Chapter 10 Abbreviations UTMB, all classes, 1895. Courtesy of the Blocker History of Medicine Collection, Moody Medical Library, UTMB, Galveston What’s Inside: UTMB Approved Abbreviations UTMB Prohibited Abbreviations Abbreviations 95 If abbreviations are not found in this list refer to the abbreviations book titled: Medical Abbreviations: 24,000 Conveniences 11th Edition by Neil M. Davis, available at the UTMB Bookstore. A A .............abortus aa ............amino acids ab............abortion abd .........abdomen ABD ........abduction ABG ........arterial blood gas abn..........abnormal ABR ........auditory brainstem response Abx .........antibiotics ac ............before meals (ante cibum) accom.....accommodation ACTH ......adrenocorticotropic hormone AD...........right ear (auris dextra) ADD ........adduction ADH ........antidiuretic hormone ADL.........activities of daily living ad lib desired (ad libitum) AFI ..........amniotic fluid index AFP .........alpha fetoprotein AFB .........acid fast bacilli A/G..........albumin to globulin ratio AGA ........appropriate for gestational age AIDS .......acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AKA.........above knee amputation alb...........albumin ALL .........acute lymphocytic leukemia alk phos ..alkaline phosphatase ALT .........alanine amino transaminase AMA .......against medical advice AML ........acute myelogenous leukemia AMNIO ...amniocentesis amp ........ampule ant ..........anterior ant seg....anterior segment A&O ........alert and oriented A&P .........anterior and posterior AODM onset diabetes mellitus APAP ......acetaminophen ARC ........AIDS related complex ARDS respiratory distress syndrome aROM range of motion AROM.....artificial rupture of membranes ASA.........acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) Abbreviations ASAP...... as soon as possible ASCVD ... arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease ASD........ atrial septal defect ASO ....... antistreptolysin O AST ........ aspartate amino transaminase ATN ........ acute tubular necrosis AU .......... both ears A/V ......... arteriovenous ratio AV node . atrioventricular node B BAL ........ bronchoscopy and lavage BBT ........ basal body temperature BBU ....... blocker burn unit BCG ....... bacille calmette gurin BCLS ...... basic cardiac life support BE .......... barium enema bid.......... twice a day bilat ........ bilateral bili .......... bilirubin BKA ........ below knee amputation BM ......... bowel movement BPD........ bronchopulmonary dysplasia BPH........ benign prostatic hypertrophy BPP ........ biophysical profile BTL ....... bilateral tubal ligation BUN ....... blood urea nitrogen BX .......... biopsy C CA .......... cancer CABG ..... coronary artery bypass graft CAD ....... coronary artery disease CAPD ..... chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis caps ....... capsule cath ........ catheter, catheterized CBC........ complete blood count CC .......... chief complaint CCU ....... coronary care unit CEA ........ carcinoembryonic antigen 96 CF ...........cystic fibrosis CHD ........congenital heart disease CHF.........congestive heart failure CHI..........closed head injury CHO ........carbohydrate chol.........cholesterol CHTN ......chronic hypertension CIDC .......chronically ill and disabled children CMC .......carpometacarpal CMG .......cystometrogram CML ........chronic myelogenous leukemia CMV........cytomegalovirus CNS ........central nervous system CN...........cranial nerves c/o...........complains of c/w..........consistent with CO ..........cardiac output CODF ......continuous oral/duodenal feeding COGF ......continuous oral/gastric feeding COPD......chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CP ...........cerebral palsy CPAP ......continuous positive airway pressure CPC.........clinicopathologic conference CPK .........creatinine phosphokinase CPS .........child protective services CPT .........chest physiotherapy C/S ..........cesarean section C&S .........culture and sensitivity CSF .........cerebrospinal fluid CT ...........computerized tomography ctxn.........contractions CTA .........clear to auscultation CVA.........cerebrovascular accident CVL .........central venous line CVP .........central venous pressure CVS .........chronic villus sampling CWS .......continuous wall suction CXR.........chest x-ray D D&C.........dilation and curettage D/C..........discontinue decel.......deceleration DI ............diabetes insipidus diam .......diameter DIP ..........distal interphalangeal disch .......discharge Abbreviations dlnmp .... date last normal menstrual period DM ......... diabetes mellitus DOE ....... dyspnea on exertion DPT ........ diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus DSE ........ dobutamine stress echo DTRs ...... deep tendon reflexes DTs ........ delirium tremens D5NS ..... 5% glucose in normal saline D5W....... 5% glucose in water E EAC ........ external auditory canal EBL ........ estimated blood loss ECG........ electrocardiogram ECMO .... extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ECT ........ electroconvulsive therapy EDC........ estimated date of confinement EEP ........ end expiratory pressure EF .......... ejection fraction EFW ....... estimated fetal weight EGD ....... esophago-gastroduodenoscopy ELISA ..... enzyme linked immunosorbent assay elix ......... elixir EMG....... electromyogram EOG ....... electrooculogram EOM ...... extra ocular movements ERCP...... endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ERG........ electroretinogram ERV ........ expiratory reserve volume ESR ........ erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESRD ..... end stage renal disease ESWL ..... extra corporeal shock wave lithotripsy etiol ........ etiology ETT......... endotracheal tube EUA........ examination under anesthesia exp lap ... exploratory laparotomy ext .......... external 97 F FBS .........fasting blood sugar FDP.........fibrin degradation product FF............filtration fraction fh ............fundal height FHR.........fetal heart rate FHT .........fetal heart tones FiO2 .........fraction of inspired oxygen fm ...........fetal movement FOBT ......fecal occult blood test FRC.........functional residual capacity FSBG ......fingerstick blood glucose FSH .........follicle stimulating hormone FTA-Abs ..fluorescent treponema antibody absorption FTT..........failure to thrive FUO ........fever of unknown origin FVC .........forced vital capacity fx.............fracture G G .............gravid GC...........gonorrhea GFR.........glomerular filtration rate GH ..........growth hormone gr ............grain GSW .......gunshot wound GT ...........gastric tube GTT .........glucose tolerance test gtts .........drops GVH ........graft versus host G6PD ......glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase H HbsAG ....hepatitis B surface antigen HC...........head circumference HCG ........human chorionic gonadotropin Hct ..........hematocrit HDL ........high density lipoprotein H&E .........hematoxylin and eosin hep-lock ..heparin lock H&H ........hemoglobin and hematocrit 5-HIAA ....5-hydroxyIndoleacetic acid HL ...........hearing level HMD .......hyaline membrane disease HO officer HPF .........high power field HPI ..........history of present illness Abbreviations HPL ........ human placental lactogen HSV ........ herpes simplex virus HTLV-III .. human T-cell lymphotropic virus-III HTN........ hypertension HZV ........ herpes zoster virus I ICD-9-CM international class. Of diseases 9th ed, clinical modification ICH ......... intracranial hemorrhage ICS ......... intercostal space I&D ......... incision and drainage ID ........... infectious disease IDDM ..... insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus IDV ......... intermittent demand ventilation IEP ......... immunoelectrophoresis Ig............ immunoglobulin IM .......... intramuscularly Imp ........ impression IMV ........ intermittent mandatory ventilation INH......... isoniazid inj ........... injection I&O ......... intake and output IOP ......... intraocular pressure IPPB ....... intermittent positive pressure breathing IRV ......... inspiratory reserve volume ITP.......... idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura IU ........... international unit IUFD....... intrauterine fetal demise IUP ......... intrauterine pregnancy IUPM...... intrauterine pressure monitor IV............ intravenous IVC ......... inspiratory vital capacity IVP ......... intravenous pyelogram IVPB ....... intravenous piggyback J JODM .... juvenile onset diabetes mellitus JP ........... jackson-pratt JRA ........ juvenile rheumatoid arthritis JVD ........ jugular venous distention 98 JVP .........jugular venous pressure K KUB ........kidney, ureter, bladder Kv............kilovolt L la .............left atrium L&A .........light and accommodation LAD.........left axis deviation LADC ......left anterior descending coronary LAE .........left atrial enlargement LAL .........left axillary line LAO ........left anterior oblique LAP .........leukocyte alkaline phosphatase lap...........laparotomy lat............lateral LBBB ......left bundle branch block LCM ........left costal margin LD ...........lethal dose LDH ........lactic dehydrogenase LE ...........lower extremity LGA.........large for gestational age LH ...........luteinizing hormone LKS .........liver, kidneys, spleen LLE .........left lower extremity LLL..........left lower lobe LLQ .........left lower quadrant LMP ........last menstrual period LP ...........lumbar puncture LPF .........low power field lpm .........liters per minute LR ...........lactated ringers