Zion`s Voice - Zion Lutheran Church

Zion’s Voice
Zion Lutheran Church
“Be Disciples, Make Disciples”
Wooster, Ohio
Church Staff
Rev. Ann Paynter
Jeffrey & Daphne Dexter
Parish Musicians
Marianna Lehr
Anne Henkle
Administra"ve Assistant
Lesa Yeater
Del Smarr
Coordinator of Children
& Youth Ministries
Cindy Hauser
Nursery A:endant
2015 Church Council
President: Bill Dannley
Vice President: Dave Picking
Secretary: Kay McFadden
March 2015
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
We don’t realize what we don’t know. We may sense that something is missing in our world view. We may ask ourselves ques"ons like, “How did I get into
this personal problem?” or “Are young people really that discouraged?” or “Is
there anything that is worth my "me?” The world doesn’t know that it needs to
know Jesus. Even those who go to church, Lutherans or others, may not feel any
par"cular affec"on or connec"on to God.
We forget. We move away. We languish or feel sorry for ourselves. We don’t
know what we don’t know. Nevertheless, it is s"ll true, that all true meaning and
salva"on is found in the One who loved us enough to die for us. Here is the beginning of wisdom and healing.
I am wri"ng this from my home, following two eye surgeries, two nasty followup procedures, and an infec"on in my sinuses. Believe me, I am feeling really sorry for myself! My most clear moments are when I think about what St. Paul said,
“Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus Our Lord.” The present distrac"ons that we each face are "ny compared to God’s love for each one
of us.
Lent is a season of prepara"on, a "me to consider what we might be missing.
Have you forgo:en the BIG truth of God’s love for you? Here is an opportunity to
stand s"ll and really consider what we know and what we might not know. Every
person reading this would be blessed by addi"onal prayer, worship, Bible reading
and fellowship. Lent is a special "me to do this. May you be filled with curiosity
about what you might be missing!
See you soon,
Pastor Ann
Endowment Treasurer:
Sco8 Schroer
Financial Secretary: Judi Stock
Randy Wengerd
Todd Hauser
Join Us On Wednesday During Lent!
Michael Howard
Gloria Mackey
Mary McMillen
Tim Nolt
Josephine Wright
Pamela Yarnell
Karolyn Miller
Zion’s Voice
Join us during lent for a meal, prayer and discussion on forgiveness. We’ll
meet Wednesday, March 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th . A light meal will be served at
6:15 pm, with discussion and prayer following at 7 pm. We will finish by 7:45 pm.
If you prefer, you are welcome to a:end the prayer and discussion por"on
only. The discussion will begin with a brief video presented by Barbara Cawthorne
CraCon. She says that forgiveness isn’t a job or task, but rather a giC from God.
Come and be refreshed in this season of renewal.
March 2015
Upcoming Events At Zion
Easter Tidings Food Distribu?on
Women's Ministry
Wednesday, March 11, 2015 @ 1:00 p.m. the Women's
Lunch Bunch group will meet at Buffalo Wild Wings to enjoy a
delicious meal and fun fellowship "me. Please bring a flyer
from the bulle"n, as this is also a fund raising event for Relay
for Life! Please sign up on the sheets in Rooms 100 and 200 or
contact Mary Ann Post.
The Social Ministry Commi:ee is now collec"ng money
for our Easter Tidings Grocery project. Zion will be providing
approximately 95 bags of groceries worth about $20 a piece
to families with children in Wooster Head Start and to the
veterans at Hilltop Villas on Old Lincoln Way.
This project replaces the Harvest Home project that was
conducted in years past. Please take a reminder egg from the
trees set up in rooms 100 and 200. Dona"ons marked Easter
Tidings can be placed in the collec"on plate and are due by
Sunday, March 15.
Linda Roberts
Men of Zion's Lunch Bunch
We will be mee"ng for lunch at the Buffalo Wild Wings on
March 11th at 1:00 p.m. Spring is on it’s way and we can start
to think about warmer weather. Time to get out and have
lunch with the Lunch Bunch. And bring your flyer from the bulle"n as this is also a fund raiser for the Glory Walkers Relay for
Life Team. We will be looking for you. Bring a friend.
