19 February 2015 www.mountviewps.vic.edu.au [email protected] Newsletter rr 9560 0471 9560 8750 February 20 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 27 27 Interschool Sports (ISS) Summer Round (2) 9:00am Celebrating Diversity Day Special Diversity Day Assembly at 9:00am Preps Responsible Pets Program 10:00am – 12:40pm Year 5 Immigration Museum excursion Parent Forum – An Intro to IB PYP at 7:00pm 4EH, 4KW & 4FI Melbourne Museum & Treasury Building Tour excursion Division Swimming Primary Interschool Sports (ISS) Summer Round (3) 9:00am MVPS Outdoor Cinema 6:30pm for BYP Picnic, Movie starts at 7:30pm March 2 3 4 5 Whole School Assembly Parent Helpers Training Session (1) 2:00pm Prep Information Evening 7:00pm Band Recruitment Night 7:00pm From the School Council President – Mark Dean On Tuesday 17 February 2015 the School Council met from 7:30pm until 9:50pm. The Council discussed, amongst other things, the following matters: the Strategic Plan for MVPS for 2014-2017 building works to integrate the new classrooms recently delivered to the school the school’s financial position including income and expenses for the months of November and December 2014 and January 2015 the enrolment level of the school which was 1029 as at 12 February 2015 staffing and professional development 50 year celebrations of the school (opened on 11 October 1965) which will be promoted throughout the year the ISSE delegation arriving from the USA on 18 April 2015 Parents are always welcome to attend School Council meetings. We ask, however, that you notify the office in advance of your intention to do so. Please note that School Council members and visitors to School Council meetings are required to keep matters, the subject of discussion at School Council meetings, confidential at all times. The next meeting of School Council is on Tuesday 17 March 2015 at 7:00pm at which time the first meeting of the new school council will occur and office bearers for 2015 will be elected. The school’s treasurer, Mark Lowy, and I are vacating our positions on 16 March 2015 after several years of service. I would like to thank Mark for his hard and diligent work as treasurer over the years and wish the new school council, staff, parents and students the very best for 2015. 1 19 February 2015 From the Principal – Colin Dobson Building a Strong and Sustainable Community This year I would like us to explore the concept of community and how we develop a real sense of belonging within Mount View Primary School. As I mentioned in the last newsletter, I have just finished reading Hugh MacKay’s book: The Art of Belonging. In this book he states … but home is a far richer and more complex concept than the house or street we live in. In the end, it’s more about the people than the place; more about belonging than acquiring; more about engaging than cocooning. That’s why, when we experience the little miracle of connection with a community, we hear ourselves say, ‘I feel at home here.’ It is my hope and aim that you ‘feel at home’ at Mount View and that you believe that you can make a positive contribution at the school. Let us all truly live out the attributes of the IB Learner Profile in our daily interactions with one another. Mount View is a great school; let’s continue this tradition of developing young people who are motivated, respectful and compassionate life-long learners. I hope that as parents you get directly involved in the school; help out as a volunteer and support the various school initiatives, forums and events. My catch cry when it comes to volunteering is simple, ‘if not you, then who?’ Let us make 2015 a year when we band together and strive to make everyone ‘feel at home.’ If we achieve this, the children will definitely benefit and I believe we will all develop an authentic sense of connectedness to this fabulous community. Please get involved! School Council – Thank you School Council met on Tuesday night and brought to a close another successful School Council year. The new School Council meets next month and runs from March 2015 to February 2016. We called for nominations for the new School Council and are pleased to announce that the six parent positions and one DET position that were up for nomination/renomination have been filled. At the next meeting members will vote for the various positions of responsibility and I will then acknowledge these along with the full list of School Council members for the next 12 months term. We farewelled two School Council members who have made a significant contribution and on behalf of the school community I would like to thank and acknowledge Mark Dean and Mark Lowy. For the past 4 years, Mark Dean has been the President of Council and was the Treasurer for the 3 years prior to that. Mark Dean has been pivotal in the growth and development of this school and his vision, guidance and energy has been inspirational. Mark Lowy has been on School Council for the past 4 years and for three of those years held the position of Treasurer. As Treasurer, he has carried out his role in a highly strategic manner ensuring that all financial protocols and systems were transparent and effective. Thank you gentlemen for your enormous contribution to our school community – you will be sadly missed. Parents’ Association It was fabulous to have over fifty parents attend the Parents’ Association AGM last week. This is such a strong sign that the community spirit at Mount View is alive and well. The Parent’s Association have elected their Executive Committee and I would like to congratulate the following people for nominating and gaining these positions: President – Kyla Miller Vice President – Robyn Casey Treasurer – Wendy Watson Assistant Treasurer - Nirav Patel Secretary – Priya Smith I would also like to thank all the parents who have nominated for the general committee for the PA. All the best for a fantastic year ahead – your contribution will be greatly