Issue 2 Term 1 2015 - Catherine McAuley Westmead

Educating young women for the future
Dear Parents, Friends, Staff and Students,
Term 1 Issue 2
19th February 2015
Sister Mary Eugene Dobson rsm, the Founding Principal of
Catherine McAuley, died on Friday 6th February 2015 at the
Stella Maris Nursing Home, Cronulla. Sr Eugene was aged 96
years old.
In this Issue:
Principal’s Letter
Religious Education
Learning and Teaching
Pastoral Care
Staff and Student News
Sport News
Upcoming Events:
27th February
School Swimming Carnival
Catherine McAuley Westmead was very special to Sr Eugene and
at this time 50 years ago she would have been occupied with the
plans for our then new school, its uniform and school name. The
foundation of the school and its early days were often quite
challenging and it was through the hard work and dedication of
the pioneer staff, led by Sr Eugene, which enabled the school community to come
through many difficulties.
Sr Eugene’s funeral was held at the Mother Mary Clare Dunphy Memorial Chapel, Our
Lady of Mercy Convent, Parramatta on 12th February. The celebrant was Father Wim
Hoekstra. Our student leaders and Year 10 Peer Support Leaders attended the
funeral and formed a guard of honour as Sr Eugene took her last journey from the
convent grounds of the Sisters of Mercy. Thank you to the students who represented
the school in such a beautiful manner.
Our school will be celebrating our Golden Jubilee next year (50 years since the school
was established) and it is with great sadness that Sr Eugene will not be a part of the
Photo on left shows Sr Eugene in 2011
with our then School Captains, Chanel
Bou-Francis and Monica Francis. This
photo was taken at the Stella Maris
Nursing Home.
4th March
School Open Morning
17th March
School Open Afternoon / Evening
4:00pm - 6:30pm
Year 7 2016 Enrolment Information
7:00pm - 8:00pm
27th March
Closing date for Year 7 2016
Applications - First Round Offers
Sr Eugene (3rd from left) with other
Sisters of Mercy on the first day of our
school in 1966. In the photo are Sister's
Anne, Gerome, Eugene, Pauline, Marie
Goretti and Mrs Ryan.
2nd April
Term 1 ends
20th April
Term 2 begins
Student Leaders formed a guard of honour
for Sr Eugene along Victoria Rd, Parramatta.
Ms Laetitia Richmond
Catherine McAuley Westmead, Celebrating over 40 Years of Educating Young Women
● Darcy Road, Westmead NSW 2145 ● Phone: 9849 9100 ● Facsimile: 9849 9199
● ● [email protected]
After six weeks of Ordinary Time, we have begun our Lenten journey for 2015. Since
Christmas, we have witnessed the successful winners of many sporting codes including
tennis, cricket and football (soccer). Quite often when struggling for breath after a very
intense game, the microphone and camera is placed in front of them with a very eager
reporter asking numerous questions. While enjoying their fame, they might prefer that an
interview took place after a shower and change of clothes. Sometimes people attract the
headlines for the wrong reasons. I am certain that our Prime Minister, Mr Tony Abbott,
would have preferred last week‟s media attention to have been about his policies and
achievements rather than the security of his leadership.
While some people may welcome fame and fortune, it can create unforseen difficulties. A
public life severely restricts the amount of privacy that a person may experience. The
obstacles of a public life experienced by today‟s politicians and sports people were also
part of Jesus‟ life. In Sunday‟s Gospel (Mk 1: 40-45) Jesus instructs the leper that he has
healed to say nothing. The healed leper is told to seek the priest and to follow the
commands of Moses. The leper cannot help himself; he loudly proclaims that he has
been made clean by Jesus. Before Jesus‟ compassionate act, he would have been an
outcast, pushed aside by all of society.
