2015 Conference Registration - North Carolina Airports Association

36th Annual Conference
“Are you dancing with the stars?”
Call: 844-207-9195 Group: NC Airports Assoc.
Pinehurst Resort & Spa
One Carolina Vista Drive
Pinehurst, North Carolina
Conference Registration
Register & Pay online at www.ncairports.org or complete form and
submit following instructions below.
Airport/Co. Name:____________________________
Email Address:_______________________________
Spouse/Guest Name:__________________________
*Each guest registrant must be the Guest of a Full conference registrant.
Guests cannot register on their own. A guest is a spouse/significant other,
friend, or adult child who is not in an industry-related occupation. A coworker or an associate within the industry may not use the Guest registration
Check applicable Fee (s) (registration prior to 2/22/15)
NCAA Member
Member Spouse / Guest*
Non-NCAA member
Non-NCAA member Spouse / Guest*$220.00______
(registration after 2/22/15)
NCAA Member
Member Spouse / Guest*
Non-NCAA member
Non-NCAA member Spouse / Guest* $250.00______
The Carolina $178.00/night
The Holly $157.00/night
The Manor Inn $125.00/night
Suite Upgrades $100.00
Room block Cut-off Date: February 19, 2015
(make your reservations early!)
Golf Tournament 3/22/15
Golf Tournament is at Pinehurst Golf Course #1.
Shot gun start is at 12:00 noon with golf sign-in
beginning at 11:00 a.m.
Register Myself: Yes / No Handicap________
Register Spouse/Guest: Yes / No Handicap____
Team Requests: __________________________
Golf is limited to first 100 players on a first come first serve
basis. Golf is complimentary therefore participant must be
registered for conference to play in golf tournament.
Spouse Program 3/23/15
To Be Announced. Details will be posted to the
NCAA website at www.ncairports.org when
program has been confirmed. It will surely be a
great day shared with your aviation friends.
Spouse/Guest: Yes / No Spouse program is limited
to first 20 registrants on a first come first serve basis.
Spouse Program is complimentary therefore participant
must be registered for the conference to participate.
Payment by Credit Card: Visa / MC / Discover
Total Due: $_______
Enclose your check made payable to:
NCAA 36th Annual Conference. Registrations paid
by check please mail this form with check to:
NCAA 36th Annual Conference, Attn: Lisa Edwards,
Association Business Manager, 5 Sudbury Place,
Greer, SC 29650
Questions Call: 828-808-5502
Cancellations made after 2/22/15 are subject to a
50% cancellation fee. Cancellation must be received
in writing.
Name on Credit Card_______________________
Card #___________________________________
Card Expiration Date__________
Address for Card__________________________
(By signing above I authorize NCAA to charge my
credit card for the amount indicated in the Total
Due above). Registrations paid by credit card
may be emailed to: [email protected]. or
faxed to 888-819-6951.