The Easter Tidings Grocery Project
Needs Helpers for the following:
Saturday, March 14 at 9:30 AM to bag groceries for the
Easter Tidings event. Many hands make light work!
Saturday, March 21, at 9:00 AM set-up and distribu"on of
groceries from room 100. Head Start families will be coming to pick up their groceries.
Dining to Donate
The next Dining to Donate fundraiser for the Glory Walkers will be at BW3 on March 11. Watch your bulle"ns for further informa"on!
World Day of Prayer
Church Women United will celebrate World Day of Prayer
beginning at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, March 6, at Congress Community Church, 10691 Franchester Road, Congress, Ohio. The
speaker will be Gayl Co:rel on “Prayer for All Occasions”.
Zion’s Voice
March 2015
News From Zion
With Cold and Flu Season s?ll around:
How to Relieve a Sore Throat:
• Try hot tea with lemon or some hot soup.
• Keep your throat moist with lozenges or hard candies.
• Gargle with warm salt water or use ice chips.
• Cold liquids or popsicles can numb the pain. Throat sprays
DZ@6 Hosts & Panera Pickup People Needed
DZ@6 is in need of addi"onal Hosts, and people willing to pick
up the leCover bread and pastries from Panera Bread on Saturday nights.
For further details on either posi"on, please contact Cheryl
Oswald at (330) 435-6868.
and over-the-counter pain relievers can help, too.
• Use a humidifier or vaporizer, especially when sleeping, to
keep air from geQng too dry.
If the sore throat persists for several days, contact a health
care professional.
Upcoming Blood Pressure Sundays: March 8, April 12, and
May 10.
January Council Highlights con?nued
A discussion program on Forgiveness will follow the Lenten soup suppers as we enter the Easter season.
Plans to work with the Vaca"on Bible School program at
First English Lutheran Church Columbus June 8-12 are being
discussed as a mission project outreach. Zion VBS will be held
June 15-19 this year and planning sessions will begin soon
The Social Ministry Commi:ee has plans for an “Easter
Tidings Tree” with proceeds to be shared with neighborhood
Head Start families. In reach/Out reach reported that $5,000
had been donated to the Zion Food pantry.
Mutual Ministry received and reviewed general informa"on concerning a Trinity Pastoral Intern. A general discussion was held concerning how to plan for this op"on over the
next several years and what would be involved with a Pastoral
Intern. The Mutual Ministry commi:ee will be mee"ng on an
as needed basis in the future.
Worship /Music updated Council on the community Mar"n Luther King memorial service to be held Monday, January
17, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Pastor Ann will par"cipate
in the service. The Zion youth group a:ended LYO conference
January 2-4; Family movie night will be held January 16 and
Scout Sunday will be February 8 at the 10:45 a.m. service.
A new copier for the office has been installed and was
paid for with monies from the Doris Swinehart bequest. The
Property commi:ee reviewed and explained a proposed air
condi"oning system for the church. A mo"on was made and
approved authorizing the commi:ee to spend up to $92,700
for the Kidron Electric Company to install air condi"oning for
the Sanctuary and Room 100 with monies provided from giCs
to the Endowment Fund for property improvements.
Plans are underway for Zion’s 175th anniversary celebra"on in 2015. Dave Picking will chair the commi:ee.
A mo"on was made and approved to adjourn. Following a
closing prayer it was decided the next council mee"ng would
be held Sunday Feb.15 following the late service.
Your Faith Community Team,
Becky, Kathy and Brent
Communion Stewards Wanted
Are you looking for a way to get involved in the worship
service? We are looking for people to serve as Communion
Stewards. We will even provide a training session. For more
informa"on, contact Susan Hilbert at 330-345-1727 or
[email protected]
January Council Highlights
The Zion church council mee"ng was held Sunday, January 18, following the late service with nine council members
present. Pastor Ann shared devo"ons and led council in prayer.
President Dannley opened the mee"ng and the December
minutes were approved. He discussed with Council the Zion
annual mee"ng to be held February 22 at 9:30 a.m.
The 2014 Annual reports and budget have been made
available for the mee"ng. The congrega"on will review the
new Zion cons"tu"on and several recommended changes will
be introduced before the ra"fica"on vote of the new cons"tu"on.
