FEBRUARY17,2015 FEBRUARY17,2015 VOLUME16,ISSUENO.7 VOLUME16,ISSUENO.7 Glory Hill Grand’s Day Trip to Foley, AL Monday, February 23 Leaving the church at 7:00 a.m. going to Foley, AL. We will stop at The Gift Horse for lunch. Following lunch, we will go to the Outlet Mall for shopping. (Bring money for lunch & shopping.) Pounding for the Bakers We are asking for donations for Aubrey and Dale Baker. Things needed are: Cleaning supplies, paper products, groceries, toiletries, etc. They are also in need of kitchen items such as cookware, baking dishes, utensils, cups, and glasses. **Anything will be appreciated. Any kitchen items not used will be put in the church rummage sale.** REV.D.J.BENSON,PASTOR REV.D.J.BENSON,PASTOR REV.BRENTBENSON,COREV.BRENTBENSON,CO-PASTOR PASTOR REV.TROYHOBSON,MINISTEROFYOUTH REV.TROYHOBSON,MINISTEROFYOUTH REV.ERICBENSON,MINISTEROFMUSIC REV.ERICBENSON,MINISTEROFMUSIC REV.KEVINULMER,MINISTEROFCHILDREN REV.KEVINULMER,MINISTEROFCHILDREN REV.BOBKENDRICK,MISSIONARY REV.BOBKENDRICK,MISSIONARY FEBRUARY17,2015THRUFEBRUARY24,2015 FEBRUARY17,2015THRUFEBRUARY24,2015 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. Phone Number: 601-763-7571 THE HEART AND THE STEPS Psalms44:18,weread, ourheartis salvation to the heart and then or- bettertojudgeyoursinandconfess not turned, neither have our steps ders the steps he or she is to take. it, before God judges it and pundeclinedfromtheway. Wecannot The Psalmist was happy that his ishesyouforthatsin. see one’s heart but we surely can heart had not been turned. No WeLoveeachofyou, see the steps he or she takes. The doubthehadseenthishappentoso Bro.Benson Biblesays,Thestepsofagoodman manywhohadprofessedtheWord. areorderedintheLord. Aswelookabouttoday,weseeso From ones heart the actions of the many whose heart has turned back mind,affections,conscienceandthe and whose steps have wandered soul are seen. And, it is from the away from the path of duty. Are heart that one’s steps are set into youoneofthem?Somuchtrouble motion. It is a great moment in a isuponyouifyouare.Beforethe lost persons life when God brings chastening rod of God is sent, it’s SANCUARY CHOIR Choir members, work is going well on the music for the Drama. Please be faithful each week to rehearsals. We EASTER DRAMA 2015 have less than 7 weeks now until we The choir along with drama cast will present the Drama. present, Behold the Lamb of God, Saturday, April 4th @ 6:30 p.m. and SunORCHESTRA day, April 5th @ 6:30 p.m. Please Thank you for your faithfulness and mark your calendars and be in prayer hard work. We will have rehearsal this for this musical presentation of the Wednesday, February 18th. We’ll be playing the special, Heaven Medley Sunglorious gospel of Christ. day, March 1st. DRAMA CAST Everyone in the drama cast will meet YOUNG ADULT ENSEMBLE this coming Sunday, February 22nd @ Hey guys, we will meet this Sunday 5:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. morning, February 22nd @ 8:45 a.m. Hey Guys, We praise the Lord for all the new youth He is sending our way as they visit and join through church membership and faith in Christ. Let’s keep praying, inviting and making them feel welcome. FEBRUARY 17, 2015 SPRING BREAK 2015 TO LAKE FOREST RANCH March 10—13 Theme: Exposed (Ephesians 5:13) Speakers: John Griffin, Jacob Crespo Worship Leader: Heights Worship Cost: $125 (includes t-shirt, activities, housing and meals.) **$50 deposit due by February 15 & T-shirt sizes due by February 26 VOLUME 16, ISSUE NO. 7 to rehearse and prepare to sing for our wonderful Lord. For He Alone Is Worthy, Bro. Eric You can start signing up and turning in your deposit now. I encourage you to invite a friend or two (we have plenty of room). This is going to be a great retreat full of worship and fun. Please be in prayer for the trip. Pray that hearts and lives will be changed. Serving Him with You, Bro. Troy Page 2 Thank you to everyone who came to the Parent Meeting this past Sunday. I appreciate you all. If you would like to sign-up to participate in the Children’s Church Rotation, there will be a signup sheet located in the Welcome Center. A Tool in His Hands, Kevin 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration for Louis & Ann Griffith February 28 2:00– 2:00– 4:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall *No gifts please.* 2015 Laurel Charity Walking Horse Show March 7, 2015 @ 5:00 p.m. Magnolia Center, Laurel, MS This years recipient will be Zachary Braswell who is the son of Amanda Braswell. He is a very sick young man in need of a kidney. He goes three days a week to Jackson for dialysis. We are in need of sponsorships, door prizes, silent auction items and cakes. We have sponsorship applications in the church office if you would like to help sponsor this event. Come enjoy the show and bring friends!!! 22.) Dessie Lofton 1248 Springhill Road, Laurel, MS 39443 - By Letter 23.) Summer Prince 24.) Joey Prince 8 Pleasant Ridge Road, Laurel, MS 39443 - By Letter 25.) Kayla Prince 8 Pleasant Ridge Road, Laurel, MS 39443 - By Faith SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 CHILDREN’S CHURCH & PRESCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS THREE YEAR OLDS: Ashley Savell FOUR YEAR OLDS: OLDS Bryna Walker K– 2nd GRADE: Brian & Kandie Johnson 3 & 4 YEAR OLD SUNDAY NIGHT ASSIGNMENTS Pam Davis & Shandra Benson FEBRUARY 17, 2015 VOLUME 16, ISSUE NO. 7 I. Sunday School S.S. Enrollment 1146 S.S. Attendance 532 S.S. Average 514 II. Dis. Training D.T. Enrollment 620 D.T. Attendance 261 D.T. Average 192 III. Budget/ Offering Budget Needed Each Sunday: $19,631.63 Budget Given Today: $19,015.67 Designated Giving: $22,308.00 Building Fund Given: Building Debt Remaining Balance: $610.00 $760,135.54 Page 3 Non-Profit Org. US Postage Paid Laurel, MS 39442 Permit No. 388 Salem Heights Baptist Church P. O. Box 2758 Laurel, MS 39442 Return Service Requested Fellowship Meal: February 18, 2015 Adult: Hamburger Steak & Gravy, Peppers & Onions, Baked Potato, Corn on the Cob, Garlic Bread, Tossed Salad and Millionaire Pie, Tea & Coffee. $4.00 Grilled Chicken Salad $4.00 Children: Sloppy Joes, Chips, Fruit and Rice Krispie Treat, Kool-Aid. $3.00 SUNDAY 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:15 AM 5:00 PM 6:15 PM MONDAY 7:00 AM TUESDAY 10:00 AM WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 6:15 PM 6:45 PM 7:45 PM FEBRUARY 22ND Orchestra Rehearsal Sunday School Worship Service Discipleship Training/ Choir Worship Service/ Baptism FEBRUARY 23RD Glory Hill Grand’s Day Trip FEBRUARY 24TH Bible Study FEBRUARY 25TH Mother’s Morning Out Fellowship Meal Prayer Meeting/ AWANA Youth/ Preschool Bro. Brent’s Bible Study Orchestra Rehearsal
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