First Sunday of Lent February 22, 2015 WELCOME TO BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH We strive to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our life of prayer centered on the Eucharist and through the formation of our members for evangelization and loving service to others. PASTOR Fr. John Marie Bingham, OP, 206-547-3020 [email protected] PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Francis Hung-Le, OP, 206-547-3020 [email protected] PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Marcin Szymanski, OP, 206-547-3020 [email protected] PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Debbie Gonzalez 206-732-7340, [email protected] OFFICE ASSISTANT Patricia Denend 206-732-7355, [email protected] DIRECTOR, FAITH FORMATION AND EVANGELIZATION Walt Sears 206-732-7345, [email protected] DIRECTOR, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Marilyn Thornton 206-355-6540, [email protected] DIRECTOR, MUSIC Matthew Loucks 206-732-7366, [email protected] ORGANIST Laura Ouimette 206-659-9251 [email protected] DIRECTOR, OUTREACH Nina Butorac 206-732-7351, [email protected] DIRECTOR, FACILITIES Gary McDonald 206-732-7342, [email protected] FACILITIES ASSISTANT Aaron O’Bryan-Herriott 206-547-3020 PRAYER TREE AND PRAYER REQUESTS Call 206-732-7350, or email [email protected] LITURGY OF THE HOURS AND THE ROSARY Morning and Evening Prayer: 7:25 AM and 5:10 PM Rosary: following morning and Monday evening Masses ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Tuesday-Saturday 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM Every Friday from 8:00 PM to Saturday 8:00 AM Door combination required from 8:00PM TO 6:00AM Contact Fr. Francis Hung-Le for more information. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Monthly communal Baptisms during Mass or by appointment. Call the Parish Office at 206-547-3020. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) Thursdays after the 8:00 AM Mass; Saturdays from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM; or by appointment. Confessions at the Newman Center: Sunday 4:00 - 4:45 PM, 6:15 - 6:45 PM Wednesday 8:00 - 9:00 PM SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Contact Marilyn Thornton [email protected] SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK After Sunday Mass or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Contact the Parish Office for more information. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Contact Marilyn Thornton [email protected] DOMINICAN FRIARS IN RESIDENCE Fr. Jordan Bradshaw, OP [email protected] Director, Newman Center Prior Superior of Dominican Community Fr. Lukasz Misko, OP [email protected] Assistant Director, Newman Center BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH 5050 8th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 (Office) Phone: 206-547-3020 Fax: 206-547-6371 Website: - Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM -12:00 Noon, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM The church is open daily from 6:00 AM until 7:00 PM MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Monday Tuesday Weds -Fri Saturday Holy Days 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 5:45 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM, 5:30 PM 8:00 AM, 5:00 PM (Sunday Vigil) 5:30 PM (Vigil), 8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM NEWMAN CENTER at the University of Washington 4502 - 20th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98015 Phone: 206-527-5072 Website: MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays 12:35 PM (excluding Wednesdays) Wednesday 9:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 9:00 PM Baby Bottle Drive February 21 - 22 Blessed Sacrament‟s Respect Life Group is sponsoring a Baby Bottle Drive to benefit Next Step Pregnancy Center (formerly Angelorum). This weekend after Mass, volunteers will be distributing baby bottles at each of the church entrances. Please take one, and fill the bottles with change (folded money and checks are also welcome!), then return the bottles during the regular collection, at any Mass in the following weeks. Blessed Sacrament is always very generous to this drive, so thank you! Please contact Theresa Schrempp at 206-525-1223 with questions. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY OF BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH Emergency Assistance: Call 206-930-6439. Please leave your name, phone number, and the details of your situation and request. Response usually occurs within 24 hours. Sunday Dinner and Food Bank: Dinner is served Sundays 12:00 noon 2:00 PM. Food Bank is open Fridays, 10:30 AM - 12:00 noon. For further information about the dinner or food bank, or to make a donation or volunteer, email John Morford at [email protected] or visit the Parish website at Rest in Peace Calendar of parish events Michael Matias SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Catholic Home Missions Collection 10:00 AM Coffee Hour - Aquinas Library, Priory. 