Harvester combine

June 10, 1941.
_1, E_ MERCE
June'lo, 1.941.
>2,245,081 '
Filed May 11,r 1939
5 Sheets-Sheet 2
Pierce .
June l0, 1941.'
J, E, p15-RCE
l 2,245,081
Filed May 11, 1959
5 sheets-sheet s
ya@ www
June 10, 1941. "
.1. E. PlERcE
j Filed May 11, 1959
5 Sheets-Sheet 4
@w w
«JÍ E #Pierce .
June 10, 1941,.v
_1_ E_ PlERCE
Filed May 11, 19:59
5 sheets-Sheet 5
Í’Aatented: `lune 1Y0,
¿maori »
John E. Pierce, Denton, N. C., assignor of one
half to Charles C. Hoover, Denton, N. C.
Application May 11, 1939, Serial No. 273,104
5 Claims. (Cl. 56--122)
"I’his ’invention relates to an improved har
dicates in general the body of my improved har
wester combine.
vester combine. The body I is preferably formed
One of the principal objects of the invention
of heavy Vsheet metal and is substantially rec
iis to provide a harvester combine which will ef
tangular in top plan. The body I includes a rear
fectively harvest and thrash any and all kinds of
end wall 2 and side walls 3 and 4. A bottom wall'
.small grain, such as, for example, lespedeza, so
5 is, of course, provided, and said body has a
A.that the cost of material, labor and power, ordi
downwardly olfset top wall 6 which inclines to
narily required for a plurality of operations usual
ward the rear end of the body and terminates
ly necessary, will be eliminated.
of said rear end. As best seen in Figure 4
Another object of the invention is to provide 104 short
of the drawings, the rear end wall 2 provides one
a harvester combine which will, in one operation,
wall of a seed tank l. The bottom wall 5 is ex
strip the grain heads from their stalks, without'
to deñne a bottom wall 8 for the seed
the necessity of cutting the grain, and will forci
tank and said seed tank has a vertically extend
bly drive the stripped heads through the machine’
ing inner wall 9 which extends substantially half
wherein they will be screened and finally de 15 the
height of the body. A closure Iû is provided
posited, free from chaff, in a grain tank at the
for the seed tank ‘I and said closure is swingingly
rear of the machine, al1 of these operations be
connected to the wall 2 by means of a hinge II.
ing accomplished by the use of one source of
The closure I0 is apertured at I2 and is provided
power in the one machine.
a screen I3 which allows free entry of air toy
Another object of the invention is to provideY 20 with
within the seed tank so that the seed or grain in
a machine of this nature wherein mechanism is
the seed tank will be kept in good condition. Also,
employed for permitting raising and lowering of
the aperture I2 permits escape of air from the
the machine for accommodating said machine for
tank. The closure I0 is provided, medially of its
harvesting various kinds of grain.
forward edge, with an upstanding handle I4
Another object of the invention is to provide
which permits ready swinging of the closure to
a harvester combine which will be extremely
opened or closed position. The seed -tank 'l is
light in weight and simple in operation andv
provided with a discharge opening léa which is
which, therefore, may be operated by one man'
normally closed by a gate I4b.
and a pair of horses, or a tractor.
As will be clearly seen in Figure 4 of the draw
And as a still further object, the invention 30 ings, the top Wall 6 ext-ends throughout the major
seeks to provide a harvester combine which, in
portion of the length of the body I and said top
View of its simplicity in its construction, will beV
wall 6 is curved, at I5, to define a portion of a fan
relatively cheap to manufacture.
housing I6, at the forward end of the machine.