The healing miracle enabled the leper to re-enter society. The fear associated with leprosy would be the equivalent of today‟s ebola
virus. Reactions to the ebola virus have included the closing of borders and the destruction of close relationships. Jesus allowed the
leper to return to a normal life but Jesus‟ actions caused great inconvenience to himself. It was not physically possible for Jesus to
enter a town; he had to remain on the outskirts but still people travelled to see him. In showing compassion and understanding,
Jesus became isolated from everyday comforts and conveniences. Mother Catherine McAuley was a woman who was
compassionate towards others. She was more interested in the welfare of others than herself. Upon receiving her inheritance, she
could have lived a very comfortable and privileged life but she used her wealth for the comfort and wellbeing of those in need,
particularly women and children.
It is during Lent, when we strive to deepen our relationship with Jesus, that we have an opportunity to think about those who we
may push away from our lives. When we received the blessed ashes on Ash Wednesday, we were challenged to use the Season of
Lent to become better people. When we respond to the words „Repent and believe in the Gospel’, may we model ourselves on the
example of Jesus Christ and his faithful follower, Catherine McAuley.
Ms Genevieve Banks
Religious Education Coordinator
Term 1 Issue 2, 20th February 2015
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Academic Assembly
On Wednesday, 11th February we had the special Academic Assembly for the presentation of the 2014 HSC High Achievers.
These students had achieved an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) of 90 or above, placing them in the top 10% of the
state, with our highest placed student ranked in the top 1%.
At the presentation I made a point of saying that while the assembly celebrated the achievement of the students present, it also
acknowledged the hard work and commitment of the whole class of 2014. Our data analysis has revealed that this group
collectively has had the biggest learning gain of any class over the past seven years. This means that the vast majority of students
who sat the HSC in 2014 attained personal best results across most of their subjects.
Claire Cox, 2014 School Captain, addressed our community and provided advice on managing the rigours of the HSC. Claire’s
speech was both humble and inspiring. The Catherine McAuley community appreciates all our former students sharing their time
with us. We congratulate them on their achievements and wish them every success in their future careers.
Ms Laetitia Richmond with Year 12 2014 High Achievers.
Assessment Handbooks
Over the next week, students from Years 7 – 10 will receive their assessment handbooks. These documents provide valuable
advice to students and their families about when assessments are due and what procedures should be followed in case of illnes s
or misadventure. I would particularly like to emphasise two parts of the Schools Assessment Policy outlined in the handbooks:
To ensure fair and equitable assessment, all students must hand in tasks by the due date, and penalties will be awarded for late
submission. In Years 7 and 8, students will receive 20% mark deduction for each day a task is late. Students in Years 9 and 10
will receive 20% deduction on the first day, 50% on the second and 100% on the third day. In Years 11 and 12 students will
receive 100% deduction on the first day a task is late.
The school will not provide alternative assessment tasks for students who are absent from school due to a family holiday. If a
student is absent on the day of an exam or „in class‟ assessment task due to a family holiday then a zero mark will be awarded
for that task. If a student is able to submit a task before they leave or email the assessment through to their class teacher or
KLA coordinator on the due date whilst away, no penalty will apply. A reminder that exemption from school can only be
granted by Ms Richmond and that families must submit appropriate documentation, which is available on the school website.
School Computers, School Network and Email
Every student has or is in the process of receiving an individual school email address and an allocated section on the school‟s
cloud based network where they can store their work. I would like to remind students and parents that these, and all of the school‟s
information technology facilities, are for school related use only and are not for personal use. Student emails and any material on
the network or sites visited may be monitored by staff and so any information stored on the school network or accessed from
school is not to be regarded as personal or private.
I would also like to draw the attention of parents and students to the fact that all material on the school‟s computers and network is
the property of the Catholic Education Office of the Diocese of Parramatta. The school‟s Internet and Network Services Acceptable
Use Policy is in the student diary. It is important that both parents and students read this and all the policies in the diary.
