WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA Regular Monthly Meeting February 17, 2015 6:45 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Announcements 4. Approval of Minutes a. January 20, 2015 5. Old Business a. Parks and Open Space Rules and Regulations Ordinance b. Field Use c. Update on Banbury Park - Goaltimate 6. New Business a. Weed Warriors 2015 Proposed Activities b. Egg Hunt – Saturday, March 28, 2015 7. Other Business 8. Reports a. Monthly Staff Summary 9. Adjournment WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: February 13, 2015 Parks and Recreation Commission Pamela Gural-Bear, Assistant Township Manager Review of the Park Rules and Regulations Recommendation That the Commission further review the proposed changes in the Park Rules and Regulations. Points to Consider Are the proposed changes needed? Will the changes have the desired result in the parks? By limiting these activities in the parks, does it make for a better and safer experience for the park user? When must these changes be made? Immediately? 3 months? A year? Article I. Parks and Open Space Regulations 224-1. Implementation. The purpose of this article is to provide rules and regulations for the use of and conduct in the developed parks, designated open space and undeveloped parkland owned or operated by West Whiteland Township. The rules and regulations of this article apply to all parks, playgrounds, fields, trails, and open space owned or operated by the Township open to the public for active or passive recreational use. The term "parks" as used herein shall include all of the aforementioned recreational areas and the facilities located therein. This article is enacted to protect the health, safety and welfare of the Township's residents and park users. The Township reserves the right to, and may from time to time, amend or enact rules and regulations by resolution of the Township Board of Supervisors which it considers necessary and proper to implement the provisions of this article and for the proper administration of the parks. § 224-2. General rules. A. Township of West Whiteland, PA Page 2 of 5 Hours. The parks shall be open between the hours of sunrise and sunset. At sunset, all activities in the parks shall cease and all persons in the parks shall leave as soon as possible (except for those activities specially permitted by the Township). B. Facilities. The reserved use of Township parks such as recreation fields and other facilities by organized groups or individuals shall be scheduled at the discretion of the Township; a permit shall be issued specifying the date, time and location of the use and such use shall be subject to any conditions that may be imposed thereunder. C. Alcoholic beverages. No individual or group shall possess or consume any alcoholic and/or intoxicating beverages in any park unless specifically granted permission by the Board of Supervisors. D. Personal conduct. No individual or group shall engage in improper conduct within the parks so as to annoy or risk injury to any other person using the parks or occupying adjacent property. E. Disposal of waste. All waste and garbagewaste, garbage, and recycling materials shall be disposed of in receptacles designated for this purpose. The burning of trash or garbage is prohibited. It is unlawful to transport trash, garbage, recyclables or any other matter to any park for the purpose of disposal or recycling. F. Township property. No person shall damage, deface, destroy or remove any park property, including but not limited to: signs, structures, equipment, natural growth or other material. G. Motor vehicles. No person shall operate, stop or park any motor vehicle except on park roads, parking areas or other areas so designated for such use. Nor shall any person operate any motor vehicle in a reckless or negligent manner, in excess of the posted speed limit, or in such a manner as to become a nuisance to other park users or persons occupying adjacent property. H.G. Flying crafts. No person shall operate manned and unmanned aircraft, ultra-lights, gliders, hot air balloons or drones. No person shall start, ignite, fly, take off, land or use any fuel powered model rocket, aircraft, ultra-light, glider, hot balloon or drone in any park areas. I.H. Firearms. No person other than an officer of the law shall carry any firearm within the limits of the parks. J.I. Building of fires. No person shall set or maintain any fire in the parks except in stoves or grills or fireplaces maintained for the purpose and located by authority of the Township. K.J. Pets/animals. Pets/animals, except as provided herein, are not allowed in the parks. Trained assistance dogs which are assisting disabled persons and are controlled by the use of a harness or other restraint