St. Edward Parish 4212 South Mead, Seattle, Washington 98118 • Parish Offices 722-7888 • Fax 206-722-7895 • School 725-1774 WWW.STEDWARDPARISH.NET St. Vincent de Paul 767-6449 Parish Office Hours 9:00AM-Noon, 1:00PM-4:30PM • Closed Noon to One for Lunch School Office Hours: 8AM-4pm Church Address: 4205 S. Orcas St. Seattle, WA 98118 Office/Mailing Address: 4212 South Mead Street Seattle, WA 98118 February 22, 2015 PARISH REGIONAL MINISTRY TEAM Rev. Felino Paulino, Pastor Rev. Robert Kenny, Parochial Vicar Fr. Negusse Fesseha Kelata, Parochial Vicar Kevin Murphy, Pastoral Assistant - Financial Administration/Facilities Deacon Sagato Pele, Pastoral Assistant - Sacraments and Youth Deacon Asipeli Tuifua Deacon Jose DeLeon Sandy Suchoski, Administrative Assistant Mary Lundeen, St. Edwards School Principal Mercy Sobrevilla, Catechetical Education Director Joel Fadul, Parish Office Coordinator PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS: - Parish Council President: Bill Cranston - ParishCouncil: Shirley Bulatao,Ventura Herrera, Norma Herrera, Martin Torres, Vea Tuifua - Finance Council: Jose Deleon, Dorothy Galliano, Manny Valdez - School Commission: John DeRocco, Sharon Mulvihill, PARISH SACRAMENTAL LIFE Mass Schedule Sunday Mass, 9am, 11am, 1pm Spanish Mass Saturday Mass, 5:30 pm Weekdays, Mon. - Fri., 8:40am (in Parish Center Chapel) Mass on Holy Days: As announced First Friday Mass - 7:00 pm Confessions Saturday 4:30pm (until all are heard) or by appointment. Baptism: We welcome parents who bring their children to Church for Baptism. Call the Parish Office, 722-7888, for information about Baptism Guidelines. There is a 2 month advance notice for registered parishioners and a 3 month notice for new parishioners. Marriages: Arrange with Pastor at least five months in advance. Must be registered and active parishioner or have permission from their own parish. Please bring Baptism certificates to first interview. Catholic Cemeteries: Catholic cemeteries serving our parish are: Calvary Holyrood Gethsemane (838-2240) First Sunday of Lent St. Edward Parish Mission Prayer Heavenly Father, you call us from many lands to gather around your table. Grant us the grace to embrace our multicultural diversity as we unite to celebrate Eucharist as one Catholic faith community. Bread of Life, You call us to be bread for the world. Open our hearts that we may recognize Christ broken in our midst. Be our nourishment and strength as we reach out with our hands to help. Word of God, you speak of your love for us. Help us follow the example of your Word as we welcome the stranger in our midst and be haven and consolation to those in need. Spirit of God, you give your wisdom to those who seek you. Show us the Way as we pass on to all youths entrusted to our care the traditions, teachings and values of our Catholic faith. God our Father, infuse our hearts and minds with your will as we commit ourselves to be hospitable and active in our parish ant to spread your Good News to those who have yet to partake of Your feast. We ask this through Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Special acknowledgement to Mercy Sobrevilla, whose help made this prayer possible. Soli Deo Gloria, Vince Sobrevilla for the Pastoral Council, 1st Sunday of Lent 1999 Sacrament of the Sick Whenever one is seriously ill, please call the Parish Office. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (Inquiry Classes) Please call 722-7888 Children’s Catechumenate (For children age 7 and older who have not been baptized) Please call 722-7888 Prayer Services Rosary: Daily 8:15am (in Parish Center Chapel) Mother of Perpetual Help - Wed. 9:15am (in the Chapel) Adoration and Benediction First Fridays of the month 9 am - 12 noon (522-0996) (363-8404) Please Remember the Church in your Will and Estate Planning. If you have a Life & Death emergency and need to reach a priest, please call (206) 769-5611 to reach the priest on duty. Please use this number only for emergencies, for all other questions please call the parish office at (206) 722-7888. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Sunday, February 22, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS Monday February 23 Fr. Negusse Kelata 8:40 am Ernesto Bravo (RIP) Mary Pascual Rhea (RIP) Tuesday February 24 8:40 am Communion Service Wednesday February 25 Fr. Bob Kenny 8:40 am Butch Grady (RIP) Thursday February 26 Fr. Felino Paulino 9:00 am Thanksgiving – Ising Bravo Friday February 27 Fr. Bob Kenny 8:40 am Thanksgiving – Alice Pascua W. Fidel Laigo (RIP) Saturday February 28 Fr. Bob Kenny 5:30 am For Our Parish Family Sunday March 1 Fr. Bob Kenny 9:00 am For Our Parish Family 11:00 am For Our Parish Family 1:00 pm Spanish Mass REST IN PEACE February 21: James Donald Munro ’06, Mabel O’Hare ’89; February 22: Pedro C. Aquino ’03, Rosalie Marie Di Julio ’02; Joan Pizarro ’99, Alefosio Hefa ’95, Candido Bravo ’92, Juanita Umagat ’86; February 23: Guy A. Franck ’11; Eulogia Abella ’10, H. Herbert Sichel ’89, Vincent Anconetani ’77; February 24: Gwendolyn Cole ’13; Brian Edward Beaudette ’02; Mateo Doctolero ’90, Vicente Mocorro ’81, Gelacio Tabtab ’81, Paul Denhart ’80; February 25: Woodrow Auge ’89, Doris Kuchan ’84; February 26: Benjamin M. DelRosario ’13; Mary Kaluza ’04, Malia Hefa ‘02; February 27: Alejo Calica Estigoy ’03, Antonio Mascitelli ’01, Winifred Meisner ’97; February 28: Filipina Bozeman ’99; February 29: Calixto Arestan ’08. Last week we prayed for: Ill: Lois Breen, Rebecca Prosio, Ellsworth Schober, Kathleen Huddleston, Patty Walsh Bernard, Eufemia Ganatisi, Fr. Bob Kenny, Ken Schmidt, Archbishop Brunett, Archbishop Sartain Deceased: Luis Oh, Fr. William Slate, Sabina Pilar, Jesusa Magaday Death Anniversary: Clyde Brooks, Annie Cormier, Dionisio Abella, Maria Christina Palaylay Sept. 22 – 27, 2015 The Archdiocese is organizing a pilgrimage to Philadelphia in September. Weeklong Congress and weekend options available. The Papal Mass will be Sept. 27th. For more information, go to WELCOME TO SAINT EDWARD PARISH! We want to welcome you, whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish. Won’t you join us and become a part of our Catholic Community by registering at St. Edward? If you have been away from the Church for awhile & would like to return, or if you would like to learn more about the Catholic faith, please contact Father Felino Paulino. If you would like to register in the parish, call the parish office, 206-722-7888, to obtain a registration form. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) Do you know someone who would like to become a Catholic? Or would like to learn more about our Catholic Faith? Invite them to our RCIA Program which recently began. It’s held at St. George Parish Center 7:00pm every Wednesday. The theme for this Wednesday, Feb. 25th is “What is Lent” The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process through which women and men become members of the Roman Catholic Church. The process is concerned with the total formation of the person into believing, praying, worshipping and serving with the community of the Catholic Church. For more information, please call St. Edward Parish office at 206-722-7888. BAPTISMS Congratulations to the following family who had their child Baptized last Sunday, Feb. 15th: *Maite Martinez-Gaytan, daughter of Jose Joel Martinez & Gloria Gaytan Jimenez We wish you God’s blessings! Please contact the Parish Office at 206-722-7888 to find out details on how you can have your child Baptized. Parents need to be registered in the parish and take a Baptism Preparation Class. For information about Spanish Baptism Preparation, please call Ventura Herrera, 206-291-6337. CRS RICE BOWL HUNGERING FOR A BETTER LIFE Our journey with CRS Rice Bowl begins in Tanzania, where a simple soybean is changing lives! What actions can you take this Lent to change lives—at home and around the world? If you or a family member are seriously ill, please call the parish office at 206-722-7888 so a priest can visit. ST. EDWARD PARISH SCHOOL NEWS February 2015 24th – State of the School Meeting in the Parish Hall The school is now enrolling for the 2015-16 school year. Please call Karen at 206-725-1774 for more information. AN INVITATION FROM ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY You are invited to serve Christ's poor in our St. Edward Parish. