World Future Cities Forum 15th April - 2015 Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva - Switzerland Sponsorship Opportunities Host Sponsor Exclusive: Offer valid for OneHost Country sponsor As the event’s premium sponsor youwill have the opportunity to work directly with the event organizers on customizing your company or group’s product and service presentation to European municipalities In addition the Host Sponsor Package includes: 1. Personal Assistance in arranging private marketing and/or sales meetings with conference participants including Mayoralties, City Managers, and Directors of Municipal Environmental Operations/Programs 2. Provide post-Conference follow up assistance to Host Country sponsor for sales and marketing opportunities (2 months) 3. Highlight "Host Sponsor" on all communications and advertising media to announce and promote the event. 4. Highlight " Host Sponsor" on the special VIP package offered to official speakers and delegations (briefcases, satchels, pens and gifts). 5. Highlight " Host Sponsor" on the package offered to all participants to the Congress (satchels, pens and briefcases). 6. Highlight " Host Sponsor" on welcome dinner invitations. 7. Reservation by the Organizer of tables for the representatives and/or invited guests of the Host Sponsor to thewelcome dinner. The number of people shall not exceed 10. 8. Assist the Host Sponsor to distribute communication media (folders, etc...) during the Forum. The Organizer shall ensure the distribution of all select materials. 9. Review with the Host Sponsor suggestions or additional actions aimed at optimizing the visibility of its support to the event or adding value to its Conference intervention. 10. Provide for an interactive banner (source file from the Host Sponsor) on the home page of the Event’s official website. 11. Reserve an advertising space on the second cover page of the finalConference catalogue and in program of the Forum including a published interview and/or a welcome letter from the Host Sponsor’s Chief Executive Officer 12. Exclusively Highlight the Host Sponsor on the 250 Conferences access badges. 13. Reserve for the Host Sponsor first row seats in the Conference Room, whose number shall not exceed 15. 14. Appoint a representative of the Host Sponsor as a speaker (date and time slot according to program possibilities/options) 15. Appoint a representative of the Host Sponsor as a Session Chair (date and time slot according to program possibilities/options) World Future Cities Forum 15th April - 2015 Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva - Switzerland Platinum Sponsor Exclusive: Offer valid for only two (2) sponsors In becoming a main event sponsor. In addition to the following benefits you are further afforded an opportunity to work with the event organizers on optimizing and improvingvisibility of your support for event leadership. Package includes: 1. Highlight "Platinum Sponsor" on all communication and advertising media to announce and promote the event. 2. Personal Assistance in arranging side-bar meetings with Conference program speakers and conference attendees on request. 3. Provide post-Conference follow up assistance to Platinumsponsor for sales and marketing opportunities (1 months) 4. Highlight " Platinum Sponsor " on the special VIP package offered to official speakers and delegations (briefcases,satchels, pens and gifts). 5. Highlight " Platinum Sponsor " on the package offered to the participants of the Forum (satchels, pens and, briefcases). 6. Highlight " Platinum Sponsor " on welcome dinner invitation cards. 7. Reservation by the Organizer of tables for the representatives and/or invited guests of the Official partner to the welcome dinner. The number of people shall not exceed 5. 8. Allow the Platinum Sponsor to distribute communication media (folders, etc...) during the Forum. The Organizer shall ensure distribution. 9. Review with the Platinum Sponsor any suggestion or action aimed at optimizing the visibility of his support to the event or adding value to its innovation in his activity. 10. Provide for an interactive banner (source file from the official partner) on the home page of the Event’s official website. 11. Highlight « Platinum Sponsor » on invitationsfor the welcome dinner. 12. Reserve, in the name of the Official partner, an advertising space on the back cover of the final catalogue and program of the Forum. 13. Appoint a representative of the Platinum Partner as Speaker (date and time slot according toprogram appropriateness). 14. Reserve for the Partner second row seats in the Conference Room, whose number shall not exceed World Future Cities Forum 15th April - 2015 Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva - Switzerland Gold Sponsor Exclusive: Offer valid for three (3)sponsors In becoming a main sponsor of the event you get the possibility to improve the visibility of your company during the event. Package includes: 1. Highlight "Gold Sponsor" on all communication and advertising media to announce and promote the event. 2. Highlight " Gold Sponsor " on the package offered to the participants at the Forum (satchels, pens andbriefcases). 3. Reservation by the Organizer of tables for the representatives and/or invited guests of the Gold Sponsor to the welcome dinner. The number of people shall not exceed 03. 4. Allow the Gold Sponsor to distribute communication media (folders, etc...) during the Forum; the Organizer shall ensure distribution. 5. Reserve, in the name of the Gold Sponsor, an advertising space (inside colour page)in thefinal catalogue and program of the Forum. 6 . Reserve for the Partner third row seats in the Conference Room, whose number shall not exceed. VOS CONTACTS GREENORBIS INTERNATIONAL - Office France 43, avenue du Président Allende 91300 Massy France Tel. : +33 (0) 6 14 30 24 08 Salima Setbel Business Development Manager and editor [email protected] Organisation GREENORBIS INTERNATIONAL Route de Domont 89 2800 Delémont, Suisse Tel. : +41 32 422 59 33 Fax : +41 32 422 59 07 E-mail : [email protected] Site Web
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