are allowed in parks. Licensed dogs, on a http://ecode360.com/print/WE2141?guid=11698417&children=true 8/15/2014 Formatted: Highlight harness or other restraint extending no longer than six feet in length and under the control of the handler at all times, shall be permitted on designated posted trails and in designated posted areas. The handler of a dog shall be responsible for the immediate collection of its excrement in a pet waste bag and the disposal of the pet Township of West Whiteland, PA Page 3 of 5 waste bag in a trash receptacle (if provided) or the removal of the pet waste bag from the premises. [Amended 3-30-2011 by Ord. No. 385] K. Notices. No person shall deface or destroy any notice or sign posted at any place within the parks or open space areas by authority of the Township, nor shall any person post any notice or placard at any place within the parks other than by authority of the Township. L. Dangerous athletic equipment. No person shall use javelins, arrows, discus or similar athletic equipment dangerous in character unless the use has been expressly permitted by the Township. The use of baseballs (hardball) is limited to developed ball fields. M. Sound equipment. No person shall use any sound amplification equipment in a Township park.The use of sound amplification equipment in the Parks requires a permit. N. Explosives and fireworks. No person shall have in his/her possession or ignite any fireworks. (Fireworks shall be defined by the National Fire Protection Association standards.) O. Golf. The playing or practicing of golf is prohibited. P. Skateboards. The use of skateboards is prohibited. Q.P. All-terrain vehicles (ATVs), minibikes, dirt bikes, trailers, and commercial vehicles (except those making deliveries) are prohibited. Q. Recreation fields. No person shall use any recreation field except for its designated use or at Boot Road Park South for other than baseball or softball, or where the condition of the field is unsuitable for use. R. No soliciting or posting, except for the posting of notices by the Township. No solicitation of any kind is allowed in the Parks. [Added 8-14-2007 by Ord. No. 355] Formatted: Highlight § 224-3. Undeveloped parkland. In addition to the rules enumerated in § 224-2 , Township-owned undeveloped parkland and open space is open to residents for passive recreational uses only. These uses are limited to: hiking, birding, fishing (with valid Pennsylvania license), cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and bicycling. Any other activity is prohibited. Undeveloped parkland and open space is not maintained by the Township, and as such, anyone accessing the land should be aware that they do so at their own risk. http://ecode360.com/print/WE2141?guid=11698417&children=true 8/15/2014 § 224-4. Penalties. Township of West Whiteland, PA Page 4 of 5 Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Article I shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000, together with costs of prosecution, or to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days. Every day that a violation of this article continues shall constitute a separate offense. § 224-5. Enforcement. The Township Manager, Township Zoning Officer, Director of Parks and Recreation, Code Enforcement Officer, and police officers may enforce the rules and regulations contained in this article. § 224-6. Exemptions. Township personnel and equipment shall be exempt from these rules and regulations to the extent necessary to carry out official Township business and duties. Additionally, individuals and groups may be exempted from these rules and regulations for a specific event if specifically authorized in writing by the Township Board of Supervisors. Article II. Concessions in Parks § 224-7. Scope. The provisions of this Article II shall apply to all parks defined in Article I herein above. § 224-8. Sales without a vendor permit prohibited. No person, firm, corporation or association shall sell any food, beverage, article or product of any kind in a Township park or open space areas without a permit as provided in this article. § 224-9. Application for permit. Each person, firm or corporation desiring to apply for a vendor permit for sales as described in § 224-8 must submit a written application containing the following information: A. The name and address of the applicant. B. The park in which the applicant proposes to sell. C. Dates when the vendor is planning to sell products. http://ecode360.com/print/WE2141?guid=11698417&children=true 8/15/2014 Township of West Whiteland, PA Page 5 of 5 D. Product(s) to be sold. E. Description of any equipment owned by the vendor which will be used to sell the product specified. Vendors will not be allowed to use Township facilities such as pavilions, ball