10:30 AM Children‟s Sunday School - UCDS. 10:30 AM Sunday Forum: Christianity Beyond the Roman Empire: the Churches of the East and South, presented by Dr. James Felak - TEC,UCDS. 4:00 PM RCIA - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 7:00 PM Lenten Devotional Group - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 7:00 PM Communion and Liberation - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 8:30 AM All Day Adoration and Prayer for Life, Marriage 5:30 PM and Religious Freedom - Church. 5:30 PM Prayer Liturgy for Life - Church. 7:00 PM Imitation of Christ Study Group - Parish Hall. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 8:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 10:00 AM Mom’s Prayer and Support Group - Parish Hall. 7:00 PM St. Dominic Rosary Makers - St. Pius V, Priory. 7:00 PM Young Adult Men’s Study Group - Margaret of Whose funeral was held on February 14, 2015 Mass intentions SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 7:30 AM Emma Iafrate (Ann Elarth) 9:00 AM Molly Hinshaw (Sara Wellnitz) 10:30 AM Holy Souls in Purgatory (Paul Sutlovich) 12:00 Noon Special Intention 5:45 PM Parishioners at Blessed Sacrament MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 5:30 PM Holy Souls in Purgatory (Paul Sutlovich) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 8:00 AM Holy Souls in Purgatory (Paul Sutlovich) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 8:00 AM Special intention (Bernadette Bermudez) 5:30 PM Holy Souls in Purgatory (Paul Sutlovich) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 8:00 AM Rylee Dutro (Suzi Dutro) 5:30 PM Holy Souls in Purgatory (Paul Sutlovich) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 8:00 AM Nicole & Patrick Gora (G. Cheng) 5:30 PM In Thanksgiving for favors received (Theresa Blahato) SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 8:00 AM Louis & Dorothy Hon (P. Hon) 5:00 PM Yan Lo & Peng-Fei Cheng (G. Cheng) MASS READINGS FOR THE WEEK For the week of February 22 - March 1 SUNDAY Gn 9:8-15; 1Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 MONDAY Lv 19:1-2,11-18; Mt 25:31-46 Is 55:10-11; Mt 6:7-15 TUESDAY FRIDAY Jon 3:1-10; Lk 11:29-32 Est C:12,14-16,23-25; Mt 7:7-12 Ez 18:21-28; Mt 5:20-26 SATURDAY Dt 26:16-19; Mt 5:43-48 SUNDAY Gn 22:1-2,9a,10-13,15-18; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY The submission deadline for the Blessed Sacrament Bulletin is at the end of day on Friday, nine days prior to the publication weekend. Please submit articles and suggestions to [email protected]. Savoy, Priory. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 9:30 AM Women‟s Bible Study - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 7:00 PM Catholic Courses DVD Series, The Four Last Things, Reflections on Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell - Parish Hall. 7:00 PM Latin Class - Holy Family, Sacristy. 7:30 PM Veritas Study Group - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 (See Lenten Schedule on Page 7) 10:30 AM Friday Food Bank - Parish Hall. 6:00 PM Dominican Youth Group - Parish Hall. 6:00 PM Confessions - Church. (Also at 7:30 - 8:00 PM) 6:00 PM Lenten Soup Supper - Parish Hall. 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross - Church. 8:00 PM Friday Adoration - Church. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 8:45 AM Legion of Mary - Holy Family, Sacristy. 6:00 PM Scouts Blue and Gold Celebration - Parish Hall. SUNDAY, MARCH 1 10:00 AM Coffee and Conversation - TEC of UCDS 10:30 AM Children‟s Sunday School - UCDS. 4:00 PM RCIA - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. COLLECTION FOR FEBRUARY 12 - 18 : $ 11,676 The collection helps to support the work and ministry of Blessed Sacrament Church. Thank you for your continued generosity! Announcements Catholic Home Missions Appeal This weekend, February 21 and 22, we will take up a collection for the Catholic Home Missions. This collection strengthens the Catholic Church in the United States and its territories, funding a wide range of pastoral services, including evangelization, religious education, and the maintenance of mission parishes, the training of seminarians and lay ministers, and ministry with ethnic groups, particularly for Native and African American parishes and communities. Envelopes are in the pews, and there will be only one passing of the basket. Prayer Tree Volunteers Needed We are working to re-grow our Prayer Tree! If you are