THE GEOGRAPHY OF ILLEGAL DISTILLERY SITES IN THE BIG SOUTH FORK NATIONAL RIVER AND RECREATION AREA, 2010 By Timothy J. Smith II and Tom Des Jean. Introduction The Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area (National Area) was created by an act of Congress in 1974. It consists of 125,000 acres of forest and cliffline resources in the Upper Cumberland Plateau (UCP) of Tennessee and Kentucky, surrounding the Big South Fork of the Cumberland River (Figure 1). Since the fall of 2005, park rangers and university contractors have been engaged in relocating and documenting the condition of archaeological sites in the National Area. The project, known as the Archaeological Site Condition Assessment Project (CAP), has provided an abundance of information concerning the numerous (>150) historic period distillery sites in the Big South Fork NRRA. This research report is the culmination of efforts to document that vanishing activity and is based on that earlier work (Smith and Des Jean 2007) as well as collected oral histories and interviews. Historic Overview Moonshine is one of the many terms given to a distilled alcoholic beverage that is manufactured anywhere other than a legal distillery (Maurer 1974:24). Other names, aside from the more familiar term moonshine, include corn whiskey, mule kick, corn squeezings, stumphole water, mountain dew, sugar-jack, and white lightning. Moonshining, the process of Paper Presented at the 20th Annual meeting of the Current Research in Tennessee Archeology Conference, Nashville, 2007. Location of the Big South Fork NRRA manufacturing illicit spirits, is one of the oldest illicit activities in the United States (Nichols 1973:112). The knowledge for its manufacture arrived in North America along with the first European colonists and it was undoubtedly one of the first products made in the colonies. Moonshining, along with gunpowder manufacture, was therefore among America’s first chemical industries (Maurer 1974:xi). Moonshining was so prevalent an activity in the United States that one of the first actions that newly-elected President George Washington undertook was to crush the Pennsylvania “Whiskey Rebellion”. Washington led an army larger in size than any single force he ever led to 2 fight the British. Approximately 15,000 troops were summoned to quell the violence brewing in reaction to excise taxes imposed by the Federal government in 1791 (Maurer 1974:17, Nichols 1973:9). Troops fought with farmers that were running small scale manufacturing and whiskey selling operations on the frontier to raise money to supplement their farm production. The suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion encouraged many of these small-scale whiskey producers to relocate farther south and west into Kentucky and Tennessee. These frontier areas were found to have excellent soil for growing corn and other grains and the region was blessed with limestone-filtered waters which were very eminently suited to whiskey making. Moonshine manufacture has been an important clandestine activity in the hills and mountains of Tennessee for almost 200 years (O’Dell 1946:1). Undeniably, the primary reason it was produced was to make an intoxicating beverage. However, it was also much easier to carry a barrel or two of liquor for sale or trade than it was to take hundreds of bushels of corn to market. Pace and Gardner (1985:3) elaborate that “Alcohol was an important commodity for farmers who had little else to trade and who were located too far from major markets to profitably export the produce of their fields in its raw form (Figure 2). Rye, wheat, and corn, reduced to their liquid state, could be more easily transported, had a much higher market value relative to volume, and had ready local and export markets.” Additionally, local conditions including poorly maintained roads, distant agricultural markets, and low-yield agricultural lands, contributed to the reasons for the manufacture of illegal spirits in the region (Pace and Gardner 1985:4). Also, there was undoubtedly a ready but covert market for corn liquor and, while the market for farm produce might fluctuate, the whiskey market was probably a bit more stable. 