Pastor Ann reviewed her ac"vi"es for the month of December
and reported that a:endance was up by 50 over last year for
the Christmas season. She will be a:ending a con"nuing educa"on program January 25-27and is leading a class for new
members, with plans for a bap"sm in the near future.
Zion’s Voice
March 2015
Three Chapel Chairs given by Pastor and Mrs. Daniel L. Keister in memory of Rev. George D. Keister, father; Mrs. Ruth E.
Keister, mother; and in honor of Mrs. Mary L. Williams, mother.
One Chapel Chair given by Mrs. Mary L. Williams in memory
of her husband, Herbert M. Williams.
One Chapel Chair given by Mrs. Helen E:linger in Memory
of her husband, A. E:linger.
One Chapel Chair given by the Steiner Class in Memory of
Margaret Housekeeper, Katherine Long, and deceased class
One Chapel Chair given by friends in memory of Russel
Wetz, and given by Mrs. Raymond Daugherty in memory of Margot Roberts Daughtery.
One Chapel Chair given by Don and Eleanor Dice in loving
memory of graddaughter, Gretchen Kay Dice.
Two Chapel Chairs given by the Robert Stellwagon Family.
One Chapel Chair given by Mrs. Mildred Andress in memory
of her husband, Russell Andress.
Two Chapel Chairs given by Mrs. Edwin Johnson and family.
Ten Chapel Bibles given by Mrs. Margaret Arnold in memory
of her husband, Ralph Arnold.
Five Chapel Bibles given by Eleanor and Ernest Harvey; Robert and Sherry Harvey; Karen and John Hoyes in memory of Florence and Orie Blough.
Cheryl Brown Abernathy
From Zion’s Archives
As you have probably heard by now, Zion will be celebra"ng its 175th anniversary. WOW, that’s a long "me! One
thing I’d like to do as part of the celebra"on, especially from a
genealogist’s perspec"ve, is to trace families that have been
part of the church since the beginning in 1840 or as close to
that as I can get. I know there are members whose family have
been members since the current church was built in the 1880s.
Those are about when the records start that we have in
the Archives. Please let me know if you even think your family
was a member in the 1880s or before – I can hopefully trace
back from there. Either see me in church, call me – 330-6952122 or drop me an e-mail – [email protected]. I look
forward to hearing from you.
Now, back to listings from the Chapel Memorials from 1986.
Oak Credence Shelf given by David and Julie Mennes and
children, Ma:hew, Brian, and Andrea.
Par"al Cost of Chapel Remodeling, eight thousand one
hundred dollars [$8,100], given in memory of Fred C. Dice and
Wynn Dice.
Three Chapel Chairs given by Don and Kathy Bogner in
memory of Richard B. Bogner, father; Mrs. Julia Ann Bogner,
mother; and Chris"e B. Allison, father.
Five Chapel Chairs given by friends of Dr. Roland M. Methke.
On Easter Sunday, April 5th, the sanctuary and Room 100 will be decorated with lilies. To
provide a lily in our worship spaces, please complete the form below. Order forms and
payment of $8.50 per plant may be placed in the offering plate on Sunday or delivered
to the church office by Sunday, March 22nd.
Given by _______________________________________________________________________
Number of plants ___________
In honor of ______________________________________________________________________
In memory of ___________________________________________________________________
Zion’s Voice
March 2015
Family Ministry At Zion
March Birthdays
Family Movie Night
March 02
Sara Welch
March 02
Brenda Ellcessor
March 03
Todd Hauser
March 03
Keely Tanner
March 05
Robert (Bob) Rodda
March 05
Mike Kunkler
March 05
Gretchen Burkey
March 05
Alicia Kunkler
March 07
Norma Fry
March 08
Jared Groves
March 08
Evan Thornton
March 09
William Buchwalter
March 10
Frances Bonitz
March 11
Cheryl Abernathy
March 11
Isabella Ellio:
March 12
Albert (Al) Spradley
March 14
Brent Golias
March 14
MacKenzie Haston
March 16
Eleanor Harvey
March 17
Bill Dannley
March 19
Hannah Haston
March 21
Corbin Miller
March 24
Stan Post
March 25
Elizabeth Braun
March 26
Randy Haston
March 27
Sally Williams
March 28
Nancy Null
March 28
Nancy Danby
March 28
Sarah Schumacher
March 28
Hunter Welch
Zion’s Voice
Family Movie Night will take place on Friday, March 13 at
6:00 p.m. in Room 300. This is a fun family night with a great
movie and potluck event. Please bring a dish to share and join
us for a good movie, good food, and good friends.