interested in receiving notices from the Parish, asking that you offer special prayers for those seeking your help, please contact Nina Butorac at [email protected]. CRS Rice Bowl - Changing Lives Each Lenten Season, Blessed Sacrament Parish participates in the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl program. In 2015, CRS is celebrating Rice Bowl‟s 40th year! Rice Bowls are used as vessels to hold the offerings we place from our Lenten fasts and almsgiving, and as a way to encounter Jesus through helping others, especially the most vulnerable in our world. Rice Bowls are available for you to pick up from the baskets at each church entrance. Please be sure to take one home and use the resources to deepen your family‟s Lenten experience. Drivers Needed Bring a new friend to Mass! Can you help our aging parishioners find a ride to Mass each Sunday? Some are currently paying for taxi service, while others remain at home because they cannot afford taxi fare, or because the public transit is untimely, or because busses leave passengers off at stops that are blocks away from the church. This would be a lovely ministry to undertake, so long as you are reliable and timely! We might also find a way to share the responsibility with others who volunteer. If you are willing to help an elderly parishioner with a ride to Mass, please contact Nina Butorac, at 206-732-7351 or [email protected]. Parish Events Lenten Devotional A Small Parish Community is Forming A new devotional group is forming for Lent. Beginning February 23, and running through March 30, this Small Parish Community will meet on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Aquinas Library to pray, reflect on scripture, and engage one another in faith-sharing and fellowship. Seating is limited. Please contact Walt Sears to register at [email protected], or 206-732-7345. Spiritual Study - The Imitation of Christ Tuesday Evenings, 7:00 PM - Parish Hall Lent can be a time of greater emphasis on conversion and spiritual renewal. That is why we are excited to offer a study of Thomas a‟Kempis' The Imitation of Christ. The study is six consecutive Tuesday evenings, 7:00 - 8:30 PM, beginning February 24, in the Parish Hall. The study group is facilitated by Jon Talbot. Please contact Walt Sears at [email protected] or call 206-732-7345. Catholic Courses A DVD Lecture and Discussion Course The Legion of Mary is sponsoring an eight week DVD presentation from the Catholic Courses. The first of these courses is entitled The Four Last Things, Reflections on Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell, and begins on Thursday, February 26, at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. The series will continue each Thursday evening. This video series is presented by Professor Regis Martin, STD, of Franciscan University, and identifies the Last Things each of us are destined to face, reviewing them in the context of Christian hope, which is the virtue most necessary to the happy outcome of our journey home to God. Each week we will listen to a lecture and follow with a discussion. Thomas Merton Group A Small Parish Community is forming to read, study and discuss the works of Thomas Merton. The meetings will take place on the fourth Thursday of the month, beginning on March 26, at 7:00 PM, in the Margaret of Savoy room of the Priory. If you are interested in joining, please contact Walt Sears at [email protected] or 206-732-7345. Parish Events Dominican Youth Group Every Fourth Friday - February 27 Don‟t miss the next meeting of the Dominican Youth group - we invite all those between the ages of 13 and 19. We will meet in the Church on Friday, February 27, at 5:30 PM for Mass, dinner, a social hour of games, a special time for Adoration and the Rosary, a reflection on the Sunday readings, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and finally Compline and Benediction. It‟s a full night! Remember to invite a friend! If you have any questions, please contact Mark Shea at 425-672-3522. Are you a Visiting or New Parishioner? You are warmly welcomed to attend our upcoming: WELCOME CONTINENTAL BRUNCH Sunday, March 1st 10:00 AM UCDS Teacher Education Center Please join our Church Tour following the Noon Mass Whether you are a recently registered parishioner or just visiting our beautiful church, we would love to meet you. Parishioners are encouraged to attend! Hosted by the Welcome Ministry [email protected] for more information Calix Society at Blessed Sacrament Friday, March 13, 7:00 PM Are you active in a Twelve-Step Fellowship and yearning for a deeper connection with your Catholic faith? We invite you to join our next Calix meeting on March 13, at 7:00 PM, in the Margaret of Savoy Room in the Priory. The Calix Society