3 Moonshining in the 1920s Figure 2. Farmer/Laborer Moonshiners in a rockshelter still site in the 1920s Yet another reason to produce a high-alcohol content liquor was for use in medicinal products and herbal remedies. Rural farmers and the pioneers on the UCP had no trained emergency responders and very limited access to professional medical care. They often had to rely on their own knowledge and skills to deal with the vicissitudes of daily life (Blevins 1998:12). Alcohol was probably the only antiseptic available and it also served as a primary ingredient in many herbal remedies (Blevins 2001; Sanderson 1958:166). Alcohol was used as a preservative and added to keep medical concoctions like the cure for pellagra or worms from spoiling (Blevins 2001). This cure requires the preparer to take the bark of wild cherry, dogwood, red alder, and maple (any bark but pine) mix these together with water and boil them 4 up; strain the liquid and drink it daily but one must add one half glass of whiskey to prevent it from souring. According to some sources (W. Linder, Personal Communication 2007) many old timers kept a jar of ‘shine’ in the barn to use to medicate stock. A mixture of moonshine and Epsom salts was used to create a poultice or liniment for chaffed cow udders. While it is not our intent to “rationalize” the use of moonshine it seems quite evident that the necessity of home medical treatment would itself create a relatively constant demand for moonshine. Finally, moonshine was almost certainly manufactured and sold to supplement the relatively marginal incomes of employees of the extractive industries that came to the area in the early 20th century. Coal and timber companies paid low wages, often in company scrip that could only be redeemed at the company store. This, combined with a paucity of job opportunities in the area, resulted in a limited cash economy. Moonshine manufactured for sale certainly added to the local economy and allowed moonshiners to earn cash to pay property taxes, for example (Howell 1981:109, Kephart 1913:123). For all these reasons, along with a general shortage of alcohol in the area during Prohibition, moonshining grew to become a very popular, yet clandestine activity. Mr. Bill Miller (1980:16) related that (1930s?) whiskey sold for $3.50 per gallon and if you bought a 100’ bag of sugar for $6.00 you could use 50’ for each of two 55 gallon barrels of mash to produce 6 gallons of 100 proof. If you cut that then you could make up to $42.00. Moonshiners would usually cut the first run with a second boil off (same mash) which can produce two gallons of less high proof whiskey. Many times ‘shiners would add Red Top Malt syrup which could produce two gallons per run but then that would usually be cut making 4 gallons per run (Linder 2007). By the early to mid 1960s shine sold for 2-3$ a pint, 5 and with 8 pints per gallon and an average run of 2 gallons every 10 days during harvest season (40 days), that could add up to $1200.00 in a month. Moonshiners sold their products far and wide. When the product was purchased locally it was usually by the pint or quart in the typical Mason Jar or Ball jar. These were easily acquired in bulk for canning and because they had air-tight seals and were portable they were well suited for this trade. Most of the moonshine was sold in small quantities to the occasional or small consumers. Larger purchasers in the area were the numerous “Blind Tigers”, small shacks or locations where an individual could purchase moonshine by the drink. These establishments had larger quantities of illegal liquor which was delivered in numerous jars, kegs, or milk cans. Other outlets were to be found in larger towns or cities and moonshine was carried to these locations in gallon jars, false gasoline tanks and any number of available yet inconspicuous and ingenious large volume containers. Oral history information was collected by Anne Malenka who interviewed Harold Foster in the early 1990s and much of the forgoing information was elicited. AM “Was there much much moonshining that went on down here (the No Business community of Big South Fork) in the depression”? HF “Oh yeah, there was right smart of moonshining on back here. People round about most everywhere, right smart of moonshining went on”. AM “That was about the only way to make money at the time wasn't it?” HF “That's right. They was so many of 'em making it they had to drink it mostly”. AM Did many outsiders come to get moonshine? HF They'd come from where they had work, and come in and get it. They'd come from over on the Stearns Road. They'd carry it off over to them mines, a lot of 6 them would. They's been a lot of moonshine made around here. AM When did they stop making it so much? HF I don't know. It must have been in the sixties when it began slowing down. It got to where they couldn't buy copper to make their still, one thing. And they got to making old stuff, about killed a feller to drink it. I think they went on to other drugs like merrywanna and stuff...”