fields, or equipment such as grills, etc. for sales. F. A certificate of insurance naming West Whiteland Township, its supervisors, agents, servants and employees as additional insured, evidencing commercial general liability insurance with per occurrence and aggregate limits of not less than $1,000,000. § 224-10. Fees. Upon approval, vendors shall pay a permit fee as specified in the fee schedule adopted by the Board of Supervisors annually. § 224-11. Issuance of permit. Upon compliance with the requirements of this Article II, a vendor permit shall be issued by the Township Manager or designee. § 224-12. Penalties. Any person, firm, corporation or association who violates or permits the violation of any provision of this Article II shall be subject to immediate revocation of the license by the Township Manager or designee and the penalties set forth in §§ 224-3 and 224-4 herein above. § 224-13. Exemptions. Upon approval by the Board of Supervisors, the provisions of this Article II may be waived for sales of articles or products as part of a Township-sponsored event or festival. http://ecode360.com/print/WE2141?guid=11698417&children=true 8/15/2014 WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: February 13, 2015 Parks and Recreation Commission Pamela Gural-Bear, Assistant Township Manager Field Use Recommendation That the Commission consider the cricket field request and possible locations. Background Attached for the Commission’s consideration is the Collegeville Cricket Presentation for cricket fields within the Township. Raju Kumbhardare and Pramod Rao have requested that the Commission consider the Exton Park multi-use fields for the home fields for a Cricket League. Mr. Kumbhardare, Mr. Rao and Township staff met on site at an existing cricket field in an East Goshen Township Park. Some points to consider when determining the location of the cricket field(s): Location of the permanent or temporary pitch which is in the middle of the playing field (see attached) and its impact on other sports being played Field amenities Parking All possible locations o Fields across from Exton Station under the PECO Power lines o Laborers Union Fields o Church Farm School Fields o Other Are they beneficial for residents Attachments: Collegeville Cricket Club Presentation Exton Park Map Cricket Field Proposal PRESENTED BY COLLEGEVILLE CRICKET CLUB A Professional Cricket Stadium CCC Background CCC Executive Committee Members • Founded in 1999 • Registered as non-profit organization with PA • Roster of 40 members and growing • • • • President – Pramod Rao Vice President – Udit Naik General Secretary – Chandan Naik Treasurer – Sathya Puthraya • Member of Greater Philadelphia Cricket League (GPCL) and Philadelphia Cricket League (PCL) Members at large • • Combined 25 teams from PA, NJ, NY, MD • Promising talent in the club with the skills and capability to play for Team USA • • • Captain (GPCL) – Charles Matthew Captain (PCL) – Abdul Nissar League Communication – Girish Kale Social – Charles Matthew Achievements PCL Champions - 2012 • Two-times Runners-up in PCL (2006, 2011) • Four Championships at Turbo Cup and Delaware Cup tournaments • CCC players have players at national level tournaments • Promote kids cricket camp – run by CCC players (current and former) PCL Champions - 2008 Kids Camp 2009-10 Proposal Request for a public park where CCC can play the game of cricket Ground will be used on a part time basis Weekend days when competitive games will be played 2 evenings in the weekdays when the CCC players will practice Played from April through October The access to the ground will be approved and scheduled through township In addition, CCC will take full responsibility of cleaning the ground after every game and practice session CCC has a general liability insurance maintained on an yearly basis Field Specifics Field size – 140x130 yards (approx.) Pitch size – 10ft. X 70ft. Pitch location – Center of the field Pitch composition – Flat and hardened surface with either astro-turf mat or jute mat covering the length of the pitch Field grass – maintained at minimum cut, similar to baseball field Field can be shared by other sports Cricket Field Dimensions Min 65 Yards Min 55 Yards Min 55 Yards 10’ x 70’ (23 Yards) Straight Boundary Min 65 Yards Square Boundary Based on 2012 Internationa Cricket Council (ICC) Recommendations On grounds where space allows, boundaries should be pushed back to a maximum of 90 yards; square boundaries should be a minimum of 150 yards from one side to the other with a minimum of 65 yards on one side; straight boundaries should be 140 yards from one side to the other Cricket Pitch A bare patch in the middle of a field Note – in this picture the surface is hard enough for ball to bounce and no mat is installed, similar to a professional pitch A mat is installed on top of a leveled and clean bare spot – We will do the same Cricket Pitch with the Mat Picture of Prior Cricket grounds in Philadelphia. Since 1920’s! Multipurpose Field 10’ x 70’ (23 Yards) Field can still be available for other sports such as Soccer and Lacross as per this picture Summary We would like to submit the following for your consideration to allow the residents to enjoy this time honored game – Open field that is currently available with a size of approx. 