Sunday School Happenings
Easter Egg Hunt
We will have an Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 29
(Palm Sunday), in Room 300, beginning at 9:30 a.m. We will
have fun, food, and giCs. Please bring your Easter Baskets and
join us for the Egg Hunt. We will have sign-up sheets in Rooms
100 and 300. If you have ques"ons please see Cindy Hauser or
Del Smarr. We will not have Sunday School on April 5. (Easter
You are welcome to join us for fun and Sunday School at
any "me. They are on the third floor and start at 9:30 a.m.
Sunday mornings. I hope to see some new faces!
Zion Lutheran Church’s
Annual Rummage Sale & Bake Sale
It is Closet Clean-out Time! Zion's annual rummage sale will be
held April 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and May 1 (bag day) from 9 :00
a.m. to Noon. Gather up all those unwanted items (while Spring
housecleaning?) and donate them for the rummage sale. Proceeds from this year’s sale will benefit Project Day.
For further informa"on or ques"ons call Cindy Hauser at
330-567-9428 or Pat Drager at 330-345-7120.
The deadline for the April
2015 issue of Zion’s Voice is
March 15, 2015.
March 2015
Assis?ng Ministers at Zion March 2015
Zion’s Prayer Ministry Coordinator:
Altar Guild:
Janet Keister
Mary Ann Post, Irene Ricke:, Connie Saner
Greeters (10:45 a.m.)
Lectors (10:45 a.m.)
Fred & Dixie Ray
Bill Dannley
Larry Hilbert
Cheryl Oswald
Irene Ricke:
Jim Gorrell
Ginny Leighty
Fred Ray
Julie Mennes
Tom McFadden
Acolytes (10:45 a.m.)
Communion Stewards (10:45 a.m.)
Madison Schroer
Judi Stock, Julie Mennes, Jim Gorrell
Maxwell Drager
Karolyn Miller, Rich Yarnell, Naomi Lance
Alex Ramsier
Stan & Mary Ann Post, Julie Mennes
Joe Kline
Judi Stock, Kay & Tom McFadden, Kathy Wade
Alex, Kendra, Madison, Maxwell
Judi Stock, Margaret Ports
Ushers (10:45 a.m.)
Chris Conrad, Sco: Schroer, Tom McFadden, Tom Long
Jon Ansel, Sr., Dave Picking, Mike Saner, Wayne Wagner
Karl Emler, Todd Hauser, Larry Hilbert, Art Oswald
Bre: Burkey, Rick Dice, Randy Wengerd, Fred Ray
Tom McFadden, Larry Hilbert, Jason Karger, Art Oswald
DZ@6 Hosts
Panera Bread Pick-up
Karl Emler, Bonnie Anderson
Charles Stock
Todd Hauser, Del Smarr
Martha Junkin
Gloria Mackey, Bill Dannley
Todd Hauser
Art Oswald, Fred Ray
Rich Yarnell
Kent and/or Lori Baker, Mike Saner
Zion’s Voice
March 2015
Zion’s Voice
March 2015
301 North Market Street
Wooster, OH 44691
Return Service Requested
Zion’s Voice
March 2015
The deadline for the April
2015 issue of Zion’s Voice is
March 15, 2015.
Worship Times
Office Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Phone: (330) 262-5606
Fax: (330) 264-3442
8:45 a.m. - Contemporary
Email: offi[email protected]
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School
Website: www.zionlutheran-wooster.org
10:45 a.m. - Tradi?onal
5:00 p.m. - Food Pantry
5:45 p.m. - DZ Outreach
Zion Lutheran Church
Be Disciples, Make Disciples
Zion’s Voice
March 2015