Ms Janet Cairncross
Assistant Principal
(Learning & Teaching)
Term 1 Issue 2, 20th February 2015
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School Swimming Carnival
The school swimming carnival is scheduled for Friday 27th February to be held at the school pool. Students are
encourage to wear their House colours but must wear their school uniform or sports uniform to and from school
changing into their House colours at school. Students will have the opportunity to register for competitive and
non-competitive races to ensure all students swim in at least one event. As there is limited shade all students
must wear a hat. I would encourage students to also wear sunscreen and bring plenty of water. The Liturgy
Group will be selling snow cones and the canteen will operate from the pool area. As this is a compulsory school
day I would ask students who are absent to provide a medical certificate on their return to school.
In NSW attendance is compulsory for children over the age of six years until the minimum school leaving age of 17 years. At
Catherine McAuley attendance each day is a priority. Parents are asked to make all appointments for their daughters outside
school hours. If they are unable to do this a medical certificate needs to be provided on the students return to school. This also
applies to partial absences. If students are late on three or more occasions in a term the student will receive an after scho ol
detention where they will complete school work. If you have any questions regarding attendance procedures at Catherine McAuley
please contact your daughter‟s Year Coordinator.
If students are absent from school for more than two days for any reason other than a medical reason the appropriate forms need
to be completed. These forms are available on the website and at Student Reception. The forms must be submitted seven days
before the planned absence. The Assessment Program will not be adjusted to accommodate absence for any reason other than a
medical reason.
Daily Absence
If your daughter is unwell and unable to attend school, please ring by 8:30am the School Office on 9849 9100 or the Year
Coordinator (the phone numbers are listed in the student diary). Students who are absent from school must bring a note written by
a parent or guardian explaining their absence immediately on their return to school or a note may be sent via email:
[email protected]. The email or note must be received within 7 days of the absence or it will be recorded
as unexplained. The section at the back of the school diary may be used for writing absence notes. The notes must be legible and
dated so that accurate records can be kept.
Road Safety
A number of girls are not using the allocated crossings to cross the road placing themselves and others in danger. Unfortunately
the school has received a number of complaints from the public regarding students crossing the road in a dangerous manner. I
would parents to speak to their daughter regarding the importance of crossing roads around the school at the appropriate
Transport Issues
Could I remind parents to discuss with their daughter appropriate behaviour when travelling to and from school specifically on
public transport. This week I received a number of complaints from members of the public regarding students travelling on public
transport. The complaints focus on students travelling on the morning T66 / T65 bus service from Rouse Hill to Parramatta and
T way buses from Pendle Hill who refuse to surrender their seats when fare paying adults are standing. As a school we continually
address transport issues at the school assembly and through the Daily Notices. I ask you to support the school by reinforcing with
your daughter that when she is travelling on public transport in uniform she is required to stand for any adults. There will be a
lunchtime assembly next week to address this issue.
NSW School Vaccination Program for Years 7, 11 and 12
A reminder to parents to please sign the Vaccination consent form and have your daughter return it to her Homeroom Teacher by
Monday 2nd March. The Vaccination Clinic dates for 2015 are:
5th March
Year 7, 1st dose HPV
Year 7, dTpa
7th May
Year 7, 2nd dose HPV
17 August
Year 11, 1st dose MMR
Year 12, 1st dose MMR
7 September
Year 7, 3rd dose HPV
Year 7, Varicella
Ms Debbie Grigson
Assistant Principal
(Pastoral Care/Administration)
Term 1 Issue 2, 20th February 2015
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Ms Joanne Dae and Karima Touma lighting the Year 7 candle.
Ms Laetitia Richmond and student altar servers with
Fr Robert Bossini (left) and Father Paul Cahill (right).