Other and incidental objects of the invention,
The wall 6 is formed with an extension Il, which
not mentioned hereinbefore, will become apparent 35 extends in parallel relation to the bottom wall 7,
during the course of the following description.
and cooperates therewith to deñne a mouth for
My invention is illustrated in the accompany
reception of grain to be thrashed or stripped,
ing drawings, wherein:
Figure 1 is a side View of my machine looking
at the right side thereof,
Figure! 2 is a side view of the machine looking
at the left side thereof,
Figure 3 is a top plan view of my improved
harvester combine,
in a manner to be described hereinafter. A baille
I8 extends downwardly in the same arc with that
40 of the portion I5 and provides additional hous
ing means for thev fan housing I6. The bañ‘ie I8
has a flange I9 which is secured to the under face
of the portion I'I at the junction thereof with the
curved portionA I5, by Welding or riveting. The
Figure 4 is a longitudinal sectional view on the 45 ends of the baffle are Welded to the side wallsI 2
and 3. Formed in the top wall 5 near the curved
Figure 5 is a transverse vertical view on the
portion I5 is a vent opening 20. Mounted in the
line 4-4 of Figure 3,
line 5--5 of Figure 3, and
body I and extending from its mid portion toward
Figure 6 is a fragmentary plan view of the
its rear, and opening into the seed tank 1, is a
stripping or thrasher rotor and its cooperating 50 chute 2 I. The chute 2| is deñned by the top Wall
6 and an inclined wall 22 whichhas its forward,
Referring now more particularly to the accom
or lower end, secured to the bottom wall 1 sub
panying drawings, wherein similar numerals of
stantially medially of its length, and its rear or
reference will be seen to designate like parts
upper end secured to the upper edge of the wall 9.
throughout the various views, the numeral I in 55 The rear and upper end of the wall 22 and the
forward portion of the body l. The plates 49 and
under si-de of the wall È, near its rear end, co
‘.iû provide wind doors for the housing I6 and
operate with the side walls 2 and 3 to define a
thus allow the fan 2E to be supplied with the
relatively large mouth 23 for the chute 2l. The
necessary amount of air. As stated, the plates 49
relatively large mouth will, of course, facilitate
and 50 may be shifted to various positions for
passage of grain into the seed tank l. Extending
regulating the amount of air to enter the housing.
obliquely upwardly and rearwardly throughout
Said plates will be held in adjusted position by
the entire width and height of the body, and be
frictional engagement withv adjacent parts of the
tween the bottom wall 5 and the top wall 6 is a
Attached to the forward end of the bottom
screen 2d. The screen 24 is mounted on a frame
25 which is formed by a flange 25a on ’the under
»side of the top Wall B and the inner end of the in
clined wall 22 of the chute 2l. Said flanges 25D
are also provided for the frame. The screen is,
wall V'I is a guard >53 which has an upwardly
turned lip 54.
as will be understood, located at the inlet mouth ..
of the chute and will eñectively screen any un
desirable matter from seed or grain passing from '
the forward end of the machine into ‘tlie‘chute 2 l .
from injury with the blades of the rotor of the
journaled in the side walls 3 and 4 is a blower
The blower fan 26 is mounted‘on ra 20
shaft 21 and includes a plurality of blades `213
which may be of any suitable number, three bef
ine _shown- Euileys .29 and 30 are oerriedon the
thrasher.“ As best seen in Figures 2 and 3 of the
drawings, vthe body I is provided with a bracket
55 whichv extends laterally in the saine horizgntal
enne. with ine bottom wail i-Y `«ne braced y1s
Subsieniieliy .lf-shaped end. entends oniwenìlyier
opposite ends .of the slooít N, exterîorly of the
protect the forward edge of said body. Con
nected to the forward edge of the side wall 3 and
projecting _forwardly beneath the arm 40 of the
bracket 3S is a guard member 55 which is adapted
for »protectingpersons Working with the machine
Mounted in the body l and 'having its“ ends
fan 26.
The guard 53 extends laterally
“ throughout the width of the body and serves to
Mounted at the ,forward end .of the body l, and
a distance- equal to substantially half the width
of the nieehiilekefnsi _seid bracket is Provided with
enfiin‘sieîndm ¿im 'il which is forifieoíei its
between' the portion I4 and the forwardl end
_end portion, witn‘atoötneu sextant
of the bottom wall 5. is o thresner rotor Whieh
rack 58. ` Swinginglyfconnected with the arm 51
is shown generally by the numeral it, The
the bracket 5_6 néar'the lower endof Ysaid arm
thrasher rotor is seen in deiailin Figure 6 of 30.' of
is al tongue 53, and mounted on said 'tongue isal
the drawings and includes thrasher blades 32
doubl'eètree assembly
‘be hitehed
which are substantially S-_sha-pe in contour _and
Mounted on the arm 51 near
are spaced long_itud'nally along the hub 33 of ysaid
its -upper end is a leverJ 6|,Í't'he lei/enhaving.Í a
rotorî A. ,shaft .3.4. rotoieblymounts the threshing
rotor in the forward end of the body, and said
downwardly extending portion'62 which is pivote
shaft is, as best seen in Figure 3 of the drawings,
mounted on the tongue 59.