. Moonshining as a trade, required only a few materials. Like other forms of alcohol distillation, it is quite simple in theory, yet difficult in practice. The four main ingredients include grain (usually corn meal, but sometimes wheat or rye), sugar, yeast, and water. Many recipes for moonshine exist but the essentials are to mix one quart of corn meal and one quart of corn malt (sprouted corn) with five gallons of water. Allow this to ferment for seven days. One of the more colorful moonshiners in this area for many years was Le Roy Slaven (1916-1987). Le Roy learned to make shine from his father Cal and began drinking at age 16. He made moonshine with Jurdan Boyatt Jr. using Cal’s recipe for moonshine which is: 1 gallon - of Red Top Molasses 1 – 40 lb. bag of seed corn, soaked to swell up and after sprouting ground up into a mash. 25 lb. of sugar set all in a 55 gal. Barrel filled 2/3 full of water until fermented. At this point the mash was cooked, the alcohol was driven off and then condensed and collected. The typical moonshiners of the UCP employed various recipes, but for the most part they mixed about 50 pounds of sprouted corn meal with some sugar and warm water in a 55 gallon barrel (Blevins 1998, Boyatt 1991). The stages in the process itself are fermentation, distillation, and condensation. Fermentation is the chemical change that transforms sugar into ethyl alcohol (Nichols 1973:34). To begin this stage, sprouted corn, also called malt, is added to a wooden or 7 metal box or barrel, along with water and sugar (Nichols1973:32). These mixed ingredients constitute what is called “mash.” In this region, the yeast was often naturally obtained by allowing corn or other grain to sprout, thereby attracting wild yeast spores already present in the atmosphere (Nichols 1973:32). The mash was then heated by a small fire and allowed to ferment into ethyl alcohol, chemically transforming the sugars into a product known as “sour mash.” Once at its peak alcohol content, the sour mash was then transferred to a metal still set on top of a firebox (Figure 3). The next step in moonshine manufacture is called distillation. During distillation the sour mash is heated by applying fire directly underneath the sealed still. Since ethyl alcohol has a lower boiling point than the water solution in which it forms, the alcohol is first to vaporize (Nichols 1973:36). This vapor rises and leaves the still boiler via an outlet pipe. At this point in the process, different makers employed varying methods. As indicated by oral histories and still sites themselves, many moonshiners at the Big South Fork NRRA made use of a device known as a “thump-keg” (Blevins 1998:13). This was a small (approximately 10 gallon) barrel filled with sour mash and placed just down the line from the still boiler. The thump-keg or “doubler,” served three purposes. It was used to redistill the alcohol by using the heat of the vapor itself, eliminating the need to distill twice or use separate stills. It also served to increase the alcohol content of the final product (cf. Maurer 1974:117, Pace and Gardner 1985:9). Finally, the thump-keg served to catch any solids or impurities that boiled over out of the mash (W. Linder, personal communication, 2006). 8 Typical Components at a Moonshine Still: Platforms Firebox Still Thump-keg Condenser Figure 3. Typical schematic of an illegal distillery in a rockshelter. The last stage in the production of moonshine is known as condensation (Figures 4 & 5). The vaporized alcohol leaves the thump-keg and travels down the line into the condenser. Because the vapor would condense only when subjected to a lower temperature, it was critical for the moonshiner to select his still location within reach of plenty of cool, circulating water. In order for the moonshiner to condense the vaporized alcohol, the vapor was directed via system pressure into a large barrel or box filled with continuously circulating cool water. Inside this container, the vaporized alcohol passed through a “worm”, a helix-shaped, coiled copper tube, not unlike that found in a modern radiator. The coiled worm provided greater surface area for the vapor to condense. Because of the lower temperature of the water circulating outside the 9 Examples of Still-box Construction at the Big South Fork NRRA BISO00788 BISO00115 Figure 4. Firebox construction examples from Big South Fork NRRA. Examples of Still-box Construction at the Big South Fork NRRA BISO00128 Figure 5. Firebox construction examples from Big South Fork NRRA. 10 worm, the pure grain alcohol, a.k.a. moonshine, condensed into liquid alcohol. The moonshine was then collected from the end of the worm, and bottled for transport. Making a good quality moonshine requires an