Term 1 Issue 2, 20th February 2015
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Year 8 Leaders
Year 9 Leaders
Caritas House
Caritas MAG
Caritas Liturgy
Caritas SRC
Caritas House
Caritas MAG
Caritas Liturgy
Caritas SRC
Payton Frangie
Vaine Loto'aniu
Rafqa Sahyoun
Ella Tauroa
Olivia Zeidan
Dipali Goel
Michelle Russo
Vasiti Gibson
Clare House
Clare MAG
Clare Liturgy
Clare SRC
Clare House
Clare MAG
Clare Liturgy
Clare SRC
Chantelle Maglalang
Dolphy Anand
Margareth Kowik
Bianca Queixalos
Caitlin Abood
Amani Siddiqui
Sanchea Rodrigues
Chantelle Fernando
Coolock House
Coolock MAG
Coolock Liturgy
Coolock SRC
Coolock House
Coolock MAG
Coolock Liturgy
Coolock SRC
Madelaine Hamilton
Christina Hanna
Jessica Gonzalez
Teliyah Fernandes
Emily Alderton
Nitole Saha
Amy Earl
Anna-Marie Diaz
Dobson House
Dobson MAG
Dobson Liturgy
Dobson SRC
Dobson House
Dobson MAG
Dobson Liturgy
Dobson SRC
Sara Hodge
Sophie Voll
Taylah Jones
Samuelle Amor
Saige Horn
Mercedes House
Mercedes MAG
Mercedes Liturgy
Mercedes SRC
Mercedes House
Mercedes MAG
Mercedes Liturgy
Mercedes SRC
Gursheen Chadha
Ysabella Dizon
Kate Brown
Nicole Garcia
Alexandra Dela Cruz
Deanna Di Costanzo
Muskan Khadka
Emma Romanous
Shannon Gunnion
Ryan House
Ryan MAG
Ryan Liturgy
Ryan SRC
Ryan House
Ryan MAG
Ryan Liturgy
Ryan SRC
Claudia Wijaya
Gabrielle Haddad
Lavanya Jey
Daniela Vojvodic
Nancy Nirmal Raj
Rana Romanous
Rhea Thomas
Easha Madappa
Veritas House
Veritas MAG
Veritas Liturgy
Veritas SRC
Veritas House
Veritas MAG
Veritas Liturgy
Veritas SRC
Ana Blazan
Eunice Cruz
Maria Kirabo
Geosera Muralitharan
Gabrielle Calderon
Brooke De La Motte
Shalene Lal
Year 11 Leaders
Year 10 Leaders
Caritas House
Caritas MAG
Caritas Liturgy
Caritas SRC
Caritas SRC
Reena Dela Cruz
Kondelia Milatos
Sarah Sahyoun
Antonia Hurtado
Sarah Rouissi
Clare House
Clare MAG
Clare Liturgy
Clare SRC
Clare SRC
Meg Dawkins
Drishti Chavla
Jo-Beth Elias
Elaria Zaki
Annya Reshty
Coolock House
Coolock MAG
Coolock Liturgy
Coolock SRC
Nicola Barakat
Mia O'Reilly
Judy Johnson
Bianca Hu
Dobson House
Dobson MAG
Dobson Liturgy
Dobson SRC
Emma Grant
Alisha McDonald
Katrina David
Franchesca Sambat
Mercedes House
Mercedes MAG
Mercedes Liturgy
Mercedes SRC
Naomi Borg
Isabel Sleiman
Inpana Jerome
Nikita Sharma
Ryan House
Ryan MAG
Ryan Liturgy
Ryan SRC
Ryan SRC
Erika Serrano
Jasmine Szanto
Patricia Teano
Sia Kafle
Isabella Dias
Veritas House
Veritas MAG
Veritas Liturgy
Veritas SRC
Veritas SRC
Madeline Hemmings
Daniella Franklin
Rachel Cooper
Erisha Chand
Kayli Brackenbury
Coolock SRC
Therese Samson
Dobson SRC
Sian D'Souza
Mercedes SRC
Siana Kourtis
Year 12 Leaders
Caritas SRC
Judy Kennedy
Clare SRC
Vidya Kannampuzha
Coolock SRC
Micah Maglaya
Dobson SRC
Avni Pawar
Mercedes SRC
Jiana Samaan
Ryan SRC
Rebecca Regidor
Veritas SRC
Mansha Singh
Term 1 Issue 2, 20th February 2015
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Shrove Tuesday Fundraising for Project Compassion
McAuley students celebrated Shrove Tuesday on Tuesday 17th February by making and selling pancakes to raise money for
Project Compassion. Our senior Hospitality and Food Technology students made the pancakes to be sold at lunchtime by our Year
11 and 12 Social Justice, Liturgy and Hospitality Leaders, also joined by our MAG (Mercy in Action Group) students.