140 x 130 yards – Allow to to bare leveled spot in the middle of the field of approx 10 ft wide by 70 feet long that will likely be a minimal distraction for other sports when the field is being shared. We promise to abide by – All rules and regulations of the park/township Clean up after each use Schedule in advance to play Maintain a liability insurance that may be required Cricket Links http://www.collegevillecc.com http://www.philadelphiacricketleague.com http://content-usa.cricinfo.com/ci/content/current/story/296527.html http://www.greaterphiladelphiacricketleague.com Thank you! An Overview of Goaltimate This is the abreviated version of goaltimate. More explination can be found at Goaltimate.com Goaltimate is in many ways similar to Ultimate Frisbee, upon which it is based. The goal of the offense is to move the disc from person to person via passing until the disc passes through the goal hoop and is caught on the other side in an endzone-like arc (see diagram). Just like ultimate: Players move the disc by throwing it from person to person (no running with the disc). There is a stall count. Intercepted, defended, or dropped discs result in a turnover (offense switches to defense and vice versa). However, Goaltimate is different from Ultimate in these key ways, which help to alter it into a faster, more compact sport: The stall count is 5 (not 10) and can be counted by any player on the field (regardless of distance from player possessing disc. After any change of possession or score, the disc must be cleared in the clearing box (see diagram) before another score can occur. The game is continuous. Play resumes immediately after a score occurs Subbing is on the fly, like in hockey. Setting static picks is legal (think basketball) Goals thrown from within the clearing box are worth 2 points (all other are worth 1) There are four players per team on a Goaltimate field at a time. The other three team members per team remain in a substitution box until put into play (to sub, one on-field team member must tag a member of his team in the substitution box). All games are to 5 points (hard capped at 5). House Rules The below are local rules that may differ from the standardized set established by Rick Connor at Goaltimate.com. The commissioner reserves the right to arbitrate any situation in which there is a rules question/situational ambiguity. All commissioner rulings are final. If a player catches a disc in the goal that has hit the hoop but passes through. The catch is a goal. If a player hits the hoop (but does not destroy it/move it out of position to the point of pausing play to readjust) on his way to scoring a goal. The catch is considered a goal. Players may not break the plane of the hoop when passing for a goal. This is considered the same as a travel call – and the disc will go back to the shooting player at the stall count at which he/she threw the disc Moving picks may be called by the defense. Play stops and players reposition themselves back to the time of the call. A two point goal that is mac’ed by either an offensive or defensive player is still worth two points. 3 second violations in the hoop area or 1 meter in front of the hoop area result in a stoppage of play and the repositioning of the offending party to the closest point outside the hood area. This essentially is the no-goaltending rule. Excessive fouling will result in stern retribution and possibly ejection from the league by the SGL commissioner. A player subbing must touch hands with the subee in order to be considered live on the playing field. Subees may not leave the sub box until they are touched. Violations of this will result in a 15 second penalty in which the offending team plays with only 3 players. ★Review Weed Warrior Program West Whiteland / Exton Park Weed Warriors Purpose: Non-native Invasive plant species present one of the greatest threats to the health and biodiversity of our parklands. These unwelcome plants disrupt the ecology of natural ecosystems, displace native plants, interfere with riparian hydrology, and provide little food for native pollinators and breeding birds. Invasive plant management is an ongoing, labor-intensive process. Since 1999, thousands of parks and refuges around the country