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is inviting caring people to assist people in our Parish and community needing food, clothes, rent and utility assistance, and other needs. Christ said, "What you do for the least of my brothers you do unto me." Is it time for you to really live your religious convictions and give back for all you have received? Come join us next month to learn more. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, March 18 at 7 pm in the O'Brien Center Plaza Room. STEWARDSHIP CORNER Stewardship of Treasure Weekend of Feb. 14-15, 2015 Amount needed to support parish: $ 7,755.00 Electronic donations: $ 1,591.00 Children’s envelopes $ 5.00 Spanish Mass Collection $ 493.84 Weekend Collection: $ 4,384.45 Total Donations received $ 6,474.29 Shortfall: $ 1,280.71 July 2014 – June 2015 Fiscal Year to Date (Actual) $209,173.65 Budget to Date $255,915.00 Shortfall: $ 46,741.35 The waters of Baptism make us part of the new covenant in Christ. But the bishops’ pastoral letter on Stewardship reminds us that “there is a fundamental obligation arising from the Sacrament of Baptism…that people place their gifts, their resources—their selves—at God’s service in and through the Church.” AN EVENING FOR MARRIED COUPLES Thursday, February 26th 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm St. Edward Parish Coffee Room & Chapel Whether you’ve been married a long time or a short time -- come and enjoy an evening together just for married couples. Dr. Robert Fontana has given many retreats for married couples over the past 25 years. He has a doctorate in ministry and draws on his 36 years of marriage and being the father of 6 children. He will offer his insightful reflections on the amazing gift of Christian marriage for the couple, family, and society. Each couple will have an opportunity to talk with each other about topics related to their love and friendship. He is studying at Seattle University to be licensed as a marriage and family therapist. To Register: Call Robert or Lori at 509-731-6012 or email them at [email protected]. The cost per couple is $10. To learn more about Catholic Life Ministries go to or 2015 PILGRIMAGES The law does not oblige when health (pregnant women, those who are ill) or ability to work would be seriously affected but are encouraged to take up some other form of penitence or acts of charity or piety. Archbishop Sartain has written a booklet, “A Lenten Pilgrimage, Journeying with Jesus” there are complimentary copies in the vestibule. Please pick one up and use it for some spiritual reading this Lent. 11-day Pilgrimage to Istanbul and the Holy Land. April 19-29, 2015. Fr. Ramon Santa Cruz – Spiritual Chaplain. For more info and trip costs, please call Nollette Tours at 845-323-4522. Rome, Portugal, and Spain Pilgrimage with Fr. Suarez. May 18th – June 1st, 2015. Make your reservations now, spaces still available. Contact Connie at 206-351-2961 or email at [email protected] for more info and trip costs. qxd 11/14/2012 12:15 PM Page 3 “The Builder’s Department Store” 1761 Rainier Ave. So. Edwin & Leslie Barber Parishioners 2.972 x 2.667 *100,000 Satisfied Customers 206-783-4129 425-455-4773 “The Plumber People Recommend” 30 Years of Integrity and Skill Talk Help is on the way! 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