L/S ..........lecithin to sphingomyelin ratio LUE .........left upper extremity LUL .........left upper lobe LUQ ........left upper quadrant LV ...........left ventricle LVEDP ....left ventricular end diastolic pressure LVH .........left ventricular hypertrophy M MAO .......monoamine oxidase MAP........mean arterial pressure Abbreviations MAS ....... meconium aspiration syndrome MCH ...... mean corpuscular hemoglobin MCHC .... mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration MCP ....... metacarpophalangeal MCV ....... mean corpuscular volume MEq ....... milliequivalent Mev........ million electron volts MI .......... myocardial infarction MMPI ..... minnesota multiphasic personality inventory MMR...... measles, mumps, rubella vaccine MOM ..... milk of magnesia 6-MP ...... 6-mercaptopurine MP ......... metacarpophalangeal MPV ....... mean platelet volume MSAFP... maternal serum alpha feto protein MSL ....... midsternal line MTP ....... metatarsophalangeal MTX ....... methotrexate MV ......... minute ventilation MVC ....... motor vehicle crash MX ......... maxilla N NAD ....... no apparent distress NEC........ necrotizing enterocolitis NG.......... nasogastric NIDDM... non-insulin dependent Diabetes mellitus NIP ......... negative inspiratory pressure NL .......... normal NM ......... neuromuscular nm ......... nanometer NP .......... nasopharyngeal NPO ....... nothing by mouth NR .......... nonreactive NS .......... normal saline NSA........ no significant abnormality NST ........ non-stress test NSVD ..... normal spontaneous vaginal delivery NT .......... nasotracheal NTS ........ nasotracheal suction N&V ........ nausea and vomiting NVD ....... neovascularization of the disc nvd ......... neck venous distention 99 O O2 sat......oxygen saturation OBV ........observation OCA ........oral contraceptive agent OCG ........oral cholecystogram OCT ........oxytocin challenge test OD ..........right eye OM .........otitis media OMFS .....oral and maxillofacial surgery O&P.........ova and parasites OPV ........oral polio vaccine OS...........left eye OT ...........occupational therapy OTC ........over the counter OTT .........orotracheal tube OU ..........both eyes P P .............pulse P .............para PA ...........posteroranterior PAC.........premature atrial contraction Pap .........papanicolaou smear PAT .........paroxysmal atrial tachycardia PAWP .....pulmonary artery wedge pressure PBI ..........protein bound iodine pc............after meals PCA.........patient controlled analgesia PCI ..........percutaneous coronary intervention PCV .........packed cell volume PCWP .....precapillary wedge pressure PDA ........patent ductus arterious PEEP .......positive end expiratory pressure PERRLA ..pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation PI ............present illness PICU .......pediatric intensive care unit PID ..........pelvic inflammatory disease PIH ..........pregnancy induced hypertension PIP ..........proximal interphalangeal PIV ..........peripheral intravenous PKU.........phenylketonuria PMH .......past medical history PMI .........point of maximal impulse PMN .......polymorphonuclear cells ................(neutrophils) POD op day Abbreviations P/P ......... postpartum PPD ........ purified protein derivative tuberculin PPS ........ postpartum sterilization PROM .... premature rupture of membranes PSVT ...... paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia PTA ........ prior to admission PTCA ...... percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty PTL......... preterm labor PT........... prothrombin PTT......... partial thromboplastin time PVC ........ premature ventricular contractions Q q............. every q am....... every morning qd........... every day qh........... every hour q 2h........ every 2 hours qhs ......... every night qid.......... four times a day qns ......... quantity not sufficient qod ........ every other day q pm ...... every evening qs ........... quantity sufficient qt ........... quart R R ............ respiration RA .......... right atrium RAE ........ right atrial enlargement RAO ....... right anterior oblique RBBB ..... right bundle branch block RCM....... right costal margin RDW ...... red cell distribution width REM ....... rapid eye movements Retic ...... reticulocytes RHF ........ right heart failure Rh .......... rhesus factor RIA ......... radioimmune assay RLE ........ right lower extremity RLL ........ right lower lobe RLQ........ right lower quadrant RML ....... right middle lobe ROM ...... range of motion ROP ...... retinopathy of prematurity 100 RPR.........rapid plasma reagin RRR ........regular, rate & rhythm RTC.........return to clinic RUE ........right upper extremity RUL.........right upper lobe RUQ ........right upper quadrant RV ...........right ventricle RVH ........right ventricle hypertrophy Rx ...........prescription S SG ...........specific gravity SGA ........small for gestational age SIADH .....syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone Sig ..........label sl .............sublingual SLE .........systemic lupus erythematosus SLR .........straight leg raise SPE .........serum protein electrophoresis Spgr ........specific gravity SROM .....spontaneous rupture of membranes STAT .......completed within 1 hour STD .........sexually transmitted disease STS .........serologic test for syphilis Supp .......suppository SVD.........spontaneous vaginal delivery SVT .........supraventricular tachycardia Sx............symptoms TOA........ tubo-ovarian abscess TORCH... toxoplasmosis others (syphilis, hepatitis) rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex TPN ........ total parenteral nutrition Trach ...... tracheostomy TRNBP ... transrectal needle biopsy of prostate TSH ........ thyroid stimulating hormone TSP ........ total serum protein TUR ........ transurethral resection TURP...... transurethral resection of prostate TVH ........ total vaginal hysterectomy T3RU ...... triiodothyroxine resin uptake U UA .......... urinalysis UAC ....... umbilical arterial catheter UE .......... upper extremity UGI......... upper gastrointestinal tract UPJ ........ ureteropelvic junction US .......... ultrasound USG ....... ultrasonography UVC........ umbilical vein catheter UVJ ........ ureterovesical junction V T Tab..........tablet TAGA ......term appropriate for gestational age abdominal hysterectomy TE ...........tracheo-esophageal TIA ..........transient ischemic attack TIBC iron binding capacity TID ..........three times a day TIG ..........tetanus immunoglobulin TIPS ........tranjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt keep open TLC lung capacity TLV lung volume TMJ ........temporamandibular joint TO...........telephone order Abbreviations VA .......... visual acuity Vacc ....... vaccination VBAC ..... vaginal birth after cesarean VC .......... vital capacity VCUG ..... voiding cystourethrogram VD .......... venereal disease v-fib ........ ventricular fibrillation v-flutter .. ventricular flutter VHD ....... valvular heart disease VMA ....... vanillylmandelic acid VO .......... verbal orders VP .......... ventriculoperitoneal VS .......... vital signs VSD ........ ventricular septal defect v-tach ..... ventricular tachycardia W WBD ...... weeks by date 101 WBAT .....weight bearing as tolerated WBC .......white blood count WFL ........within functional limits WNL .......within normal limits WPWS ....Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome W/U up X x3 ........... person,place,time XRT ........ radiation therapy Y Y/O ......... year old UTMB Prohibited Abbreviations The following list of abbreviations must NOT be used, and the dose expressions must only be written in the approved form. Abbreviation Intended Meaning Misinterpretation Correction All Drug Names (some examples follow) ARA-A Vidarabine Cytarabine (ARA-C) Write “Vidarabine” ARA-C Cytarabine Vidarabine (ARA-A) Write “Cytararbine” AZT Zidovudine (Retrovir®) Azathioprine (Imuran®) Write “Zidovudine or Retrovir®” MS MSO4 MgSO4 Morphine Sulfate Magnesium Sulfate Confused for one another. Can mean morphine sulfate or magnesium sulfate. Write “morphine sulfate” or “magnesium sulfate” MTX Methotrexate Mistaken for Mitoxanthrone Q.D., Q.O.D. (Latin abbreviation for once daily and every other day) Mistaken for each other. The period after the Q can be mistaken for an “I” and the “O” can be mistaken for “I”. Write Methotrexate Write “daily” and “every other day” T.I.W. Three times a week Mistaken for three times a day or twice weekly resulting in an overdose. Abbreviations Write “3 times weekly” or “three times weekly” 102 Abbreviation A.S., A.D, A.U. Intended Meaning Misinterpretation Correction Latin abbreviation for left, right or both ears Latin abbreviation for left, right or both eyes Mistaken for each other (e.g., A.S. for O.S., A.D. for O.D., A.U. for O.U., etc.) Write “left ear”, “right ear” or “both ears;” “left eye”, “right eye,” or “both eyes” µg Intended meaning is Microgram Mistaken for “mg” milligram when handwritten Use mcg U Unit Mistaken as zero, four or cc. Write “unit” IU International Unit Mistaken as IV (intravenous) or 10 (ten) Write “international unit” Zero after decimal point (i.e. 1.0) 1.0 mg = 1 mg Misread as 10 mg if the decimal point is not seen .5 mg = 0.5 mg Misread as 5 mg Never write a zero by itself after a decimal point (X mg) Do not use terminal zeros for doses expressed in whole numbers Always use zero before a decimal point (0.Xmg)when the dose is less than a whole unit. O.S., O.D., O.U. Trailing zero (X.0mg) Lack of leading zero (.X mg) Abbreviations 103 Abbreviations 104
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