appreciated. Permission Forms A detailed permission form will be sent home on Monday. This provides you with one document to fill in and give permission for your child to participate in a number of initiatives and events. However, please note that it does not include the Special Religious Instruction permission form as this has to be sent home separately – see next item. 2 19 February 2015 Religious Instruction Forms Please note that the Special Religious Instruction Permission form must be returned to school if you want your child to participate in the SRI program from Term 2 2015. This is a regulation of the Department of Education and Training (DET). This program is optional for families and it is entirely up to the parent’s to select if their child/children participates in SRI. Mount View Art Show Please see the Art Show piece in this week’s newsletter. As I have indicated in the above ‘community’ piece, we are a strong school community and would like you to be directly involved in the school throughout 2015. The Art Show provides you with an ideal way to contribute to the school and to be a part of this dynamic and wonderful community event. Any contribution from becoming a sponsor, to volunteering or making a donation will be greatly appreciated. Wasp Issue Earlier this week there was an issue around wasps on the school grounds. A wasp nest was disturbed and some children, parents and staff members were stung. I just want to reassure you that care and immediate medical attention was given to all who were stung. The area was cordoned off and a pest control company were called in and carried out the appropriate procedures. Can you please talk to the children about the importance of putting all rubbish in the bins as we want to minimise the risk of attracting wasps to the school. From the Assistant Principal – Alison Rees Celebrating Diversity Day – Monday February 23 Celebrating Diversity Day – Monday February 23 In order to celebrate the diversity and strength of our community, Mount View is holding a special event – a Diversity Day - on Monday, February 23. Children are encouraged to come to school in the traditional or national dress of their culture or country, any culture or country or in red or yellow clothes to represent China – the culture that we learn about through our languages program. Children from an Australian background might choose to dress in clothes that celebrate their pride in being Australian, or what they might wear for Australia Day celebrations. In order to kick off the day with dance and song, Assembly has been moved to the start of the day. We would like to invite all members of our community to join us at this event. It will be held in the PE Centre from 9:00 – 9:50am. It would be wonderful if you also came dressed in national clothes or in red or yellow for China. The day will have 3 focus areas: Assembly – Celebrating all MVPS cultures through wearing of traditional dress or red or yellow Expert Activities – Focus on Chinese culture – valuing & enhancing our Languages– Mandarin – Program Classroom Activities – Focus on AusVELS Cross Curriculum Priority – Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia It would be fantastic to have parent support and involvement with this day. Please contact your child’s classroom teacher if you are available to assist. 3 19 February 2015 Here’s what happened last year on our 2014 Diversity Day From left to right, top to bottom Year 5 students playing Congklak – a traditional Indonesian game Year 5 students making sushi – Japanese style Fun at assembly – singing, dancing, drumming, guest pandas, pride in our diversity Upcoming Parent Events Overview of the IB PYP @ MVPS Parent Workshop Wednesday February 25 from 7:00 – 8:30pm Would you like to know about the implementation of the IB PYP at Mount View? Would you like to know more about this exciting journey of which your child is already very much a part? “Yes?” Then please come along to the parent workshop planned for Wednesday February 25 from 7:00 – 8:30pm. A separate flyer about this event has been sent home. This workshop is particularly relevant for our Prep parents and for any family new to Mount View in the last 12 months. Prep – Year 2 Classroom Helpers Program 3 week course - Tuesday March 3, 10 & 17 from 2:00 – 3:25pm This course is now full. No further registrations will be accepted. Anyone registered will receive a confirmation slip to be sent home on Wednesday February 25. Prep “Learning @ Mount View” Evening Wednesday March 4 from 7:00 – 8:00pm A Prep “Learning @ Mount View” Information Evening has been planned for Wednesday March 4 from 7:00 – 8:00pm in the staffroom. The aim of this evening is to talk about the Prep learning programs; particularly in Literacy and Numeracy, offered at Mount View and how parents can best support their children’s learning at home. Further information about this evening will be distributed closer to the event. 4 19 February 2015 Year 3 Concert Thursday March 26 from 7:00pm Now happening in Term 1, so please write this date in your diary. More information about this fabulous event will be sent home as the term progresses. The concert is an important part of your child’s learning and curriculum and we expect to see all students participating on the night. Student Challenges 2015 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Some parents have made enquiries as to the dates for 2015 ICAS competitions for students in Years 3 – 6. These are listed below and have been adjusted to accommodate the MVPS camping program. Whilst these are the calendared dates at the moment and we try not to change them, sometimes we need to in order to accommodate excursions and sporting events that might arise. All students in Years 3 – 6 are encouraged to participate in the four core English, Mathematics, Spelling and Writing, with Computer Skills and Science being optional competitions. A registration and payment form will