option one: liturgy in front position

First Sunday after Christmas
Reading of God’s Word
Isaiah 61:10-62:3 (page 604, LP page 1158)
Galatians 4:4-7 (page 947, LP page 1813)
December 28, 2014, 10:00 AM
Watchword of the Week:
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of
a woman, born under the law, in order to redeem those who were
under the law, so that we might receive adoption as children.
Galatians 4:4,5
*Hymn 305
Judy Snyder
What Child Is This
Rev. Venable
Looking for the One
Luke 2:22-40 (page 833, LP page 1591)
The First Noel
Welcome and Announcements
Arr. Page
Rev. Scott Venable
Prayers of the People/Pastoral Prayer
Call to Worship
Giving of Tithes and Offerings to the Lord
Prayer of Dedication
Behold His Glory with Go Tell It on the Mountain)
Arr. Innes
 Please sign the Friendship Register at the end of your row and pass it down.
Children three years old and under may go to the Nursery.
*Please stand.
Still, all was still; the earth was lost in silent dreams and suddenly things were
changed. The Light of the world was born.
Behold His glory, the glory of the Father, God’s love revealed for all the world
to see. The Word made flesh has come to dwell among us; now let us praise
His pow’r and majesty. He is the Light that shines out of darkness; He will
lead the way to our eternal home. He will be our glory as we share salvation’s
story: The Savior of the world has come. Behold the glory of the Lord.
“Behold His Glory,”, Words and Music by Cindy Berry
©2001 in Noel Celebration Hal Leonard Corporation
CCLI License #751334
Choosing of Congregational and Individual Watchwords
O Come, All Ye Faithful
If you would like information about our activities or becoming a member of
Fairview, please indicate your wish in the appropriate space.
(Following the Liturgy, please greet those around you in the Name of Christ.)
The First Noel
*Liturgy for Christmas, Page 59
*Hymn 290
Rebecca Church
The Chancel Flowers are given in honor of the Fairview Congregation by
Charlie and Marty Martin.
A note of thanksgiving to our church family,
You prayed for us in all our difficult times; you gave words of cheer to
us and our family members; you sent cards and brought food and flowers to
us – for all your kindnesses, we give thanks.
Melvin and Betty Fulp
Stewards of Service This Week:
Ushers: Hewitt Gilbert, Gary Harrold, Harry Sapp, Bill Shields
Greeters: Barry and Kathy King
Worship Nursery: Heather Hubbard
10:00 AM
11:10 AM
10:30 AM
Worship – Choosing 2015 Watchwords
Sunday School (Optional for each Class)
Women’s Fellowship Executive Board Mtg.
11:00 PM
Salem Congregation Watch Night Service at Konnoak
Hills Moravian Church
New Year’s Day – Church Office Closed
Church Office Closed for New Year Holiday
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast at K & W Restaurant on
Healy Drive
Removing the tree and decorations from the
Worship with Guest Speaker, The Rev. Carol Foltz
Sunday School
(Conference Room)
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:10 AM
Staff & Ministry Areas of Fairview
Office Phone: 768-5629; Kitchen Phone: 768-1958; Fax: 768-5637
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.fairviewmoravianchurch.org
Office Hours: Monday–Thursday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM; Friday, 9:00 AM–Noon
Rev. Scott Venable, Pastor
Lewis Phillips, Music Director/Pastoral Assistant
Janet Robbins, Administrative Assistant
Dena Todd, Treasurer
Amy Mendenhall, Vice-Chair, Elders
Robert Rascoe, Chair, Trustees
Robah Ogburn, Band Director
Everyone is invited to be involved in each of the ministry areas of the congregation. If you
have questions about becoming a participant in our music ministry, children’s ministry, Sunday
School, outreach projects or mission efforts, please speak to an usher.
If you are in need of pastoral assistance, you are invited to contact the Church Office. You
may also call Rev. Scott Venable at 659-4586 or Lewis Phillips at 751-4264.