provided with a pair of pulleys 3_5 and 3e which
are arranged in horizontally spaced relation to an
extension 31 of said shaft 3'4. As shown, the
driving pulley 3Q is of slightly greater diameter
than the pulley 35. Mounted’on the bottom wall
5 at its forward end for cooperation with` the
rotor blades 32 are teeth 38 which are arranged
in a pair of longitudinally spaced vseries between
alternate rotor blades 32.
Mounted at the VV'forward end of thernachine
and connected to the forward 'end of the portion
I1 is a reel mounting bracket 3_9 which'V hasfaifin's'
4_0 and 4l extending parallel to each other ‘and
forwardly above th'e forward end of the" body ' I.
Each of the arms 40 and 4I has an ear ‘42 through
which extend rivets
V'for "appropríaîtelyk securing
the rear mounting bracket in proper operativeV
ally connected, by a link 63, to afloop.“ whi
the` midportionof the bracket 56 and the tongue
59 isa brace rod 65.' Mounted on thelever 6l
' denen@
‘ai therein.
66 having a spring ' actuated
rlî‘he detent ‘61 vl’ias va'tofo'th
at its lower end" which is 'engageablé selectively
withthe teeth Vof the sextant 58.' By referring" to
Figures 2 and 3 of the drawings, it will be under-.
stood that, by shifting the leverül with respect'to
the arm'5ï, the( rear end of the tongue Sarnay
be swung ’to raised and‘lowe'red positions. 1When
a pair' 'of 'horses' are _connected to. the tr'eeïi'lbVv
and the lever 6l is shifted, thev forward'erïdfôf
the machine will be rocked to raised or lowered
` positions, depending upon the 'position of said
El’. In' other words, whenl the; lever 6i- 'is
positioned for raising the rear end’of the tongueV
to its maximum height, the forward portion’ _of
position. Braces 42a extend between the -free ends'V
the machine will 'be allowedto shiit'upwardly
ofthe arms`40 and 4I andthe lowerl portions ofY _« i Whereas,'wnen the lever‘is' shifted tothe opposite
the side walls of the body. Mounted onthe
bracket 39 in overhanging relation'fórwardly of
the body i is a reel 43. The ree1f43’inc1udes a
spool 44 having U-'shaped reel members 45 there
on, said reel members being- arranged in; 'an
angularly spac _d radially exteridinfgfV series. ' A's
position, the forward portion ofA the machine will'
be rocked downwardly. Theadvantage-fortlriis
structure is that themouth or forward end por#
tion of the body l may b__e__ positioned for. receiv
ing grain of various. lengths.
Mounted on the body' Ifat 'its
clearly seenin nFigure 3 of the drawings, the ¿reel
rear end. andV
forming an extension of the bottom_.walijâyisa
43 hasl a shaft 46 with its end portions journaled
platform 68 which extends laterally.` for Va distance
in the arms 4U and 4l of the bracket 39.` A
equal to, that of the bracketî56.
4_1A is mountedV
on the_ _shaft
._ substantially
relatively large pulley
The platform S8 has a seat 6e mounted thereon
4B at one side thereof and is rotatably connected , which seat is supported byY a leafgsprin'gltype
with the pulley as_by _a beit 4_8,
support 10.