understanding of the whole process. Often this knowledge was passed down but it was also learned. If a moonshine maker takes short cuts in the process he could destroy or reduce the purity of the alcohol; if a moonshiner used materials other than copper for critical pieces of the production hardware, a radiator instead of a copper condenser, for example, his product could be lethal. In 1991, 78 year old Estel Payne noted this: AM: What were the stills made of? Were most of them copper? EP: Copper. AM: Did somebody around here used to make them? EP: That John Henry Thomas used to make 'em. Boy, he'd take that old blowtorch, and just like a factory. And then I think they got to making them on these old oil drums. Making bad stuff. Used to be a feller down there at Crossroads made it; claimed you better not buy any of it. I know I took about three drinks, and it liked to kill me. Moonshine was not always made with corn, either, pretty much whatever would ferment at one time or another would be used to produce distilled spirits. Estel Payne related to Anne Malanka that there were several different sources he was aware of that had been used to produce alcohol. AM: Did they always use corn, or did they sometimes use other materials for moonshining? EP: Well, they used apples, and right over where you live at, the Devil's Den they call it, me and a fellow, we put up some persimmon brandy there. Boy, it'd taste good, but your mouth would draw! 11 Previous Investigations at the Big South Fork NRRA There has been limited archaeological investigation completed with regard to historic moonshine sites at the Big South Fork NRRA. From 1978 to 1979 a number of moonshine stills, both open-air and rockshelter, were recorded by NPS archeologists Robert Wilson and Dennis Finch. During another inventory survey in 1981, the University of Tennessee’s Department of Anthropology located 18 isolated moonshine rockshelters (Ferguson et al. 1986). The authors of this report found that moonshine sites “Appear to reflect similar levels of technological complexity, suggested by the uniformly small scale of operations, and by the construction techniques and materials observed on the sites” (Pace and Gardner 1985:21). Furthermore, “The still sites exhibit a patterned relationship to natural and cultural features on the landscape and can be associated with specific historic period settlement types, in this case, the upland farmstead which developed in the area after the turn of the century (Pace and Gardner 1985:21; Figure 6). Over a decade later, and for seven years, Middle Tennessee State University conducted summer surveys of rockshelters located in various parts of the National Area. This survey work added over 80 moonshine sites to the number of documented distillery sites in the National Area. In an effort to preserve the cultural resources of the Big South Fork NRRA, an NPS Archaeological Technician along with a group of University of Tennessee Archaeological Research Laboratory researchers are in the process of relocating these sites and assessing the amount of disturbance at each site. Throughout this Condition Assessment Project (CAP) many new prehistoric and historic archaeological sites have been recorded. Since still sites characteristically include above-ground features it is not surprising that a large number of these newly documented sites are historic distilleries. Some of these sites remain relatively 12 Examples of Still-box Construction at the Big South Fork NRRA BISO00149 BISO00135 BISO00140 Figure 6. Firebox construction examples from Big South Fork NRRA. undisturbed, and surprisingly, some sites have produced a rare glimpse into the tools and manufacturing techniques used by 20th century moonshiners on the UCP. Findings Since the Start of the CAP While previous investigations provided early documentation of the sites, recent site condition assessments have added significantly to our understanding of historic moonshining activities at the Big South Fork NRRA. First, similar to the findings of Pace and Gardner (1985), we have observed a limited variability in site structure among moonshine sites. These sites can be identified based on the following criteria. A moonshine still site will almost always have 13 some sort of readily distinguishable stacked stone furnace or remnants of such a feature. These furnaces, known as fireboxes or stillboxes, are often cemented or clay mortared in an effort to insulate the still from heat loss and temperature differences (Figures 7 & 8) . Charcoal and ash from the fuels used to heat the still often remain in the firebox and attest to the excellent preservation at many of these