterase OR lupus erythematosus loop electrosurgical excision procedure lower esophageal sphincter levamisole low fat diet liver function test large for gestational age lymphogranuloma venereum luteinizing hormone left inguinal hernia laboratory information system left lower lobe lower limit of detection left lower quadrant lowest limit of quantitation laryngeal mask airway last menstrual period lymph node left occiput anterior loss of consciousness OR level of consciousness OR level of care loss of fluid left occiput posterior length of stay left occiput transverse lumbar puncture left posterior fascicular block left posterior hemiblock lipoprotein lipase lipopolysaccharide lactated Ringer's lower respiratory tract infection liquid chromatography with two mass spectrophotometers linked in tandem left sternal border lysergic acid diethylamide left salpingo-oophrectomy licensed social worker long term acute care Modified from list on L updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 26 of 45 Abbreviation Translation LTACH LTBI LTC LTCF LTC-IC LTH LTNP LTX LUL LUQ LV LVAD LVEDP LVEF LVF LVH LVOT LVSF LYMPH long term acute care facility latent tuberculosis infection long-term culture OR long term care long term care facility long-term culture-initiating cell long term hospital long term non progressor leukotrienes left upper lobe left upper quadrant left ventricle left ventricular assist device left ventricular end diastolic pressure left ventricular ejection fraction left ventricular failure left ventricular hypertrophy left ventricular outflow track left ventricular shortening fraction lymphocyte count M M&M MAARI Mab MABP MAC MACE MAI MALT MAO MAOI MAP MAP-70 MAPK MAR MAS MAST mother OR male morbidity and mortality medically attended acute respiratory illnesses monoclonal antibody mean arterial blood pressure mycobacterium avium intracellular complex OR minimum alveolar concentration major adverse coronary event mycobacterium avium intracellular mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue monoamine oxidase monoamine oxidase inhibitor mean arterial pressure 70 kDa MHC-I associated protein mitogen activated protein kinase medication administration record meconium aspiration syndrome medical antishock trousers Modified from list on L M updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 27 of 45 Abbreviation Translation MAT MBC MCA MCE MCH MCHC MCL MCO MCP MCR MCTD MCV MD MDD MDE MDI MDR MDS MEA MEC MED MedDRA MEFR MEN mg MHC MHPG MHST MI MIC MIF min MIT mL MLD MM mm mm³ MMEFR MMFR MMM multifocal atrial tachycardia minimal bacteriocidal concentration middle cerebral artery medical care evaluation studies mean corpuscular hemoglobin mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration mid clavicular line OR modified chest lead managed care organization metacarpophalangeal joint medical cost ratio mixed connective tissue disease mean corpuscular volume muscular dystrophy OR mitochondrial dysfunction OR Medicine Doctor maximum daily dose OR major depressive disorder major depressive episode metered dose inhaler multi drug resistant myelodysplastic syndrome multiple endocrine adenomatosis minimum effective concentration minimum effective dose Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Affairs maximal expiratory flow rate multiple endocrine neoplasia milligram major histocompatibility complex 3-methoxy 4-hydroxyphenylglycol Modified Harvard step test myocardial infarction OR mitral insufficiency minimum inhibitory concentration mullerian inhibiting factor minute monoiodotyrosine milliliter metachromiatic leukodystrophy OR minimum lumen diameter malignant melanoma OR multiple myeloma milimeter cubic millimeter maximal mid-expiratory flow rate maximal mid-expiratory flow rate moist mucous membrane Modified from list on M updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 28 of 45 Abbreviation Translation MMPI MMR MODY MoM MOM MOPP MPI MPV MR MRA MRCP MRDD MRG MRI MRM mRNA MRPN MRSA MRT MS MSAFP MSCRAMM MSD MSDS MSE MSG MSH MSO4 MSS MSU MSW MTD MTLE MTP MTX MV MVA MVI MVP MVR MVV Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory measles, mumps, rubella (vaccine) maturity onset diabetes of the young multiples of the median milk of magnesia mechlorethamine, vincristine (Oncovin), procarbazine, prednisone master patient index mean platelet volume mental retardation OR mitral regurgitation magnetic resonance angiography magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography maximum recommended