At each side of the housing ls, the body .l
In order to provide power for. Operating,v the’
is cut-away to deñne airy inlets, and these air
fan, reeland thrasher rotor, I provide n_mQlÍQr
inlets are closed by plates
pivotally connected with the body, as best _seen
in Figure 4, by studs 5l, The plates @9 and50>
are each provided with a laterally directed handle
5.2.. and said. plates are4 also. provided with for
wardlyextendng portions ßtwnioneneeee the
TI. The motor 'H is mounted on the platfgrm
68 near its forward end and is provided .withfa
puuey 1.2.
meter', 1l 'is of _Conventionarde
sign andY maybe of vany suitablepower.,
i been found that a. vmotor >oi substandauy te@
horse power will operate in an entirely, satisface
tory manner for driving the machine. A belt 13
connects the pulley 12 of the motor 1I with .the
pulley 36. It will now be understood that the
motor 1| will, through the belt 13 and pulley 36,
conduct power to the shaft 3.1. Abelt 14 willv
conduct power from the pulley '35 toxthe pulley
29, for driving the fan 26. As heretofore stated,
the belt £8 leads power from the pulley 30 to the
reel pulley 41, for driving the reel. Thevthrasher
rotor is, of course, driven directly from theex
tension of the shaft 31. The extension 31 is
preferably an integral part of the shaft 34. It is
believed that the manner of_drivin`g the Various
rotatable parts of the machine will now Ybe clear
ly understood.
the pulley 12, it being understood that, previ-J
ously, .the lever 6| and mandrel 93 have been ad
justed for raising the body to the >desired height
forvthe grain to be harvested. Rotation of the
pulley 12'will cause rotation ofthe blades 32 of
the thrasher rotor 3l, and also rotative move
ment will be conveyed to the fan 36 and to the
reel 43. The reel ¿i3v willfeed the grain into `the
thrasher rotor, when the knives will strip the
grain from the stalks. vThe fan 26 will blow >the
grain through the screen 24, said screen remov
ing undesired particles, and through the chute
2i into the seed or grain tank 1. 'I'he chaff will
be allowed to escape through the opening 20 in
15 the top wall 6.
It is desired particularly to call attention to
the fact that: my improved harvester combine
I provide road wheels 15 and 16 which are
mounted on stub shafts 11 and 18. The wheels
will, in one _'operation, harvest the grain, thrash
15 and 16 are mounted in wheel housings 19 and
and vclean it and convey it to a seed tank, where
88 which are of substantially rectangular forma 20
it may be removed as desired. By the use of my
tion and are, as best seen in Figure 5, located ad
machine,' a plurality of operations heretofore
jacent the side walls 3 and Il. The wheel hous
will be eliminated. It is desired again
ings 19 and B0 are each provided with inner and
it will not be necessary, when using
outer walls 8l and 82. Rigidly connected to the
my machine, to cut the grain stalks.
inner walls 8l at their opposite corresponding
ends are mounting rods 83 and 84 which rods
It is thought that further description of the
invention is unnecessary.
extend vertically in parallel spaced relation be
Having thus described the invention, what is
yond the upper limits of the body. The rods 83
claimed as new is:
and 84 have their lower ends mounted in sleeves
1. In a harvester combine, a body, a thrasher
83a which are mounted on the wheel housings. 30
rotor carried by the body and having blades, a
The mounting rods 83 and 84 are slidably re
blower fan carried by the body, a chute, a seed
ceived through arms of vertically alined guide
tank connected with the chute at one end there
brackets 85 and 88, a pair of which brackets are
and a screen mounted in the opposite end of
carried at each side of the body l. The brack
the chute, said blower fan being mounted in the
ets are preferably riveted to the side walls 2 and
body above and inwardly of the thrasher rotor
and being adapted for forcing grain thrashed by
Mounted on the wheel housing 19 extending
the thrasher rotor through the screen and chute
forwardly and inwardly with respect to the body
into the seed tank.
and terminating forwardly of the forward end
2. In a harvester combine, a body, a seed tank
and beneath the reel is a guard rod 85a.