sites. Oftentimes the firebox was heated to such high temperatures that the iron contained in the sandstone rocks used to make it has oxidized causing the rocks to become friable and crumble into reddish-orange piles of sand (Figure 9). Other times the firebox is in such a disturbed state that site use must be inferred from other features or artifacts present in the immediate vicinity. Other features at moonshine sites include the presence of a pair of adjacent stacked sandstone platforms. Because these features extend in a linear pattern outward from the firebox, they are considered to be directly associated with the firebox. As such, they likely served as bases for the thump-keg and the still condenser (Pace and Wagner 1985:11). As stated previously, water is an essential ingredient for making moonshine. It is therefore not surprising that most still sites have either a cool creek running nearby, a waterfall pouring over the shelter drip-line, or an excavated water storage pit in the shelter floor (Figure 10). In fact, almost every still site that did not have a spring or creek nearby has a large excavated feature for water storage. Some sites even have small diameter, steel pipes that were carried in and set up to route water to the manufacturing location. Artifacts are not always observed at moonshine still sites. Pace and Gardner (1985:15) speculated that this was due to several factors, and we agree with their assertions. First, because 14 Examples of Still-box Construction at the Big South Fork NRRA BISO00813 Figure 7. Firebox construction examples from Big South Fork NRRA. Examples of Still-box Construction at the Big South Fork NRRA BISO00780 BISO00142 BISO00790 BISO001611 Figure 8. Firebox construction examples from Big South Fork NRRA. 15 Examples of Degraded Still-boxes at the Big South Fork NRRA BISO01385 BISO00789 BISO01391 Figure 9. Examples of oxidized fireboxes from still sites atfrom Big South Fork NRRA. Features of still sites: Creeks / springs / waterfalls BISO01390 Water storage pits BISO00268 BISO00140 Firebox & stacked stone piers Figure 10. Examples of water features from still sites from Big South Fork NRRA. 16 a moonshiner did not want to leave recent evidence of his activities for the revenuer to find, he would often make his stills in several different rockshelters in the same drainage. Presumably, the moonshiner would therefore scatter most of the materials associated with moonshining out of the shelter and into the surrounding woods. In the past several years of conducting site condition assessments, Big South Fork archaeologists have often found Mason jars, washtubs, and barrels some distance from a known moonshine site. A second factor possibly influencing the low density of artifacts present at moonshine sites is the high value of the still components. Most moonshine stills were made of copper, an expensive metal. It can therefore be expected that these components would be removed from the site and re-used or recycled once the still was no longer in use. Indeed, we have encountered only one still with copper remaining (Figure 11). It also appears as though most moonshiners went to great lengths to remove any metal from the still site. Perhaps the moonshiner re-used these components as he moved to avoid detection. This would also account for the partial destruction of many fireboxes, as many of the stills had iron still supports built into their base (Pace and Gardner 1985:15). A large percentage of moonshine stills at the Big South Fork NRRA do have a substantial assemblage of portable artifacts. Most common among these artifacts are the remains of wooden or metal containers used at different stages in the manufacturing process. These include oak barrels, the iron rings used to bind oak barrels, wooden barrel staves, various metal drums or barrels, and galvanized metal washtubs (Figure 12). Interestingly, several sites at the Big South Fork NRRA exhibited evidence of intentional destruction of these large containers. We can only speculate that this was either the result of competition between moonshiners, or perhaps even the mark of the revenuer (Figures 14, 15 & 16). 