daily dose murmurs, rubs, gallops magnetic resonance imaging modified radical mastectomy messenger ribonucleic acid medical resident progress note methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus medical review team OR magnetic resonance tomography OR malignant rhabdoid tumor multiple sclerosis OR mental status OR mitral stenosis OR morphine sulfate maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein Microbial Surface Components Recognizing Adhesive Matrix Molecules mean sac diameter maternal safety data sheet mental status examination monosodium glutamate melanocyte stimulating hormone morphine sulfate medical social services midstream urine sample masters in social work maximum tolerated dose mesial temporal lobe epilepsy metatarsophalangeal joint methotrexate mitral valve motor vehicle accident multivitamin injection mitral valve prolapse mitral valve replacement max voluntary ventilation Modified from list on updated 12-4-08 M Medical Abbreviations p 29 of 45 Abbreviation Translation ųg ųl ųM microgram microliter micromolar N/V NA NAAT NAD NBCCS NBT NC NCI NCI-CTCAE NCV ND nausea, vomiting not applicable OR neuraminidase nucleic acid amplification test no acute distress OR nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide OR no abnormality detected nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome nitroblue tetrazolium reduction test normo-cephalic OR no change OR nasal canula National Cancer Institute National Cancer Institute - Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events nerve conduction velocity non-distended NDA NDC NE NEC NED NESP NF NFAT NG NGT NGU NHL NICHD NICU NID NIDDM NIF NIH NK NKA NKDA NM NMR NMS new drug application national drug code norepinephrine necrotizing entercolitis no evidence of disease novel erythropoiesis stimulating protein National Formulary nuclear factor of activated t-cells nasogastric nasogastric tube non-gonococcal urethritis non-Hodgkin's lymphoma National Institute of Health and Human Development neonatal intensive care unit nephrogenic diabetes insipidus non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus negative inspiratory force National Institute of Health natural killer no known allergies no known drug allergies OR non-ketotic diabetic acidosis neuromuscular OR nodular melanoma OR nuclear medicine nuclear magnetic resonance neuroleptic malignant syndrome Modified from list on N N updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 30 of 45 Abbreviation Translation NMSC NNH NNRTI NNT NO NOAEL NOS NPA NPC non-melanoma skin cancer number needed to harm non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibator number needed to treat nitric oxide no observed adverse effect level not otherwise specified OR nitric oxide syndrome nasopharyngeal airway nasopharyngeal carcinoma NPH NPO NPV NREM NRSTS NRTI NS NSAID NSCC NSCLC NSE NSR NST NSU NSVD NT NTD NTG NVD NYHA neutral protamine Hagedorn (regular insulin) nil per os (nothing by mouth) negative predictive value non-rapid eye movement non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcoma nuceloside reverse transcriptase inhibitor normal saline nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug non-squamous cell carcinoma non-small-cell lung cancer neurospecific enolase normal sinus rhythm nonstress test nonspecific urethritis normal spontaneous vaginal delivery non-tender OR nasotracheal neural tube defect OR nothing to do nitroglycerine normal vaginal delivery New York Heart Association OA OAA OC OCD occiput anterior OR osteoarthritis oxaloacetic acid oral contraceptive obsessive compulsive disorder Modified from list on N updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 31 of 45 Abbreviation Translation OCG OCP OCT OD ODD OE OGTT OM OmpA ON ONB OON OP OPA OPD OPV OR oral cholecystography oral contraceptive pills oxytocin challenge test optical density OR overdose OR once daily OR oculus dexter (right eye) opposition defiant disorder on examination oral glucose tolerance test otitis media outer membrane protein A optic neuritis olfactory neuroblastoma out of bed occiput posterior oropharyngeal airway outpatient department oral polio vaccine odds ratio OR operating room ORIF OS OSA OT OTC OU open reduction & internal fixation overall survival OR osteogenic sarcoma OR oculus sinister (left eye) obstructive sleep apnea occupational therapist OR operation theater over the counter oculus uterque (both eyes) p P&PD PA PAC PaCO2 statistical probability value percussion and postural