“Pierced by the Father`s Will”

February 21, 22 & 23, 2015
“Pierced by the
Father’s Will”
Emanuel Ev. Lutheran Church
A Growth and Learning Center
New London, WI
OPENING HYMN ................. “What A Friend We Have in Jesus”
CW - 411
What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Ev’rything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
Oh, what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Ev’rything to God in prayer!
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged—
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our ev’ry weakness—
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge—
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do your friends despise, forsake you?
Take it to the Lord in prayer.
In his arms he’ll take and shield you;
You will find a solace there.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit.
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Brothers and sisters in Christ, we live in a world that is in
bondage to sin and death. We see the truth of it in our own
lives. The tempter is always at hand to mislead us – and our
sinful natures are only too ready to give in.
Yet, all alone, Jesus overcame and defeated the prince of this
world, and his victory is ours.
We come before our God, then, in faith and freedom,
acknowledging our sin and need, and trusting that
through Christ our Lord we, too, may enjoy vict ory over
the tempter and all he stands for.
Holy and merciful Father, I confess that I have a sinful nature
that has led me to disobey you in my thoughts, words, and
actions. There are too many times when I have done what is
evil and failed to do what is good. But I am truly sorry for my
sins, and trusting in my Savior, Jesus Christ, I pray: Lord,
have mercy on me, a sinner.
God, our heavenly Father, has been merciful to us and has
given his only Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Therefore, as a called servant of Christ and by his authority, I
forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father, and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit.
SONG OF PRAISE ................. “Christ, the Life of All the Living”
CW – 114, vv. 1, 7
Christ, the Life of all the living,
Christ, the Death of death, our foe,
Who, thyself for me once giving
To the darkest depths of woe—
Through thy suff’rings, death, and merit
I eternal life inherit.
Thousand, thousand thanks shall be,
Dearest Jesus, unto thee.
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Then, for all that wrought my pardon,
For thy sorrows deep and sore,
For thine anguish in the garden,
I will thank thee evermore,
Thank thee for thy groaning, sighing,
For thy bleeding and thy dying
For that last triumphant cry,
And shall praise thee, Lord, on high.
Let us pray.
Jesus, you are the perfect Son of God. You trusted your
heavenly Father no matter what he asked you to do.
You were willing to carry out your Father’s will, even when that
meant going to the cross.
Through the cross you reconciled us to your heavenly Father.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to put our trust
in him.
Through Word and sacrament empower us to say: “Your will
be done.”
We pray, Jesus, in your name. You live and reign with the Father
and the Holy Spirit, one God, now
and forever. Amen.
Please be seated.
ANTHEM (8:00) ............................................... “Nearer My God to Thee”
Emanuel Mixed Choir
FIRST LESSON... .........................................Genesis 22:1-18 (p. 19)
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PSALM OF THE DAY .................................. Psalm 6 CW p. 66
O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger
or discipline me in your wrath.
Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint;
O LORD, heal me, for my soul is in anguish.
Turn O LORD, and deliver me;
Save me because of your unfailing love.
I am worn out from groaning.
My eyes grow weak with sorrow.
Away from me, all you who do evil,
for the LORD has heard my weeping.
The LORD has heard my cry for mercy;
the LORD accepts my prayer.
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Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen
SECOND LESSON ............................ Romans 8:31-39 (p. 1119)
HYMN OF THE DAY ..................... “Go to Dark Gethsemane” – CW 104
Go to dark Gethsemane,
All who feel the tempter’s pow’r;
Your Redeemer’s conflict see.
Watch with him one bitter hour;
Turn not from his griefs away;
Learn of Jesus Christ to pray.
Follow to the judgment hall;
View the Lord of life arraigned.
Oh, the worm-wood and the gall!
Oh, the pangs his soul sustained!
Shun not suff’ring, pain, or loss;
Learn of him to bear the cross.