is an organization for Catholics in recovery, as well as their families and friends. We meet every second Friday of the month. Questions should be directed to Nina Butorac at 206-732-7351 or [email protected]. Parish Events Vacation Bible School - Save the date! This summer's Vacation Bible School will meet on the mornings of July 13 through 17, at St Catherine Parish, just north of Blessed Sacrament. We have chosen a Personal Fitness theme called G-Force. Through arts and crafts, singing, Bible stories, and recreation, children ages 4 through 12 will explore how we "live and move and have our being" in God's love. Adults and junior / senior high school teens* who would like to be involved in the program should contact Marilyn Thornton at 206-355-6540, or [email protected]. *This is a great way to fulfill your school's service hour requirements! Synod on the Family Survey Synod on the Family Survey The recent 2014 Synod of Bishops in Rome met to discuss the topic, The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization and issued a final document which becomes the preparatory document or the Lineamenta for the next Synod of Bishops in Rome. This Synod will take place from October 4 to 25, 2015, with the topic, The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World. Once again, as with the most recent Synod of Bishops, the Office of the Synod of Bishops invites a process of broad consultation among every component of the local Church, including academic institutions, organizations, lay movements, and other ecclesial associations. Below is the URL address to a cover letter from Archbishop Sartain and a survey for your use, should you wish to participate in the consultation. The Archbishop‟s letter contains a hyperlink to the Vatican Lineamenta that provides valuable background information about each survey area. We encourage people to read the Lineamenta before responding to the survey. All survey responses must be completed by Monday, March 9. Reponses will be shared with the USCCB. Thank you for your time and interest in this consultation. Survey link: TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=SynodConsultation Newman Events Lenten Vigil Night of Prayer Friday, February 27, 7:00 PM Prince of Peace Chapel Join us for a community wide evening of meditating on the Stations of the Cross, featuring music, silence, and meditations written by some of our Newman community members. CATHOLIC PHILOSOPHY 101 Exploring Catholic Intellectual Tradition February 26 and March 5 - 7:00 PM Join Dr. Sam Rocha, assistant professor at UBC, for a two-session presentation on the major ideas behind our Catholic intellectual tradition, in an approachable and worthwhile manner. Why philosophy? Philosophy is an important skill for personal formation that is valued by the Church. This is not a class for experts, and all ages and backgrounds are welcome! UW Catholic Newman Center 4502 - 20th Ave NE Seattle‟s University District Local Events Catholic Advocacy Day In Olympia on Thursday, March 26 “Proclaim Justice & Life for All” Our time together will include briefings on legislative issues, stories of how advocacy is making a difference, Mass, and appointments with legislators in order to plan effectively. Chartered busses are available! The purpose of Catholic Advocacy Day is to meet with our legislators to advocate for people who are poor and vulnerable, based on our Catholic Social Teachings. The priority issues can change depending on the current legislative agenda. The areas we will address may include 1) economic justice, 2) housing, 3) access to health care, 4) child welfare, 5) life issues, 6) environment, 7) criminal justice. We need to hear back from you as soon as possible, but no later than March 5, if you plan on attending Catholic Advocacy Day. Please register online via the WSCC page at or call 206-223-1138 to register by phone. Pastor’s Corner Dear Brothers and Sisters, The holy season that we have just begun has a rather odd name. We call it „Lent‟ in English, and the connection we often make with this name is one of penance and self-denial. And yet, the Germanic root of „Lent‟ signifies „springtime.