drainage posteroanterior OR physician's assistant OR pulmonary artery OR patient premature atrial contraction carbon dioxide pressure (tension), arterial PAH PAL PaO2 p-aminohippuric acid pulmonary artery line oxygen pressure (tension), arterial PAO2 PAP PAT PBC PBP PCA pulmonary alveolar oxygen pulmonary artery pressure pulseless atrial tachycardia OR paroxysmal atrial tachycardia primary biliary cirrhosis penicillin binding protein patient controlled anesthesia OR posterior cerebral artery Modified from list on O O P updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 32 of 45 Abbreviation Translation PCB PCCM PCI PCN PCO PCO2 polychlorinated biphenyls primary care case management percutaneous coronary intervention penicillin binding protein polycystic ovaries carbon dioxide pressure (tension) PCOS PCP PCR PCTA PCWP PD PDA PDE PDGF PDMS PE PEA PEEP PEF PEG PERRLA PES PET PFO PFS PFT PG PGD PGS PGx PH PHI PHPC PHZ PI PICC PICU PID PIE PIF polycystic ovary syndrome Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia OR phencyclidine OR primary care physician polymerase chain reaction percutaneous transluminal angioplasty pulmonary capillary wedge pressure peritoneal disease OR Parkinson's Disease OR pharmacodynamic patent ductus arteriosis phosphodiesterase platelet delivered growth factor poly dimethyl siloxane pulmonary embolism OR physical exam pulseless electrical activity positive end expiratory pressure peak expiratory flow percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy OR polyethylene glycol pupils equal in size, round and reactive to light and accommodation pediatric emergency service positron emission tomography OR pancreatic endocrine tumor perfringolysin O Piper fatigue scale pulmonary function test prostaglandin preimplantation genetic diagnosis preimplantation genetic screening pharmacogenetics public health protected health information primitive hematopoietic progenitor cells phenylhydrazine protease inhibator OR pulsality index OR pulmonary insufficiency peripherally inserted central catheter pediatric ICU patient identification number OR pelvic inflammatory disease pulmonary interstitial emphysema prolactin inhibiting factor Modified from list on P updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 33 of 45 Abbreviation Translation PIH PIP PK pKa PKD PKU PLB PLC Plt PMA PMD PMH PMI PML PMP PMR PMS PND PNET PNS PNV PO PO2 pregnancy induced hypertension peak inspiratory pressure pharmacokinetic ionization constant polycystic kidney disease phenylketonuria primary lymphoma of the bone phospholipase C platelet psychomotor agitation OR postmenstrual age primary medical doctor past medical history point of maximal impulse progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy post menopausal psychomotor retardation OR proportionate mortality rate OR patient medical record premenstrual syndrome paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea primitive neuroectodermal tumor peripheral nervous system pre-natal vitamins per os (by mouth) OR parole officer oxygen pressure (tension) POBA POC POD POEM POMS-SF-F PP PPD PPN PPROM PPS PPV PPV PR PRBC PRN PROM PS PSA plain old balloon angioplasty products of conception post operative day patient oriented evidence that matters profile of mood states short form fatigue subscale post prandial (after eating) OR pulsus paradoxus purified protein derivative (tuberculosis test) OR pack per day peripheral parental nutrition preterm premature rupture of membrane postpartum sterilization positive pressure ventilation positive predictive value per rectum packed red blood cells as necessary prolonged rupture of membrane OR premature rupture of membranes pulmonary stenosis prostate serum antigen OR polysubstance abuse Modified from list on P updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 34 of 45 Abbreviation Translation PSE PSF PSH PSS PSTT PSUD PSVD PT PTA PTC PTCA PTFE PTH PTHC PTL PTSD PTT PTU PTX PUBS PUD PUO PVA PVC PVD PVR PVS PVT Present State Examination point-spread-function past surgical history progressive systemic sclerosis placental site trophoblastic tumor polysubstance use disorder paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia prothrombin time OR physical therapy OR patient OR posterior tibialis prior to admission OR percutaneous transluminal angioplasty percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty polytetrafluoroethylene parathyroid hormone percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram preterm labor