be sent home in the next few weeks. Please note - At Mount View we don’t offer ICAS to Year 2 students as we don’t consider this type of competition to be appropriate for this age group. ICAS Competition ICAS Competition Date Digital Technologies (Computer Skills) Year 6 only – Thursday May 14 (Moved to accommodate Year 6 camp) Years 3 – 5 – Tuesday May 19 Science Wednesday June 3 Spelling Thursday June 18 Writing Thursday June 18 English Tuesday July 28 Mathematics Friday August 14 5 19 February 2015 On Friday 6 February over 170 students from Years 4 – 6 came to Mount View’s Swimming Trials at Monash Aquatic Centre. All students could trial in all the 4 strokes of, Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Butterfly and be timed for each. From these results we could then determine our District Mount View swim team. Good luck to these students who will be representing Mount View PS at the Mulgrave District swimming carnival on Wednesday 18 February at Monash Aquatic Centre. 6TK Ethan Relay 6BL Patrick Relay 6EC Trent Relay 6AD William 6BL Yali © Relay Backstroke Fly Fly 6KG Emberlynn Relay Fly Breaststroke Fly 6AD Georgia Relay Freestyle Breaststroke 6 19 February 2015 6BL Lauren Relay Backstroke Freestyle 6KG Mikayla Relay 5CC Jeremy Relay 5NP Levi Relay 5AG Ryan Relay Fly 5AG Samuel Relay Freestyle 5DN Tien 6KG Cindy Relay 6AD Vivian © Relay 6TK Yivone Relay 5KB David Relay Fly Breaststroke Breaststroke 3AF Justin Relay Freestyle Backstroke Freestyle 4DO Marcus Relay 5KB Morris Relay 4FI Caitlin Relay 4DO Chiara Relay 5NP Cindy Relay Freestyle 4RT Emma Relay Backstroke 4EH Nadine Relay Fly 4RT Sienna Backstroke Back Freestyle Fly Freestyle Backstroke Breaststroke Back Breaststroke Breaststroke Breaststroke On Friday 13 February Mount View had 24 Interschool teams play in round 1 of Summer ISS against Essex Heights and Mount Waverley Primary schools. We had 11 wins, 13 losses. A highlight for The Softball B Blue girls was that everyone was encouraging even though they had a loss. 7 19 February 2015 How can you help with this year’s Art Show? The Mount View Art Show, exhibiting the work of renowned local and interstate artists will be on again in June this year. Last year it was a huge success, both financially and as a wonderful community event. The opening night cocktail party was a fun night for families, staff and local residents and throughout the show, the funds raised for the school reached a record $20,000. We ask that all Mount View families support this wonderful event by visiting the Art Show, perhaps purchasing a lovely piece of art, but also offering your support in other ways. You can……….. Volunteer for larger rostered jobs e.g. Setting up and dismantling the show or manning the ticket desk during the Art Show. Contact Sue Gadler-Hele for further information and to volunteer your time. Monitor the website. Contact Sue Gadler-Hele to find out what this involves. [email protected] Offer major sponsorship of $500. Extensively promote your organisation/business. Contact Colin Dobson for a sponsorship flyer containing detailed information [email protected] Donate prizes or products e.g. Gift vouchers, wine Donate major raffle prizes e.g. Electronic items, travel or holiday packages, coffee machine Donate significant student friendly early bird raffle prizes e.g. iPod, camera, sporting equipment Contact Jackie Dowling regarding raffle prizes or donations [email protected] Any donations will be acknowledged throughout the Art Show and significant prizes/donations will be classified as major sponsorship of the 2015 Art Show. Major sponsors of the Art Show are entitled to advertising on billboards, on MVPS Art Show face book page, in the school newsletter and art fliers, as well as opening night tickets. Please email one of the above people now to let us know how you would like to assist this year. Thanks Art Show Committee 8 19 February 2015 An Important Message from the Health Centre In order for the Health Centre to provide the best care for your child in 2015, we require current information regarding your child’s medical conditions. You can access all the medical forms on the school website. Please fill in the necessary forms and drop them off to the office or Health Centre. Please be aware that the Department of Education requires us to have updated Asthma action plans and Anaphylactic action plans each year. If you have not yet made us aware of any medical conditions your child may have, for example: Anaphylaxis, Allergies, Asthma please inform us as soon as possible. Kind Regards Carol Pickford and Alison Tong School Nurses PLAYGROUP COORDINATOR Do you love to play? Mount View Primary School Playgroup needs a new Co-ordinator to run sessions on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9 -11am at Mount View PS. The groups are parents, grandparents and carers and their children aged 0-5, meeting for fun and social interaction weekly. If you are interested in organising the fun, no previous experience is necessary just an enthusiasm for community and play, please contact current Co-ordinator: Kyla Miller at [email protected] for more details. Brandon Park Soccer Club Freeway Reserve, Kernot Avenue, Mulgrave U12 and U14 Junior boys and junior girls required. Qualified and Experienced Coaches All coaches have Working with Children Checks. For more information on training days and times please email: [email protected] or phone: 0406 015 906 9 19 February 2015 The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the DEECD or Mount View Primary School Council for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them. John Sugden Swim School For children aged 3-16years Sunday Mornings: 10:00-12:30pm Wesley College Pool Glen Waverley Term 1 Starts Sunday 22 February 2015 BOOK NOW FREE Assessment Phone/Fax 9890 5451 Email: [email protected] Website: www.jsss.com.au 10 19 February 2015 11
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