have found the Weed Warrior program an effective way to train and manage volunteers to remove invasive species and restore habitat. Annual Plans: This plant calendar plan is dependent on weather; an early spring would necessitate an early end of winter work, and plant-specific plans will depend on plant growth for identification and optimal removal. Late fall to early spring (October to early March): Remove vines and invasive shrubs or trees encroaching on native species, ending by mid to late March, before nesting season begins. Identify a test area for phragmites control. Knock down all phragmites by the end of February. Mid-April to Mid-June: Garlic Mustard. Bright white flowers disappear by about mid-May, making it harder to find plants. Leaves turn yellow about two weeks before June 21, which helps in discovering missed plants. Areas need to be checked in both months. Garlic mustard seeds burst at about the solstice, June 21. Lesser Celandine. Bright yellow flowers make identification easy in early spring. Roots and nutlets need to be removed completely. Shrubs and vines: Invasive plants that were cut in the winter will grow back unless treated chemically. Repeated cutting will deplete the roots, and eventually the plant will die. Cutting needs to be continued monthly through the growing season. Cutting of new areas should be avoided during the nesting season. Late June through September: Mile-a-Minute. Roots come out most easily before mid-July. However the taller plants of late July are easier to see. Seeds continue to ripen through the fall. Bag and remove seeding plants completely. Purple loosestrife: Remove manually, making sure all root is removed. Easiest to identify when in flower. Most visible in August and September; if plants are in seed, cut and bag seeds before removing plants. Bag and remove completely. Phragmites: Cut phragmites back in late July, then once a month through the remainder of the growing season. Replacement: Invasive plants are good at exploiting bare soil and empty niches. When invasive plants are removed, unless new plants are substituted, the invasive will often come right back. ★Review of 2014 Activities Date Project 03/01 Invasive plant control (Phragmites) 8 4 (Boy Scouts) 03/10,17 Invasive plant control (Phragmites) 20 5 (Boy Scouts) 04/06,13, Invasive plant control (Honeysuckle) 16 4 04/20,27 Restoration , Plant native species 16 4 05/06,20,27 Invasive plant control (Honeysuckle) 18 3 06/10,17,24 Invasive plant control (Honeysuckle) 24 4 07/08,22 Invasive plant control (Phrag. Loosestrife Honeysuckle, Mile a Minute) 08/07/14 Hours 18 3 Invasive plant control (Phrag. Loosestrife Mile a Minute) 8 09/01/14 Invasive plant control (Honeysuckle) 09/09,16 Invasive plant control (Phrag. Loosestrife 10/03,13 # of people 70 4 25 CFS Honeysuckle, Mile a Minute) 16 4 Restoration, Plant native species 12 3 21 Days 226 Hours 05/01- 08/ 28 (?)Phragmites Removal Study :Sondra Artis College Intern project 05/13, 20 Weed Warrior Work shops 09/26 Make a Difference Day 30 ★Plans for 2015 Focus on removal of Bush Honeysuckle early spring: prior to nesting,and late summer fall after nesting and restoring area with native bushesLoosestrife : Summer - Fall after flowering - before seed Mile a Minute : Summer - Fall before berries Other invasives ( Japanese knotweed, garlic mustard, lesser celandine) will be dealt with on as needed basis Tentative Schedule : MONDAY FEB 16@ 01:00 - 04:00 PM CHOP VINES SATURDAY FEB 28 @ 1:00 -04:00 PM CHOP VINES Alternate Tuesday @ 08:30 beginning 05/04/2015 - 07/27/2015 Alternate Tuesday @ 08:30 beginning 09/14/2015 - 12/31/2015 One Saturday per month beginning TPD FACILITIES MAINTENANCE January 2015 101 Commerce Drive: Cleaning and Monthly inspections Snow removal Basic Maint. – Minor repairs, trash, cleanups, etc. 222 North Pottstown Pike: Nothing to report Pennypacker House : Basic Maintenance and Repairs Parks Barn: Nothing to report Road Dept Garages : Nothing to report Sewer Dept. Garage : Nothing to report. Pump Stations : Nothing to report Albert C. Miller Memorial Park: Basic Maintenance and Repairs Boot Rd Park: Basic Maintenance and Repairs Room Rental prep Banbury Park: Basic Maintenance and Repairs Burke Road Park: Basic Maintenance and Repairs Exton Park: Basic Maintenance and Repairs Meadowbrook Manor Park: Basic Maintenance and Repairs Mill Valley Park: Basic Maintenance and Repairs Ship Road Park: Basic Maintenance and Repairs Sunset Grove Park: Basic Maintenance and Repairs Waltz Park: Basic Maintenance and Repairs Playground Inspections and basic park maintenance performed Delivery of township trashbags Other Activities (i.e. bids, quotes, meetings): PRC Meeting Department Meeting Training/Seminars:
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