17 BISO01481 Figure 12. The one most intact still found at Big South Fork NRRA. Barrels: BISO01454 BISO01391 BISO00780 BISO00264 Figure 13. Examples of barrels found at still sites from Big South Fork NRRA. 18 Mark of the revenuer? Photo courtesy Louisville Times Figure 14. “Revnoor” at work and examples of barrels found with marks that indicate seizures. Shackling Moonshiners in the 1930s Figure 15. Examples of barrels found at still sites from Big South Fork NRRA. 19 More Recent Moonshining Materials Figure 16. Examples of recent “revenoor” actions found at still sites at Big South Fork NRRA. Most still sites also contain the remains of some type of smaller containers used for collecting and transporting the final product. These include Mason jars or Ball jars and zinc Mason jar lids with milk-glass lid-liners, one gallon amber glass bleach bottles, medicine bottles, re-used liquor bottles (wine), stoneware jugs, metal cans, and the occasional plastic jug (Figure 17). Several large cashes of containers were found during our investigations. A thorough examination of the site is required to locate these caches (Figure 18). One site even had sealed Mason jars with zinc lids and what we presume to be the remains of leftover sour mash inside (Figure 19)! One informant told me that ‘shiners were superstitious and that mason and ball jars were manufactured in large “lots” and each lot of jars had a number stamped on the bottom of it. But the ‘shiners would always break those jars with number 13 embossed on the bottom because 20 Glass artifacts: BISO00140 BISO01608 BISO01454 Figure 17. Examples of glass containers found at still sites from Big South Fork NRRA. BISO00139 Caches: BISO00142 Figure 18. Examples of caches of glass containers found at still sites at Big South Fork NRRA. 21 Sour mash? BISO00139 Figure 19. An intact “Ball” canning jar with what is most probably mash residue. they were considered bad luck. This seems to be true, since as these canning jars have become collectables, locating a jar with a number 13 is very difficult. Moonshine stills at the Big South Fork NRRA also had a surprising number of other artifacts present. These include, but are not limited to, axes, iron stoves, soldering wire, iron skillets, and handcrafted wooden implements used in the moonshining process (Figure 20). The latter include what we have determined to be a “mash stick,” used for stirring the mash so it did not burn to the bottom of the still, and a “cinder stick” used to spread the hot ashes in the firebox to keep a constant temperature (Blevins 1998:20). 22 Tools: BISO00142 Figure 20. Moonshine implements “in-situ” and close up, found at Big South Fork NRRA. Analysis Despite the disturbances that moonshiners often create at their still sites, prehistoric artifacts were rarely encountered at moonshine still sites. The infrequent occurrence of prehistoric artifacts at historic moonshine still locations suggests that site selection criteria for these two cultural uses of rockshelters differ significantly. However, it is strikingly apparent that site selection criteria for moonshine stills are consistent throughout the research area. A cursory map analysis indicates that moonshining sites at the Big South Fork NRRA are constrained by geographical, topographical, and environmental factors. These factors include: first, a proximity to the market, in this case coal mining towns and logging camps; second, a covert location with a 23 steady supply of water such as a seep, spring, or creek; and third, a rock overhang that provided protection from the elements and discouraged easy detection by the authorities. A majority of the moonshine sites documented at the Big South Fork NRRA are found at the heads of hollows where small drainages have eroded small, inconspicuous rock overhangs with relatively easy access to water. The terrain in these hollows is typically rough, providing the moonshiner with a location that was relatively safe from discovery by law enforcement officials. These areas are thick with undergrowth, and the forest canopy helped diffuse the smoke emanating from the still. Site access was typically gained by traveling along logging and timbering roads down below the sandstone cap-rock. However, a moonshiner was always careful to never create an easy path to the still. After visiting over 150 moonshine sites in the Big South Fork NRRA, we have found that these sites consistently exhibit similar levels of technological complexity as Pace and Gardner noted (1985:15). The majority of fireboxes identified are similar in construction. As we have seen, these fireboxes are typically built in a semi-circular or U-shaped pattern, with metal bars to support the still boiler. According to Wiggington (1972:323) the firebox construction techniques typically observed in the CAP project area are called “return” or “blockade” stills. In most of the moonshining regions of the southeastern United States, fireboxes of this type typically represent older and more primitive moonshining techniques. However, as Pace and Gardner (1985:15) found, it is apparent that traditional construction techniques such as these are likely the result of moonshiners that were content with time-established techniques and limited production. 