post-traumatic stress disorder partial prothrombin time OR partial thromboplastin time propylthiouracil pneumothorax percuatneous umbilical blood sampling peptic ulcer disease pyrexia of unknown origin polyvinyl alcohol premature ventral contraction peripheral vascular disease pulmonary vascular resistance OR pulse volume recording persistent vegetative state pulseless ventricular tachycardia QA QALY QC QCA qd qh qhs qid QM QNS qod Qualitiy analysis OR quality assurance quality adjusted life years quality control OR quality check quantitative coronary angiography once a day once every hour once every day at night four times a day OR quality improvement quality management quantity not sufficient every other day Modified from list on P Q updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 35 of 45 Abbreviation Translation QRDR Qs/Qt Qt quinolone-resistance determining region shunt fraction total cardiac output R&D r/g/m RA RAAS RACS RAD RAE RAIU RAM RANTES RAP RBBB RBC RBP RCA RCT RDA RDI rDNA RDRG RDS RDW REE REM RF RFLP rG-CSF RHD rHuEPO RIA RID RIGS RIH RIJ RIMA research and development rubs, gallops, murmurs right atrium OR rheumatoid arthritis OR room air Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System respiratory assessment change score reactive airway disease right atrial enlargement radioactive iodine uptake rapid alternating movements regulated on activation, normal, T-cell expressed and secreted reporting and analysis data OR right arterial (or atrial) pressure right bundle branch block red blood cell retinol binding protein right coronary artery randomized controlled trial OR randomized clinical trial recommended daily allowance recommended daily intake recombinant DNA refined diagnosis related group respiratory distress syndrome red blood cell distribution of width resting energy expenditure rapid eye movements risk factor restriction fragment length polymorphism recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factor rheumatic heart disease recombinant human erythropoietin radioimmunoassay radial immunodiffusion radio immuno guided surgery right inguinal hernia right internal jugular reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase A Modified from list on R updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 36 of 45 Abbreviation Translation RISS RLL RLQ RM RN RNA RNAi ROA ROC ROI ROM ROP ROS regular insulin sliding scale right lower lobe right lower quadrant repiratory movement registered nurse ribonucleic acid RNA interference right occiput anterior receiver operating characteristic reactive oxygen intermediate rupture of membrane right occiput posterior OR retinopathy of prematurity review of symptoms rOspA ROT RPE RPF RPG RPR RR RRP RRR RSB RSO RSR RSV RT RTA RTC RTF RTS RUG RUL RUQ RV RVAD RVD RVH RVR Rx RXN recombinant outer surface protein A right occiput transverse rating of perceived exertion renal plasma flow retrograde pyelogram rapid plasma reagin (syphilis test) respiratory rate relative refractory period regular rate and rhythm right sternal border right salpingo-oophrectomy regular sinus rhythm respiratory syncytial virus radiotherapy renal tubular acidosis return to clinic residential treatment facility revised trauma score retrograde urethrogram right upper lobe right upper quadrant right ventricle OR residual volume right ventricular assist device reference vessel diameter right ventricular hypertrophy rapid viral response treatment reaction Modified from list on R updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 37 of 45 Abbreviation Translation Modified from list on updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 38 of 45 Abbreviation Translation systolic-dystolic ratio status post Staphylococcus aureus sinoatrial OR suicide attempt SA spontaneous abortion SAB supplied air breathing apparatus SABA schizoaffective disorder OR seasonal affective disorder SAD serious adverse event SAE semi automatic external defibrillator SAED subarachnoid hemorrhage SAH S-adenosylhomocysteine SAM sinoatrial node SAN severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS serum aspartate aminotransferase SAST spina bifida SB subacute bacterial endocarditis SBE small bowel obstruction SBO Systolic blood pressure OR spontaneous bacterial peritonitis SBP shaken baby syndrome OR short bowel syndrome SBS subcutaneous SC squamous cell carcinoma SCC severe combined immunodeficiency disease SCID serum creatinine SCr Sentence Completion Test SCT standard deviation SD same day admission