Calv’ry’s mournful mountain climb;
There, adoring at his feet,
Mark that miracle of time,
God’s own sacrifice complete.
“It is finished!” hear him cry;
Learn of Jesus Christ to die.
Early hasten to the tomb
Where they laid his breathless clay;
All is solitude and gloom.
Who has taken him away?
Christ is ris’n! He meets our eyes.
Savior, teach us so to rise.
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SERMON ....................................... Matthew 26:36-46 (p. 985)
“How to Face a Hard Future”
OFFERING……….……………The February WELS Connection will be shown
Please sign the Friendship Registers
located at the end of the pew.
Please stand.
I believe in God the Father, Creator of all things, who sent his
Son as my Savior.
I believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, who was conceived by the
Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, announced by angels,
worshiped by the Wise Men, who lived to suffer, die, and
rise again, to free me from sin, death and the power of the
I believe in the Holy Spirit, who has brought me to faith in
Christ and by whose continuous work in my heart, I am ever
led to lay before the feet of Christ, my worship, my life, my
love; to live under him as my King, both now and
forevermore. Amen.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in
heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us
our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against
us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the
glory forever and ever. Amen.
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SERMON HYMN ............................................... “The Lamb” – CWS 714
The Lamb, the Lamb,
O Father, where’s the sacrifice?
Faith sees, believes
God will provide the Lamb of price!
Worthy is the Lamb whose death makes me his own!
The Lamb is reigning on his throne.
The Lamb, the Lamb,
One perfect final offering.
The Lamb, the Lamb,
Let earth join heav’n his praise to sing.
The Lamb, the Lamb,
As wayward sheep their shepherd kill
So still, his will,
On our behalf the law to fill.
He sighs, he dies,
He takes my sin and wretchedness.
He lives, forgives,
He gives me his own righteousness.
He rose, he rose,
My heart with thanks now overflows.
His song prolong
‘Til ev’ry heart to him belong.
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Lord Jesus, you are our strength.
The battle of good and evil rages within and around us every
day, and our ancient foe tempts us with his lies and empty
We find strength in you and your Word.
We have victory over sin and Satan through our new identity
in Christ,
Who reigns and watches over us forever.
Brothers and sisters go in peace. Live in harmony with one another.
Serve the Lord with gladness.
The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.
The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.
Presiding Minister & Message – Pastor Bill Heiges
Organist – Miss Lynn Schmidt
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He was pierced for our
transgressions…By his wounds we are
healed (Isaiah 53). If your heart has
been pierced by betrayal, lies, shame or
regret, come and see how his piercings
bring us healing.
In the messages leading up to
Easter, we will see not only how Jesus’ body was pierced for us, but
how his heart was pierced as well.
Feb 21-23
Pierced by the Father’s Will Matthew 26:36-46
Feb 28 – Mar 2
Pierced by Betrayal
Matthew 26:47-56
Mar 7-9
Pierced by Lies
Matthew 26:57-68
Mar 14-16
Pierced by Cowardice
Matthew 26:69-75
Mar 21-23
Pierced by Convenience
Matthew 27:11-26
Mar 28-30
Pierced by Love
Luke 19:41-44
Pastoral Visits
If you, a friend, or a family member, are in need of a pastor visit,
please call the Emanuel office at 982-5444 or email us at
[email protected] and let us know about the situation.
We are not always aware of those that may be in need of a visit,
so your help would truly be appreciated.
Thank you for helping us help others!
Emergency Pastors:
February 21 – 22: Pastor Heiges - 920-284-7044
February 23 – March 1: Pastor Schulz - 920-538-3617
Emanuel Prayer Group: 920-740-0782
[email protected] or [email protected]
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Emanuel Information
Service Times
 Saturday: 5:15 p.m.
 Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
 Monday: 6:30 p.m.