24 We believe that these still sites were utilized during the early to middle 20th century. A date range for these sites, estimated from oral histories and diagnostic artifacts, indicates that a majority of the stills were in use from 1930 to 1960 (Boyatt 1991, Davis 1984:35, Miller 1991:21, Pace and Gardner 1985:15). However, a much tighter timeline for moonshining in the area could be established by tree-ring dating wooden implements present at still sites. Other methods of establishing time of site use would require calculating a mean age of glass and ceramic artifacts discovered at the sites. Interestingly, a few moonshine sites even have exact dates of use, as indicated by tree carvings that detail the initials and dates of use! Pace and Gardner (1985:21) found that still sites could be associated with specific historic period settlement types, specifically, the upland farmstead. However, the authors of this paper find that moonshining sites cluster more often around historic mining towns and semipermanent lumber camps. Our research indicates that there is a greater density of still sites in the hollows and bluff lines surrounding mining towns and Lumber camps. Oral interviews have shown that moonshiners purchased many of the materials for moonshine manufacture from local stores. This indicates that the moonshiner did not need to be a farmer to obtain grains. Also, the resident populations present at mining towns and timbering camps provided an obvious market for a moonshiner’s products. Oral interviews conducted with former camp residents and moonshiners of the Big South Fork NRRA also have revealed that these moonshiners typically sold their products locally. An example of this information was collected by Tom Sussenbach (TS) and Doni Spivey from an interview with Mr. Leo Lynch (LL) and Mr. Thurman Jones (TJ), former residents of the Barren Fork Coal Camp (Sussenbach and Spivey 1979). When asked 25 about the availability of illegal liquor both respondents stated that moonshine was readily had and imply that it was locally made: LL: They were a lot of these moonshiners you was talking about, used to come here and sell their wares on the weekends. TS : Drive in? LL: Walk in. TS: Pretty open were they, about that? TJ: Fifty cents a pint. LL: They wasn’t too open and everybody knew, more or less, who they was, and if They wanted it they just go to them and ask them, and give them their money and that was about all there was to it. Although statistics on still seizures for the area do not indicate that moonshining occurred in high frequency in these locations, the high density of the archeological remains of still sites recorded around mining towns and lumber camps, coupled with oral interview data, indicate that a large number of individuals were likely involved in these activities in one form or another. Just as in any illegal trade there were violent confrontations between United States Internal Revenue officers and moonshiners, oftentimes resulting in jail time, injuries, and fatalities. Imbibers would also get violent as their inhibitions were dulled. One such incident at the Zenith Coal Camp occurred in 1940 when a transient, befriended by one of the mine foremen, got drunk and shot several people including the foreman. The transient was eventually shot and killed by that foreman but he was also shot and killed while his teen-aged sons watched this and held their dying father (Slaven 1989). Another effect of what happens when illegal trafficking develops in an area is that “turf” protection becomes a dominant trend. One incident of this occurred that gained national media coverage after it resulted in seven deaths. The Jerome 26 “Rome” Boyatt tragedy all began over Rome’s attempt to move his liquor sales in on his uncles logging camp. After all of the smoke had cleared Rome, his father, the Pickett County sheriff and his son, a Wayne county, Kentucky, deputy, and another moonshiner were all dead. It appears then that violence goes hand-in-hand with what was at this time and illegal business. Moonshining was clearly a very important male activity on the UCP but women also played a part in this process. Women would often build a fire, whistle, bang on pots or send children to the still to warn of the arrival of strangers (Often suspected of being Revenue Agents). This is a typical pattern for the covert production of illegal liquor anywhere moonshining was being done (Kephart 1922). Women were also often the marketers of moonshine, trading it for commodities, services, or cash. They would sometimes