SDA ser-asp dipeptides repeat G SdrG S. epidermidis Staphylococcus epidermidis standard error SE systolic ejection murmur OR standard error of the mean OR scanning electron microscopy SEM socio-economic status SES stereotactic fine need aspiration SFNA swan ganz catheter SG small for gestational age SGA serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase SGOT serum glutamate-pyruvate transaminase SGPT simian HIV-1 SHIV suicidal ideation SI syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone SIADH surgical ICU SICU sudden infant death syndrome SIDS S/D S/P S. aureus Modified from list on updated 12-4-08 S Medical Abbreviations p 39 of 45 Abbreviation Translation SIL SIMV SiRNA SL SLE SLNTG SMA SMA6 SMR SMV SMX SNF SNP SNS SOB SOCS SP SPA SPECT SPEP SPM SPO2 squamous intraepithelial lesion synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation small interfering RNA sublingual systemic lupus erythematosus sublingual nitroglycerin superior mesenteric artery OR spinal muscle atrophy sequential multiple analyzer series 6 (electrolyte panel) sexual maturity rating superior mesenteric vein sulfamethoxazole skilled nursing facility single nucleotide polymorphism standardized neurological status shortness of breath suppressor of cytokine signaling suprapubic sperm penetration assay single photon emission computed tomography serum protein electrophoresis study procedures manual arterial oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry SQ SR SRM SRNA SROM SS SSE SSLF SSPE SSS SST ST STD STH STM STSG SUI SUZI SV subcutaneous sustained release half-life small RNA spontaneous rupture of membrane social security sterile speculum examination OR subacute spongiform encephalopathy sacral spinous ligament fixation subacute sclerosing panencephalitis sick sinus syndrome OR scalded skin syndrome somatostatin sinus tachycardia sexually transmitted disease somatotrphic hormone short term memory split thickness skin graft stress urinary incontinence subzonal volume stroke volume Modified from list on S updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 40 of 45 Abbreviation Translation SVC SVD SVE SVR SVT SW SWL Sx superior vena cava spontaneous vaginal delivery sterile vaginal examination systemic vascular resistance supraventricular tachycardia social work shock wave therapy symptom T&C T&R T&S t/c t1/2 type and cross (blood) treated & released type and screen (blood) test/control half-life T3 T4 TAH TAHBSO TAPVR TAR TAS TAT TB TBG TBI TBSA TBW TC TCA TCBS TCC TCH triiodothyronine thyroxine total abdominal hysterectomy total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy total anomalous pulmonary venous return target aneurysm re-intervention transabdominal sonography Thematic apperception test tuberculosis thyroid binding globulin traumatic brain injury OR total body irradiation total body surface area total body water thought content OR therapeutic community OR total cholesterol tricyclic antidepressant thiosulfate citrate bile salts sucrose transitional cell carcinoma tetrahydrocannabinal Modified from list on S T updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 41 of 45 Abbreviation Translation TCP TD TD50 TDF TEAE TED TEE TEM TEP TESE TFT TGA TGs TGV THC THR TI TIA TIBC tid TIG TIL TIMI TIPS tiw TK TKR TLC TLE TLOVR TLR Tm TM tmax transcutaneous pacing OR thrombocytopenia tardive dyskinesia toxic dose in 50% population testes-determining factor treatment-emergent adverse event thromo-embolism deterrent transesophageal echocardiogram transanal endoscopic microsurgery OR transmission electron microscopy tracheo esophageal puncture testicular sperm extraction thyroid function test transient global amnesia OR transposition of the great arteries triglycerides transposition of the great vessels transhepatic cholangiogram OR tetrahydrocannabinal total hip replacement therapeutic index OR trypsin inhibitor transient ischemic neurological attack transferrin iron-binding capacity three times a day tetanus immunoglobulin tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt three times a week toxicokinetic total knee replacement total lung capacity temporal lobe epilepsy time to loss of virologic response target lesion revascularization maximal temperature tympanic membrane time to reach maximum plasma concentration TME TMJ TMP TNF TNM TOA TOC total mesorectal excision temporo mandibular joint trimethoprim tumor necrosis factor tumor, node, metastasis tubo-ovarian abscess tubo-ovarian complex OR test of cure Modified