40 carried by the body at its rear end, a chute car
By referring to Figure 5, it will be seen that
ried by the body and having a discharge mouth
the rods B3 and 84 are carried at each side of
opening into the seed tank, a screen mounted in
the machine and are located in laterally aligned _
the body forwardly of the chute, a fan housing
position so that their upper ends are arranged
in the body, a blower fan mounted for rotation in
to provide horizontal supports for a raising
the housing above the fan housing, a thrasher
frame which is shown generally at 81. The rais
rotor operatively mounted in the body at its
ing frame includes cross members 88 and 89 and
forward end, teeth mounted for cooperation with
cross members 98 and 9i which members 90 and
the thrasher rotor, a bracket connected with the
9i are connected by a bracing strip 92. A man
body, a reel carried by the bracket, and means for
drel 93 extends laterally of the frame 81 and has 50 conveying rotatable movement to the reel,
a crank 94 connected to one end thereof. Chains
thrasher rotor and blower fan, said reel being
95 connect the mandrel with a cross bar 96 which
rotatable for conveying grain vto be harvested
has end portions 91 connected with the brackets
past the teeth to the thrasher rotor and said fan
85 medially of their lengths.
As will be clearly .
seen, the cross bar 98 extends in parallel verti
cally aligned relation with the mandrel 93. Ro
tation of the mandrel 93 by the handle or crank
9d will eifect raising of the body l on the rods
being rotatable for blowing thrashed grain from
beneath the rotor through the screen and chute
to the seed tank.
3. In a harvester combine, a body having a
rear end wall and a bottom wall, a seed tank car
83 and 84. A stop rod 98 extends laterally be
ried by the body and being partially defined by
tween the side members of the frame 81 and is 60 the rear end wall and bottom wall, a closure for
engageable with the arm of the crank 94 for ro
the seed tank, an inclined wall in the body, a top
tating said crank against unwinding movement
for the body, said top wall and inclined wall
past a predetermined set position. The body l
defining a chute, said chute having a discharge
may thus be retained in a desired raised or low
opening leading into the seed tank, said top wall
ered position with respect to the road wheels 15
being extended forwardly and provided with a
and 15.
curved portion defining a housing, a frame in the
It is thought that the operation of my imbody forwardly of the chute, a screen carried on
proved harvester combine will be understood
the frame, a baiile connected with the curved
from the foregoing. A brief discussion of the op
portion of the top wall, a fan in the housing, wind
eration is not thought to be out of place, how 70 doors located at opposite sides of the housing
ever. After horses have been hitched to the trees
for regulating flow of air to the interior of said
60 of the machine and said machine is drawn to
housing, a thrasher rotor, means mounting the
the field to be harvested, the motor 1I is started
thrasher rotor in the forward end of the hous
and suitable conventional clutch mechanism
a reel bracket and reel carried by the bracket,
shown at lla engaged for causing rotation of 75 ¿a motor carried by the body, and means convey
>ing rotative movement from the motor >to the
îthrasher rotor and thence to the fan vand thence
>to the reel, said reel being rotatable for .feeding
grain to be' thrashed by the thrasher rotor and
said blower fan blowing thrashed grain from a
ïpoint beneath and inwardly .of the rotor through
means .for raising and lowering the body with ree
spect to the road wheels.
5. ‘In a harvester combine, a body, road wheels@
wheel housings, means rotatably mounting the
Wheels in the wheel housings, brackets carried by
the body, mounting rods carried by the wheel
housings and slidable in the body, a raising frame
carried by the upper end of said rods and having
side .plates `and cross rods, a mandrel rotatably
carried by the body, a chute .carried ‘by the .body
and communicating with the seed tank, va l0 carried .in said raising frame, a crank on the
mandrel, a Across bar carried by the body on cer
thrasher rotor in the body, a fan, .a housing for
tain .of said brackets, and flexible means con
the fan, a reel,> a motor carried by the body,
nected between the mandrel and said cross bar,
means -for communicating rotative movement
said crank .being rotatable Yfor rotating the man
from the motor to the thrasher> rotor, fan and
drei whereby the body will be lifted on the
reel, said reel being rotatable for feeding grain
mounting rods and thereby shifted with respect
to the thrasher rotor and lsaid blower fan being
to .the wheels and Wheel housing. '
rotatable for blowing :thrashed grain from `a
the screen and lehnte into the seed tank.
4. In a harvester combine, a body, >a seed tank
point _beneath the thrasher rotor through the
chuteand into the seed tank, road wheels, and