 The radio broadcast airs at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday morning on
WJMQ, 92.3 FM
Each Sunday from 9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
 Sunday School (school classrooms)
 Bible Studies and Fellowship (narthex & various Emanuel rooms)
Office Hours & Contact Information
 200 E. Quincy Street, New London, WI 54961
 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
 Phone: 920-982-5444
 Church Email: [email protected]
 Church Website: www.emanuelnl.org
 School Email: [email protected]
 School Website: elstigers.org
Pastor Bill Heiges, Administrative Pastor:
Ext: 311; [email protected]
Pastor Marcus Schulz, Vision/Mission/Outreach Pastor:
Ext: 310; [email protected]
Matt Foley, Principal: Ext: 112; [email protected]
Jack VandeGuchte, Youth & Family Staff Minister:
Ext: 314; [email protected]
Contact Information for the Executive Director
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions,
you can put a note in my mailbox in the narthex
(located next to the confirmation picture boards),
call me at 982-3943, or email [email protected]
Richard Yerkey, Executive Director
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Large Print Hymnals
Large-print copies of the service are available for
anyone in need – please ask an usher for a copy.
Wheelchair Area
For your convenience, there are two areas set aside to accommodate
members with wheelchairs, walkers, or other special space needs.
Ushers are available to assist you to the following locations:
 Halfway down the middle and side isles on the lectern side of
church, there is a pew with wheelchair space on either end.
 In the right half of the front row, also on the lectern side, there is a
larger area with wheelchair space.
Attention Hearing Impaired Members
Special receivers are available to help you hear the service. Ask one of
our ushers for a receiver and return it to an usher after the service.
Parent Room
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” We love children and
encourage their worship. Please don’t feel embarrassed if your child
is restless during the service. You are among caring people who
understand. If you feel that your children are distracting others from
worship, you may take them to the entryway or a parent’s room is
available. There is a closed-circuit TV in the room to watch & listen to
the service. An usher can assist you in locating this room, also called
the “Bible Class Room”.
This Week’s Today’s Light Bible Readings
Week 4 (February 23 – February 28)
Monday ................................................................. Genesis 36:1 – 37:36
Tuesday ................................................................. Genesis 38:1 – 39:23
Wednesday ................................................................. Genesis 40:1 – 23
Thursday ..................................................................... Genesis 41:1 – 40
Friday ........................................................................ Genesis 41:41 – 57
Saturday................................................................. Genesis 42:1 – 44:34
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Last Weekend’s Attendance: 742
Last Weekend’s Guest Attendance: 28
Ash Wednesday Attendance: 398
Ash Wednesday Guest Attendance: 13
Prayer & Thanks
The rose at the foot of the statue was given in honor of Ray
Pamperin's 85th birthday
Isabel Sells – funeral held on Monday, February 16
Radio Broadcast
The radio broadcast was sponsored in memory of Wayne Buchholtz
and their wedding anniversary and his birthday by Mary Buchholtz
This Week at Emanuel Ev. Lutheran Church & School
Saturday –
Boys & Girls A&B Team Basketball Tournament - FVLHS
5:15 p.m. – Worship – Service of the Word
Sunday –
Boys & Girls A&B Team Basketball Tournament - FVLHS
8:00 & 10:30 a.m. – Worship – Service of the Word
8:00 a.m. – Mixed Choir sings during the service
9:15 a.m. – No Sunday School
9:15 a.m. – Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting – School Commons
5:00 p.m. – Open Gym for Adults – School Gym
6:00 p.m. – Bells Alive Practice – Church Proper
6:00 p.m. – “Financial Peace University – Community Room