Shrove Tuesday is the day preceding Ash Wednesday and is traditionally a day of feasting and celebration. Pancakes were sold at
lunchtime in Mercy Square for $2 per serve and all money raised will go towards Project Compassion.
Around the Classrooms …
Year 8 Japanese students, with Ms Reynolds, were last week learning how to write the days of the week in Japanese calligraphy.
Term 1 Issue 2, 20th February 2015
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Sister Edith Angel Returns to McAuley
Sister Edith Angel rsm, former Principal of
Catherine McAuley who was at the school from
1978 – 1981, was honoured last year when the
EA Block at the school was named in her honour.
The EA Block consists of the Science Labs, IT
and Food Tec rooms. Another former Principal
who was also honoured at the time was Sister
Sophie McGrath rsm, who had the SM Block
named after her which consists of the Language
Rooms, Staff Offices and Year 12 common
At the unveiling ceremony held last year in
November Sr Edith was unable to attend. She did
however visit the school this week to view her
plaque and meet with the two staff members who
were responsible for organising the plaque Mrs
Joanne Rehayem and Ms Emma Kent.
Sr Edith Angel
Learn About Fashion Illustrations
Our Year 11 and 12 Textiles and Design students are currently learning about design in textiles and this week a
representative from the Whitehouse Institute of Design came out to teach the students how to produce high quality fashion
illustrations. Crystal, from the Whitehouse Institute, showed the students how to utilise the „9 head principle‟ of drawing a
figure. She also showed them a variety of rendering techniques.
Students will be able to utilise these new skills in the near future when they begin working on their major textiles projects.
Mrs Dorothy Spiteri
Textiles and Design Teacher
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Our Year 11 Biology students last week travelled to Bantry Bay, located in the Garigal National Park, Frenchs Forest, to study
the local ecosystem.
Students are currently studying local ecosystems and on their excursion were investigating the biotic and abiotic factors in two
areas of the Garigal National Park. Students collected information such as soil moisture, soil depth, tree height and foliage cover
to look at how these factors affect the distribution and abundance of Australian plant species.
Students also had the opportunity to trap some animals and examine these animals close up before letting them go. They were
able to investigate the adaptations these animals had to undergo to survive in the dry environment. Of particular interest was the
very cute antechinus, a small marsupial that is indigenous to Australia and New Guinea.
Megan Serwaah examining an antechinus.
Maths Lab
For any students who need assistance with their Mathematics homework they are
encouraged to come along on a Tuesday at lunchtime to MF105 or a Wednesday after
school in the library until 4pm where there will be a Mathematics staff member and senior
students ready to help. Even if homework help isn‟t needed if is also a good opportunity
to come and practice your maths skills. All year groups are most welcome.
Term 1 Issue 2, 20th February 2015
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Well known ceramic artist, Ms Jenny Orchard, visited our Year 7 students this week to speak to them about her art and to
demonstrate to them ceramic hand building techniques.
Year 7 Visual Arts students are currently studying her art practice as part of their unit of study called „Whimsical Forms‟ which is
inspired by the art making of Ms Orchard. Students will be making over the next few weeks ceramic sculptures based on hybrid
creatures which have come from their imaginations and which is similar in style to the work of Ms Orchard.
The students spent a couple of hours listening to Ms Orchard explain her work and were given the opportunity to ask her lots of
questions. Students were also treated to a demonstration of hand building techniques and Ms Orchard explained how she
approaches her work.