deliver moonshine house to house while selling butter or eggs (W. Linder, personal communication 2006). In closing, we suggest some future research topics to be addressed with regard to moonshining on the UCP (Figure 21). First, who was involved in moonshine manufacture? Oral histories have already identified the upland farmer as a principle moonshine manufacturer. Was moonshine also made by individuals living at coal mining and logging camps? On a related note, was moonshining a seasonal or after harvest activity? Warmer weather would certainly have provided better seclusion for the moonshiner, but the demand for moonshine was certainly not seasonally influenced. Finally, how much additional income could the typical moonshiner make per year compared to those that were not involved in this illicit activity? Also, while some oral histories indicate that women would act as lookouts when moonshine was being made and 27 Future Research Topics: • • • • Who was involved in moonshine manufacture? Was moonshine made by individuals living at coal and logging settlements, in addition to the upland farmers? Was moonshining a seasonal activity? How much income could the average moonshiner make per year compared to others that did not manufacture illegal liquor? What was the role of women in moonshining? Figure 22. Suggested topics for researching moonshine at Big South Fork NRRA. would occasionally sell and deliver moonshine, along with produce, eggs or poultry, what was the role that women played in the task of manufacturing this elixir? Further analysis of our data will hopefully reveal even more about this clandestine historic activity. 28 Acknowledgements Thanks to: Ron Cornelius - NPS BISO Meagan Dotson - MTSU Dr. Joe Douglas – TTU Howard Ray Duncan – NPS BISO Jessie Duncan - UTK ARL Wally Linder – NPS BISO Myra Marcum - NPS BISO Rico Nurabas - UTK ARL Bryon Tate - UTK ARL PHOTOS COURTESY OF: Mr. Jerry O’Neil, Tennessee State Library and Archives, and the National Park Service 29 BIBLIOGRAPHY Blevins, P. 2000 Blevins, N. 1998 Interview. Jamestown, TN and Big South Fork NRRA. Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. Big South Fork NRRA Oral History Transcripts. Tape Number BSF 9801. Boyatt, B. 1991 Big South Fork NRRA Oral History Transcripts. Tape Number BISO 25. Davis, R.N. 1984 Big South Fork NRRA Oral History Transcripts. Tape Number 84-OH-50C. Ferguson, T.A, R.A Pace, J.W. Gardner, and R.W. Hoffman 1986 An Archaeological Reconnaissance and Testing of Indirect Impact Areas Within Selected Development Sites of the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. Final Report submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Howell, B.J. 1981 Kephart, H. 1913 A Survey of Folklife Along the Big South Fork of the Cumberland River. Report of Investigations 30. Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Our Southern Highlanders: A Narrative Adventure in the Southern Appalachians and a Study of Life Among the Mountineers. Outing Publishing Company, New York. Linder, Wallace 2006 Personal Communication, Big South Fork NRRA 2007 Personal Communication, Big South Fork NRRA Maurer, D.W. 1974 Kentucky Moonshine. The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington. Miller, E. 1991 Big South Fork NRRA Oral History Transcripts. Interview # 3. Nichols, E.R. 1973 The Geography of Moonshining in Tennessee. Unpublished Masters Thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 30 O’Dell, R. 1946 Moonshine in the Tennessee Mountains. Tennessee Folklore Society, XII. Pace, R.A and J.W. Gardner 1985 Exploring Dimensions of Illegal Liquor Manufacture: Moonshining as a Cottage Industry in the Southern Appalachians. Tennessee Anthropologist. 10(1). Sanderson, E. S. 1974 Scott Gem of the Cumberlands. Williams Printing Co., Nashville, Tennessee. 1958 County Scott and its Mountain Folk. Williams Printing Co., Nashville, Tennessee Smith II, Timothy J. and Tom Des Jean 2007 Paper Presented at the 20th Annual meeting of the Current Research in Tennessee Archeology Conference, Nashville, 2007. Sussenbach, Thomas and Doni Spivey 1991 Personal Interview with Mr. Leo Lynch, April 24, 1991. Transcript on file, Daniel Boone National Forest. Sterns District, Wiggington, E. 1972 The Foxfire Book. Anchor Books, New York. Wilson, R.C. and D.W. Finch 1980 The Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area: Phase I Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey in McCreary County, Kentucky, Pickett, Fentress, Scott, and Morgan Counties, Tennessee. Draft Report submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District. 31
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