Monday –
9:00 a.m. – “Energize Guyz” – Grades K-6 – School Commons
9:30 a.m. – St. Joseph Residence Service– St. Joe’s Chapel
11:00 a.m. – Chrismon Committee – Community Room
6:30 p.m. – Hunter Education Class Begins – Community Room
6:30 p.m. – Worship – Service of the Word
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Tuesday –
Spring Pictures & Winter Sports Picture Day
6:00 p.m. – Winter Sports Fun Night – School Commons
6:00 p.m. – Knitting Group – Community Room
7:00 p.m. – “Life With God” Class – Office Conference Room
Wednesday –
12:00 p.m. - “Lunch Break” Bible Study – Community Room
3:30 p.m. – Lenten Worship Service
3:30 p.m. – Grades 1 sings during the service
4:30 p.m. – Lenten Supper – Church Basement
5:30 p.m. – Public School Instructions – School Classrooms
6:00 p.m. – Mixed Choir Practice – School Music Room
7:00 p.m. – Lenten Worship Service
7:00 p.m. – Crossroads Youth Group – Youth Room
8:00 p.m. – Interactive Faith Online Bible Study – Community Rm
8:00 p.m. – S.O.A.R. Youth Group – Youth Room
Thursday –
6:30 a.m. – “Breakfast Bible Class” at Marly’s Restaurant
9:15 a.m. – “Trinity Terrace Bible Study” – at Trinity Terrace
6:00 p.m. – Adult Handbell Practice – Church Proper
7:00 p.m. – Emanuel Prayer Evening – Community Room
Friday –
8:15 a.m. – JAM (Jesus And Me) Time – School Commons & Gym
Saturday –
5:15 p.m. – Worship with Communion
Sunday –
8:00 & 10:30 a.m. – Worship with Communion
9:15 a.m. – Sunday School
5:00 p.m. – Open Gym for Adults – School Gym
6:00 p.m. – Bells Alive Practice – Church Proper
6:00 p.m. – “Financial Peace University – Community Room
Monday –
9:30 a.m. – St. Joseph Res. Service w/Communion– St. Joe’s Chapel
6:30 p.m. – Hunter Education Class – Community Room
6:30 p.m. – Ladies’ Evening Circle Meeting – Church Basement
6:30 p.m. – Worship with Communion
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Lenten Supper
A Lenten Supper will be held between services on February 25 from
4:30 – 6:15 p.m. Please join us for scalloped potatoes with
ham, baked beans, salads and bars.
Chrismons Planning Group to Meet
Would you be interested in working with a small group to
present a proposal to the Board of Worship to look at the
possibility of making new Chrismons for our church Christmas trees to
accompany our existing hand-made ornaments? We will have a meeting
to plan a strategy for getting the patterns, picking materials and
deciding how to proceed. This meeting will be on Monday, February
23rd at 11:00 in the Community Room. If you have questions, or are
interested but cannot attend the meeting, please call Cindy Platz 9820809 or send an email -- [email protected]
Call Received
Dear Emanuel Congregation,
I have received a divine call to serve as middle school instructor
and athletic director at St. Croix Lutheran in West St. Paul, Minnesota.
I ask for your prayers as I, along with my wife, consider where the Lord
will have us serve in His kingdom. Thank you.
Drew Kock, Grade 7 & 8 Teacher & Athletic Director
Meditations Available
The new Meditations are available and can be picked up in the narthex
at the Welcome Center. The cost per copy is $3.50. Please return
your old copies for use by Prison Ministries. We are asking that you
return only current issues in good condition, no older than 2 years.
Also, please cut your name and address off before you turn them in.
Radio Broadcasts
We have many broadcast dates available for 2015. Dates available
start on March 8, 22, 29, April 2, 12 & 19, or some of the Lenten
Services. The cost to sponsor a radio broadcast for 2015 is $138. You
may call the Emanuel office at 982-5444 to schedule your broadcast.
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Word Wall
We are racing right through the alphabet! We are already done with
Rr. The children, together with your help, accumulated 55 Rr words.
They really enjoyed RECESS! It is one of their favorite things to do in
the gym. The children love having all the fun gym tools out - scooters,
soccer balls, basketballs, dodge balls, jump ropes, and many more!
Recess means their choice! Thank you for all of the wonderful words!