It was a wonderful opportunity for the Year 7 students to meet the artist they are currently studying (or soon to study) and the
Visual Arts Department is very appreciative to Ms Orchard for giving up her time to come to our school. We look forward to lots of
photos soon of the ceramic creations of our students.
Year 7 students with ceramic artist Ms Jenny Orchard.
Ms Orchard demonstrating ceramic hand building techniques.
Year 7 Comments about the Visual Arts Incursion with Jenny Orchard
“I think the art incursion today was really fun! I personally think it was a great, new and exciting experience for everyone. It is not
everyday that you get to meet in person a well-known artist like Jenny Orchard.” Sophia Magri 7VA2
“Jenny Orchard loves to make pots and use clay to make artworks. She spoke to us about her career as an artist and there was
one quote she said that inspired me, “No matter what happens or what anyone thinks just keep going”. Shenna Sambat 7VA2
“Jenny Orchard is an artist known for her unique ceramic sculptures and designs. She makes art to inspire people and to tell a
story. She explained that when she needs inspiration she makes a pot. When she was asked how many artworks has she made
during her career she told us that she stopped counting after she got to 1000”. Majan Almazan 7 VA2
“I learnt that when you are doing art that clay has a mind of its own so you have to really work the clay” Hannah Seballos 7VA2
Term 1 Issue 2, 20th February 2015
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Long Distance Swimming Carnival
The annual Long Distance Swimming Carnival was held after
school on Wednesday 18th February at our school pool. The
carnival consists of seven competitive events which include
50m Butterfly, 100m Freestyle, 100m Breaststroke, 100m
Backstroke, 100m Butterfly, 200m Freestyle and 200m Individual Medley. We had approximately 50 students from Years 7 to
12 compete which was roughly double the amount that attended last year.
All students who competed need to be congratulated on their
efforts in the water as they all performed well and received
personal best times. There are some fantastic swimmers coming through the ranks in our junior grades which is something
to look forward to in the future.
Caritas and Veritas both dominated in the pool with their points
tally at the end of the carnival nearing equal first.
I would like to thank the large number of student helpers and
teachers who gave up their time after school to assist in the
smooth running of the carnival.
Ms Brooke Robson
Sports Coordinator
NAPLAN 2015 Writing Test - Important Changes to Note
The NAPLAN tests will be conducted over three days from Tuesday 12 - Thursday 14 May.
ACARA has advised of a number of significant changes regarding the administration of the Writing test in 2015.
As in 2014, the writing genre will not be disclosed before the test. Schools are encouraged to teach a balanced writing
curriculum. There is an equal possibility that the Writing test will require students to write a response in the persuasive or
narrative genre. There will not be a choice of genre.
Following extensive consultation between ACARA and all NAPLAN Test Administration Authorities, for the first time, in 2015
there will be one Writing prompt for students in Years 3 and 5, and a second, different prompt for students in Years 7 and 9.
However, both prompts will be of the same genre and the results will be reported on a single NAPLAN scale. This decision
has been taken to ensure maximum engagement and fairness for all students.
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Swimming Carnival Canteen Helpers
The school swimming carnival is taking place on Friday 27 th February at the
McAuley pool. The canteen is looking for volunteers to help on the day, or
part of the day, in the canteen which will be located poolside. You could
perhaps assist for an hour and then join the spectators to continue watching
your daughter participate. Feel free to just drop by on the day or contact the
Canteen Manager below.
Please contact Ms Lisa Lane, Canteen Manager, on 9849 9150 if you
might be able to assist.
Due to unforeseen delays school
accounts will now be despatched
in the next week.
You should, however, have
already received the Schedule of
Fees with a copy of the last
school newsletter.
Catherine McAuley
Wednesday 4th March 2015
9.15 – 11am
All Welcome!
To book a place on this tour please
contact School Reception on 9849 9100.
Term 1 Issue 2, 20th February 2015
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