‟ Is it so called simply because the liturgical season coincides with the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere? While I wouldn‟t deny this obvious connection, it strikes me that there is a deeper truth that the name „Lent‟ points out to us, a hidden springtime that occurs as we pass through this time of fasting, prayer and almsgiving on the way to Easter. For as we experience our lives stripped down and redirected by the demands of our penances and acts of charity, we also discover that our lives flower. Christ promises this blossoming when he announces that the time of fulfillment is at hand. This is the anticipated fulfillment of God‟s plan for our salvation, a gift from above that restores our human nature to its full potential. But to flourish as Jesus intends we must follow him into the desert. There Jesus begins his struggle with Satan, a struggle that culminates in his victory over sin and death on the cross. But in the desert, Jesus also begins a new kind of life in obedience to the Spirit of God. When we join him in the desert, we might first be struck by the mighty struggle that occurs as we are tempted to ignore or violate God‟s will. But if we stay with Christ, continually stripping ourselves of self-seeking and self-righteousness in trustful surrender to the Lord, we will also find a strengthening of our wills, the signs of a new and joyful obedience springing forth. This helps explain why calling this season a springtime is so appropriate. As we journey with Christ in the desert, stripping away by our penance the dead detritus that clings to our lives, we discover new buds emerging with the promise of a full flowering at Easter. As we follow our Savior during this Lenten season, I pray that you and yours may find this most true of all springtimes occurring in your lives as well. In Christ and St. Dominic, Fr John Marie, OP Lent and Easter Schedule Lent and Easter Schedule Fridays During Lent Soup Supper, 6:00 PM in the Parish Hall Confessions: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross: 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM Confessions: 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM Mercy Night Friday, March 13, at 8:00 PM Sunday Forum - C & C SUNDAY FORUM - COFFEE & CONVERSATION Winter - Spring, 2015 Sunday Forum and Coffee & Conversation sessions meet in the Teacher Education Center (TEC) at UCDS School, from 10:30 11:45 AM. Talks are free, no registration is required. Do you have new ideas for presentations? Please contact Marilyn Thornton at [email protected]. Feb 22 Christianity Beyond the Roman Empire: the Churches of the East & South Presenter: Dr. James Felak Mar 1 Coffee & Conversation Hosted by the Welcoming Committee Mar 8 Theology of the Eucharist Presenter: Martin DelRe Mar 15 In Our Own Voice: Living with Mental Illness Presenters: From NAMI of Greater Seattle Mar 22 Biblical Influences in Contemporary Films of our Time Presenter: Joseph Drake Mar 29 PALM SUNDAY / NO CLASS Apr 5 EASTER SUNDAY / NO CLASS Apr 12 Charismatic Renewal Update Presenters: Tammie Stephens and Virginia King Confessions, 12:00 Noon - 3:00 PM Solemn Celebration of the Lord‟s Passion, 7:00 PM Apr 19 “Foreign Wives” in the Bible Presenter: Syd C’de Baca Holy Saturday, April 4 Tenebrae 8:00 AM Blessing of Easter Food 1:00 PM Easter Vigil, Mass of the Resurrection, 9:00 PM Apr 26 Drama and Faith Presenter: Mark Shea May 3 FIRST COMMUNION SUNDAY/ NO CLASS May 10 Pope Francis on the Environmental Crises Presenter: Andy Simons May 17 Mariology According to St. Paul Presenter: Fr. Francis Hung-Le, OP Palm Sunday, March 29 Mass of the Lord‟s Passion Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM (procession) Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon (procession), 5:45 PM (procession) Holy Thursday, April 2 Tenebrae, 8:00 AM Mass of the Lord‟s Supper, 7:00 PM (followed by adoration until midnight) Good Friday, April 3 Tenebrae, 8:00 AM Tre Ore (Three Hours), 12:00 Noon - 3:00 PM Meditations on The Seven Last Words of Christ Featuring „The Last Seven Words of the Cross‟ (Composed by Heinrich Schütz) Easter Sunday, April 5 Mass of the Lord‟s Resurrection 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 5:45 PM Pan deVida - Our Next Trip is May 22-25 Set your calendar for a May trip to Mexico! Pan de Vida, Blessed Sacrament‟s Mission to Mexico group, has scheduled a Spring Trip for Friday, May 22 through Monday, May 25. Pan de Vida, is also celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, and one of our very first projects (in 1995) was to rebuild the pig pen. Fittingly, the task for this trip - at the time of this writing, anyway - is to rebuild the pig pen (again) at Rancho Nazareth! Well, twenty years is about as long as a pig pen in Tecate is expected to last, we figure. Our group will be working with Growing Gardens for Life, a mission project founded by Jon and Elaine Stevens of Camano Island, and Jon promises to have all of the materials and plans pre-arranged for us. Trippers are expected to pay for airfare to San Diego, the rest is provided by Pan de Vida. Everyone traveling MUST have a valid passport! If you would like to join the intrepid Pan de Viders on our May trip, please contact Nina Butorac at 206-732-7351, or [email protected].
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