Malawi, Africa Flood Relief
In January, flash floods damaged or destroyed countless homes, fields,
and communities. An estimated 3,200 member families of the
Lutheran Church of Central Africa - Malawi (LCCA) alone have lost
their homes. The rainy season will continue for months.
LCCA leaders have received many calls from local congregational
leaders who are seeking assistance for members. To begin, LCCA
members and Kingdom Worker volunteers have been helping to
distribute supply buckets with sheet plastic, nails, and blankets that
can provide temporary housing. New permanent housing is still
months away. In addition, nearly 20 LCCA church buildings have been
completely washed away or damaged.
Malawi missionary Rev. Mark Panning and Christian Aid and Relief
anticipate a three-step approach to aid. First is to meet the immediate
need for temporary housing through the supply buckets. Distribution
takes time, but is ongoing. Second is to repair or rebuild the damaged
and destroyed LCCA churches. Malawian builders and contractors are
in high demand; it could take quite a while to get on a builder’s
schedule. The third step looks ahead to predicted food and water
shortages. Many crops and fields were destroyed and water supplies
tainted—ongoing food and water needs will have to be met.
(Reprinted from WELS Together)
Please continue to keep our LCCA family, and all affected Malawians,
in your prayers. If you want to donate, please send your check to
WELS –Christian Aid and Relief, PO Box 64064, St, Paul, MN 551640064 and designate your money to Malawi Flood Disaster Relief.
Thanks for any help you can give.
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Family Camping Weekend
SAVE THE DATE! The Board of Family Ministry is planning the annual
Family Camping Weekend for June 5, 6, 7, 2015 at Camp Luwisomo
near Wild Rose. Watch for more information and registration!
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come!
FVLHS Update
 On March 14 & 15, the FVL Theatre is performing The Great Cross
Country Race. This retelling of the classic tale of the hare and the
tortoise finds the scatter-brained and distracted hare racing
against the plodding tortoise. Laughs and lessons can be had by all
who attend. Tickets are available now at the school office.
 Beginning in August, FVL’s Fans of the Foxes will need a new
Canteen Manager. Phil Zuberbier is stepping down after many
years of faithful service. If you have an interest in serving, or know
of someone who might, please contact Activities Director Shawn
Hill [email protected] at 920-739-4441.
Jr. Foxes Spring Baseball
This is open for 13-16 year olds (born between May 1, 1998-April 30,
2000). Registration form and payment of $125 is due no later than
March 15th. For more information go to the FVL "Youth Sports" link http://fvlschools.org/about/youth-sports/junior-foxes-baseball.
Constitution and By-Laws
Copies of the updated Constitution and By-Laws are available on the
table next to the Welcome Center. We would like each family to
receive a copy of the new document.
2014 Offering Statements
The 2014 offering statements are available for
pick-up in the Emanuel office. Office hours are
Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
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Seminary Chorus to Visit Immanuel, Greenville
The Seminary Chorus, a 40-voice choir composed of young men
studying for the pastoral ministry at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary,
Mequon, WI, will present a sacred concert at Immanuel Lutheran
Church in Greenville, W7265 School Road, on Saturday, March 21, at
5:30 p.m. The choir presents hymns and anthems in traditional and
contemporary styles, accompanied by a variety of musical instruments
and includes congregation participation. The Seminary Chorus is
directed by Prof. James Tiefel and has toured throughout the country
in its 83-year history. Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, located in
suburban Milwaukee, Wis., prepares pastors for the worldwide
mission of WELS. WELS is the third largest Lutheran church body in the
U.S. with about 1,300 churches in 49 states and 390,000 members. For
more information, visit www.wels.net.
New Constituion / Voter Registry
Just a heads up that since we have a revised constitution and bylaws
that we have started a new constitution registry. The previous
registry was started approximately 40 years ago and contains the
names of many members who are no longer with us. Signing of the
registry signifies that the individual signing is in agreement with and
supportive of the constitution and bylaws that were approved and
adopted on June 16, 2014.