from list on T updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 42 of 45 Abbreviation Translation TOL TONE TOPV TOS TP tPA TPN TPR TRAM TRH TRK TSE TSH TSS TSST TST TT TTE TTN TTP TU TUPR TURBT TURP TV TVF TVH TVR TXA2 trial of labor time-domain optimized near-field emission trivalent oral polio vaccine thoracic outlet syndrome thought process OR tuberculin precipitation tissue plasminogen activator total parenteral nutrition total peripheral resistance transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (flap) thyrotropin releasing hormone trans ketolase transmissible spongiform encephalopathy thyroid stimulating hormone toxic shock syndrome toxic shock syndrome toxin tuberculin skin test thrombin time transthoracic echocardiogram transient tachypnea of the newborn thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura tuberculin units transurethral prostate resection transurethral resection of bladder tumor transurethral resection of the prostate tidal volume target vessel failure total vaginal hysterectomy target vessel revascularization thromboxane A2 Modified from list on T T updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 43 of 45 Abbreviation Translation UA UAC UAO UC UE UFH UG UGT ULN ULP UMDNS UO UPIN UPJ UPS URI URL URO US USOH USP UTI UTO UUN UV UVS UVR urinalysis OR unstable angina OR umbilical artery umbilical artery catheter upper airway obstruction ulcerative colitis upper extremity unfractionated heparin urogenital glucuronidation upper limit of normal upper limb prosthetics universal medical device nomenclature system urine output universal physician identification number ureteral pelvic junction ubiquitin/proteasome system upper respiratory infection upper reference limit utilization review organization ultrasound usual state of health United States Pharmacopoeia urinary tract infection unable to obtain urinary urea nitrogen umbilical vein umbilical venous catheter ultraviolet radiation VA VAD VAS VATS VB VBAC VC VCT VCUG VDRL ventriculoatrial OR visual acuity ventricular assist device visual analogue scale video-assisted thoracoscopy vaginal bleeding vaginal birth after caesarean section vital capacity venous clotting time voiding cystourethrogram Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (syphilis test) Modified from list on U V updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 44 of 45 Abbreviation Translation VEF VEGF VF VH VIN VIP VIRIP VLBW VLDL VLPs VMA VNS VO VO2max ventricular ejection fraction vascular endothelial growth factor ventricular fibrillation vaginal hysterectomy OR hallucination vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia vasoactive intestinal peptide OR voluntary interruption of pregnancy virus-inhibitory peptide very low birth weight (<1,500 gm) very low density lipoproteins virus like particles vanillylmandelic acid visiting nurse service volume obstruction maximal oxygen carrying capacity VPB VPC Vpr VPRBP VR VRS VS vs. VSA VSD VSS VT VT ventricular premature beat ventricular premature contraction viral protein r viral protein r binding protein vocational rehabilitation volume reduction surgery vital signs versus vital signs absent ventricular septal defect vital signs stable venous thrombosis OR ventricular tachycardia tidal volume VV VWD VZV varicose veins Von Willebrand's disease varicella zoster virus W/D w/r/r WAGR WAIS-R WAS WB WBC withdrawal wheezing, ronchi, rales Wilm's tumor, aniridia, genitourinary malformation, mental retardation Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Revised Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome whole blood white blood cell count Modified from list on V W updated 12-4-08 Medical Abbreviations p 45 of 45 Abbreviation Translation WBR WCC WCST WD WF WGA WHO WHOART WIC WISC-R WM WN WNL WPPSI WPW WSP whole body radiation white cell count Wisconsin Card Sort Test well developed white female whoel genome amplification World Health Organization World Health Organization adverse reporting terminology walk in clinic Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Revised white male well nourished within normal limits Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence Wolf-Parkinson-White water soluble protein XMM XRT XST YF YST ZE Z-ESR xero mammography external radiation therapy extra strength tylenol yello fever yolk sac tumor Zollinger Ellison syndrome zeta erythrocyte sedimentation rate Modified from list on W XYZ updated 12-4-08
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