The constitution registry must be signed by all eligible (18 years of age
male members) who intend to vote at any congregational meeting.
The opportunity to sign is given at the beginning of all congregational
meetings. However, since this is a new registry it will also be available
in the Emanuel office for anyone that would like to stop in and make
sure that your name is in the registry.
Bible Classes
Life With God – Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. In the Community
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JAM – Jesus And Me
Sessions 2 Theme: The 10 Commandments
Where? Emanuel Lutheran School Commons and Gym
When? Fridays 8:15am—9:15am; February 27; March 6, 13
Why? Praise God! Learn about God’s Amazing Word
Who? Kids ages 0-5; Grown ups stay
and play too! Mrs. D will lead the fun!
Bring your friends and neighbors!
Attendance & Offering Information
Last Week’s Attendance .................................................. 742
Average attendance since July 1 (33 weeks) ...................... 780
Last Week’s Offerings .............................................. $ 19,018
Average offerings since July 1 (33 weeks) .................. $ 21,164
Average amount needed weekly for budget .............. $ 21,753
Just a comment regarding the previous offering numbers. I’m
sure that you have noticed that the amount shown for needed weekly
($21,753) is always more than what is shown being actually received
for either the prior week or the average for the year to date. The
automatic conclusion is that we are spending more each week then is
being received. The truth however is that the needed weekly amount
is assuming that we spend every cent of our budget evenly over a 52
week period. This is not the case, in fact we have for the first part of
this year spent less per week, on an average, then the needed weekly
amount of $21,753. I don’t want to quote our Packer hero and say
“RELAX” because we do need to strive toward the required weekly
amount but we don’t need to be in panic mode either.
Richard Yerkey, Executive Director
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This event is open to the community.
Please feel free to invite friends, neighbors and family.
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Northern Wisconsin District
Seminars for Christian Service
Saturday, March 28 – 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Registration begins at 8:00 am – Opening devotion at 9:00 am
At Fox Valley Lutheran High School
5300 N. Meade Street, Appleton, WI
Why and How to be Involved in Christian Service
Keynote Presentation by Rev. Paul Prange
There are complete brochures in the Welcome Center and Emanuel
office that detail each of the seminars that will be available.
The $100 congregational payment to attend the seminars has already
been paid, so all you will need to do is pay for your lunch if needed.
Below is a list of seminars that will be available – please fill out a
registration form and mail it in with your lunch payment by March 13:
1. Keynote Presentation Follow-up Sessions
2. The Volunteer Machine
3. An Update on Project Wartburg
4. What’s Happening in the NWD and WELS
5. Using Social Networks for Reaching Members and Prospects
6. Top Ten Do’s and Don’ts for the Church Website…and Beyond
7. Learning Gifts through Service
8. The Christian Response to the Transsexual World
9. Women of the World, Women of the WELS
10. Dialog on Domestic Abuse
11. I Do Give a Care – How Can I Help Carry Your Burden?
12. Kingdom Workers and Capacity Building
Registration forms and complete booklets are
located in the Welcome Center.
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Wednesday Lenten Service Schedule
3:30 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.
Lenten Theme:
“I Tell You the Truth…”
February 25, March 4, 11, 18 & 25
(The 3:30 p.m. service will air at 7:00 p.m. on WJMQ, 92.3 FM)
Holy Week Service Schedule
Maundy Thursday - April 2: 7 p.m.
(Communion Service)
(The service will air on WJMQ 92.3 FM)
Good Friday - April 3: 9:30 a.m. & 1 p.m.
(Communion services)
(The 9:30 a.m. service will air on WJMQ 92.3 FM)
Good Friday – Tenebrae - April 3: 7 p.m.
There will be no Saturday evening service
Easter Sunrise - April 5: 6:00 a.m.
Easter Festival - April 5: 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
(The 6 a.m. service will air at 9 a.m. on WJMQ, 92.3 FM)
There will be no Monday evening service
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Volunteer Schedules
Communion Servers
February 28-March 1-2: (5:15) Lee Shaw, Dale Krause, John Schewe;
(8:00) Drew Kock, Randy Behnke, Skip Boese; (10:30) Gordy Vetter,
Paul Knutzen, Matt Foley; (6:30) Roger Mathison
February 21-22-23: (5:15) M/M Dennis Kopitzke, Norma Wolf;
(8:00) Dorothy Neilson, Tammy Kent, Henrietta Kent;
(10:30) vacant, Dolores Handschke, M/M Darnell Hanke;
(6:30) M/M Ozzie Radtke
February 28-March 1-2: (5:15) Gail Dreier, Marilyn Abraham;
(8:00) M/M Dan Parker, M/M Arleigh Strebe, Cris Ladwig;
(10:30) M/M Ken Wyngaard, vacant, Ione Dorschner;
(6:30) Janet Prey
February 21-22-23: (5:15) Scarlett Polley; (8:00) Kenny Olson;
(10:30) Ken Johnson; (6:30) Gail Potratz
February 25: (3:30) Scarlett Polley; (7:00) Ken Johnson
February 28-March 1-2: (5:15) Don Schmoll; (8:00) Micah Backus;
(10:30) Ken Johnson; (6:30) Scarlett Polley
The Month of February: (5:15) Dave & Janet Bessette, Wayne &
Delores Dean; (8:00) Barry Hoewisch, Harry Blum, Art Gerndt,
Danke/Krause/ Ehlke; (10:30) Al Tank, Bob Danke, Scott Lenzner, Marv
Handschke; (6:30) Mike Knapp, volunteers needed
The Month of March: (5:15) Kenny Olson; (8:00) Barry Hoewisch,
Harry Blum, Danke/Krause/Ehlke; (10:30) Al Tank, Bob Danke, Scott
Lenzner; (6:30) Mike Knapp, volunteers needed
Welcome/Information Center
February 21-22-23: (5:15) Mona Klug; (8:00) Frank & Barb Dobbert;
(10:30) vacant; (6:30) Ron & Ann Wege
February 25: (3:30) Cherie Michaelson; (7:00) Rich Platz
February 28-March 1-2: (5:15) Shirley Steingraber; (8:00) Pat Schoen;
(10:30) Joanne Kuppernus; (6:30) Ozzie & Carol Radtke
New Welcome Center Schedules are available in the Welcome Center
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After the Sermon…..
1. Highs and lows: What was a high point from your life this week? A
low point?
2. What was the longest night of your life? (Making a major decision?
Waiting up for your teenager? Delivering your first child? Other?)
3. Read Matthew 26:36-46. What are the various emotions Jesus
must have felt in Gethsemane as he awaited his future?
4. If Jesus knew his mission was to go to the cross, why was he
wrestling with the prospect of doing God’s will?
5. What has been your “Gethsemane” - a place where you really
wrestled with God? What was the issue?
6. Who would you want to “watch and pray” with you next time you
face a “Gethsemane?”
7. What do you mean when you pray, “Your will be done?” Do these
words offer relief when you pray them, or anxiety? Why?
8. Jesus was willing to “drink the cup” (suffer the things) that awaited
him, because he loved his Father and he loved us. When has your
love for someone or something moved you to endure pain?
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How to Face a Hard Future With Faith
Matthew 26:36-46
1. Find Your Own Private Prayer Retreat
It may be a p________________ for p_______________
It may be a p________________ of p________________
It may be a p________________ for p_______________
2. Ask For An Alternative Way Out (1 Colossians 10:13)
It may be _________________
It may be _________________
It may be _________________
3. Be surprised by what you’ll s_________________
A spirit of love empowered Jesus to _____________ up his life
The Spirit of the Lord empowered Jesus to ____________up
his life
Like Jesus, we will both e____________ and o____________
any hard future
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